INVEST 5 REASONS WHY STUDENTS SHOULD JOIN DECA Scholarships Social Events Competitions IN YOUR Collegiate Chapter FUTURE... Networking Opportunities Events 1. Coca-Cola Fundraiser 2. Promise Place 5K 3. DECA Fall Rally 4. Cheesecake Fundraiser 5. Falcons Day Sandy Creek High School 6. DECA Hawks Night 7. Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Fundraiser 8. Regional Competition 9. State Competition at the Omni, Atlanta 10. International Competition in Salt Lake City, Utah For further DECA information please visit the following website: Mrs. Jaime Carter Sandy Creek High School, Room 401 webpages/JaimeCarter/deca.cfm 360 Jenkins Rd. OR Tyrone, GA 30290 [email protected] OUR MISSION DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, in management in high schools and colleges around the globe. DECA is a marketing, management, and entrepreneurship student organization that is NEW at Sandy Creek High School! Last year’s total membership at SCHS was 112 students! This years membership is currently 223 members. As a member of SCHS DECA you will have access to: monthly meetings, professional development workshops, leadership opportunities as an officer or as a committee member, community service, social events, and competitions! By signing up for DECA you will build a resume that can move you to the top of a job or college application list! Sample 2011-2012 Events: Social (Hawks Night, Falcons Day, Urban Jungle Laser Tag; GA National Fair Fall Rally) Community Service (Breast Cancer Awareness, Clinic, Promise Place Family Shelter, Fayette Humane Society, Make-A-Wish Foundation) Professional Development Interview Techniques, Public Speaking; Profession Etiquette & Dress; “How to...teambuilding & community service/event planning”; College Prep. - scholarships, applications, etc. Famous DECA Members Competitive Event Topics Students in DECA may compete in a variety of competitive event topics such as the following: Accounting Apparel & Accessories Automotive Services Business Law Buying & Merchandising Entrepreneurship Finance Food Marketing Hospitability Human Resource Management Management & Administration Marketing Communications Marketing Professional Selling Public Relations Retail Merchandising Sports & Entertainment Travel & Tourism If you don’t want to compete alone, never fear, team events are available! Courtney Cox Jay Leno Katie Couric - Over $250,000 in scholarships - More than 185,000 high school members participate in DECA through 5,000 chapters in all 50 states and 8 countries
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