Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 International Leadership Charter High School Global History II Mr. Yun Winter Packet 2014 Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Family: ________________ Regents Practice Exam Print your name and your family on the first lines above. This packet has three parts: multiple choice, document-‐based questions /essay and a thematic essay. You are to answer all questions in all sections. Use blue or black ink to write your answers. Part I: 50 multiple-‐choice questions. Record your answers to these questions on the answer sheet. Part II: One thematic essay question. Write your answer to this question in the essay booklet of the answer sheet. Part III: Based on several documents. Part III A: Contains several documents. Each document is followed by one or more questions. In the packet, write your answer to each question on the lines following the question. Part III B: Contains one essay questions based on the documents. Write your answer to this question in the packet. 1 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 Name: ____________________________ Date: ________________ Teacher’s Name: __________________________ Family #: ________________ Winter Packet Practice Regents Exam Part I Multiple Choice Questions Answer all questions in this part. Directions (1–50): For each statement or question, write on the separate answer sheet the number of the word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. In Latin America, the Maya and the Aztec civilizations were similar in that they 1. showed little evidence of urbanization 2. lacked a strong central government 3. developed complex mathematical and calendar systems 4. used military weapons superior to those of Europeans 2. Which was an immediate result of the European Age of Exploration? 1. Islamic culture spread across Africa and Asia 2. European influence spread to the Western hemisphere 3. independence movements developed in Asia and Africa 4. military dictatorships were established throughout Europe 3. A major result of the Age of Exploration was 1. a long period of peace and prosperity for the nations of Western Europe 2. extensive migration of people from the Western Hemisphere to Europe and Asia 3. the fall of European national monarchies and the end of the power of the Catholic Church 4. the end of regional isolation and the beginning of a period of European global domination 2 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 4. Which of these events during the Age of Exploration was a cause of the other three? 1. Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas from one continent to another 2. European diseases had an adverse effect on the native populations of new territories 3. warfare increased as European nations competed for land and power 4. advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible 5. The Native American population of Mexico in 1492 has been estimated at 25 million; the population in 1608 has been estimated at 1.7 million. This decrease in population was mainly a result of 1. crop failures brought on by poor weather conditions 2. emigration of Native Americans to Europe and Africa 3. wars between various native groups 4. diseases introduced by the Spanish 6. The influence of African culture on some areas of Latin America was largely a result of the 1. American Revolution 2. building of the Panama Canal 3. success of Communist Revolutions 4. Atlantic slave trade 7. In colonial Latin America, the main purpose of the encomienda system was to 1. insure that the Indians were humanely treated 2. provide a steady labor supply for early colonists 3. prevent slaver in Spain’s New World colonies 4. build and maintain forts to repel foreign invaders 3 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 8. According to the theory of mercantilism, colonies should be 1. acquired as markets and sources of raw materials 2. considered an economic burden for the colonial power 3. grated independence as soon as possible 4. encouraged to develop their own industries 9. The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), concerning Latin America, and the Berlin Conference (1884-‐1885), concerning Africa, were similar in that each agreement 1. provided for self-‐government by the native peoples 2. declared that in these areas monarchs rule by divine right 3. divided each area into European-‐controlled segments 4. suppressed revolts by native peoples against European imperialists 10. The printing press, the astrolabe, and the Mercator projection were technological advances that contributed to the 1. exploration and overseas expansion of the colonial empires 2. unification of Germany and Italy in the late 1800’s 3. growth of industry in Latin America during the late 1900’s 4. spread of Islam in the 700’s and 800’s 11. One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires rapid is that 1. these empires had no standing armies 2. the Spanish had better weapons than the Aztecs and Incas did 3. the Spanish greatly outnumbered the Aztecs and Incas 4. the Aztecs and Incas joined together to fight the Spanish 4 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 12. Both Japan and China decided to limit trade with Europe during much of the 16th and 17th centuries because the Japanese and the Chinese 1. had few products to sell to the Europeans 2. held religious beliefs that prohibited contact with foreigners 3. thought European technology would hinder any effort to modernize 4. believed they would receive no benefit from increased contact with the Europeans 13. Which was a characteristic of the policy of mercantilism followed by Spanish colonial rulers in Latin America? 1. the colonies were forced to develop local industries to support themselves 2. Spain sought trade agreements between its colonies and the English colonies in North America 3. the colonies were required to provide raw materials to Spain and to purchase Spanish manufactured goods 4. Spain encouraged the colonies to develop new political systems to meet colonial needs 14. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by 1. abolishing all social class distinctions 2. becoming constitutional monarchs 3. preventing wars with neighboring nations 4. introducing western ideas and customs 15. Changes in Russia under Peter the Great were most similar to changes that occurred in 1. China before the Opium War 2. Japan during the Meiji Restoration 3. Iran after the fall of Shah Pahlevi 4. France during the feudal period 5 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 16. Westernization in Russia came about largely through the 1. efforts of Peter the Great and his successors 2. invasion of Russia by Sweden 3. desire of the United States to seek new markets 4. acceptance of the policies of the Eastern Orthodox Church 17. “God hath power to create or destroy, make or unmake, at his pleasure; to give life or send death; to judge…and to be judged (by) none…And the like power have kings;…” Which idea is described by this passage? 1. theory of divine right 2. enlightened despotism 3. Social Darwinism 4. constitutional monarchy 18. Which type of government is shown in the cartoon? 1. a socialist republic 3. a communist dictatorship 2. an absolute monarchy 4. a democracy 6 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 19. “. . .The person of the King is sacred, and to attack him in any way is an attack on religion itself. Kings represent the divine majesty and have been appointed by Him to carry out His purposes. Serving God and respecting kings are bound together.” —Bishop Jacques Bossuet This statement describes the philosophy that existed during the 1. existed during the 2. Age of Absolutism 3. Renaissance 4. Industrial Revolution 20. . . .The person of the King is sacred, and to attack him in any way is an attack on religion itself. Kings represent the divine majesty and have been appointed by Him to carry out His purposes. Serving God and respecting kings are bound together.” —Bishop Jacques Bossuet Which person would most agree with this statement? 1. 2. 3. 4. John Locke Karl Marx Elizabeth II Louis XIV 21. Francis Bacon, Galileo, and Isaac Newton promoted the idea that knowledge should be based on 1. the experiences of past civilizations 2. experimentation and observation 3. emotions and feelings 4. the teachings of the Catholic Church 7 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 22. During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers was that they 1. relied heavily on the ideas of medieval thinkers 2. favored an absolute monarchy as a way of improving economic conditions 3. received support from the Catholic Church 4. examined natural laws governing the universe 23. Which statement best describes the effects of the works of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, and René Descartes? 1. The acceptance of traditional authority was strengthened. 2. The scientific method was used to solve problems. 3. Funding to education was increased by the English government. 4. Interest in Greek and Roman drama was renewed. Below is for Question 24. Speaker A: Good government stresses the importance of the nation and accepts the rights of the individual only if the interests of the individual are the same as those of the nation. Speaker B: The person of the king is sacred and to attack him in any way is to attack religion itself. The respect given to a king is religious in nature. Speaker C: All human beings are born free and equal with a right to life and liberty. It is the duty of government to protect these natural rights of its citizens. Speaker D: Our goal will not be achieved by democracy or liberal reforms, but by blood and iron. Only then will we be successful. No nation achieves greatness or unity without the traumatic experiences of war. 24. Which speaker’s statement best reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment? 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 8 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 Below is for Question 25. Speaker A: The story of history is the story of class struggles. Revolution is necessary to overthrow the ruling class and eventually create a classless society in which no one will be exploited. Speaker B: The royal power is absolute and the prince need render account of his acts to no one. Where the word of a king is, there is no power. Without this absolute authority, the king could neither do good nor repress evil. Speaker C: Government should leave business alone. It should let the natural law of supply and demand determine what gets produced, how much gets produced, who does the work, the price of goods, rates of pay, and all other economic questions. Speaker D: Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. It is the duty of every government to preserve and protect these natural inalienable rights. 25. Which speaker expresses the views of John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau? 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 26. “We hold these truths to be self-‐evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The ideas expressed in the quotation are based primarily on the writings of 1. Niccolo Machiavelli 2. Charles Darwin 3. Charlemagne 4. John Locke 9 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 27. Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in 1. changing the relationship between people and their government 2. supporting the divine right theory 3. debating the role of the church in society 4. promoting increased power for European monarch 28. The writings of the Enlightenment philosophers in Europe encouraged later political revolution with their support of 1. socialism 2. imperialism 3. the natural rights of man 4. the divine right monarchies 29. The writers and philosophers of the Enlightenment believed the government decisions should be based on 1. fundamental religious beliefs 2. the concept of divine right of kings 3. laws of nature and reason 4. traditional values 30. A major concept promoted by philosophers of the Enlightenment was the need for 1. a return to traditional medieval ideas 2. the use of reason for rational and logical thinking 3. overseas expansion by western European nations 4. strengthening the power of the organized religions 10 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 31. Which statement reflects an argument of Enlightenment philosophers against the belief in the divine right of kings? 1. god has chosen all government rulers 2. independence is built by military might 3. a capitalist economic system is necessary for democracy 4. the power of the government is derived from the governed 32. John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would be most likely to support 1. a return to feudalism in Europe 2. a government ruled by a divine right monarchy 3. a society ruled by the Catholic Church 4. a society in which the people chose the ruler Below is for Question 33. -‐-‐Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. -‐-‐Everyone has the natural right to life, liberty, and property. -‐-‐Slavery, torture, and religious persecution are wrong. 33. During which period in European history would the ideas in these statements have been expressed? 1. Pax Romana 2. Age of Exploration 3. Enlightenment 4. Age of Imperialism 11 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 34. During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers was that they 1. relied heavily on the ideas of medieval thinkers 2. favored an absolute monarchy as a way of improving economic conditions 3. received support from the Catholic Church 4. examined natural laws governing the universe 35. Which statement best describes a change that occurred during both the Renaissance and the Enlightenment? 1. feudalism became the dominant political system 2. the use of reason and logic were discouraged 3. technology and science were considered unimportant 4. a new questioning spirit and attitude emerged 36. “We prefer self-‐government with danger, to servitude in tranquility.” The author of this statement would most likely support 1. imperialism 2. independence movements 3. colonial expansion 4. mercantilism 37. One important result of the French Revolution was that 1. France enjoyed a lengthy period of peace and prosperity 2. the church was restored to its former role and power in the French government 3. political power shifted to the bourgeoisie 4. France lost its spirit of nationalism 12 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 38. Which statement is a valid generalization about the immediate results of the French Revolution of 1789? 1. the Roman Catholic Church increased its power and wealth 2. the revolution achieved its goal of establishing peace, democracy, and justice for all 3. the revolution had little impact outside France 4. the French middle class gained more power 39. In France, which was a major result of the French Revolution? 1. the king was restored to unlimited power 2. the clergy dominated government 3. the middle class gained political influence 4. the tax burden was carried by the lower class 40. A study of revolutions would most likely lead to the conclusion that pre-‐Revolutionary governments 1. are more concerned about human rights than the governments that replace them 2. refuse to modernize their armed forces with advanced technology 3. attempt to bring about the separation of government from religion 4. fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people Below is for Question 41. “Congress of Vienna Restores Monarchy to France” “Czar Nicholas I Limits Freedom of the Russian Press” “Reform Movements Crushed in Hungary, Italy, and the German States” 41. These headlines could be described as 1. reactions to the French Revolution 2. movements to unify all of western Europe 3. efforts to improve the conditions of factory workers 4. attempts to promote trade between European nations 13 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 42. The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would 1. adopt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation 2. restore Louis XVI to power 3. provide stability for the nation 4. end British control of France 43. What was a major cause of the French Revolution? 1. inequalities in the tax structure 2. economic success of mercantilism 3. failure of the Congress of Vienna 4. Continental System in Europe 44. Which factors protected Russia from control by Napoleon’s army? 1. religious and cultural similarities 2. industrialization and modernization 3. geographic size and location 4. political and economic instability 45. Under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on the 1. monarchy 3. nobles 2. clergy 4. Commoners 14 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 46. “The French Revolution is most important for having changed subjects to citizens.” This statement emphasizes the shift from 1. religious traditions to secular values 2. divine right rule to people’s participation in government 3. rural lifestyles to urban lifestyles 4. private property ownership to government ownership 47. What contributed to France’s financial crisis? 1. a drop in gold supply 2. an extended period of peace 3. peasant uprisings 4. bad harvests, famine, and increase in bread prices 48. Which group made up the vast majority of French society? 1. the Clergy 2. The First Estate 3. The Ancient regime 4. The Third Estate 49. What did the National Assembly vow in the Tennis Court Oath? 1. To behead the King 2. To prepare cahiers 3. To draft a constitution for France 4. To revolt 15 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 50. “. . . Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good. . . .” —Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789 Which principle of the Enlightenment philosophers is expressed in this quotation from the French Revolution? 1. natural law 3. free trade 2. nationalism 4. socialism Part II Thematic Essay Question In developing your answer to Part II, be sure to keep these general definitions in mind: (a) Describe means “to illustrate something in words or tell about it” (b) Discuss means “to make observations about something using facts, reasoning, and argument; to present in some detail” Directions: Write a well-‐organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion. Theme: Change Revolutions have brought important intellectual, economic, and/or social changes to societies. Task: Identify two revolutions that brought important intellectual, economic, and/or social changes to societies and for each • Describe one change brought about by this revolution • Discuss an impact this nonpolitical revolution had on a specific society or societies You may use any nonpolitical revolution that brought important intellectual, economic, and/or social changes from your study of global history. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the Neolithic Revolution (10,000–6,000 B.C.), the Commercial Revolution (11th–18th centuries), the Scientific Revolution (16th–18th centuries), the Enlightenment (17th–18th centuries), and the French Revolution. [Even though we didn’t cover the Neolithic and Commercial Revolutions, I highly suggest you attempt to use those examples since it will be a good REVIEW for you. I will strongly consider giving EXTRA POINTS for those who use these types of revolutions]. 16 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 Part III Document-‐Based Question In developing your answer to Part III, be sure to keep these general definitions in mind: (a) Describe means “to illustrate something in words or tell about it” (b) Discuss means “to make observations about something using facts, reasoning, and argument; to present in some detail” This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your ability to work with historical documents. Some of these documents have been edited for the purposes of this question. As you analyze the documents, take into account the source of each document and any point of view that may be presented in the document. Historical Context: A turning point is defined as a period in history when a significant change occurs. Three of these turning points were the Neolithic Revolution and the Age of Exploration. Task: Using information from the documents and your knowledge of global history, answer the questions that follow each document in Part A. Your answers to the questions will help you write the Part B essay in which you will be asked to: Choose two of these turning points and for each: • Explain why it is considered a turning point • Evaluate whether the impact of the turning point has been positive or negative 17 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 Name: ____________________________ Date: ________________ Teacher’s Name: __________________________ Family: ________________ REGENTS PRACTICE EXAM ANSWER SHEET Part I Multiple Choice Directions: Read each question on the exam copy and answer choice carefully and then RECORD the number on the answer sheet. 1. __________ 14. __________ 27. __________ 40. __________ 2. __________ 15. __________ 28. __________ 41. __________ 3. __________ 16. __________ 29. __________ 42. __________ 4. __________ 17. __________ 30. __________ 43. __________ 5. __________ 18. __________ 31. __________ 44. __________ 6. __________ 19. __________ 32. __________ 45. __________ 7. __________ 20. __________ 33. __________ 46. __________ 8. __________ 21. __________ 34. __________ 47. __________ 9. __________ 22. __________ 35. __________ 48. __________ 10. __________ 23. __________ 36. __________ 49. __________ 11. __________ 24. __________ 37. __________ 50. __________ 12. __________ 25. __________ 38. __________ 13. __________ 26. __________ 39. __________ No. Right: __________ 18 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 Part II Thematic Essay Directions: Write a well-‐organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion based on the question for Part II. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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essay, based on the documents you read, answering the main question for Part III. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 Global History II | International Leadership Charter High School | 2014-2015 Practice Exam Scores Part I Score: _______________________ Part III A Score: _______________________ Total Part I and III A Score: Part II Essay Score: _______________________ Part III B Essay Score: _______________________ Total Essay Score: Final Score: 27
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