Your guide to DHS’s latest draft agreement* The CPSU is encouraging everyone to Vote No to DHS’ sub standard agreement. *This is a summary of the agreement that DHS is proposing to put to an all staff vote in August 2015. For a more extensive analysis of this document please refer to the full summary at Agreement Stripped • Entitlements have been shifted into policy or cut completely • Policy can be changed at any time without agreement • Policy is not legally enforceable Job Security • Weakened redeployment options • Removal of the restrictions on the use of casual or non-ongoing employment which will limit our ability to enforce ongoing employment as the usual basis of employment • Reduced job security • No protections for regional jobs Consultation Cut • No Consultation prior to DHS making a decision about major change • CPSU representatives removed from National Consultation Committee • Zone Consultation Committees abolished • Removes obligation to consult about implementation of government’s decisions Working Hours • Service delivery hours to be determined by Secretary without consultation • DHS will be able to determine your ordinary pattern of hours • No guaranteed PDO • Non-Rostered staff: can seek to reach agreement on hours but if you can’t reach agreement supervisor can direct start and finish times • Reduced employer notice required for changing your hours • The department can change your working hours where they believe your attendance is not satisfactory. Rostering • Requirement to genuinely negotiate rosters removed • Rostered staff can be directed to work any time from 7am - 7pm and you’d have no say. • Start up and wind down time cut to 10 minutes per day • Roster changes or swaps removed • Guaranteed L&D time removed • Breaks, including your 5 minute screen break, removed • Notice and consultation required for a change to your roster removed • Shift swaps now managed by supervisor not individual staff Flex Time • Flex time would need to be approved prior to being accrued • Flex debit reduced from 22.5 hours to 16 hours Your right to representation • Your right to be represented by a union delegate removed and delegate’s ability to assist members is removed from agreement Performance management & Call monitoring • ‘Back on Track’ cut from 12 to 8 weeks • ‘Formal Counselling’ cut from 12 to 4 weeks • Less focus on working with an employee to fix performance issues in favour of more focus on terminating employment • Call monitoring protections removed Authorised by Lisa Newman, CPSU National Deputy President. Overtime • right to refuse overtime due to caring or personal reasons removed Leave and RAP • Circumstances where a statutory declaration may be used as evidence for personal leave have been reduced • Upfront allocation of personal/carers leave for new employees removed • Miscellaneous leave reduced • Two weeks paid supplementary supporting parental leave removed • Increased power for DHS to direct staff to take leave to reduce flex leave accural • Access to RAP only guaranteed for non-external customer service staff Pay, Superannuation, Salary Advancement and Broadband • DHS is offering 1.5% on approval of the agreement, 1.5% 12 months later in 2016 and 1.5% 12 months later in 2017. The agreement would run for three years • Salary advancement cut from 2.75% to 1.5%. It would take approximately 10-12 years to get to the top of the band • 15.4% superannuation is now guaranteed, including choice of fund except where fund does not accept employer contributions • Broadbanding has been removed from the agreement and broadband may be abolished (even if you are currently being assesed) or established at the discretion of the Secretary • Advancement through the broadband would only occur biannually for eligible staff • Broadband changes also introduce competition on merit into the broadbanding process where there are two or more employees who have successfully applied but insufficient work for all Allowances • The following allowances will be frozen at 2013 rates: Community Language and Field Work allowances. • Access to the higher duties payment reduced from 1 day or part thereof to after 5 consecutive days acting at the higher level • The following allowances have been removed: School Holiday care allowance and Office Disturbance. • Overtime meal allowance only eligible after 10 or more hours of work. This includes Saturday and Sunday overtime where staff may work an 8 hour shift Part-time Workers • Right to access part-time arrangements until child’s third birthday removed • DHS could initiate part-time work arrangements for operational reasons. • Requirement for DHS to provide a written explanation for a refusal to access part-time work removed • DHS not required to take your needs and preferences into account when considering part-time hours applications • Job sharing removed • Part-time staff will need to work full time hours (150 hours) in a settlement period before accessing overtime payments or be directed to work overtime • No requirement for DHS to consider your individual needs against the business needs when determining part-time work • The length of PTW Agreements is either 6 or 12 months as decided by the department • If you have not negotiated a new PTW agreement at the expiry date of your current agreement you will automatically revert to full-time Casuals conditions cut • DHS have exluded casual employees from large parts of their proposed agreement, including salary advancement . This means casuals will be worse off financially and it will be cheaper for DHS to employ people on insecure contracts. • DHS propose to remove the casual loading (20%) for casuals working on weekends, public holidays or outside the span of hours, but they will still receive overtime for these periods Office Relocation Payment • Remove the relocation payment within the same city where you incur higher costs from the decision CPSU is recommending DHS staff vote no for a better agreement Join today at Authorised by Lisa Newman, CPSU National Deputy President.
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