Citing Government Documents: Turabian A Guide Based on: A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian Rev. by John Grossman and Alice Bennett. 6th ed. 1996. *LB2369. T8 1996 (Main floor reference collection) Revised March 2008 Table of Contents Basic Format: Footnote/Bibliography System Books | Periodical article | Bibliography entry Basic Format: Parenthetical/Reference List System Parenthetical reference | Reference List: Books | Reference List: Periodical Articles Abbreviations used Federal Government Documents General examples Periodical article with personal author | Periodical article with corporate author Congressional documents: Committee print | House/Senate Reports, Documents, and Serial Set | Hearings | Congressional Record | Congressional bill Legal References: U. S. Code | U. S. Statutes at Large | Code of Federal Regulations | Federal Register - general | Federal Register - Presidential documents | U. S. Constitution | Court Decisions | Treaties ERIC Documents Nebraska State Documents State agency document - corporate author | State agency document - personal author | Periodical article with personal author | Periodical article with corporate author Nebraska legal documents: Nebraska Statutes | Laws of Nebraska | Nebraska Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Electronic and Online Resources: Federal Government Periodical article from government web site | Government report - GPO Access | Online document - MarciveWeb DOCS | CDROM/DVD | Statistical table on CD-ROM Congressional and legal materials (L/N = Lexis/Nexis): Congressional bill - L/N Congressional | House/Senate report/document - L/N Congressional | Congressional Record - L/N Congressional U. S. Statutes at Large - L/N Congressional | U. S. Code - L/N Congressional U. S. Constitution - GPO Access or L/N Academic | Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents - GPO Access U. S. Supreme Court Decisions - L/N Academic | Code of Federal Regulations - L/N Academic | Federal Register - L/N Congressional Electronic and Online Resources: Nebraska State Agencies Nebr. agency publication - personal author | Nebr. agency publication - agency as author | Periodical article from Nebr. agency | Statistical table Publications from the Unicameral web site: Legislative bill | Nebraska Blue Book | Unicameral Update | Nebraska Statutes Other legal references: Decisions of the Nebraska Supreme Court or Nebraska Court of Appeals | Nebraska Administrative Code This guide is based on: Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Rev. by John Grossman and Alice Bennett. 6 ed. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1996. *LB2369 .T8 1996 (Reference collection, main floor) th Turabian states that the natural and social sciences generally recommend using the parenthetical reference system in which the authors’ names and dates of publication are given in parentheses in the paper’s text and are keyed to a list at the end of the paper. Use of the footnote/bibliography system is also permissible, especially in the humanities. (p. 118) Examples for both systems are given below. Most of the examples are from chapter 12, pgs. 216 – 230. One difference between the two systems is placement of the date of publication: in the footnote/bibliography system it is placed near the end of the citation. In the parenthetical reference/reference list system, it is placed after the author statement. Capitalization differs also, as shown in the examples. Legal materials have their own rules, as explained below. Turabian does not address all forms of citing government documents. Some of the examples are based on general guidelines rather than an example in the Manual. BASIC FORMAT: Footnote/Bibliography System Footnote – Books; elements separated by commas, year of publication near end of citation: Name of author(s) Title and subtitle, if any, in italics Name of editor, compiler, or translator, if any Name of author of preface, introduction, or forward Number or name of edition, if other than the first Name of series, if any, with volume or number in series Facts of publication: Place of publication, name of publishing agency, date of publication Page number(s) of specific citation Footnote – Periodical article; elements separated by commas: Name of author(s) Title of article Name of periodical in italics Volume number or issue Publication date, in parentheses Page number(s) Bibliography entries; elements separated by periods: Author’s name, last name first Full title of work in italics Place, publisher, date of publication When citing periodical articles in a bibliography, put parentheses around the date of publication, which follows the volume number. BASIC FORMAT: Parenthetical/Reference List System Parenthetical reference: (Author’s name date, page number) -- no punctuation between name and date; comma before page number; do not use abbreviation “p.” or “pp.”. Reference List; elements separated by periods, year of publication after author: Books: Author’s full name – personal or corporate Year of publication Return to Table of Contents Complete title of book in italics; capitalize only first word of title and any subtitle, proper names, names of Congressional committees, laws, proclamations, etc. Editor, compiler, or translator, if any Name of series, if any, with volume or number in series Place of publication, publisher Periodicals: Author’s full name – personal or corporate Year of publication Title of article – capitalize as for books, above Name of periodical, in italics Volume number Date of volume or issue Page number(s) of citation Citation Methods for Government Documents Examples using both the parenthetical/reference list system and the footnote/bibliography systems follow. Abbreviations used are: F. note = footnote; indent first line Bib. = bibliography; indent second and subsequent lines Par. ref. = parenthetical reference Ref. list = reference list; indent second and subsequent lines Par. crs. ref. = parenthetical reference cross-reference Ref list crs. ref. = reference list cross-reference FEDERAL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND GOVERNMENT AGENCY PUBLICATIONS NOTE: Turabian does not use a space between “U.” and “S.” in the names of government agencies. Place the letters beside each other, with no space between. EXAMPLE 1 F. note 1 Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, An Oilspill Risk Analysis for the Central Gulf and Western Gulf of Mexico, by Robert P. La Belle, open-file report, U.S. Geological Survey, 83-119 (Denver, Colo.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1983). Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Department of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. An Oilspill Risk Analysis for the Central Gulf and Western Gulf of Mexico, by Robert P. La Belle. Open-file report, U.S. Geological Survey. Denver, 1983. Par. ref. (U.S. Department of the Interior 1983, 84) Par. crs. ref. (La Belle 1983) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Department of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. 1983. An oilspill risk analysis for the central Gulf and western Gulf of Mexico, by Robert P. La Belle. Open-file report, U.S. Geological Survey, 83-119. Denver. Ref. lst. crs. ref. La Belle, Robert P. 1983. See U.S. Department of the Interior. 1983. EXAMPLE 2 F. note 2 Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Resource Book: Training for Federal Employee Compensation Specialists (Washington, D.C., 1984), 236. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Department of Labor. Employment Standards Administration. Resource Book: Training for Federal Employee Compensation Specialists. Washington, D.C., 1984. Return to Table of Contents Par. ref. (U.S. Department of Labor 1984, 236) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Department of Labor. Employment Standards Administration. 1984. Resource book: Training for federal employee compensation specialists. Washington, D.C. PERIODICAL ARTICLES Periodical article with personal author F. note 3 Steven Deutsch, “Worker Training Programs Help Ease Impact of Technology,” Monthly Labor Review 110, no. 11 (1987): 14. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Deutsch, Steven. “Worker Training Programs Help Ease Impact of Technology.” Monthly Labor Review 110, no. 11 (1987): 14-20. Par. ref. (Deutsch 1987, 14) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Deutsch, Steven. 1987. Worker training programs help ease impact of technology. Monthly labor review 110 (November): 14-20. »»NOTE: Do not use quotation marks around title of article in reference list entries. Periodical article with corporate author F. note 4 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, “Daylight Overdrafts and Payments System Risk,” Federal Reserve Bulletin 73, no. 11 (1987): 840. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “Daylight Overdrafts and Payments System Risk.” Federal Reserve Bulletin (November 1987): 839-852. Par. ref. (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 1987, 840) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 1987. Daylight overdrafts and payments system risk. Federal reserve bulletin 73 (November): 839-852. CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS Committee Print F. note 5 House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment, International Proliferation of th Nuclear Technology, report prepared by Warren H. Donnelley and Barbara Rather, 94 Cong., 2d sess., 1976, Committee Print 15, 5. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment. International th Proliferation of Nuclear Technology. Report prepared by Warren H. Donnelley and Barbara Rather. 94 Cong., 2d sess., 1976. Committee Print 15. Par. ref. (U.S. Congress, House 1976, 5) Par. crs. ref. (Donnelley and Rather 1976, 5) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment. 1976. International th proliferation of nuclear technology. Report prepared by Warren H. Donnelley and Barbara Rather. 94 Cong., 2d sess., 1976. Committee Print 15. Ref. lst. crs. ref. Donnelley and Rather. 1976. See U.S. Congress. House. 1976. House/Senate Reports and Documents and the Serial Set F. note 6 th Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Scholarship Program for Developing Countries, 98 Cong., 1 sess., 1984, S. Rept. 599, 7. Return to Table of Contents st Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) th st U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. U.S. Scholarship Program for Developing Countries. 98 Cong., 1 sess., 1984. Senate Report 599. Par. ref. (U.S. Congress, Senate 1984, 7) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) th st U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. 1984. U.S. scholarship program for developing countries. 98 Cong., 1 sess. S. Report 599. »»NOTE: Use “S. Doc.” for Senate Document, "S. Rept." for Senate Report, "S. Ex. Doc." or "S. Ex. Rept." for Senate Executive Documents or Reports, “H. Rept.” for House Report, “H. Doc.” for House Document. Older House and Senate documents and reports were bound together and assigned a “Serial Set” number in addition to their individual report/document numbers. To cite such a document, add “Serial (number)” as the last element in each type of citation above. th st For example: “...98 Cong., 1 sess. S. Report 599. Serial 10575.” Hearings F. note 7 Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Famine in Africa: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, st 99 Cong., 1 sess., 17 January 1985, 57. th Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) th U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Famine in Africa: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations. 99 st Cong., 1 sess., 17 January 1985. Par. ref. (U.S. Congress, Senate 1985, 57) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. 1985. Famine in Africa: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations. th st 99 Cong., 1 sess., 17 January. Congressional Record F. note 8 Congress, Senate, Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts speaking for the Joint Resolution on Nuclear Weapons Freeze and th st Reductions to the Committee on Foreign Relations, S.J. Res. 163, 97 Cong., 1 sess., Congressional Record 128, pt. 3 (10 March 1982): 3832-34. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. Senate. Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts speaking for the Joint Resolution on Nuclear Weapons Freeze and th st Reductions to the Committee on Foreign Relations. S.J. Res. 163. 97 Cong., 1 sess. Congressional Record 128, pt. 3 (10 March 1982). Par. ref. (U.S. Congress, Senate 1982, 3832-34) Ref. lst (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. Senate. 1982. Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts speaking for the Joint Resolution on Nuclear Weapons Freeze and th st Reductions to the Committee on Foreign Relations. S.J. Res. 163. 97 Cong., 1 sess. Congressional record 128, pt. 3 (10 March). »»NOTE: Bound volumes of the Congressional Record. Also see note below for congressional bills. Congressional Bill »»NOTE: If you need to cite a bill before it becomes law, Turabian recommends citing it to the Congressional Record. F. note 9 th st Congress, House, Food Security Act of 1985, 99 Cong., 1 sess., H.R. 2100, Congressional Record, 131, no. 132, daily ed. (8 October 1985): H8485. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) th st U.S. Congress. House. Food Security Act of 1985. 99 Cong., 1 sess., H.R. 2100. Congressional Record, 131, no. 132, daily ed. (8 October 1985): H8353-H8486. Par. ref. (U.S. Congress, House 1985, H8485) Ref. lst (indent second and subsequent lines) th st U.S. Congress. House. 1985. Food Security Act of 1985. 99 Cong., 1 sess., H.R. 2100. Congressional record, 131, no. 132, daily ed. (8 October): H8353-H8486. Return to Table of Contents »»NOTE: The Congressional Record is published daily when Congress is in session. The example above is from the "daily ed." This should be noted in the citation because after a Congress ends, the Congressional Record is eventually published in bound volumes. Page numbers change in the bound volumes - information will not be on the same page as in the daily edition. LEGAL REFERENCES: LAWS AS PASSED BY CONGRESS U. S. Code: subject arrangement of laws currently in effect Turabian suggests following The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for Legal Citations by the Harvard Law Review Association (*KF245 .B58 2005, main floor reference collection). Names of laws ("acts") are always capitalized, as is "U.S. Code". »»NOTE: Turabian uses “vol.” which is not correct. Major subject divisions of the U.S. Code are called “titles”. Ask your professor which to use. Examples are from Turabian and cite an older edition. Normally, the most recent edition of the U. S. Code would be cited. "secs." means "sections". F. note 10 Declatory Judgment Act, U.S. Code, vol. 28, secs. 2201-2 (1952). Bib. Declaratory Judgment Act. U.S. Code. Vol. 28, secs. 2201-2 (1952). Par. ref. (Declaratory Judgment Act 1952) Ref. lst. Declaratory Judgment Act. U.S. Code. 1952. Vol. 28, secs. 2201-2. »»NOTE: Legal citation format is to title and section: 28 USC 2201 U. S. Statutes at Large: compilation of public laws in their original form, by public law number »»NOTE: After passage, public laws are first printed as “slip laws”. They are later cumulated in the U. S. Statutes at Large and should be cited by the U.S. Statute number found in the upper corner of slip law pages. Follow the statute forms below. F. note 11 Administrative Procedure Act, Statutes at Large 60, sec. 10,243 (1946). »»NOTE: "60" is the volume number. Bib. Administrative Procedure Act. Statutes at Large 60 (1946). Par. ref. (Administrative Procedure Act 1946) Ref. lst. Administrative Procedure Act. Statutes at large. (1946). Vol. 60, sec. 10,243. »»NOTE: Legal citation is to volume and page rather than volume and section: 60 Stat. 732. Public laws are also cited as PL 94142: Public Law 142 of the 94th Congress. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES »»NOTE: Turabian does not provide citation formats for either the Code of Federal Regulations or the Federal Register. The only mention of the Federal Register is in reference to Presidential documents (see below). The first two sets of examples are drawn from more general guidelines. Code of Federal Regulations F. note 12 Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, 7, sec. 915.20 (2007). Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Agricultural Marketing Service. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. 7 (2007). Par. ref. (U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 2007) Return to Table of Contents Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Agricultural Marketing Service. U.S. code of federal regulations. 1980. Title 7, sec. 915.20. »»NOTE: Legal citation format is title (7), part (913), and section (20): 7 CFR 913.20 Federal Register – General citation F. note 13 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register, “Tomatoes Grown in Florida; Change in Size Requirements,” Federal Register 52, no. 234 (7 December 1987): 46345. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Office of the Federal Register. “Tomatoes Grown in Florida; Change in Size Requirements.” Federal Register 52, no. 234 (7 December 1987): 46345. Par. ref. (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 1987, 46345) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Office of the Federal Register. 1987. Tomatoes grown in Florida; change in size requirements. Federal register 52, no. 234 (7 December): 46345. »»NOTE: Legal citation format is to volume and page: 52 FR 46345 Federal Register: Presidential Proclamations, Executive Orders F. note 14 President, Proclamation, “Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, Proclamation 5142, Amending Proclamation 5133,” Federal Register 49, no. 2 (4 January 1984): 341. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. President. Proclamation. “Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, Proclamation 5142, Amending Proclamation 5133.” Federal Register (4 January 1984): 341. Par. ref. (U.S. President 1984, 3410) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. President. Proclamation. 1984. Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, Proclamation 5142, amending Proclamation 5133. Federal register 49, no. 2 (4 January): 341. U. S. CONSTITUTION »»NOTE: In papers using the parenthetical-reference system, citations to the Constitution are usually given in the text. It is not necessary to include Constitutional entries in either bibliographies or reference lists. (Turabian 1996, 223) F. note 15 U.S. Constitution, art. 1, sec. 4. 16 U.S. Constitution, amend. 14, sec. 2. F. note COURT DECISIONS »»NOTE: The suggested format is: name of plaintiff and defendant, volume number, name of law reporter containing the case (abbreviated), and page where case starts. Next come the name of the court that decided the case and the year. Use “v.” instead of “vs.”. F. note 17 Thompson v. Smith, 170 F. Supp. 331 (D. Conn. 1987) 18 Bridges v. California, 314 U.S. 252 (1941) Bib. Thompson v. Smith. 170 F. Supp. 331 (D. Conn. 1987) Par. ref. Court cases are cited in the text by the name of the case, in italics. Thompson v. Smith Ref. lst. Thompson v. Smith. 170 F. Supp. 331 (D. Conn. 1987) Return to Table of Contents TREATIES F. note 19 Department of State, “Nuclear Weapons Test Ban,” 5 August 1963, TIAS no. 5433, United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, vol. 14, pt. 2 Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Department of State. “Nuclear Weapons Test Ban,” 5 August 1963. TIAS no. 5433. United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, vol. 14, pt. 2 Par. ref. (U. S. Department of State 1963) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U. S. Department of State. 1963. Nuclear Weapons Test Ban, 5 August 1963, TIAS no. 5433. United States treaties and other international agreements, vol. 14, no. 2. »»NOTE: Names of treaties are always capitalized. The "TIAS" number is the number of the treaty. "TIAS" refers to Treaties and Other International Agreements (or Acts) Series. ERIC Documents F. note 20 Barbara Robson, Tanzania: Country Status Report (Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, Language/Area Reference Center, 1984), 7, ERIC, ED 248700. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Robson, Barbara. Tanzania: Country Status Report. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, Language/Area Reference Center, 1984. ERIC, ED 248700. Par. ref. (Robson 1984, 7) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Robson, Barbara. 1984. Tanzania: Country status report. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, Language/Area Reference Center. ERIC, ED 248700. NEBRASKA STATE DOCUMENTS »»NOTE: Citations for Nebraska state agency publications follow the same form as used for federal documents. State Agency Document – Corporate Author F. note 21 Nebraska Department of Labor, Division of Employment, Women in Numbers: Working Women in Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebr., 1985), 37. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Nebraska Department of Labor. Division of Employment. Women in Numbers: Working Women in Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr., 1985. Par. ref. (Nebraska Department of Labor 1985, 37) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Nebraska Department of Labor. Division of Employment. 1985. Women in numbers: Working women in Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr. State Agency Document – Personal Author F. note 22 Nebraska Business Development Center, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Nebraska, by Franklin S. Forbes, (Omaha, Nebr., 1983), 124. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Nebraska Development Center. University of Nebraska at Omaha. Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Nebraska, by Franklin S. Forbes. Omaha, Nebr., 1983. Return to Table of Contents Par. ref. (Nebraska Business Development Center 1983, 124) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Nebraska Development Center. University of Nebraska at Omaha. 1983. Legal aspects of doing business in Nebraska, by Franklin S. Forbes. Omaha, Nebr. Nebraska Document Periodical Article Article with personal author F. note 23 Peter Bleed, “Indians and Japanese Swords on the North Plains Frontier,” Nebraska History 68, no. 3 (1987): 113 Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Bleed, Peter. “Indians and Japanese Swords on the North Plains Frontier.” Nebraska History 68, (Fall 1987): 112-115. Par. ref. (Bleed 1987, 113) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Bleed, Peter. 1987. Indians and Japanese swords on the north plains frontier. Nebraska History 68, no. 3: 112-115. Article with corporate author F. note 24 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, “Nebraska Parklands: Scenic Treasures and Outdoor Pleasures,” Nebraskaland 65, no. 10 (1987): 18. Bib. (indent second and subsequent lines) Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. “Nebraska Parklands: Scenic Treasures and Outdoor Pleasures.” Nebraskaland 65, no. 10 (1987): 18-47. Par. ref. (Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 1987, 18) Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 1987. “Nebraska parklands: Scenic treasures and outdoor pleasures.” Nebraskaland 65, no. 10 (1987): 18-47. Nebraska Legal Documents »»NOTE: Format used for federal documents may be followed. Turabian suggests following The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for Legal Citations by the Harvard Law Review Association (*KF 245 .B58 2005, main floor reference collection). Names of laws ("acts") are always capitalized. Nebraska Statutes: laws currently in force, by subject F. note 25 Nebraska, Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act, Statutes (2006) 58: 201. Bib. Nebraska. Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act. Revised Statutes of Nebraska 1943. 2006. Par. ref. (Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act 2006) Ref. lst. Nebraska. 2006. Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act. Revised statutes of Nebraska, 1943. §58-201-272. »»»EXPLANATION: Chapter 58, sections 201 and 201 - 272 »»NOTE: The proper name of the Nebraska Statutes includes "1943" because that is the last time the set was comprehensively revised. Use the most recent edition and its supplement(s). Another citation method is: R.R.S. Neb. 1943 - Reissue of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943. Laws of Nebraska: compilation of laws in their original form, by LB number F. note 26 Nebraska Investment Finance Act, Laws of Nebraska, 1983. LB626, sec. 1 (1983). Return to Table of Contents Bib. Nebraska. Nebraska Investment Finance Act. Laws of Nebraska, 1983. LB626. (1983). Par. ref. (Nebraska Investment Finance Act 1983) Ref. lst. Nebraska. 1983. Nebraska Investment Finance Act. Laws of Nebraska, 1983. LB626, sec. 1, 1438. »»NOTE: LB = legislative bill number; "1438" is the page number in the Laws... Citations to legislative bills must always include the year passed. Bill numbers are assigned when bills are introduced and repeat from one Unicameral to the next. Nebraska Supreme Court and Nebraska Appellate Court F. note 27 Anderson v. Carlson, 171 Neb. 741 (Nebr. Supreme Court 1961) 28 Gies v. City of Gering. 13 Neb. App. 424 (Nebr. Court of Appeals 2005) F. note »»NOTE: First number is the volume number, second is the first page of the case. Electronic and Online Resources Turabian addresses citations for government "technical reports" in electronic format and includes examples of an ERIC document and one from NTIS. Other examples for online resources do not follow a consistent format as to placement of the elements in the citation. Instructions in 8.141 (158) say to include dates of publication and access but examples place these two elements in different locations and one encloses them in parentheses while another does not. The access date without parentheses is placed at the end of the citation in the examples below. Turabian's examples also include the word "Internet" as a citation element. This doesn't seem necessary since the URL clearly indicates it has been accessed via the Internet. The guidelines below follow as closely as possible the general guidelines for printed materials. If you must break a URL because it is too long to fit on one line, do so after a slash or before a period. Reference list examples are used below except for the U. S. Constitution and U. S. Supreme Court decisions which are usually cited only in footnotes or in the text. Only first words of titles are capitalized. In bibliographies, all important words are capitalized and the date is located toward the end of the citation rather than after the author statement. Use the examples given above to format footnotes and parenthetical references. Periodical article from government web site Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Dalla, Rochelle L., Sheran Cramer, and Kaye Stanek. 2002. Economic strain and community concerns in three meatpacking communities. Rural America 17: 20-25. Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, accessed 24 March 2005; available from Oscar-Berman, Marlene and Ksenija Marinkovic. 2003. Alcoholism and the brain: An overview. Alcohol research and health 27: 125 133. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health Web, accessed 24 March 2005; available from Government report found through GPO Access Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Government Accountability Office. 2003. No Child Left Behind Act: More information would help states determine which teachers are highly qualified. Publication No. GAO-03-631. GAO Reports Main Page via GPO Access, accessed 6 April 2005; available from »»NOTE: Names of laws ("acts") are always capitalized. Return to Table of Contents Online document found through MarciveWeb DOCS index Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. 2003. Prospects for American workers: Immigration's impact, hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the House Committee on the Judiciary. 108th Cong., 1st sess., accessed 6 April 2005; available from MarciveWeb DOCS database. CD-ROM/DVD Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U. S. Bureau of the Census. (n.d.). 1990 census of population and housing, summary tape file 3A, Nebraska. [CD-ROM]. Washington, D.C: Bureau of the Census. »»NOTE: Date of access not necessary because, unlike sources on the Internet, the contents of a CD-ROM/DVD are static. "n.d." means "no date" of publication. Statistical table on a CD-ROM Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U. S. Bureau of the Census. (n.d.). Means of transportation to work, Kearney city, Nebraska. In 1990 Census of population and housing summary tape file 3A. [CD-ROM]. Washington, D.C: Bureau of the Census. CONGRESSIONAL AND LEGAL MATERIALS Turabian suggests following The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for Legal Citations by the Harvard Law Review Association (*KF 245 .B58 2005, main floor reference collection). The following examples are based on the general guidelines, adapted for online sources. Alternative forms using a more standard legal citation are given for some. Congressional bill - Lexis/Nexis Congressional Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. House. 1999. Violence Against Women Act of 1999, H.R. 357, 106th Cong., 1st sess. Accessed 28 April 1999; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional database. »»NOTE: Names of acts are always capitalized. House or Senate report or document - Lexis/Nexis Congressional Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. Senate. 1998. S. Rept. No. 105-273. 105th Cong., 2nd sess. Accessed 28 April 1999; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional database. »»NOTE: Use. "H. Rept." for a House report, "H.Doc." or "S. Doc." for House or Senate documents. Congressional Record - Lexis/Nexis Congressional Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) U.S. Congress. Senate. 1998. Senator Kerrey of Nebraska. Amendment no. 3275, prohibit Environmental Protection Agency enforcement of public drinking water treatment requirements for copper. 105th Cong., 2nd sess. In Congressional Record 144, S8830 (23 July). Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional. »»»NOTE: 144 is the volume number, S8830 is the page number - Senate portion of Congressional Record. "H" numbers indicate proceedings from the House of Representatives. U. S. Statutes at Large (Stat.) - Lexis/Nexis Congressional Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Legal form of citation: 112 Stat. 3076. Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional. Return to Table of Contents According to Turabian: Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Amendments of 1998. Statutes at large. 1998. Vol. 112, 3076. Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional. »»»NOTE: 3076 is the first page of the law. U. S. Code (USC) - Lexis/Nexis Congressional Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Legal form of citation: 20 USC 2301 et seq. Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional. According to Turabian: Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act. U.S. code. 1998. Vol 20, sec. 2301. Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional. »»»NOTE: 20 is actually the title number, not a volume number; 2301 is the first section of the law. "et seq." means the act includes other sections that follow the initial section. U. S. Constitution - GPO Access or Lexis/Nexis Academic »»NOTE: Turabian states that it is not necessary to include citations to the U. S. Constitution in reference lists or bibliographies. (Turabian 1996. 223). F. note 29 The Constitution of the United States of America, analysis and interpretation. 1998 Suppl. S. Doc. 106-8. Accessed 24 March 2005; available from 30 Constitution of the United States of America, amend. 1, religious and political freedom,. U.S.C.S. Const. Amend. 1 2005. Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Academic. »»»NOTE: "U.S.C.S": United States Code Service Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents or Public Papers of the President via GPO Access Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Bush, G. W. Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the union, January 20, 2004. Weekly compilation of presidential documents, 94-101. Executive Branch Resources via GPO Access; accessed 24 March 2005; available from »»»NOTE: "94-101" are the page numbers. U. S. Supreme Court Case (U.S.) - Lexis/Nexis Academic F. note 31 Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. 438 U.S. 265 (1978). Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Academic. »»»NOTE: 438 is the volume number, 265 is the first page of the decision. Date, (1978), is when the case was decided. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)- Lexis/Nexis Academic Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Legal form of citation: Minerals management. 36 C.F.R. §9.1 (2004). Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Academic. »»»NOTE: "Title" 36, "part" 9. CFR citations are to "titles", "parts", and "sections". According to Turabian: U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. Minerals management. U.S. code of federal regulations. 2004. Title 26, sec. 9. Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Academic. Federal Register (FR) - Lexis/Nexis Congressional Ref. lst. (indent second and subsequent lines) Legal form of citation: 70 FR 7150. Accessed 24 March 2005, from Lexis/Nexis Congressional. According to Turabian: U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Transportation Security Administration. 2004. Maryland, three airports: Enhanced security procedures for operations at certain airports in the Washington, DC metropolitan area flight restricted area. Federal register 70 (10 February): 7150 (to be codified at 49 C.F.R. §1562). Accessed 24 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Congressional. »»»NOTE: Volume 70, page 7,150. Title 49, part 1562 of CFR. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS FROM NEBRASKA STATE AGENCIES Nebraska agency publication - personal author(s) Ref. lst. Link, M., & Inman, D. 2004. Ground water monitoring at livestock waste control facilities in Nebraska, December, 2003. Nebraska Dept. of Environmental Quality; accessed 28 March 2005; available from Nebraska agency publication - agency as author Ref. lst. Nebraska Health and Human Services System. 2004. Nebraska adolescents: The results of 2003 youth risk behavior survey of Nebraska public high school students (grades 9 - 12). Accessed 28 March 2005; available from Periodical article from a Nebraska agency Ref. lst. Sutherland, J. 2004. Job vacancy survey update. Economic trends: A monthly review of labor market information, 1: 4-6. Nebraska Dept. of Labor; accessed 28 March 2005; available from »»NOTE: Vol. 1, pgs. 4 - 6. If there is a personal author, include the name of the state agency to indicate the source. Statistical table Ref. lst. Nebraska State Data Center. University of Nebraska at Omaha. (n.d.) Nebraska counties ranked by selected social and economic characteristics: 2000 census. Accessed 25 March 2005; available from Publications from the Unicameral web site Legislative bill Ref. lst. Nebraska. Unicameral. 99th Legislature, 1st sess. 2005. Employment Security Law, LB 739. Accessed 28 March 2005; available from Nebraska Blue Book Ref. lst. Nebraska. Unicameral. Elections: Nebraska Presidential election statistics, 1868 - 2000. 2003. In Anderson, A. D., ed. Nebraska blue book, 2002 - 2003, 981 - 1030. Accessed 28 March 2005; available from »»NOTE: 981 - 1030 are page numbers. Unicameral Update Ref. lst. Nebraska. Unicameral. 2005. Committee kills bill allowing home schoolers to join public school activities. Unicameral update: The Nebraska legislature's weekly publication, 28 no. 7: 4. Accessed 8 April 2005; available from »»NOTE: Article is in volume 28, issue 7, on page 4. Nebraska Statutes Ref. lst. Legal citation: Neb. Rev. Stat. §69-2301. (Cum. Supp. 2004) or R.R.S. Neb. 1943 §69-2301 (2004) Return to Table of Contents According to Turabian: Nebraska. Unicameral. 2004. Disposition of Personal Property, Landlord and Tenant Act. Reissue of the revised statues of Nebraska 1943 §69-2301. Accessed 8 April 2005; available from »»»NOTE: Chapter 69, section 2301, published in 2004. Decision of the Nebraska Supreme Court or Nebraska Court of Appeals: Lexis/Nexis Academic F. note Legal citation: Vice v. Darm Corp. 224 Neb. 1 According to Turabian: 32 Nancy D. Vice v. Darm Corporation, 224 Neb. 1 (1986) (395 N.W.2d 524). Accessed 28 March 2005; available from Lexis/Nexis Academic. »»»NOTE: Volume 224, case begins on page 1". Include the parallel citation to the regional reporter (North Western Reporter) location of the same case. Abbreviation for the Nebraska Court of Appeals is "Neb. Ct. App.": 10 Neb. Ct. App. 69 (include citation to N.W.2d also). Nebraska Administrative Code: Nebr. Secretary of State Web Site Ref. lst. Legal citation: 86 NAC 5 According to Turabian: Nebraska. Secretary of State. 1997. Rules and regulations concerning the administration of the Affordable Housing Act. Administrative code 86: 5. Accessed 8 April 2005; available from »»»NOTE: Title 86, chapter 5. Nebraska Administrative Code is abbreviated "NAC". Diana J. Keith Government Documents Librarian Calvin T. Ryan Library University of Nebraska at Kearney Kearney, NE 68849-2240 Revised March 2008 Return to Table of Contents
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