nadia salah el din el kholy

Email: [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]
A naturally approachable individual, with extensive experience working within the educational sector; over 30 years’
teaching / lecturing experience having worked as Dean of the School of Languages & Translation for the Modern
Sciences & Arts University and currently working as Cultural Counsellor and Director for the Egyptian Cultural Bureau
in London. Proven academic foundations; achieved a PhD in English Literature and Master’s Degree in English and
Comparative Literature. Possesses a polished and professional approach; organised, resourceful and achievement
orientated individual with the ability to communicate with all levels of the organisational structure.
Cairo University & Brasenose College, Oxford PhD
English Literature
American University, Cairo
MA English and Comparative Literature
Cairo University
BA English Literature
Professional Memberships
 Member of the European Comparative & International Education Society (January 2014)
 Member of the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) (2010)
 Member of the Partner & Ownership Initiative for young scholars affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education
Mission Service (2008)
 Head of the Quality Assurance committee Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (2006)
 Member of Egypt TESOL (2000
 Member of IATEFL (1998)
Academic Memberships & Activities
Member of the Organizing Committee of the English Department’s Literature and Language Symposium
Member of the Working Party for Promoting the Children’s Literature Documentation Center in Cairo
UNICEF Consultant for the Promotion of Children’s Literature in Egypt
Translator of Contemporary Egyptian Fiction at the General Egyptian Book Organisation
Translator of Women’s Fiction at the Ministry of Culture May
Literary contributor, Reviewer and Translator of Al Ahram Weekly, Cairo
Children’s Literature literary reviewer of Cairo Times
Consultant of the Integrated Care Society (NGO Chaired by Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak) for the promotion of
Children’s Literature in Egypt
Member of the Egyptian branch of IBBY (International Board of Books for Young Readers) Executive Committee
chaired by Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Member of the Children’s Literature Critics Committee chaired by Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Member of the NGO of “The Child’s Right to Play ” headed by Dr. Saneya Saleh
UNICEF Consultant on curriculum development for the primary school syllabi
Member of the Library of Alexandria Committee for Literature and Language
 Member of the Supreme Council of Culture Committee for Children’s Literature
 Consultant, Reader and Evaluator of the National Book Project; trained readers during the assessment period
of the project
Career History
The Egyptian Culture & Education Bureau, London
2012 – Present
Cultural Counsellor & Education Director – Egyptian Embassy
• Responsible for managing joint, bi-lateral & multi-lateral agreements between Egyptian Higher Education
institutions and UK counterparts in Education and Scientific Research.
• Manages Egyptian Teachers in-service training in the UK.
• Responsible for placing Egyptian sponsored students at UK Universities based on universities ranking and areas
of specialisation.
• Supervises Egyptian Students’ Unions in the UK.
• Organises and manages various events to introduce the Egyptian Arts and Culture to the UK community.
• Responsible for managing Egyptian students’ academic and financial portfolios in the UK; following up on their
progress reports, publications, conference participation, study tours, training, tuition fees, thesis submission
and examinations.
• Provides lectures and presentations at various UK Universities on internationalisation of higher education
between the UK and the MENA region.
• Recently involved in the Newton - Mosharafa Grant; coordinating between the Ministry of Higher Education
in Egypt, the British Council in Cairo and the UK.
Overview of Career History
Modern Sciences & Arts University (MSA)
Dean of the School of Languages & Translation
National Council for Children’s Culture
2010 – 2012
2009 – 2012 Director
Cairo University
Chair of the Department of English Language & Literature Faculty of Arts
Supreme Council for Culture Ministry of Culture
Under Secretary
2207 – 2010
2006 – 2010
University of Kent – Post-Colonial Studies Centre
Leverhulme Visiting Scholar Grant
2009 – 2010
Commonwealth University - School of Women Studies, Virginia
Full Time Faculty
Visiting Fulbright Scholar
2007 – 2008
Cairo University
Professor – Department of English Language and Literature
2003 – 2006
American University
2002 – 2003 Freshman Writing Program
*Career history prior to 2002 available upon request
Current Research
 The re-writing of Egyptian Folktales in literary form in collaboration with Professor Jack Zipes of the University
of Minnesota
 Collecting unpublished texts written by Egyptian women as part of the Women Writing Africa Project
 Translating Arabic Children's Stories into English & Children's Classics into Arabic
Leverhulme Visiting Scholar Grant, University of Kent, UK (2009-2010)
Fulbright Collaborative Research Grant, University of Minnesota, USA (June – Sept 2000)
British Council Research Grant (July – Aug 1992)
Cambridge Seminar, UK July 1990)
Ph.D. Joint Supervision Scholarship, Oxford (Sept 1986 – Sept 1987) Literary:
Suzanne Mubarak Children’s Books Award on a series of children’s stories entitled Kilma Kilma (Word by Word), (Dec
Academic Research:
"The Image of the Hero in Egyptian Children's Stories. Alif Cairo: American University Press (2008)
“Oxford Encyclopedia for Children’s Literature”, edited by Jack Zipes, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2005)
“New Readings of Fairy Tales.” Cairo Studies in English - Cairo: English Department, Cairo University (June 2002)
“The Romances and Realities of Eastern Travellers.” Interpreting the Orient. Eds. Paul & Janet Starkey. Reading: Ithaca
“Domestic Language in some novels of Ivy-Compton Burnett” Faculty Bulletin Cairo: English Department, Ain Shams
University (April 1997)
“Fay Weldon’s Use of Fairy Tale Language” Proceedings of the English and Comparative Literature Symposium Dec
“Fairy Tale Discourse as a Historical Civilising Process: A Comparative Study of Perrault, The Grimm Brothers and
Abdel Tawab Youssef” Proceedings of the Comparative Society Symposium (Oct 1996)
“Ben Okri’s ‘Bit of Chaos’ in Incidents at the Shrine and Stars of the New Curfew” Proceedings of the English and
Comparative Literature Symposium (June 1995)
“Post Colonial Africa in Ngugi’s Petals of Blood” Cairo Studies in English Cairo: English Department, Cairo University
(May 1995)
“Doris Lessing’s The Grass is Singing and Psycho-Sexual Release” Proceedings of the English and Comparative
Literature Symposium ‘Cultural Encounters’ (1993)
“Paradigms of Childhood in Kanafani’s Children of Palestine” Faculty Bulletin. Cairo: Faculty of Arts, Cairo University
“Margaret Drabble’s Modifications of Realism” Cairo Studies in English. Cairo: English Department, Cairo University,
“Chronological Complexity in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness” Cairo Studies in English. Cairo: English Department, Cairo
University (1991)
“D.J.Enright’s Academic Year: An Evocation of Time and Place” Proceedings of the English and Comparative
Literature Symposium ‘Images of Egypt’ (1989)
Theses Examined:
Lamis Mohamed Ragaa El Nakkash. “The Novel as Fiction and Nonfiction: A Study of Documentation in Herman
Melville’s Moby Dick and Sonallah Ibrahim’s Star of August”. M.A. Thesis. Internal Examiner, Department of English
Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (1999)
Manal Mohamed Elhamy “The Language of the Child in Alice in Wonderland” M.A. Thesis - Internal Examiner,
Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (2000)
Zeinab Mostafa “The Use and Implications of Memory in Selected Novels by Eudora Welt.” Ph.D. Thesis. Internal
Examiner, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (2002)
Hala Sami. “Wayward Girls and Wicked Women: The Writing and Re-writing of Fairy Tales.” Ph.D. Thesis. Internal
Examiner, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (2000)
Jaidaa Gawad Hamada. "Bakhtinian Dialogics: Foregrounding the Background in Selected Works of 19 th c American
Women Writers." M.A. Thesis. External Examiner, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts,
Alexandria University,2006.
Nashwa Al Kassry "Aspects ofMysticism in Selected English Fiction". Ph.D Thesis - Internal Examiner, Department of
English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (2006)
Noha Nadder "Narrative Indeterminacy in E.Annie Proulx's Postcards and Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions."
M.A. Thesis. External Examiner, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University
Marwa Mohamed Taher Abd Rabuh. "Dreams as a Literary Agent in Selected Children's & Adults' Fiction: the
Realization & Development of Selfhood."Ph.D Thesis. M.A. Thesis. External Examiner, Department of English Language
& Literature, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University (2008)
Conference Publications (all presented papers have been published in conference proceedings)
Conference on "Global Youth Cultures", University of Kent, UK October 24-25, 2009. Delivered the Keynote speech on
"Youth & Generational Renewal in the Middle East today: Egypt a case in point"
Conference on "Locating Postcolonial Narrative Genres", University of Stuttgart, Germany July 16-19, 2009. Presented
a paper entitled" Legends of the House of the Cretan Woman"
Conference on "The Fairy Tale after Angela Carter", University of East Anglia, UK April 22-25, 2009. Presented a paper
enitled" ‘The Fairy Tale and Translation: Is There an Egyptian Cinderella?’"
Conference on "Popular Storytelling between the Oral and the Written" at the Department of French Language &
Literature, Cairo University,March 28-30, 2009. Presented a paper entitled" The Magic of Storytelling"
IBBY 31st World Congress, Copenhagen, 6 – 10 September, 2008. Panel speaker as a member of the Andersen Jury
Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) conference Washington DC 22-25 November, 2008 - Round table discussion
on "Translation in Egypt today"
The Ninth International Symposium on Comparative Literature at the Department of English Language and Literature,
Cairo University, November 4-6, 2008 “Egypt at the Crossroads: Literary and Linguistic Studies”. Presented a paper
entitled "Teaching Arabic Literature to American Students"
The 30th IBBY(International Board of Books for Young Readers) Congress "Children’s Books and Social Development"
Macau, 20-24 September , 2006. Presented a paper entitled "Egyptian Children's Literature: Past & Present"
IBBY Congress "Books for Africa" Cape Town, South Africa, 5-9 September, 2004. Presented a paper entitled" The
Concept of Heroism in Arabic Children's stories"
First QTEN (Qatar Teachers of English Network) International Symposium, held in Doha, October 2004. Presented a
paper on “Writing Back in Anger: Politics as a Theme in the EFL Writing Class”
Ain Shams University International Symposium, held in Cairo, March 2003, entitled “New Readings of Old Masters”.
Presented a paper on “Once Upon a Text: Little Red Riding Hood as a Hypertext”
Fifth Biennial ASTENE Conference held in Oxford, July 2003, entitled “Travellers to Egypt and the Near East”. Presented
a paper on “Egyptian Hajj Paintings: An Interpretation”
IBBY Congress "Children and Books - a Worldwide Challenge" Basel, Switzerland, 29 September-3 October, 2002.
Presented a paper on "Kilma Kilma an Arabic Reading Scheme for Pre-School Children"
ASTENE Conference held in Edinburgh, August 2001, entitled “Travellers to Egypt and the Near East” - Presented a
paper on “The Crusaders in Children’s Literature between East and West”
ASTENE Conference held in Cambridge, July 1999, entitled “Travellers to Egypt and the Near East”. Presented a paper
on “A House, a Museum, and a Legend: Bait al-Kretliya”
Conference held by the American University in Cairo, May 1998, entitled “Cross Cultural Encounters in the
Mediterranean” - Presented a paper on “Sexism in Children’s Literature in Egypt and the Arab World”
British Council Conference held in Cairo, March 1998, entitled “The Arabs and Britain: Changes and Exchanges”.
Presented a paper on “The image of the Woman Warrior in Arabic Popular Romance and the Western Imagination”
Conference held by the Higher Council of Culture in Cairo on December 1997 on “The Translation of Children’s Fiction
in the Arab World”. Presented a paper on “The Translator’s Honesty: The Egyptian Scene”
Oxford Conference at St. Catherine’s College, August 1997, entitled “Travellers to Egypt” - Presented a paper on “The
Image of Mohamed Ali in the Eyes of Four Nineteenth Century Travellers’
IBBY’s International Conference on Children’s Literature held in Groningen, the Netherlands, August 1996, entitled
“Telling the Tale”.
IATEFL Conference held at the University of Keele, Stoke-on-Trent, in the UK, April 1996 - Presented a paper entitled
“A Process Approach to Writing Academic Research Papers”
Children’s Literature International Conference held at UNISA University, Pretoria, South Africa, 1995 - entitled “Other
Children Other Lives”. Presented a paper on “Paradigms of Violence in Palestinian Children’s Literature”
Cambridge Seminar on Contemporary British Writers in 1990, 1991 and 1993
References available upon request