How to an MP3 to an iPhone: Make sure you have a Wi

How to download an MP3 to an iPhone:
Make sure you have a Wi-Fi connection.
Go to the Apple App Store on your phone and download the free Dropbox app.
1. Go to the online COSA Store ( and purchase your MP3s.
2. Once you pay for your MP3(s) from the COSA Store, you will receive an email from “cosa-store” with
the subject line: “Downloads for Order ___”.
3. Open the email on your phone and press the link that says “”.
4. This will open a new window on your phone that contains a link that shows the name(s) of the MP3(s)
you bought (example: “2016-04-MP3”).
5. Press “Save to Dropbox.”
6. A screen will open showing the file name; click the “SAVE” at the bottom.
7. Downloading will begin and then say “Successfully saved to Dropbox”. This may take several seconds
to a minute (depending on the speed of your Wi-Fi). Hit close when done.
8. Now open Dropbox and click the “Saves” folder. Click on the MP3 file you’ve downloaded. It may take
several minutes to load.
9. It is now stored in your Dropbox folder where you can listen to it anytime. Note: this will use up some
cellular storage space.
 If you experience a preview error just rename the file,adding .MP3 at the end of the file name (example:
 If any of the steps do not work, make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi and try again.
 The link in the email will expire after five attempts to download the MP3 and limit your access unless
you download to Dropbox.
How to download an Android device:
Make sure you have a Wi-Fi connection.
Go to the Google Play Store on your android device and download the free Advanced Download Manager app.
1. Go to the online COSA Store ( and purchase your MP3s.
2. Once you pay for your MP3(s) from the COSA Store, you will receive an email from “cosa-store” with
the subject line: “Downloads for Order ___”.
3. Open the email on your phone and press the link that says “”.
4. This will open a new window on your phone that contains a link that shows the name(s) of the MP3(s)
you bought in the format: “2016-04-MP3”.
5. Press your finger down on the name of the MP3 or the first one in the list if you purchased multiple
6. Select Copy Link Address.
7. Open Advanced Download Manager.
8. Click the plus button in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
9. Press your finger on Link: line and select Paste option.
10. Click Start. It should begin downloading. This step might take 5-10 minutes depending on the size of
the MP3 as well as your internet access. When it is finished, it will appear in the “Finished” column.
11. Click the “Finished” tab.
12. Click on your MP3. It should ask you which app you want to use to listen to it.
If you purchased multiple MP3s, you will need to do Steps 5-10 for each MP3.
Note: if any of the steps do not work, make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi and try again.
Listen and Enjoy!