WWI Correspondence Index - Bowling Green State University

Local newspapers frequently printed letters from local soldiers to provide more in-depth coverage of war news. These
indexes, prepared by Dan Masters, Steve Badenhop, and Alexandra Hutchings, record soldiers' correspondence printed
in area newspapers during World War I. Researchers should be aware that these indexes do not necessarily represent
the holdings of the Center for Archival Collections. Those wishing to review the news articles or editorials cited here
should consult our newspaper holdings. For further information about military organization during World War I, major
actions of the war, and about using this index, please consult the User's Guide below.
User’s Guide
By Daniel A. Masters
May 22, 2008
For previous users of the index to the Civil War letters of northwest Ohio hosted by the Center for Archival Collections
at Bowling Green State University, the layout and logic of this index to the World War I letters will be both familiar and
understood. However, with the evolution of military thought and organization there are a number of changes which
occurred in the intervening years of 1865-1917 that require a bit of explanation.
The indices are laid out in a two part fashion; part one consists of a listing of correspondents in alphabetical order,
giving their complete service record, culled from the roster published by the state of Ohio in the 1920s, followed by a
list of dates in which their letters appeared. Note that the dates listed are the dates that the letters appeared in their
respective newspapers, not the dates that the letters were written. Improvements in communications sped the mails
considerably from the time of the Civil War, but the majority of these letters were written in France or Italy and hence
took some time to cross the Atlantic.
Part two consists of the actual index of the newspaper showing letters by the dates they appeared in the newspaper.
The listing consists of the soldier and rank (if known), unit assigned to, place of writing, the date written (if known), and
the page or pages on which the letter appeared. Oftentimes, the newspapers would head soldiers' correspondence
with phrases such as "From Over There," in reference to the popular song of the time, "Over There." In addition to
soldiers' correspondence, articles giving details of a soldier's experience in the military are also noted, including
obituaries. These articles often contain letters either from the soldier himself or from comrades in arms imparting
information about him.
An important difference between correspondence during the First World War and the Civil War is the issue of
censorship. During the Civil War, soldiers were generally allowed (with a few notable exceptions) complete freedom to
write home what they wished, within the bounds of military propriety. Private soldiers generally were not privy to plans
or operations concocted by their officers so it was generally understood that allowing them that freedom of expression
was permissible. However, by the outbreak of World War I, improvements in communication technology and the
apparent threat of sabotage by German agents (the Black Tom explosion in New Jersey in 1916 is a fine example) had
convinced the military authorities that establishing some semblance of control over soldiers' correspondence was both
crucial and prudent.
Initially, letters that appeared in Wood County's newspapers through the end of 1917 were generally free of
censorship, naming names and places at regularity as well as giving insight into the growing pains of the American
Army. With the steadily increasing presence of combat personnel on the European continent in the fall of 1917 and the
ever present U-boat threat off the eastern shores of the United States, it was announced that censorship henceforth
would be a regular activity of the officer corps. Censorship was not, however, rigidly enforced across the board. A few
newspapers (the Perrysburg Journal in particular) took this announcement to its logical conclusion and for many
months did not publish a single letter. Other newspapers published anything they could, although the letters
sometimes were evasive in describing locations, and other information which was considered of primary military value.
But to believe that censorship took away from the value of this correspondence in understanding the activities and
feelings of our World War I veterans would be overstating the case. The depth of operational detail does suffer
somewhat, but this deficiency is more than made up for by the literary style and in depth descriptions contained
herein. With the signing of the Armistice, censorship restrictions were lifted quickly and the Wood County newspapers
were replete with letters detailing the summer and fall campaigns of 1918; battles such as the Marne, Chateau Thierry,
the Saint-Mihiel salient, the Meuse-Argonne offensive, and the final campaigns in Belgium.
But Wood County soldiers not only served in the Army ground forces in large numbers, they also served in the U.S.
Navy, the Marine Corps, and in surprising numbers in the Army's Air Service. Of particular note is a series of letters from
members of the band of the battleship U.S.S. Indiana which give a detailed, if somewhat whimsical, look at life aboard a
naval vessel at war. Each letter makes for fascinating reading once placed into its proper context, and once the soldier
and his unit can be placed within the scope of the larger whole. To this end, an order of battle has been provided which
will give some guidance in this regard.
The bulk of the correspondence detailed here emanates from soldiers serving the U.S. Army. Unlike the Civil War where
the primary organizational element was the regiment, during the First World War soldiers identified themselves more
with their divisions. Whereas during the Civil War, a regiment may move from division to division several times during
the course of the war, World War I divisions were far more rigid in their organization. For example, the 37th Division
which was composed almost entirely of Ohio men consisted of the 145th, 146th, 147th, and 148th Infantry Regiments
throughout its entire service. This being the case, efforts were made to include divisional information where possible to
facilitate use of the collection and to make the task of contextual application easier for the end user.
An American Army division in World War I consisted of 4 infantry regiments, 3 machine gun battalions, 3 field artillery
battalions, a divisional headquarters troop, and associated divisional units including engineers, a field signal battalion,
military police battalion, ammunition train, supply train, a sanitary train that consisted of medical personnel, and, in
some divisions, veterinary and mechanical repair units. These units were further organized into brigades, which acted
semi-independently in the field.
Layout of a Typical World War I Division
Using the 37th "Buckeye" Division once again as a reference, here is the layout of a typical World War I division:
37th Division
Headquarters Troop
134th Machine Gun Battalion, motorized (4 companies)
73rd Infantry Brigade
145th Infantry Regiment (12 companies)
146th Infantry Regiment (12 companies)
135th Machine Gun Battalion (4 companies)
74th Infantry Brigade
147th Infantry Regiment (12 companies)
148th Infantry Regiment (12 companies)
136th Machine Gun Battalion (4 companies)
62nd Field Artillery Brigade
134th Field Artillery Regiment (6 batteries)
135th Field Artillery Regiment (6 batteries)
136th Field Artillery Regiment (6 batteries)
112th Trench Mortar Battery (3 platoons)
Other Divisional troops:
112th Engineers Battalion (6 companies)
112th Engineer Train (1 company)
112th Field Signal Battalion (4 companies)
112th Ammunition Train (4 truck companies)
112th Supply Train (6 truck companies)
112th Military Police Battalion (2 companies)
112th Sanitary Train (10 companies)
114th Mobile Veterinary Unit
Organization at the regimental level changed somewhat from the Civil War as well. Whereas Civil War regiments
(usually) consisted of ten companies in two battalions, First World War regiments consisted of twelve companies in
three battalions. The companies themselves were substantially larger as well: Civil War companies usually consisted of
no more than 100 men, First World War line companies often consisted of 250 men. First World War regiments also had
additional personnel in a headquarters company, a supply company, a band, a sappers and bombers platoon, a pioneer
platoon, an orderly section with troops in the field telephone and radio services, and attached machine gun company. As
such, First World War regiments consisted of nearly 4,000 men, four times as large as a Civil War regiment, offering far
greater offensive and servicing capabilities.
Organizational Chart, 145th Infantry Regiment, 37th Division
At the risk of being tedious, included below is a detailed organizational chart for the 145th Infantry Regiment, 37th
145th Infantry Regiment (112 officers, 3,720 enlisted men) consisting of:
Headquarters Section, consisting of 336 men divided into:
Band Section (49 men)
Signal Platoon (76 men in three organizations)
Sappers and Bombers Platoon (48 men)
Pioneer Platoon (54 men)
One pounder gun platoon
First Section (42 men)
Orderly Section (29 men)
Supply Company, 145th Infantry Regiment (168 men)
Machine Gun Company (178 men)
12 Line Companies A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-K-L-M
Each company consisting of 6 officers, 250 enlisted men
20 enlisted men in company headquarters section
Four platoons, each with a headquarters section with a lieutenant, sergeant and four privates, and 58 enlisted men
Each platoon was further divided into four sections:
First section, 12 hand bombers under the command of two corporals
Second section, 9 men in rifle grenadiers
Third Section, 17 men as riflemen
Fourth Section, 15 as automatic riflemen
As is readily apparent, the organization of a typical First World War regiment was a vastly more complicated affair than
was typical in the Civil War. It is important to note that the numbers cited above as per the War Department's published
tables of organization; units in the field rarely if ever reached these totals, but this will give the reader some semblance
of the size and complexity of these organizations. Once again, this is included not to add unwarranted detail to this
guide, but to provide some organizational reference to which the end user can place these letters within a proper
contextual format.
List of Campaigns
The following list of campaigns from the U.S. Army Military History Branch will be of assistance in beginning to
understand the various battles and engagements in which these soldiers participated:
Cambrai, 20 November - 4 December 1917
The year that America entered the war was marked by near disaster for the Allies on all the European fronts. A French
offensive in April, with which the British cooperated, was a failure, and was followed by widespread mutinies in the
French armies. The British maintained strong pressure on their front throughout the year; but British attacks on the
Messines Ridge (7 June), at Ypres (31 July), and at Cambrai (20 November) failed in their main objective-the capture of
German submarine bases-and took a severe toll of British fighting strength. Three American engineer regiments-the
11th, 12th, and 14th-were engaged in construction activity behind the British lines at Cambrai in November, when they
were unexpectedly called upon to go into the front lines during an emergency. They thus became the first A.E.F. units to
meet the enemy.
Somme Defensive, 21 March - 6 April 1918
The German high command decided to attack on the British-held Somme front in the direction of Amiens. A
breakthrough at this point would separate the French from the British, push the latter into a pocket in Flanders, and
open the way to the Channel ports.
The offensive began on 21 March 1918 with three German armies (about 62 divisions in all) in the assault. British
defense lines were pierced in rapid succession. By 26 March Amiens was seriously threatened, and on the following day
a gap was created between the French and British armies. But the Germans lacked reserves to exploit their initial
phenomenal successes, and the Allies moved in enough reserves to bring the offensive to a halt by 6 April. The Germans
had advanced up to 40 miles, had captured 1,500 square miles of ground and 70,000 prisoners, and had inflicted some
200,000 casualties. They had failed, however, to achieve any or their strategic objectives; destruction of the British,
disruption of Allied lateral communicational and capture of Amiens.
On 25 March 1918, at the height at the German drive, Pershing placed the four American divisions at that time ready for
combat at the disposal of the French. But only a few American units were engaged. They included the 6th, 12th, and
14th Engineers and the 17th, 22d, and 148th Aero Squadrons, a total of about 2200 men.
Lys, 9 - 27 April 1918
Ludendorff still hoped to destroy the hard-hit British Army before it had a chance to recover from the effects of the
Somme drive. This was the purpose of a new German attack launched on 9 April 1918 on a narrow front along the Lys
River in Flanders. The Germans committed 46 divisions to the assault, and, using Hutier attacks once again, quickly
scored a breakthrough. The British situation was desperate for some days. Haig issued his famous "backs to the wall"
order and appealed to Foch for reinforcements. But the Allied Supreme Commander, convinced that the British could
hold their line, refused to commit reserves he was building up in anticipation of the day when the Allies would again be
able to seize the initiative. Foch's judgment proved to be correct, and Ludendorff called off the offensive on 29 April.
Since 21 March the Germans had suffered some 350,000 casualties without having attained any vital objectives; in the
same period British casualties numbered about 305,000. About 500 Americans participated in the campaign, including
troops of the 16th Engineers, 28th Aero Squadron, and 1st Gas Regiment.
Aisne 27 May - 5 June 1918
The next major German attack fell on 27 May on the thinly held but formidable terrain along the Aisne River known as
the Chemin des Dames. The original objective of this new offensive was to draw southward the Allied reserves
accumulated back of the British sector, in preparation for a final German attempt to destroy the British Army in
Flanders. The French and British defenders were taken completely by surprise, and their positions were overrun rapidly
on a forty-mile front. German progress on the first day was so rapid (advances up to 13 miles were made at some points)
that Ludendorff altered his plans and decided to make the diversionary attack a main effort. Most of the Aisne bridges
were captured intact. The thrust toward Rheims failed but Soissons was taken, and by 31 May the Germans had reached
the outskirts of Chateau-Thierry on the Marne, less than 40 miles from Paris.
In the next few days the Germans sought to exploit and expand the deep and exposed salient which they had
established. But by 4 June they had been stopped everywhere. Some 27,500 American troops took part in the check of
the German advance. The 3d Division foiled enemy attempts in the period 1-4 June to secure a firm bridgehead across
the Marne at Chateau-Thierry. West of the town the 2d Division, which included a Marine brigade, defended the road to
Paris, and on 6 June successfully counterattacked in Belleau Wood.
Montdidier-Noyon, 9 - 13 June 1918
Ludendorff followed up his stalled Aisne offensive with a small-scale drive in the Montdidier-Noyon sector on 9 June
1918. Twenty-one German division attacked the French on a twenty-three mile front extending from Montdidier to the
Oise River. The French anticipated the assault and contained it after a nine-mile penetration by the Germans,
counterattacking strongly. The fighting was over by 12 June, and the enemy had little to show for the heavy losses
incurred. No large American units were in the immediate vicinity of this action, although the 1st Division at Cantigny was
subjected to artillery fire and diversionary raids.
Champagne-Marne, 15 - 18 July 1918
In the four great offensives from 21 March to 13 June 1918 the Germans gained considerable ground, but failed to
achieve a decisive advantage at any point on the front. Furthermore, success was bought at a price in manpower and
material which they could ill afford. Their more then 600,000 casualties were irreplaceable, whereas the Allied loss of
some 800,000 men was soon more than compensated for by new American units arriving at the front in ever-mounting
numbers. By July 1918 Allied troops outnumbered German on the Western Front. Other factors also contributed to the
decline of German morale, notably the pinch of the blockade and the effectiveness of the Allied propaganda, which was
distributed widely by air at the front and in German cities behind the lines. But Ludendorff refused to consider peace
negotiations, and planned two more offensives for July which he hoped would bring victory. The first of the new drives
was designed to capture Rheims, to make more secure the supply of the Merge salient, and to draw in Allied reserves.
The second and larger offensive, destined never to be launched, would strike once again at the British in Flanders.
When the two-pronged German assault on either side of Rheims began on 15 July the Allies were prepared for it. Plans
for the attack had leaked out of Berlin, and Allied airplanes had detected the unusual activity behind the enemy front.
Foch had time to draw up reserves, and Petain, the French commander, skillfully deployed his troops in defense-indepth tactics. Consequently the German drive east of Rheims fell far short of its objective. The attack west of the city
succeeded in pushing across the Marne near Chateau-Thierry, but was checked there by French and American units.
Among the A.E.F. units involved in this action were the 3d, 26th, 28th, and 42d Divisions, the 369th Infantry, and
supporting elements (in all about 85,000 Americans). It was here that the 38th Infantry of the 3d Division gained its
motto, "Rock of the Marne."
By 17 July the Champagne-Marne offensive had petered out and the initiative passed to the Allies. The German people
had built up great hopes for the success of this Friedensturm (peace offensive); its failure was a tremendous
psychological blow to the whole nation.
Aisne-Marne, 18 July - 6 August 1918
Several days before the Germans launched their abortive Champagne-Marne drive, the French high command had made
plans for a general converging offensive against the Marne salient. Petain issued orders on 12 July for the attack to begin
on the 18th, with five French armies-the Tenth, Sixth, Ninth, Fifth, and Fourth, placed around the salient from left to
right-taking part. Spearheading the attack were the five divisions of the French XX Corps (Tenth Army), including the
American 1st and 2d Divisions. Early on 18 July the two American divisions and a French Moroccan division, jumping off
behind a heavy barrage, launched the main blow at the northwest base of the salient near Soissons. Enemy frontline
troops, taken by surprise, initially gave ground, although resistance stiffened after an Allied penetration of some three
miles. Before the 1st and 2d Divisions were relieved (on 19 and 22 July respectively) they had advanced 6 to 7 miles,
made Soissons untenable for the enemy, and captured 6,500 prisoners at a cost of over 10,000 American casualties.
Meanwhile the other French armies in the offensive also made important gains, and the German commander ordered a
general retreat from the Marne salient. The French Sixth Army, on the right of the Tenth, advanced steadily from the
southwest, reaching the Vesle River on 3 August. By 28 Judy this army included the American 3d, 4th, 28th, and 42d
Divisions. The 4th and 42d Divisions were under control of the I Corps, the first American corps headquarters to
participate in combat. On 4 August the American III Corps headquarters entered combat, taking control of the 28th and
32d Divisions (the latter had relieved the 3d Division in the line on 29 July). By 5 August the entire Sixth Army front was
held by the two American corps. East of the Sixth Army the French Ninth and Fifth Armies also advanced into the salient.
The Germans retired across the Aisne and Vesle Rivers, resolutely defending each strong point as they went.
By 6 August the Aisne-Marne Offensive was over. The threat to Paris was ended by wiping out the Marne salient. The
initiative now had definitely passed to the Allies, ending any possibility that Ludendorff could carry out his planned
offensive in Flanders. Moreover, the success of the offensive revealed the advantages of Allied unity of command and
the fighting qualities of American units. The eight A.E.F. divisions (1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 26th, 28th, 32d, 42d) in the action had
spearheaded much of the advance, demonstrating offensive capabilities that helped to inspire new confidence in the
war-weary Allied armies. About 270,000 Americans took part in the battle.
On 24 July, while the Aisne-Marne drive was under way, Foch had outlined his plans for the remainder of 1918 at the
only conference of Allied commanders that he called during the war. He proposed that the immediate objective of the
Allied offensive should be the reduction of the three main German salients (Marne, Amiens, Saint-Mihiel), with the goal
of improving lateral communications behind the front in preparation for a general offensive in the fall. Reduction of the
Saint-Mihiel salient was assigned to Pershing at his own request.
The excellent showing made by American troops in the Aisne-Marne Offensive gave Pershing an opportunity to press
again for the formation of an independent American army. Preliminary steps in the organization of the American First
Army had been taken in early July 1918. On the 4th Lt. Col. Hugh A. Drum was selected as chief of staff and directed to
begin establishment of army headquarters. After conferences on 10 and 21 July, Foch agreed on the 22d to the formal
organization of the First Army, and to the formation of two American sectors-a temporary combat sector in the ChateauThierry region, where the already active I and III Corps could comprise the nucleus of the First Army, and a quiet sector
farther east, extending from Nomeny (east of the Moselle) to a point north of Saint-Mihiel-which would become the
actual theater of operations for the American Army as soon as circumstances permitted concentration of A.E.F. divisions
there. Orders issued on 24 July announced formal organization of the First Army, effective on 10 August; designated
Pershing as its commander; and located its headquarters at La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, west of Chateau-Thierry.
Stabilization of the Vesle River front in early August led Pershing to alter his plane for forming the First Army. Instead of
organizing it in the Chateau-Thierry region and then moving it eastward for the Saint-Mihiel Offensive, he secured Foch's
consent on 9 August to a build-up of First Army units in the vicinity of the Saint-Mihiel salient. Tentative plans for
reduction of the salient called for the concentration of three American corps (about 14 American and 3 French divisions)
on a front extending from Port-sur-Seille westward around the bulge to Watronville. Three American divisions would
remain on the Vesle front.
Meanwhile Allied forces, including American units operating in other sectors of the Western Front, were making
significant gains in the preliminary phases of the great final offensives. For the sake of clarity, the role of American units
in the Somme Offensive (8 August11 November), Oise-Aisne (18 August-11 November), and Ypres-Lys (19 August-11
November) Campaigns will be described briefly, before considering in more detail the activities of the main body of
A.E.F. troops in the Saint-Mihiel (12-16 September) and Meuse-Argonne (26 September-11 November) Campaigns.
Somme Offensive, 8 August - 11 November 1918
On 8 August the British began limited operations with the objective of flattening the Amiens salient. This attack marked
the beginning of the great Somme Offensive, which continued until hostilities ceased on 11 November. The British
Fourth Army, including the American 33d and 80th Divisions, struck the northwestern edge of the salient in coordination
with a thrust by the French First Army from the southwest. No artillery barrage preceded the attack to forewarn the
enemy. Some 600 tanks spearheaded the British assault, which jumped off during the thick fog. The completely
surprised Germans quickly gave up 16,000 prisoners as their positions were overrun. Ludendorff himself characterized 8
August as the "Black Day of the German Army." The Germans were forced to fal1 back to the old 1915 line, where they
reorganized strong defenses-in-depth. Haig then shifted his attack farther north to the vicinity of Arras on 21 August,
forcing the Germans to withdraw toward the Hindenburg Line. By the end of the month they had evacuated the whole
of the Amiens salient.
The drive to breach the main Hindenburg Line began at the end of September. The American II Corps (27th and 30th
Divisions), forming part of the British Fourth Army, attacked the German defenses along the line of the Cambrai-St.
Quentin Canal, capturing heavily fortified Bony and Bellicourt on the 29th. By 5 October the offensive had broken
through the Hindenburg Line, and the Allied forces advanced through open country to the Oise-Somme Canal (19
October). During this phase of the operations the 27th and 30th Divisions alternated in the line. When the American II
Corps was relieved on 21 October, it had served 26 days in the line and suffered 11,500 casualties.
The British advance in the Somme region continued until the Armistice, constituting the northern arm of Foch's great
pincers movement on the Germans' vital lateral rail communications system. The key junction at Aulnoye, southwest of
Maubeuge, was reached on 5 November. A total of about 54,000 Americans participated in the Somme Campaign.
Oise-Aisne, 18 August - 11 November 1918
In mid-August the French started a series of drives on their front, which extended about 90 miles from Reims westward
through Soissons to Ribecourt on the Oise River. These operations continued into late September, when they merged
into Foch's great final offensive of October-November. Five French armies (from right to left the Fifth, Sixth, Tenth,
Third, and First) advanced abreast, in coordination with the British on the Somme to the north and the Americans to the
The American 32d Division was a part of the French Tenth Army, which spearheaded the penetration of the enemy's
main line on 22 August. The 32d was instrumental in the capture of Juvigny on 30 August, which secured tactically
important high ground for the Allies. The German front was so badly breached that the enemy was compelled to
abandon the Vesle River line. On 9 September the 32d Division was ordered east to join the American First Army.
The American III Corps (28th and 77th Divisions) was a part of the French Sixth Army east of Soissons, which held in late
August the western part of the Vesle River sector extending from Braine to Courlandon. As the Germans retired from the
Vesle northward to the Aisne valley in early September, the III Corps took part in the aggressive pursuit operations. Its
two divisions carried out successful local attacks, but failed to break into the German line before they were relieved to
join the American First Army-the 28th on 7-8 September and the 77th on 14-16 September.
No American divisions participated in the subsequent Oise-Aisne operations, which by 11 November had carried the
French armies to the Belgian border. A total of about 85,000 Americans took part in the Oise-Aisne Campaign.
Ypres-Lys 19 August - 11 November 1918
That part of the Western Front extending from the English Channel south through Ypres, and thence across the Lye River
to the vicinity of Arras, was manned by an army group under King Albert of Belgium composed of Belgian, British, and
French armies. In late August and early September the British Second and Fifth Armies, assisted by the American II Corps
(27th and 30th Divisions), wiped out the Lys salient. When the Germans began retiring in the sector south of the Lys in
October to shorten their lines, King Albert's army group attacked along its entire front. By 20 October Ostend and Bruges
had been captured and the Allied left was at the Dutch frontier. In mid-October Pershing dispatched two American
divisions-the 37th and 91st-to the French Army of Belgium, at Foch's request, to give impetus to the drive to cross the
Scheldt (Escaut) southwest of Ghent. A general attack began in this area on 31 October and continued intermittently
until hostilities ended on 11 November. The 37th Division forced a crossing of the river southeast of Heurne on 2
November and another farther north at the site of the destroyed Hermelgem-Syngem bridge on 10 November.
Casualties of the two divisions in these operations totaled about 2,600. From 19 August to 11 November about 108,000
Americans participated in the Ypres-Lys Campaign.
Saint-Mihiel, 12 - 16 September 1918
By September 1918, with both the Marne and the Amiens salients eliminated, there remained but one major threat to
lateral rail communications behind the Allied lines-the old Saint-Mihiel salient near the Paris-Nancy line. Active
preparations for its reduction began with the transfer of Headquarters First Army, effective 13 August, from La Fertésous-Jouarre in the Marne region to Neufchateau on the Meuse, immediately south of Saint-Mihiel. On 28 August the
first echelon of headquarters moved closer to the front at Ligny-en-Barrois.
American unite from Flanders to Switzerland were shifted into the area near the salient. The fourteen American and four
French divisions assigned to the First Army for the operation contained ample infantry and machinegun units for the
attack. But because of the earlier priority given to shipment of infantry (at the insistence of the British and French) the
First Army was short of artillery, tank, air and other support units essential to a well-balanced field army. The French
made up this deficiency by loaning Pershing over half the artillery and nearly half the airplanes and tanks needed for the
Saint-Mihiel operation.
Shortly before the offensive was to begin, Foch threatened once again to disrupt Pershing's long-held desire to carry out
a major operation with an independent American force. On 30 August the Allied Commander in Chief proposed to
exploit the recently gained successes on the Aisne-Marne and Amiens fronts by reducing the size of the Saint-Mihiel
attack and dividing the American forces into three groups-one for the salient offensive and two for fronts to the east and
west of the Argonne Forest. Pershing, however, remained adamant in his insistence that the First Army should not now
be broken up, no matter where it might be sent into action. Fina1ly a compromise was reached. The Saint-Mihiel attack
was subordinated to the much larger offensive to be launched on the Meuse-Argonne front in late September, but the
First Army remained intact. Pershing agreed to limit his operations by employing only the minimum force needed to
reduce the salient in three or four days. Simultaneously he was to prepare his troops for a major role in the MeuseArgonne drive.
The Saint-Mihiel offensive began on 12 September with a threefold assault on the salient. The main attack was made
against the south face by two American corps. On the right was the I Corps (from right to left the 82d, 90th, 5th, and 2d
Divisions in line with the 78th in reserve) covering a front from Pont-à-Mousson on the Moselle westward to Limey; on
the left, the IV Corps (from right to left the 89th, 42d, and 1st Divisions in line with the 3d in reserve) extending along a
front from Limey westward to Marvoisin. A secondary thrust was carried out against the west face along the heights of
the Meuse, from Mouilly north to Haudimont, by the V Corps (from right to left the 26th Division, the French 15th
Colonial Division, and the 8th Brigade, 4th Division in line with the rest of the 4th in reserve). A holding attack against
the apex, to keep the enemy in the salient, was made by the French II Colonial Corps (from right to left the French 39th
Colonial Division, the French 26th Division, and the French 2d Cavalry Division in line). In First Army reserve were the
American 35th, 80th, and 91st Divisions.
Tota1 Allied forces involved in the offensive numbered more than 650,000-some 550,000 American and 100,000 Allied
(mostly French) troops. In support of the attack the First Army had over 3,000 guns, 400 French tanks, and 1,500
airplanes. Col. William Mitchell directed the heterogeneous air force, composed of British, French, Italian, Portuguese,
and American units, in what proved to be the largest single air operation of the war. American squadrons flew 609 of the
airplanes, which were mostly of French or British manufacture.
Defending the salient was German "Army Detachment C," consisting of eight divisions and a brigade in the line and
about two divisions in reserve. The Germans, now desperately short of manpower, had begun a step-by-step withdrawal
from the salient only the day before the offensive began. The attack went so well on 12 September that Pershing
ordered a speedup in the offensive. By the morning of 13 September the 1st Division, advancing from the east, joined
hands with the 26th Division, moving in from the west, and before evening all objectives in the salient had been
captured. At this point Pershing halted further advances so that American units could be withdrawn for the coming
offensive in the Meuse-Argonne sector.
This first major operation by an American Army under its own command took 16,000 prisoners at a cost of 7,000
casualties, eliminated the threat of an attack on the rear of Allied fortifications at Nancy and Verdun, greatly improved
Allied lateral rail communications, and opened the way for a possible future offensive to seize Metz and the Briey iron
Meuse-Argonne, 26 September - 11 November 1918
At the end of August Marshal Foch had submitted plane to the national commanders for a final offensive along the
entire Western Front, with the objective of driving the enemy out of France before winter and ending the war in the
spring of 1919. The basis for his optimism was the success of Allied attacks all along the front in August. Furthermore, he
pointed out, the Allies already had active operations in progress between the Moselle and Meuse, the Oise and Aisne,
and on the Somme and Lys Rivers. Foch acknowledged that the Germans could stave off immediate defeat by an orderly
evacuation combined with destruction of materiel and communications. Therefore the overall aim of the fall offensive
would be to prevent a step-by-step enemy retirement. As Foch anticipated, the Germans eventually contributed to the
success of his strategy. Their High Command could not bring itself to sacrifice the huge stores collected behind the front
lines, and so delayed the withdrawal of its armies.
Foch's great offensive, planned to begin in the last week of September, called for a gigantic pincers movement with the
objective of capturing Aulnoye and Mézières, the two key junctions in the lateral rail system behind the German front.
Lose of either of these junctions would hamper seriously the German withdrawal. Despite grumbling from the English
that they lacked the necessary manpower, a chiefly British army was assigned the teak of driving toward Aulnoye. The
A.E.F. was designated for the southern arm of the pincers, the thrust on Mézières. Simultaneously the Belgian-FrenchBritish army group in Flanders would drive toward Ghent, and the French armies in the Oise-Aisne region would exert
pressure all along their front to lend support to the pincers attack. .
Pershing decided to strike his heaviest blow in a zone about 20 miles wide between the Heights of the Meuse on the
east and the western edge of the high, rough, and densely wooded Argonne Forest. This is difficult terrain, broken by a
central north-south ridge that dominates the valleys of the Meuse and Aire Rivers. Three heavily fortified placesMontfaucon, Cunel, and Barricourt-as well as numerous strong points barred the way to penetration of the elaborate
German defenses in depth that extended behind the entire front. This fortified system consisted of three main defense
lines backed up by a fourth line less well-constructed. Pershing hoped to launch an attack with enough momentum to
drive through these lines into the open area beyond, where his troops could then strike at the exposed German flanks
and, in a coordinated drive with the French Fourth Army coming up on the left, could cut the Sedan- Mézières railroad.
The task of assembling troops in the concentration area between Verdun and the Argonne was complicated by the fact
that many American unite were currently engaged in the Saint-Mihiel battle. Some 600,000 Americans had to be moved
into the Argonne sector while 220,000 French moved out. Responsibility for solving this tricky logistical problem fell to
Col. George C. Marshall, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 (Operations), First Army. In the ten-day period after Saint-Mihiel the
necessary troop movements were accomplished, but many untried divisions had to be placed in the vanguard of the
attacking forces.
On the 20-mile Meuse-Argonne front where the main American attack w to be made, Pershing disposed three corps side
by side, each with three divisions in line and one in corps reserve. In the center was the V Corps (from right to left the
79th, 37th, and 91st Divisions with the 32d in reserve), which would strike the decisive blow. On the right was the III
Corps (from right to left the 33d, 80th, and 4th Divisions with the 3d in reserve), which would move up the west aide of
the Meuse. On the left was the I Corps (from right to left the 35th, 28th, and 77th Divisions with the 92d in reserve),
which would advance parallel to the French Fourth Army on its left. Eastward across the Meuse the American front
extended in direct line some 60 miles; this sector was held by two French Corps (IV and II Colonial) and the American IV
Corps in the Saint-Mihiel sector. Pershing had available to support his offensive nearly 4000 guns, two-thirds manned by
American artillerymen; 190 light French tanks, mostly with American personnel; and some 820 aircraft, 600 of them
flown by Americans.
The Meuse-Argonne Offensive falls into three phases. During the initial phase (26 September-3-October) the First Army
advanced through most of the southern Meuse-Argonne region, captured enemy strong points, seized the first two
German defense lines, and then stalled before the third line. Failure of tank support, a difficult supply situation, and the
inexperience of American troops all contributed to checking its advance.
In the second phase (4-31 October) the First Army, after the inexperienced divisions had been replaced by veteran units,
slowly ground its way through the third German line. The enemy was forced to throw in reserves, drawn from other
parts of the front, thus aiding the Allied advances elsewhere. In the face of a stubborn defense, American gains were
limited and casualties were severe, especially as a result of the newly devised enemy tactic of attacking frontline troops
with airplanes. First Army air unite retaliated with bombing raids which broke up German preparations for
counterattacks. By the end of October the enemy had been cleared from the Argonne and First Army troops were
through the German main positions. Two notable incidents of this phase of the campaign were the fight of the "Lost
Battalion" of the 77th Division (2-7 October), and the feat of Corp. (later Sgt.) Alvin C. York, who single-handedly killed
15 Germans and captured 132 on 8 October.
In mid-October the organization of the Second Army was completed, at Toul in the Saint-Mihiel sector, to provide means
for better control of the lengthening American front and solutions of the diverse tactical problems that it presented.
Pershing assumed command of the new army group thus formed.
Before the third and final phase (1-11 November) of the offensive got under way, many of the exhausted divisions of the
First Army were replaced, roads were built or repaired, supply was improved, and most Allied units serving with the
A.E.F. were withdrawn. On 1 November First Army units began the assault of the now strengthened German fourth line
of defense. Penetration was rapid and spectacular. The V Corps in the center advanced about six miles the first day,
compelling the German units west of the Meuse to withdraw hurriedly. On 4 November the III Corps forced a crossing of
the Meuse and advanced northeast toward Montmédy. Elements of the V Corps occupied the heights opposite Sedan on
7 November, thus finally accomplishing the First Army's chief mission-denial of the Sedan- Mézières railroad to the
Germans. Marshal Foch, at this juncture, shifted the First Army left boundary eastward so that the French Fourth Army
might capture Sedan, which had fallen to the Prussians in 1870. American units were closing up along the Mouse and,
east of the river, were advancing toward Montmédy, Briny, and Metz, when hostilities ended on 11 November.
General Pershing authorized the results of the Meuse-Argonne Campaign, the greatest battle in American history up to
that time, in his Final Report: "Between September 26 and November 11, 22 American and 4 French divisions, on the
front extending from southeast of Verdun to the Argonne Forest, had engaged and decisively beaten 47 different
German divisions, representing 25 percent of the enemy's entire divisional strength on the western front.
The First Army suffered a loss of about 117,000 in killed and wounded. It captured 26,000 prisoners, 847 cannon, 3,000
machineguns, and large quantities of material." More than 1,200,000 Americans had taken part in the 47-day campaign.
Vittorio Veneto, 24 October - 4 November 1918
Late in the war, Americans participated on a limited scale in campaigns in Italy. The 332d Regiment (largely from Ohio)
with attached hospital troops was sent from the A.E.F. to the Italian Front in July 1918 for the morale effect which it was
hoped that the sight of Americana would have on the Italians. This force of about 1,200 men took part in the last great
Italian offensive against the Austrians, the Battle of Vittorio Veneto.
More Information
Researchers desiring further information on military medals, awards, and decorations are encouraged to visit the
following Wikipedia pages:
U. S. Military Medals
Authorized foreign medals
Newspaper Index
Bloomdale Derrick
October 31, 1918
Private Alvia J. Pelton, Headquarters Detachment, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, September 4, 1918, pg. 1
"Push Pick," somewhere in France, pg. 1
Private Elza R. Spackey, Base Hospital No. 60, September 4, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Ralph E. Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, September 8, 1918, pg. 1
November 8, 1918
Sergeant Don Fry, Co. C, 131st Engineers, Le Mans, France, September 27, 1918, pg. 1
November 15, 1918
Merril Dunn, 349th Field Hospital, 313th Sanitary Train, 88th Division, somewhere in France, October 12, 1918,
pg. 1
November 22, 1918
Private George W. Wisely, Co. G, 26th Engineers, somewhere in France, October 5, 1918, pg. 1
"Naval Bandmaster on Furlough," Frank Wade Simon, U.S.S. Seattle, pg. 1
November 29, 1918
"First to Die from Wounds," Stephen Petoff, pg. 1
December 6, 1918
Private Roy E. Loucks, 6th Regt. F.A.R.D., 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, pg. 1
December 13, 1918
Private Clifford F. Hurrel, Battery C, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France, October 19, 1918,
pg. 1
Sergeant Ralph E. Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 15, 1918, pg. 1
"Another Soldier Died," Private Dale A. Slotterbeck, 4th Battalion, 1st Provisional Brigade, Camp Jackson, pg. 1
"Pastor's Son Died of Wound," Private Dwight R. Hillery, 58th Co., U.S. Marine Corps, pg. 1
December 20, 1918
Corporal Raymond E. Turner, Headquarters Co., Field Artillery Replacement Regiment, Camp Hunt, A.E.F., pg. 1
Corporal Carl D. Bronson, Battery A, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, France, October 3, 1918, pg. 1
Fireman, Third Class Herbert A. Turner, U.S.S. Arizona, somewhere at sea, October 27, 1918, pgs. 1 and 10
January 3, 1919
Sergeant Don Fry, Co. C, 131st Engineers, LeMans, France, November 22, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Ralph E. Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, November 27, 1918, pg. 1
January 10, 1919
Corporal Carl D. Bronson, Battery A, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, Camp Souge, Bordeaux, France,
December 4 and 10, 1918, pgs. 1 and 4
Fireman, Third Class Herbert A. Turner, U.S.S. Arizona, in foreign waters, December 2, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Victor E. Baker, Co. A, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, Thielt, Belgium, November 24, 1918,
pg. 1
January 24, 1919
Private Herschel C. Rose, 5th Field Artillery Battery, R.R., somewhere in France, December 24, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant H.H. Fitzpatrick, Battery C, 12th Field Artillery, 2nd Division, St. Georges, France, December 23, 1918,
pg. 1
Jesse Beam, Maure, France, November 23, 1918, pg. 1
January 31, 1919
Sergeant Ralph E. Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Bussy Le Grand, France, December 11, 1918, pg. 1
Corporal Raymond E. Turner, Headquarters Co., Field Artillery Replacement Regiment, Le Courneau, France,
December 7, 1918, pg. 1
February 7, 1919
Corporal Victor E. Baker, Co. A, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, Bergues, France, December 27, 1918, pg. 1
Private Harry S. Pelton, Co. M, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Fiume, Austria, December 14, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
February 14, 1919
Sergeant Ralph E. Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Bussy Le Grand, France, January 1, 1919, pg. 1
Corporal Hubert H. Retlinger, P.E.S., Nancy, France, January 2, 1919, pg. 1
Corporal Victor E. Baker, Co. A, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, pg. 1
February 28, 1919
Private Howard Brandeberry, Battery F, 27th Field Artillery, Camp Sherman, Ohio, February 24, 1919, pg. 1
Corporal Carl D. Bronson, Battery A, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, Camp Stuart, Virginia, February 16, 1919,
pg. 1
Nurse Esther Martha Palmer, France, January 15, 1919, pg. 1
Corporal Victor E. Baker, Co. A, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, St. Quen, France, January 23, 1919, pgs. 1 and
March 14, 1919
Roland R. Emerson, Kurft, Germany, January 8, 1919, pgs. 1 and 4
Sergeant Ralph Esli Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Bussy Le Grand, France, January 25, 1919, pg. 4
March 21, 1919
Private Harry S. Pelton, Co. M, 332nd Infantry, Genoa, Italy, February 23, 1919, pg. 1
April 4, 1919
Sergeant Ralph Esli Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Menetoy, France, February 16, 1919, pg. 1
April 11, 1919
Corporal Raymond E. Turner, Headquarters Co., Field Artillery Replacement Regiment, Camp De Souge, France,
February 19, 1919, pg. 1
"Esther Palmer Returns," pg. 1
April 19, 1919
Fireman, Second Class Fred Otto Dennis, U.S.S. Arkansas, March 29, 1919, pg. 1
May 2, 1919
Sergeant Ralph Esli Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Menetoy, France, March 29, 1919, pg. 4
May 16, 1919
Sergeant Ralph Esli Simon, Co. K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Menetoy, France, April 13, 1919, pg. 1
May 23, 1919
Corporal Raymond E. Turner, Headquarters Co., Field Artillery Replacement Regiment, France, April 19, 1919, pg.
Bradner Advocate
January 10, 1919
Private First Class Charles R. Ryder, Headquarters Co., 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France,
December 18, 1918, pgs. 1 and 4
Corporal Lawrence S. Molter, Co. D, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Hulste Belgium, November 29, 1918, pg. 4
January 24, 1919
Private First Class Alva Duquette, Headquarters Troop, 83rd Division, Le Mans, France, December 14, 1918, pg. 1
"Ray Fowler to be discharged soon," pg. 1
January 31, 1919
Private Iler M. Hathaway, Co. M, 126th Infantry, 32nd Division, some town in Germany, December 14, 1918, pg.
Private George Delmar Sager, Co. I, 61st Infantry, 5th Division, Alleray, France, December 27, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
Fireman Second Class Noble Franklin Bell, U.S. Navy, Great Lakes, Illinois, January 23, 1919, pg. 8
February 7, 1919
Corporal Leo S. Ostrander, Co. A, 39th Infantry, 4th Division, November 3, 1918 and December 23, 1918, pg. 8
February 21, 1919
Private Edward P. Whelan, Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, Milliers, France, January 16, 1919, pgs. 1 and 8
"Leo Gregg is home on furlough: Gassed and wounded by machine gun bullets," pg. 1
"Boys are coming home," pg. 1
Private George Delmar Sager, Co. I, 61st Infantry, 5th Division, Alleray, France, January 2, 1919, pg. 8
March 14, 1919
"Boys are coming back from the Army, Navy," pg. 1
Private Haven D. Smith, Headquarters Co., 151st Field Artillery, 42nd Division, Nauenahr, Germany, pg. 1
Private First Class Norman Black, Section 2, 310th Repair Unit, Motor Transport Corps, Coblenz, Germany, pg. 12
March 28, 1919
Fireman Second Class Noble Franklin Bell, U.S.S. Magnolia, March 18, 1919, pg. 1
April 11, 1919
Private First Class Leo S. Ostrander, Co. A, 39th Infantry, 4th Division, Neuenahr, Germany, March 19, 1919, pg. 1
April 18, 1919
"Planted Trees as memorial to Bradner's Fallen heroes: Sergeant Albert P. Bowe and Charles Ervin Koons, Wesley
Saam," pg. 1
April 25, 1919
Fireman Second Class Noble Franklin Bell, U.S. Navy, Boston, Massachusetts, April 11, 1919, pg. 1
Custar News
January 2, 1918
Private Herman M. Adler, Battery B, 9th Regiment, Coast Artillery, somewhere in France, December 1, 1917, pg.
January 16, 1918
"Poem from Chillicothe," Private George Friess, Co. A, 308th Ammunition Train, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman,
Ohio, pg. 1
February 13, 1918
Corporal Leo M. Bauerschmidt, Co. M, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, January 13, 1918, pg. 1
Private H.J. Korts, Aux. Remount No. 325, Camp Logan, Texas, January 31, 1918, pg. 1
April 24, 1918
Private Ralph P. Claggett, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Allentown, Pennsylvania, March 15, 1918, pg. 1
May 8, 1918
Private John P. Nagel, 16th Co., 4th Training Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio,
pg. 1
Deshler Flag
October 4, 1918
Letter, Terry D. Norcross, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Gale V. Wren, August 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Denzil C. Smith, August 26, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Fred H. Brubach, August 26, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Wilbur H. Young, September 6, 1918, pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, Joseph N. Bauerschmidt, September 29, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Irvan H. Ziegler, September 1, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry A. Wilson, August 26, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry A. Wilson, September 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry A. Wilson, September 2, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry A. Wilson, September 5, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry A. Wilson, September 7, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Orson Poley, September 26, 1918, pg. 8
Article, Henry Tobias, pg. 8
October 18, 1918
Letter, Ernest H. Ferrell, September 8, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Ernest H. Ferrell, September 15, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Lawrence A. Wagler, July 31, 1918, pgs. 1 & 5
Letter, Roy Stiles, August 12, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Lawrence A. Wagler, August 14, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Lawrence A. Wagler, August 18, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, John F. Stevenson, September 10, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Cloyce D. LaRue, September 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Bruce LaRue, October 1918, pg. 5 & 8
Letter, Bruce LaRue, October 11, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry D. Sterling, October 2, 1918, pg. 8
November 15, 1918
Letter, Stephen R. Brown, November 6, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Dennis J. Hill, October 3, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Frank S. Collins, October 4, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Albert Kress, October 10, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Ferris W. Myrice, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Ernest G. Schweibert, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Ernest G. Schweibert, n.d., pg. 1
Article,_________ Otwell, pg. 5
November 22, 1918
Article, G.J. Norcross, pg. 1
December 27, 1918
Letter, George Ray Kline, November 26, 1918, pg. 1
Howard F. Reese, October 27, 1918, pg. 1
January 10, 1919
Article, Henry Lanzer, pg. 1
January 17, 1919
Letter, Albert F. Litchner (Terry D. Norcross), January 12, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Grover Cleveland Butler, pg. 1
January 24, 1919
Article, Lyman Fenstermaker, pg. 1
January 31, 1919
Letter, Cloyce D. LaRue, n.d., pg. 1
February 5, 1919
Article, J. Roy Hoskinson, pg. 1
February 14, 1919
Article, August F. Fry, pg. 1
Letter, Carl C. Kipp, December 26, 1919, pg. 5
Letter, Harry A. Wilson, December 27, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, George E. Freed, December 1, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Ernest G. Schwiebert, December 28, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Francis A. Orthwein, January 13, 1919, pg. 6
February 21, 1919
Article, Cloyce D. LaRue, pg. 1
Article, Orra L. Norris, pg. 1
Article, Waltz W. Norris, pg. 5
February 28, 1919
Letter, Howard F. Reese, February 3, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, George, December 29, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Homer Woodruff, January 16, 1919, pg. 1
March 14, 1918
Letter, Irvan H. Ziegler, January 16, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Virgil H. Finney, February 1, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, William F. Hemry, February 22, 1919, pg. 1
March 21, 1919
Letter, Arthur F. Williams (Terry D. Norcross), March 14, 1919, pg. 1
March 28, 1919
Letter, Mallie V. Winkle, February 20, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Homer L. Rader, March 4, 1919, pg. 1
Article, 6th Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
April 4, 1919
Letter, Clifford Fortune, March 29, 1919, pg. 1
April 11, 1919
Letter, Fred & Verne Bowman, January 7, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Melvin M. Brown, March 8, 1919, pg. 1
April 18, 1919
Article, Gale V. Wren, pg. 1
Article, Denzil C. Smith, pg. 1
Article, Lawrence A. Webster, pg. 1
Letter, Harold F. Madden, January 29, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Denzil C. Smith, pg. 4
April 25, 1919
Letter, Worth C. Coutney, March 5, 1919. pg. 1
Letter, John W. Hite, February 11, 1919, pg. 1
Poem, Louis Thome, pg. 1
Letter, Orlo E. Bishop, March 23, 1919, pg. 1
May 23, 1919
Article, Arthur L. Dilsaver, pg. 1
May 30, 1919
Letter, Marion J. Creager, April 27, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Melvin M. Brown, April 21, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Myron Hanna, pg. 5
Article, George Zimmerman, pg. 5
Article, Lincoln A. Stevenson, pg. 5
July 11, 1919
Letter, Ralph Waldo LaRue, June 15, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Harry D. Wood, pg. 1
Letter, Bruce LaRue, June 13, 1919, pg. 1
November 6, 1919
Letter, Bruce LaRue, September 7, 1919, pg. 1
March 18, 1920
Article, Bruce LaRue, pg. 1
Grand Rapids Press
October 4, 1917
Sergeant Harry B. Souders, Battery B, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Montgomery, Alabama, September 26,
1917, pg. 1
Private Otto Graff, 4th Artillery Ammunition Training Company, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division,
Montgomery, Alabama, September 23, 1917, pg. 1
November 8, 1917
Sergeant Harry B. Souders, Battery B, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sherdian, Alabama, no date, pg.
November 15, 1917
Sergeant Harry B. Souders, Battery B, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 5,
1917, pg. 8
March 7, 1918
Private Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, February
26, 1918, pg. 1
Private Edmund E. Schuster, Headquarters Company, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan,
Alabama, pg. 1
March 14, 1918
Corporal Joseph L. Culbertson, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, March 3, 1918, pg. 1
Private Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, March 2, 1918, pg. 1
March 21, 1918
Private Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, no date, pg. 1
Matilda Harris, U.S. Army nurse, February 15, 1918, pg. 1
March 28, 1918
Private Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, March 17, 1918, pg. 1
April 18, 1918
Private Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, no date, pg. 1
April 25, 1918
Robert Downing, no place, no date, pg. 4
Private Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, no date, pg. 8
July 25, 1918
Private Carey M. Roberts, 840th Aero Squadron, June 23, 1918, pg. 8
August 8, 1918
Sergeant Leo Garry, somewhere in France, June 27, 1918, pg. 8
Private Walter H. Downing, 657th Aero Squadron, somewhere in England, July 4 and 12, 1918, pg. 8
Private Carey M. Roberts, 840th Aero Squadron, somewhere in England, July 6, 1918, pg. 8
August 15, 1918
Private First Class Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, July 7, 1918, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant Terry D. Norcross, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 1
October 10, 1918
Private Henry Tonjes, Co. A, 8th Corps Artillery Park, Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, September 29, 1918, pg.
October 24, 1918
Private John W. Hite, Evacuation Hospital No. 13, somewhere in France, September 15, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, September 15,
1918, pg. 8
November 14, 1918
Corporal Harley Gill, Co. C, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 1
Sergeant Joseph L. Culbertson, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 1
November 21, 1918
Private Ralph Gray, Co. I, 746th Motor Transport Corps, Camp Johnston, Florida, no date, pg. 1
Private Clare Egbert Huffman, Barracks Detachment, U.S. Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November
5, 1918, pg. 1
Private Glenn Huffman, Columbus, Ohio, November 9, 1918, pg. 1
Corporal Earl C. Neifer, Aviation Barracks, Ohio State University, S.A.T.C., November 1, 1918, pg. 1
November 28, 1918
Corporal Howard Guy Finkenbeiner, Co. F, 16th Infantry, 1st Division, somewhere in France, October 17, 1918,
pg. 4
December 12, 1918
Private Henry Carman, Co. E, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 24, 1918, pg. 1
January 2, 1919
Private First Class Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in Belgium, November 27,
1918, pg. 1
Corporal Fred Bentley, Co. B, 11th Infantry, 6th Division, somewhere in France, November 23, 1918, pg. 1
January 30, 1919
Private First Class Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Zeggen-Cappel, France, December 29,
1918, pg. 8
February 6, 1919
Private Azor D. Sheffield, Co. D, 3rd Supply Train, 3rd Division, somewhere in Germany, no date, pg. 1
Corporal Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Zeggen-Cappel, France, December 23, 1918, pg.
Private Carey M. Roberts, 840th Aero Squadron, Latecey, France, December 23, 1918, pg. 1
February 13, 1919
Private Peter Bentley, Battery C, 151st Field Artillery, 42nd Division, Heimershiem, Germany, December 27,
1918, pg. 1
February 20, 1919
Private Azor D. Sheffield, Co. D, 3rd Supply Train, 3rd Division, Mayen, Germany, January 22, 1919, pg. 8
February 27, 1919
Sergeant D.R. McLain, 159th Depot Brigade, Headquarters, 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Zachary Taylor,
Kentucky, February 19, 1919, pg. 1
March 13, 1919
Corporal Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Qouillet, France, February 1, 1919, pg. 1
April 24, 1919
"Reception to Corp. Haight, pg. 1
Henry County Review
July 5, 1917
Letter, Burdette M. Young, June 28, 1917, pg. 1
August 23, 1917
Article, John M. Dunnigan, pg. 1
November 15, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, n.d., pg. 1
November 29, 1917
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, n.d., pg. 4
December 6, 1917
Letter, John M. Dunnigan, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Allen Reel, November 26, 1917, pg. 4
Letter, Burdette M. Young, November 28, 1917, pg. 4
Letter, Arnold H. Peper, November 29, 1917, pg. 4
Letter, James W. Medley, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, W.E. Edwards, November 30, 1917, pg. 4a
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, n.d., pg. 4a
December 13, 1917
Letter, William E. Kelly, December 9, 1917, pg. 4
Letter, Edward L. Weisbecker, November 14, 1917, pg. 4
December 27, 1917
Letter, John L. Throm, December 16, 1917, pg. 1
Letter, John H. Curns, December 20, 1917, pg. 1
January 3, 1918
Letter, James W. Medley, December 26, 1917, pg. 1
Letter, Alpha Eugene Shivley, n.d., pg. 1
January 10, 1918
Letter, Roy Smith, November 10, 1917, pg. 1
January 24, 1918
Article, Burdette M. Young, pg. 1
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, n.d., pg. 8
February 14, 1918
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, n.d., pg. 8
February 28, 1918
Letter, Jean Chambrand, January 23, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, John M. Dunnigan, January 1918, pg. 1
Letter, John M. Dunnigan, n.d., pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, n.d., pg. 8
March 14, 1918
Letter, Henry W. Schorling, March 3, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, February 3, 1918, pg. 4
March 28, 1918
Letter, Raymond C. Giesige, n.d., pg. 1
May 2, 1918
Letter, William E. Kelly, April 1, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Carl F. Rothbart, April 28, 1918, pg. 5
May 9, 1918
Letter, Howard E. Fritch, May 1, 1918, pg. 1
May 16, 1918
Letter, Karl Geifser, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Clarence E. Roddy, April 12, 1918, pg. 1
May 23, 1918
Letter, Roscoe C. McKee, April 28, 1918, pg. 1
June 6, 1918
Article, John M. Dunnigan, pg. 1
Letter, Russell W. Bolley, May 25, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Russell W. Bolley, May 27, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Edward L. Weisbecker, May 12, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Howard E. Fritch, May 30, 1918, pg. 8
July 25, 1918
Letter, John H. Westrick, June 24, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Raymond Kemmer, July 7, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, William A.H. Barth, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Louis Spurgeon, July 1918, pg. 4
August 1, 1918
Letter, Frank J. Hohenbrink, July 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Henry D. Bischoff, June 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Howard Frederick Laub, n.d., pg. 8
August 8, 1918
Letter, Carl C. Trietch, June 29, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Frank Wahl, July 10, 1918, pg. 5
August 15, 1918
Letter, Arthur A. Yetter, July 5, 1918, pg. 8
August 29, 1918
Letter, Otto H. Barnes, July 27, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Raymond Kemmer, August 25, 1918, pgs. 1 & 5
September 5, 1918
Letter, William J. Baker, August 29, 1918, pg. 4
September 12, 1918
Letter, Bertis M. Carlson, September 2, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Robert A. Graver, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, William Romes, July 29, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Otto H. Barnes, n.d., pg. 1
September 19, 1918
Letter, Earl J. Smith, August 10, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, David J. Weaver, August 4, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Russell W. Bolley, August 1918, pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, Maurice D. Brannan, August 5, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry, September 13, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Bertis M. Carlson, September 12, 1918, pg. 8
September 26, 1918
Letter, Louis Spurgeon, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, William H. Kipp, August 22, 1918, pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, Lucian E. Marchal, August 26, 1918, pg. 8
October 3, 1918
Letter, Frank Wahl, August 15, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Louis Spurgeon, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Russell W. Bolley, August 20, 1918, pg. 1
October 24, 1918
Letter, Lucian E. Marchal, September 6, 1918, pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, George W. Wahl, September 19, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Henry D. Bischoff, September 24, 1918, pg. 8
October 31, 1918
Letter, Sylvester J. Diemer, September 20, 1918, pg. 1
November 7, 1918
Letter, Alphonso C. Westrick, September 11, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Dallas G. Greenler, October 8, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Alvy Thayer, October 3, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Alvy Thayer, October 11, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Bert Weitzykoski, October 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, David Hill, September 19, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Alvy Thayer, September 29, 1918, pg. 5
November 14, 1918
Letter, Urban Groll, October 3, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Urban Groll, October 18, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Charles W. Sauer, October 15, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Charles W. Sauer, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Warren L. McIntire, pg. 4
Letter, Bertis M. Carlson, October 5, 1918, pg. 8
November 28, 1918
Letter, Harland E. Graver, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, John A. Bischoff, October 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, W.E. McPfheeters (Frederick H. Kraegal), October 22, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, T.H. Montgomery (Frederick H. Kraegal), October 23, 1918, pg. 1
December 5, 1918
Letter, Frank Wahl, November 3, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Frank Wahl, November 4, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Rolland T. Porter, November 5, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Carl C. Kipp, November 8, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, William H. Engle, October 24, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, David J. Weaver, November 8, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, William Pfau, October 28, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Fred H. Brase, October 19, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Charles W. Sauer, November 5, 1918, pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, Herman A. Barth, October 27, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, John A. Krohn, October 28, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Carl C. Rennecker, November 1, 1918, pgs. 8 & 4
Letter, Frank A. Smith, November 13, 1918, pg. 4
December 19, 1918
Letter, Arnold, November 12, 1918, pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, William A.H. Barth, November 10, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, David J. Weaver, n.d., pg. 8
Letter, William H. Kipp, November 4, 1918, pgs. 8 & 4
Letter, Herman A. Barth, November 13, 1918, pg. 4
December 26, 1918
Letter, Rolland T. Porter, n.d., pgs. 8 & 4
Letter, Cleveland C. Engle, November 13, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William H. Engle, November 14, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William H. Engle, November 23, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, David J. Weaver, November 26, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, R.K. Massie (__________, Helberg (Holgate)), December 7, 1918, pg. 4
January 2, 1919
Letter, William Romes, December 1, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, David J. Weaver, n.d., pg. 8
Letter, Lucian E. Marchal, November 23, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry A. Parker, November 15, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Herman A. Barth, December 8, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, William A.H. Barth, December 8, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Lucian E. Marchal, November 28, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harvey A. Geiger, November 25, 1918, pg. 8
January 9, 1919
Letter, Clarence, December 31, 1918, pg. 5
January 16, 1919
Letter, David J. Weaver, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Herman A. Barth, December 18, 1918, pg. 1
January 23, 1919
Article, James F. Earp, pg. 1
Letter, Arnold R. Setzer, December 22, 1918, pg. 8
January 30, 1919
Letter, Henry D. Bischoff, December 29, 1918, pg. 1
Article, John A. Bischoff, pg. 1
Letter, Clarence Keeterle, December 31, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Frederick M. Romes, December 29, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, William Romes, January 1, 1919, pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, Edward Crews (Emil Groll), January 4, 1919, pg. 8
Letter, John A. Bischoff, December 30, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Cleveland C. Engle, December 31, 1918, pg. 8
February 6, 1919
Letter, Henry D. Bischoff, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Fred H. Brase, December 30, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Tulloss T. Cromly, December 7, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Clarence Klingshirn, December 27, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Clarence Klingshirn, January 3, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Cleveland C. Engle, n.d., pgs. 1 & 8
Letter, Frank A. Smith, January 2, 1919, pg. 8
February 13, 1919
Poem, James McCrilles, pg. 1
Letter, George W. Wahl, December 15, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Harvey A. Geiger, January 10, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Charles H. Weber, January 31, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Ralph T. Diemer, January 17, 1919, pg. 2
February 20, 1919
Letter, George W. Wahl, January 1, 1919, pg. 1
February 27, 1919
Letter, Fred H. Brase, January 8, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Fred H. Brase, January 14, 1919, pg. 1
March 6, 1919
Letter, Carl C. Trietch, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, David J. Weaver, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, William H. Kipp, February 10, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, David J. Weaver, n.d., pg. 8
Letter, Harvey A. Geiger, n.d., pg. 8
March 13, 1919
Letter, Charles H. Weber, February 23, 1919, pg. 8
Letter, Paul Clairen (Raymond C. Giesige), February 4, 1919, pg. 8
March 27, 1919
Letter, Fred H. Brase, February 26, 1919, pg. 8
Letter, Fred H. Brase, March 5, 1919, pg. 8
April 4, 1919
Letter, John A. Bischoff, March 10, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Roy Smith, March 1919, pgs. 1 & 4
April 10, 1919
Letter, George W. Wahl, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Lury Gargan, March 9, 1919, pg. 8
Letter, Lury Gargan, March 9, 1919, pg. 8
April 17, 1919
Letter, Ralph T. Diemer, March 17, 1919, pg. 8
April 24, 1919
Letter, John H. Curns, March 29, 1919, pg. 8
June 26, 1919
Letter, John W. Medley, June 20, 1919, pg. 1
July 31, 1919
Article, Earl J. Smith, pg. 1
August 28, 1919
Letter, Edward Hoffman, July 20, 1919, pg. 1
Henry County Signal
April 5, 1917
Article, William Kimberly, pg. 1
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 4
June 14, 1917
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
August 30, 1917
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 3
September 13, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 4, 1917. pg. 8
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 7, 1917, pg. 8
September 27, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 23, pgs. 1 & 8
October 4, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 30, 1917, pg. 4
October 18, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, October 14, 1917, pg. 8
October 25, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, October 21, 1917, pgs. 1 & 8
November 1, 1917
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, October 26, 1917, pg. 4
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, October 28, 1917, pg. 8
November 15, 1917
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, November 6, 1917, pg. 2
Letter, Alfred F. Schlembach, n.d., pg. 2
Letter, Alton Hartman, n.d., pg. 2
November 22, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, November 12, 1917, pg. 8
November 29, 1917
Article, Carl F. Bargman, pg. 1
December 6, 1917
Article, Bruce A. Meekison, pg. 1
Letter, Fred H. Polker, November 3, 1917, pg. 1
Letter, Fred H. Polker, November 5, 1917, pg. 1
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
December 20, 1917
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 7
January 31, 1918
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, pg. 3
February 14, 1918
Letter, James Howard Hurd, January 5, 1918, pg. 2
February 21, 1918
Article, Herbert L. Evans, pg. 1
March 7, 1918
Letter, Edward Gibbs, February 1, 1918, pg. 3
April 18, 1918
Letter, Joseph N. Shaw, March 13, 1918, pg. 7
May 2, 1918
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, April 4, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Bert Gary Taylor, March 31, 1918, pg. 1
Article, Lloyd K. Bender, pg. 4
May 16, 1918
Letter, E.J. Emery, April 10, 1918, pg. 2
June 6, 1918
Letter, Gale A. Dawson, May 10, 1918, pg. 3
June 13, 1918
Letter, John H. Millholen, May 28, 1918, pg. 8
June 20, 1918
Letter, Gerald M. Donnelly, May 28, 1918, pg. 3
June 27, 1918
Article, Bert Gary Taylor, pg. 1
Letter, Ross Herr, June 16, 1918, pg. 7
July 4, 1918
Article, Sidney C. Roberts, pg. 1
Letter, Henry Bingel, June 23, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Austin M. Eisaman, June 30, 1918, pg. 4
July 11, 1918
Article, James Howard Hurd, pg. 1
Letter, Glenn M. Watson, July 1, 1918, pg. 1
July 18, 1918
Article, James Howard Hurd, pg. 1
Letter, James Emery, n.d., pg. 8
July 25, 1918
Letter, Irwin P. Scott, June 6, 1918, pg. 4
August 1, 1918
Letter, Charles, n.d., pg. 7
August 8, 1918
Letter, Floyd E. Myers, July 20, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, July 27, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Edward O.D. Evers, July 10, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, John Sherman Westfall, July 11, 1918, pg. 8
August 15, 1918
Letter, Jerry A. Teeple, August 10, 1918
Letter, Rene DeBreyne, August 8, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, August 2, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, June 11, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, July 4, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Fred P. Strole, July 7, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Fred P. Strole, July 11, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Fred P. Strole, July 14, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Fred P. Strole, July 17, 1918, pg. 8
August 22, 1918
Letter, Horace, August 9, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, July 18, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Gale A. Dawson, July 31, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, C.C. Armstrong, August 17, 1918, pg. 3
Letter Arkie H. Crosser, August 7, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, July 25, 1918, pg. 4
August 29, 1918
Letter, Harry C. Rook, August 25, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Thomas Sumner Tabler, August 1, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, August 4, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Vercoe O. Cunningham, July 22, 1918, pg. 3
September 5, 1918
Letter, Henry H. Wittenberg, August 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Henry H. Wittenberg, August 18, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Arthur B. Cupp, July 12, 1918, pg. 4
Article, August Badenhop, pg. 4
September 12, 1918
Letter, Byron C. Linthicum, August 26, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Charles C. Linthicum, July 31, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Arthur B. Cupp, August 4, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Arthur B. Cupp, August 16, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Vercoe O. Cunningham, August 23, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Duff G. Phillips (Karl Stewart McComb), August 16, 1918, pg. 4
September 19, 1918
Letter, B. Swatts (James Howard Hurd), August 11, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Claude M. Nichols, n.d., pg. 2
Letter, Albert R. Howe, September 10, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Albert D. Murphy, August 3, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Albert D. Murphy, August 6, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Glenn M. Watson, n.d., pg. 8
September 26, 1918
Letter, John H. Millholen, September 1, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Maurice E. Rowe, September 15, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Ray E. Spencer, September 15, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Olin E. Keller, August 30, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Leonard F. Sheats, August 7, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Leonard F. Sheats, August 12, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Leonard F. Sheats, August 18, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Thayer H. Evers, August 9, 1918, pg 7
Song, Thayer H. Evers, pg. 3
Letter, Robert J. Bissonnette, August 31, 1918, pg 7
October 3, 1918
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, August 28, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, August 31, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, James C. Netts, September 24, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Leo, September 10, 1918, pg. 4
Article, William Wayne Tobias, pg. 7
October 10, 1918
Letter, Earl J. Smith, September 6, 1918, pg. 3
October 17, 1918
Article, Eugene Elwood Ash, pg. 3
Letter, Byron C. Linthicum, October 8, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Charles C. Linthicum, September 12, 1918, pg. 3
October 24, 1918
Article, Ward Adams, pg. 1
Letter, E.J. Emery, September 16, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Clyde O. Watson, n.d., pg. 2
Letter, Engel Smit, September 18, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Jerry A. Teeple, October 13, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, ________ Kestler, October 13, 1918, pg. 8
October 31, 1918
Article: Robert Burns, pg. 1
Letter, Grace R. Singer, September 3, 1918, pg.7
Letter, Norman F. Miltz, September 21, 1918, pg 7
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, September 23, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Harry C. Rook, October 25, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, September 15, 1918, pg. 7
November 7, 1918
Article, Gilbert Andrew Baughman, pg. 1
Letter, John Henry A. Curdes, September 24, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Annie B. Kerk, September 23, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Laurence Dielman, October 9, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, John R. Quillman, September 1918, pg. 7
Letter, John R. Quillman, September 20, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Harry J. Meister, September 29, 1918, pg. 7
November 14, 1918
Letter, Elview L. Davis, September 20, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harley E. Ash, n.d., pg. 6
Letter, Arthur R. Reid, n.d., pg. 6
Letter, Harry J. Meister, October 4, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, September 21, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Floyd W. Hovey, n.d., pg. 6
Letter, Rolla Boulis, n.d., pg. 6
November 21, 1918
Article, Frederick H. Kraegel, pg. 1
Letter, Jap Evers, October 15, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, September 26, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, William Earl Farison, September 18, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Demosthenes Evers, October 15, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Arlo A. Emery, October 3, 1918, pg. 6
November 28, 1918
Letter, Arlo A. Emery, October 22, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, William Hoover, October 5, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, October 27, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Herbert Bichan, November 3, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Earl F. Lowry, October 25, 1918, pg. 3
December 5, 1918
Letter, George W. King, November 4, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, n.d., pg. 6
Letter, Harry R. Lowry, October 14, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, John A. Krohn, October 25, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Virgil Wilson, October 20, 1918, pg. 6
December 12, 1918
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, October 24, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Claude M. Nichols, October 22, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Ernest G. Davis, n.d., pg. 2
December 19, 1918
Article, Fred H. Polker, pg. 1
Article, Charles D. Baker, pg. 1
Article, Grant L. Baker, pg. 1
Letter, Fred P. Strole, November 8, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Olin E. Keller, November 14, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Harry R. Lowry, November 12, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Clarence Alfred Hardy, November 25, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Edward Sheffield Hartman, November 14, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Edward Sheffield Hartman, November 18, 1918, pg. 8
December 26, 1918
Article, Clarence Alfred Hardy, pg. 1
Letter, Henry Bingle, November 24, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Irwin P. Scott, November 29, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Arthur B. Cupp, November 27, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Thayer H. Evers, November 23, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Raymond Vandenbroek, November 20, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Rush Fye, November 24, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Carl Wistinghausen, November 24, 1918, pg. 8
January 2, 1919
Article, Olin E. Keller, pg. 1
Letter, George W. King, December 1, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, John H. Spencer, December 6, 1918, pg. 3
January 9, 1919
Article, Lester L. Grant, pg. 8
Article, Alfred H. Lankenau, pg. 8
January 16, 1919
Article, Harry R. Lowry, pg 1
Article, William Earl Farison, pg. 1
Article, Luther W. Clay, pg. 4
Article, Carl Babcock, pg. 4
Article, Melvin H. Rice, pg. 4
Article, Glen McBurney, pg. 4
Article, Floyd M. Guilinger, pg, 4
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, December 15, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, E.J. Emery, November 5, 1918, pg. 6
January 23, 1919
Article, William M. Nelson, pg. 1
Article, Frank E. Rowan, pg. 4
Article, Unknown, pg. 4
Article, John H. Sickmiller Jr., pg. 8
January 30, 1919
Article, Chas. A. Bahlman, pg. 1
Article, Robert S. Reinbolt, pg. 1
Article, William A. Winover, pg. 3
Article, Arthur B. Cupp, pg. 3
Article, Thomas Sumner Tabler, pg. 3
Article, F.J. Copeland, pg. 3
Letter, Robert J. Bissonnette, December 22, 1918
Article, Olin E. Keller, pg. 3
Article, Harry Luck, pg. 7
February 6, 1919
Article, Robert Burn, pg. 1
Letter, George W. King, December 23, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Ray Smith, December 25, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Max W. Waite, December 25, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Vernon Shelt, n.d., pg. 3
Letter, Don Plass, December 25, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Charles F. Hoffman, December 28, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, John Sherman Westfall, December 31, 1918, pg. 3
Article, Marion Bost, pg. 3
February 13, 1919
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, December 25, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, February 2, 1919, pg. 7
Letter, Carl F. Deimling, December 29, 1918, pg. 7
Article, Carl F. Bargman, pg. 7
February 20, 1919
Letter, Fred P. Strole, January 16, 1919, pg. 7
Article, Clifford E. Hines, pg. 7
Article, Henry A. Swin, pg. 7
Article, Norman F. Miltz, pg. 7
Article, Ervie E. Henderson, pg. 7
Article, Ray E. McCabe, pg. 7
Article, Leo W. Shondell, pg. 7
February 27, 1919
Article, Fred Riebesel, pg. 6
Article, Herbert Bichan, pg. 6
Article, Paul G. Fruchey, pg. 6
Article, Harry Felter, pg. 6
Letter, Irwin P. Scott, January 22, 1919, pg. 6
March 6, 1919
Letter, Henry H. Wittenberg, February 1, 1919, pg. 7
Article, Kenneth O. LeBay, pg. 7
Article, Harold A. Moudy, pg. 7
Article, Marley A. Kelley, pg. 7
Article, Edward Klopfenstein, pg. 7
March 13, 1919
Article, Jay W. Rasey, pg. 7
Article, Clarence Patrick, pg. 7
March 20, 1919
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, January 30, 1919, pg. 6
Letter, Virigl O. Warner, February 12, 1919, pg. 6
Letter, Jay Clewell, February 23, 1919, pg. 6
Article, Fred H. Polker, pg. 6
Article, Charles D. Baker, pg. 6
March 27, 1919
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
Article, Clifford Fortune, pg. 7
Article, Virgil Wilson, pg. 7
Article, Robert O. Fortune, pg. 7
Article, Link F. Schlosser, pg. 7
Article, Thomas S. Bichan, pg. 7
Article, Arthur Rayle, pg. 7
Letter, Norman F. Miltz, n.d., pg. 7
April 3, 1919
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
Letter, Jess Emery, March 9, 1919, pg. 7
Article, Ray Nelson Frank, pg. 7
Letter, Clyde Bonnough, April 9, 1919, pg. 7
April 10, 1919
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
Letter, Arkie H. Crosser, March 9, 1919, pg. 7
Letter, Arkie H. Crosser, March 11, 1919, pg. 7
Article, Harry F. Knepley, pg. 7
April 17, 1919
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pgs. 1 & 4
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
April 24, 1919
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
Letter, Clyde Bonnough, April 17, 1919, pg. 7
May 1, 1919
Article, Harry R. Lowry, pg. 1
Article, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
May 22, 1919
Article, Carl Zimmer, pg. 1
Article, 32nd Division, pg. 6
Letter, Gordon H. Steele (Robert S. Reinbolt), April 22, 1919, pg. 8
June 5, 1919
Article, Fred P. Strole, pg. 1
June 12, 1919
Article, John H. Millholen, pg. 1
June 26, 1919
Letter, One of Them, June 6, 1919, pg. 6
July 31, 1919
Letter, John Henry A. Curdes, July 1, 1919, pg. 7
August 7, 1919
Article, Herbert L. Evans, pg. 6
Article, 26th Division, pg. 8
October 2, 1919
Article, Alfred H. Lankenau, pg. 6
Maumee Advance Era
October 12, 1917
Article, Ralph Charles, pg. 1
October 26, 1917
Letter, Charles Schnapp, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Donald H. Powell, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, R. R. Howard, September 29, 1917, pg. 1
November 16, 1917
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Arthur Titus Rogers, pg. 1
Letter, Paul Durfee Cone, n.d., pg. 1
November 23, 1917
Article, Alph Omego Heffelfinger, pg. 1
November 30, 1917
Article, Floyd L. Gunn, pg. 1
Article, Adonis A. Mathewson, pg. 1
December 7, 1917
Article, Herman M. Allemeier, pg. 1
Article, Camille K. Botte, pg. 1
Article, Lawrence Ernest Wynocker, pg. 1
Article, Charles Schnapp, pg. 1
Article, Lawrence M. Pauken, pg. 1
Letter, Ray J. Harper, November 11, 1917, pg. 1
Letter, Lloyd T. Harris, pg. 1
January 11, 1918
Letter, Lawrence M. Pauken, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Harry Richard Taubken, pg. 1
Article, Florent Renaux, pg. 1
Article, Prentiss Paul Pangratz, pg. 1
Article, Arthur Cranker, pg. 1
January 25, 1918
Letter, Charles Schnapp, January 17, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Camille K. Botte, December 24, 1917, pg. 1
Article, Harry Richard Taubken, pg. 1
February 8, 1918
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, February 1, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, R. R. Howard, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Paul E. Chambers, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Florent Renaux, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Grafton L. Mouen, pg. 1
February 15, 1918
Letter, Grafton L. Mouen, February 5. 1918, pg. 1
Letter, A. L. Moore, n.d., pg. 1
Article, James E. Curry, pg. 1
Article, Milo Turner, pg. 1
February 22, 1918
Article, Timothy F. Harrington, pg. 1
Article, Walter Nottage Jr., pg. 1
March 1, 1918
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Grafton L. Mouen, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Florent Renaux, February 22, 1918, pg. 1
April 12, 1918
Article, William Jones, pg. 1
Article, Howard Waffle, pg. 1
Letter, Paul Durfee Cone, April 4, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Howard W. Rhinehalt, April 7, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Camille K. Botte, n.d., pg. 1
April 19, 1918
Letter, William H. Charter, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, April 18, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Lysle A. Griggs, April 4, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Roswell W. Comstock, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Clarence M. Gibbs, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Camille K. Botte, pg. 1
Article, Edward W. Childs, pg. 1
Article, Elmer Desandro, pg. 1
Article, Ernest LeFevre, pg. 1
April 26, 1918
Letter, Frank W. Pore, April 15, 1918, pg. 1
May 3, 1918
Article, Karl Albert Loesch, pg. 1
Article, Raymond Merickel, pg. 1
May 10, 1918
Letter, William H. Charter, May 11, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, William H. Charter, May 12, 1918, pg. 1
May 17, 1918
Letter, Roswell W. Comstock, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Camille K. Botte, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Florent Renaux, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Paul Jones Heymann, pg. 1
June 14, 1918
Article, Nelson Carl Sasse, pg. 1
June 21, 1918
Article, George White, pg. 1
Article, John Wagner, pg. 1
Article, Wesley P. Klar, pg. 1
Article, Roland Smith, pg. 1
June 28, 1918
Letter, Grafton L. Mouen, June 20, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Karl Albert Loesch, n.d., pg. 1
Article, George White, pg. 1
Article, John Wagner, pg. 1
Article, Ralph Emerson McCabe, pg. 1
Article, Rupert Robert Herman, pg. 1
July 5, 1918
Letter, William H. Charter, June 5, 1917, pg. 1
Letter, William H. Charter, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Florider Aigrisse, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, John Wagner, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Harold C. Wood, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, George White, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Camille K. Botte, pg. 1
Article, Frank W. Pore, pg. 1
July 12, 1918
Article, Edward Charles Doyle, pg. 1
July 19, 1918
Article, Edward Charles Doyle, pg. 1
Letter, Douglass K. Johnstone (Charles Doyle), July 8, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, T. C. Turner (Charles Doyle), July 8, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, June 21, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, George A. Engle, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Arthur Titus Rogers, n.d., pg. 1
July 26, 1918
Letter, William Kaseman, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Alph Omego Heffelfinger, pg. 1
August 2, 1918
Article, Walter Getz, pg. 1
Article, Ray J. Harper, pg. 1
Article, Arnold Navarre, pg. 1
August, 9, 1918
Letter, William H. Charter, June 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, William H. Charter, June 28, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Adonis A. Mathewson, July 4, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Archibald B. Creps, July 1, 1918, pg. 1
August, 16, 1918
Letter, Cyrill R. Schuster, July 20, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Mayme O'Connell, July 5, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, July 11, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Florent Renaux, June 20, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Reuben Hubert Dart, n.d., pg. 1
August 23, 1918
Letter, Cyrill R. Schuster, July 24, 1918, pg. 1
Article, Emile Kurtz, pg. 1
Article, Fred Francis, pg. 1
August 30, 1918
Letter, Clarence M. Gibbs, July 21, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, George A. Engle, July 30, 1918, pg. 1
Article, Edward Seese, pg. 1
September 6, 1918
Letter, Minot Wilcox Patchin, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Louis A. Pilliod, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Archibald B. Creps, July 6, 1918, pg. 1
September 13, 1918
Letter, William H. Charter, July 22, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, William H. Charter, July 15, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Prentiss Paul Pangratz, July 24, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Prentiss Paul Pangratz, July 31, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Elvie Dan Bush, August 10, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Charles Schnapp, August 8, 1918, pg. 1
Article, Peter Brahier, pg. 1
Article, Louis Pauken, pg. 1
September 20, 1918
Letter, Paul Durfee Cone, August 8, 1918, pg. 1
September 27, 1918
Letter, Frank W. Pore, August 24, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, n.d., pg. 1
October 4, 1918
Letter, Stephen A. Weis, September 5, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Marcellinus Pilliod, August 24, 1918, pg. 1
October 11, 1918
Letter, Lysle A. Griggs, August 1918, pg. 1
Article, Clarence Collier, pg. 1
October 18, 1918
Article, William H. Charter, pg. 1
October 25, 1918
Letter, Prentiss Paul Pangratz, September 14, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Prentiss Paul Pangratz, September 23, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Prentiss Paul Pangratz, September 24, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Cyrill R. Schuster, September 24, 1918, pg. 1
November 1, 1918
Letter, Lyssle A. Griggs, October 7, 1918, pg. 1
November 8, 1918
Letter, Roswell W. Comstock, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Roswell W. Comstock, pg. 1
November 15, 1918
Letter, James W. Cass, October 7, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, John F. Loesch, October 21, 1918, pg. 1
November 22, 1918
Article, Paul Durfee Cone, pg. 1
November 29, 1918
Article, Paul Durfee Cone, pg. 1
Letter, F. A. Tucker (Paul Durfee Cone), October 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Adonis A. Mathewson, October 25, 1918, pg. 1
December 6, 1918
Letter, Camille K. Botte, November 10, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Archibald B. Creps, October 14, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Charles Schnapp, October 15, 1918, pg. 1
December 13, 1918
Article, Paul Durfee Cone, pg. 1
Letter, Carl F. Cooke. n.d., pg. 1
December 20, 1918
Letter, Roswell W. Comstock, November 18, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, George A. Engle, n.d., pg. 1
December 27, 1918
Letter, Stewart Winning McClelland, November 21, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Grafton L. Mouen, December 1, 1918, pg. 1
Article, Elmer Savory, pg. 1
January 3, 1919
Letter, Frank W. Pore, November 24, 1918, pg. 1 & 8
Letter, Edmund E. Schuster, November 26, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, A. R. Schuster, November 2, 1918, pg. 8
January 10, 1919
Letter, Paul Folckemer, December 9, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Henry L. Herman, December 8, 1918, pg. 1
Article, Orville Dame, pg. 1
Article, Earl P. McCabe, pg. 1
January 17, 1919
Letter, Robert A. Campbell, November 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Camille K. Botte, December 9, 1918, pg. 1
January 31, 1919
Article, Elvie Dan Bush, pg. 1
February 7, 1919
Letter, Cyrill R. Schuster, January 12, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Leo M. Weis, December 31, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Stephen A. Weis, January 5, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Timothy F. Harrington, December 24, 1918, pg. 1
February 14, 1919
Letter, Florent Renaux, January 6, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Lysle A. Griggs, January 17, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Clarence M. Gibbs, pg. 1
February 21, 1919
Article, Omar F. Schuster, pg. 1
Article, Fred W. Sasse, pg. 1
Article, T. J. Sullivan, pg. 1
Article, Clarence M. Gibbs, pg. 1
Article, Arthur Titus Rogers, pg. 1
Article, Walter Getz, pg. 1
Article, Frank Kiefer, pg. 1
Article, Grafton L. Mouen, pg. 1
Letter, Elvie Dan Bush, January 19, 1919, pg. 1
February 28, 1919
Article, Harold D. Bailey, pg. 1
March 7, 1919
Letter, James E. Curry, n.d., pg. 1 & 4
Article, Albert Eicher, pg. 4
March 14, 1919
Article, Dr. J. U. Schnetzler, pg. 1
Letter, Stephen A. Weis, February 7, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Leo M. Weis, February 14, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Leroy A. Prahl, February 22, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Louis A. Pilliod, pg. 1
Article, Walter Getz, pg. 1
Article, Clarence E. Rohr, pg. 1
March 21, 1919
Letter, Guy A. Cellars (William Charter), February 24, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Hugh Clark Stuntz (William Charter), February 20, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Elvie Dan Bush, February 22, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Nelson Carl Sasse, February 17, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Camille K. Botte, pg. 1
Article, Frank W. Pore, pg. 1
March 28, 1919
Article, Ira Friend, pg. 1
Article, Archibald B. Creps, pg. 1
Article, Ira Hawks, pg. 1
Article, Edmund E. Schuster, pg. 1
Article, Carl F. Cooke, pg. 1
Article, George A. Engle, pg. 1
Article, Frank Marschka, pg. 1
Article, James W. Cass, pg. 1
Article, Leo M. Weis, pg. 1
April 4, 1919
Article, J. Richard Carter, pg. 1
April 11, 1919
Article, Roswell W. Comstock, pg. 1
Article, James Hawks, pg. 1
Article, Henry Hoste, pg. 1
Article, Frank J. Martin, pg. 1
April 18, 1919
Article, Archibald B. Creps, pg. 1
Article, Carl F. Cooke, pg. 1
Article, Frank W. Pore, pg. 1
April 25, 1919
Article, Archibald B. Creps, pg. 1
Article, Carl F. Cooke, pg. 1
Article, Julius W. Ellsworth, pg. 1
Article, Emile Kurtz, pg. 1
Article, Ralph Charles, pg. 1
Article, Frank Marchka, pg. 1
May 2, 1919
Article, Fred C. Holland, pg. 1
Article, Charles Schnapp, pg. 1
May 9, 1919
Article, Paul E. Chambers, pg. 1
May 23, 1919
Letter, Camille K. Botte, May 26, 1919, pg. 1
May 30, 1919
Letter, Camille K. Botte (William Charter), May 11, 1919, pg. 1
Article, Elmer Desandro, pg. 1
Article, Rosswell W. Comstock, pg. 1
June 6, 1919
Letter, Lysle A. Griggs, May 12, 1919, pg. 1
July 7, 1919
Article, Stewart Winning McClelland, pg. 1
July 18, 1919
Article, Minot Wilcox Patchin, pg. 1
Article, Henry S. Curtis, pg. 1
August 1, 1919
Article, Walter Nottage, Jr., pg. 1
Napoleon Northwest News
May 24, 1917
Letter, Ralph Hampton, May 2, 1917, pg. 7
August 16, 1917
Article, Company F, 133rd Infantry, pg. 1
August 30, 1917
Article, Company F, 133rd Infantry, pg. 1
September 6, 1917
Article, Company E, 329th Infantry, pg. 1
September 13, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 4, 1917, pg. 7
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 7, 1917, pg. 7
September 20, 1917
Article, Company F, 133rd Infantry, pg. 1
September 27, 1917
Letter, Ralph Hampton, August 28, 1917, pg. 1
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 23, 1917, pg. 5
October 4, 1917
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, September 30, 1917, pg. 8
October 11, 1917
Article: 166th Infantry, pg. 4
October 18, 1917
Letter, Everett L. McClure, October 11, 1917, pg. 1
Letter, Verne C. Mohr, October 12, 1917, pg. 7
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, October 14, 1917, pg. 7
October 25, 1917
Letter, Richard Kester, n.d., pg. 1
Article, Company F, 133rd Infantry, pg. 1
Letter, Alfred F. Schlembach, n.d., pg. 7
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, October 21, 1917, pg. 8
November 1, 1917
Letter, Calvin, Funkhouser, October 26, 1917, pg. 5
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, October 28, 1917, pg. 9
November 15, 1917
Letter, Ralph Hampton, October 14, 1917, pg. 5
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, November 6, 1917, pg. 9
Letter, Bruce A. Meekison, n.d., pg. 9
November 22, 1917
Letter, Edmund Harris Sites, November 14, 1917, pg. 6
November 29, 1917
Article, Company E, 329th Infantry, pg. 1
December 6, 1917
Article, Company E, 329th Infantry, pg. 1
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, November 22, 1917, pg. 7
Letter, Your Boy, November 29, 1917, pg. 7
December 13, 1917
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, n.d., pg. 6
Letter, Edmund Harris Sites, December 4, 1917, pg. 9
December 20, 1917
Letter, Harry F. Knepley, November 24, 1917, pg. 5
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, November 14, 1917, pg. 5
Letter, Unknown, December 18, 1917, pg. 8
January 10, 1918
Letter, Unknown, n.d., pg. 7
Letter, Ralph Hampton, December 9, 1917, pg. 7
Letter, Carl, December 26, 1917, pg. 7
January 17, 1918
Letter, Lewis Bacthal, n.d., pg. 7
January 24, 1918
Letter, Edmund Harris Sites, n.d., pg. 7
Letter, Harry F. Knepley, December 1917, pg. 7
Letter, Roy Smith, November 10, 1917, pg. 8
January 31, 1918
Letter, Arthur G. Norden, December 21, 1917, pg. 5
Article, 4th Company, Supply Train Division, pg. 7
February 7, 1918
Letter, Ralph Hampton, December 30, 1917, pg. 7
February 14, 1918
Letter, Karl Stewart McComb, December 30, 1917, pg. 7
Letter, James H. Hurd, January 5, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, January 7, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, n.d., pg. 7
February 28, 1918
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, n.d., pg. 6
March 7, 1918
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, February 24, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, February 24, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Clarence O. Walter, February 1, 1918, pg. 6
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, January 22, 1918, pg. 7
March 14, 1918
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, February 3, 1918, pg. 11
Letter, Glenn, March 3, 1918, pg. 11
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, March 7, 1918, pg. 11
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, March 11, 1918, pg. 11
March 21, 1918
Letter, Karl Stewart McComb, February 3, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, William McKinley Robinson, March 5, 1918, pg. 7
March 28, 1918
Article, Company E, 329th Infantry, pg. 1
Letter, Lewis Bacthal, February 13, 1918, pg. 5
April 4, 1918
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, February 26, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Ralph Hampton, February 6, 1918, pg. 8
April 11, 1918
Letter, George A. Richard, n.d., pg. 2
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, April 5, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Ora Lewis Bachtal, March 10, 1918, pg. 8
April 25, 1918
Letter, Fred Bahlman, March 18, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Lewis Bacthal, March 13, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Robert Bloomfield Yeager, April 21, 1918, pg. 7
May 2, 1918
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, April 5, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Your Brother (Jay W. Rasey), March 31, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, April 27, 1918, pg. 9
May 9, 1918
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, April 5, 1918, pg. 7
May 23, 1918
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, May 16, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Oscar E. Hoffman, April 28, 1918, pg. 11
Letter, Clyde H. Creager, May 12, 1918, pg. 12
Letter, Clyde H. Creager, May 14, 1918, pg. 12
Letter, Clyde H. Creager, May 15, 1918, pg. 12
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, May 16, 1918, pg. 12
May 30, 1918
Letter, Okey E. Babcock, May 26, 1918, pg. 7
June 6, 1918
Letter, Gale A. Dawson, May 10, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Charles C. Romaker, May 31, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Robert E. Lowry, May 30, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, June 1, 1918, pg. 4
June 13, 1918
Letter, Charles C. Romaker, June 5, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Unknown, June 6, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Ralph Miller, May 12, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Ray E. McCabe, June 6, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Clarence O. Walters, May 12, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Unknown, n.d., pg. 8
June 20, 1918
Article, Bert Gary Taylor, pg. 1
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 5
Article, Company F, 133rd Infantry, pg. 5
Letter, Gerald M. Donnelly, May 28, 1918, pg. 5
June 27, 1918
Letter, Neff Theodore Dietrich, June 15, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Ross Herr, June 16, 1918, pg. 4
July 4, 1918
Letter, Karl Stewart McComb, June 8, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Otto H. Buchhop, June 24, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, May 22, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, May 30, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Ralph Hampton, May 12, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Austin M. Eisaman, June 30, 1918, pg. 4
July 11, 1918
Letter, Hubert L. Shank, July 1, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Milton P. Hain, April 7, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Glenn M. Watson, July 1, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clyde H. Creager, June 28, 1918, pg 4
Letter, Clyde H. Creager, July 1, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clyde H. Creager, July 3, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clyde H. Creager, July 4, 1918, pg 4
Letter, Link F. Schlosser, June 6, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Albert Kline, May 28, 1918, pg. 8
July 18, 1918
Letter, Edmund Harris Sites, July 13, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Clifford Carlile, July 5, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Harmon Herr, June 19, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Harmon Herr, June 27, 1918, pg. 7
July 25, 1918
Article, Company E, 329th Infantry, pg. 1
Letter, Clare W. Kime, July 19, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Clyde O. Watson, July 14, 1918, pg. 3
August 1, 1918
Letter, Ralph Miller, June 10, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Glenn M. Watson, July 20, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Lewis V. Henderson, July 22, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Ross Herr, July 13, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harris, July 25, 1918, pg. 5
August 8, 1918
Letter, Monk Dielman, July 18, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Edward O.D. Evers, July 10, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Pearl R. Creager, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Henry W. Rothbart, July 26, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, G.F. Vajen, July 7, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Hubert L. Shank, July 29, 1918. pgs. 1 & 5
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, July 27, 1918, pg. 5
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 8
August 15, 1918
Letter, Dexter B. King, July 27, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William Rothbart, July 31, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William Rothbart, August 4, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Chauncey Blair, July 17, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, June, 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Cecil A. Click, July 7, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Bert A. Carlile, July 16, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Unknown, August 4, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Leslie L. Thompson, July 16, 1918, pg. 4
August 22, 1918
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, August 3, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, July 18, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Jacob Willeman, July 15, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Dexter B. King, August 4, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William M. Hitts, June 23, 1918, pg. 4
August 29, 1918
Letter, Vercoe O. Cunningham, July 22, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Dexter B. King, August 11, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Ray E. McCabe, July 14, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Ray E. McCabe, July 23, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Walter W. Westhoven, July 21, 1918, pg. 8
Letter, Arthur John Polker, n.d., pg. 8
Letter, Gale A. Dawson, July 31, 1918, pgs. 8 & 3
Letter, Dale L. Neff, July 30, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, July 25, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, August 4, 1918, pg. 3
September 5, 1918
Article: Karl Stewart McComb, pg. 1
Article: August Badenhop, pg. 1
Letter, G.F. Vajen, August 4, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, G.F. Vajen, August 10, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Otto H. Barnes, July 27, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Dexter B. King, August 17, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Francis A. Orthwein, August 1, 1918, pg. 4
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 8
Letter, Will, n.d., pg. 8
September 12, 1918
Article, Karl Stewart McComb, pg. 1
Letter, Karl Stewart McComb, August 3, 1918, pgs. 1 & 2
Letter, Duff G. Phillips, August 16, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Frank M. Radel, August 31, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Arthur R. Reid, August 3, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harry J. Meister, August 28, 1918, pg. 5
September 19, 1918
Letter, Ralph M. Jennings, August 28, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harry J. Meister, August 25, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Carl Biggins, August 20, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Bert A. Carlile, August 12, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clifford Carlile, August 21, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, David Hill, August 10, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Ross Herr, September 1, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Earl F. Lowry, August 6, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Glenn M. Watson, n.d., pg. 4
September 26, 1918
Letter, Robert J. Bissonnette, August 31, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, August 28, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Dexter B. King, September 2, 1918, pg, 4
Letter, Olin E. Keller, August 30, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Henry W. Rothbart, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Unknown, August 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Okey E. Babcock, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Virgil Wilson, August 13, 1918, pg. 4
October 3, 1918
Article, William Wayne Tobias, pg. 3
Letter, Maurice E. Rowe, September 15, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harold F. Miller, September 18, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, B. Stuart Watts (James Hurd), August 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Jay Howard (James Hurd), August 23, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William H. Murdock, August 12, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Frank H. Loitz, September 3, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, L.J. Slosser, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, September 10, 1918, pg. 4
October 9, 1918
Article, Frank Albert Wright, pg. 2
Article, Harley Hoy, pg. 2
Letter, Edward O.D. Evers, August 6, 1918, pg. 4
Article, Oscar C. Knepley, pg. 6
Article, Cloyd Rakestraw, pg. 7
October 17, 1918
Letter, Everett D. Hoy, September 8, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Paul W. Otte, October 2, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harrison Guinther Travis, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Russell W. Rowe, September 2, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, August 23, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, August 28, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Ford L. Lazenby, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Albert Kline, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Clyde D. Van Tassel, n.d., pg. 4
Article, Oscar C. Knepley, pg. 7
Article, Fred Dannenbery, pg. 8
October 24, 1918
Letter, Otis Bokerman, September 1, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Laurence, Dielman, September 14, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Ralph A. Steiger, September 23, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clifford Carlile, October 6, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, John A. Bishop, September 15, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clarence Henry Yeager, October 10, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Robert Bloomfield Yeager, October 10, 1918, pg. 4
Article, Thomas Leo Navin, pg. 6
Article, Eula Saygers, pg. 9
October 31, 1918
Letter, Grace R. Singer, September 3, 1918, pg 1
Letter, Guy A. Miller, October 2, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Henry O. Bargman, September 18, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Charles E. Barton, September 25, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Clyde O. Watson, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, E.J. Emery, September 16, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Dale L. Neff, August 1, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Dale L. Neff, September 29, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Earl Hartman, September 30, 1918, pg. 1
Article, William E.G. Durant, pg. 3
Article, Eugene Elwood Ash, pg. 6
Article, Henry W. Glanz, pg. 10
Letter, Harry J. Meister, September 29, 1918, pg. 12
November 7, 1918
Letter, William J. Demster, October 30, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Harley E. Ash, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, September 23, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, John Henry A. Curdes, September 24, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, September 15, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Jacob Willeman, September 28, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Thaddeus E. Miller, September 21, 1918, pg. 4
Article, Gilbert Bachman, pg. 5
Article, John H. Sickmiller Jr., pg. 5
Article, Albert B. Shoemaker, pg. 6
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, September 26, 1918, pg. 10
Letter, Milo Davis, September 26, 1918, pg. 10
Letter, Arastine Walters, October 20, 1918, pg. 10
November 14, 1918
Letter, Clarence F. Fawley, October 8, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Clarence F. Fawley, n.d., pg. 5
Letter, Raymond F. Delventhal, October 10, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, October 12, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, n.d., pg. 5
Letter, Allie R. Swin, October 16, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Rolla Boulis, September 21, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, September 21, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, James W. Ingle, October 27, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Henry Rohrs, October 8, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Fred W. Kolbe, October 20, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Laurence Dielman, October 9, 1918, pg. 5
November 21, 1918
Letter, Demosthenes, September 30, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Jap, October 1, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Jap, October 2, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Jake Beard, October 10, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Fred Wilcox, October 17, 1918, pg. 5
November 28, 1918
Letter, Arthur R. Reid, August 9, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Edmund Harris Sites, November 18, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Fred W. Smith, n.d., pg. 5
Letter, Walter Dee Rockwell, n.d., pg. 5
Letter, Floyd V. Smith, September 24, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Carl H. Warncke, November 8, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, November 4, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, October 27, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Herbert Bichan, n.d., pg. 5
Letter, Don C. Orwig, November 23, 1918, pg. 7
December 5, 1918
Article, Don C. Orwig, pg. 1
Article, Carl Babcock, pg. 1
Article, Chas. Bahlman, pg. 1
Letter, George W. King, November 4, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, William A. Winover, November 10, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Harry Armbruster, November 3, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Uriel D. Conn, November 5, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, W.E. McPheeters (Frederick H. Kraegel), October 22, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, T.H. Montgomery (Frederick H. Kraegel), October 23, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Henry Rohrs, October 29, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Fred J. Dorsey, October 26, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Charles J. Downard, n.d., pg. 5
Letter, Donald Ruch, n.d., pg. 5
December 12, 1918
Article, Company E, 329th Infantry, pg. 1
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 1
Letter, John A. Krohn, October 28, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Roy B. Heckler, November 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clarence F. Fawley, November 10, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Clarence F. Fawley, November 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, October 24, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Virgil Wilson, November 12, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harry J. Meister, October 27, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Bert A. Carlile, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Clifford Carlile, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Myrl E. Robinson, October 30, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William M. Hitts, November 4, 1918, pg. 4
December 19, 1918
Article, Fred H. Polker, pg. 1
Article, Charles D. Baker, pg. 1
Letter, Ralph M. Jennings, November 7, 1918, pg. 5
Letter, Charles J. Downard, October 23, 1918, pg. 5
December 26, 1918
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 1
Letter, Verne C. Mohr, November 29, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Jay Arnold Andrew, November 17, 1918, pg. 7
Letter, Oscar E. Hoffman, November 9, 1918, pg. 8
January 2, 1919
Article, Olin E. Keller, pg. 1
Letter, George W. King, December 1, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Floyd W. Philo, November 25, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Verne C. Mohr, November 24, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Verne C. Mohr, November 11, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Bert A. Carlile, November 28, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Melvern E. Windnagel, November 13, 1918, pg. 4
January 9, 1919
Article, John H. Sickmiller Jr., pg. 1
Letter, William H. Murdock, December 14, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Carl F. Wistinghausen, December 3, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Edward O.D. Evers, November 22, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Edward O.D. Evers, November 24, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Standley Wolfe (Gilbert Baughman), November 25, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Alphonso C. Westrick, November 24, 1918, pg. 4
January 16, 1919
Letter, Luther W. Clay, n.d., pg. 1
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, December 15, 1918, pg. 1
Letter, Carl Zimmer, December 1, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Carl H. Vajen, November 27, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Albert Kline, December 14, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Roy B. Heckler, December 14, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Myrl E. Robinson, November 24, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, William M. Hitts, December 24, 1918, pg. 4
January 23, 1919
Letter, Mary Rowan, December 3, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Ernest R. Miller, December 1918, pg. 4
January 30, 1919
Letter, Glen A. Overhulse, December 18, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Glen A. Overhulse, December 25, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Edward O.D. Evers, n.d., pg. 4
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, January 4, 1919, pg. 4
Letter, Glenn M. Watson, December 22, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Fred J. Dorsey, December 26, 1918, pg. 4
February 6, 1919
Letter, George W. King, December 23, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Roy B. Heckler, December 31, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Carl C. Rennecker, November 24, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Carl C. Rennecker, December 30, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Harold F. Miller, January 1, 1919, pg. 4
February 13, 1919
Letter, Arthur R. Reid, December 31, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Charles J. Downard, n.d., pg. 5
Letter, Clarence F. Fawley, January 5, 1919, pg. 5
Letter, Clarence F. Fawley, January 13, 1919, pg. 5
Letter Virgil O. Warner, December 25, 1918, pg. 5
Letter Virgil O. Warner, January 6, 1919, pg. 5
Article, Company E, 329th Infantry, pg. 11
Letter, Leo W. Shondell, February 2, 1919, pg. 11
Letter, Vernon L. Herr, January 14, 1919, pg. 11
Letter, Cecil A. Glick, February 5, 1919, pg. 11
February 20, 1919
Letter, Louis C. Kretz, January 19, 1919, pg. 4
Letter, Louis V. Henderson, January 17, 1919, pg. 4
Letter, Henry A. Swin, December 25, 1918, pg. 4
Letter, Dewey C. Nulton, January 12, 1919, pg. 4
February 27, 1919
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, January 18, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Ammasa D. Gunter, January 23, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Forrest M. Carroll, January 9, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Calvin Funkhouser, February 1 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Robert J. Bissonnette, January 21, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, John H. Millholen, January 27, 1919, pg. 3
March 6, 1919
Letter, W.R. Casteel Jr. (August Badenhop), February 24, 1919, pg. 1
Letter, Clifford Carlile, February 6, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Ralph Miller, January 27, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Lester C. Gunter, December 22, 1918, pg. 3
Letter, Lester C. Gunter, January 30, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Wallace Cowdrick, February 7, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Verne C. Mohr, February 1919, pg. 3
March 13, 1919
Letter, Ralph M. Jennings, December 31, 1918, pg. 2
Letter, Ralph M. Jennings, January 20, 1919, pg. 2
Letter, Forrest M. Carroll, January 28, 1919, pg. 2
Letter, Francis A. Orthwein, January 13, 1919, pg. 4
Letter, Arlo A. Emery, November 30, 1918, pgs. 4 & 5
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, January 30, 1919, pg. 5
Letter, Virgil O. Warner, February 12, 1919, pg. 5
Letter, Leslie C. Thorne, January 23, 1919, pg. 5
Letter, Carl Rosebrock, February 17, 1919, pg 5
Letter, Everett L. McClure, February 19, 1919, pg. 5
Letter, Robert J. Bissonette, February 22, 1919, pg. 5
March 27, 1919
Letter, Joseph Chester Scofield, February 23, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Prudence Ward McLeglan (Annie Abbott), February 27, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Orland W. Eisaman, February 23, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Orland W. Eisaman, February 24, 1919, pg. 3
Letter, Arthur F. Williams (Terry D. Norcross), March 14, 1919, pg. 3
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 5
April 3, 1919
Letter, Harry O. Long, February 23, 1919, pg. 6
Letter, Albert W. Meyer, March 6, 1919, pg. 6
Letter, Lester Carroll, March 29, 1919, pg. 6
April 10, 1919
Letter, Wallace Cowdrick, March 3, 1919, pg. 5
April 17, 1919
Letter, Wallace Cowdrick, March 20, 1919, pg. 3
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 7
April 24, 1919
Letter, Joseph Chester Scofield, March 24, 1919, pg. 1
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 5
Article, 4th Company, Supply Train Division, pg. 5
Letter, D.C. Bressler, March 12, 1919, pg. 9
April 31, 1919
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 5
May 8, 1919
Article, 147th Infantry, pg. 1
Letter, Earl B. Hale, April 12, 1919, pg. 3
May 22, 1919
Article, Cecil A. Glick, pg. 8
June 26, 1919
Letter, Wallace Cowdrick, May 30, 1919, pg. 1
July 24, 1919
Letter, John Henry A. Curdes, July 6, 1919, pg. 1
September 25, 1919
Article, Cecil A. Glick, pg. 5
October 2, 1919
Article, Gilbert Andrew Baughman, pg. 1
October 30, 1919
Letter, Merritt Conklin, September 8, 1919, pg. 5
North Baltimore Weekly Beacon
May 4, 1917
William H. Zorn, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Convalescent camp, Epsom, Surrey, England, no date, pg. 1
July 27, 1917
"Draft Hits North Baltimore Hard," pg. 1
August 31, 1917
"500 More Men Called," pg. 1
October 19, 1917
Private Raymond R. Johnson, Co. C, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, October 14, 1917, pg.
October 26, 1917
Private Merl M. Copus, 5th Co., 2nd Training Battalion, Depot Brigade, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 14,
1917, pg. 1
Seldon Shane, Co. C, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, October 21, 1917, pg. 1
November 2, 1917
William H. Zorn, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Epsom, Surrey, England, no date, pg. 1
December 7, 1917
Private Cecil J. Wilkinson, Sanitary Department, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, on board transport, no date, pgs.
1 and 2
January 11, 1918
"Home from the Trenches- William H. Zorn, a North Baltimore Boy, after 2 years' service in Canadian Infantry,"
pg. 1
January 18, 1918
Private Merl M. Copus, Co. I, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, January 9, 1918, pg. 1
April 12, 1918
Corporal Warren D. Rogers, Motor Reception Park, Base Section No. 4, A.E.F., somewhere in France, pg. 1
December 27, 1918
Private Oliver A. Harris, 4th Company, Service Battalion, 1st Replacement Depot, somewhere in France,
November 24, 1918, pg. 1
January 3, 1919
"Harry Abbott-home from France, discharged from Army because of wounds," pg. 1
January 17, 1919
Private Charles R. Stutz, Co. D, 52nd Infantry 6th Division, Arbot France, December 10, 1918, pg. 1
January 31, 1919
Sergeant First Class Russell R. Foley, Co. E, 1st Engineers, 1st Division, Wirges, Germany, December 15, 1918, pg.
February 7, 1919
Mechanic Cliff Brown, Co. A, 17th Machine Gun Battalion, 6th Division, Poinsenot, France, January 7, 1919, pg. 1
Private Arthur J. Dennis, Co. B, 129th Machine Gun Battalion, 35th Division, January 11, 1919, pg. 5
February 19, 1919
Private Larie Dale Schaufler, Co. D, 15th Machine Gun Battalion, 5th Division, Ehlange, Luxembourg, January 1
and 6, 1919, pg. 1
March 7, 1919
Seaman Frank Rufus Rider, U.S.N.S., Eastleigh, England, pg. 1
"The Castle of Ballon," by Edward C. Wrede, 30th Divisions, pgs. 1 and 8
March 14, 1919
Private Chester Francis, Co. B, 1st Battalion, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, near Archangel, Russia, February 1,
1919, pg. 1
Sergeant Russell R. Foley, Co. E, 1st Engineers, 1st Division, Wirges, Germany, January 9, 1919, pg. 1
March 28, 1919
Sergeant Roy W. Eiting, 376th Training and Replacement Co., Tank Corps, Brest, France, March 3, 1919, pgs. 1
and 2
April 4, 1919
Private First Class Orville E. Sponsler, Headquarters Company, 1st Provisional Replacement American
Embarkation Camp, Camp D'Avours, France, March 6, 1919, pg. 1
Pemberville Leader
May 10, 1917
"Young Soldier Boys- Pemberville will furnish her full quota of men," pg. 1
"Joins the Aviation Corps-Joe Shoemaker, former Pemberville boy, offers services to country," pg. 1
May 17, 1917
"Off for the War- William McCullick," Sanitary Detachment, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
"Joins Reserve Corps- Wilbur E. Bashore," pg. 1
May 24, 1917
Sergeant Wilbur E. Bashore, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, May 19, 1917, pg. 1
Private Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 6th Ohio Infantry, Kenmore, Ohio, May 15, 1917, pg. 1
May 31, 1917
Sergeant Theodore S. Jenkins, Co. M, 6th Infantry, Ohio National Guard, Massillon, Ohio, May 26, 1917, pg. 1
Seaman Clifford Reed Zimmerman, U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois, May 21, 1917, pg.
June 7, 1917
"Pemberville Selective List," pg. 1
June 14, 1917
Private Orville Weaver, Co. D, 6th Ohio Infantry, Youngstown, Ohio, June 8, 1917, pg. 1
"Freedom Township Soldiers," pg. 4
June 21, 1917
Seaman Clifford Reed Zimmerman, Co. G, 1st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes,
Illinois, June 15, 1917, pg. 1
First Lieutenant William S. Sykes, R.A.M.C., Base Hospital No. 9, London, England, May 24, 1917, pg. 1
June 28, 1917
Donald E. Wilson, 7th Field Co., Canadian Expeditionary Force, Divisional Signal Depot, Landowne Park, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada, June 18, 1917, pg. 1
"Now at the Front- First Lieutenant William S. Sykes," pg. 1
July 19, 1917
"Card from France-First Lieutenant William S. Sykes," pg. 1
"The Registered Men," pg. 4
Private Walter S. Brown, Co. H, 14th Cavalry, Eagle Pass, Texas, July 1, 1917, pg. 10
July 26, 1917
"Soldier Boys Drawn," pg. 4
August 9, 1917
First Lieutenant William S. Sykes, Base Hospital No. 4, American Expeditionary Force, France, June 11, 1917, pgs.
1 and 10
August 23, 1917
Private Allen Bashore, Jr., 10th Company, Columbus Barracks, Ohio, August 13, 1917, pg. 1
September 6, 1917
Musician First Class Harry Perry, U.S.S. Indiana, somewhere on the Atlantic coast, August 29, 1917, pg. 1
September 20, 1917
First Lieutenant William S. Sykes, somewhere in Belgium, July 29, 1917, pg. 1
September 27, 1917
"Gone to Chillicothe," pg. 1
First Lieutenant Clyde H. Pember, Base Hospital No. 1, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, September 16, 1917, pg. 1
October 4, 1917
Private First Class Nelson E. Campbell, 3rd Ohio Field Hospital, 37th Division,Camp Sheridan, Montgomery,
Alabama, pg. 1
Sergeant William F. Mugge, motor truck train, Wrightstown, New Jersey, pg. 1
October 11, 1917
Nurse Esther M. Palmer, Base Hospital No. 4, American Expeditionary Force, somewhere in France, August 23,
1917, pg. 1
October 18, 1917
Private Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, October 9,
1917, pg. 1
Private Allen Bashore, Jr., Medical Detachment, 317th Field Artillery, 81st Division, Camp Jackson, Columbia,
South Carolina, October 12, 1917, pg. 1
October 25, 1917
Sergeant Theodore S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 10, 1917,
pg. 1
November 1, 1917
Sergeant William F. Mugge, Camp Dix, New Jersey, pg. 1
First Lieutenant William S. Sykes, somewhere in Belgium, pg. 1
Harley D. Forrest, 90th Aero Squadron, October 26, 1917, pg. 4
November 8, 1917
Amos D. Bradfield, U.S. Marines, somewhere in France, pg. 1
Corporal John Heckert, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 29, 1917, pg. 4
Musician First Class Harry Perry, U.S.S. Indiana, October 30, 1917, pg. 4
November 15, 1917
Private First Class Winfield S. Muir, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 1,
1917, pg. 4
November 22, 1917
Corporal Fred L. Zindler, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, November 3, 1917, pg. (4)
first on microfilm
November 29, 1917
Corporal Sheldon B. Kuns, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, November 23, 1917, pg. 1
Private First Class Floyd E. Hiser, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, November 3, 1917,
pg. 4
Corporal Harold Witte, Headquarters Co., 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Montgomery, Alabama, November 6,
1917, pg. 6
December 13, 1917
Private First Class Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Montgomery, Alabama, November 30,
1917, pg. 1
Harley D. Forrest, 90th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, November 10, 1917, November 13, 1917, pg. 1
Private Orville R. Weaver, Co. D, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, pg. 1
Private First Class William McCullick, Medical Detachment, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan,
Montgomery, Alabama, pg. 4
Private Henry O. Bushman, Co. E, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, pg. 4
Private Harry E. Brueggemeier, 126th Co., 9th Regt, U.S. Marines, Marine Camp, Port Royal, South Carolina, pg.
December 20, 1917
Private Lee W. Hiser, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, November 21, 1917, pg. 1
Private Paul Kline, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, November 21, 1917, pg. 1
Private James P. Covill, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, pg. 4
Private Allen Bashore, Jr., Medical Detachment, 317th Field Artillery, 81st Division, Camp Jackson, South
Carolina, pg. 4
December 27, 1917
Nurse Nora Johanssen, U.S. Army Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas, pg. 1
Private Louis C. Bushman, Co. E, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, pg. 4
Private First Class Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
pg. 4
January 3, 1918
Private Carey L. Smith, 648th Aero Squadron, U.S. Army Air Service, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, December
16, 1917, pg. 1
Donald E. Wilson, Canadian Expeditionary Force, somewhere in England, pg. 4
January 10, 1918
Harley D. Forrest, 90th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, December 14, 1917, pg. 10
January 17, 1918
"Soldier Boy Buried-Edward H. Hartman," Private Edward H. Hartman, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, pg.
January 24, 1917
Private First Class Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, rifle range in Alabama, January 8, 1918,
pg. 1
January 31, 1918
Donald E. Wilson, Co. A, 7th Reserve Battalion, P.P.C.L.I., Seaford Camp, Edinburg, Scotland, December 28, 1917,
pg. 1
February 14, 1918
Sergeant Harry M. Bowlus, Co. K, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Winter Haven, Florida, February 3. 1918, pgs. 1
and 10
Private Orville R. Weaver, Co. D, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 8, 1918, pg. 4
Private First Class Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, January 31,
1918, pg. 4
February 21, 1918
Private First Class John H. Wiegman, 648th Aero Squadron, Aviation Camp, Morrison, Virginia, February 4, 1918,
pg. 4
February 28, 1918
Private First Class Floyd E. Hiser, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 14, 1918,
pg. 1
March 7, 1918
"Gone to the Colors-10 Wood County boys go to a Southern Camp," pg. 1
Private Harry E. Brueggemeier, 126th Co., 9th Regiment, U.S. Marines, Guantanomo Bay, Cuba, February 10,
1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Wilbur E. Bashore, Machine Gun Company, 60th Infantry, 5th Division, Camp Green, Charlotte, North
Carolina, February 4, 1918, pg. 6
Corporal John Heckert, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, January 26, 1918, pg. 6
Private Henry Otto Bushman, Co. E, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, February 10, 1918, pg.
Private First Class Lee W. Hiser, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, February 6, 1918,
pg. 10
March 14, 1918
Private Claire H. Speck, Medical Officers Training Corps, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, March 7,
1918, pg. 1
Private Orville R. Weaver, Co. D, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, February 5, 1918, pg. 6
Private First Class Floyd E. Hiser and Private First Class Harold Detwiler, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division,
somewhere in France, February 2, 1918, pg. 6
March 21, 1918
"Our Honor Roll," pg. 1
Private Henry O. Bushman, Co. E, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, March 9, 1918, pg. 6
March 28, 1918
Harley D. Forrest, 90th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, February 11, 1918, February 20, 1918, pg. 6
Private Paul Kline, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, February 7, 1918, pg. 6
April 11, 1918
Private First Class Floyd E. Hiser, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 29, 1918,
pg. 6
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Medical Officers Training Corps, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, April 3,
1918, pgs. 1 and 10
Musician First Class Clayton Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, somewhere on the Atlantic ocean, April 3, 1918, pg. 10
April 18, 1918
Musician First Class Clayton S. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, April 9, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Montgomery, Alabama, April 2, 1918, pg.
"U.S.S. Indiana News-Scandal notes of the band-just for the fun of it," pg. 12
April 25, 1918
Private First Class Henry Otto Bushman, Co. E, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Newark, New Jersey, April 13,
1918, pg. 1
Musician First Class Clayton S. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, April 18, 1918, pg. 1
Private James P. Covill, Co. B, 26th Engineers, somewhere in France, March 14, 1918, pg. 4
Second Lieutenant Fred A. Krift, 304th Sanitary Train, 79th Division, Camp Meade, Maryland, April 5, 1918, pg. 4
"Card from Dr. William S. Sykes," pg. 6
Master Signal Electrician John M. Ziegler, 281st Aero Squadron, U.S. Army Air Service, Park Field, Memphis,
Tennessee, April 15, 1918, pg. 6
May 2, 1918
Private Blake Hobart, 871st Replacement Squadron, U.S. Army Air Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, April 21, 1918,
pg. 1
May 9, 1918
Musician First Class Clayton S. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, April 30, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant William F. Mugge, 327th Motor Truck Co., Camp Dix, New Jersey, April 26, 1918, pg. 4
Private First Class Allen Bashore, Jr., Sanitary Detachment, 317th Field Artillery, 81st Division, Camp Jackson,
South Carolina, April 24, 1918, pg. 6
May 16, 1918
Private First Class John H. Wiegman, 648th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, April 14, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Camp Forest, Chickamauga Park, Georgia, May 3, 1918, pg. 1
Musician First Class Clayton S. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, May 7, 1918, pg. 10
May 23, 1918
Bandmaster William A. Leon, U.S.S. Indiana, May 12, 1918, pg. 1
Harley D. Forrest, 90th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, April 27, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Floyd E. Hiser, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, April 7, 1918, pg. 1
May 30, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Evacuation Hospital, Camp Greenleaf, Georgia, Chattanooga, Tennessee, May 23, 1918,
pg. 1
Corporal Fred L. Zindler, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, May 20, 1918, pg. 1
Master Signal Electrician John M. Ziegler, 281st Aero Squadron, U.S. Army Air Service, Park Field, Memphis,
Tennessee, May 16, 1918, pg. 1
June 6, 1918
Sergeant Wilbur E. Bashore, Machine Gun Company, 60th Infantry, 5th Division, somewhere in France, April 28,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Lee W. Hiser, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, May 5, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class John H. Wiegman, 648th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, May 5, 1918, pg. 1
June 13, 1918
Private Carey L. Smith, 331st Aero Squadron, Morrison, Virginia, May 19, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Evacuation Hospital, Chickamauga Park, Georgia, June 4, 1918, pg. 4
June 20, 1918
Second Lieutenant William S. Sykes, Base Hospital No. 4, No. 9 General Hospital, somewhere in France, pg. 1
Private Orville R. Weaver, Co. D, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, May 20, 1918, pg. 10
June 27, 1918
Private Irving L. Hille, 158th Company, U.S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, South Carolina, June 15, 1918, pg. 1
Private Chester M. Colgrove, Co. B, 303rd Battalion, Transportation Corps, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, June 19,
1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Theodore S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Lee, Virginia, June 5, 1918, pg. 5
July 4, 1918
Musician First Class Clayton H. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, somewhere at sea, June 22, 1918, pg. 1
July 11, 1918
Robert Hobart, Columbus Barracks, July 1, 1918, pgs. 1 and 10
Private Edward Trapp, Co. B, 155th Infantry, 39th Division, Camp Beauregard, Louisiana, June 27, 1918, pg. 4
July 25, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Camp Sevier, Greenville, South Carolina, July 7, 1918, pg. 1
Private Carey Blake Hoyman, 1st Heavy Motor Truck Co., Camp Mills, New York, July 8, 1918, pg. 4
Corporal Henry Otto Bushman, 304th Fire and Guard Co., Quartermaster Corps, Newark, New Jersey, July 16,
1918, pg. 6
August 1, 1918
Stanley S. Hoyman, 35th P.O.D. Co., 2nd Regiment, Camp Hancock, Georgia, July 26, 1918, pg. 4
August 8, 1918
Private First Class Floyd Colgrove, Headquarters Co., 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Merritt, New Jersey,
pgs. 1 and 10
August 15, 1918
Private First Class John H. Wiegman, 2nd Aero Flight, 648th Aero Squadron, zone of advance, France, July 17,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class William McCullick, Medical Detachment, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
July 15, 1918, pg. 1
Private William H. Schroeder, Co. C, 11th Infantry, 5th Division, somewhere in France, July 5, 1918, pg. 1
Private Irving L. Hille, 121st Co., 9th Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, July 28, 1918, pg. 1
August 22, 1918
Private Maine E. Weimer, 312th Co., Battalion K, U.S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, South Carolina, August 10,
1918, pg. 1
Corporal Dennis Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, July 6, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Theodore S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, July 9, 1918, pg. 1
Corporal Henry Otto Bushman, 304th Fire and Guard Co., Quartermaster Corps, Newark, New Jersey, August 14,
1918, pgs. 4 and 6
Musician First Class Clayton H. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, Atlantic Fleet, August 11, 1918, pg. 10
August 29, 1918
Sergeant Major William Goeckerman, 67th Coast Artillery, Camp Mills, New York, August 15, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Joel A. Wolfe, Co. D, 111th Engineers, 36th Division, Camp Mills, Long Island, New York, July 13, 1918,
pg. 1
Corporal Fred L. Zindler, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 31, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Camp Merritt, New Jersey, August 21, 1918, pg. 4
Private Paul Kline, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, July 21, 1918, pg. 4
Second Lieutenant William S. Sykes, Base Hospital No. 64, pg. 4
Musician First Class Edward Henry Meyer, U.S.S. Kentucky, any old date, pg. 6
September 5, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Camp Merritt, New Jersey, August 26, 1918, pg. 1
Musician First Class Harry C. Perry, U.S.S. Indiana, August 28, 1918, pg. 1
Private Irving L. Hille, 121st Co., 9th Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Crockett, Texas, August 20, 1918, pg. 1
Private Burl Dewyer, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 30, 1918, pg. 10
Private First Class Floyd E. Hiser, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, August 7, 1918, pg.
September 12, 1918
Private Walter E. Swartz, replacement draft, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, September 2, 1918, pg. 1
Private Alfred H. Bruning, Co. F, 335th Infantry, 84th Division, Camp Mills, Long Island, New York, August 25,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class William McCullick, Medical Detachment, 147th Infantry, somewhere in France, August 11,
1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, waiting for boat to leave, pg. 1
Private First Class Henry Herman, Co. C, 364th Infantry, 91st Division, somewhere in France, July 28, 1918, pg. 4
Sergeant Chester V. Kopp, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, August 12,
1918, pg. 4
September 19, 1918
Second Lieutenant William S. Sykes, No. 9 General Hospital, British Expeditionary Force, August 4, 1918, pgs. 1
and 4
Corporal Lowell Pember, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, August 21, 1918, pg. 1
Private Julius Niedermier, Mechanical Repair Shop Unit 302, Quartermaster Corps, Verneuil, France, August 4,
1918, pg. 4
Private First Class Lawrence J. Meyer, Co. F, 126th Infantry, 32nd Division, somewhere in France, August 10,
1918, pg. 10
September 26, 1918
Musician First Class Clayton S. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, September 17, 1918, pgs. 1 and 4
"Harold Detwiler Pays the Supreme Sacrifice in France," Private First Class, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division,
pg. 1
October 3, 1918
Private First Class Floyd R. Colgrove, Headquarters Co., 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in sunny Italy,
August 31, 1918, pg. 1
Private Walter E. Swartz, 7th Battalion, Camp Stuart, Newport News, Virginia, September 19, 1918, pg. 1
Corporal George M. Brown, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, August 3, 1918, pg. 7
Corporal Lee W. Hiser, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, August 25, 1918, pg. 12
October 10, 1918
Master Signal Electrician John M. Ziegler, 281st Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, August 2 and 25, 1918,
pg. 1
"He's Now on His Way-Claire H. Speck is now somewhere in old England," pg. 1
Private Maine E. Weimer, 312th Co., Battalion K, U.S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, South Carolina, September 23,
1918, pg. 4
Corporal Dennis L. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 21, 1918, pg. 5
Mess Sergeant Aaron H. Beeker, 282nd Aero Squadron, somewhere in England, September 6, 1918, pg. 10
October 17, 1918
Private Orville R. Weaver, Co. D, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, August 31, 1918, pg. 1
"Death of Soldier Boy-Another Pemberville Star of Blue Turns Gold," Private Carey Blake Hoyman, 1st Heavy
Motor Truck Co., pg. 1
Private Carey L. Smith, 331st Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, August 22, 1918, pg. 10
October 24, 1918
Sergeant Major William Goeckerman, 67th Coast Artillery, on the high seas, pg. 1
Corporal Ervin S. Jenkins, Headquarters, 3rd Battalion, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
September 12, 1918, pg. 1
Private John H. Weigman, 648th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, October 3, 1918, pg. 10
October 31, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in England, September 12, 1918, pg. 1
Private Ernest Heckman, Co. D, 16th Infantry, 1st Division, somewhere in France, September 26, 1918, pg. 1
Private Clarence F. Martin, Co. L, 26th Infantry, 1st Division, somewhere in France, September 19, 1918, pg. 1
Musician First Clayton S. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, October 20, 1918, pg. 10
Private Arthur H. Lodge, Headquarters, 5th Battalion, 2nd Regiment, 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Zachary Taylor,
Kentucky, pg. 10
November 7, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, September 22, 1918, pgs. 1 and 10
Private Maine E. Weimer, 8th Separate Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, South Carolina, October 23,
1918, pg. 1
"Paul Kline Wounded Again," pg. 1
Private Alfred H. Bruning, Co. F, 335th Infantry, 84th Division, somewhere in France, September 23, 1918, pg. 6
November 14, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, September 29, 1918, pg. 1
Private Ervin S. Jenkins, Headquarters, 3rd Battalion, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, France, October 6, 1918, pg.
1 (letter concerns the death of Mechanic Scott Damschroder, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division)
Private John A. Czirr, 8th Co., 2nd Training Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio,
October 25, 1918, pg. 1
"Paid Supreme Sacrifice-Fred Jacobs, Co. K, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division" pg. 4
Private Ernest G. Schweibert, Headquarters, 3rd Battalion, Co. I, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, somewhere in
France, September 27, 1918, pg. 4
Sergeant William F. Mugge, Students' Training Co. No. 2, Camp Meigs, Washington, D.C., October 23, 1918, pg. 6
Stanley S. Hoyman, somewhere in France, October 10, 1918, pg. 6
Private First Class Henry B. Herman, Co. C, 364th Infantry, 91st Division, France, October 10, 1918, pg. 10
November 21, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, October 6 and 8, 1918, pgs. 1 and 10
"Died Far From Home- letter concerning Carey Blake Hoyman," Private, 1st Motor Truck Co., pg. 1
Private First Class Blake Hobart, 246th Aero Squadron, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, October 20, 1918, pg. 1
"Killed in action- Clarence Nieman," Private, Co. L, 327th Infantry, 82nd Division, pg. 1
Private Elmer F. Layman, Co. F, 327tyh Infantry, 82nd Division, Base Hospital No. 1, Vichy, France, October 1,
1918, pg. 4
Sergeant Henry Otto Bushman, 324th Fire and Guard Co., Quartermaster Corps, Newport News, Virginia,
November 5, 1918, pg. 5
Master Signal Electrician John M. Ziegler, 281st Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, September 29, 1918, pg. 6
November 28, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, October 17, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Theodore Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 12, 1918, pg. 1
Private Clarence Nieman, Co. L, 327th Infantry, 82nd Division, somewhere in France, September 9, 1918, pg. 10
December 5, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France November 7, 11, and 12 1918, pgs. 1 and
"Was Killed in Action: William McCullick Dies on Belgium Battlefield, November 10, 1918", pg. 1 (this article is in
Private First Class William McCullick, Medical Detachment, 147th Infantry, 37th Infantry, somewhere in Belgium,
November 6, 1918, pg. 1
"Gibsonburg Soldier: Particulars of the death and burial of Lieutenant Luther Harmon William Westerhaus,"
Army Air Service, pg. 6
December 12, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, October 22, 1918, pg. 1
"May Still be Alive: letter written by William McCullick, November 16," pg. 1
Master Signal Electrician John M. Ziegler, 281st Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, October 18, 1918, pg. 4
Private Elmer F. Layman, Co. F, 327th Infantry, 82nd Division, U.S. Army Base Hospital, Ward 41, Camp Sherman,
Ohio, December 4, 1918, pg. 4
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, October 31, 1918, pg. 7
Private Harold W. Rhoda, Battery D, 327th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France, November 12,
1918, pg. 8
Corporal Dennis Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 11, 1918, pg. 8
December 19, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, October 27, 1918, pg. 1
"From our boy Billy," Private First Class William McCullick, Medical Detachment, 147th Infantry, 37th Division,
pg. 1
Private Maine E. Weimer, Co. D, 8th Separate Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps, somewhere on the Atlantic, pg. 5
Sergeant Major William Goeckerman, 67th Coast Artillery, somewhere in France, November 13, 1918, pg. 5
December 26, 1918
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, November 13, 1918, pg. 1
Private Edward H. Fortlander, Supply Co., 2nd Depot, 83rd Division, France, October 16, 1918, pg. 4
January 2, 1919
Master Signal Electrician John M. Ziegler, 281st Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, October 23, 1918, pg. 1
"Message from government," William McCullick, pg. 1
January 9, 1919
Corporal Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Hulste, Belgium, November 28, 1918, pg. 1
"Facts of his death- Letters telling all about Carey B. Hoyman in France," Private, 1st Heavy Motor Truck Co., pgs.
1 and 10
"Shelled while on a stretcher- Donald Wilson hit by shrapnel when senseless from gas," pg. 5
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, somewhere in France, November 17, 1918, pg. 6
Corporal Fred L. Zindler, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, Ecommey, Sarthe, France, November 6, 1918, pg.
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Rimaucourt, France, November 24, 1918, pg. 10
January 16, 1919
Musician First Class Clayton S. Speck, U.S.S. Indiana, New York, January 4, 1919, pg. 1
Private Ralph Shaw, 538th Motor Truck Co., Marseilles, France, December 18, 1918, pg. 4
Corporal Roscoe R. Driftmyer, Battery E, 124th Field Artillery, 33rd Division, Ville Franche, France, November 28,
1918, pg. 5
Corporal Floyd Philo, Co. E, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, St. Catherine, Belgium, November 25, 1918, pg. 5
Sergeant John F. Bolander, Co. L, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Belgium, November 8, 1918, pg. 10
January 23, 1919
Corporal Fred L. Russell, U.S. Army Air Service, somewhere in France, pg. 1
Charles Briggs, Co. A, 112th Military Police, 37th Division, November 25, 1918, pg. 5
Private Elmer D. Smith, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division, France, November 19, 1918, pg. 5
January 30, 1919
Corporal Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, December 9, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Theodore S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Zeggers Chapel, France, December 31, 1918,
pg. 1
"Decorated for Bravery" Sergeant Herbert Morgan, Co. C, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 37th Division, pg. 4
Charles Briggs, Co. A, 112th Military Police, 37th Division, November 21, 1918, pg. 5
Private Walter E. Swartz, Headquarters Troop, 79th Division, November 18, 1918, pg. 5
February 6, 1919
Private First Class Floyd R. Colgrove, Headquarters Co., 332nd Infantry, Treviso, Italy, December 22, 1918, pgs. 1
and 6
Private Maine E. Weimer, 82nd Co., 6th Regt., U.S. Marine Corps, Leuterdorf, Germany, December 13, 1918, pg.
Private Fred H. Wiechman, Co. B, 348th Machine Gun Battalion, 91st Division, Noce, France, January 11, 1919,
pg. 5
Second Lieutenant Frederick W. Camper, Headquarters Co., 802nd Pioneer Infantry, Clermont, France,
December 11, 1918, pg. 5
Corporal Robert B. Campbell, Co. A, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Bergues, France, December 16, 1918, pg. 5
Chauffeur John H. Wiegman, 648th Aero Squadron, France, December 28, 1918, pg. 10
February 13, 1919
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Rimaucourt, Haute Marne, France, January 10, 1919, pgs. 1 and
"Wounded Soldier at home," Private First Class Henry Herman, Co. C, 364th Infantry, 91st Division, pg. 1
Private Walter E. Swartz, Headquarters Detachment, 79th Division, somewhere in France, November 23, 1918,
pg. 1
Private Walter Warriner, Co. C, 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division, Provisional Base Hospital No. 8, January 16, 1919, pg.
Private First Class Lawrence J. Meyer, Co. F, 126th Infantry, 32nd Division, Hummerick, Germany, December 22,
1918, pg. 5
Stanley S. Hoyman, Headquarters Co., Ordnance Armament School, St. Jean de Monts, France, November 4,
1918, pg. 6
February 20, 1919
Corporal Ervin S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Zeggers Chapel, France, December 29, 1918 and
January 2, 1919, pgs. 1 and 10
"Soldier Boys Return," Corporal Lowell Pember, Fred L. Zindler, and Orville Weaver, pg. 1
Corporal Floyd Philo, Co. E, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in Belgium, November 12, 1918, pg. 5
Sergeant George Stahler, 430th Motor Truck Co., somewhere in France, pg. 6
February 27, 1919
Donald E. Wilson, somewhere in France, January 5, 1919, pgs. 1 and 10
March 6, 1919
Musician First Class Clayton S. Speck, U.S. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 27, 1919, pgs. 1 and
Lieutenant Fred A. Krift, 304th Sanitary Train, 79th Division, Pienefitte, France, January 8, 1919, pg. 5
Joe Wolf, Co. D, 111th Engineers, 36th Division, somewhere in France, December 13, 1918, pg. 6
March 13, 1919
"Pemberville Soldier," Wilbur Bashore, pg. 1
Private Maine E. Weimer, 82nd Co., 6th Regt., U.S. Marine Corps, Lentesdorfam, Rhine, Germany, January 1,
1919, pg. 6
March 20, 1919
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Rimaucourt, France, February 10, 1919, pgs. 1 and 10
Private Ralph F. Shaw, 538th Motor Truck Co., Mareseilles, France, January 27, 1919, pg. 5
"His Last Days: Comrade Pays Glowing Tribute to Clarence Nieman," Private, Co. L, 327th Infantry, 82nd Division,
letter from Private Raymond M. Titgemeyer, Co. L, 327th Infantry, 82nd Division, pg. 6
"It is Now Major Sykes," William Sykes, pg. 10
March 27, 1919
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Rimaucourt, France, February 10, 1919, pgs. 1 and 10
"Now on his way home," Corporal Ralph F. Shaw, pg. 1
Sergeant Dennis L. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Songe le Ganelon, France, February 11, 1919,
pg. 1
Private Clarence E. Martin, Machine Gun Co., 11th Infantry, 5th Division, Schifflingen, Luxembourg, February 2,
1919, pg. 6
April 3, 1919
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Rimaucourt, France, February 10, 1919, pgs. 1 and 10
Bugler Harold R. Geisbuhler, 163rd Aero Squadron, Ourches, France, February 16, 1919, pg. 6
"Pemberville Boy Decorated," Theodore S. Jenkins, Co. M, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 10
April 10, 1919
Chauffeur John H. Wiegman, 648th Aero Squadron, Diguy, France, March 2, 1919, pg. 1
Private First Class Floyd R. Colgrove, Headquarters Co., 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Treviso, Italy, pg. 1
Private Maine E. Weimer, 82nd Co., 3rd Battalion, 6th Regt., U.S. Marine Corps, Field Hospital No. 16, February
16, 1919, pg. 5
April 17, 1919
Private Walter Warriner, Co. C, 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division, France, February 6, 1919, pg. 5
April 24, 1919
Private Walter Warriner, Co. C, 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division, France, February 8, 1919, pg. 5
Private First Class Loyd L. Swartz, 13th Co., Rents, Reclamation, and Claims, Angers, France, March 2, 1919, pg. 6
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, France, November 24,
1918, pg. 7
May 1, 1919
Donald E. Wilson, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Rhyl, North Wales, England, April 6, 1919, pg. 1
Private Orrel A. Heminger, 324th Motor Truck Co., St. Navaire, France, March 1, 1919, pg. 5
First Sergeant Owen Jack Armstrong, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
January 4, 1919, pg. 5
Corporal Ralph F. Shaw, 538th Motor Truck Co., Bordeaux, France, March 23, 1919, pg. 7
Sergeant Claire Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Rimaucourt, Haute Marne, France, March 29, 1919, pg. 10
May 8, 1919
"True War Experiences: Ervin Jenkins Relates a Few Interesting Tales," pg. 1
May 15, 1919
Sergeant Claire H. Speck, Base Hospital No. 64, Rimaucourt, Haute Marne, France, April 11, 1919, pg. 1
Bugler Harold R. Geisbuhler, 163rd Aero Squadron, Ourches, France, March 26, 1919, pg. 6
"Back in Old U.S.A.: Claire H. Speck Now in Hospital at New York City," pg. 10
May 22, 1919
Private Maine E. Weimer, 82nd Co., 6th Regt., U.S. Marine Corps, Leutesderf, Germany, April 27, 1919, pg. 1
Perrysburg Journal
May 10, 1917
"Perrysburg Boys Enlist," pg. 1
July 5, 1917
"Perrysburg Honor Roll," pg. 1
July 19, 1917
"Registration Numbers" for draft, pgs. 1 and 8
July 26, 1917
"Selective Service," list of draftees, pg. 1
September 6, 1917
"Four Sons in Army," Ladd family in Bowling Green, pg. 1
"Soldiers' Reception," pg. 1
September 20, 1917
Sergeant Major Leo L. Burch, 2nd Co., 1st Battalion, 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Taylor, Kentucky, pgs. 1 and 10
September 27, 1917
"127 Wood County Men," pg. 1
October 4, 1917
"Called to the Colors," pg. 1
October 18, 1917
Schuster or Sarver, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 5, 1917, pgs.
1 and 10
October 25, 1917
Private Edmund Schuster, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, pg. 1
November 1, 1917
Private Edmund Schuster, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, pgs. 1 and 10
November 8, 1917
Private Forest Sarver, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 1,
1917, pg. 1
Private Kenneth E. Veitch, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 1,
1917, pgs. 1 and 4
November 15, 1917
Private Kenneth E. Veitch, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 7,
1917, pgs. 1 and 8
Corporal Floyd Thornton, Co. A, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 37th Division, U.S. Signal Corps, Camp Sheridan,
Alabama, pg. 8
November 22, 1917
Jay Simmons, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, pgs. 1 and 8
Private Floyd D. Redman, Co. E, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, pg. 8 (also
signed Rufus E. Young, Co. E, Everett Hennen, Co. A, and Merlin Hufford, Co. B)
November 29, 1917
Private Ralph Brokaw, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 22,
1917, pg. 1
December 6, 1917
Sergeant Robert Hayes Cromwell, Co. D, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, pg. 1
Corporal Frank R. Inman, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 30,
1917, pgs. 1 and 10
December 13, 1917
Private First Class Silas A. Lepper, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, pgs. 1
and 8
"Perrysburg Boys Enlist," pg. 1
December 20, 1917
Private Marion L. Thurlby, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, December 13,
1917, pgs. 1 and 8
December 27, 1917
"Perrysburg Sammies- are stationed at the following various camps," pg. 1
January 3, 1918
Private Edmund Schuster, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, pg. 1
February 7, 1918
Sergeant R. Hayes Cromwell, 5th Battery, Field Artillery, Camp Stanley, Texas, January 27, 1918, pg. 1
February 21, 1918
"Perrysburg Soldiers- among prize men in exhibition bayonet drill," pg. 1
March 7, 1918
Private Floyd D. Redman, Co. E, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, pg. 4
March 28, 1918
Recruit Harold Degner, 281st Aero Squadron, Park Field, Memphis, Tennessee, March 18, 1918, pg. 1
May 2, 1918
"Will Get Commissions- Camp Sherman Selects Qualify Lieutenants Commissions," pg. 1
"More Soldiers- Perrysburg Boys Again Called to Help Fill Ranks," pg. 1
May 16, 1918
"More to be examined- Wood County draft board summons over 300," list of draftees, pg. 1
June 13, 1918
Captain Karl C. Eberly, Stationary Laboratory No. 2, American Expeditionary Force, an American camp in France,
May 18, 1918, May 21, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
"Roll of Honor," pg. 1
June 20, 1918
"Roll of Honor," pg. 1
"Perrysburg Boy- Gave Hun sniper 'Black Fritz' his everlasting end," Amos D. (Bradfield) Jordan, pgs. 1 and 8
June 27, 1918
Private First Class Ralph Brokaw, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Upton, Long Island, June
20, 1918, pgs. 1
"Enter Service- Perrysburg Boys who leave for camp today," pg. 1
July 4, 1918
"With the Colors- Perrysburg Men and where they are now located," pg. 1
"These are the Boys- Perrysburg selects were drawn in following order," pg. 1
July 18, 1918
Private Ray E. Frusher, Co. A, 116th Engineers, 84th Division, A.E.F., France, June 16, 1918, pg. 1
July 25, 1918
"More Soldiers- Perrysburg again sends men to training camp," pg. 1
Charles Thornton, 56th Overseas Draft, Royal Canadian Engineers, Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada, July 11, 1918,
pg. 1
August 8, 1918
Private First Class Cy rill Ross Schuster, Supply Detachment, 8th Field Signals Bureau, 4th Division, somewhere in
France, June 22, 1918, pg. 1
Private Ray E. Frusher, Co. A, 116th Engineers, 84th Division, A.E.F., France, pgs. 1 and 4
August 15, 1918
Musician Third Class Millard E. Davenport, 322nd Field Artillery Band, 83rd Division, A.E.F., pg. 1
Private First Class Kenneth Veitch, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, somewhere in England, pg. 1
August 22, 1918
Corporal Olin L. Phillips, 8th Company, 4th Regiment, Motor Mechanic DMA, A.E.F., somewhere in France,
August 3, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Price A. Hall, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, A.E.F., pg. 1
August 29, 1918
Private Harry A. Wilson, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, A.E.F., July 29, 1918, pg. 1
September 6, 1918
Private John M. Leslie, Co. D, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, New Army, A.E.F., pg. 1
Private Louis C. Marti, Camp Taylor, 20th Company, 5th Battalion, 159th Depot Brigade, pg. 1
Private Elmer F. Henry, Battery D, 76th Field Artillery, 3rd Division, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, pg. 1
September 13, 1918
Private First Class C. Ross Schuster, Supt. Det., 8th Field Signal Battalion, A.E.F., France, August 18, 1918, pg. 1
September 19, 1918
Private George A. Roose, U.S. Army Air Service Section 587, somewhere in Italy, June 26, 1918, pg. 1
Corporal Donald D. Canfield, Headquarters Co., 317th Field Artillery, 81st Division, somewhere in England, pg. 4
September 26, 1918
Private Alfred N. Zingg, Co. C, 309th Supply Train, 84th Division, Baltimore, Maryland, pg. 1
Private Chester C. Sherman, Headquarters Co., 322nd Infantry, 81st Division, somewhere in Italy, August 11,
1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Frank Inman, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, somewhere in France, pg. 1
October 3, 1918
Private George V. Schwind, Jr., Co. D, 308th Engineers, 84th Division, A.E.F., pg. 1
Charles Thornton, Royal Canadian Engineers, somewhere in England, September 9, 1918, pg. 1
Private Harry A. Wilson, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, September 4, 1918, pg. 1
October 10, 1918
Private Earl N. Laumann, Co. B, 61st Railway Transportation Corps, A.E.F., Rennes, France, September 10, 1918,
pg. 1
Musician Edmund E. Schuster, 135th Field Artillery Band, 37th Division, Mercredi, France, August 21, 1918, pgs.
1 and 8
Private Paul Opperman, Co. D, 101st U.S. Infantry, 26th Division, A.E.F., August 22, 1918, pg. 8
October 17, 1918
"Taps Sounded- Fredrick L. Yeager First Perrysburg Boy Fatality," pg. 1
October 24, 1918
Lieutenant Colonel George P. Greenhalgh, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, A.E.F., pg. 1
Private Arthur E. Limmer, Battery E, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in England, September 21,
1918, pg. 1
October 31, 1918
Private Edward Langdon Walbridge, Headquarters Detachment, 158th Field Artillery, A.E.F., September 30, 1918,
pg. 1
November 7, 1918
Private Lester Britten, 309th Sanitary Train, 84th Division, Hospital No. 334, Base Hospital No. 3, A.E.F.,
somewhere in France, October 1918, pg. 1
"First War Fatality-Millard Davenport," pg. 4
November 14, 1918
Private John M. Leslie, Co. H, 117th Infantry, 30th Division, A.E.F., somewhere in France, October 12, 1918, pg. 1
November 21, 1918
Private Edward Langdon Walbridge, Headquarters Detachment, 158th Field Artillery, A.E.F., the front, October
18, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
November 28, 1918
First Lieutenant Merlin H. Bowers, Camp Greenleaf, Chickamauga National Battlefield, November 12, 1918, pgs.
1 and 8
Private Edward Langdon Walbridge, Headquarters Detachment, 158th Field Artillery, A.E.F., October 19, 1918,
pgs. 1 and 8
December 5, 1918
Second Lieutenant Leo L. Burch, Army Air Service, Ellington Field, Texas, October 1, 1918, San Leon, Texas,
November 3, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
Private Paul W. Pheley, Co. F, 56th Engineers (603rd Engineers), A.E.F., November 11, 1918, pgs. 1
Corporal William O. Heckler, Co. M, 363rd Infantry, 91st Division, A.E.F., somewhere in France, November 7,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Joseph F. Stewart, Co. D, 45th Battalion, U.S. Guards, Headquarters, Fort Niagara, New York,
November 7, 1918, pg. 1
Private Lawrence Stewart, 334th Aero Squadron, England, October 27, 1918, pg. 8
December 12, 1918
Private James H. Wiser, Battery F, 81st Field Artillery, Camp Lee, Virginia, pg. 1
December 19, 1918
Private First Class Kenneth E. Veitch, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, A.E.F., somewhere in France,
November 11, 1918, November 13, 1918, pg. 1
December 26, 1918
Corporal Forrest Sarver and Jay Simmons, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, A.E.F., Camp Gibraltar,
Thillombois, France, November 25, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
"A Hero in Italy- George A. Roose under fire is cited for noble conduct," pg. 1
January 2, 1919
Sergeant First Class Floyd E. Thornton, Co. A, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 37th Division, A.E.F., Belgium,
November 24, 1918, pg. 1
January 9, 1919
Corporal Bennett C. Norton, Co. A, 310th Ammunition Train, 85th Division, A.E.F., Le Havre, France, December 8,
1918, pg. 1
Corporal Ralph Brokaw, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, A.E.F., Thillombois, France, December 5,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Kenneth E. Veitch, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, A.E.F., Thillombois, France,
December 16, 1918, pg. 1
First Lieutenant Chester W. Rupert, 2nd Battalion Adjutant, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, A.E.F., Belgium,
November 28, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
January 16, 1919
Private Charles G. Shiple, Co. C, 322nd Infantry, 81st Division, A.E.F., Laignes, France, December 7, 1918, pgs. 1
and 8
January 23, 1919
Private First Class C. Ross Schuster, Supply Detachment, 8th Field Signal Battalion, A.E.F., Kerstel, Germany,
December 11, 1918, pg. 1
January 30, 1919
"The Perrysburg Gang expect to be home in April," Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, pg. 1
Corporal Harland P. Byrne, Co. C, 309th Supply Train, 84th Division, A.E.F., Marseilles, France, December 18,
1918, pg. 1
Death of Private First Class Merlin G. Hufford, Quartermaster Corps, pg. 1
February 6, 1919
Private First Class Charles H. Kopp, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Fiume, Hungary, January 1, 1919, pgs. 1
and 8
Sergeant Frank Inman, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, pg. 1
Private Vincent F. Farley, Co. C, 51st Infantry, 6th Division, A.E.F., Villars, Montroyes, France, December 27,
1918, pg. 1
February 13, 1919
"Greenhalgh's Batteries reported ready to Sail," Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, pg. 1
Private Earl N. Laumann, Co. B, 61st Railway Transportation Corps, Rennes, Ile et Villaine, France, December 30,
1918, pg. 1
Corporal Floyd D. Redman, Co. E, 403rd Telegraph Battalion, Hayange, Lorraine, France, January 19, 1919, pg. 1
Musician Edmund E. Schuster, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, pg. 1
"Soldier dies of Flu shortly after arrival," Bugler Fred Kluepfel, 159th Field Artillery, pgs. 1 and 8
February 20, 1919
Bandmaster L. Preston McCall, 322nd Field Artillery Band, 83rd Division, Gershofen, Germany, January 17, 1919,
pg. 1
February 27, 1919
Private First Class C. Ross Schuster, Co. B, 8th Field Signal Battalion, A.E.F., Mullenbach, Germany, January 26,
1919, pg. 1
Private Elmer Hufford, Battery E, 15th Field Artillery, 2nd Division, Germany, December 28, 1918, pg. 1
April 3, 1919
"Batteries Entrain for Buckeye State; 1845 Yanks Line Up for Grand Parade Friday," pg. 1
Portage Record
October 17, 1917
John S. Peckham, Canadian Expeditionary Force, Canadian Cyclist Corps, Shoreham Camp, Sussex, England, pgs.
2 and 3
November 21, 1917
Private First Class Edward L. Cookson, Co. C, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery,
Alabama, pg. 3
January 23, 1918
Private Ellsworth J. Hunter, 627th Aero Squadron, Kelly Field No. 1, San Antonio, Texas, January 15, 1918, pg. 3
February 20, 1918
Private Arthur C. Wiese, 14th Construction Company, Detachment No. 6, Aviation Signal Corps, Camp Sevier,
South Carolina, February 10, 1918, pg 3
February 27, 1918
"Give the Soldier His Due," by Edward L. Cookson, Co. C, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 2
December 5, 1918
Ray Middleton, Co. A, 118th Engineers, Tours, France, October 31, 1918, pg. 1
January 17, 1919
Ray Middleton, Co. A, 118th Engineers, Marseilles, France, December 19, 1918, pg. 1
Private Lawrence H. Shetzer, 239th Military Police Corps, Base Section No. 3, Camp De Longe, France, December
22, 1918, pg. 1
January 31, 1919
Sergeant Russell R. Foley, Co. E, 1st Engineers, 1st Division, somewhere in France, December 21, 1918, pg. 1
February 7, 1919
Private Arthur Gallagher, Co. M, 104th Infantry, 26th Division, France, December 24, 1918, pg. 1
Private Charles M. Easley, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Hungary, December 26, 1918, pg. 1
Private Don C. Copus, Co. C, 1st Antiaircraft Machine Gun Battalion, Langres, France, January 2, 1919, pg. 1
Prairie Depot Observer
April 13, 1917
"Lowell R. Rymers Called to the Colors," pg. 1
April 27, 1917
"Lowell R. Rymers Returns and is again teaching," pg. 1
May 4, 1917
"Boys Enlist to Fight for U.S.A.," pg. 1
June 8, 1917
"Registered for Draft," pg. 1
July 6, 1917
"Edison Kinzy Now in France," Co. G, 26th Infantry, 1st Division, pg. 1
July 20, 1917
"Our Soldier Boys Left This Week," pg. 1
July 27, 1917
"Chosen for Draft," pg. 1
August 3, 1917
"Edison Kinzy Writes Parents," Co. G, 26th Infantry, 1st Division, pg. 1
August 24, 1917
"Now An Officer: Bruce Brandon Gets 1st Lt. Commission," pg. 1
August 31, 1917
"Others Must Be Examined: 500 More Men to be summoned before county draft board Sept. 6 and 7," pg. 1
September 28, 1917
"Our Soldier Boys," pg. 1
"Off for France: Gladys Nonnemaker," pg. 1
October 5, 1917
"Ronald Hillard Goes to Chillicothe," pg. 1
October 12, 1917
Nurse Esther M. Palmer, Base Hospital No. 4, somewhere in France, August 30, 1917, pg. 1
Private E. Earl Frisbie, Co. A, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, October 7, 1917, pg.
October 19, 1917
Private Beryl E. Fletcher, 5th Co., 2nd Training Battalion, Depot Brigade, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
pg. 1
October 26, 1917
"Called for Examination," pg. 1
"Carroll Allen Enlists," pg. 1
November 2, 1917
"Bradner Boy Accidentally Killed: Albert 'Dewey' Bowe," pg. 1
November 9, 1917
Sergeant F. Glen Hart, Battery C, 136th Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
November 3, 1917, pg. 1
"Made First Lieutenant: Donald L. Clement," pg. 1
November 16, 1917
Private Richard L. Argue, Medical Officers' Training Corps, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, November 8, 1917, pg. 1
"P.D. Boys of Battery E, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
November 6, 1917, pg. 1
November 30, 1917
"Of Course We're Proud of Them," pg. 1
December 7, 1917
"Our Boys at Camp Sheridan," pg. 1
December 14, 1917
Private First Class Owen Jack Armstrong, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan,
Montgomery, Alabama, December 1, 1917, pg. 1
"For the Flag: More P.D. Boys Join the Colors," pg. 1
"Dick Argue off for France," pg. 1
December 21, 1917
"A Soldier's Dream," by Sergeant Howard Ellis, Co. I, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 1
December 28, 1917
Corporal Richard L. Argue, 4th Evacuation Hospital, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, December 23, 1917, pg. 1
January 4, 1918
"Two More P.D. Boys in France," pg. 1
Private Herbert Ritter, Army Air Service, Kelly Field, Texas, December 27, 1917, pg. 1
January 18, 1918
Private Herbert Ritter, Army Air Service, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, January 6, 1918, pg. 1
January 25, 1918
Private First Class Owen Jack Armstrong, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan,
Alabama, January 12, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Virgil D. Hales, Battery E, 134th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, January
6, 1918, pg. 1
Private Fred Lyle Adams, 163rd Field Hospital, 116th Sanitary Train, 41st Division, England, December 29, 1917,
pg. 1
February 1, 1918
"Your Soldier Boys in Battery E," Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, January
6, 1918, pg. 1
February 8, 1918
"Gets Commission as 1st Lieutenant: Lewis R. Carr," pg. 1
February 15, 1918
"Boy in 135th F.A.," Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, February 3, 1918,
pg. 1
March 8, 1918
Private First Class E. Earl Frisbie, Co. A, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, February 20, 1918,
pg. 1
Private Ronald M. Hillard, Co. B, 336th Machine Gun Battalion, 87th Division, Camp Pike, Arkansas, February 24,
1918, pg. 1
March 22, 1918
Nurse Esther M. Palmer, Base Hospital No. 4, somewhere in France, February 14, 1918, pg. 1
Victor Howard Milliean, 163rd Field Hospital, 116th Sanitary Train, 41st Division, France, February 10, 1918, pg.
March 29, 1918
Private Fred Lyle Adams, 163rd Field Hospital, 116th Sanitary Train, 41st Division, Army Sanitary School, France,
February 23, 1918, pg. 1
April 5, 1918
"Germans Wound Book Brant," pg. 1
Private Ronald M. Hillard, Co. B, 336th Machine Gun Battalion, 87th Division, Camp Pike, Arkansas, February 26,
1918, pg. 1
April 19, 1918
"Risingsun Loses First Soldier Boy," Glenn Summerland, pg. 1
Acting Bandmaster W. Book Brant, Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion, 30th Engineers, somewhere in France, pg. 1
May 3, 1918
Bandmaster W. Book Brant, Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion, 30th Engineers, somewhere in France, April 1,
1918, pg. 1
Private Orrel A. Heminger, Co. D, 312th Supply Train, somewhere in France, March 25, 1918, pg. 1
"Soldier's Life is Great: Clyde P. Stoudinger Writes from Camp Sherman," pg. 4
May 17, 1918
Lieutenant Donald L. Clement, France, April 21, 1918, pg. 1
June 14, 1918
Private Ronald M. Hillard, Headquarters Co., 336th Machine Gun Battalion, 87th Division, Camp Pike, Arkansas,
June 7, 1918, pg. 1
Bandmaster W. Book Brant, Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion, 30th Engineers, somewhere in France, April 19,
1918, pg. 1
June 21, 1918
Corporal Richard L. Argue, Evacuation Hospital No. 4, somewhere in France, May 22, 1918, pg. 1
June 28, 1918
Private Karl C. Dicken, U.S. Aviation School, San Antonio, Texas, June 18, 1918, pg. 1
Corporal Richard L. Argue, Evacuation Hospital No. 4, somewhere in France, May 27, 1918, pg. 1
July 5, 1918
"Back from France: Edison Kinzey now in American Hospital Recovering from Gas Attack," pg. 1
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, Camp Upton, Long
Island, New York, June 19, 1918, pg. 1
Private Fred Lyle Adams, 163rd Field Hospital, 116th Sanitary Train, 41st Division, somewhere in France, May 30,
1918, pg. 1
Private Karl C. Dicken, 1st Co., Fort Sam Houston, June Automatic Replacement Draft, overseas casuals, Camp
Merritt, New Jersey, June 22, 1918, pg. 1
July 19, 1918
First Lieutenant Lewis R. Carr, M.R.C., 109th Field Artillery, 28th Division, Camp DeMeucon, France, June 22,
1918, pg. 1
Corporal E. Earl Frisbie, Co. A, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in England, June 22, 1918, pg. 1
Private Raymond W. Adams, 21st Co., 6th Training Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Ohio, July
12, 1918, pg. 1
July 26, 1918
Corporal E. Earl Frisbie, Co. A, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, at sea, pg. 1
August 2, 1918
Corporal E. Earl Frisbie, Co. A, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, at sea, pgs. 1 and 8
August 9, 1918
Private Fred Lyle Adams, 163rd Field Hospital, 116th Sanitary Train, 41st Division, somewhere in France, June 29,
1918, pgs. 1 and 8
August 16, 1918
Private Herbert Ritter, Aerial Gunnery School, Aero Squadron B, Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Florida, August 5,
1918, pg. 1
Private John L. Adams, 37th Co., 156th Depot Brigade, Columbia, South Carolina, pg. 1
August 23, 1918
Private Clyde P. Stoudinger, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 9, 1918, pg. 1
"Lt. Bruce Brandon Enjoys Atlantic Trip," 344th Field Artillery, 90th Division, pg. 1
August 30, 1918
Private James L. Sykes, Medical Detachment, 17th Field Artillery, 2nd Division, somewhere in France, July 10,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, somewhere in England,
July 17 and 20, 1918, some place else in France, July 26, 1918, pg. 1
September 6, 1918
Horseshoer George R. Henline, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 6,
1918, pg. 1
Private Burl Dewyer, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 30, 1918, pg. 1
September 13, 1918
Private Harry D. Hedge, Co. C, 309th Ammunition Train, 84th Division, Camp Mills, Long Island, New York,
September 5, 1918, pg. 1
Private Allen G. Hovis, Co. D, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, August 14, 1918, pg. 1
Private Karl C. Dicken, 210th Aero Squadron, somewhere in England, August 5, 1918, pg. 1
September 20, 1918
"Home From France: Edison Kinzey has thrilling experience with first U.S. troops over there," pg. 1
September 27, 1918
Sergeant Keith A. Patton, Co. D, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France, July 29, 1918, pg.
"Virgil Lee Miles dies at Great Lakes," pg. 1
October 4, 1918
Private Orrel A. Heminger, Headquarters Co., 312th Supply Train, 87th Division, pg. 1
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
August 11, 1918, pg. 7
October 18, 1918
"Elmer Stephens Dies at Chillicothe," pg. 1
Corporal Richard L. Argue, 4th Evacuation Hospital, somewhere in France, August 24 and 26, 1918, pg. 4
Cook Leonard B. Tompkins, Co. B, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, August 30, 1918, pg. 4
October 25, 1918
Obituary for Elmer Stephens, pg. 1
Private Raymond Adams, Co. A, 45th Battalion, U.S. Guards, Fort Niagara, New York, October 12, 1918, pg. 1
Radio electrician Elmer J. Dowling, U.S.S. Pennsylvania, October 15, 1918, pg. 1
November 1, 1918
Private Dearl Heminger, Co. F, 126th Infantry, 32nd Division, somewhere in France, August 15, 1918, pg. 1
Private Charles L. Heminger, Co. H, 112th Infantry, 28th Division, somewhere in France, August 25, 1918, pg. 1
Private Clyde P. Stoudinger, Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, somewhere in France, September 16, 1918, pg. 1
November 8, 1918
Private Ronald M. Hillard, Co. A, 336th Machine Gun Battalion, 87th Division, on board transport, August 30,
1918, pg. 1
Corporal Jesse H. Karns, Battery D, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France, October 8, 1918,
pg. 1
"Killed in action: Walter Graham, former P.D. boy gives life in service," 146th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 1
November 15, 1918
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, October 4, 1918, pg. 1
First Lieutenant Bruce A. Bandon, 344th Field Artillery, 90th Division, pg. 1
November 29, 1918
Private John A. Rojewski, 414th Casual Co., October 6, 1918, pg. 1
Private Chalmer E. Watters, Headquarters Co., 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France,
October 5, 1918, pg. 1
First Sergeant Owen Jack Armstrong, Headquarters Co., 148th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
October 12, 1918, pg. 1
December 13, 1918
Private Carroll Allen, Battery B, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, November 14, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Allen G. Hovis, Co. D, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in Belgium, November 13,
1918, pg. 1
December 20, 1918
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, October 31, 1918, pgs.
1 and 4
Corporal E. Earl Frisbie, Co. A, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France October 3, 1918, pg. 4
January 3, 1919
Private Ernest A. Richard, Co. M, 50th Infantry, Camp Dix, New York, December 10, 1918, pg. 1
Vearl Heminger, Base Hospital No. 61, November 22, 1918, pg. 1
January 10, 1919
Sergeant Frederick Glen Hart, 5th Corps Military Police Co., November 9 and 24, 1918, pg. 1
January 17, 1919
Corporal Calvin L. Eichelbarger, Co. B, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in Belgium, November 28, 1918,
pg. 1
January 31, 1919
Sergeant First Class Owen Jack Armstrong, 16th Co., somewhere in France, January 4, 1919, pg. 1
Private Orrel A. Heminger, Headquarters Co., 324th Motor Truck Co., St. Nazaire, France, November 24, 1918,
pg. 1
Corporal Calvin Eichelbarger, Co. B, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, December 30, 1918, pg. 1
February 7, 1919
Horseshoer George R. Henline, Battery E, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Pierrefitte, France, January 1, 1919,
pg. 8
Private James H. Vosburg, 122nd Co., Prisoner of War Escort., somewhere in France, January 6, 1919, pg. 8
February 14, 1919
Private First Class Ernest Hawkins, Evacuation Hospital No. 9, Coblenz, Germany, January 5, 1919, pg. 1
Private First Class Leon West, Headquarters Co., 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, France, November 24,
1918, pg. 4
February 28, 1919
Private Virgil D. Hales, Battery E, 134th Field Artillery, Pierrefitte, France, January 1919, pg. 1
March 7, 1919
Private Watson E. Hovis, Co. K, 5th Marine Regt., 2nd Division, Waldbreitbach, Germany, February 3, 1919, pg. 1
March 14, 1919
Private James H. Vosburg, 122nd Co., Prisoner of War Escort, pg. 1
March 21, 1919
Private John A. Rojewski, Co. C, 318th Machine Gun Battalion, 81st Division, somewhere in France, February 15,
1919, pg. 5
Yeoman Kayle N. Watson, U.S. Navy, Great Lakes, Illinois, February 1, 1919, pg. 5
April 4, 1919
Harry L. Williamson, U.S. Navy, Great Lakes, Illinois, March 25, 1919, pg. 1
April 11, 1919
Nurse Esther M. Palmer, Base Hospital No. 4, February 8, 1919, pgs. 1 and 10
Rising Sun Unique Weekly
July 19, 1917
"Registered men Learn Numbers," pg. 1
July 26, 1917
"Four Risingsun men in first call," pg. 1
October 4, 1917
"Risingsun Boys in camp," pg. 1
October 11, 1917
Private Glen O. Ream, Field Artillery, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, pg. 1
November 1, 1917
"Bradner man killed in Camp: Albert Bowe accidentally shot at Camp Perry," pg. 1
December 13, 1917
Mechanic Carl Crawfoot, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, November 29, 1917, pg. 1
January 3, 1918
"Homer White Enlisted," U.S. Marine Corps, pg. 1
January 24, 1918
"Two more boys enlist," pg. 1
February 7, 1918
Sergeant William H. Russell, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, January 22, 1918, pg. 1
February 21, 1918
First Class Electrician Reed Phillips, U.S.S. Susquehanna, February 6, 1918, pg. 1
Private Homer D. White, 89th Co., U.S. Marine Corps, Marine Barracks, Parris Island, South Carolina, pg. 1
February 28, 1918
Ernest Whitman, Troop D, 15th U.S. Cavalry, Douglas, Arizona, February 20, 1918, pg. 1
April 4, 1918
"Risingsun boys left for camp," pg. 1
April 11, 1918
"Ernest Whitman in France," pg. 1
"Risinsun loses first soldier boy: Glen W. Summerland, 42nd Division," 166th Infantry, pg. 1
April 25, 1918
Private Homer D. White, 149th Co., 3rd Replacement Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps, Quantico, Virginia, April 17,
1918, pg. 1
May 2, 1918
"Lester Lehmann in line for promotion," 145th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 1
May 9, 1918
Herbert Sheseley, aviation department, U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Air Station, Balboa Park, San Diego, California, April
28, 1918, pg. 1
May 30, 1918
"More Risingsun boys in France," pg. 1
June 6, 1918
"Lieutenant Glen O. Ream," pg. 1
July 18, 1918
Private Elmer William Randel, 83rd Co., 6th Regt., U.S. Marine Corps, somewhere in France, June 20, 1918 and
June 24, 1918, pgs 1 and 8
August 1, 1918
Private Clyde P. Stoudinger, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in England, June 28, 1918, pg. 1
August 8, 1918
Private Blake B. Fox, Co. M, 4th Engineers Training Regiment, Camp A.A. Humphreys, Accotink, Virginia, July 27,
1918, pgs. 1 and 10
August 15, 1918
Private George I. Goudy, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, from across the sea, June 27, 1918, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant Lester L. Lehmann, Co. H, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 1
August 29, 1918
Private Homer D. White, 83rd Co., 6th Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps, July 26, 1918, pg. 1
September 5, 1918
Seaman Second Class Leon E. Bates, Unit B, 153rd Co., Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Virginia, August
22, 1918, pg. 1
September 12, 1918
"Ralph Pew in France," pg. 1
September 19, 1918
Private Ralph F. Byington, 337th Fire and Guard Co., Camp Merritt, New Jersey, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant Lester L. Lehmann, Co. H, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, France, August 13, 1918, pg. 1
October 3, 1918
Private George I. Goudy, Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, France, August 16, 1918 and September 8, 1918, pg.
Second Lieutenant Glen Ream, Field Artillery, Camp Funston, Kansas, September 27, 1918, pg. 1
October 10, 1918
Private Uel S. Jamison, Medical Department, 307th Supply Train, 82nd Division, Mayet, France, August 24, 1918,
pg. 1
October 17, 1918
"Soldier Boy Gave Life: Private Isaac Newton Courtney," pg. 1
Private Glen O. Ash, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, October 1918, pg. 1
October 24, 1918
Obituary for Isaac Newton Courtney, pg. 1
"George Goudy in fight," Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, pg. 1
"Elmer Stephens dies at Chillicothe," 158th Depot Brigade, pg. 1
October 31, 1918
Sergeant T.C. Dickman and H.G. Hoefer, 29th Field Artillery, Camp Funston, Kansas, October 11, 1918, pg. 1
November 14, 1918
Corporal Paul Kline, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, October 19, 1918, pg. 1
Private Ralph F. Byington, 337th Fire and Guard Co., Camp Merritt, New Jersey, pgs. 1 and 8
November 21, 1918
"Wesley Saam gave his life: soldier only five months, yet died October 18 in France from wounds received in
action," pg. 1
November 28, 1918
"Alvin Feasel Killed," Co. M, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 1 (this article is in error)
Private Clyde P. Stoudinger, Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, somewhere in France, pg. 1
Corporal Howard M. Roth, 303rd Mechanical Repair Shop Unit, Quartermaster Corps, somewhere in France,
October 10, 1918, pg. 1
Private Howard C. Rees, Co. A, Students Army Training Corps, Oxford, Ohio, pg. 1
December 5, 1918
Private Carl Crawfoot, Machine Gun Co., 28th Infantry, somewhere in France, September 28, 1918, pg. 1
Private Paul F. Bower, Battery E, 110th Field Artillery, 29th Division, somewhere in France, November 4, 1918,
pg. 1
"Carl Crawfoot missing in action," pg. 1
December 12, 1918
Private Elmer W. Randel, 83rd Co., 6th Marine Regt., 2nd Division, St. Denis, France, October 25, 1918, pg. 1
"Roy A. Aukerman died in Liverpool," pg. 1
December 19, 1918
Private Paul F. Bower, Battery E, 110th Field Artillery, 29th Division, Camp Hunt, somewhere in France, October
24, 1918, pg. 1
January 2, 1919
"Red Cross gave details of death of soldier husband: Wesley Saam," pg. 1
Private First Class Othel G. Bennett, Headquarters Co., 140th Field Artillery, 39th Division, Valhon, France,
November 24, 1918, pg. 1
January 16, 1919
Private George I. Goudy, Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, Millieres, France, December 9, 1918 and December
15, 1918, pg. 1
"Fremont officer home on visit: Lester L. Lehmann," pg. 1
"Buried with full honors: Roy A. Aukerman," pg. 1
January 23, 1919
Private Melvin R. Bowe, 67th Co., 5th Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps, somewhere in Germany, December 20,
1918, pg. 1
Herbert Sheseley, U.S. Navy, Autingues, France, December 11, 1918 and December 25, 1918, pg. 1
January 30, 1919
Private Homer D. White, 83rd Co., 6th Marine Regt., 2nd Division, St. Agonin, France, December 31, 1918, pg. 1
Private Melvin R. Bowe, 67th Co., 5th Marine Regiment, 2nd Division, Niederbach, Germany, December 28,
1918, pg. 1
February 6, 1919
Private Melvin R. Bowe, 67th Co., 5th Marine Regiment, 2nd Division, Niederbreitboch, Germany, January 10,
1919, pg. 1
Private George I. Goudy, Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, Millieres, France, January 7, 1919, pg. 1
Private Homer D. White, 83rd Co., U.S. Marine Corps, Leutesdorf, Germany, January 9, 1919, pg. 1
February 13, 1919
Herbert Sheseley, U.S. Navy, Autingues, France, January 6, 1919, pg. 1
Private Norman Lyonell McCrory, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Monthairon, France, pg. 1
"George Goudy expected home," pg. 1
February 27, 1919
Private Elmer W. Randel, 83rd Co., 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Division, Leutesdorf on the Rhine, Germany,
January 11, 1919, pg. 1
March 6, 1919
"Township memorial for fallen heroes," Private Mont Vern Meeker, pg. 1
March 13, 1919
"Herbert Shesely returned Saturday," pg. 1
March 27, 1919
Private Elmer W. Randel, 83rd Co., 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Division, Leutesdorf, Germany, February 14, 1919,
pg. 1
Private George I. Goudy, Co. E, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, Parigne L. Polin, France, February 9, 1919, pg. 1
April 3, 1919
Private Melvin R. Bowe, 67th Co., 5th Marine Regiment, 2nd Division, Coblenz, Germany, March 6, 1919, pg. 1
Wood County Democrat
August 17, 1917
Private Clarence G. Weaver, MGT, 21st Cavalry, Fort Riley, Kansas, July 29, 1917, pg. 2
October 26, 1917
Corporal Harold M. Dunipace, 66th Co., 5th Marine Regt., 2nd Division, AEF, somewhere in France, September 2,
1917, pg. 1
November 16, 1917
Private Burhl E. Smith, Co. B, 308th Ammunition Train, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio,
November 4, 1917, pg. 5
November 30, 1917
Private Henry J. Hartman, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
November 17, 1917, pg. 1
Corporal Harold M. Dunipace, 66th Co., 5th Marine Regt., 2nd Division, somewhere in France, September 28,
1917, pg. 8
December 7, 1917
Private First Class Orrin W. McBride, Co. D, 13th Engineers (Ry.), somewhere in France, October 24, 1917, pg. 2
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg.
December 28, 1917
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, November
17, 1917, pg. 2
February 22, 1918
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 17,
1918, pg. 5
March 8, 1918
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, February 3,
1918, pg. 6
March 15, 1918
Private George Healey, 366th Motor Truck Co., 408th Motor Supply Train, somewhere in France, February 15,
1918, pg. 7
Private Forest S. Fellers, 184th Aero Squadron, Camp Taliaferro, Fort Worth, Texas, February 26, 1918, pg. 8
March 29, 1918
Private William Ray Cordrey, 37th Aero Squadron, Aviation Camp, Waco, Texas, no date, pg. 8
May 3, 1918
Joseph C. Sullivan, 477th Aero Const. Squadron, Signal Corps, somewhere in France, March 23, 1918, pg. 8
May 24, 1918
Joseph C. Sullivan, 477th Aero Const. Squadron, Signal Corps, somewhere in France, April 10, 1918, pg. 4
June 7, 1918
Private First Class Fred J. Lenz, 840th Aero Repair Squadron, somewhere in England, May 5, 1918, pg. 1
June 14, 1918
Private George F. Wilson, Machine Gun Troop, 15th Cavalry, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 1
Private First Class Melvin G. Loop, Battery B, 76th Field Artillery, 3rd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg.
Private Leon G. Burson, Co. B, 11th Infantry, 5th Division, somewhere in France, May 12, 1918, pg. 5
June 21, 1918
Private First Class Melvin G. Loop, Battery B, 76th Field Artillery, 3rd Division, somewhere in France, May 1918,
pg. 4
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, May 9, 12,
and 26, 1918, pg. 8
June 28, 1918
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg.
July 5, 1918
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, June 1,
1918, pg. 4
August 2, 1918
Private James T. Egbert, Co. H, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 1
August 16, 1918
Private Anthony P. Steffes, Supply Co., 326th Field Artillery, 84th Division, West Point, Kentucky, August 3, 1918,
pg. 2
Private Walter O. Weimer, Casual Co. 248, somewhere in France, July 15, 1918, pg. 2
August 23, 1918
Private Joseph C. Sullivan, 477th Aero Const. Squadron, somewhere in France, July 18, 1918, pg. 2
Private James T. Egbert, Co. H, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 2
September 6, 1918
Corporal Floyd Philo, Co. E, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, July 7 and 21, 1918, pg. 7
September 13, 1918
Private Thomas L. Patterson, Automatic Replacement Draft, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, September 9, 1918,
pg. 2
September 20, 1918
Private First Class Melvin G. Loop, Battery B, 76th Field Artillery, 3rd Division, somewhere in France, August 7,
1918, pg. 2
September 27, 1918
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, July 20 and
August 20, 1918, pg. 5
Private Henry J. Sternaman, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 8, 1918, pg. 7
October 4, 1918
Corporal Floyd Philo, Co. E, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 22 and September 5,
1918, pg. 4
Private Harry E. Modisett, 8th Co., 2nd Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Ohio, September 28,
1918, pg. 5
October 25, 1918
Private First Class J. Frank Coveny, Co. A, 319th Field Signal Battalion, somewhere in France, September 12,
1918, pg. 1
Private Chester H. Greenfield, Section 3, Group A, Mechanical Repair Unit, 301st Motor Transport Corps,
somewhere in France, September 19, 1918, pg. 5
November 1, 1918
Private John A. Czirr, 8th Co., 2nd Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Ohio, October 14, 1918, pg. 4
(regarding death of Clyde Heyman)
November 8, 1918
Private Elmer Ray Bauman, Headquarters Co., 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France, October
14, 1918, pg. 2
Corporal Gordon R. Apel, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 4
Private Ivan J. Kibler, Co. G, 109th Infantry, 28th Division, somewhere in France, October 5, 1918, pg. 5
Corporal Earl M. Williams, Headquarters Co., 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France,
September 30, 1918, pg. 7
November 15, 1918
Private Morris Van Dorp, Headquarters Co., 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France, no date,
pg. 4
November 22, 1918
Wagoner Arthur E. Emmitt, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
September 19 and 28, 1918, pg. 4
December 6, 1918
Private J. Thurman Egbert, Co. B, 103rd Infantry, 26th Division, somewhere in France, October 10, 1918, pg. 1
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, October 25,
1918, pg. 1
December 27, 1918
Sergeant Floyd Dishong, 15th Machine Gun Battalion, 5th Division, somewhere in France, November 17, 1918,
pg. 1
Private Chester Greenfield, No. 301 Co. 2, Motor Transport Corps, Vernial, France, November 24, 1918, pg. 5
January 3, 1919
Private Herman M. Adler, Battery B, 9th Regt., Coast Artillery, somewhere in France, November 26, 1918, pg. 2
January 31, 1919
Private James W. Hampton, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, December
19, 1918, pg. 8
February 7, 1919
Private Richard J. Beard, Co. D, 309th Supply Train, 84th Division, Marseilles, France, December 25, 1918, Dijon,
France, January 1, 1919, pg. 7
February 14, 1919
Private First Class John H. Fisher, Co. D, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Neuwied, Germany, December 22, 1918,
pg. 2
Sergeant First Class Paul Brown, 5th Co., 4th Motor Mechanic Regt., Signal Corps, somewhere in France, no date,
pg. 2
Private Philip L. Binkley, Co. C, 6th Infantry, 5th Division, Trier, Germany, January 13, 1919, pg. 7
March 7, 1919
Private Thomas L. Patterson, Battery E, 150th Field Artillery, 42nd Division, Neunenahr, Germany, January 17,
1919, pg. 5
March 21, 1919
Captain Arthur F. Williams, 30th Infantry, Camp Merrill, New Jersey, March 14, 1919, pg. 1 (regarding the death
of Lt. Terry Norcross)
Private James H. Vosburg, 122nd Co., Prisoner of War Escort, Haulon Field, France, January 31, 1919 and
February 1, 1919, pg. 2
Private James T. Egbert, Co. B, 103rd Infantry, 26th Division, U.S. Debarkation Hospital No. 3, New York City,
March 19, 1919, pg. 4
April 11, 1919
Private James T. Egbert, Co. B, 103rd Infantry, 26th Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, April 1, 1919, pg. 6
Private Thomas L. Patterson, Battery E, 150th Field Artillery, 42nd Division, Neuenahr, Germany, March 1, 1919,
pg. 7
April 25, 1919
Memoir of A. Clifton Lambert, Canadian Expeditionary Force, pg. 6
Wood County Herald
August 2, 1917
"Wood County Boys- Company H, composed of Wood County Boys, mustered into Federal service," Co. H, 2nd
Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pg. 1
August 9, 1917
Private First Class Wallace M. Stickles, Co. L, 42nd Infantry, Fort Douglas, Utah, July 29, 1917, pg. 1
August 30, 1917
A.C. Lambert, Canadian Expeditionary Force, somewhere in England, August 4, 1917, pg. 8
September 13, 1917
Private Clarence G. Weaver, Machine Gun Troop, 21st Cavalry, Fort Riley, Kansas, September 6, 1917, pg. 1
October 4, 1917
"Off for Camp: Company H, of Wood County, left for Camp Sherman Sunday morning," pgs. 1 and 4
October 11, 1917
Private James F. Hatcher, 52nd Training Battalion, 2nd Regiment, Depot Brigade, Camp Sheridan, Alabama,
October 4, 1917, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant Harold J. Bash, 4th Co. Enlisted Officers Training School, 110th Engineers, 35th Division, Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas, October 7, 1917, pg. 5
October 18, 1917
Private Loy W. Sockman, 121st Aero Squadron, no place, October 8, 1917, pg. 1
E.B. Cook, U.S. Navy Air Station, Bay Shore, Long Island, New York, October 15, 1917, pg. 1
October 25, 1917
Private Charles A. Pauff, Co. H, 2nd Infantry, Ohio National Guard, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
October 17, 1917, pg. 1
Private Raymond M. Thorley, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Recruit Camp, Medical Officers' Training Corps, Camp
Greenleaf, Oglethorpe, Georgia, October 17, 1917, pg. 1
November 1, 1917
Private Delbert W. French, Co. C, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, October
26, 1917, pg. 1
"Company H Boys- transferred to Company F, 146th Infantry-don't overlook writing them," pg. 1
November 8, 1917
Private Raymond M. Thorley, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, no date, pg. 1
November 15, 1917
Private Cyril E. Phelps, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, November 1,
1917, pg. 1
Private Loy W. Stockman, 121st Aero Squadron, San Antonio, Texas, November 8, 1917, pg. 1
November 22, 1917
Sergeant John A. Underwood, Co. G, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
November 16, 1917, pg. 1
Machinist's Mate, Second Class Harvey E. Roe, U.S. Navy, Bay Shore, New York, November 17, 1917, pg. 1
November 29, 1917
Machinist's Mate, First Class Clarence J. Poland, U.S. Naval Air Station, Bay Shore, Long Island, New York,
November 8, 1917, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant William B. Wilcox, Supply Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama,
November 12, 1917, pg. 1
December 6, 1917
George Allyn Chapman, 9th Co., 3rd Battalion, 160th Depot Brigade, Camp Custar, Battle Creek, Michigan,
November 29, 1917, pg. 1
Private Delbert W. French, Co. C, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
November 24, 1917, pg. 1
Dean Soash, Base Hospital, 40th Division, Camp Kearney, San Diego, California, November 25, 1917, pg. 1
December 13, 1917
Major A.L. Moudy, field artillery school, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, pg. 1
December 27, 1917
Private Delbert W. French, Co. C, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, no date,
pg. 4
January 17, 1918
Private John A. Poland, U.S. Army Air Service, Fort Worth, Texas, January 9, 1918, pg. 1
January 24, 1918
Private Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Field Hospital No. 3, somewhere in
France, December 25, 1917, January 1, 1918, pg. 1
January 31, 1918
Private John A. Underwood, Co. A, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
January 21, 1918, pg. 1
February 7, 1918
Chief Quartermaster (Aviation) Clarence J. Poland, U.S. Navy Aero Detachment, Akron, Ohio, January 28, 1918,
pg. 1
Private John A. Underwood, Co. A, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
February 1, 1918, pg. 1
February 21, 1918
Private Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, somewhere in France, January 19,
1918, pg. 1
Private Charles A. Pauff, Co. E, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, February
12, 1918, pg. 1
February 28, 1918
Private John A. Underwood, Co. A, 112th Supply Train, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Mongtomery, Alabama,
February 22, 1918, pg. 8
March 21, 1918
Private Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, somewhere in France, February 13,
1918, pg. 1
April 4, 1918
Private Lee Roy Henning, U.S. Army Aviation School, Kelley Field, San Antonio, Texas, March 4, 1918, pg. 1
April 11, 1918
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, somewhere in France,
March 12, 1918, pg. 1
April 18, 1918
First Lieutenant J. Cliff Wetherill, Base Hospital, Camp Mills, Mineola, New York, April 10, 1918, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant Harold J. Bash, 30th Engineers, somewhere in France, March 17, 1918, pg. 1
Private Jay A. Tolles, Detachment, 19th Engineers, 22nd Co., Transportation Corps, Camp Merritt, New Jersey,
March 25, 1918, pg. 4
Private James F. Hatcher, Co. F, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, April 11, 1918, pg. 4
Corporal Wallace M. Stickles, Co. L, 42nd Infantry, Port Newark, New Jersey, April 10, 1918, pg. 5
April 25, 1918
Private Roland J. Martin, 16th Company, 4th Training Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Ohio, April
1918, pg. 1
May 2, 1918
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, somewhere in France,
March 30, April 2, 1918, pg. 1
Private Leon G. Burson, Co. B, 11th Infantry, 5th Division, Camp Merritt, New Jersey, April 18, 1918, pg. 1
Oce M. Lang, Camp Laurel, Maryland, April 1918, pg. 4
May 9, 1918
Private John A. Poland, 436th Aero Squadron, Cosmospolis, Washington, April 21, 1918, pg. 1
May 16, 1918
Private First Class Loy W. Sockman, Headquarters Detachment, Park Field, Memphis, Tennessee, May 6, 1918,
pgs. 1 and 4
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital Co. No. 3, 1st Division, somewhere in France, April 12,
1918, pgs. 4 and 5
Private Jay A. Tolles, Camp Grant Detachment, 19th Engineers, somewhere in France, April 19, 1918, pg. 5
May 30, 1918
Private James F. Hatcher, Camp Sheridan April Replacement Overseas Casuals, somewhere in France, May 1918,
pg. 4
June 13, 1918
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Somewhere in France,
May 2 and 8, May 12, 1918, pgs. 1 and 4
Private George Allyn Chapman, 376th Motor Transport Company, somewhere in France, May 19, 1918, pg. 8
June 20, 1918
Ensign Clarence J. Poland, W.S. Naval Air Station, U.S. Navy, Brest, France, May 5, 8, 26, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
July 4, 1918
Private Lee Roy Henning, 816th Aero Squadron, Dayton, Ohio, June 19, 1918, pg. 1
Private Chester H. Greenfield, Section 3, Group A, Mechanic Repair Unit, 301st Motor Transport Corps,
somewhere in France, pgs. 1 and 8
July 11, 1918
Second Lieutenant Harley E. Ash, Medical Officers' Training Corps, Camp Greenleaf, Georgia, June 20, 1918, pg. 1
Private George Allyn Chapman, 376th Motor Transport Company, Bordeaux, France, June 15, 1918, pg. 1
Oce M. Lang, Laurel, Maryland, June 13, 1918, pg. 1
July 25, 1918
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, somewhere in France,
June 20, 1918, pg. 1
George Corwin Babcock, 41st Company, 11th Battalion, 166th Depot Brigade, Camp Lewis, Washington, July 12,
1918, pg. 4
August 1, 1918
Robert Houston, Camp Mills, Long Island, New York, July 19, 1918, pg. 1
August 8, 1918
Robert Houston, Camp Mills, Long Island, New York, July 19, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
Private Lee K. Hull, Co. F, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 17, 1918, pg. 8
August 29, 1918
Private Loren E. Cass, 13th Company, 1st Road Regt., Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Florida, July 28, 1918, pg. 8
Private Roland J. Martin, Co. E, 320th Infantry, 80th Division, somewhere in France, July 19, 1918, pg. 8
Private George W. Brown, Battery E, 326th Field Artillery, West Point, Kentucky, August 4, 1918, pg. 8
Private Myron O. Ames, Co. C, 114th Ammunition Train, 39th Division, Camp Beauregard, Alexandria, Louisiana,
August 5, 1918, pg. 8
Private James F. Hatcher, Co. F, 18th Infantry, 1st Division, no place, July 29 and August 4, 1918 pg. 8
Private Cyril E. Phelps, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 6, 1918, pg. 8
September 5, 1918
Private Lloyd E. Lashaway, 14th Training Battalion, Field Artillery Replacement Draft, Battery C, Camp Jackson,
South Carolina, August 7, 1918, pg. 8
Corporal John H. Long, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 31, 1918, pg. 8
Private Lee K. Hull, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, July 30, 1918, pg. 8
September 12, 1918
Private Bliss A. Kemmerling, 15th Battalion, Battery C, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, August 4, 1918, pg. 8
Private F. Jay Lashaway, 15th Battalion, Field Artillery Replacement Draft, Battery C, Camp Jackson, South
Carolina, August 4, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, 1st Division, August 10, 1918, pg. 8
September 19, 1918
Private First Class Cyril E. Phelps, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, France, August 4, 1918, pg. 8
September 26, 1918
Private Edward J. Roe, 20th Co., 5th Training Battalion, 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Taylor, Kentucky, no date,
pg. 8
October 3, 1918
Ship's Cook Clarence Earl Morrison, U.S. Navy, Galley 501, Camp Perry, Great Lakes, Illinois, October 1, 1918,
pgs. 1 and 4
Private James F. Hatcher, Co. F, 18th Infantry, 1st Division, Base Hospital No. 13, no place, August 28 and 29,
1918 pg. 8 (2 letters)
Private Reed Ellwood Beverstock, 266th Co., Battalion W, U.S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, South Carolina, no
date, pg. 8
Private John A. Underwood, Headquarters Battalion, 1st Army Headquarters, France, August 26 and September
10, 1918, pg. 8
October 17, 1918
Second Lieutenant Loy W. Sockman, Headquarters Detachment, Ellington Field, Houston, Texas, October 6,
1918, pgs 5 and 8
October 24, 1918
Second Lieutenant Harley E. Ash, 18th Brigade Headquarters, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, no date, pg. 12
Private Calvin R. Harbaugh, Co. B, 7th Infantry, 3rd Division, somewhere in France, September 8, 1918, pg. 12
October 31, 1918
Letters of condolence for Private Clyde W. Heyman, 8th Training Co., 2nd Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, pg. 5
Private Abraham D. Hummel, Co. E, 16th Infantry, 1st Division, somewhere in France, September 23, 1918, pg. 5
Private Lester J. Hummell, Battery E, 72nd Field Artillery, Camp Knox, West Point, Kentucky, October 7, 1918, pg.
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, somewhere in France,
September 20, 1918, pg. 10
Private George W. Brown, Battery E, 326th Field Artillery, somewhere over here, no date, pg. 10
November 7, 1918
Private John A. Underwood, Headquarters Battalion, 1st Army Headquarters, no place, no date, pg. 4
November 28, 1918
Private Harry S. O'Neal, Co. K, 167th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, October 22, 1918, pg. 1
Private George W. Brown, Battery E, 326th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France, October 20, 1918,
pg. 4
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, France, October 15, 1918,
pg. 4
December 5, 1918
Mechanic Ralph A. Baker, Co. B, 1st Antiaircraft Machine Gun Battalion, somewhere in France, November 1918,
pg. 4
Private Roland J. Martin, Co. E, 320th Infantry, 80th Division, Classification camp, France, October 31, 1918, pg. 8
December 12, 1918
Private Reed E. Beverstock, Co. B, 7th Separate Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps, somewhere in France, November 7,
1918, pg. 8
December 19, 1918
Private W.H. Hancolt, Medical Detachment, 328th Field Artillery, 85th Division, Ponta Mousson, France,
December 1, 1918, pgs. 1 and 5
Private George Allyn Chapman, 376th Motor Transport Co., France, November 30, 1918, pg. 4
Private Walter Morrison, 4th Battery, Field Artillery Replacement Regiment, France, no date, pg. 8
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Esch. Luxemburg,
November 24, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Wesley M. Adams, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Limoges, France,
November 24, 1918, pg. 8
January 2, 1919
Captain Robert H. Drake, 112th Military Police, 37th Division, no place, November 24, 1918, pg. 4
A. Clifton Lambert, Canadian Expeditionary Force, France, November 28, 1918, pg. 8
January 9, 1919
Private Lee K. Hull, Co. F, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Cattaro, Austria, December 3, 1918, pg. 1
January 16, 1919
Private John A. Underwood, Headquarters, Motor Transport Corps, Bar-suraube, France, December 19, 1918, pg.
January 23, 1919
Private Otis F. Cavendish, 309th Headquarters Troop, 84th Division, Le Mans, France, no date, pg. 8
Private First Class Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, 1st Division, Germany, December 3, 1918, Schlem,
Germany, December 6, 1918, Trabin, Germany, December 9, 1918, pg. 8
January 30, 1919
Private George Allyn Chapman, 376th Motor Transport Co., no place, December 25, 1918, pg. 4
Private Roland J. Martin, 4th Co., 2nd Provisional Regiment, no place, December 24, 1918, pg. 5
Private Otis F. Cavendish, 309th Headquarters Troop, 84th Division, no place, January 3, 1919, pg. 8
Private John A. Underwood, Headquarters Motor Transport Corps Barsuraube, France, December 26, 1918 and
January 7, 1919, pg. 8
February 6, 1919
Private Otis F. Cavendish, 309th Headquarters Troop, 84th Division, no place, January 18, 1919, pg. 8
Private Lee K. Hull, Co. F, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Teodo, Austria, January 3, 1919, pg. 8
February 13, 1919
Private Frederick E. Zulich, Co. B, 24th Engineers, Vigneulles, France, December 28, 1918, pg. 8
March 6, 1919
Corporal Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, 1st Division, Dernbach, Germany, February 9, 1919, pg. 8
March 20, 1919
Private John A. Underwood, Headquarters Motor Transport Corps, Barsuraube, France, February 13, 1919, pg. 8
Wood County Republican
December 12, 1918
Sergeant Joy R. Cotterman, Evacuation Hospital No. 11, France, October 10, 1918, pg. 1
Private Tide W. Wertz, Regimental Headquarters Co., 28th Engineers, France, October 29, 1918, pg. 1
December 26, 1918
Private First Class Robert R. Wittmer, Co. A, 63rd Regt., Transportation Corps, In Sur Tille, France, November 28,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Gayle L. Chapman, Co. C, 38th Infantry, 3rd Division, November 1918, pg. 1
January 2, 1919
Private First Class Earl N. Thoroman, Co. B, 5th Field Battalion, Signal Corps, France, November 12, 1918, pg. 1
and Remich, Luxembourg, November 24, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8
January 9, 1919
Corporal Thomas M. Hannifan, 128th Ambulance Co., 107th Sanitary Train, 32nd Division, Walfordingin,
Luxembourg, November 24, 1918, pgs. 1 and 8, and November 9, 1918, pg. 8
January 16, 1919
Private Walter H. McKay, 132nd Field Hospital, 108th Sanitary Train, 33rd Division, Ambly, France, November 25,
1918, pg. 1 and 8
Frank Kissler, Co. H, 104th Infantry, 26th Division, Bonnecourt, France, December 15, 1918, pg. 1
January 23, 1919
Private Ralph H. Lehnert, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division, Nutford, Luxembourg, November 26 and 29,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Gayle L. Chapman, Co. C, 38th Infantry, 3rd Division. Neidermendig, near Coblenz, Germany,
December 28, 1918, pg. 1
January 30, 1919
Mechanic Fred Pauff, Headquarters Co., 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division, somewhere in Germany, December 17,
1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Earl Newton Thoroman, Co. B, 5th Field Battalion, Signal Corps, Andernach, Germany,
December 20, 1918, pg. 1
Private Robert Thoroman, 68th Railway Co., Transportation Corps, Camp Garrett, France, January 5, 1919, pg. 1
February 6, 1919
Private First Class Gayle L. Chapman, Co. C, 38th Infantry, 3rd Division, Neidermedig, Germany, no date, pg. 1
Sergeant Ray R. Eaton, Co. I, 307th Repair Unit, Motor Transport Corps, St. Nazaire, France, January 13, 1919, pg.
February 13, 1919
Wagoner Charles H. Johnson, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, Aosteroosbeke, Belgium,
November 25, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Senior Grade Leon E. Genson, 310th Motor Transport Corps, 3rd Army, Coblenz, Germany, January 3
and 5, 1919, pg. 8
February 20, 1919
Corporal John Henry Schaller, Headquarters Co., 11th Marine Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps, Brigade Paymasters'
Office, Tours, France, December 25, 1918, pg. 1 and 2
Sergeant Major Joy R. Cotterman, Evacuation Hospital No. 11, Le Mans, Sarthe, France, January 25, 1919, pg. 4
February 27, 1919
Private Tide Wertz, Regimental Headquarters Detachment, 28th Engineers, Brest, France, January 3, 1919, pg. 1
March 6, 1919
Seaman Eugene A. Taylor, U.S.S. Florida, New York, New York, February 23, 1919, pg. 1
March 20, 1919
Private First Class Earl Newton Thoroman, Co. B, 5th Field Signal Battalion, Signal Corps, London, England,
February 27, 1919, pg. 1
April 3, 1919
Article on Sergeant Clyde F. Rex, U.S. Army Aviation Service, pg. 1
April 10, 1919
Sergeant Leon E. Genson, 310th Motor Transport Corps, Coblenz, Germany, March 14, 1919, pg. 1
April 24, 1919
Mechanic Fred Pauff, Headquarters Co., 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division, Vollendar, Germany, March 27, 1919, pg. 1
Private Robert Thoroman, 18th Division Transportation Corps, Lyons, France, March 27, 1919, pg. 1
May 1, 1919
Sergeant Major John H. Schaller, Headquarters Co., 11th Marine Regiment, Tours, France, March 8, 1919, pg. 1
Private First Class Gayle L. Chapman, Co. C, 38th Infantry, 3rd Division, Neidermendig, Germany, April 5, 1919,
pg. 1
May 22, 1919
Private First Class Ralph H. Lehnert, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division Simmern, Germany, April 27, 1919,
pg. 1
Wood County Sentinel-Tribune
May 24, 1917
"O.N.G. will go into camp on July 15th," pg. 1
June 17, 1917
C. Mark Herbert, U.S. Army Air Service, pg. 1
"Wood County Men Who Registered for U.S. Service," pgs. 2-5
July 12, 1917
"Guard Put in Service," pg. 7
July 19, 1917
"Guardsmen Ready for Service of U.S.," pg. 1
July 26, 1917
"Selective Service Men from this County," pgs. 1-2, 6-7
August 2, 1917
"Muster Guard into Federal Service," pg. 1
Muster roll for Co. H, 2nd Infantry, Ohio National Guard, pgs. 1 and 7
August 9, 1917
"Official List of Men Called in the First Examination," pgs. 1-2
August 16, 1917
"Sixteen Co. H Men are to be sent to France," pg. 6
September 6, 1917
"Royal Send Off for Company H," pg. 1
October 4, 1917
"Company H left for Ft. Sheridan Sunday," pg. 1
Lee Hull, 29th Provisional Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, July 9, 1917, pg. 8
October 11, 1917
Private Lester E. Brink, 5th Company, 2nd Training Battalion, Depot Brigade, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October
2, 1917, pg. 2
Major Charles A. Heater, 2nd Infantry, Ohio National Guard, Headquarters, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 3,
1917, pg. 6
October 18, 1917
Captain Donald C. Warner, Co. H, 2nd Infantry, Ohio National Guard, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 1917,
pg. 2
October 25, 1917
Private Bertis J. Whitmer, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 18, 1917, pg. 1
E.E. Shamp, Co. E, 16th Engineers, France, September 4, 1917, pg. 7
"Thirty-Five Co. H Boys Transferred," pg. 8
November 1, 1917
Regimental Supply Sergeant Frank L. Schwecheimer, 324th Field Artillery, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio,
October 21, 1917, pg. 2
Private Van C. Campbell, Co. D, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, October
21, 1917, pg. 8
November 8, 1917
Private Kennard A. Long, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 27, 1917, pg. 6
Floyd H. Winter, Fort Sheridan, Illinois, October 28, 1917, pg. 8
November 15, 1917
Private Marvin M. Copus, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 1917, pg. 1
Private First Class Clare C. Campbell, Co. A, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan,
Montgomery, Alabama, November 6, 1917, pg. 2
Corporal Bruce C. Pratt, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, October 1917, pg. 3
Lieutenant Roy Shinew, Co. H, 144th Infantry, 36th Division, Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, Texas, no date, pg. 5
Corporal Lester Sherman, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
November 4, 1917, pg. 8
Sergeant Ernest C. Perkins, Medical Detachment, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, no
date, pg. 8
Private Harvey Brown, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, November 3, 1917, pg. 8
November 22, 1917
Private First Class Harold L. Amos, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 6,
1917, pg. 2
Private Carl F. Wismar, 148th Ambulance Co., 112th Sanitary Train 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, no
date, pg. 8
November 29, 1917
"Major C.A. Heater Tells of Camp," pg. 2
Private Kennard A. Long, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, November 19, 1917, pg.
December 6, 1917
Private Edward L. Cookson, Co. C, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
November 30, 1917, pg. 2
December 20, 1917
Private First Class Raymond L. Pratt, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
December 1917, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant Donald M. Ladd, Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, Hawaii Territory, December 2, 1917, pg. 8
Sergeant Robert A. Russell, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, December 16, 1917, pg. 8
December 27, 1917
Private Lew Wallace, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division , somewhere in France, November 24, 1917, pg. 1
Sergeant Samuel E. Pelton, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, December 19, 1917,
pg. 5
Norman H. Kamps, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, November 11, 1917, pg. 8
Sergeant Alva W. Bachman, 148th Field Hospital, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, no date, pg. 8
January 3, 1918
Private George F. Shanks, FWD Auto Co., Motor Section Training School, Clintonville, Wisconsin, December 13,
1917, pg. 1
Corporal Bruce C. Pratt, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, December 4, 1917, pg. 8
Captain Donald C. Warner, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama,
December 26, 1917, pg. 8
January 10, 1918
Private Gloster D. Chambers, 10th Co., 161st Depot Brigade, Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois, no date, pg. 5
Private First Class Harry A. Avery, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, December 28,
1917, pg. 8
January 24, 1918
Private Carl Henry Gonyer, Medical Dept., Base Hospital No. 77, Camp Pike, Arkansas, January 15, 1918, pg. 2
First Lieutenant Dale I. Ladd, Quartermaster Corps, somewhere in France, December 30, 1917, pg. 2
Wayne Fowler, Special Detachment, 26th Engineers, Trenton, New Jersey, January 11, 1918, pg. 3
Private Frank Harrington, Headquarters Detachment, 116th Co., U.S. Marine Corps, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands,
January 6, 1918, pg. 7
January 31, 1918
Lieutenant Roy Shinew, 20th T.R.T. Co., 161st Depot Brigade, Camp Grant, Illinois, no date, pg. 8
February 7, 1918
Sergeant John A. Underwood, Co. G, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, January 21, 1918,
pg. 8
February 14, 1918
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 8, 1918, pg.
Nurse Florence M. Hershberger, Field Hospital No. 16, France, December 31, 1917, pg. 7
Private Walter Wismar, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, January 14, 1918, pg. 8
Private Carl L. Wismar, 148th Ambulance Co., 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama,
January 14, 1918, pg. 8
February 21, 1918
Private First Class Harold E. Brown, Co. E, 6th Engineers, 3rd Division, somewhere in France, December 29 and
31, 1917, pg. 2
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 20, 1918,
pg. 2, and January 27, 1918, pg. 6
Landsman Jacob Leroy Fogler, U.S. Navy Receiving Ship, Boston, Massachusetts, January 3, 1918, pg. 8
Private Orville R. Weaver, Co. D, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 8, 1918, pg. 8
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Co. A, 26th Engineers, somewhere in France, December 25, 1917, pg. 8
February 28, 1918
Landsman Jacob Leroy Fogler, U.S. Navy Receiving Ship, Boston, Massachusetts, January 3, 1918, pg. 2
Nurse Florence M. Hershberger, Field Hospital No. 16, somewhere in France, December 31, 1917, pg. 2
Private Orville R. Weaver, Co. D, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 5, 1919, pg. 2
(Pemberville Leader)
Corporal Robert E. Hull, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 2
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Co. A, 26th Engineers, France, December 25, 1917, pg. 2
"Bowling Green Boy Tells of His Experience on Torpedoed Vessel," Private Ralph E. Plotner, Co. E, 329th Infantry,
83rd Division, pg. 7
March 7, 1918
Private Myron P. Wyers, Machine Gun Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery,
Alabama, February 21, 1918, pg. 1
"Ten Wood Co. Men Depart for Georgia," pg. 3
Private Fern Leady, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, January 21, 1918, pg.
March 14, 1918
Private Howard L. Grau, 13th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, February 2, 1918, pg. 3
Private Lee W. Hiser, Co. M, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, February 6, 1918, pg. 8
(Pemberville Leader)
Nurse Ethel Shanabarger, Red Cross naval unit, Brooklyn, New York, March 1918, pg. 8
Private Ralph H. Lehnert, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division, somewhere in France, January 24, 1918, pg. 8
March 28, 1918
Earl Bellman, Camp Meade, Maryland, March 13, 1918, pg. 5
Private Raymond M. Thorley, Field Hospital No. 3, somewhere in France, February 13, 1918, pg. 7 (Wood County
Nurse Esther M. Palmer, somewhere in France, February 14, 1918, pg. 7 (Prairie Depot Observer)
Private Russell R. Foley, Co. E, 1st Engineers, 1st Division, somewhere in France, February 11, 1918, pg. 8
April 4, 1918
Private Fred L. Adams, 163rd Field Hospital, 116th Sanitary Train, 41st Division, Army Sanitary Schools,
somewhere in France, February 23, 1918, pg. 7 (Prairie Depot Observer)
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, March 1 and 4,
1918, pg. 8
April 11, 1918
Private Donald R. West, 16th Co., 4th Training Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Ohio, April 5,
1918, pg. 6
Private Hubert Rethinger, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Sherman, Ohio, April 1, 1918, pg. 7
April 18, 1918
Corporal M. Lyle Parks, Co. B, 2nd Machine Gun Battalion, 1st Division, somewhere in France, March 24, 1918,
pg. 5
Private Phillip L. Binkley, 16th Co., 4th Training Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Ohio, April 6,
1918, pg. 8
Private Arthur M. Drury, 2nd Co., Camp Sherman, Ohio Casuals, Co. C, 116th Engineers, 41st Division,
somewhere in France, March 10, 1918, pg. 8
May 2, 1918
Private First Class Harold E. Brown, Co. E, 6th Engineers, 3rd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 2
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Co. A, 26th Engineers, somewhere in France, March 24, 1918, pg. 6
Private William M. Bush, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division, somewhere in France, March 9, 1918, pg. 6
(Tontogany Times)
Private Charles E. Haight, Co. D, 148th Infantry, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, no date,
pg. 7 (Tri-County News)
May 9, 1918
Private Karl T. Martin, 16th Co., 4th Training Battalion, 158th Depot Brigade, Camp Sherman, Ohio, April 28,
1918, pg. 3
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, April 6, 1918, pg. 5
Private Donald A. Plotner, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, April 5, 1918, pg. 8
May 16, 1918
Private First Class William C. Leimgruber, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France,
no date, pg. 1
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Co. A, 26th Engineers, somewhere in France, April 18, 1918, pg. 8
Private John Chamberlain, Co. F, 163rd Infantry, 41st Division, somewhere in France, April 22, 1918, pg. 8
May 23, 1918
Private Clarence J. Nause, Battery A, 102nd Field Artillery, 26th Division, Camp Sheridan, Alabama, May 17,
1918, pg. 3
Cook Lew Wallace, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, April 27, 1918, pg. 8
First Lieutenant Harold R. Mead, 3rd Battalion, 9th Infantry, 2nd Division, somewhere in France, April 15, 1918,
pg. 8
May 30, 1918
Supply Sergeant Frank L. Schwecheimer, Supply Co., 11th Battalion, 1st Brigade, Field Artillery Replacement
Depot, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, May 1, 1918, pg. 2
Private Ross A. Hill, Co. E, 417th Telegraph Battalion, Camp Alfred Vail, New Jersey, May 21, 1918, pg. 8
Private Floyd E. Hiser, Co. E, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, April 7, 1918, pg. 8
June 6, 1918
Private First Class Floyd A. Coller, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, Camp Sheridan,
Alabama, May 30, 1918, pg. 4
Private Arthur M. Patterson, 24th Co., 6th Training Battalion, 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Zachary Taylor,
Kentucky, June 2, 1918, pg. 8
June 13, 1918
Private Bertis J. Whitmer, Co. B, 116th Military Police, 41st Division, somewhere in France, May 28, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, somewhere in France, May 12, 1918, pg. 1
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Co. A, 26th Engineers, somewhere in France, May 11, 1918, pg. 2
Private First Class Cloyce L. Boyer, Co. E, 308th Ammunition Train, 83rd Division, Camp Mills, Hempstead, Long
Island, New York, June 7, 1918, pg. 2
Private George Grover, Co. B, 1st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, 1st Army somewhere in France, May 14,
1918, pg. 5
Private Howard L. Grau, 13th Aero Detachment, 4th Aerial Artillery Observation School, somewhere in France,
April 21, 1918, May 11, 1918, pg. 7
June 20, 1918
Private Bertis J. Whitmer, Co. B, 116th Military Police, 41st Division, somewhere in France, May 27-28, 1918, pg.
Private Earl Ross Housholder, Battery C, 15th Field Artillery, 2nd Division, somewhere in France, April 23, 1918,
pg. 6
Private Charles Gordon Bridewell, Battery E, 59th Coast Artillery, somewhere in France, May 26, 1918, pg. 7
Private Donald A. Plotner, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, May 6, 1918, pg. 8
Private Jacob A. Sautter, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Mills, Garden City, Long Island, New York,
June 2 and 5, 1918, pg. 8
Sergeant Howard B. Simmons, 303rd Mechanical Repair Shop, somewhere in France, May 12 and 20, 1918, pg. 8
Private Charles Ray Sayre, Medical Detachment, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, Camp Mills, Long Island, New
York, June 6, 1918, pg. 8
June 27, 1918
Ensign John M. Dennis, U.S.S. Beukelsdijk, U.S. Navy, at sea, April 11, 1918, pg. 5
Private Arthur S. Gingrich, Mechanical Replacement Shop, Quartermaster Corps, somewhere in France, May 22,
1918, pg. 6
Private Ray Furry, Supply Co., 325th Field Artillery, 84th Divison, Camp Taylor, Kentucky, June 19, 1918, pg. 7
"Arthur Drury is Wounded in Action," pg. 8
Second Lieutenant Donald M. Ladd, 1st U.S. Infantry, Camp Murray, American Lake, Washington, June 14, 1918,
pg. 8
July 4, 1918
Private George Grover, Co. B, 1st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, 1st Army, somewhere in France, June 1,
1918, pg. 2
Private First Class Vivian Saylor, Base Hospital, New York, New York, June 21, 1918, pg. 2
Corporal Guy D. Spitler, 227th Co., 139th Military Police Battalion, somewhere in France, June 12, 1918, pg. 5
Private Irving L. Hille, 158th Co., U.S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, South Carolina, June 15, 1918, pg. 8
(Pemberville Leader)
Second Lieutenant Chester F. Hanely, Field Artillery Officers' Training Camp, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, no
date, pg. 8
Private Walter H. Downing, 657th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 8 (Tri-County News)
Private Chester M. Colgrove, Co. B, 303rd Battalion, Transportation Corps, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, June 19,
1918, pg. 8 (Pemberville Leader)
Private Alban W. Storeholder, Co. B, 1st Anti-aircraft Machine Gun Brigade, somewhere in France, June 3, 1918,
pg. 8
July 11, 1918
Corporal Fred E. Hubbs, Battery B, 135th Field Artillery, 37th Division, Camp Upton, New York, June 26, 1918, pg.
Private First Class Arthur M. Patterson, Battery F, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, West Point, Kentucky, July
7, 1918, pg. 6
July 18, 1918
Private Arthur M. Drury, Co. D, 2nd Engineers, 2nd Division, somewhere in France, June 19, 1918, pg. 1
Corporal Robert E. Marks, Co. A, 1st Gas Regiment, somewhere in France, June 12, 1918, pg. 2
Private Burton S. Schlicher, Headquarters Co., Conviction Center, Camp Sherman, Ohio, July 14, 1918, pg. 2
Private Cecil B. Hersh, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, no place, June 22, 1918, pg. 2
Lloyd Schauwenker, Camp Sherman, Ohio, July 11, 1918, pg. 5
Corporal Earl M. Housholder, Battery C, 15th Field Artillery, 2nd Division, somewhere in France, June 16, 1918,
pg. 6
Bugler James Southgate, Headquarters Troop, 37th Division, no place, June 24, 1918, pg. 7
Private Albert D. Whitacre, 153rd Field Hospital, 114th Sanitary Train, 39th Division, Camp Beauregard,
Louisiana, July 6, 1918, pg. 7
July 25, 1918
Private Ray H. Sponsler, Headquarters Co., 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, July 12, 1918,
pg. 6
First Lieutenant Dale I. Ladd, Quartermaster Corps, somewhere in France, June 22, 1918, pg. 7
August 1, 1918
Assistant Seaman Willard M. Floyd, U.S. Navy Receiving Ship, New York, New York, July 24, 1918, pg. 1
Private First Class Henry F. Sternaman, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, June 1918, pg.
"Arthur N. Drury Died in France," pg. 6
Private Leroy E. Thompson, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, no place, June 23, 1918, pg. 7
Philip Stiles, somewhere in France, June 16, 1918, pg. 7
Private First Class Arthur M. Patterson, Battery F, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division,West Point, Kentucky, July
21, 1918, pg. 8
August 8, 1918
"Military Funeral for Arthur Drury," pg. 1
"B. Green Soldier Injured in Action," Lester Parks, pg. 1
Corporal Herbert D. Wintersteen, 3rd Co., 1st St. Battalion, 159th Depot Brigade, Camp Taylor, Kentucky, July 16,
1918, pg. 8 (Tontogany Times)
Private Forrest S. Fellers, 184th Aero Squadron, somewhere in France, July 12, 1918, pg. 8
First Lieutenant Robert A. Thurstin, Co. C, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, June 30, 1918,
pg. 8
August 15, 1918
Private Donald A. Plotner, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, July 20, 1918, pg. 8
Corporal Ralph C. Culver, Co. C, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 14, 1918, pg. 8
August 22, 1918
Private First Class Jacob A. Sautter, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 10, 1918, pg.
Sergeant Fred W. Wirebaugh, Battery C, 119th Field Artillery, 32nd Division, somewhere in Germany, July 4,
1918, pg. 6
Private James F. Mears, 3rd Truck Co., 1st Corps Artillery Park, somewhere in France, July 24, 1918, pg. 8
August 29, 1918
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Headquarters Co., Ordnance Department, somewhere in France, August 7, 1918,
pg. 2
Cook Harry N. Wilcox, Co. E, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 6, 1918, pg. 5
Second Lieutenant Roscoe E. Seever, Quartermaster Corps, somewhere on the Atlantic, July 1918, pg. 5
Private Donald A. Plotner, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, July 28, 1918, pg. 6
Private Walter O. Weimer, Headquarters Co., Service of Supply, somewhere in France, August 1, 1918, pg. 7
Private First Class O. Nelson Grover, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, somewhere in
France, July 20, 1918, pg. 7
Private Leroy E. Thompson, Headquarters, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 20, 1918, pg. 8
Corporal Guy D. Spitler, Co. B, 1st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, somewhere in France, July 23, 1918, pg. 8
Private John E. Wilford, Battery C, 15th Battalion, Field Artillery Replacement Depot, Camp Jackson, South
Carolina, August 16, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Harry A. Avery, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, July 28, 1918, pg. 8
September 5, 1918
Private Melvin R. Bowe, 67th Co., 5th Marine Regt., somewhere in France, no date, pg. 8 (Risingsun Unique)
Private First Class Clyde G. Otterbach, Machine Gun Co. 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
August 1, 1918, pg. 8
Captain John W. Evers, 357th Field Hospital, 315th Sanitary Train, 90th Division, somewhere in France, July 18,
1918, pg. 8
Private Carl C. Bower, Headquarters Co., 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, July 28, 1918, pg. 8
September 12, 1918
"Major C.A. Heater a Civilian Again," pg. 1
Private Lee K. Hull, Co. F, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, July 30, 1918, pg. 2
Private Shirley C. Kunkler, Co. C, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, August 16, 1918, pg. 4
Private Jacob A. Sautter, Co. M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, July 21 and 24, 1918, pg. 5
Private First Class George Grover, Co. B, 1st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, somewhere in France, August
14, 1918, pg. 6
Corporal Clare C. Campbell, Co. A, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 6,
1918, pg. 7
Private Clarence B. Downs, 324th Mobilization Laundry Co., Quartermaster Corps Camp Meigs, Washington,
D.C., no date, pg. 7
Private Richard D. Klink, 8th Separate Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, South Carolina, August 24, 1918,
pg. 7
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Headquarters Co., Ordnance Dept., somewhere in France, August 20, 1918, pg. 7
Private Robert E. Hull, Headquarters Co., 166th Infantry, 42nd Divisiopn, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 7
Wagoner Ray M. Furry, Supply Co., 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, Camp Mills, Long Island, New York no
date, pg. 8
September 19, 1918
Corporal Robert E. Marks, Co. A, 1st Gas Regiment, attached to 30th Engineers, somewhere in France, no date,
pg. 3
Private Walter D. Weaver, Headquarters Co., 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 3
Private Donald A. Plotner, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, Casual Co. No 6, somewhere in France, no date,
pg. 3
Private First Class Charles M. Wakefield, Co. D, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg.
Private First Class Lehr Hackenberger, Co. G, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 3
Private William D. Carnes, Co. D, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, no date, pg. 3
Sergeant Guy D. Spitler, Co. B, 1st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 3
Private Merl G. Dannenberger, Co. F, 104th Infantry, 26th Division, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 3
Private Walter O. Weimer, Co. D, 111th Infantry, 28th Division, no place, no date, pg. 3
Private Shirley C. Kunkler, Co. C, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, August 16, 1918, pg. 5
Private John E. Wilford, 15th Battalion, Field Artillery Replacement Depot, Camp Jackson, South Carolina, August
3, 1918, pg. 6
Private Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, August 6, 1918, pg. 7
Private Ronell Bain, 35th Service Co., Signal Corps, somewhere in France, August 14, 1918, pg. 7
Private First Class Wesley M. Adams, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, no
date, pg. 8
Private Dewee Oberdorf, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 6, 1918, pg. 8
Cook Monroe C. Gallier, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 12, 1918, pg. 8
Private George Marion Brown, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, August 8, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Lawrence J. Meyer, Co. F, 126th Infantry, 32nd Division, somewhere in France, August 10,
1918, pg. 8
September 26, 1918
Private Walter E. Swartz, 7th Battery, SARD, Camp Stuart, Virginia, September 19, 1918, pg. 3
Private First Class Harold E. Brown, Co. E, 6th Engineers, 3rd Division, somewhere in France, August 27, 1918, pg.
Private Carl C. Bower, Headquarters Co., 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Italy, August 18, 1918, pg.
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Headquarters Co., 59th Engineers, somewhere in France, August 13, 1918, pg. 8
Private Bertis J. Whitmer, M.P. Detachment, Army Park, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 8
October 3, 1918
"Frank Renz in Hospital after being Gassed," pg. 1
Sergeant Charles E. Healey, Co. C, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 18, 1918, pg. 2
Corporal Hubert H. Rethinger, Postal Express Service, Tours, France, August 27, 1918, pg. 3
Corporal Robert E. Marks, Co. A, 1st Gas Regiment, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 6
Sergeant John C. Zimmerman, Co. M, 39th Infantry, 4th Division, somewhere in France, August 16, 1918, pg. 6
Private Ralph Hanson, 7th Ordnance Guard Co., Watervliet Arsenal, New York, September 22, 1918, pg. 6
Private First Class Donald R. West, Supply Co., Services of Supply, somewhere in France, no date, pg. 8
Private First Class Harry Avery, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 28 and
September 4, 1918, pg. 8
October 10, 1918
Fireman Second Class Fred O. Dennis, U.S.S. Arkansas, on the sea, no date, pg. 1
Private Earnest L. Wagoner, Co. E, 328th Infantry, 82nd Division, somewhere in France, August 28, 1918, pg. 6
Private Merl G. Dannenberger, Co. F, 104th Infantry, 26th Division, somewhere in France, August 22, 1918, pg. 6
Private John Davidson, Co. F, 335th Infantry, 84th Division, on board ship, September 9 and 15, 1918, pg. 8
Cook Harry N. Wilcox, Co. E, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France, September 1, 1918,
pg. 8
Walter J. Graham, Medical Detachment, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, August 29, 1918,
pg. 8
October 17, 1918
Private First Class Lloyd H. Rood, Quartermaster Corps, Camp Raritan, Metuchen, New Jersey, October 5, 1918,
pg. 6
October 24, 1918
Corporal Carl M. Galliher, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France, no
date, pg. 7
October 31, 1918
Corporal Robert E. Marks, Co. A, 1st Gas Regt., somewhere in France, September 5, 1918, pg. 5
"Frank A. Renz Slightly Wounded," pg. 8
November 7, 1918
"Fought Valiantly Did Old Company H," pg. 1
"Letter confirms report of death of Harry Avery," pg. 1
Private Alva R. Lein, Detachment of Medical Dept., Base Hospital No. 52, somewhere in France, October 6, 1918,
pg. 2
Private Howard L. Grau, 1101 Aero Squadron Detachment, Supply Depot No. 1, somewhere in France, October
12, 1918, pg. 2
"Co. H. Boys are Killed," pg. 3
Captain Ray D. Avery, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 2, 1918, pg. 5
First Lieutenant James W. Rae, 148th Field Artillery, 41st Division, somewhere in France, pgs. 5 and 8
"Another Company H Soldier Killed," Walter J. Graham, pg. 7
Private Grover C. Miller, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 1, 1918, pg. 7
Corporal Elmer E. Fuller, Battery B, 324th Field Artillery, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, October 2, 1918,
pg. 7
Private First Class Elmer J. Boyles, Co. I, 60th Infantry, 5th Division, somewhere in France, September 22, 1918,
pg. 8
Captain Robert A. Thurstin, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, October 6, 1918, pg. 8
Cook Raymond Boltz, Medical Dept., Base Hospital No. 52, somewhere in France, September 29, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, somewhere in France, October 6, 1918, pg.
Corporal Floyd A. Carmack, 84th Co., 6th Marine Regt., 2nd Division, somewhere in France, October 8, 1918, pg.
November 14, 1918
Private Elmer F. Layman, Base Hospital No. 1, Vichy, France, October 18, 1918, pg. 3
Second Lieutenant Earl R. Marsh, 134th Machine Gun Battalion, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October
11, 1918, pg. 3
Private Ernest G. Schweibert, Co. I, 101st Infantry, 26th Division, somewhere in France, September 27, 1918, pg.
Corporal Gordon R. Apel, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Base Hospital No. 19, somewhere in France,
October 8, 1918, pg. 6
Private First Class Andrew G. Glenn, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 15, 1918,
pg. 8
Private Ben Otley, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 8,
1918, pg. 8
Private Verne W. Frederick, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
October 12, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Henry B. Herman, Co. C, 364th Infantry, 91st Division, somewhere in France, October 10, 1918,
pg. 8
Sergeant Aaron R. Funk, Co. E, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, convalescent camp No. 1, somewhere in France,
October 14, 1918, pg. 8
Private First Class Ray S. Foster, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
August 12, 1918, pg. 8
"Troy Township Soldier Dead," Fred Jacobs, pg. 8
November 21, 1918
"Terrible Battle in which our Wood Co. Boys Participated," pg. 1
"Donald Plotner Gassed, Wounded," pg. 1
Private First Class George D. Mann, 45th Battalion, U.S. Guards, Fort Niagara, New York, October 20, 1918, pg. 4
Private First Class Donald R. West, Supply Co., Services of Supply, Le Mans, Sarthe, France, October 3, 1918, pg. 5
Private Clarence Ross, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, October 5, 1918,
pg. 6
Wagoner Olin R. Marshall, 148th Field Hospital, 112th Sanitary Train, 37th Division, somewhere in France,
October 5, 1918, pg. 8
Private Ralph H. Lehnert, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division, somewhere in France, October 15, 1918, pg.
November 28, 1918
"Lieutenant Paul C. Ladd Died in Service," pg. 1
Private Russell F. Curtis, Battery B, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, somewhere in France, October 24, 1918,
pg. 3
"Harold Brown is Killed in Action," pg. 5
Mechanic Delton C. Harman, Co. G, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in France, October 20, 1918, pg. 5
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, Headquarters Co., 59th Engineers, somewhere in France, October 20, 1918, pg. 8
December 5, 1918
First Lieutenant Donald M. Ladd, 27th Infantry, Camp Lewis, Washington, November 27, 1918, pg. 1
"Two County Officers Met Death Overseas," pg. 1
Private Walter W. Brown, Medical Research Board, 2nd Aviation Institution Center, somewhere in France,
November 5, 1918, pg. 6
Private Carl H. Gonyer, Base Hospital No. 77, somewhere in France, November 12, 1918, pg. 6
Private John H. Schaller, Co. M, 11th Marine Regt., somewhere in France, November 3, 1918, pg. 8
Private Ray C. Barkalow, Co. C, 304th Field Signal Battalion, 79th Division, somewhere in France, November 10,
1918, pg. 8
December 12, 1918
Private Elza R. Spackey, Base Hospital No. 60, somewhere in France, October 31, 1918, pg. 8
Sergeant Guy D. Spitler, Co. B, 1st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, somewhere in France, November 12,
1918, pg. 8
Private Walter O. Weimer, Co. C, 111th Infantry, 28th Division, somewhere in France, November 6, 1918, pg. 8
Sergeant Howard B. Simmons, Repair Unit, 308th Motor Transport Corps, somewhere in France, October 26,
1918, pg. 8
Earl Bailey, Sanitary Squad No. 66, somewhere in France, November 10, 1918, pg. 8
Private Leroy E. Thompson, Co. M, 26th Infantry, 1st Division, somewhere in France, October 19, 1918, pg. 8
"Confirmed Death of Harry A. Avery," pg. 8
December 19, 1918
"Leroy Thompson Killed in Action," pg. 1
Private Walter A. Knight, Co. C, 309th Engineers, 84th Division, somewhere in France, October 20, 1918, pg. 2
Private Arthur B. Rosa, Co. G, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, November 9, 1918, pg. 5
Private Paul R. Goble, Co. F, 104th Infantry, 26th Division, Base Hospital No. 35, somewhere in France, October 3
and November 3, 1918, pg. 6
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, Base Hospital No. 7, France, November 18,
1918, pg. 6
December 26, 1918
"Company H Part Told by Invalid Soldier," Kenneth C. Coller, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, pg. 1
Second Lieutenant Earl R. Marsh, 134th Machine Gun Battalion, 37th Division, Oostrosebeke, Belgium,
November 24, 1918, pg. 5
Ship's Cook, 4th Class Leroy Fogler, U.S.S. Stevens, Queenstown, Ireland, November 25, 1918, pg. 5
Corporal Wayne R. Murch, Co. L, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Belgium, November 15, 1918, pg. 5
Sergeant Burhl B. Bower, 15th Co., 1st Air Service Mechanics' Regt., France, November 24, 1918, pg. 5
Private John A. Underwood, CMTC, France, November 15, 1918, pg. 5
Nurse Edna E. Loomis, U.S. General Hospital No. 7, Roland Park, Baltimore, Maryland, December 3, 1918, pg. 6
Captain Ray D. Avery, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, Amboy, France, November 15, 1918, pg. 6
Private John Davidson, Co. C, 361st Infantry, 91st Division, somewhere in Belgium, November 9 and 12, 1918, pg.
Sergeant Clare C. Campbell, Co. A, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 37th Division, Oostrosebeke, Belgium, November
26, 1918, pg. 7
Corporal Robert E. Marks, Co. A, 1st Gas Regiment, somewhere in France, November 21, 1918, pg. 7
Private First Class Wesley Adams, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Limoges, France, November
24, 1918, pg. 7
Cook Monroe C. "Bud" Gallier, Co. G, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in Belgium, November 14, 1918,
pg. 8
Private Robert R. Wittmer, Co. A, 63rd Regt., Transportation Corps, le-Sur-Tille, France, November 24, 1918, pg.
January 2, 1919
Captain Dale I. Ladd, Purchasing Depot, Motor Transport Corps, somewhere in France, December 9, 1918, pg. 1
Private Orlo E. Holden, Headquarters Co., 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, November 25,
1918, pg. 2
Private Elza R. Spackey, Base Hospital No. 60, Bazoilles Sur Meuse, France, November 24, 1918, pg. 2
Corporal Lawrence M. Hoagland, 1st Engineers Band, 1st Division, St. Sulpice, France, December 6, 1918, pg. 2
Sergeant Clyde L. Young, Co. B, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in Belgium, December 1, 1918, pg. 2
Private First Class Hugh D. Graham, Supply Co., Ordnance Detachment, 146th Infantry, 37th Division,
somewhere in Belgium, November 25, 1918, pg. 2
Private First Class Albert E. Smith, Co. A, 323rd Machine Gun Battalion, 83rd Division, Mayes, France, November
24, 1918, pg. 5
Sergeant R.H. Whitting, Base Hospital No. 117, France, November 28, 1918, pg. 5
Private First Class Reeme E. Dillery, Headquarters Troop, General Staff Section, 37th Division, Oosterosebeke,
Belgium, November 24, 1918, pg. 6
Private First Class Frank A. Renz, Co. H, 166th Infantry, 42nd Division, Base Hospital No. 7, France, November 29,
1918, pg. 6
Private First Class Jacob A. Sautter, Co. M, 26th Infantry, 1st Division, somewhere in France, November 20, 1918,
pg. 6
Private First Class Elmer L. Boyles, Co. L, 60th Infantry, 5th Division, somewhere in France, November 1918, pg. 7
Private First Class Earnest W. Carter, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, St. Kathryn, Belgium, November 26,
1918, pg. 7
Mechanic Irvin J. McCrory, Co. A, 112th Ammunition Train, 37th Division, Belgium, December 6, 1918, pg. 8
January 9, 1919
Private First Class Fred J. Myers, Co. B, 348th Machine Gun Battalion, 91st Division, somewhere in Belgium,
November 28, 1918, pg. 3
Private Fred Lyle Adams, 163rd Field Hospital, 116th Sanitary Train, 41st Division, somewhere in France,
November 26, 1918, pg. 8
Sergeant Robert P. Dalton, Co. L, 147th Infantry, 37th Division, Huelste, Belgium, November 27, 1918, pg. 8
January 16, 1919
Private Albert B. Wright, Battery D, 322nd Field Artillery, 83rd Division, Base Hospital No. 115, Vichy, France,
December 6, 1918, pg. 2
Sergeant Kenneth J. Ketchum, Co. C, 112th Field Signal Battalion, 37th Division, no place, no date, pg. 2
Private Forrest F. Gustin, Battery A, 112th Field Artillery, 29th Division, France, November 27, 1918, pg. 3
Private Grover C. Miller, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, St. Catherine, Belgium, December 1, 1918, pg. 6
Lieutenant Colonel Earl L. Parmerton, 315th Sanitary Train, 90th Division, somewhere in France, November 27,
1918, pg. 6 (Modern Light, Columbus, Kansas)
Corporal Bert A. Musser, Headquarters Detachment, 4th Observation Group, Army Air Service, somewhere in
Germany, December 5, 1918, pg. 6
Private John A. Underwood, CMTC, 1st Army, Bar-sur-Aube, France, December 20, 1918, pg. 7
"Corporal M.L. Parks died in France," pg. 8
Private Howard W. Hispher, Co. F, 324th Infantry, 81st Division, Bissey La Cote, France, December 11, 1918, pg. 8
Private James E. Hispher, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere on the briney deep, December 24,
1918, pg. 8
January 30, 1919
Corporal Robert E. Marks, Co. A, 1st Gas Regt., Laville Aux Boise, France, December 16, 1918, pg. 2
Private Robert A. Campbell, Battery D, 322nd Field Artillery, 83rd Division, Giershofen, Germany, December 21,
1918, pg. 8
Private Ralph H. Lehnert, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division, Mutford, Luxumbourg, November 26, 1918,
pg. 8
Corporal Ross A. Hill, Co. E, 417th Telegraph Battalion, Coblenz, Germany, December 12, 1918, pg. 8
February 6, 1919
Private Larie D. Schaufler, Co. D, 15th Machine Gun Battalion, 5th Division, Ehlange, Luxembourg, January 1 and
6, 1919, pg. 3
Wagoner Donald R. West, Sub Depot No. 7, La Suse, Sarthe, France, January 14, 1919, pg. 3
Private Parley D. Finney, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division, somewhere in Germany, December 8, 1918,
pg. 3
Private First Class Frederick H. Goetz, Battery B, 140th Field Artillery, 39th Division, Camp Valdahon, France,
November 24, 1918, pg. 4
Corporal Ross A. Hill, Co. E, 417th Telegraph Battalion, Coblenz, Germany, January 17, 1919, pg. 5
Private Calvin R. Harbaugh, Co. B, 7th Infantry, 3rd Division, Base Hospital No. 117 (114), France, January 5,
1919, pg. 5
Private First Class Lyman T. Strong, Co. C, 309th Engineers, 84th Division, Brest, France, December 25, 1918, pg.
Corporal Frank Hanna, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, December 21, 1918, pg. 6
Orren, Rolandseck, Germany, December 22, 1918, pg. 8
Sergeant Melvin W. Cole, Co. B, 61st Infantry, 5th Division, no place, December 29, 1918, pg. 8
Sergeant Aaron Funk, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Rubrouck, France, January 1, 1919, pg. 8
Private Floyd Hanna, Co. K, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Fiume, Italy, December 29, 1918, pg. 8
February 13, 1919
Corporal Willard Brown, Co. B, 3rd Army, MP Battalion, Bassenheim, Germany, December 25, 1918, pg. 3
Private John Davidson, Co. C, 361st Infantry, 91st Division, Ka Gue de la Chaine, France, January 7, 1919, pg. 5
Corporal John H. Schaller, Headquarters Co., 11th Marine Regt., Tours, France, December 25, 1918, pg. 6
Private Michael B. Adler, Co. G, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, somewhere in Austria, December 28, 1918, and
Zelinka, Austria, January 6, 1919, pg. 7
Cook Monroe C. "Bud" Gallier, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, somewhere in France, January 1, 1919, pg. 8
Sergeant Alfred Van Blarcum, 24th Co., Transportation Corps, somewhere in France, December 25, 1918, pg. 8
Dell Hubbs, 325th Field Artillery, 84th Division, Bordeaux, France, December 28, 1918, pg. 8
February 27, 1919
Private First Class Frank R. Stahl, Intelligence Section, 2nd Battalion, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Rubrouck,
France, January 6, 1919, pg. 6
Sergeant Jess Wenthoff, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Nise, Dunkirke, France, January 3, 1919, pg. 6
March 6, 1919
Captain Dale I. Ladd, Purchasing Depot, Motor Transport Corps, somewhere in France, February 5, 1919, pg. 2
Corporal John R. Howe, Motor Transport Dept. Embarkation Center, Lemans, France, January 5, 1919, pg. 8
March 13, 1919
Ensign Paul M. Reading, U.S. Navy, New York, March 6, 1919, pg. 5
Private Michael B. Adler, Co. G, 332nd Infantry, 83rd Division, Zelinka, Dalmatia, Austria, January 13, 1919, pg. 6
Private J. Richard Carter, Co. F, 37th Engineers, France, February 5, 1919, pg. 7
Private Charles F. Wansitler, somewhere in France, February 3, 1919, pg. 7
March 20, 1919
Private Charles F. Wansitler, somewhere in France, February 17, 1919, pg. 8
Corporal Floyd Philo, Co. F, 146th Infantry, 37th Division, Moulins, France, February 1, 1919 and February 12,
1919, pg. 8
March 27, 1919
Major Lynn C. Boyatt, 308th Engineers, 83rd Division, Coblenz, Germany, March 2, 1919, pg. 6
April 3, 1919
Jay Bailey, San Jacinto, France, February 24, 1919, pg. 3
Private John Davidson, Co. C, 361st Infantry, 91st Division, La Gue de la Chaine, France, March 9, 1919, pg. 7
Painter First Class Grover C. Van Voorhis, U.S.S. Maumee, New York, March 25, 1919, pg. 8
Private Clarence E. Martin, Machine Gun Co., 11th Infantry, 5th Division, Schifflinger, Luxembourg, February 2,
1919, pg. 8
April 10, 1919
Edward Luce, U.S.S. Finland, New York, March 23, 1919, pg. 8
April 17, 1919
Fred Otto Dennis, U.S.S. Arkansas, March 24, 1919, pg. 2
"Casualties Among Old Company H Boys," pg. 7
Corporal Irvin W. Schall, Co. C, 319th Field Signal Battalion, Tonnere Yonne, France, March 10, 1919, pg. 8
Private Gail A. Anderson, Headquarters Troop, 2nd Battalion, 164th Infantry, 41st Division, Treves, Germany,
March 23, 1919, pg. 8
May 1, 1919
Private Robert Wittmer, 70th Co., Railway Transportation Corps, Le-Sur-Tille, France, April 1, 1919, pg. 2
First Lieutenant Donald M. Ladd, 44th Infantry, Vladivostock, Russia, March 28, 1919, pg. 7
May 8, 1919
Private Larie D. Schaufler, Co. D, 15th Machine Gun Battalion, 5th Division, Ehlange, Luxembourg, April 13, 1919,
pg. 5
May 15, 1919
Lieutenant Colonel Willis Bacon, 805th Pioneer Infantry, France, April 17, 1919, pg. 8
May 29, 1919
Lieutenant Roy H. Shinew, Co. H, 144th Infantry, 36th Division, Toulouse, France, April 27, 1919, pg. 5
Private Ralph H. Lehnert, Battery F, 5th Field Artillery, 1st Division, Simmeron, Germany, April 27, 1919, pg. 8