Winter/Spring Adult Community School Brochure

4. Once you log in, hit the “Register/Browse Activities” button,
then select the season “Winter/Spring 2017 Adult Community
School”, and hit the continue button.
5. You are now ready to verify your account informatin, then
select and pay for the adult classes you want.
6. You will automatically receive an email confirmation of your
Dated Material
South Brunswick
Community Education
Current Resident
3. Read the 3 options on the next screen to determine if you
are considered an Existing User or New User. If you are unsure, please call for assistance.
South Brunswick Board of Education
South Brunswick Community School
P.O. Box 701 Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
2. Enter the Community “South Brunswick Community Education Summer Programs, Tennis and Adult School” and
1. Go to
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Online Registration Procedure
If you need help registering online, please call 732-297-7800
x3148 or email [email protected]
If you do not have internet access, please call for registration
assistance. Registrations can not be taken by phone, FAX or mail.
The Community Education Office is located in the South
Brunswick Board of Education building at 231 Blackhorse
Most classes are held at South Brunswick High School
unless indicated in the online course description. Visit for maps and directions to schools.
Classes are open to all adults over 18 years of age.
We welcome people from neighboring communities.
Register Early! but at least 3 days
before to ensure a space in class.
South Brunswick Board of Education sponsors
South Brunswick Community Education at no cost to taxpayers.
Great Classes!
View the Online Catalog for Details
New! Tea & Wellness Seminar
Meditation Techniques
Unleash the Power of Google
Using your iPhone, iPad or iPod to the MAX
Zumba • Tai Chi • Self Defense • Yoga
Sewing • Chair Caning • Guitar
MS Office • 4 Different Dance Classes
Finance • Digital Photography
Hundreds of Online Courses
Adult Golf Lessons Start May 7
Spring Tennis Lessons
for Ages 4- Adult
Adult Community School
February – May 2017
Class Schedule
Online Registration with MasterCard or VISA
View the Online Catalog and register at
Computers & Technology
Basic MS Office - Word, Excel & PowerPoint
8 T & Th: 2/7-3/2
7-9 pm
Intermediate MS Office
8 T & Th: 3/14-4/6
7-9 pm
Unleashing the Power of Google
3 Th: 2/9-2/23
7-9 pm
Using Your iPad, iPhone, & iPod to the Max
3 T: 2/21-3/7
7-9 pm
Digital Photography
5 Th: 3/2-4/6
7:30-9 pm
New! Special Featured Class
Tea & Wellness Seminar
Discover the Health Benefits of Gourmet Teas
Th: 2/16
7-8:30 pm
Come taste some gourmet teas with Sharon Levy,
CEO & Founder of Taking Tea InStyle
Fitness, Sports and Health
Golf Lessons: From Tee to Green
5 Sun: 5/7-6/4
5-6 pm
5 Sun: 5/7-6/4
6-7 pm
It’s Zumba Time!
M, T, W & Th: 2/6-3/30
7-8 pm
Arts & Crafts
26 classes - come as many times per week as you can!
Chair Caning and Recovering
It’s Zumba Time!
7 T: 2/28-4/25
7-9 pm
M, T, W & Th: 4/18-5/25
7-8 pm
It’s Sew Easy
23 classes - come as many times per week as you can!
10 Th: 2/9-4/27
7-9 pm $136
Bollywood Dance Workout
Watercolor Painting Workshop
12 T: 2/7-5/2
7-8 pm $139
Beginners with no experience up to 2 years experience.
Meditation Techniques
10 Th: 2/9-5/4
7-9 pm $162
T: 2/28
7-9 pm $25
Money & Finances
Sign up for Monday or Wednesday or both nights!
Medicare! Navigating the Maze of Choices
10 M: 2/6-5/1
7-8 pm $115
T: 2/28
7-9 pm
10 W: 2/8-4/26
7-8 pm $115
The Complete Financial Management Workshop
Tai Chi
3 T: 2/28-3/14
7-10 pm $49
8 W: 2/8-4/5 Beginners
6:30-8 pm
8 W: 2/8-4/5 Inter./Adv.
7:15-8:45 pm $108
Questions about registering online?
Kung Fu - Self Defense for Men & Women
Email [email protected]
8 Th: 2/9-3/30
8-9:30 pm
8 Th: 4/20-5/25
8-9:30 pm
Call 732-297-7800 x3148
Most classes are held at South Brunswick High School, unless indicated in the
course description in the online catalog. Payment confirmations are emailed as
soon as you register. Reminders are emailed a day or two before your class begins.
Please add [email protected] and [email protected] to
your accepted email address book to ensure delivery of Community Pass emails.
Please review our policies including withdrawals and refunds on our website.
Remember to mark your calendar & print out your course details when you register!
Social Dancing
10 Th: 2/9-4/27
7-8 pm $110
Swing Dancing
5 Th: 2/9-3/9
8:05-9:05 pm $55
Salsa & Merengue Dance Nights
5 Th: 3/23-4/27
8:05-9:05 pm $55
Country Line Dancing
7 M: 2/6-3/27
7:30-9 pm $85
Personal Enrichment
Guitar (Acoustic)
6 T: 2/7-3/14 Beginner
7-8:15 pm $82
6 T: 2/7-3/14 Intermediate
8:15-9:30 pm
Professional Voice Acting - Voice Overs
Th: 2/16
7-9:30 pm $35
Must register for Voice Overs at least 1 week before!
Summer Camps for Children
Registration info. available end of February at
Spring Tennis Lessons
Ages 4 - Adult
Visit the website for details and online registration information.
Saturday Tennis for Children & Parents and “Get Up & Play for Adults” starts May 6
Adult Evening Doubles League starts May 9
For more information on tennis,
email [email protected]
call 732-297-7800 x3159
It’s easy to fit an online class into your busy schedule.
Join an exciting educational experience using a Web
friendly version of lessons, quizzes and assignments.
Complete courses day or night, view your progress, and
interact with the instructor and other students, through
your own computer.
Courses begin monthly on Wednesdays:
January 18, February 15, March 15, April 12,
May 17 & June 14, 2017
Choose from hundreds of popular courses,
many at just $94
Learn a Language, Grant Writing, Creative Writing,
Web Pages & Graphics, Microsoft Office, Dreamweaver,
Quickbooks, Photoshop, Computer Programming,
Business, Management, Accounting,
Grammar Refresher, Medical Terminology,
SAT & ACT, Praxis Preparation,
Real Estate Investing,
Natural Health & Healing, Genealogy,
Growing Plants, & more.
Each course consists of: 12 lessons, 2 each week for 6
weeks, via the Internet. You have 10 days to complete
each lesson and 2 additional weeks to complete the final
exam and receive a letter of completion.
To Find Out More and Register
1. Visit for
detailed course descriptions, syllabus, required textbooks,
software, fees.
2. Review the HELP section of the Ed2Go website
which will answer your questions about how the courses
work and which provides you with a direct email link to
Ed2Go if you have questions not answered in the HELP
3. Complete the online enrollment for the course you
want to take and make payment online with your credit
card. No senior discount.
Neither South Brunswick Community Education, nor the South
Brunswick School District, are responsible for the content of
the Ed2Go courses. Course fees are paid directly to Ed2Go
and refunds cannot be given.