JOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY, 28(1): 180–184, 2008 GONOMERY AND CHROMATIN DIMINUTION IN MESOCYCLOPS LONGISETUS (COPEPODA) Ellen M. Rasch and Grace A. Wyngaard (EMR, correspondence) Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee 37614-0582, ([email protected]); (GAW) Department of Biology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807, ([email protected]) ABSTRACT The segregation of progenitor somatic cells from those of the primordial germ cells during early cleavage divisions occurs in certain copepods exhibiting the phenomenon of chromatin diminution during early embryogenesis. These species provide an interesting alternative to the usual reproductive strategy of other species of freshwater cyclopoid copepods. Levels of DNA for the soma and germ cells of Mesocyclops longisetus have been determined for individual nuclei by using Feulgen-DNA cytophotometry to monitor changes of DNA amounts during gametogenesis and early cleavage stages of embryogenesis. Germ cell nuclei of both female and male adults contain marked elevations of DNA, far in excess of expected 4C DNA level for their replication prior to meiosis. The elevated amounts of DNA in these germ cells are equivalent to the elevated DNA content found during the gonomeric divisions observed in embryos. Following the gonomeric divisions there is roughly a 40% loss of germ cell heterochromatin during the chromatin diminution stages of embryogenesis. The role of this excised DNA remains unclear. KEY WORDS: Copepoda, developmental biology, DNA, Mesocyclops somes relative to the postdiminuted somatic chromosomes is additional evidence of the large prediminuted genome and may provide a means for associating the elevated DNA in the germ line nuclei of adults with the germ line limited DNA that is excised from the presomatic line of embryonic cells during these processes. Here we report on quantitative changes in DNA levels that occur during gametogenesis in adults and during diminution in early embryos in a Louisiana population of the copepod Mesocyclops longisetus (Thiébaud, 1912). DNA-Feulgen cytophotometry was used to determine the DNA content of somatic cell nuclei and germ cell nuclei of adult males and females, of mitotic gonomeric chromosomes in embryos prior to germ line-soma differentiation, and anaphase chromosomes in the process of chromatin diminution, which marks separation of the germ and somatic lineages. This first report of the DNA contents of gonomeric figures allow us to follow the changes that accompany gametogenesis and early cleavage stages including the process of chromatin diminution and infer the role that gonomery may serve in species that undergo chromatin diminution. INTRODUCTION There is a considerable body of literature on the phenomenon of chromatin diminution in cyclopoid copepods, initially recognized and described by Beermann (1959) for Cyclops furcifer (Claus, 1857) and subsequently identified to occur during early embryogenesis in certain other copepod species (Terpilowska, 1971; Beermann, 1959, 1966, 1977; Einsle, 1993; Grishanin and Akifiev, 1993; Grishanin et al., 1994; Rasch and Wyngaard, 1997, 2006a; Wyngaard and Rasch, 2000). The primary features of chromatin diminution are the selective exclusion of certain kinds of DNA from the progenitor somatic cells and the retention and perpetuation of this DNA by germ cell primordia. The process of programmed fragmentation of chromosomes and the excision of specific heterochromatin segments during early embryogenesis results in the loss of large amounts of DNA from the somatic cell genome (Beermann, 1959, 1966; Rasch and Wyngaard, 2001, 2006a). A similar pattern of chromatin elimination has been described for ascarid nematodes, hypotrichous ciliates, mycetophylid dipterans, Japanese hagfish and some marsupials (Tobler et al., 1992; Kloc and Zagrodzinska, 2001 for review). Despite recent surveys of genome size and the presence or absence of chromatin diminution in copepods (Rasch and Wyngaard, 2006b), quantitative data on the amounts of excised DNA are reported for only a few species (Beermann, 1966). Quantitative descriptions of chromatin diminution are needed before we can observe trends and pose hypotheses of causal relationships between the amounts of discarded DNA and the general biology of copepods. In several copepod species for which chromatin diminution is known, gonomery has also been observed (Häcker, 1895; Beermann, 1977). During the early embryonic cleavage divisions just prior to the diminution, there is a separation of maternal and paternal sets of chromosomes on the spindle. The large size of the gonomeric chromo- MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals were collected from Joe Brown lagoon, Orleans parish, Louisiana in 1993, maintained in a modified Provosoli medium (Wyngaard and Chinnappa, 1982) and fed Cryptomnas ozolini (UTEX-LB2194), supplemented with Artemia salina nauplii. After identification for sex, each male, female, or female carrying external egg sacs was placed on a gelatin-subbed slide in a drop of methanol/acetic acid (3:1, v/v) for 2-3 min, softened in 45% acetic acid for 1-2 min, and then squashed under a siliconized coverslip. After freezing in liquid N2, the preparation was thawed in absolute ethanol and air dried. The protocol for the Feulgen reaction for DNA has been described elsewhere (Rasch, 2003). Each set of copepod preparations for staining included a slide carrying a thin film of chicken blood cells to serve as an internal reference standard of 2.5 pg DNA per nucleus to allow us to express values obtained as relative absorbance units by cytophotometry in terms of estimates of levels of DNA pg for individual copepod nuclei or division figures (Hardie et al., 2002; Rasch, 2003). 180 181 RASCH AND WYNGAARD: GONOMERY AND CHROMATIN DIMINUTION Table 1. DNA content (pg DNA per nucleus) from somatic and differentating germ cells of female and male Mesocyclops longisetus. Somatic nuclei Specimen # # # # # # # # # # 715 716 717 718 719 725 726 752 753 754 Prediminution nuclei Sex DNA (pg) 6 SE n DNA (pg) 6 SE n $ $ $ $ $ # # # # # 1.84 1.86 1.78 1.76 1.73 1.76 1.72 1.78 1.81 1.83 0.055 0.050 0.074 0.045 0.046 0.025 0.076 0.060 0.027 0.025 50 25 50 70 50 40 30 50 40 50 12.20 10.86 9.940 11.45 11.73 11.90 11.76 10.32 10.26 10.32 0.431 0.240 0.224 0.110 0.266 0.097 0.076 0.421 0.276 0.416 50 25 20 50 50 50 40 25 25 25 Feulgen-DNA amounts for individual nuclei were obtained with a Vickers M86 scanning and integrating microdensitometer (York, UK) at 560 nm with the highest resolution pattern of this instrument by using a 1003 apochromatic lens, N.A. 1.32 and a 0.5 lm scanning spot. The subtractive method advocated by Bedi and Goldstein (1976) was used for all measuring. Preparations were mounted in refractive index liquids to minimize light loss due to scatter (Rasch, 2003). DNA contents of somatic and germ cells prior to diminution (PD) nuclei were measured in interphase nuclei of adults because mitotic divisions are not typically observed in adult somatic tissues. Gonomeric division figures from embryos were scanned as an entire configuration and also as separate components, i.e., the separate halves of the chromosomal groups moving to the spindle poles during anaphase. In cases of chromatin diminution the each group of daughter chromosomes at anaphase was scanned and the chromatin fragments were measured separately with a small adjustable mask to get estimates of the amounts of discarded chromatin. RESULTS The DNA levels of somatic cell and germ cell nuclei differ greatly in Mesocyclops longisetus. The diploid somatic cell DNA contents for male and female adults are approximately 1.7-1.8 pg DNA (Table 1, Fig. 1A), whereas the DNA contents of the large, densely stained germ cell nuclei that occur in both male and female adults are 9.9-12.2 pg DNA (Table 1, Fig. 1B). The elevated DNA content of these large nuclei far exceeds the doubling projected for a 4C level of DNA that would be expected for germ cell nuclei that have simply replicated the somatic genome prior to the onset of meiosis. The differences observed for the large nuclei amount to about a 6-fold increase in the amount of DNA found for somatic cell nuclei of the same specimen (Table 1, Fig. 1A). These unusual nuclei are readily recognized because of their large size and staining intensity. They have a nuclear core of highly compacted heterochromatin, often with a rim of thin Feulgen-positive strands surrounding the core (Fig. 1B). These nuclei are identified here as prediminution or PD nuclei and are characteristic of germ cells in adults of this species. In the early cleavage stages of embryogenesis obtained from females carrying egg sacs, mitotic configurations of gonomeric chromosomes are clearly evident as a consequence of the relatively large size of the chromosomes and because of the separation of maternal and paternal sets on the spindle, a process known as gonomery (Fig. 1C, Häcker, 1896). Levels of DNA for these mitotic divisions are similar to those found for PD nuclei (Tables 1 and 2). Elevated levels of DNA regularly occur in embryos at early cleavage stages during the gonomeric divisions. This process char- Fig. 1. Nuclei of the copepod Mesocyclops longisetus stained with Feulgen reaction for DNA. A, Somatic cells from an appendage; B, Prediminution germ cell nuclei from an adult female showing large heterochromatic cores with wispy veils of thin chromatin strands; C, A pair of anaphases moving in synchrony toward the poles of the spindle reveal segregation of maternal and paternal chromosomes in a gonomeric mitosis from a 8-16 cell stage embryo; D, Chromatin diminution showing the heterochromatin fragments left at the equator during anaphase and the sets of presumptive somatic chromosomes moving to the poles of the spindle. (Reprinted by permission from Blackwell Publishing, from Rasch and Wyngaard, 2006a). acteristically shows that maternal and the paternal chromosomes remain as separate entities. During the earliest cleavages these nuclei appear as a pair of metaphases or as two parallel pairs of anaphases moving toward the poles on a common spindle (Fig. 1C). The DNA contents of the gonomeric chromosomes at metaphase or in anaphase are approximately 11-12 pg DNA (table 2). The large size of the Table 2. DNA content of gonomeric mitotic figures from Mesocyclops longisetus embryos at 16 cell cleavage stage and somatic and prediminuted nuclei of their mother. DNA content (pg) Cell type/mitotic stage Mean 6 SE n Somatic cell interphase Prediminuted nucleus Whole metaphase Half metaphase Whole anaphase Half anaphase 1.81 11.58 12.64 6.31 12.24 5.78 0.022 0.134 0.327 0.091 0.208 0.166 178 98 12 11 22 22 182 JOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY, VOL. 28, NO. 1, 2008 Table 3. DNA levels of discarded DNA remaining in the spindle during the anaphase of chromatin diminution in embryos of Mesocyclops longisetus. Embryo number Anaphase a (pg) Anaphase b (pg) Anaphase sum (pg) Excised DNA (pg) Total DNA (pg) DNA % Excised HD-1 HD-2 HD-3 HD-4 3.54 3.74 3.67 3.44 3.53 4.98 2.74 3.31 7.07 8.72 6.41 6.75 4.46 5.07 5.54 4.89 11.53 13.79 11.95 11.64 38.6 36.8 46.4 42.0 individual chromosomes in these mitotic configurations (Fig. 1C) and the intensity of their staining facilitate their identification (Fig. 1C). The DNA content of a pair of metaphases or the DNA amount found for a pair of anaphases correspond with the DNA amount found for the PD nuclei of mature adults (Tables 1 and 2). The DNA content of paired metaphases and whole anaphases are also equivalent to the DNA levels of nuclei in the process of chromatin diminution (Table 3, Fig. 1D). Fragments of heterochromatic DNA remain at in the spindle at the equator of the configuration. Approximately 40% of the DNA of the whole anaphase figure is discarded in this division. The resultant groups of daughter anaphase chromosomes contain more than the 2C amount of DNA expected for somatic nuclei. This excess of the expected value of 1.8 pg DNA is taken to indicate that another round of mitotic divisions follows the initial chromatin diminution stage observed here in order to restore the 2C DNA level of the progenitor cells of the soma. DISCUSSION In comparing the DNA levels of embryonic division figures (Table 2) with the DNA content of diploid somatic cell nuclei and PD nuclei (Table 1), it is evident that the germ cells carry a sizeable load of genetic material in the form of large amounts of heterochromatin that are retained and perpetuated only in the germ line cells. An estimate of the amount of expendable DNA that is left in the spindle during chromatin diminution was obtained by measuring total diminution figures and then measuring just the DNA left in the spindle (Table 3). The discarded DNA accounts for roughly 40% of the total DNA content of both the PD nuclei and of the DNA levels observed during the gonomeric divisions at the earliest embryonic cleavage stages (Tables 1, 2 and 3). Gonomery has been observed during early embryonic cleavage divisions in four cyclopoid species that posses chromatin diminution (Beermann, 1977; Rasch and Wyngaard, 2006a), but not in species that lack chromatin diminution (personal observations). The only other copepod for which gonomery is known is the harpactioid Tigriopus californicus Baker, 1912, but gonomery is restricted to the zygotes (Ar-hishdi, 1963). Direct measurements of the nuclear DNA contents of chromatin diminution figures and gonomeric figures prior to diminution, as well as germ cell and somatic nuclei (Tables 1, 2 and 3), form the basis of our suggestion that the large amount of heterochromatin of the PD germ cells is equivalent to the elevated DNA content observed during the gonomeric divisions. The subsequent sequence of chromatin diminution events would then be a case of the reorganization of the genome by the exclusion of chromosomal fragments that apparently are not necessary for the functions of the somatic cells of this species. The heterochromatin occurring in the PD nuclei would appear to be the antecedent of the elevated DNA level of gonomeric stages which occur prior to the excision of chromatin. The chromatin diminution process restores the DNA content of the daughter cells to the lower levels observed in the soma. The ‘‘extra’’ DNA observed when making comparisons of somatic cell DNA levels with the amount of DNA that accumulates as heterochromatin in PD nuclei is remarkably similar in size to its subsequent elimination from the progenitor somatic cells by the diminution process (Table 3). The observed variability of the DNA content of PD nuclei is to be expected since they synthesize the dense cores of heterochromatin during gametogenesis. The quantitative behavior of DNA and the sequence of events indicate that this heterochromatin may function in epigenetic events during early embryogenesis. Further studies to characterize this DNA will be needed to clarify its functional role in development. The pattern of findings here is very similar to that reported for M. edax (Forbes, 1890) during gametogenesis and early embryogenesis (Rasch and Wyngaard, (2001, 2006a). The identification of the PD nuclei as germ line derivatives that proceed to undergo gonomery followed by chromatin diminution during early cleavage stages has not been described or discussed by previous workers on the subject of chromatin diminution in Cyclops (Stich, 1962; Beermann, 1966, 1977; Grishanin et al., 1994), but has been described for Mesocyclops edax, Brazilian populations of M. longisetus curvatus and Metacyclops mendocinus (Wierzejski, 1892) and a German population of Cyclops strenuus (Fischer, 1851) cited by Rasch and Wyngaard, (2006a). The drawings of differentiating germ cells in female gonads of Cyclops strenuus by Lerat (1905) depict cells with nuclei that look like the PD nuclei described here, although no particular comments are given in this older paper. The present study directly estimates the amount of excised DNA during chromatin diminution in M. longisetus to be about 40% by measuring the amount of DNA remaining in the metaphase plate during the anaphase of chromatin diminution. To our knowledge, the only other species for which the eliminated DNA has been estimated in this manner is M. edax which leaves about 75% of its DNA at the metaphase plate (Rasch and Wyngaard, 2006a). It is interesting to note that the adult diploid nuclear somatic size of M. edax is 3.0 pg DNA, almost twice that of M. longisetus. Whether the diploid genome size relates to the amount of heterochromatin discarded is unclear, although there is such a relationship between genome size and the diminution of chromatin in ascarid nematodes (Niedermaier and Moritz, 2000). The elegant study of ascarid nematodes by these authors has clearly demonstrated the occurrence of two highly repetitive sequences associated with the programmed and selective elimination of telomeric tracts during chromatin diminution in these species. Drouin (2006) has recently reported on the presence of several repetitive sequences in his comparison of DNAs from adults and 183 RASCH AND WYNGAARD: GONOMERY AND CHROMATIN DIMINUTION prediminuted embryos of Mesocyclops edax. A reasonable next step is to identify the heterochromatic sequences in M. longisetus and to compare them to those excised in M. edax. Both quantitative and qualitative descriptions of this excised DNA in different cyclopoid species should provide insights into the roles of chromatin diminution in the biology of copepods. Increases in DNA levels in another crustacean, Daphnia, demonstrated that endopolyploidy (increases in nuclear DNA content without subsequent cell division) may act as a developmental control center to modulate mitotic activity (Beaton and Hebert, 1997; Beaton and Cavalier-Smith, 1999). The elevated DNA levels in the PD nuclei of copepods do not appear to serve this function. Rather, it may be a case of regulation of other embryonic events, since it is only after this critical period that the DNA is discarded from somatic cell lineages, which undergo many cycles of cell division. Because of the unusual nature of chromatin diminution, the phenomenon of epigenetics and current research in this field offers new ideas on subtle changes in heterochromatin. There can be consequences of heritable changes in the state of chromatin without changing the underlying DNA sequences. That is to say, there may be retention of the essential genotype, but heritable alterations of the phenotype occur by changes in the proteins associated with the DNA. The components of the chromatin template, DNA and histone proteins, are the main substrates that are subject to alterations that lead to distinct chromatin states. These changes are brought about by DNA methylation and variant histone modifications such as acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation among other covalent changes in the expression of gene activity (Goldberg et al., 2007). The unusual behavior of chromatin in the case of certain cyclopoid copepods that increase their chromatin content during gametogenesis and then discard it during early embryonic life suggests that this requirement in the course of reproduction reflects its role in epigenetic changes in chromosome state during the earliest embryonic cleavages (Goldberg et al., 2007). The possibility of the alteration of chromosomes by additional heterochromatic DNA at a critical stage of early development is one possible correlate with implications for the success of embryonic development and eventually the adult lifestyle. The altered state of DNA or its essential special sequences are heritable without changing the basic genotype of the organism, since it accompanies the phenotype at the stage of development associated with gametogenesis and the most critical periods of early embryonic life. It is possible that the increase in DNA levels at these times in the life history of certain copepods is non-coding and may function in determining genome size-cell volume relationships (Beaton and Cavalier-Smith, 1999). Additional studies using molecular approaches to the basic questions here will be necessary to determine the function of the special DNA involved in chromatin diminution. Copepods may provide a useful model system for such explorations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank B. A. Connelly for expert assistance. G. Marten and M. Nguyen for collecting Mesocyclops longisetus, J. Reid for identifying the species and H. Doward for culturing the animals and making preparations. This work was supported in part by research grants from the National Science Foundation DEB 0080921 (EMR), DEB 0084854 (GAW), the James H. Quillen College of Medicine and the Thomas and Kate Jeffress Memorial Trust. REFERENCES Ar-rishdi, A. H. 1963. 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