Urbanisation, urban m orphology, MDC, LDC, w aste m anagem ent

Brownfield sites, greenfield sites, regeneration, informal economy, site and service, self help
Topic: Changing Urban Environments
Contact: [email protected]
This half term, I am going to learn:
•About the urban problems in MEDC and LEDC cities and how they can be solved
To help me develop my skills in Geography, I am going to:
Use my knowledge to answer GCSE Past paper questions
To be successful in my homework, I need to include:
Week Beginning 18/04/2016: Explain how squatter settlements can be improved (8 marks)
Week Beginning 25/04/2016: Explain why water pollution is a big problem in poor countries and explain how it can be managed (8 marks)
Week Beginning 02/05/2016: Outline the advantages and disadvantages of building on Brownfield sites (6 marks)
Week Beginning 09/052016: Using examples, explain how cities can be made more sustainable (8 marks)
Week Beginning 16/05/2016: Create a large A3 Revision mind map that summarises the whole topic, ready for the end of unit test
To challenge myself, I will also include:
Make a key word definition list for each key word around the edge.
Design your own exam questions for this topic - think about which command words you could use, the theme of the questions and how many
marks it would be out of – can you design a mark scheme to go with it?!
CBD, regeneration, squatter settlements, conservation, sustainable living.
Urbanisation, urban morphology, MDC, LDC, waste management, water pollution
Y10 Geography
Yr 10