Distribuováno s časopisem Bridge BRIDGE květen-červen 2009 Metodický list k MZ z anglického jazyka METODICKÝ LIST ÚSTNÍ PROJEV As you all know, the ORAL PART of the new Maturita exam consists of 4 tasks. In one of the tasks (2nd task) you are always asked to compare two pictures. To be precise, in the Z level task sheet, you are first asked to choose one picture out of two and describe it and then asked to compare 2 pictures. In the V level task sheet, you are asked to compare and contrast 2 pictures. To see sample worksheets for the whole Maturita exam, go to www.novamaturita.cz. Compare/Contrast Comparison/Conrast is used to show similarities and differences of two or more objects. The key frame questions are: How are these objects similar? How are these objects different? Generally, when you COMPARE one object/subject to another, you show how the two are ALIKE, or SIMILAR. KEY WORDS/EXPRESSIONS commonly used to express COMPARISON include: LIKE, SAME, THE SAME AS, IN THE SAME WAY, BOTH, AS ….. AS, TOO, HAVE IN COMMON, SIMILAR, SIMILARLY etc. Generally, when you CONTRAST two objects/subjects, you show how they are different. KEY WORDS/EXPRESSIONS commonly used to express CONTRAST include: UNLIKE, BUT, DIFFER/DIFFERENT/DIFFERENCE/THE MAIN DIFFERENCE, HOWEVER, ALTHOUGH, EVEN THOUGH, INSTEAD, ON THE CONTRARY, CONTRARY TO, ON THE OTHER HAND, WHEREAS, WHILE, UNLESS etc. *Don’t forget to use the comparative: bigger, smaller, happier, darker etc. Use THERE IS/THERE ARE HELPFUL IDEAS: To organize your thoughts and/or build your vocabulary, use a chart or a diagram, e.g.: Venn Diagram You can also create your own diagram, e.g.: http://www.husky-holiday.com/pics/reviews/week43_2008.jpg http://www.oars.com/images/hiking-main.jpg http://imagecache.allposters.com/images/pic/RHPOD/206-2827~Shopping-in-the-Market-Hall-Faro-Portugal-Posters.jpg http://www.radisson.com/rad/images/hotels/CHNSGHNW/Shopping_450.jpg
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