A Moment of Joy in the Kibera Slum Your Support Offers Hope in

St. Vincent
Your Support Offers
Hope in Kenya
A Moment of Joy
in the Kibera Slum
Letter from Fr. Ray
Donor Profile
ive mothers gathered around
a small wooden table at Holy
Cross Parish in Thigio,
Kenya. In this group, only one
woman had a husband, three were
HIV positive, and their children
numbered 13. The women made
plans to transport fresh water and
food to an ill mother whose
children had not eaten in
three days.
Around the Province
Lenten Reflection
ocal, sustainable and green…
from grocery stores to resale
shops, restaurants to large
corporations, these ideas are catching
on. It’s good for the environment.
It’s good for business. It’s good for
our communities.
For the Vincentians, this trend is
anything but new. For more than 20
years, our priests and brothers in East
Africa have approached their work as
a “sustainable ministry.” They seek
lasting solutions to the problems of
hunger, poverty and illness.
Teresa Manna, director of
development, spent the
morning with these women several
years ago. The women shared stories
about their visits with the poor that
week and determined which
families were most in need.One
The poor in Kenya have few
belongings, but they possess an
inner joy that can come only from
knowing Jesus.
in this issue
6 Memorials & Tributes
As Provincial, I spend a lot of time in airports. They
are different in some ways, but every major airport,
without exception, has a large gift shop offering
souvenirs with the name of the city, state or
country. Whether a key chain, coffee mug or t-shirt,
you can find a memento that tells the world, “I was
there!” Travelers love to bring back reminders of the
character or atmosphere of the places they visit – a
few souvenirs or a phone full of photos.
With ongoing support from donors
and friends, Vincentian priests and
brothers in East Africa are shepherding
four parishes with nearly 20 outstations.
They have established the Solar
Energy Project to generate reliable
energy for the people they serve.
Seminarians at Christ the
King Seminary in Nyeri,
Kenya, are planting,
cultivating and harvesting
crops to sustain themselves
and the community. The
DePaul Woodworking
program enables young Kenyans to
learn a valuable trade, ending a cycle
of poverty and supporting their
families for years
to come.
“Serve Locally
Pray Globally”
I always bring back photos from my trips
to Kenya, but these can’t even begin to capture the joy and
excitement I experience there. On my most recent trip in late
January, I visited one of our newer parishes, St. Vincent de Paul
in Giathugu. The spirit of St. Vincent radiates in the ministries
and lives of the Vincentians of Kenya. I wish there was a way to
bottle this spirit (in a TSA-approved container) and bring it home to
share with you. No photo or souvenir can possibly capture the energy
and joy of these men as they serve the poor in the outskirts of Nairobi.
We now have 13 East African priests serving the Region of Kenya. Five
more men will be ordained this May, and four candidates will receive
Holy Orders in 2016. Our growth in Kenya
is a direct result of the generosity of our family, friends and faithful
Many thanks to those who have made donations to our various Kenya
Appeals over the years. You have helped to educate our seminarians –
giving them a firm foundation in preaching, teaching and spiritual
guidance. You have supported our four parishes and many rural outstations.
You have helped to cover costs of a woodworking apprenticeship for local
men and women – ending a cycle of poverty for generations to come. In
a very real way, your prayers and gifts enable us to proclaim the Good
News of Jesus Christ and help the Catholic Church grow in East Africa.
Come with us! Be a part of our mission in Kenya by supporting our work
there. Your gift will impact the lives of men, women and children living
without basic necessities. Kenya may be more than 7,000 miles from our
shore, but the need there is real. The Congregation of the Mission has
taken root firmly in East Africa. With your help, our presence there will
continue to grow and bear fruit for those we serve!
Peace in St. Vincent,
Fr. Ray Van Dorpe, C.M.
the vincentian
With your help, our priests and
brothers can continue to serve locally
and pray globally - responding to
needs with the strength & wisdom of
an international network
of Vincentions.
Sustainable Ministry Bears Fruit
This unique approach to ministry and
service is working. Vocations to the
priesthood are on the rise.
Today, more than 20 Vincentians
serve in parishes, schools and
outreach centers throughout the
country. Many more young Kenyans
have responded to Christ’s call,
entering Vincentian formation.
With your help, the Vincentians in
Kenya can continue to serve locally
and pray globally. Our priests and
brothers recognize the unique gifts
and particular needs – spiritual and
material – of the local community.
Because of people like you, their
“sustainable” approach to ministry is
bearing an abundant harvest in East
Africa and beyond.
Fruit of Generosity: Mike and Gloria Volpe
s a freshman in high school,
Gloria began volunteering
at Mount Saint Vincent, a
shelter for abused and neglected
children in downtown Denver,
“I liked it so much, I just kept going
back – even during the summers,”
Gloria recalls. She knew that Mount
Saint Vincent played a crucial role
in the lives of these poor children,
offering them healing and hope.
Gloria married
Mike Volpe, her
high school
sweetheart, and
the two became
active at their
St. Elizabeth.
Drawn to the
simplicity of the Vincentians, the
couple befriended Fr. Ronald
Ramson, C.M., their pastor at the
The Volpes were instrumental in
funding repairs for the kitchen at
St. Vincent Nursery School in the
Kibera slum of Nairobi. The school
provides meals and uniforms,
and covers students’ medical
expenses, serving orphaned and
needy children in urgent need of love
and care. The school’s mission
is close to Gloria’s heart.
“Because of their deep love for the
poor, the Vincentians have made us
more aware of the
needs of others,”
Gloria says. “Every
day, I ask God to
keep the priests and
brothers in Kenya
“One couple’s generosity
impacted countless lives,
and brought hope and
healing to their own.”
“To me, the Vincentians seem more
down to earth. They’re always ready
to roll up their sleeves and get
involved. I like that,” says Mike.
Over the years, the Volpes
encountered many dynamic
Vincentian priests and brothers.
Fr. Ed Murphy, C.M., and Fr. Bob
Schwane, C.M., became close family
friends. Fr. Gary Mueller, C.M.,
baptized their granddaughters, and
Fr. Ron celebrated the girls’ First
After their son-in-law traveled to
Kenya with Fr. Ron, Mike and Gloria
took an interest in supporting the
Vincentians serving there.
“We heard the story of a family
whose grandmother had died. They
had no beds so the woman was lying
on the dirt floor. We knew we had
to help,” Mike recalls.
Mike and Gloria
recognize that God
has granted them many blessings
along the way. At the age of 13, their
daughter, Michelle, was diagnosed
with lupus. She was not expected to
live more than a year. Now Michelle
is married with three children of her
own. The Volpes attribute this
miracle to a special blessing she
received from Pope Saint John Paul II
at Mount Saint Vincent during
his visit to Denver in 1993.
Mike and Gloria’s generosity has
impacted countless lives and
enriched their own. As they reached
out in loving service, their faith grew
stronger and their family grew closer.
Now three generations of Volpes
have served at Mount Saint Vincent,
and needy children from Denver to
Nairobi experience Christ’s love
and peace every day.
Our many donors and friends
have impacted the lives of
children, families, the sick and
poor in Kenya and throughout
the Western Province.
Mike and Gloria Volpe
and Family
“Because of their deep
love for the poor, the
Vincentians have
made us more aware
of the needs of others
... Every day, I ask
God to keep the
priests and brothers
in Kenya safe.”
– Gloria Volpe
One mother joyfully gave up her own
small amount of food to help feed
another hungry family. She stood up
at the table and said, “My children
have eaten today. They don’t need to
eat tomorrow.”
As she prepares for another visit to
Kenya, Teresa recalls an incident that
took place in the Kibera slum outside
Nairobi. “We were celebrating opening
day with the students at St. Vincent’s
Nursery School, and I noticed a little
girl peeking through a crack in the
door,” Teresa says. “By all appearances,
she was living on the street. I motioned
for her to come in and offered her
some of the cake the other children
were having. What happened next
broke my heart.
“The little girl was clearly hungry, but
before eating her cake she bowed her
head and said a prayer. Then she took
some of the cake and put it in her
pocket to share with her little brother.
She first gave thanks, set aside some
to share, and only then did she eat
the cake.”
The poor in Kenya have few
belongings, but they possess an inner
joy that can come only from knowing
Jesus. They live with the awareness
that, if they eat on a particular day, it
is because God provided for them.
In a way, they are free from the
material things that can get in the way
of our relationship with our Lord. As
St. Vincent said, “The poor are our
lords and masters.” They teach us a
very important lesson.
“It is not hard to see why these women
love Jesus, and experience His love in
return,” Teresa says. “They are like
Him in so many ways: Poor, Living
simply, Joyful, Holy.
the vincentian
r. Ray Van
Dorpe, C.M.,
Provincial, visited
Kenya in January for
two important events:
the elevation of the
Kenya Mission to Region
and the profession of vows and
incorporation into the Community
of four Kenyan Vincentians.
For our community in
Kenya, the elevation
from Mission to
Region is a big
step in the process
toward becoming an
independent Province.
This significant
moment in the life of
the Kenyan Region was
celebrated with great
prayer, singing and
Fr. Gary Mueller, C.M.,
has been appointed
Region Superior. Frs.
Tom Esselman, C.M.,
Francis Wanderi, C.M.,
and Alex Isonga, C.M.,
will assist him as Region
Council members. The
entire Western Province
congratulates our
brothers in Kenya on
this exciting milestone!
On Jan. 25, the
anniversary of the
foundation of the
Congregation of the
Mission, Dominic
Makau Munyao, C.M.,
Humphreys Okumu,
C.M., Frederick
Wandera, C.M., and
Michael Gichoho, C.M.,
pronounced vows.
Including these four
men, the number of
incorporated members
in Kenya hits 30 – the
highest it has been
in years Congratulations
to our newest
incorporated members.
We welcomed with joy and
anticipation four new initiates on
Jan. 11, at DePaul Centre in Nairobi,
Kenya. The new initiate director,
Fr. Ignatius Mukanzi,
C.M., kicked off the
seminary formation
program by leading a
spiritual retreat for the
men. May God bless
them as they begin their
journey of discernment.
On this side of the
pond, the news is that
Bro. Joseph Hess, C.M.,
has been honored for
his volunteer service
to Project Angel Heart
and Meals on Wheels
in Denver, CO. Since
2004, Bro. Hess has
delivered meals for
these great programs.
He also volunteers as
a patient information
representative at Rose
Medical Center in
Frs. Paul Golden, C.M.,
Larry Christensen, C.M.,
and Tom Nelson, C.M.,
are recuperating from
medical issues and
surgeries. They are
doing well and on the
road to full recovery. It’s
hard to keep good men
down. We pray that they will be back
at it in short order.
Finally, Fr. Kevin Fausz, C.M., is
busy in San Antonio! Fr. Kevin is
pastor of two communities, one
primarily Hispanic and the other
mostly African-American. He is
deeply dedicated to the people
he serves, and both communities
are alive and growing under his
Blessed Lenten time to all!
A Surprising Way to Recharge Your Lent
ost of us approach
Lent with this simple
question: What will
I give up? Chocolate? Alcohol?
Television or the Internet? Others
ask: What can I do to make a
difference? Go to Mass during the
week? Visit a homebound person
in my parish? Contribute to
a worthy cause?
Interior penance is expressed
by prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
So the right path seems to
include all of the above: prayer,
self-denial and sacrifice.
“But, the end game for Lent
is really about detachment –
separating ourselves from the
things that keep us separated
from God.”
A New Approach
But, the end game for Lent is really
about detachment – separating
ourselves from the things that keep
us separated from God.
Spiritual writers are quick to point
out that true peace is not found in
this world. The peace and security
we seek through our own efforts
always fall short.
Take time this Lent to place your
trust in Jesus and practice
detachment. Incorporate these
suggestions into your daily life
or come up with some of your own.
off your phone, computer
and television for an hour
each day.
• Donate
some of your clothes or
possessions; include a few things
you still enjoy or use.
five minutes in quiet prayer
in the morning or at night.
out to a friend or family
member in need of your love and
Finding Inner Peace
When we detach ourselves from
those things that seem to bring
security and comfort, we discover
that interior place in our hearts that
God alone can fill. Make room in
your life for Jesus this Lent. Draw
close to Him, and you can overcome
anything standing in the way of
inner peace.
The Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is the
final resting place for the first superior of the Vincentians
in the New World. He is:
A. Most Rev. Joseph Rosati, C.M.
B. Venerable Felix DeAndreis, C.M.
C. St. Francis Regis Clet, C.M.
To learn more about the Shrine of Our Lady of the
Miraculous Medal, go to www.amm.org. (Answer on page 7)
Looking to energize your Lenten
practices during these final weeks
before Easter? There’s an app for
that! Developed by the Fellowship
of Catholic University Students,
Lentsanity sends daily reflections
and spiritual resources right
to your smartphone.
The messages are brief and
compelling. Topics include prayer
and virtue, Lenten sacrifice, and
simple ways to learn and live the
faith. Use it yourself, or
recommend Lentsanity to your
children, coworkers or friends. It’s
a great way to encourage prayer,
fasting and almsgiving among
Catholics in the digital age.
The following gifts were received between October 20, 2014 and February 4, 2015.
We apologize for any names inadvertently omitted from this list.
In Honor Of:
David Keithahn and Roxanne McClain
Ms. Herlinda S. Keithahn
Vincent Paul Meyer
Mr. Eugene W. Meyer
Reverend Barry Moriarty, C.M.
Mr. John Eiffert and Ms. Ellen H. Dreyer
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLean
Reverend Gary Mueller, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mueller
Claire Persich
Dr. and Mrs. J. Donald Persich
Patricia Petty
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Petty
Reverend Mark Pranaitis, C.M.
Mr. Jeremy Bergstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thorgren
Priesthood Sunday
Ms. Eugenia Uhrich
Reverend Charles Prost, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prost
Reverend Bernie Quinn, C.M.
Reverend Nhan Tran, C.M.
Ms. Teresa Valentine
Reverend Luis Ramierz, C.M.
Diocese of Little Rock, AR
Reverend Ronald Ramson, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Place
Reverend Bill Rhinehart, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kist
Reverend John Richardson, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Heise, Sr.
Ms. Karen M. Stark
Ms. Geraldine P. Timm
Reverend Milton Ryan, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Krieger
Reverend Toshio Sato, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlachter
Mrs. Phyllis Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schaeffer
The Schomaker Family
Ms. Christine D. Schomaker
Priests at St. Anne, North Little Rock, AR
Ms. Marcella Nofziger
St. Catherine Laboure Parish Staff
Ms. Martha Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spaeth, Jr.
St. Catherine Laboure Stephen Ministry
Ms. Nancy Griffin
Friends and Clients of 5280 Strategies
5280 Strategies
Very Reverend Raymond Van Dorpe, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bigler
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Zlatic
Reverend Mike Walsh, C.M.
Diocese of Little Rock
Reverend George Weber, C.M.
Mr. Harry Crutcher III
Mary Jeanne Wehner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKitrick
Reverend Frank Agnew, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Courtois
Jean Ahillen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ahillen
Reverend Larry Asma, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Masters
Chris Bacina
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Huston
Friends and Family of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Beasley
Ed Berra
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Berra
Blessed Mother
Mr. Robert J. Jung
Peggy Brinkman
Mr. Greg Brinkman
Cape Class of 1956
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Foley
Reverend James Cormack, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Crowe
Ms. Melanie H. Donnelly
Ms. Martha Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stumpf III
Dr. and Mrs. John Tabash
Mr. and Mrs. William Zielonko
Reverend Thomas Croak, C.M.
Mr. Joe Vertovec and Ms. Nancy Ebaugh
The Charles J. Derbes, Jr. Family
Mr. Charles J. Derbes III
Reverend Thomas Esselman, C.M.
Mrs. Mary Martin
Bonnie Fiebiger
Mr. and Mrs. James Fiebiger
Thomas Forte
Ms. Elizabeth Forte
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Koenig
Reverend Paul Golden, C.M.
Ms. Martha Golden
Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lansing
Reverend Perry Henry, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Henry
Special Intentions
Sra. Maria Diaz
Mr. Timothy F. Jencka
Reverend Jay Jung, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McCormick
Ms. Denise Reens
Mrs. Ann Shenassa
James and Cathleen Klocek
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Klocek
Leo T. Klump
Mrs. Betty Klump
Ruth Lang
Mrs. Martha Brooks
Jim and Sally Laurentius
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurentius
Mary Ann and Robert Lehmkuhl
Ms. Mary Carol Lehmkuhl
the vincentian
In Memory Of:
Sister Maureen Bannister, D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schroeder
Evelyn Barbre
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Barbre
Timothy Joseph Barta
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barta
Fred Beltran, Jr.
Ms. Rose A. Beltran
Kevin Berra
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Berra
Cucco and Berra Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Berra
Ray and Clare Birenbaum
Reverend Clarence Bogetto, C.M.
Mr. Mark I. Thompson
Paul and Kathleen Borlik
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Smith
Earl and Mary Buelteman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bush
Mr. and Mrs. David Raterman
Ed Caiafa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Joyce
Reverend Charles Cannon, C.M.
Mr. Harry Crutcher III
Reverend John Cantore, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Peal
Francis B. Catanzaro
Reverend Jack Cawley, C.M.
Mr. Harry Crutcher III
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fulford
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Peal
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlachter
John Comte
Marjorie Conway
Ms. Marcia Doucet
Maria and Vincent Coppola
Mr. Joseph M. Coppola
Deceased of the Cormack Family
Dr. Robert J. Paino
James Cormack
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klump
Edward and Pat Croak
Reverend Thomas Croak, C.M.
Luke and Mable Deimeke
Ms. Mary Droege
Reverend Louis Derbes, C.M.
Mrs. Marie Derbes
Mr. Charles J. Derbes III
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Ratte
Charles J. Derbes, Jr.
Mr. Charles J. Derbes III
Fred and Anna Dobbelare
Mr. Floyd F. Dobbelare, Sr.
Adeline Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryan
Sir Daniel Donohue
Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
Council of Los Angeles
Charles Drewet
Mrs. Pat D. Cooseman
Mildred and William Ellingham
Ms. Carol Holland
Deceased Members of the Bays Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan E. Bays
Dolores Finn
Ms. Dolores V. Rains
James Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. William McGonagill
Jerry and Danny Fleming
Ms. Marilyn Fleming
Deceased members of Tarnow and
Flemington Families
Mr. and Mrs. William Tarnow
Laura Gallenstein
Mrs. Jim J. Gallenstein
Thomas C. Gillum
Ms. Phyllis N. Gillum
Bob Goodwin
Mrs. Bonnie J. Goodwin
Reverend Joseph Halpin, M.M.
Ms. Rita Halpin
Harry and Audrey Hatlan
Mr. Jim Hatlan
Reverend Richard Hunkins
Mr. Terence J. Hunkins
Reverend Francis Hynes
Architectural Grilles and Sunshades, Inc.
Special Intentions
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Mistretta
Mr. Edward Smith
Stanley and Maryann Jencka
Mr. Timothy F. Jencka
Brother Paul Joseph, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Becker
Mr. Thaddeus D. Sagil
Daniel Kamrow
Mr. Jeffry W. Kamrow
Joseph J. Kapsar
Ms. Patricia Kapsar
Carol Keeney
Mr. Robert J. Keeney
Emmett Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly
Kevin J. Kelly
Mrs. Ellen Kelly
Ms. Mary E. Kelly
Mr. Bill McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kiefer
George Kiester
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Meyer
George and Frieda Kirn
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Klaus
Mike Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. John Scheurich
Jack and Sylvia Long
Reverend R. William Rhinehart, C.M.
Wayne Loos
Ms. Aggie Loos
Russell Malewicki
Ms. Carol Malewicki
Dorthine Maloney
Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
Council of Los Angeles
Joseph Manning
Mrs. Margaret M. Phillips
Reverend J. Dennis Martin, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Peal
Ms. Colleen W. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tully
Reverend Jack Melito, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Koenig
Mrs. Gerard Tutor
Joseph and Mary Grace Merle, Joseph  
Merle, Jr.
Ms. Sally H. Davenport
Hugo and Albertino Meyer
Ms. Theresa A. Meyer
Kathleen and Adolph Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Neal E. Alster
Leo and Ida Meyer
Mr. Eugene W. Meyer
Reverend Jerry Morales, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ryan
Reverend Edward Mullin, C.M.
Mrs. Elizabeth Mahal
Martin and Margaret Nolan
Mr. Jim Hatlan
Mr. and Mrs Nunes
Mr. Ron Nunes
Reverend Richard O’Brien, C.M.
Mr. and Mrs. James Morey
Joan Ochoa
Mr. Bob Ochoa
Philip P. O’Donnell
Mrs. Philip O’Donnell
Tom O’Hern
Mr. Bill McGill
Mr. Thomas Telhiard
Mrs. Ann Shenassa
Evelyn Oldani
Mr. Louis Oldani, Jr.
Florence M. O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy
Mrs. Margaret Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holmes
Ms. Amy Mauzy
Rody O’Mara
Mr. Edward A. O’Mara
Alberto Pagliari
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Pagliari
Marion and Mary Pandolto
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hormberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Raterman
Mr. and Mrs. David Raterman
David Rodriguiz
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Aragon
Francis and Josephine Schmidt
Ms. Carol Malewicki
Cecilia Schomaker
Ms. Christine D. Schomaker
Ron Schwartz
Mrs. Katherine T. Schwartz
Patricia S. Seidel
Mr. Robert L. Seidel, Sr.
Deceased Family and Friends of the
Seitz Family
Mr. Andrew J. Seitz
Robert Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chen
Mr. Ivan R. Dee
Mr. Paul M. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. David S. McCoy
Mr. Richard H. McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. MeisLahn
Querry and Harrow
Michele Simone
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Simone
Alvea Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stokes
Diane J. Tegethoff
Mr. James Tegethoff
Lupe Toomey
Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
Council of Los Angeles
Reverend Arthur Trapp, C.M.
Mr. Brian Ashe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Dufour
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Uranich, Sr.
Mr. Frank Uranich
Larry Valchine
Ms. Gracemary Melvin
Miguel Valencia
Mrs. Miguel Valencia
Bernard Valentine
Ms. Teresa Valentine
Rita Van Dorpe
Mr. and Mrs. John Scheurich
Thomas Wegner
Mr. and Mrs. William McGonagill
William T. Wells
Mr. Jeffrey M. Wells
Clark and Wibbenmeyer Families
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clark
Helm and Zlataric Families
In Gratitude
to God:
Eckhard’s Family Reconciliation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckhard
Ministry of
Fletch Aldrich
Carole Anderson
Armando Arenivas
Baby with Kidney Problems
Patrick Bailey (2)
Chipper Basler
Chrissy Bauer
Virginia Bax
Alois F. Becker
Judy Bersche
Reverend Peter Blake
Francis X. Blood
Dan Kokott and Dave Boll
Charlotte Bonner
Bruce Brazeau
Tom Brown
Alan Buhr
Donna Cantori
Madeline Carnevale
Clark and Wibbenmeyer Families
William Clark
Fran Combs
Richard Cutak, Jr.
Curt Cutting
John Cyscon
Cheryl Daubner
Phillip Dedic
Michael Dever
Salvador Diangenti
Bobby Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Drumm and Familiy
Jo Dupuy (2)
Bonita Dybala
Olga Felix
Gertrude Fiarito
Robert Flynn
Frank X. Franer
Harry Gegg
Raymond Goedeker
Robert Goins
Dan Grossman
The Groth Family
Rita Gualtieri
Mary Lou Harrison
Jordan Hays
Cooper Heinz
Laverne Hess
Joyce Hotop
Special Intentions (2)
Greg Jones
Edward Joseph
Warren Kilburn
Kathy and Jerry Konrad
Valerie Koskovich
Giny Kraft and Theresa Kotnour
Georgia Kozeny
Reverend Carl Kramer
Gene and Luella Kruska
Theresa Kuehler
Nancy and John Laird
Millie Langedyke
Amy Elizabeth Lewis (2)
Peg Lottes (2)
Dan Luepke
Dorthine L. Maloney
Peg Stepka McBride
Deacon Thomas Meehan
Genanne Meehan
Tom and Betty Meyer
Betty Meyer
Richard Mispely
Taylor Munsterman
Vincent Murphy
Mother of Cabina Noonan
Anita O’Connor
Ray O’Connor
Michael J. O’Dea
Kevin O’Donnell
Paul Orso
Andrew Pansini
Beverly Ann Parisi
Oliver A. Parker
Paul Passanante
Birney T. Pease (2)
Marge Perry
Louise Raia
Sister Carmel Rangel, OSU
Sandra Recesare
Patricia Reed
John Rice
Gloria Robottom
Robert Salinas (2)
Mary Bates Samford
Jeanne Serra
Robert Sharp
Joseph Sinopole
Dan Stout
Joseph Statz
Lawrence Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Stuppy and Family
Joan F. Sucher
Vera Suennen
John J. Sullivan
Rick Swaim
Judy Swyers
Reverend Tom Tank
Matthew Teolis
John Toolen
Lupe Aguilar Toomey
John Trama
Cheryl Turkal
Ed and Arlene Tyszkiewwicz
William Vejelski
Jackie Weiss
Lois Janet Wilkas
Pat Wollman
Patricia Zalewski
The correct answer is B.
the vincentian
13663 Rider Trail North
Earth City, MO 63045
Learn more about the Congregation of the Mission Western Province, join us in prayer, and offer your
support. Visit us online at vincentian.org.
The Feast Day of One Selfless
Woman and Her 20,000 Daughters
On March 15, the Church celebrated the Feast of St. Louise
de Marillac. Louise was born in France in 1591. Her mother
died when she was a small child, and she was raised and
educated by Dominican nuns. Louise married Antoine
LeGras, a man of wealth and position, but she was widowed
just a few years later. By the time she was 34, Louise had lost
both her mother and her husband.
Soon, the miracles began. Louise met St. Vincent de Paul
and, together, they established care centers to help
abandoned children, the sick, wounded soldiers, slaves, the
mentally ill and the elderly. Louise opened her home to young
women looking to help with their work – the very first
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.
Today there are more than 20,000 Daughters of Charity
serving in the spirit of this holy woman. Rooted in the love of
Christ, St. Louise de Marillac used her many connections,
influence and financial resources to establish and expand one
of the greatest charitable organizations ever imagined. Her
generosity continues to touch countless lives even today.
St. Louise de Marillac, pray for us.