Elaine Chao not eligible! - American Resistance Party

Contact: Edward C. Noonan
Tel: 530-777-3474
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Elaine Chao not eligible!
12/01/16 – EDWARD C NOONAN, Former 2012 & 2016 Presidential Candidate alert:
Trump, once again, has failed the Constitution (Art II) which states that all candidates for POTUS MUST BE NATURAL BORN CITIZENS. A Natural Born Citizen
is one that has no ALIEN PARENTS or was born in an ALIEN COUNTRY.
Wikipedia records:
Elaine Chao was born in Taipei, Taiwan. The eldest of six daughters, Chao was born to Ruth Mulan Chu Chao (趙朱木蘭 Zhào Zhū Mùlán), a historian, and
Dr. James S.C. Chao (趙錫成 Zhào Xīchéng), who began his career as a merchant mariner and later founded a successful shipping company in New York
called Foremost Shipping.[5] Chao's parents had fled to Taiwan from Shanghai, mainland China, after the Chinese Communists took over after the Chinese
Civil War in 1949.
Wikipedia does not record if or when Chao’s parents became US Citizens. For Chao to be a natural born citizen she would have to have two parents that
were CITIZENS prior to her birth. If she was born BEFORE her parents became citizens then she would not be constitutionally eligible.
The Secretary of Transportation is the 15th in line of succession for the President of the United States. Hence, all candidates MUST be constitutionally
qualified and eligible to assume the office of President if and when it ever becomes needful.
The American Resistance Party condemns Mr. Trump for failing to uphold the Constitution (Art II) in the Soetoro (aka BHO) citizenship lie, the possible
Romney blunder and now the Chao folly.
truthandjustice TO Edward C. Noonan
She is NOT being chosen for POTUS. What does it matter if her parents were born elsewhere. Anyway, that is not even the issue.
OutlawJoseyWales TO Edward C. Noonan
What are you talking about? There is nothing here to discuss. Her ability to serve as POTUS has nothing to do with her appointment to his cabinet.
WND seems to have many anti-Constitution minded readers that believe that the
constitution does not need to be followed. So here we sit with an illegal alien sitting
in the white house as POTUS. I have taken the case all the way to the Supreme Court
challenging the citizenship of Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) but the courts are too corrupt to
give discovery and a fair hearing to this matter.
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Article II of our constitution clearly states:
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time
of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;…”
Past Congresses have legislated that the President’s cabinet are now in the line of
Succession for the presidency in case of a national disaster.
The people that commented on my post are unaware of the past history of the United
States. The Republican Party in 1881 elected a Vice President that was not qualified
under the constitution. This was Chester A. Arthur. Arthur was born in Canada and
his father was NOT an American citizen. Then again in 2016 Ted Cruz (another
Republican candidate) was also born in Canada, and his father was an alien from
another country. Neither complied with Art II of the US Constitution.
In Arthur’s case (as Vice President candidate) the U.S. Constitution states:
Amendment 12 - Choosing the President, Vice-President. Ratified 6/15/1804. Clause
3 - "...But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that
of Vice-President of the United States."
Then in 2008, John McCain ran as a Presidential Candidate. His parents were
American, but research has proved that their marriage was NOT illegal and NOT
performed in an official Mexican office. So their marriage was void. They remarried
many years later after finding out of the problem. And secondly, John McCain was
NOT born in the United States… as a matter of fact he was NOT born in the Panama
Canal Zone, but in fact he was born in Colon, Panama which is across the bay from
the Naval base that his father was stationed at, and which made McCain a CITIZEN
And also in 2008 we have the matter of the illegal alien named BARACK HUSSEIN
OBAMA, aka Barry Soetoro. Mr. Soetoro had a father that was a foreign national
(Kenyan) which disqualified Soetoro from the office of POTUS.
So we currently have uneducated Republicans/Independents/Marxist (take your pick)
Collaborators which are enemies to the US Constitution. They desire to make cabinet
officers which are in line for the Presidency to be given the benefit of the doubt that
they would STEP DOWN if they were chosen to fill the position of POTUS if the need
would arise.
I for one do not trust the big buck parties. Not a single Republican legislator has truly
called for the vetting of Soetoro. And the mainstream republicrats do not realize that
having someone like Elaine Chao for Transportation Secretary violates the U.S.
constitution just as corruptly as if it was Kenyan born Soetoro being appointed as
Transportation Secretary.
The American Resistance Party condemns NON-NBC candidates for cabinet posts!
Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
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