Questions - Northwest ISD Moodle

Valence Electrons and Reactivity
Essential Question: How do atoms interact with each other?
How do atoms join together?
Chemical Bond – an interaction that holds atoms or ions together.
Molecule – a group of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds.
What happens to atoms during chemical changes?
Atoms are NOT created or destroyed
Atoms are rearranged to make new substances with different properties.
Chemical bonds have to be formed or broken
A Model Atom – What do different atom models show?
The Electron Cloud Model - Shows how electrons are found in a region around the
nucleus called the electron cloud.
The Bohr Model – Shows the number of electrons on different energy levels around
the nucleus.
Molecular Model – Shows different atoms as spheres bonded together to form a
chemical compound called a molecule.
What are Valence Electrons?
Bohr Models show atoms’ electrons
organized into energy levels.
1st energy level can hold up to
2 electrons
2nd energy level can hold up to
8 electrons
Atoms can have up to 7 energy
Outermost energy level – The
energy level shown furthest
from the nucleus in a Bohr
Valence Electrons – Electrons on the outermost energy level of an atom.
How does the periodic table show the number of valence electrons?
Elements in the same group, or vertical column, have the same # of
valence electrons.
Use the group # on the periodic table to find the # of valence electrons
for groups 1, 2, and 13-18
*There is no simple rule to find the # of valence electrons in groups 3-12
*Group #1, the Alkali Metals, are the most reactive group of elements
because they only have 1 valence electron to lose to form a chemical bond.
*Group #18, the Nobel or Inert Gases, have full outermost energy levels,
therefore are unreactive and do not tend to form chemical bonds.
 He – 2 valence electrons
 Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn – 8 valence electrons
*Group #17, the Halogens, are very reactive non-metals because they only
need to gain 1 electron to have a complete set of 8 valence electrons.
Why do atoms form bonds? Eight is Great!
Atoms tend to form bonds if its outermost energy level is not full.
*8 Valence electrons = Full outer energy level
Atoms that have fewer than 8 valence electrons, with the exception of Helium,
do not have a full outermost energy level.
These atoms gain, lose or share valence electrons to form chemical bonds.
Metals tend to lose electrons
Non-Metals tend to gain or share electrons
When atoms form bonds, their outermost energy levels may be filled.
Ions – charged particles that form when a neutral atom gains or loses an electron in
a chemical bond.