Inorganic Chemistry I program Prerequisites: General Chemistry basic concepts General description: Basic course that focus on the chemical bond In the general lines, the course includes: Concepts and applications of chemical bonding for simple molecules and coordination compounds. Systematic study of the main elements according to their position in the periodic table. Detailed program: covalent bond (VSEPR methods, valence bond, molecular orbitals theories), ionic, metallic bonds, hydrogen bond and weak forces. Introduction to coordination compounds VB theory, crystal field and molecular orbital theories. Systematic studies: Hydrogen - Property and main compounds Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals (elements of group 1 and 2); Main chemical compounds, hydrides, halides, carbides, organometallic compounds (Grignard); Elements of the group 13, compounds, boranes, compounds with other elements; Group 14 elements, allotropes (diamond, graphite, fullerenes), and carbon molecules, oxides, silica; Group 15, main compounds of N, P, As, Sb, Bi, hydrides, oxides and oxygen-containing acids of phosphorus, polyphosphates; Group 16 (chalcogens), oxygen and ozone, oxides and oxyacids of sulfur, halides; Group 17 (halogen), hydrides, halides, oxides, oxyacids, interalogenic compounds, polyhalides; Group 18 (noble gases), xenon chemical compounds; general properties of the elements transition Detailed program 1-Introduction: The inorganic chemistry, origin and distribution of elements, Lavoisier, Proust, Dalton laws; Dalton's atomic theory. Atoms and atomic mass. Law of Gay Lussac and experiments Cannizzaro. Mole concept, Avogadro number, elementary particles, experiments of Thomson, Rutherford and Mullikan. Atomic number, mass number, isotopes. 2-Atomic structure: waves and electromagnetic spectrum, atomic spectra, Planck equation, photoelectric effect, quantization of energy, Bohr atom. 3-Atomic structure: an outline of wave mechanics, the uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation, quantum numbers, atomic orbitals, representation of wave functions (radial and angular) 4-Atomic structure: multielectron systems, effective nuclear charge, energy of atomic orbitals, electronic configurations of the elements. Aufbau, periodic properties of the elements. Dimensions of atoms and ions. Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and their variation in the periodic table. Metallic character, polarizability. 5-Chemical bonding: ionic bonding, crystal structure, packing of spheres, Energy lattice. Born Haber cycle and Born Landè equation. 6-Chemical bonds: covalent bond: order, length and bond energy; Lewis theory, polar bond and electronegativity. VSEPR model. 7-Chemical bonding: Valence bond theory (VB), hybrid orbitals and molecular shapes, resonance structures. General features of the covalent bond. 8-Chemical bond: VB theory, examples, structure and reactivity. 9-Chemical bond: Molecular orbital theory (MO), LCAO methods, applications in homonuclear biatomic molecules. 10-Chemical bonding: Molecular orbitals for heteronuclear molecules, bond order. Magnetic properties. 11-Chemical bond: metal bond, metals and alloys, band theory, Fermi level, electrical conductivity, insulation, and intrinsic band gap semiconductors, semiconductor. 12-Chemical bonding: electrostatic weak interactions, hydrogen bonding. Intermolecular forces. Solid ionic, covalent, metallic and molecular. 13-Chemistry of coordination compounds: general characteristics of the transition metals. Structure and isomerism in complexes. VB applied to complexes of transition metals. Backdonation. Examples 14- Chemical bonding in the complexes: Crystal Field Theory, examples, spectrochemical series. 15-Chemical bonding in the complexes: ligand field theory and MO method. Sigma and p-greek bonds. Electronic spectra and magnetic properties of complexes and examples 16-Chemical bonding in complexes: examples 17-Structure and properties of the typical elements and their compounds: Hydrogen and its compounds: isotopic effects, metal hydrides, ionic and covalent 18- First and Second group: properties, compounds and structures bonding, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, main compounds, hydrides, halides, carbides, organometallic compounds (Grignard) complexes crown, cryptands, biological importance 19- Group XIII: elemental boron and binding in its compounds, hydrides, halides, oxides and oxyanions, BN, Borazine, borax, boranes, carboranes, and aluminum compounds 20-Group XIV: elemental carbon, allotropic forms and compounds, fullerenes, oxides, halides, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, carbides and intercalation compounds, elemental silicon, silicates, molecular sieves and zeolites, silanes, halides, organo silicon, silicones. 21-Group XV: nitrogen, hydrides, ammonia, oxides and oxyanions, acids; elemental phosphorus and its compounds, hydrides, oxides, oxyacids, phosphates and polyphosphates, halides, phosphazenes, phosphine, arsenic, antimony and bismuth, main compounds, hydrides 22-Group XVI: oxygen, ozone, oxides acidic, basic and neutral, oxides, peroxides and superoxides, elemental sulfur, oxides and oxyacids of sulfur, sulfurous sulphuric, tionics acids, hydrides 23- Group XVII: Halogens, properties of the halogens, oxides, acids, and oxyacids oxyanions, interhalogenic compounds, polyhalides 24- Group XVIII: noble gas compounds, compounds of xenon, oxides and halides Atomic structure = 8 h Chemical bond = 16 h Bond in complexes = 8 h Systematics = 16 h
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