Newsflash -

Grace Christian School
April 2013
Flyers/registration forms
were sent home
Monday, April 8th;
tickets are $15 per person.
Registration forms and
money can be returned to
the school office by
April 29th.
Childcare available at
$3.00 per child for
children ages 2 through 12.
Children MUST be signed
up prior to the night of the
Friday, May 3rd
Cypress Courtyard by Mariott
Be sure to get your $10
raffle ticket…
Doors will open at 6:30pm for you to
begin looking at the Silent Auction items.
Hors d’oeuvres will be served at 7:00pm.
The first table of Silent Auction items
will close at 7:30pm.
Don’t delay in getting your
last year’s event was
for one month
Raffle tickets can be
purchased using the
registration form along
with your ticket
purchase… or can be
purchased the night of the
Dates to Remember
April 30May 3
Spirit Day
4th grade to
out at 11:30am
6th grade to
Dr. Don Pettinger
5100 Cerritos, Building A
Cypress, CA 90630
Grace Christian School
April 2013
Our GCS athletes rocked the courts in march!!
The Girls Volleyball and the Boys Basketball teams both brought home
The boys beat Brethren in their game and the girls beat Vineyard.
Both teams had stand out seasons.
Their success can be attributed to the dedication to being a team player, hours of effort and hard work put in
during practices, as well as the time and love poured into the teams by their coaches…Mr. Norwood and Mrs.
Foellmer. We are so proud of each of the team members…each contributed to the team and outcome of the
Way to go roadrunners!
Sharing the love of Jesus with the most precious…the little children.
Grace Christian School chose to reach out to underprivileged kids
and families in the community…and share the love of Jesus in a
tangible way.
So many of you took home empty Easter Baskets and filled them to
the brim…with love, and compassion, and generosity, and goodness!
Thank you for choosing to bless those a little less fortunate and for
showing them that our God can be found in the most amazing
places…even an Easter basket!
“And He took the children in His arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.” Mark 10:16
Grace Christian School
April 2013
Important Calendar Alert
There has been a DATE CHANGE for the April Teacher In-service Day!!
The In-service day will be
Friday, April 26th
and school will be dismissed at 11:30am.
Thursday, April 25th will be a regular full day of school.
It’s A Small World
It’s A Small World.
The GCS Fine Arts After School
Master Class
is going to be offered again!
Registration forms will be sent home
and must be returned by April 22nd.
The first class will meet Tuesday, April 23rd at
3:15pm; the rest of the classes will then meet on
Fridays at 3:15pm.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn the
fundamentals of fine arts, how to write, create and
draw their own comic strip, and draw caricatures,
cartoon animals, and super heroes!
Grace Christian School
April 2013
The April winner is
3rd grader Noah!!
Noah will be in the cafeteria
Wednesday, April 17th
alongside the cafeteria ladies.
He will be serving meatball
sandwiches, green beans,
apples, and
an ice cream sandwich!
Celebrating Dr. Pettinger’s birthday with true style…
students, teachers and staff wore mustaches!
Big ones, little ones, stick on ones, drawn on ones, colored ones and crazy ones!
What a fun way to celebrate!
Grace Christian School
April 2013
Mrs. Walker’s 4 grade AMERIKIDS honored our nation’s Presidents…sharing
about their talents, their pets, and some unusual facts. For example, do you know
which President served for only 1 month, or which President got stuck in his
bathtub, or which President had a one legged chicken as a pet? If you were in
chapel, you do! They also reminded us that each of our Presidents has been
placed in their position by God…and that as a nation we need to humble
ourselves and pray…and as scripture says, God will hear us and heal our land.
Be a bucket filler!!
Mrs. Baker’s 1 graders shared from the storybook “How To Fill Your
Bucket,” and reminded all of us how we need to be kind to one
another, forgive one another, be tender-hearted, and share
lovingkindness…the more you do the more joy you spread…and in
doing so you fill others buckets with love and turn their bad days to
good. And you certainly don’t want to be a bucket dipper…using
unkind words which can empty someone’s bucket.
So are you a bucket filler or a bucket dipper??
Mrs. Kupper’s 1st grade students shared the story of Easter…Jesus’ entrance into
Jeruselem, his death and resurrection. They used the storybook Benjamin’s Box,
sharing exerpts from the story, scripture, and objects to depict the story…for
example a tuft of donkey fur from the donkey Jesus rode into Jeruselem on, a
spike like the one used to hang Jesus on the cross, a piece of cloth like the one
wrapped around Jesus’ body, and a piece of stone like that from the tomb stone
that was rolled away. They concluded by signing Hallelujah!!
For the Lord God Almighty reigns!!
Oh Happy Day!!
Mrs. Carr’s 4th grade students asked what the best part of Good
Friday, Easter, and Spring Break was. Could it be jelly beans,
chocolate, vacation, sleeping in, baseball spring training…of course
not!! The best part about Easter is celebrating the sacrifice Jesus
made for each of us so that we might live forever with Him in
Heaven. They shared the story of Passover…and how Jesus, in
washing the feet of the disciples, gave us an example of his desire
for us to serve others. Thank you 4th graders for reminding us what
Easter is really all about!
Grace Christian School
April 2013
Mrs. Noorigian’s 6th grade Language Arts
class used their imagination by creating a
model and writing an essay of their own
invention explaining how their invention
worked, what it was made of, and why it is
Here are a few examples…
Trisha created the Duplicator, Katie created
the Animal Translator, Ryan created The Best
Friend Robot, Dawson created the Teleporter,
Mackenzie created The Junky Monkey, and
Julia created the Dressinator.
So clever!
Many of our 8th grade students set off
on an adventure certain to be the trip
of a lifetime!!
They toured Washington DC and New
York City taking in sites including the
Vietnam Memorial, the White House,
the Washington Memorial, and so
much more!
Take a stand…Confederate or Union!
8th grade students put on their uniforms, gathered their supplies and spent the afternoon
experiencing life as a Civil War soldier. They learned to march in formation, pitched their
own tents, ate with their pals, and wrote letters home to loved ones.
Quite the experience!
Grace Christian School
April 2013
The 1st grade students visited the El Dorado Nature Center.
4th graders went to the Rancho Los Alamitos as an extension of their study of California history.
Did you see the new
Grace Christian School
Spirit T-shirt?
The new logo was revealed at Race for Grace and many
of you purchased them and students are already
proudly wearing them!!
If you haven’t gotten yours, head on over to the Buyer’s
Office. They are available in all sizes and are just $10.
They are perfect for spirit days and field trips…
get yours today!
Spring is here!
Are you planning any spring
cleaning or home remodeling
We can special order large
denominations of SCRIP for both
Home Depot and Lowe’s
There are some new items now
all are available in
$25 increments.
Grace Christian School
April 2013
Thank you
Mr. Reagan,
and all the volunteers,
for making the whole
Race for Grace
experience full of fun!
The Race Day was a smashing success
and a fun time was had by all!!
It was great to see so many of you,
not only sharing the day with the
students…but actually getting out
there and running!
There were smiles galore from
students bouncing and sliding,
eating In-N-Out burgers, sharing
Kona Ice, getting caricatures done,
‘digging’ for dinosaur fossils,
enjoying Ms. Sandy’s cupcakes…
creating memories to treasure with
the GCS family.
This young man went above and beyond
to show how much he loves his school and
how much he wanted his class to succeed
in the Race for Grace donation contest!
He dug into his piggy bank,
donating all the money he had been
saving from his birthdays and Christmas.
What a giving spirit you have Guy.
This young lady was the lucky winner of $50 at
the Race for Grace Kickoff…and she promptly
donated the money back for Race for Grace
because she loves GCS and wanted to help her
class win the classroom donation contest!
What a giving spirit you have Peyton!