Linking a lower trophic level biogeochemical model with an upper trophic level ecosystem model Kelly Kearney, Jorge Sarmiento,Villy Christensen, Anand Gnanadesikan, Charles Stock, Sylvie Guenette Ecosystem and biogeochemical models Ecosystem models Biogeochemical models • Focus on upper trophic levels • Focus on lower trophic levels • Forced by changes in • Forced by changes in climate, predation, i.e. top-down i.e. bottom-up The Ecosim Model ! aνBk Bi ! aνBi Bj dBi rBi = + ge − − (M0 + F + e) Bi dt 1 + hBi 2ν + aBi 2ν + aBj k=prey j=predators " #$ % " #$ % IN OU T Predator Primary production Fleet Group Other mortality Prey The Ecosim Model ! aνBk Bi ! aνBi Bj dBi rBi = + ge − − (M0 + F + e) Bi dt 1 + hBi 2ν + aBi 2ν + aBj k=prey j=predators " #$ % " #$ % IN OU T Predator Primary production Fleet Group Other mortality Detritus Prey The Ecosim Model ! aνBk Bi ! aνBi Bj dBi rBi = + ge − − (M0 + F + e) Bi dt 1 + hBi 2ν + aBi 2ν + aBj k=prey j=predators " #$ % " #$ % IN OU T aνBi Bj aVi Bj = 2ν + aBj Predator Bj aViBj ν(Bi - Vi) Unavailable prey Bi - Vi Available prey Vi νBi The Topaz Model The Topaz Model • N: NO3, PO4, SiO4, Fe, DOM • P: large, small, diazatrophs • • Z: implicit grazing D: particle ballast (CaCO3, opal, lithogenic) The Topaz Model • N: NO3, PO4, SiO4, Fe, DOM • P: large, small, diazatrophs • • Z: implicit grazing D: particle ballast (CaCO3, opal, lithogenic) The Topaz Model • N: NO3, PO4, SiO4, Fe, DOM • P: large, small, diazatrophs • • Z: implicit grazing D: particle ballast (CaCO3, opal, lithogenic) The Topaz Model • N: NO3, PO4, SiO4, Fe, DOM • P: large, small, diazatrophs • • Z: implicit grazing D: particle ballast (CaCO3, opal, lithogenic) The Topaz Model • Phytoplankton production • • Light limitation Nutrient limitation The Topaz Model Nlim = N O3 · 1+ kN O3 " ! N H4 · 1+ + N O3 kN H4 N H4 kN O3 Plim = Silim = SiO4 kSiO4 + SiO4 P O4 kP O4 + P O4 F elim = Fe kF e + F e The Topaz Model • Phytoplankton production • • • Light limitation Nutrient limitation Grazers • • Assumed to maintain steady state with respect to phytoplankton Grazing is function of phytoplankton biomass and temperature Integrating the two models 1. Run Topaz in ocean model 2. Sum phytoplankton biomass and implicit grazing over the area where an Ecosim model is defined 3. Force the phytoplanton biomass and zooplankton grazing variables within the Ecosim model
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