Who, What, Where, When and Why Information Sheet

Who, What, Where, When and Why Information Sheet
All SLST swimmers on the team plus their parent(s) and families! This is a TEAM event!
On the day of the Swim-A-Thon, parents (or grandparents or other family members) need to be
involved as length counters for their swimmers.
Swim-A-Thon is a USA Swimming sponsored event and our team’s largest annual fundraiser.
For the event, swimmers will swim as many lengths as possible in a 2-hour span, up to 200 lengths
(5000 yards or nearly 3 miles).
Pledges (per length swum) or flat donations can be collected in the weeks before and after the event.
Pledges can come from family, friends, neighbors, local businesses, etc.
Each swimmer’s goal is to raise a minimum of $200. Our ultimate goal is that each swimmer on the
team aspires to reach beyond their fundraising minimum goal! Our team goal is AT LEAST $8000!
Both offline (cash and check) and online (credit/debit card) giving are available to donors. GIFTS ARE
There are incentives for the swimmers provided by SLST and USA Swimming. All donations must be
turned in by Friday, June 16, 2017 to be considered for the incentive prizes.
On Swim-A-Thon day, there will be a pot-luck dinner after the event. Please bring a dish/dessert to
share with the hungry swimmers!
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
5:00 – 7:00 pm (please be there a little early so you can start swimming promptly at 5:00 pm!)
Eisenschmidt Pool
To raise critical funds for our Swim Team in order to benefit youth swimming in our area.
These funds help us meet our budget’s requirements.
5% of donations go to the USA Swimming Foundation to support its mission to save lives through
swimming education and to build champions.