Title/GradeLevel RosaParksTakinga Stand EssentialQuestion(s) CCSSStandard(s): MELDObjective(s) Materials/Resources CulminatingTask African-AmericansTakingaStand 4th-5thGrade Note:Thisisasampleofwhatcanbedoneovertwoweeks.Pleaseusethetextsofyourchoiceandfeelfreetoaddactivities, questions,protocols,graphicorganizers,etc. TeachersareencouragedtointroducestudentstomultiplehistoricAfricanAmericanfigurespastandpresentthathavetakena stand. HowhasanAfricanAmericanLeadertakenastandforsocialjusticeintheUnitedStates? CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.2/5.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.2.b/W.5.2.b Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.1/L5.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.4.1.a/SL.5.1.a Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.3/5.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. 5.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. (5th) Using the conversation skill clarify, fortify, and negotiate, students will build on each others ideas and ask for clarification as neededabouttopicsandtexts. Article:CivilRightsonaCityBus,personalthesaurusorothervocabularydevelopmentstrategies,chartpaper,markers, resourcepackets,highlighters,Video-“RiseUp,ESPN”https://youtu.be/q9xz3mZnIWQ Studentswillwriteanessayorcreateamulti-mediapresentationdescribinganAfricanAmericanLeaderwho hastakenastandforSocialJustice.Thestudents’conclusionparagraphwillexpresshowtheywilltakeastand forSocialJusticeintheircommunity. Week1 AcademicVocabulary Suggestions: (Vocabularywordscan betaughteachdayof thelessonusingthe AEMPPersonal Thesaurus,Personal Dictionary,Frayer Model,orother graphicorganizersor methods. Takeastand Protest Reserved Equality Defiance Intensify Refused Inspiration Boycott Courage Violate Segregation CivilRightsMovement JimCrowLaws Day1 Motivation: Video/Discussion http://www.breitbart .com/video/2016/02/ 18/watch-espnpromotes-black-livesmatter-to-honorafrican-americanstaking-stands/ Whatdidyounoticein thevideo? Whatformsofprotest wereshowninthe video? Passoutpicturesfrom videoforstudentsto discuss. Question: Howdoesthepicture demonstratetakinga stand? Day2 VocabularyReview: Withapartner,students willgiveexamplesofkey vocabulary. i.e. Apersonshowscourage when…. UndertheJimCrowlaws, peopleofcolorcouldn’t… 1stRead: Teacherguidesstudents inthereadingofthe article.Insmallgroups, studentsanswer questionsaboutkey detailsfromthestory andchartthem. Day3 2ndRead: Individuallystudents willclosereadthe articlecitingevidence fromthetexthow RosaParkstooka standandshowed courage. Usingtheprotocol, GiveOneGetOne, studentswillshare theirevidencewith classmatesaddingto theirowngraphic organizer. http://achieve.lausd.n et/cms/lib08/CA01000 043/Centricity/Domai n/217/DISCUSSIONPR OTOCOLS.pdf Teacherwilldebriefthe wholegroupcharting commonfindings. Day4 VideoResource: Day5 Question(s)? Howcanyoutakea standagainstaproblem inyourschool,home,or Bet You Didn't Know: community? Rosa Parks Allowstudentstothink http://www.history.com inkpairsharewith /topics/blackmultiplepartnersusing history/rosamusicalshareswiththe parks/videos/bet-youdidnt-know-rosa-parks songfromthevideoor songofstudent/teacher choice. Students will listen and MusicalShares:When chart additional information supporting themusicplays, how Rosa Parks took a studentswalkaround stand. untilitstops.Oncethe musicstops,students Givestudentsanother partnerupwiththe copyofthegraphic closestpersonand organizertoadddetails shares.Identifywhich fromthevideo. partnergoesfirstby height,alphabetical order,etc.Allowenough timeforeachpartnerto share.Whenthemusic starts,studentswalk Canyouthinkofa timewhenyouhadto takeastandatschool orathome? Allowstudentsto sharewithapartner. UsePickaSticktocall onstudentstoshare out.Chartanswerson TChart. Vocabulary Development: Select3-5wordsper day Usingthepersonal thesaurusandthe personaldictionary, teacherwillguide studentsinvocabulary developmentlessonsto pre-teachorreviewkey vocabularyterms. Who,what,when, where,andwhygraphic organizer Whoisthestoryabout? Describethecharacter. Whatarethemain eventsinthestory? Wheredoesthestory takeplaceandwhatis thesignificanceofthe setting? Whendoesthestory takeplace? Whyistheinformation inthearticleimportant toustoday? SampleQuestion(s) Allowstudentsto Whatwerethatactions highlightinformation thatRosaParkstookto thatwasnewfromthe takeastandforJustice? video. Whatwordswouldyou SampleQuestion(s) usetodescribeRosa Parks’actionsandwhy? Howisthearticleand videoalikeandhoware Citeevidencefromthe theydifferent? text! Whatnewinformation Prompt/Response didyoulearnfromthe SentenceStarters: video? RosaParks Prompt/Response demonstrated SentenceStarters: couragewhen… Thevideoandthe Canyougivean articlearerelated example because… fromthetext? Thevideoandthe Giveanexampleto articlearedifferentin supportclaim? that… InthevideoIlearned that…. aroundtofindanother partner. Randomlychooseafew studentstoshareout usingPickaStickor otherparticipation protocol. Activity: Studentswillcreatea hashtagwhichtakesa standagainstor highlightsanissueinthe community,home,or school. i.e. #nomorebullying #endgangviolence #awaywithracism Independent Research: Teachercreatedletter goeshomeexplaining theprojectandresearch requirements. Week2: WritingProcess GraphicOrganizer(s): Teachermodelsandco constructsmodelessay withstudentsonRosa Parks. Prewrite/Draft AcademicVocabulary: Teachermodelshow touseinformation gatheredongraphic organizerstobegin writingandshows studentsanexemplar. Reviewvocabulary andencourage studentstousetheir personalthesaurus andpersonal dictionaryintheir drafts. Revise Revise Edit Reviseforwordchoice ReviseforAALorMAxL. Editforgrammar,usage, andtheadditionsof Usingthecommon andmechanics. supportivedetails. ruleslists,reviseforthe useofhomelanguage. Activity: Allowstudentstoshare (AEMPwebsite) theirpapersinstrategic http://achieve.lausd.ne smallgroups.Passout t/Page/191#spn-conte postitsandallow classmatestoaskprobing questionsorgive suggestionstoclassmates basedonthescoring rubrictoimprovetheir writing. Publish FinalDraft (Provideadditional daysasneeded) Extensions: Multimedia presentations (SeeRubric) Weeks3and4 Studentsresearch otherprominentfigures pastandpresentwho tookastandfollowing modeledafterthis lessonasisoradapted toyourclassroom. Providestudentsin classtimetoconduct researchwhenpossible. Resources: http://www.essence.co m/celebrity/blackathletes-stand-againstracism#1003847 AEMPWrittenWordEssayContest 4th–5thGrade African-AmericansTakingaStand ResourcesandHandouts RosaParksTakesaStand Classifyatleast3waysthatRosaParkstookastandforsocialjustice.Adddetailsfromyourresources. Question1(Who) Question2(What) Question3(When) Oar=Question4(Where) Whyistheinformationinthearticleimportant? https://youtu.be/q9xz3mZnIWQ AndraDay “We have a history of this. A history with this. A history of rising in the face of crisis, surviving in the heart and soul of struggle. ” “Sometimes life requires you to take a stand. 60 years ago, Rosa Parks took a stand by taking a seat. She began a movement that propelled change.” “The power of the news has transcended to hashtags, because black lives do matter. These moments force us — yes, us — to look deeper inside of ourselves, only to discover purpose of sitting down in silent protest to be heard and raising our hands the way we used to raise our fists to be understood. The ‘I Am a Man’ signs replaced by ‘I Can’t Breathe’ t-shirt.” “Don’t ask why Missouri football decided to stand up against authority. Don’t question James Blake’s right to stand up against racial profiling. Don’t dismiss Misty Copeland’s stand against prejudice. Or he NBA’s stand against gun violence. Our struggle does not stop. It simply continues. Black history does not repeat itself. It evolves. Rise with a sense of being. Rise with a sense of purpose. Rise up like the day. Why continue to sit when you were born to rise? # Civil Rights on a City Bus By ReadWorks On the first of December 1955, the African American seamstress Rosa Parks helped change the course of history on a city bus. Rosa boarded the bus after a day’s work at a Montgomery, Alabama, department store. She settled towards the middle, past the first several rows, which at that time were reserved for white people. After making a few stops, the bus became full. Then a white man boarded, but there was nowhere for him to sit. The driver ordered Rosa and the rest of the black passengers in her row to stand at the back of the bus and let the white man sit. In an act of defiance that would help intensify the American Civil Rights Movement, Rosa refused to give up her spot. For violating the laws of segregation, referred to as the “Jim Crow laws” (which were meant to keep white people and black people separate), Rosa was arrested and fined. Her refusal to move was a quiet and simple action, but she took an enormous risk that evening. She also became a hero and an inspiration to people all over the nation who were fighting for racial equality, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young minister who would soon become a major civil rights leader. In response to Rosa’s arrest, blacks in the city of Montgomery boycotted the ® © 2014 ReadWorks , Inc. All rights reserved. public bus system for more than a year. Like her, they had had enough of being treated like second-class citizens. The Monday after Rosa’s arrest, most black commuters walked to where they needed to go—some traveling more than 20 miles. In her autobiography, Rosa Parks: My Story, Rosa writes of that day on the bus: Finally, in November of 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Jim Crow laws that kept blacks and whites segregated were unconstitutional. Rosa Parks had challenged the law and shown people far beyond her own town how cruel and unjust segregation could be, and she had won. The boycott ended more than a month later, when the Montgomery buses were integrated, but the resistance to racial prejudice did not stop there. Rosa and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, as it has come to be known, sparked a series of nonviolent mass protests in support of civil rights. One woman’s strength and commitment to change helped fuel a movement. Sometimes that is all it takes. People always say that I didn't give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn't true. I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was forty-two. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in. ® © 2014 ReadWorks , Inc. All rights reserved.
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