Reiff Chem Sample Unit

EV Chemistry Unit 8 Plan
Name ___________________________ Gases
Mr. Reiff
email - [email protected] twitter - @trthesciguy
classroom code - uaqjqj I. Learning Targets (I Can)... 8.1 Apply the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) as it relates to the temperature, volume, and pressure of a gas. 8.2 Demonstrate a qualitative understanding of the gas laws. 8.3 Arrange and calculate combined gas law problems (P1V1T2 = P2V2T1). a. Separate and demonstrate Boyles, Charles, & Gay-Lussac’s Laws from this equation. b. Convert temperature in Celcius scale to Kelvin scale and use (as T) in the equations. 8.4 Arrange and calculate ideal gas law problems (PV = nRT). 8.5 Experimentally determine the mathematical and graphic relationship between gas pressure and gas volume. 8.6 Experimentally determine the mathematical and graphic relationship between gas pressure and gas temperature. II. Text Support *** Read Chapter 14 - Gasses (pp 440 - 471) Online Text - Username - #evchem Password - benice (all lower case) III. Calender Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2/29 3/1 3/2 ACT Prep Work on HW 8.1 3/3 Notes #1 - Gas Properties 3/4 Gas Properties PhET 3/7 Gas Demo Day 3/8 Boyles Law Lab 3/9 Notes #2 Gas Equations 3/10 Combined Gas Equation Problems 3/11 NO SCHOOL 3/14 Notes #3 Ideal Gas Law 3/15 I.G.L. Problems 3/16 TBD 3/17 3/18 Unit 8 Test Spring Break… Review IV. Homework Tracker: Use this section to keep track of when things will be stamped. Any problems with a $ next to them must be answered correctly for an extra point. Abbr. Title HW 8.1 Chapter 11-1 Book Questions Notes #1 Class Intro Stamp Date Completed.. Complete for class on 3/3 3/10 Intro to Gas Properties 3/3 3/10 HW 8.2 Graphical Analysis Option 3/3 3/10 HW 8.3 Gas Properties PhET 3/4 3/4 (exit tix) HW 8.4 Blended Learning - Boyles Law 3/3 3/10 HW 8.5 Blended Learning - Charles Law 3/3 3/10 HW 8.6 Demo Day Notes 3/7 3/10 Notes #2 Gas Equations & Problem Solving 3/9 3/10 HW 8.7 Notes #2 Review 3/9 3/18 HW 8.8 Gas Problem Solving #1 - Combined 3/9 3/18 Notes #3 Ideal Gas Laws & Avogadro 3/15 HW 8.9 Gas Problem Solving #2 - Ideal Gas 3/15 3/18 HW 8.10 Gas Problem Solving #3 - Mixed 3/15 3/18 V. Blended Learning - Brightstorm: Boyle’s Law, Charles Law, Gay Lussac’s Law, Combined Gas Laws, Avagadro’s Principle, Ideal Gas Law Khan Academy: Gas Laws Tyler DeWitt: Be Lazy! Don’t Memorize the Gas Laws Or nd your own!!! Just type “gas stoichiometry” into either or!!! The internet is fun! Links - Mr. Guch - Gas Laws; ChemTeam - Gas Laws - Make sure to check out the videos to the right! PhET - Gas Properties; States of Matter EV Chem HW 8.1 Chapter 14 Text Assignment
List 4 properties of gases. Pressure = Force / Area Will a person exert more pressure on snow wearing skis or high heels? Explain. 4. Normal atmospheric pressure (at sea level) is equal to: __________ atm
__________ mmHg
__________ psi _______kPa 5. What happens to atmospheric pressure as you ascend in a balloon? Explain. 6. Does weather affect atmospheric pressure? Explain. 7. The average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly affected by changes in ____________________. 8. Why does helium gas diffuse through air more quickly than neon gas. (Assume same temperature and pressure) 9. How do each of the following affect the pressure of a gas? ● Increased number of molecules ● Increased temperature ● Increased volume of container 10. Pressure and volume are inversely related. What does this mean? 11. Gases move from areas of high pressure to low pressure. Is this force a pushing or pulling force? Explain. 12. Why is the Kelvin scale used when applying gas laws? 13. STP means standard temperature pressure. Standard temperature is __________ ºCelcius or __________ Kelvin Standard pressure is __________ atm or __________mmHg 14. One mole of any gas at STP has a volume of __________ liters. Who discovered this? _______________________ 15. PV = nRT is the ideal gas law equation What does each letter in this equation stand for? 16. What is an ideal gas? Learning Targets: Copy LT 8.1 & 8.2 Essential Question: Questions: Notes: Summary - Answer the Essential Question : EVChem Unit 8 Notes - 1 Gas Properties Date: EV Chem HW 8.2 Graphical Analysis Option #1 You may do one of two things for this assignment. a.) Create a One Pager (using the one pager rules we have established) about the relationships between Pressure & Volume (Boyles Law) and Volume & Temperature (Charles Law). 4 points b.) Create a 45 second (minimum - no max) video that explains the relationships of Boyles or Charles Law. 4 points but if it’s good enough to post, then you’ll earn another 4 points. EV Chem HW 8.3 - Gas Properties PhET Visit PhET Gas Properties and download the simulation. Learning Targets: ●
Design experiments to measure the relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature. ●
Create graphs based on predictions and observations. ●
Make qualitative statements about the relationships between pressure, volume and temperature using molecular models. Note all of the ways to manipulate the gas in the chamber. List them by completing the table below. There may be more than one dependent variable. Action Independent Variable Dependent Variable Moving the man Opening the hatch Pumping the bike pump Adjusting the heater Changing the particle Changing the Gravity Observations: Observe the relationships between the following variables. Describe the relationship in a line graph. Be sure to label your x & y axes and remember that your independent variable must be on your x axis. Then explain your observations and your graph’s appearance in the column on the right. I.
Volume-Pressure graph Explain your reasoning for the graph’s appearance II.
Volume-Temperature graph Explain your reasoning for the graph’s appearance III.
Temperature-Pressure graph Explain your reasoning for the graph’s appearance IV.
Number of particles – Volume Explain your reasoning for the graph’s appearance Complete this table: Relationship Direct or indirect? V vs P Constant parameters Whose Law? V vs T T vs P Moles vs V Brie y, why according to particle model. POST LAB - Using your results, explain each of the following scenarios. Make sure to refer to which graph can be used as evidence for your answer. ANSWER THESE ON CLASSROOM BY FRIDAY 3/4 a.
Explain why bicycle tires seem more at in the winter than in summer. b.
Explain why a can of soda pop explodes if left in the hot sun. c.
A rigid container lled with a gas is placed in ice (ex. nalgene bottle). What will happen to the pressure of the gas? What do you think will happen to the volume? EV Chem HW 8.4 Blended Learning - Boyle’s Law Boyles Law Video - Brightstorm Use the video to help you with the questions. Don’t forget to use the pause and rewind features of your video playback device! 1. Plainly state Boyle’s law: 2. Apply Boyle’s law to a 1 Liter canister when you apply a pressure of 1 atmosphere. 3. If the pressure and volume change, what has to remain constant in order for Boyles law to be in effect? 4. Describe the relationship between Pressure and Volume. How would you show that as a mathematical equation? 5. Graph the relationship that you described in #4. 6. Show the steps to solving the problem shown towards the end of the video (“A sample of Ne gas occupies a volume of 0.220 L…). Complete the problem. EV Chem HW 8.5 Blended Learning - Charles’ Law 1. Plainly state Charles’ Law. 2. What are two things to “notice” when you are working with Charles’ law? 3. Apply Charles’ law to a 1 Liter canister when you increase the temperature (and pressure is constant). 4. Describe the relationship between Temperature and Volume. How would you show that as a mathematical equation? 5. Graph the relationship that you described in #4. 6. Describe why the water in the demonstration traveled up the ask (or describe why the volume of the inside of the ask decreased). 7. Show the steps to solving the problem shown towards the end of the video (“A gas at 40.0O C occupies a volume of 2.32 L…) EV Chem 8.6 Gas “Demo Day”
Describe (using KMT) what is happening to the molecules of gas to cause the amazing feats of science. Balloon in a Flask Gas Law Demonstrated: Equation: Explanation: Balloon in a Vacuum Gas Law Demonstrated: Equation: Explanation: Can Crusher Gas Law Demonstrated: Equation: Explanation: Birthday Candle in a jar Gas Law Demonstrated: Equation: Explanation: Learning Targets: Copy LT 8.3 a & b Essential Question: Questions: Notes: Summary - Answer the Essential Question : EVChem Unit 8 Notes - 2 Gas Formulas Date: EV Chem HW 8.7 Gas Notes Summary Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of Gases: 1. The particles of a gas are _____________________________. 2. Collisions between gas particles are ________________ collisions. 3. Particles are in constant ________________________. 4. There are not forces of ______________________ or __________________ between gases. 5. As the temperature _______________, the particles move ___________ due to an increase in kinetic energy. Absolute Zero: *Temperature at which ______________________________ *_______ Kelvin, ______ Celsius *Kelvin = Celsius + ________ Standard Temperature and Pressure: (STP) Pressure:
_______ atm, _______ kPa, _______ mmHg, _______ psi Temperature: ________ Kelvin
________ Celsius Conversion from OF to OC Conversion from OC to OK Convert from F to C… 0O F 76O F -10O F Extreme temperature days!! Convert from C to F and identify whether school should be cancelled! Show work. -39O C -8O C 44O C Gas Laws: Law De
nition Formula Graph Volume of a gas varies inversely with the pressure. Volume of a gas varies directly with the Kelvin temp. Pressure of a gas varies directly with the Kelvin temp. 3 gas laws combined into 1. Given the problem, Identify the law. 1. 500.0 liters of a gas are prepared at 700.0 mm Hg and 200.0 °C. The gas is placed into a tank under high pressure. When the tank cools to 20.0 °C, the pressure of the gas is 30.0 atm. What is the volume of the gas? 2. What is the nal pressure of a 400.0 mL gas sample that is subjected to a temperature change from 22.0 °C to 30.0 °C if the initial pressure is 2.00 atm? 3. What is the volume of gas at 200.0 K if its original volume was 300.0 L at constant pressure and 400.0 K. 4. At conditions of 35.0 psi of pressure and 15.0 °C temperature, a gas occupies a volume of 45.5 mL. What will be the volume of the same gas at 45.0 psi and 30.0 °C? EV Chem HW 8.8 Gas Law Problems Identify the law based on the given variables. Complete the following problems using the combined gas laws. Boyle’s Law Problem: Some air with a pressure of 750 mmHg is trapped inside a cylinder with a volume of 300 mL. A piston is forcefully moved and the volume of air in the cylinder is suddenly reduced to 100 mL. What is the nal pressure of the air in the cylinder? Charles’Law Problem: A helium balloon with a volume of 2.00 liters at 25 degrees Celcius is taken outside and its volume is reduced to 1.80 liters. What is the temperature outside? Gay-Lussac’s Law Problem: A gas in a 1000 mL stoppered ask is at a pressure of 800 mmHg and temperature of 90 degrees Celcius. If the temperature of the gas in the ask is cooled to 0 degrees Celcius, what will be the pressure of the gas in the ask. Combined Gas Law Problem: A 15.0 liter gas sample has a pressure of 2.0 atm at 27 degrees Celcius. If the volume of the gas contracts to 10.0 liters and the temperature increases to 127 degrees Celcius, nd the pressure exerted by the gas. 1. 1.20 L of a gas at STP is compressed to .473 L. What is the new pressure of the gas? 2. Divers get “the bends” if they come up too fast because gas in their blood expands, forming bubbles in their blood. If a diver has 0.051 L of gas in his blood under a pressure of 250 atm, then rises to a depth where his blood has a pressure of 50.0 atm, what will the new volume of gas in his blood be? 3. On hot days, you may have noticed that potato chip bags seem to “in ate” even though they have not been opened. If I have a 250 mL bag at a temperature of 19 ˚C, and I leave it in my car which has a temperature of 45 ˚C, what will the new volume of the bag be? 4. If you have an empty soda bottle (volume = 2L) at room temperature (25 ˚C), what will the new volume be if you put it in your freezer (-4 ˚C)? Change to Kelvin rst! 5. A gas takes up a volume of 17 L, has a pressure of 2.3 atm, and a temperature of 299 K. If I raise the temperature to 350 K and lower the pressure to 1.5 atm, what is the new volume of the gas? 6. A gas has a volume of 28 L, a temperature of 45 ˚C, and an unknown pressure. If the gas has a pressure of 2.0 atm when its volume is increased to 34 L and its temperature decreased to -10 ˚C, what was the original pressure of the gas? (Kelvin!) 7. If the gas pressure in an aerosol can is 1.3 atm at 25 ˚C, what is the pressure inside the can if it is heated to 300 ˚C? 8. At 20 ˚C and 93.0 kPa, 30.0 mL of a gas are collected. What volume would the gas occupy at STP? (Be careful with the units!) Learning Targets: Copy LT 8.1 & 8.2 Essential Question: Questions: Notes: Summary - Answer the Essential Question : EVChem Unit 8 Notes - 1 Gas Properties Date: EV Chem HW 8.9 Gas Problem Solving #2 - Ideal Gas Law Notes AVOGADRO’S LAW: Equal volumes of different gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules (atoms) One mole of any gas will occupy the same volume as one mole of any other gas at STP. 1 mole of gas at STP = _____________ Liters Ex: A reaction produces 0.15 moles of water vapor. What volume in liters is occupied by this gas at STP? IDEAL GAS LAW: Relationship among pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of a gas. P= V= n= T= R= Ideal gas constant
1. 0.0821 (L atm / mol K) 2. 62.4
(L mmHg)/mol K) To use R = 0.0821 or R = 62.4, all of the units must be in the correct form! Ex: What pressure (in atm) is exerted by 0.325 mol of hydrogen gas in a 4.08 L container at 35 ˚C? Worksheet 1. How many moles are in 50.0 L of NH2 at STP? 2. How many moles are in 600. mL of NH2 at STP? 3. What is the mass of NH2 for the # of moles you found in #2? 4. What is the pressure (in atm) exerted by a 0.50 mol sample of nitrogen gas in a 10.0 L container at 298 K? 5. Determine the number of moles in 1.25 L of H2 at 250 K and 1.06 atm. 6. Calculate the volume occupied by 2.00 moles of NH3 at 37.0 ˚C and 1.5 atm. 7. Find the mass of 5.6 L of O2 at 1.75 atm and 250 K. (2 pts) 8. What mass of Cl2 is contained in a 10.0 L tank at 27.0 ˚C and 3.50 atm? (2 pts) EV Chem 8.10 Gas Law Problems - Mixed. Use your knowledge of the ideal and combined gas laws to solve the following problems. Hint: Figuring out which equation you need to use is the hard part! Show All Work and Units! Use sig gs. 1) If four moles of a gas at a pressure of 5.4 atmospheres have a volume of 120 liters, what is the temperature? 2) If I initially have a gas with a pressure of 84 kPa and a temperature of 350 C and I heat it an additional 230 degrees, what will the new pressure be? Assume the volume of the container is constant. 3) My car has an internal volume of 2600 liters. If the sun heats my car from a temperature of 200 C to a temperature of 550 C, what will the pressure inside my car be? Assume the pressure was initially 760 mm Hg. 4) How many moles of gas are in my car in problem #3? 5) A toy balloon lled with air has an internal pressure of 1.25 atm and a volume of 2.50 L. If I take the balloon to the bottom of the ocean where the pressure is 95 atmospheres, what will the new volume of the balloon be? How many moles of gas does the balloon hold? (Assume T = 285 K) 6.) If I initially have a gas at a pressure of 12 atm, a volume of 23 liters, and a temperature of 200 K, and then I raise the pressure to 14 atm and increase the temperature to 300 K, what is the new volume of the gas? 7.) If I have 7.7 moles of gas at a pressure of 0.09 atm and at a temperature of 56 0C, what is the volume of the container that the gas is in?