CelesteAnualPreex·30-100 Medical Assistance for pre-existing or chronic condition Up to USD 30.000.-* Medical Assistance for non pre-existing condition Up to USD 100.000 .-* Medical assistance in case of an accident Up to USD 100.000.-* Legal assistance in case of traffic accident Up to USD 10.000. Prescription Drugs Included. Emergency Dental Care Up to USD 700. Complimentary days due to inpatient care Up to 7 days. Hotel expenses due to convalescence Up to USD 1.000. Transfer of relative due to hospitalization of beneficiary Air ticket. Compensation for expenses due to delayed luggage (min.36 hrs) Up to USD 200. Up to USD 1.000. (min.10 days) Compensation for loss of luggage Up to USD 1.200. -*** Luggage and documents loss localization Included. Transfer of funds Up to USD 4.000. Transfer of funds for bail bond fee Up to USD 10.000. Delayed or cancelled flight (min. 6hs delay) Up to USD 150. Early return due to serious disaster at home Air ticket. Funeral Repatriation Included (up to limit). -* Medical transfer and / or repatriation Included (up to limit). -* Children accompaniment Air ticket. Transmission of urgent messages Included. Emergency lines availiable 24/7 Included. Days per trip Up to 30 days per trip. Geographical coverage (except country of residence) Worldwide. Age limit 74 years inclusive. All services included in this product are supplied subject to terms and conditions, which you can verify in our website: www.tarjetaceleste.com. * All the services stated on this product, including those with an individual limit, are taken into account in the Maximum Global Amount flagged by an asterisk in this detail. **Insurance included at no extra cost and covered by INTERHANNOVER. This insurance amount is taken into account apart from the Maximum Global Amount flagged by an asterisk in this detail. We encourage you to read in detail the general conditions, to the effects that you can know and understand fully all the scope and limitations of the service. ***Insurance included at no extra cost and covered by INTERHANNOVER. These amounts are unique and up to the limit of US$ 1.200 in case of baggage loss. Furthermore, the amounts for delayed luggage are refunds of products of basic necessities. Please note that the exacerbations of pre-existing and/or chronic conditions, known or unknown by the beneficiary are covered by a lower limit in this product. We bring into your attention that Celeste Travel Care offers unique products in the area which cover pre-existing and/or chronic conditions with relevant limits amounts. Do not hesitate to ask for these products.
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