Cify of Sparta - Parks & Recreation Department Sparta Family Aquatic Center Dear Parents and Swimmers, We are just about to get off the ground with our aquatic season. With the final touches being constructed to the new aquatic facility, we have been able to set a schedule for open pool times, swim lessons, and aqua classes. This year there will be changes to how we will make use ofour summer season. This packet will highlight changes rnade, polices and procedures to all aquatic programs. We hope you enjoy the new pool facility as well as the opportunity to immerse yourself in our Aquatic adventure. {ourt rn $wbtmrng, ts ra.d, G tlbettlow- c.r.R.s., A.F.o, c.p.s.I. J oh,w Parks and Recreation Director Recreation Specialist City of Sparta City of Sparta 1000 E. Montgomery St 1000 E. Montgomery Street Sparta, WI 54656 M oD onald'- A.F.o., LG, LGI Sparta, WI 54656 608-269-6322 (offrce) 608-269-6322 (Office) 608-269-8466 (fax) 608-269-8466 (Fax) [email protected] [email protected] Sparta Family Aquatic Center Pool Schedule Open Lap Swim 7:00 am - 8:00 am - Friday Monday 8:00 am - 9:30 am Propulsion Walking Aqua Zamba (Monday) Swim Team - Friday Monday 10:00 am - 11:40 am Swim Lessons Monday - Thursday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday 4:10 pm - 5:50 pm Monday - Thursday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Monday Open Swim Swim Lessons Aqua Zumba (Tuesday) Open Swim - Friday 12:00 pm Saturday - 8:00 pm Open Swim - Sunday 9:30 am - 11:30 am (Saturday/Sunday) Rentals Sparta Family Aquatic Center Pool Fees Dail Admission Youth & Senior $3.00 Adult $s.00 Showers $3.00 Season Passes Type Resident Non-Resident $6s.63 $37.50 Individual Child $78.75 $45.00 Individual Adult $ l 57.50 $90.00 Family ** Season Passes fees are prorated for Iate opening)** Pool Rentals No Slide 0 6l - 60 persons - 136 persons 137 -236 persons 237 -336 persons No Concessions Concessions Slide 1s0 $200 $ 175 s22s $200 $250 s22s $27s No Charge No Charge $50 $s0 $ Swim Team Resident Non Resident Individual $24 s42 Familv(3ormore) $50 $87.50 Sparta Seahorses Swim Team Welcome to lhe 2014 Swim Team Season. We are off to a fast start and are very excited to open our new aquatic facility. Our philosophy is to offer the participants tlie ability to be in a safe environment while they leam the basics of competitive swirn. Our aim is to make sure that your swimmer will get the most out of this unique experience. We are here to provide a fun atmosphere, the building ofnew friendships, and the induction into a lifelong spott. This letter is going to go over how we are going to operate this season. The stnrcture ofthe season is highlighted below. / / / / / Welcome letter distributed in person on first day Groups of swimming A schedule will be emailed at the end of the first week Parent Involvement Communication will operate as follows: The coach will communicate with parents via email throughout the season. It can be challenging trying to make sure swirnmers get the information back to parents. Any questions or concems you have can be directed via email, calling the Recreation Department office, or stopping in personally. Additional forms, schedules, and needed infonnation will be attached in an email. The coach will make sure to indicate if there is something attached. o In regards to how we run swim team we are going to offer something a little different. We are going to offer 3 different levels of competitive swimming. We will offer "Bronze", "Silver", and "Gold" swimming groups. This gives the competitor a chance to swim workouts that best suit their age and ability to get the most out ofthe season. Below is a description of each of the groups: Bron4e Grow Practice time will focus on developing all 4 competitive strokes. Butterfly (BF or Fly), Backstroke (BA), Breaststroke (BR), and Freestyle (FR). In addition to developing these strokes, tums and starts for each stroke will also be introduced. Bronze swimmers will also begin to strengthen anaerobically with an introduction to endurance and dry land training. Swimrners should be able to swim 25 yards fteestyle with some demonstration or understanding ofside breathing. A basic overview of how a meet runs, relays and all the different events a swimmer nray race in is also introduced. The ability to dive is helpful, but not required. Parents be advised; this is not a swin lesson. Bronze goup swinrmers must swim in at least 2 swim meets before progressing to the Silver Group. They will be given the tools to balance commitment and dedication with having fun and stafng positive. Silver Grouo This group is ideal for the swimmer who can demonstrate a good understanding ofeach competitive stroke. In addition to each stroke can also demonstrate a tum and start for each stroke. Coaches anticipate that the Silver swimmer is still developing these skills and will work more exclusively on refining the advanced competitive skills such as relays, open and flip tums, streamlining, starts, events, and racing. Some new skills will be introduced such as time management and comprehending workouts. In addition, it is required that as a pad ofour endurance training, the Silver swimmer must be able to swim 12 x 50 Free on 1 : 15 holding a time within 15 seconds of their best 50 free time. In this practice group most of our time will focus on endurance training, refining and correcting the 4 competitive strokes, tums and starls. We will also introduce dry land training as well as time management. Silver swimmers must be able to dive offthe block and swim 100 yards freestyle with side breathing and 100 yards backstroke, demonstrate a good understanding of the breaststroke and butterfly stroke mechanics. Silver Group Swimmers must have bcen on swim team for at least I year before advancing to the gold level. Gold Group With this practice group experienced competitive swimmers will have the ability to swim all 4 strokes and has a strong understanding of the mechanics and how to propel through the water efficiently. Gold Swimmers begin to discover their strengths. Coaches begin to individualize workouts to enhance those specific strengths. Furthermore, teaching the Gold Swimmer how to manage.time, pacing, and comprehending workouts. A gold swimmer must swim 12 x 100 fiee on I :45 holding a time within l5 seconds of their best 100 free times. Practice time will focus on endurance training, stroke refinement, racing strategies, dry land training and time management. Gold swimmers will be able to lead and motivate developing swimmers while mastering racing strategies. Furthermore, allowing the swimmer to $ow and mature into a leader, build confidence, and meet their swim goals. Cost: * Each participant will bc rcquired to hold a pool membership * See Chart Above * Again, we want to welcome you and thank you for taking time to invest in your child's developmental experiences in the swimming world. If you have any questions and/or concems please call or email us at the info listed. Yours in Swimming, JohwMcDon^old.r- A.F.o., LG, LGI Khnna.'Kddt Recreation Specialist City of Sparta 1000 E. Montgomery St Sparta, WI 54656 608-269-6322 (oIfice) 608-269-8466 (fax) i [email protected] Head Coach 608-269-6322 (office) Swim Lessons The Sparta Parks and Recreation Department and brand new Sparta Family Aquatic Center are proud to announce some new changes that are taking place this summer. This year we are going to offer 3 sessions of lessons; with each session having moming (AM) liours, AS WELL as in the evening (PM) hours. This section will go over all the scheduling, policies, and procedures as it relates to Sparta Swim Lessons. Another big change this year is the achral lessons themselves. We have increased the amount of levels offered and what the criteria is to pass each level. Being that they have changed from years past; it is imperative that you read the following information and descriptions for each [eve[ so that a participant can be properly placed into the right level. Swim Lessons will operate as follows: Fee's - Cost is per Session Session Dates Session Individual I: July 7tl'- JuIy 17th Scssion 2: July 21't - July 3l*t Session 3: August 4th - August l4th Family Resident: $20.00 $40.00 Non $3s.00 $70.00 - Resident Swim lessons will be 4 days; Monday through Thursday. We will use Fridays as a makeup day for all lessons. In the event of inclement weather, the Sparta Parks and Recreation Department will make the cancellation call 30 minuets prior to the start of a lesson. In case a Friday is used all times and locations will remain the same as if we were doing normal lessons. Session Times - Mornin g (AM) 10:00 - 10:30 AM (Perch, Pike, Eel, Starfish, Polliwog, Advanced Polliwog, Intermediate 10:35 - 11:05 - 11:40 I, Advanced 2) AM (Kipper, Perch, Pike, Ray, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Intermediate 3, Adv. Polliwog) 11:10 AM (Kipper, Polliwog, Starfish, Eel, Ray, Intermediate 2, Intermediate 3, Advanced 1, Adv.3) Session Times - Evenin C (PM) 4:10 - 4:40 PM (Perch, Pike, Eel, Starfish, Polliwog, Advenced Polliwog, Intermediate 1, Advanced 2) 5:15 PM (Kipper, Perch, Pike, Ray, Intermediate 1, Intermcdiate 2, Intermediate 3, Adv. Polliwog) 4:45 - - 5:50 PM (Kipper, Polliwog, Starfish, Ecl, Ray, Intermediate 2, Intermediatc 3, Advanccd 5:20 Levels - Kipner Parent Child - 1, Adv. 3) 1ln order) Agcs 6 months thru 48 months To encourage children to explore their AQ environment and their own skills in the water with their parents help. To encourage children to propel themselves through the water. To teach basic AQ and boating Safety, emphasizing the parental responsibility and allowing children to accept some ofthe responsibility. To facilitate the children's ftansition to the AQ at the preschool levels, without parents. Perch Ages 2-3 (Equivalent --+ 2013 Preschool Levels 1-3) The primary objectives are to get the child comfortable putting his/her face in the water, blowing bubbles, and being held by anotlrer adult. In addition, the perch level focuses on skills that allow the children to stay relaxed in both the front and back positions. Class is designed to aid as a transition for advanced 2-3 year olds to move unto the Pike/ Eel level. Pike Ages 3 -5 (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Prcschool Lcvcls I- 3) With the use ofpersonal floatation devices, children are taught the basic building blocks of swimming. Reinforcing the skills acquired at a Perch level, this beginner level class is designed for new swimmers, teaching basic paddles stroke and kicking skills, pool safety, and comfort in holding their faces in the water while blowing bubbles and swimming. Eel Ages 3 - 5 (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Preschool Levels I- 3) This is an intermediate level for the swirnrner who can move throughout the water independently with or without the aid ofbubbles. Children should be able to swim l0 yards. On the front, back and side with a flotation aid and 5 ft. without. Children are taught to float and perform the progressive paddle stroke. Elementary Backstroke, Side Stroke, Side breathing and jumping is taught at this level. Ray Ages3-5 (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Preschool Levcls 1 - 3) Ray Swimmers are ready to begin developing endurance as well as irnproving stroke skills. Children are introduce to treading water and side breathing. They also learn more about personal water safety. This level is a more advanced level for the child who can swim on their front, back, and side % length without a flotation aid. Ray works to improve stroke skills (including side breathing), leam more about personal safety, and build endurance by swimming on their front and back. Elementary Backstroke and Sidestroke are also developed. Polliwoe Ages 6 & Up (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Lcvcl 1) Polliwog is the beginner level for our school aged swim lessons. Endutance is stressed in the polliwog level as swimmers will be able to swim an entire length of the pool without the aid of a floatation device. It is during this level that children will become comfortable and adjust to an aquatic environment. Basic water skills covered are front, back, and sidestroke. Children will also work on submerging, floating, treading water, and streamlining. Advanced Polliwos Ages 6 & Up (Equivalent -+ 2013 Level 1) Advanced Polliwog is by instructor referral only. This level is for children who have taken polliwog but need to develop more endurance. Form is reinforced in this level along with building more confidence. The endurance swim for this level is 2 lengths on front without any rest. Starfish (Equivalent Ages 6 & Up ---+ 2013 Level 2) Starfish Swimmers are ready to develop endurance as well as improving stroke skills. Children are introduce to ffeading water, And side breathing. They also leam more about personal water safety. This level is a more advanced level for the child who can swim on their front, back, and side I length without a flotation aid. Starfish works to improve stroke skills (including side breathing), leam more about personal safety, and build endurance by swimming on their front and back. Elementary Backstroke and Sidestroke are also developed. Good form is worked on. Intermediate I Ages 6 & Up (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Level 3) This class emphasizes swirnming strokes, endurance and water safety. Children will be able to achieve floating, treading water, side breathing and diving. The endurance swim is 3 lengths and should be completed before advancing to Mirurow. In addition to endurance, stroke form is also emphasized. Guppies continue to work on confidence and survival skill. Intermediate 2 Ages 6 & Up (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Levcl 3) The primary objective is to improve the child's strokes and to build endurance. This is the initial intermediate level. At the minnow level, children can refine the strokes they have leamed as their skills become more like those normally used in swimming. They will leam more diving skills and personal safety. At the end of this level, they wilt be able to swim freestyle with side breathing, backstroke, sidestroke and breaststroke. Open turns are also introduced. The endurance swim at this level is 150 yards or 3 lengths. Intermediate 3 Ages 6 & Up (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Level 4) Children in this level build their endurance up to 5 lengths on both sides and refine previously learned strokes. Also, butterfly is introduces. Flip turns are taught with the appropriate strokes. Advanced water skills introduced include surface dives, diving approaches, and underwater swim and enhanced survival skills. Advanced 1 Age 6 & Up (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Levcl 5) In this level, children continue to refine all strokes and continue building endurance with proper technique. They develop the ability to perform complex swimming activities. Starts and tums are perfected. Children also leam about swimming for fitness and focus on water safety skills. Children are also introduced to competitive swimming rules and form while building their endurance up to 7 lengths. Advanced 2 Ages 6 & Up (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Level 5) Children at this level continue to improve their strokes with starts and tums. Competitive swimming rules are taught along with the complexities of the spofl of swimming. It is during this level that we encourage advanced swimmers to move on to the swim team. Children build their endurance up 1o I0 lengths. Advanced 3 Ages 6 & Up (Equivalent ---+ 2013 Lcvel 6) Advanced 3 is the last level for children to complete in the Sparta Parks and Recreation Swim Lesson Program. Generally, children that complete this level go on to become lifeguards and/or swim team pafticipants. During this level, children build up their endurance to i4lengths of the pool and work on stroke tefinement. Children are also introduced to Junior Lifeguarding skills. Adult Swim Lessons The purpose of the class is to teach basic fundamentals of swimming through progressive swimming classes to adults who never have had a chance to take lessons and would like to leam how to properly swim. Private/Adaptive Swim Lessons The primary goal and objective is to let a participant get more one on one attention and have a more comfortable environment to learn as well as succeed in swim lessons. Private lessons are done by our instructors on their own time when they are available as well as at their own cost. You may leave your name and number at the Recreation Ofhce or at the Front Desk of the pool and you will then be contacted by an instructor. ZumbalAqua Zumba - Instructor: Jennifer H Get ready to take your workout from the land to the water! The session will kick off with your typical Zumba class (on land)! We will use a fusion of hypnotic Latin rhythrns and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitress program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba@ Fanatics achieve long term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour ofcaloricbuming, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movernents meant to engage and captivate for life! With the opening of our NEW Aquatic Center we will transition to the water with Aqua Zumbal This class is the 'pool party'' workout for adults ofall ages. This is a safe, effective, and challenging water-based workout that integrates the Latin inspired dance fitness moves and music from Zumba. Utilizing the resistance inherent in the water we will work every major muscle group without joint strain from regular impact workouts. Class will take place in shallow end (where water levels are between chest and shoulder height). Time: Mondays Tuesdays 7:00 4:15 - AM 7:50 5:00 PM Fee: $ 1 0.00/resident, $ 15.0OAtron-Resident Particinant Placement As you get ready to sign up for lessons it is key that you sign a participant up for the right lesson. The above mentioned material for each class is a description of the primary objectives for each class. Please read the following repor-t cards to get a better idea of where your child should be placed. Again, lessons are DIFFERENT from years past. The lessons are more of a challenge to pass than before. A participant should be placed in a level where he or she CANNOT complete all the items of testing; but CAN accomplish the previous level items without hesitation to 100 % efficiency. The overall purpose ofour program is to teach and make sure participants can achieve all the skills to 100 % efficiency and to leam how to use these skills to stay safe while in an aquatic environment. The Sparla Aquatics Swim Lesson staff will not pass solneone for any other reason than successfully completing the level requirements to 100 % satisfaction. Sparla Family Aquatic Ccntcr Sparta Park & Rccrctlion Dct)artment PIIOGRESS REPORT NAME Session Sparta Family Aquatic Ccnlcr Sparta Park & Ilccrcation Dcpartmcnt PROGRI],SS RI'PORT NAME l)afe Class Dav Class 'l'ime Scssion Date Class Day Kipper - Parcnt Child Class Time PERCH Mouth Bubbles Submerging Ovcr comc any fcar Scooping Arms Adjust to class situation Front and Back Float Front Glidcs Kicking - Front and Back Independent Watcr Entry Climbing out of the pool Front float n'ith mouth bubblcs and assistancc Independence - Pass bhvn tcacher and parent Pool Safety Using PDF's Front kick with board Safc Boating Pool Safety Back float with assistancc Submcrgc (l bob) Enter and leave pool different ways Watcr safcty Skills prescnted in class. SAVE TIIIS CARD TO PITESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Rcgistration dates. Water safety Skills presented in class. INSTRUCTOR INSTRUCTOR REGISTER FOR - Skill Achicved NMP- Needs More Practice Yes Yes SAVE THIS CARD TO PR.ESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Registration dates. REGISTER FOR - Skill Achieved NMP- Needs Morc Practice Sparta Family Aquatic Centcr Sparta Park & Recrettion Departmcnt PROGRESS REPORT NAME Sparta Family Aquatic Ccntcr Sparta Park & Recrcation Departmcnt PROGRESS REPOR'I' NAME Session Date Class Day Class Time PIKD Front float rvith help Back float with hclp Introduction to bobs with mouth bubbles Paddle on front l0 mctcrs with float bclt & blorving bubbles Paddle on back l0 meters with float belt Paddle on sidc l0 meters with float bclt and car in rvater Jump from cdgc lvithout help Scssion Datc Class Day Class Timc EEL nront float l0 seconds without belt Back float 10 seconds without bclt Bobs comfortably with nose bubbles Paddlc on front l0yds with float belt, sft Wout Side breathing with board (% width) Paddle on back lOyds rvith float bclt, 5ft without Elementary back strokc (arms only) with float Introduction to side strokc arms Water safety Skills presented in class. Jump in dccp rvith confidencc (sidc) Treading water 30 scconds without float belt Watcr safety Skills presented in class, SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Rcgistration dates. SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Registration dates INSTRUCTOR INSTRUCTOR REGISTER FOR REGISTER FOR Ycs - Skill Achieved NMP- Nceds Morc Practice Yes - Skill Achieved NMP- Necds More Practice Snarta Familv Aoualic Ccntcr Sparta Family Aquatic Cenlcr Sparla I'ark & llccrcalion Dcpartmenl PROGRESS R[,POR?' Spartl Park & Rdcrcition Dcpartmcnt I'IIOGR[SS RI'PORT NAMD NAME Scssion Datc Class Timc Class Day Session Datc IIAY Day_ Class Timc_ Polliwog Survival float I minute Front crawl rvith side breathing (% width) Back crawl with straight lcg kicks (% width) Intro, to elementary backstroke (% width) Introduction to side stroke Jump in deep from edgc Jump from block rvith comfort Tread lYater comfortably I minutc Front float l0 scconds Back float 10 seconds Bobs comfortably Paddle on front, face in no bclt, (1 width) Side breathing with board (1 width) Paddle on back Without bclt (1 width) Elementary back stroke w/ flu1ter kick Side stroke W/ flutter kick, ear in (1 width) Jump in deep with confidencc Introduction trcad water 30 scc without belt Swim under water Introduction to diving: Knecling Introduction to diving: Standing _ Class Water safety Skills presented in class. Water safety Skills presented in class. SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Registration dates. SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Registration dates. INSTRUCTOR INSTRUCTOR REGISTER FOR Ycs - Skill Achicvcd NMP- Nceds More Practice REGISTERFOR Yes - Skill Achieved NMP- Needs More Sparta Family Aquatic Ccntcr Park & Rdcrcition Deparamcnt Spartlr . PROGRESS REPORT NAME Sparta Family Aquatic Centcr Sparla & Recrcation Departmcnt - Park PROGRI]SS REPORT NAME Session Date Class Dav Class Time Session Date Advanccd Polliwog Front and Back Float 30 scconds cach I lcngth of front crawl rv/arms and breaths, no rcst I lcngth of back crawl w/ arms and strong kick Paddlc on front with front breath, facc in, No belt (1 lcngth) Elcmcntary Backstrokc, arms and lcgs, Good Form (l lcngth) Sidestrokc scissors kick (l rvidth) Elemcntary back stroke arms rvith fluttcr kick Enduranc€ Slyim, Front Crawl, 50 meters, No Rcst Dive from pool edgc: Kneeling Divc from pool edgc: Standing Trcading \Yater 45 scconds - No bclt Water safety Skills presented in class. SAVE THIS CARD TO PR.ESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Regiskation dat€s. INSTRUCTOR REGISTER IOR Ycs - Practice Skill Achieved NMP- Necds Morc Practice Class Dav Class Time Starfish Survival float 2 minutes on front Front crawl with side breathing (1 width) Good Form Back crawl rvith straight leg kicks (width) Good Form Elementary backstrokc (l length ) Side strokc (l rvidth) Jump irr deep from block Tread water for 2 minutcs Swim under watcr Dive from edge Dive from block Water safety Skills presented in class. SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Regishation dates. INSTRUCTOR REGISTERFOR Yes - Skill Achieved NMP- Needs More Practice Sparla Familv Aoualic Ccntcr & Rdcrcition DeDartmcnt PI{OGRESS IIEPORT Sparla liamily Aquatic Cenlcr Sparla l'ark & Rccrcation Departmenl PROGRESS RIiPORT Spart?r Park NAME NAMII Scssion Date Class Da Class Time Scssion Date Intcrmcdiate I Class Day Class Time Intcrmcdiatc 2 Survival float on back I minutc Endurancc swim 100yds (2 lcngths) No Rest Front craryl with sidc breathing (1 lcngths) Back crawl with straight leg kicks (1 lengths) Elemcntary back stroke (rvidth) Sidc stroke (l width) Jump in dcep with confidencc Tread lyater comfortably I minutc Dive from pool cdge: Kneeling Dive from pool edgc: Standing Survival float 4 minutcs (2min): Front/Back Endurancc srvim 15Oyds (3lengths) front crawl Front crawl (1 lcngth) Good Form Back crarvl (1 Iength) Good Form Elemcntary back crarvl (l lcngths) Good Form Side stroke (1 length) Good Form Introduction to brcaststrokc (1 width) Introduction to open turns front & back Trcad water 3 minutcs Under watcr swim (l/2 width) Divc from block & dive safcty Water safety Skills presented in class. SAVE THIS CAII.D TO PRESENT AT NEXT Water safety Skills presented in class. REGISTRATION SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquire as to specific Registratjon dates. INSTRUCTOR Inquire as to specific Registration dates. REGISTER FOR Yes - Skill Achieved NMP- Needs More Practice INSTRUCTOR REGISTERFOR Yes - Skill Achieved NMP- Needs Morc Practice SDarta Familv Aquatic Center SpartA Park & Rdcreition Dcpartment PROGRESS REPORT NA]\,IE Session Snarta Familv Aoua(ic Ccntcr SDarta Park & Rdcrcition DcDartmcnt PROGRESS REPORT - NAME Date Clas Da Class Timc Session Datc_ Intermediatc 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Adyanccd Surviyal float front & back, 3 minut€s each Endurance Swim 250yds (5 lcngths) FronuBack Crawl Front cra\yl with side br€athing; cxccptional form Back crawl exceptional form (2 lengths) Sidcstroke 2 lengths good form Br€ast strokc 1 rvidth good form Introducaion to llip turns front & back Tread rvater 4 minutcs hands only 1 minute Undcr ryatcr swim (% width) form & diye safety Water safety Skills prescntcd in class. SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REG- Inquire ISTRATION as to spccific Registration dates. INSTRUCTOR REGISTER FOR Yes - Skiu Achicved NMP- Nceds More Practice I Introduction to butterlly 1 width 100yds individual mcdlcy (25 yds each strokc) Open/Flip turns front & back Good Form Trcad rvater 5 minutcs, 2 minutcs arms only Under ryater srvim (% width) Fect first sudace divcs Starts-divc from block rvith swim Divc from block Exccptional Form Dive from board Good Form Butterlly kick Stcp approach diyc from board Class Timc Survival float front & back;5 minutas cach Endurancc swim 350yds (7 lcngths) Front/Back 4 Lcngths Front cralvl ry/flip turns Except. Form 4 Lcngths back crarvl rv/flip turns Exccpt. Form Br€ast strokc (l lcngths) Good Form (2 lengths) Feet first surfacc dive Dive from block good Class Day Water safcty Skills pr€sentcd in class. SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION Inquirc as to spccific Registration datcs. INSTRUCTOR REGISTER FOR - Skill Achievcd NMP- Nceds More Practicc Ycs Snsrta liamily Aquatic Centcr Sparta Park & lldcrcition DeDarlmcnt T'ROCRESS REPORT NAMB Sparta Family Aqualic Ccntcr Sparta Park & Rccrcation Dcpartmcnt PRO(;RESS REPOR-I NAMF] Scssion Date Class Timc Class Day Advanced Session Date Class d l00yds breast stroke rescue approach Butterfly (l lengths) Good Fonn 200 Individual medley with turns Good Form Open/flip turns front & back Exceptional Form Tread water 7 min., 4 min. arms only & 3 rnin. legs only Feet first surface dives Relay Starts Front crawl Medley Aclivc victirn rescue frorn pool deck as byslandcr/fricnd Water safety Skills presented in class. SAVtr THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION lnquire as to specific Registration dates. INSTITUC'I'OR REGISTER F'OR Yes - Skill Achieved NMP- Needs Morc Practice Class Timc Advanccd 3 2 Endurance swim 500yds Except. Fonn: Front/Back 400yds front crarvl with flip turns Exceptional Form l00yds front crawl rescue approaclr 400yds back crawl with flip hrrns Exceptiona[ Form Breaststroke (2 lengths) open tums Except. Form DaY Endurance swinr 700t'ds Exccpt. Front CranVBack Crarvl Dach _ 500yds fronl crslyl with flip turns Erccptional Form _ 200yds fron( crarvl rcscue aDproacll _ 500yds back clawl with flip turns Exccp(ional Form _ _Brcrststrokc (3 lcngths) ny'olen turns Exccplional lrorm _200yds breast stroke rcscuc approach Buttcrfll' (2 lcngths) Good Fornr _ 400 ildividual lncdlcy rvith tnrns Good Fornl _ Trcad waacr 8 min., 5 min. atms onlJ' & 3 nrin. lcgs onll' _ Trcad wa(cr rvi{h brick30 seconds _ Introductiou to Junior Life Guarding Skills Rctricrc brick& srvlm 1 lcngth on back _ _Active/Passivc _ _ dro\yning Yictinr rcscuc ryith lube Rescuc Escapcs Rcscuc Jurnps ConUract _ Sfride Fcct First sutfacc divcs with rcscuc Watcr safefy Skills presented in class. SAVE THIS CARD TO PRESENT AT NEXT REGISTRATION lnquire as to specific Registration dates. INSTRUCTOR REGISTER Yes - Skill Achieved NMP- Needs More Practic€ Reeistration Registration for the 2014 Swim Lesson Season will again be different from years past The department is happy and excited to now offer ONLINE REGISTRATION. We will host registration over a 3 week period both online and in our office. There are a few steps that you will need to take to be able to fully and successfully register for classes online. They are as follows: ** You must have a valid email address on account through the Recreation Department fo use online registration** Visit Click "Sign In" (Located on the upper right hand ofthe web's home page) Username is your Email Address that we have on your account y' Ctict'(Forgot o Password" If this does not work, plcase call the Sparta Parks and Recreation Departmcnt Office so that we may assist you in generating a new password, Phonc: (608) 269 -6322 You may register in the Parks and Recreation Department Office well like any other program. Reeistration Dates June 9th - June 27th - Starting at 8 AM. as With the pool opening up later than usual; things have to be done a little different. In the past we have and were able to monitor a parlicipant signing up for one session at a time. This year we are allowing the ability to registel for all 3 sessions at once. With that being said; we ask that you are courteous of other families. For example: One family might not be able to parlicipate in Session I and needs to wait for session 2 or 3. If everyone who signs up for session also signs up for session 2 or 3; it leaves no room for everyone who needs to wait to participate as well. You should register your child for ONE class at a time. ** All session registrations will close on June 27th. Session 2 will reopen on July ITth at l0:30 am. Session 3 will reopen on July 3l't at I0:30 am. ** J. al J. /\ J. /t J.L ,\ J\ AT YOURRISK In the event that a participant does not pass a level J..L J. .L .L i/\ JL /\ /l /\ in one session and is signed up and paid for the next level in one of the next sessions and there are no class openings to switch back into the original level; the program fees will be reimbursed via credit into to the family account to use at a later time. Checks and cash will not be given as a reimbursement method for the swim lesson program. It may be in the participant's best interest to sign up for one session at a time; then sign up for the next session after the receives their report card. participant
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