The Impact of Stimulus Diversity on Creative Solution Generation: An Evaluation of the Cognitive Network Model of Creativity Eric L. Santanen Bucknell University [email protected] Robert O. Briggs University of Arizona & Delft University of Technology [email protected] Abstract Creativity is essential to an organization’s survival. In order to remain productive and adaptive, an organization’s members must devise creative solutions – solutions that work, and that fall outside the set of known solutions. The Cognitive Network Model (CNM) of creativity proposes a cognitive explanation of the mechanisms that cause creative solutions to occur in the human mind. This paper reports the results of an experimental test of CNM. Sixty-one four-person groups used either the FreeBrainstorming thinkLet or the DirectedBrainstorming thinkLet to generate solutions for one of two ill-structured tasks. In FreeBrainstorming, participants generate creative solutions without intervention from a moderator. In DirectedBrainstorming, a moderator presents a series of oral prompts at fixed intervals to stimulate new lines of thinking. To gain more insight into the mechanisms underlying creativity, we tested three levels of variety among the moderator’s prompts. In both tasks, people using DirectedBrainstorming produced solutions with higher average creativity ratings, and higher concentrations of creative solutions than did people using FreeBrainstorming. Significant differences were also found among the three levels of variety used for DirectedBrainstorming. 1. Introduction Creativity is essential to an organization’s survival. An organization can only remain viable to the extent that it creates value for its stakeholders, and to the extent that it is adaptive to changes in its environment. In today’s fast-paced, digital economy increased competition resulting from globalization of markets, rapid geopolitical change, increased availability of information, increased use of the Internet, and the growing number of technologically savvy consumers are each forcing organizations to adapt faster than ever before. Organizations must find new ways to detect and respond to the changes in the environment, new ways to create value, and new ways to produce efficiently. In all aspects of their business, they must seek out new avenues of competitive advantage. In order to survive, an organization’s members must devise solutions that address the challenges they face, and that fall outside the set of those that are already known. They must devise creative solutions. Over the past century, a great deal has been learned about techniques and environments that enhance creativity. A rich body of descriptive and prescriptive creativity literature now exists [See 9, 27, 30, 39 for summaries of creativity research]. However, little is known about the causal mechanisms that give rise to creative solutions. Recently, the Cognitive Network Model (CNM) of creativity posited a cognitive explanation [34]. If the model proves to be useful, it may offer an explanatory foundation for existing creativity techniques, and may inform opportunities for new techniques and technologies to enhance creativity even further. This paper presents the results of an experimental test of CNM. Section 2 summarizes the main findings of previous creativity research. Section 3 presents an overview of CNM. Section 4 describes the methods by which this study was conducted, and section 5 analyzes the empirical results. Section 6 draws inferences about the results for both research and practice, and suggests next steps for evaluating the usefulness of CNM as an explanation for creativity. 2. Descriptive, Prescriptive, and Cognitive Models of Creativity Authors have taken a variety of approaches to understanding creativity. Some regard creativity as a process, and use stage models to characterize the Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE Gert-Jan de Vreede University of Nebraska & Delft University of Technology [email protected] sequences of mental activities that lead to creative solutions. Early descriptive stage models of the creative process were largely mechanistic [28, 40]. Simon [35], for example, suggested that creative problem solving proceeded in three stages: intelligence, design, and choice. Descriptive models clarified the nature of creative endeavor, but did not offer guidelines for creative activities nor explain why certain processes enhanced creativity. Prescriptive stage models for creative problem solving aimed to enhance performance by formalizing protocols that insured predictable, repeatable results. When following a protocol, one would engage in a sequence of prescribed behaviors that purport to cause creative solutions to emerge. Many different prescriptive models have been proposed, some of which have produced repeatable, predictable creative success [9, 17, 30, 39]. Although prescriptive models do not provide causal explanations for why creativity protocols work, they do hint at an underlying cause-and-effect mechanism that, if revealed, might explain why existing techniques worked as well as they did, and might suggest other opportunities for further enhancing creative performance. The need for a causal model is highlighted by a robust literature which shows that people facing large, complex problems tend to think within a bounded, familiar, and narrow subset of the potential solution space rather than thinking creatively [7, 38]. In complex problem solving, subjects routinely overlook up to 80% of the potential solution space and are even unaware that they are doing so [8, 14]. Cognitive models suggest insights into the mental processes that may underlie creative thinking. A number of authors have observed that creativity seems to emerge when people join two or more previously existing concepts into a new concept that addresses their need [16, 37]. Mednick, for example, defines creativity as the process of forming mental elements into new combinations, which either meet specified requirements or are useful [19]. The more mutually remote the elements of the new combination are, the more creative the resulting solution. Some posit that creative ideas are always new combinations of old ones. For example, Martindale argues that a poet does not make up new words; rather, old words are put together in a new way [18]. The findings of these authors suggest that an exploration of the cognitive mechanisms that come into play when previously unrelated ideas are juxtaposed might yield an explanation for why creative solutions emerge. The Cognitive Network Model of creativity, which is presented in the next section, may offer such an explanation. 3. The Cognitive Network Model of Creativity This section provides a high level summary of the Cognitive Network Model of Creativity. A more detailed derivation of the model and its supporting arguments is presented in [34]. 3.1 Cognitive Foundations for the CNM CNM rests on a foundation of standard cognitive psychology assumptions. 1. 2. 3. 4. Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE Long-term and Working Memory. Humans use at least two kinds of memory: long-term memory for storage and retrieval of vast quantities of knowledge, and working memory for paying attention to and manipulating small portions of what is stored in long term memory [3]. Knowledge as a Network of Bundles. Knowledge is represented in long-term memory as a complex network of conceptual bundles called frames [22]. For example, the concepts, outdoors, eating, cloth, basket, and sunshine may be bundled into a frame called picnic. When thinking of a frame, one gains access to all the concepts bundled into the frame with virtually no additional cognitive effort [22]. Each concept within a frame serves as a link to other frames that contain related concepts [7]. For example, the frame tree may contain the concept forest, which acts as a link to frames for lumber, shade, and plants. Tree may be linked to fire and fairytales through forest. Thus, human knowledge is represented in a network of bundles. Activation of Frames by External Stimuli. In response to external stimuli, one or more frames in the cognitive network become activated [2]. Activation means that a frame is transferred into working memory. One has little or no control of which frame is initially activated by an external stimulus [2, 29] Spreading Activation. Once a frame is activated, other frames nearby on the cognitive network can be activated with small additional effort. By traversing the associations that connect some activated frame to other frames within a knowledge network, activation of successive frames spreads through memory causing yet other frames to become candidates for activation [7, 29]. By expending cognitive effort, one may deliberately follow the links from one frame in working memory to other related frames stored near it in long-term memory. It is therefore easier to traverse frames that are closer to one another in 5. 6. 7. the cognitive network than among frames that have more conceptual hops between them, so nodes that are closer to one another on the network may have stronger associations [7]. A person may move through a chain of associations from one frame to another that is many nodes away on the knowledge network. For example upon seeing a tree, one might move through a sequence like tree, wood, wooden house, boyhood home, mother, mom’s spaghetti, and so blurt out for no obvious reason, “Let’s eat Italian tonight.” One person might see the same tree and think wood, while another might think, biological specimen. The frame that is initially activated bounds the set of frames that may be activated next. Having begun traversing links from the concept biological specimen, ones attention may be cut off from whole bodies of knowledge linked to the concept treehouse. Limits of Attention. Working memory is limited. Research shows that people can pay attention to about seven plus-or-minus two concepts at the same time because working memory has about that many “slots” [21]. Each slot accommodates a single frame from the long-term knowledge network [22]. Thus, the more elaborated are ones cognitive frames, the more complex are the concepts one can manipulate without additional effort [36]. The contents of working memory fade within seconds unless they are refreshed by conscious rehearsal or by external stimuli [6]. Chunking. When personal experience causes certain frames co-occur in working memory, their association can be coded by the knowledge network [32]. If the association becomes strong enough, the co-occurring frames may be chunked into a larger frame representing a higher-order concept [4]. All the concepts of the original frames would now be available in a single frame without extra cognitive effort. Switching costs. If working memory slots are open, it imposes little cognitive load to activate a new frame. However, if slots are all in use, it is likely that additional cognitive effort is needed to replace one frame in working memory with another from long-term memory. frames that are more distant from one another on the long-term memory web are more likely to fall outside the set of known solutions, and so are more likely to be creative [19, 24]. While engaged in problem solving, frame activation will be substantially determined by past experiences and the structure of the knowledge network. This, in turn, may lead people to reuse, and therefore reinforce routine patterns of activation, which will tend to block the emergence of novel juxtapositions of concepts, and may tend to keep people “stuck in the box.” Research shows that people tend to be very poor at devising creative solutions without some form of intervention such as facilitation or a creativity protocol [11, 15]. 3.3 CNM Propositions Like other models of creativity that preceded it, CNM posits that creative solutions occur when new associations are formed between previously distant frames in the knowledge network [24, 31]. Extending these previous models, starting from the assumptions in the preceding section, CNM posits a set of propositions about the mechanisms that cause creative solutions to emerge. P1: Creativity is a positive function of the rate at which novel juxtapositions between remote frames occur in working memory [7, 41]. P2: The likelihood of new association formation between previously unrelated salient frames is a positive function of the associative distance between salient frames in working memory [19, 25]. P3: The novel juxtaposition of previously remote frames in working memory is a positive function of the variety of external stimuli one experiences during creativity processes. [2, 7] P4. The likelihood of new association formation is an inverse function of cognitive load [13, 23]. P5: Cognitive load is a positive function of associative distance between salient frames [6, 21]. P6: Cognitive load is an inverse function of the degree to which salient frames are chunked [4]. P7. Cognitive load a positive function of diversity and frequency of stimuli [2, 7]. 3.2 CNM In A Nutshell 3.4 Hypotheses and Research Question CNM posits that creative solutions obtain when concepts that were previously remote from one another on the cognitive network are juxtaposed in working memory, forming a new association in the context of the problem at hand [16, 19, 24]. Solutions comprised of If external stimuli activate new nodes on the cognitive network, and if creative solutions arise from novel juxtapositions of concepts, then as the rate at which external stimuli are introduced increases, the generation of creative solutions should also increase. However, each Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE new stimulus imposes additional cognitive load to process it. If some cognitive resources are required to generate a creative solution, and if cognitive resources are limited, then as the rate of stimulation increases, at some point the cognitive load of processing each additional stimulus should overwhelm ones ability to create a new solution for the task at hand. After that point, increasing the rate of stimulation should hinder the emergence of creative solutions. Therefore, all other things being equal, the relationship between the rate at which new stimuli are introduced and the production of new solutions should be an inverted U. Therefore, if one were to introduce new external stimuli at a constant rate, people who are trying to devise creative solutions in response to external stimuli should be more creative than people who try to devise creative solutions in the absence of external stimuli. People working in response to external stimuli should produce solutions that are, on the average, more creative and more of the solutions they produce should be creative. Therefore: H1: People who generate solutions in response to external stimuli delivered at a constant rate that overwhelms their attention resources should produce solutions with a higher average creativity rating than do people who generate solutions in the absence of external prompts. H2: People who generate solutions in response to external stimuli delivered at a constant rate that does not overwhelm their attention resources should produce a higher concentration of creative solutions than do people who generate solutions in the absence of external prompts. There are at least three sources of cognitive load for people generating solutions in response to external stimuli: processing the stimuli, activating new frames, and generating new solutions. If one holds the rate of stimulate constant across several experimental treatments, and one were to use the same prompts across several treatments, one could control for the cognitive load of processing the stimuli. If one were to measure the concentration of creative solutions, instead of an absolute count of the number of creative solutions, one could control for cognitive load required to generate new solutions. Controlling for those two sources of cognitive load would allow one to explore the cognitive load of activating new frames and the way that cost balances with the production of creative solutions. CNM is not yet sufficiently mature to predict how many changes-of-topic would be required to induce so much cognitive load that creativity decreases, or whether increasing the number of topic-changes among the prompts improve creativity or interfere with. To gain further insight about the cognitive cost of topic-switching in the prompt set, we investigated the research question: R1: How does the cognitive load of activating new frames with external stimuli affect the production of creative solutions? 4. Methods This section describes the design of an experiment to test the hypothesis and inform the research question presented above. 4.1 Subjects Two hundred forty-four third- and fourth-year MIS undergraduate students at a large public university participated in 61 four-person brainstorming groups. Because the experiment purports to test cognitive capabilities that are assumed to be present in child and adult humans across cultures, students were deemed to be appropriate subjects for this study. 4.2 Tasks To minimize the risk that results could be an artifact of a particular task rather than of the experimental treatments, we conducted the study with two different hypothetical problem-solving tasks: the Gompin Crisis task, and the School of Business Task. Each group worked on only one of the two tasks. In the Gompin Crisis task, the Government of a MidPacific Island Nation must address emergencies created by a devastating typhoon. As a result of the infrastructure damage, residents of the Gompin capital face life-threatening contamination of their drinking water. A limited number of resources are available for disaster relief; however, there are not enough resources to supply water to all of the residents of the capital. For this task, the subjects were instructed to generate solutions that will provide drinkable water to the residents of the capital within 48 hours. The Gompin task is open-ended; there is no single solution that can fulfill the task requirements. The School of Business task presents a series of interconnected symptoms to problems in the business school of a fictitious university [20]. The school faced budget constraints, overcrowded classrooms, poorly prepared freshmen, faculty burn-out, and a variety of other issues. The participants were instructed to generate solutions that would ameliorate as many of the symptoms as Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE possible. In the School of Business task, the causes of the problems are not specified; the participants receive only a list of symptoms. The task is structured so that solutions for any one symptom are likely to exacerbate several other symptoms. However among the hundreds of possible solutions for this task are two fairly obvious solutions, either of which could eliminate almost all symptoms, and both of which would violate the vested interests of the study’s participants, providing extra impetus to seek creative solutions. Both of these tasks present the participants with illstructured problems [36], which lend themselves to creative problem solving [26]. 4.3 Independent Variable The independent variable was the variety in brainstorming prompts. The variety in a set of prompts is the rate at which the topics presented by the prompts changed over time. If all the prompts in a set are identical, there is also no variety. If each prompt in a set uses different wording to present the same concept, there is little variety because the prompts are very unlikely to activate nodes that are cognitively distant from one another in the long-term memory network. If each prompt in a set presents a different concept than the one that preceded it, but certain concepts recur from time-totime, there is more variety. If each prompt presents a different concept than all others in the set, and each concept in the set is cognitively distant (far away on the knowledge network) from the others, there is maximum variety. The control group in this study received no external prompts from the moderator. In three other treatments, participants received an oral prompt from a moderator every two minutes. Each prompt suggested a way to think about the solutions to the problem at hand. We used a set of 20 prompts for each task; four prompts for each of five problem related topics. All treatments within a task used the same 20 prompts. We modified the variety of the prompts by arranging the prompts in three different orders. Quartet Variation. In the lowest-variety treatment, the “Quartet” variation, prompts were arranged in blocks of four; four different prompts on one topic, then four different prompts on another topic, and so on, following the pattern, AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE. Thus, topic changes occurred every 8 minutes. In a more moderate-variety Duet Variation. treatment, the “Duet” variation, prompts were arranged in pairs; two prompts on one topic, then two prompts on another topic, and so on. The pattern of topics repeated twice, like this: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-AA-BB-CC-DDEE. Thus, topic changes occurred every 4 minutes. Solo Variation. In the highest-variety treatment, the “Solo” variation, the prompts were organized so that each prompt addressed a different topic than the one that preceded it. Each topic recurred five times, following the pattern A-B-C-D-E-A-B-C-D-E-A-B-C-D-E-A-B-C-D-EA-B-C-D-E. Thus, topic changes occurred every 2 minutes. These three arrangements allowed us not only to compare prompted brainstorming to unprompted brainstorming, but also offered the possibility of teasing some understanding of how the benefit of triggering new frame activation by increased prompt diversity might balance with the cognitive costs of switching from one topic to another. The cognitive costs of processing the stimuli were held constant because the same 20 prompts were used in all three treatments. 4.4 Procedures Each group was randomly assigned to one of four treatments. In each treatment, the participants engaged in a different brainstorming thinkLet, using a group support system (GSS)1. A thinkLet is a packaged thinking activity that follows a rigorous protocol designed to produce a predictable, repeatable pattern of cognition among people working together toward a goal [5]. All treatments took place in a 28-seat conference room equipped with a computer for each seat. All computers provided access to collaborative brainstorming software. Prior to each session, workstations were randomly assigned to groups of four, and a separate collaborative brainstorming activity was started for each group of four workstations. Any contributions made by one user in a group would also appear on the screens of the other three users in the same group, but would not appear on the screens of people who were not in the same group. At the start of each experimental session, up to 28 participants entered the room and chose their own seats. Participants did not know that choosing a seat would assign them to a group, and did not know the identity of their group members during or after the exercise. Reading from a script, a moderator introduced the participants to the brainstorming software with a warm up task. Still working from scripts, the moderator then instructed the participants on their experimental task. All subjects brainstormed for a period of forty minutes [12], after which they were thanked and released. 1 This study was conducted using the Electronic Brainstorming tool from GroupSystems for Windows Work Group Edition Version 2.1. The tool was deployed in its default configuration. Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE The control group used a FreeBrainstorming thinkLet [5]. A moderator instructed the group as follows: The process is simple. Imagine each of you started with blank sheet of paper in front of you. When I said go, each of you will write one solution on that piece of paper, and then throw your paper on a pile in the middle of the room. You would then grab another paper from that pile, and read the solution that someone else has already written on it. After reading it, you should respond to that previous solution in one of three ways: 1. Expand on the solution, adding details. 2. Argue with the solution. 3. Or, you might be inspired to a completely new solution. These directions will appear on the large screen in front of the room in case you lose track of them during the task. When you have finished writing your response, you would again toss your paper on the pile, grab one of the other papers, and read the previous solution. We will continue along in this fashion until you run out of solutions. Now Electronic brainstorming works exactly the same way, except you have an electronic page. When you finish typing in a solution, just press the F9 key to send your solution back to the group. You will get back another page with someone else's solution on it. Read that new solution and then respond to in one of three ways: 1. Expand on the solution, adding details 2. Argue with the solution 3. Generate a completely new solution In either case, when you have finished typing your solution, press the F9 key to send your solution back to the group. You will get back another electronic page. Read the last solution on the page, respond to it, and exchange your page again. We will continue in this fashion until you run out of solutions. If you see that you get your same page back when you press F9, don’t worry about it; just type another solution, and keep going. Participants then contributed solutions for 40 minutes without further intervention from the moderator. The other three treatment groups used one of three variations on the DirectedBrainstorming thinkLet. With Directed Brainstorming, a team generates solutions in response to a set of oral prompts. For this study we derived the prompts from a set of criteria for judging the utility of proposed solutions. It is often the case, as it was in this study, that one could know the criteria for judging the utility of solutions before solutions have been generated. Davis [10] suggests the following generic criteria for evaluating the quality of a solution: • Will it work? Will it do the job? Does it improve current methods? • Is it timely? • Does it reduce costs? Eliminate unnecessary work? Increase productivity? Improve quality? • Is it too complicated? Simple and direct? • It is suitable? Will others accept it? • Are the materials available? To prepare prompts for the DirectedBrainstorming treatments, we identified five criteria for judging the solutions generated for each experimental task. Those criteria were as follows: Good solutions for the Gompin Task would be those that: 1. Provide sufficient water to residents of the capital city 2. Can be implemented quickly 3. Can be implemented inexpensively 4. Can be easily implemented 5. Require minimal heavy equipment Good solutions for the School of Business would be those that: 1. Eliminate the symptoms felt by the Business School without causing new symptoms 2. Can be implemented quickly 3. Can be implemented inexpensively 4. Are easy to implement 5. Are acceptable to all success-critical stakeholders in the business school We then derived four directed brainstorming prompts for each criterion, yielding 20 prompts for each task. Finally, these twenty prompts were then arranged in the three different patterns described above to create the three treatments called the Solo, Duet, and Quartet variations. In these treatments, a moderator instructed the participants as follows: The process is simple. Imagine each of you started with blank sheet of paper in front of you. I will provide you with a specific goal or objective that will also be displayed on the large screen in front of the room. Each of you will then write one solution on that piece of paper, and then throw your paper on a pile in the middle of the room. You would then grab another paper from that pile, and read the solution that has already been written on it. I will then provide you with another specific goal or objective. Each of you will write down a new solution to this new goal. When you have finished writing your solution, exchange your page for a new one, and then begin reading any previous solutions already on this new page. The goal that I provide for you will always appear on the large screen in front of the room in case you lose Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE track of it. The process will continue in this fashion until we address each of the important issues of this task. Now Electronic brainstorming works exactly the same way, except you have an electronic page. When you finish typing in a solution, just press the F9 key to send your solution back to the group. You will then get back another page with someone else's solutions on it. You should read these new solutions that are on this page. After a short period of time, I will provide you with a new goal will also appear on the large screen in the front of the room. Each of you will then type one solution to this new problem on your electronic page. When you press the F9 key to send your solution to the group, you will get back another electronic page. Be sure to read the responses on this new page. In a short while, I will read aloud a new goal, for which you should type in another solution. Switch your pages again, and then read what is on your new page. We will continue in this fashion until we complete this task. If you see that you get your same page back when you press F9, don’t worry about it, just keep following the instructions that I provide. For each of the DirectedBrainstorming treatment groups, one prompt was read aloud and simultaneously displayed on a large public screen in the front of the room every two minutes. Subjects were instructed to listen to the prompt, and then: • Type a new solution • Exchange their electronic page for another • Read any new solutions on the sheet they received • Continue contributing new solutions and exchanging pages until the next prompt. 4.5 Dependent Variable This study had two dependent variables: the creativity score for solutions generated, and the concentration of creative solutions in the electronic brainstorming transcripts of each group. We approached the measurement of creativity from two different units of analysis: the solution and the group. This helped control for the possibility of instrument bias and helped triangulate on the effects of the experimental treatments. To prepare the data for analysis, trained, treatmentblind coders extracted a master set of 1,560 and 1,345 non-redundant actionable solutions from the transcripts of the Gompin and School of Business brainstorming activities, respectively. Inter-coder agreement on the unique solution list was higher than 99%. Treatmentblind experts in the task domains used the Consensual Assessment Technique [1] to rate each solution on a fivepoint Likert Scale for creativity. Runco and Bahleda [33] argue that creativity ratings from expert raters using implicit theories derived from their experiences have more ecological validity than do ratings derived from specific criteria. Amabile [1] argues that this assessment technique is cognitively identical to real-world evaluations of creative work. Six individuals with disaster relief expertise from the International Red Cross and United States Military rated the solutions for the Gompin Task. Four university officials rated the solutions for the School of Business Task. The judges for both tasks had an average of more than 15 years of relevant field experience. Three raters evaluated each solution. Inter-rater reliability was 0.834 for the Gompin Task, and 0.910 for the School of Business Task. A creativity score was calculated for each unique solution by taking the average of the creativity ratings it received from the experts. The average creativity score for a given brainstorming group was calculated by adding up the creativity scores assigned to all the unique solutions produced by that group, and dividing by the number of unique solutions produced by the group. The concentration of creative solutions for a given brainstorming group was calculated by counting the number solutions proposed by the group whose creativity scores exceeded a threshold level, and dividing the count by the total number of contributions. Items with a score higher than 3.5, the midpoint of the 5-point scale, were counted as creative. Items with a score of 3.5 or below were counted as not creative. 5. Results 5.1 Creativity Scores A univariate ANOVA test showed no statistically significant difference in mean creativity score by task [F =.001, df = 1, p=.975; R2 = .000] , which suggested that the tasks were equivalent, so data were combined across tasks for subsequent analysis. The data provided support for Hypothesis 1, that teams using directed brainstorming produced solutions of higher average creativity than did teams using free brainstorming [F = 4.3; df = 1; p = .038]. The mean creativity score for free brainstorming was 2.33, while the mean for directed brainstorming was 2.44, and the R2 for the test was .001, so the difference detected was small and the amount of variance explained was smaller still. An exploratory comparison of mean creativity score by thinkLet variation uncovered more complex details underlying the effect of aggregated directed brainstorming treatments. A one-way ANOVA test revealed a statistically significant difference in mean Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE creativity scores by treatment [F = 37.5; df = 3; p = .000; R2 = .037]. Table 1 presents mean creativity scores by treatment. A post hoc Sheffe test (Table 2) revealed that the difference in mean creativity scores for the Quartet and Solo treatments was not statistically significant. However, all comparisons were statistically significant. Solo and Quartet had higher means than Control, and all had higher means than the Duet treatment. Table 1. Mean creativity scores by treatment Treatment Mean Std Dev N Control 2.33 0.79 366 Quartet 2.59 1.01 909 Duet 2.16 0.83 817 Solo 2.57 1.05 821 Total 2.43 0.97 2913 Table 2. Sheffe significance of differences among mean creativity scores by treatment. Solo Duet Quartet Control .001* .020* .000* Quartet .985 .000* Duet .040* 5.2 Concentrations of Creative Solutions A univariate ANOVA test revealed no statistically significant difference in concentrations of creative solutions by task [F=.992; df = 1; p=.32], which suggested the tasks were equivalent, so data were combined across tasks for subsequent analysis. The data provided support for Hypothesis 2, that teams using directed brainstorming produced higher concentrations of creative solutions than did teams using free brainstorming [F = 8.68; df = 1; p = .005; R2 = .13]. Mean concentration for free brainstorming was 0.098, and for directed brainstorming was 0.237. An exploratory comparison of mean concentrations of creative solutions by thinkLet variation revealed a pattern somewhat similar to that which emerged from exploration of the creativity scores. Table 3 shows mean concentration of creative solutions by treatment. The difference between mean concentrations of creative solutions for the Quartet and Solo treatments was not statistically significant, nor was the difference between the Control and Duet treatment (Table 4). Quartet and Solo treatments were both statistically significantly higher than the Control and Duet treatments (Table 4). The choice to place breakpoint score separating creative from uncreative solutions at 3.5 was somewhat arbitrary. The analyses were repeated, however, for breakpoints ranging from 2.75 to 4.25 on increments of .25 produced similar outcomes, suggesting that the underlying effect is robust. Table 3. Concentration of creative solutions by treatment Treatment Mean Std Dev N Control .098 .061 9 Quartet .269 .062 17 Duet .097 .064 16 Solo .326 .142 19 Total .216 .1380 61 Table 4. Sheffe significance of differences among mean concentration of creative solutions Solo Duet Quartet Control .000* *1.000 .001* Quartet .371 *.000* Duet .000* 6. Discussion Both Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 were supported by the data. People using directed brainstorming thinkLet did produce solutions of higher average creativity and did produce a higher concentration of creative solutions than did people using a freebrainstorming thinkLet. However, the results of the exploratory analysis suggest that directed brainstorming is not an unmixed blessing. It appears to improve creativity when prompt topics change every two minutes and when topics change every eight minutes, but it may actually diminish creativity when prompt topics change every four minutes. The assumptions of CNM may suggest reasons why these results obtain. There is a benefit to switching topics with every prompt. Each topic switch should activate a different frame, increasing the likelihood of novel juxtapositions of concepts. There is also a benefit for staying on topic for a time. Once a frame is activated, one could take the time to traverse its strongest links in the context of the problem at hand. This might increase the probability of finding a novel way to juxtapose the current concept to the previous one, or to the problem. However, the first few traversals would by definition be to links with minimal associative distance, where novel juxtapositions are less likely to occur. Some time would be required to traverse to frames of higher associative distance from the prompt. It may be that four minutes on topic is not sufficient to establish sufficient associative distance to produce as many novel juxtapositions as might otherwise have been produced by rapid topic switching. It may that eight minutes on topic establishes Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE sufficient associative distance for those juxtapositions to emerge. The design of this study made it possible to compare the effects of switching topics at different rates, but the theory suggests that subsequent studies could produce more powerful effects through certain design changes. If the theory holds, a study that compared 20 prompts on 20 different topics to 20 prompts on the same topic and to the control should produce a stronger difference in creativity than did this study, which used only five different topics. Another study might produce stronger creativity effects by providing prompts every 60 or 90 seconds instead of every 2 minutes. It is not yet clear, however, at what point increasing the prompt rate would overwhelm cognitive resources and begin to harm creativity rather than help it. This first empirical test of CNM raises a number of questions that subsequent study must address. When using a frequent-switching strategy, what is the optimum rate for delivering prompts? Every 30 seconds? Every 2.5 minutes? Is the optimal prompt rate the same for an infrequent-switching strategy? What is the worst combination of prompt rate and topic switching, and why? Once optimum prompt rates and optimum topicswitching frequencies have been identified, will people be more creative at the frequent-switching optimum or at the infrequent-switching optimum? Are there other optima than those suggested by this study? How could one characterize the differences between solutions produced by free brainstorming, by high-frequency switching directed brainstorming, and by low-frequency switching directed brainstorming? What differences might emerge in the degree to which teams understand and implement the creative solutions developed under different strategies? The results of this study once again highlight the importance of seemingly small details to the design and deployment of thinkLets. In this study, 2-minute changes in event timing produced a startling difference in results. Creativity researchers and GSS researchers must diligently report even minor details of their treatments. It may be that some of the seemingly conflicting results in the GSS literature were caused by unreported differences in thinkLet design. GSS researchers must also be careful to refrain from making sweeping generalizations about “the effects of GSS,” and to confine themselves to conclusions about their thinkLets. 7. Conclusion This first empirical investigation of CNM suggests that it may be a useful model for explaining and exploring the emergence of creative solutions in the human mind. Many more studies must be conducted to thoroughly test its assumptions and propositions. The Solo and Quartet variations of the Directed Brainstorming thinkLet appear to be useful for enhancing creativity, but care must be taken with the timing of topic changes to forestall the unhappy outcome of doing more harm than good. Several important follow-on studies are indicated above. 8. 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