PI Policy – Horace Mann Middle School Statement of Purpose 2015

P.I. Policy – Horace Mann Middle School
Statement of Purpose 2015-2016 School Year
Revised May 26, 2015
Mann Middle School is committed to the goal of providing quality education for every child on this campus. We want to
establish partnerships with parents and with the community. Everyone gains if home and school work together to
promote high achievement for our children. Neither home nor schools can do the job alone. Parents play an extremely
important role as their children’s first teachers. Their support is critical to their children’s success.
Learning the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), Student Expectations, and passing the STAAR tests are goals
that all students will work toward. We recognize that some students may need extra assistance, available through the
Title I Program, as well as other programs in order to reach these goals. Mann MS wants to include parents in all aspects
of the district’s Title I Program.
Parent Involvement and Developing Policy
An advisory committee consisting of one parent, two members of the community, six teachers, and one principal, will
meet to develop the school’s Parent Involvement Policy.
Annual meeting for Title 1 (T-1) Parents
At the annual meeting for parents, which will be held in the first semester at Mann MS, parents will be given information
about the new T-1 guidelines and how they differ from the previous T-1 programs in our school. They will be given
copies of the campus Improvement Policy. Translation will be made available. Parents will be sent notice about meeting
A School-Parent Compact Must:
Be developed jointly with parents of participating students
Describe responsibilities of the school and parents to improve student performance and the means by which to do so
Describe a school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning
Describe ways in which parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning, such as monitoring attendance,
homework completion, participating as appropriate in decisions relating to the education of their children, and encouraging
positive use of extracurricular time
Describe student’ responsibilities, which may vary by grade level
Address the importance of establishing ongoing, clear communication between teacher and parent (at a minimum –
conferences, progress reports, and access to staff)
Matching Programs to the Needs of Our Community
Each year, Mann MS will assess the needs of parents and children in this community, through a variety or measure –
including questionnaires sent home to parents – so that the Title 1 program will be tailored to meeting those needs.
Workshops and other programs will be available (some for parents, some for parents and children) to match the express
needs. Parents will be notified about these opportunities through the school.
Staff/Parent Communication
Notices will be sent home with students, as well as phone calls, parent conferences, and home visits, as needed. Parents
are encouraged to take the initiative in calling their child’s teacher when they have a concern. Parents may also call the
school office and ask for a translator for conferences. As much as possible, notices sent home will have English on one
side and Spanish on the other.
The Mann Leadership Team (MLT) will be involved in the process of school review and improvement. Parents of children
in the Title I program will be part of this group. The aim will be to evaluate the school, and collect information in a
variety of ways.
There will be an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the Title I parent-involvement program, and
parents will be asked for their input. The evaluation will include an assessment of how much parental involvement is
increasing and what barriers to parental participation still need to be overcome. The school will revise its Parental
Involvement Policy on the basis of this annual review.
This commitment to family involvement has been approved by the AISD School Board. The policy will be coordinated by
Title I supervisory staff and teachers and promoted by the building principal and other school staff.