1 wedding Helium decoration 1 Balloons IT e-mail [email protected] web page www.balloonsIT.com © Balloons IT 2004 2 INDEX wedding helium 1 Introduction 3 Sales support picture 4 Materials list 5 Dimensions of decoration 6 Balloon sizes 7 Step by step explanation 8 Enclosure 16 Advertisement 17 © Balloons IT 2004 3 INTRODUCTION wedding helium 1 Welcome to your Decotool Wedding Helium decoration 1. The information contained within this Decotool aims to provide technical information and basic instructions to build the illustrated balloon decoration. We have divided the information into several parts: Sales Support Picture The illustration of the decoration enables the finished product to be visualised. The picture can be added to a portfolio to use as a sales tool, this giving a professional image of balloon decorations and a visual image for customers. Materials List Listed are all the materials required to build the decoration, this saves time and calculations. Remember that as balloon art is a very personal effect, sizes may vary according to the users own sizing and strengths. It is therefore, advisable to ensure that additional product is available to accommodate different sizing and errors etc. We have included a 10% increase on quantities of material required to allow for some margin of difference in construction. Dimensions of Construction It is important that the structure is correct if the decoration is to be formed according to the specifications. We have therefore drawn a separate image of the structure for your guidance. Dimensions of Decorations The dimensions are given according to our professional balloon decorators. However, as mentioned, sizes may vary slightly from those listed. The dimensions give the user an idea of the size of the decoration, which may be customised according to the requirement (for example the height). Balloon Sizes We show a detailed diagram of the sizing required for the balloons in order to construct your finished decoration. Step-by-step Instructions We have put together a step-by-step guide for each element of the decoration. This is aimed at decorators with little experience of balloon decorating. Each step is explained in a written form and accompanied by a picture to demonstrate. © Balloons IT 2004 4 SALES SUPPORT PICTURE © Balloons IT 2004 wedding helium 1 5 MATERIALS LIST wedding helium 1 Balloon sizes and shapes: 1 2 3 code 11” 11” 5” Colour name Pink Pearl Pearl quantity 20 15 10 In addition to latex balloons you will require: - Electric air compressor - 11 “, 7” and 4” sizer (plan for making home-made sizers from a carton can be downloaded from the e-shop) - 1 x weight 200 g ( plans for making weights from balloons and water can be downloaded in the e-shop ) - 20 x 2 m white ribbon - Helium for 20 x 11” balloons - Helium regulator - Scissors or technical knife - Tape ( strong tape is recommended, but standard tape can be used ) Recommended balloons: - BELBAL balloons - ANAGRAM balloons © Balloons IT 2004 6 DIMENSIONS OF DECORATION © Balloons IT 2004 wedding helium 1 7 BALLOON SIZES wedding helium 1 All dimensions of balloons shown on this page are in inches. © Balloons IT 2004 8 STEP BY STEP EXPLANATION wedding helium 1 Instruction Balloon decorating is fun and can be taken up by any person without prior experience. However, working with balloons is an art and to become an expert takes practise. We describe below a 19 steps procedure on how to make a two-colour helium decoration (dimensions 250 cm high and 80 cm width – please note that dimensions can vary according to personal inflating and decorating skills). This step-by-step explanation can be used for making different coloured combinations. You need to use helium with the balloons. Please ensure that you follow the instructions of the helium provider. Helium is a non-flamable gas and is safe to use, however, the gas is stored and transported in a pressurised container which is heavy and must be used with care. Each helium provider uses different inflation hoses. Make sure you understand how the inflator fits onto the helium bottle and how it works. Turn off the helium bottle when not in use as it protects the helium from escaping if there are any leaks in the inflator. We advise with any balloon decoration that the working area should be kept clean, balloons will attract dust and dirt from surfaces. Keep balloons clean by having a designated area, perhaps covering the floor with a dust sheet, or use a bag or container to keep inflated balloons. Calculations shown for balloon products are based on our designer’s skill and knowledge. Additional product should always be on hand to cater for incorrect inflation, faulty product or test purposes. © Balloons IT 2004 9 STEP 1 EXPLANATION DIAGRAM First prepare the base of the decoration which is made with air-filled latex balloons. DIAGRAM 1 On the table prepare the sizer with an 7” diameter . 2 3 Inflate two 11” round balloons Pink colour to 7”(diagram 2) and hold them one in DIAGRAM 2 each hand. Before you tie them, check their size on the prepared sizer. Put both through sizer DIAGRAM 3 (diagram 3), as it is important that the balloons are the same size. If a balloon is too big let the air out slowly until it goes very tightly through the sizer without using force. If a balloon is too small inflate and start the sizing procedure again. © Balloons IT 2004 10 STEP 4 EXPLANATION DIAGRAM When you have two balloons the same size tie the balloons together with one knot DIAGRAM 4 (diagram 4a) and then knot again (diagram 4b). The second knot can be tied a little stronger. 5 When the balloons are tied together they are known as a ’Double Cluster’ ( diagram DIAGRAM 5 5). Repeat Steps 1-4 using a 4“ sizer for the 5“ balloons. Continue making Double Clusters . In total you need to prepare 2 x 7“ Double Clusters from 11“ round Pink balloons and 2 x 4.5” Double Clusters from 5” Pearl balloons. 6 Take two pink double clusters (diagram 6) Then put them together as shown (dia- DIAGRAM 6 gram 6b) Balloons 1 and 2 are rotated one and a half times (twisted around each other so that they change place). This results in a prepared four-balloon cluster (diagram 6c).. © Balloons IT 2004 11 STEP 7 8 EXPLANATION DIAGRAM Repeat this step for the 4” balloons (diagram 7). Place the 4” balloons cluster on top of the 7” cluster, so that the smaller balloons are DIAGRAM 7 DIAGRAM 8 in the gap of the larger balloons (diagram 8a). Push each of the smaller balloons through the gap so that they appear the other side of the 7” cluster. The clusters will then be interlocked so that they stay in place. The larger balloons are placed on the bottom and this has created the bottom base of the balloon decoration (diagram 8b). 9 Use a weight of approximately 200gm and attach to the bottom of the balloon DIAGRAM 9 clusters made above. There are many weights that can be used. The weight is not seen as it is under the clusters. Here we show that an uninflated latex balloon is filled with water (diagram 9). © Balloons IT 2004 12 STEP 10 11 12 EXPLANATION DIAGRAM Prepare a sizer with diameter 11”, it may be fixed to the table or used by hand DIAGRAM 10 (diagram 10). Place the neck of the balloon over the helium inflator and inflate to 11”(diagram 11). Hold the neck of the balloon so that the helium does not escape. Place the ribbon over the neck (diagram 12) and make a knot with the balloon neck with the ribbon inside (diagram 12). DIAGRAM 11 DIAGRAM 12 Repeat Steps 11 and 12 until you have 17 balloons inflated with helium. 9 balloons Pink and 8 balloons Pearl. inflated to 11”. © Balloons IT 2004 13 STEP 13 EXPLANATION DIAGRAM Take 4 pearl balloons and hold the ribbon in your left hand at head height. Take your DIAGRAM 13 right hand and place underneath your left hand. Slide your left hand up to the knots of the balloons, so that the balloons are at the same height (diagram 13). 14 Take one pink balloon in your right hand, and place it in the middle of the group of 4 DIAGRAM 14 Pearl balloons, so that the neck of the Pink balloon sits at the height of the top of the Pearl balloons (diagram 14). 15 Take the ribbon of all 5 balloons together carefully, so that the balloons stay in place, DIAGRAM 15 and tie one knot of the ribbons together at 40cm from the neck of the Pearl balloons (diagram 15). © Balloons IT 2004 14 STEP 16 EXPLANATION DIAGRAM Take 4 Pink balloons and hold the ribbon in your left hand at head height. Take your DIAGRAM 16 right hand and place underneath your left hand. Slide your left hand up to the knots of the balloons, so that the balloons are at the same height. Take the ribbon of all 4 balloons together carefully, so that the balloons stay in place, and tie one knot of the ribbons together at 40cm from the neck of the Pink balloons (diagram 16). 17 Add this further group of Pink balloons to the first group of 5 balloons. You have DIAGRAM 17 now created the top half of the helium decoration (diagram 17). 18 The remaining balloons need to be arranged in two groups of 4 balloons, one DIAGRAM 18 Pink and one Pearl. ( Repeat Step 16). You now have all the balloons inflated and arranged into tiers of four balloons, in alternate colours, with a Pink balloon on top (diagram 18). © Balloons IT 2004 15 STEP 19 EXPLANATION DIAGRAM Take one ribbon from each of the tiers or groups of balloons and tie together 40cm DIAGRAM 19 from the bottom of the last tier. Take two ribbons and tie them around the airfilled balloons at the base of the decoration. The height of the helium balloons can be determined by yourself. The remaining ribbons can be curled to decorate the stem of the decoration (diagram 19). You now have an attractive colourful helium decoration 1. © Balloons IT 2004 16 ENCLOSURE wedding helium 1 The virtual products sold from our website contain instructions, illustrations and pictorial information for the use of balloon decorating, the quality of information downloaded will vary according to the type of printer used. Balloons IT and its servants, agents and representatives hold no responsibility for the quality of any downloaded information. The information has been put together by persons working in the balloon industry and it shows their interpretation of designs and methods of balloon decoration. The instructions shown give approximate sizes and colours, all of which may vary according to product and inflation methods used by the decorator or operator. Balloons IT and its servants, agents and representatives hold no responsibility for the outcome of the decoration. © Balloons IT 2004 17 ADVERTISEMENT visit www.balloonsit.com •ballonsit providing solutions for all occasions and events •keep yourself up-to-date •register now to receive regular updates from balloonsit © Balloons IT 2004
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