CENTRAL AMERICA YOUTH AMBASSADORS PROGRAM - 2017 CYCLE U.S. YOUTH APPLICATION Background Georgetown University’s Center for Intercultural Education and Development (CIED), the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the State Department and the U.S. Embassies in Central America are pleased to announce the launch of candidate recruitment for the 2017 Central America Youth Ambassadors (CAYA) program. The CAYA program provides youth and adult mentors from the United States, specifically from Huntsville, Alabama; Moscow, Idaho; Marquette, Michigan; Jacksonville, Florida; and Washington, DC, the opportunity for a three week international exchange in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. During this youth diplomacy experience participants will travel to the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua where they will have interactive workshops, community service activities, field trips and cultural outings with local youth and community leaders. These study tours will expand their knowledge of the culture, society and education in Central America and the Caribbean. The CAYA program will be conducted in English and participants are encouraged to practice their Spanish, improving their language skills. The Youth Ambassadors program not only provides participants with new knowledge and unmatched experiences, it also develops new leadership skills and strengthens commitment to civic engagement, social entrepreneurship and environmental initiatives. Candidate Profile 15 to 18 years old Citizenship: United States Still has one more year of high school after the completion of the Program Public high school student and/or participation in a community-based project Economically disadvantaged background No close relative who has previously participated in the CAYA program Demonstrated leadership skills and entrepreneurial and environmental interest Personal characteristics such as maturity, integrity, social skills, open-mindedness and motivation Intermediate level of Spanish Participants for the 2017 program will be chosen through a selection process coordinated by GU/CIED, the Education and Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Department of State and local partner institutions. This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate 2017 YOUTH APPLICATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS Please carefully read this application form before filling it out. You must answer all the questions and attach all the required documentation for your application to be considered. If some questions do not apply please write N/A (not applicable). Complete and send application to: Anna Marie Siegel Florida State College at Jacksonville [email protected] Phone: (904)632-3248 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED Please send the following documentation with your application*: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copy of birth certificate Two passport pictures Copy of valid passport if possible (it is not mandatory to have a passport to apply to the program) Copy of parents/legal guardians’ valid ID Application form Annexes (See annexes attached at the end of this application form): Annex # 1: Letter of Recommendation # 1 Annex # 2: Letter of Recommendation # 2 Annex # 3: Parental Authorization Annex # 4: Liability Waiver and Authorization for Medical Treatment Annex # 5: Medical Certificate Addendum Annex # 6: Code of Commitment Annex # 7: Questionnaire for host family stay * Note: Please do not send the original documents. All documentation sent to Georgetown University will not be returned. IMPORTANT DATES (Check with the CAYA local coordinator for specific dates) January 20th to February 28th, 2017 February 28th to March 10th, 2017 March 30th, 2017 June of 2017 (Specific date TBD) July 9- August 2, 2017 Candidate recruitment period Candidates interview and pre-selection process Final selection by Georgetown U. and the Department of State Pre-departure orientation Three weeks of CAYA Program in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate Please attach two (2) pictures __________________________ First Name ___________________ Middle Name ___________________________ Last Name __________________________ Date of Birth (month/day/year) ___________________ Age __________________________ State Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family: Tell us a little bit about your hobbies and interests: This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Last Name First Name Street: Street Name and Number City and State Contact Information: Phone Number (complete) E-mail II. BIOGRAPHIC DATA 1. Place of Birth: _________________________ City 2. Date of Birth: _________________________ (month/day/year) 3. Gender: Female Male 4. Marital Status: Married Single 5. Ethnic Background: ________________ Country Caucasian American Indian African American Asian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Eskimo or Aleut Other, please specify__________________________________________ 6. Do you have any physical disability? No Yes Explain:_____________________________ 7. Do you have any medical condition? No Yes Explain:_____________________________ III. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1. Schools Attended: Name of Institution Major Field Starting year Ending year Degree Received Primary School High School This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate 2. Indicate any awards or academic honors received: _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Have you ever attended a private school? Yes No 4. Have you ever received a scholarship or financial aid? Yes No 5. If your answer to question #4 is yes, please give the following information: How much money did you receive? (Amount): $ ________________________________________ Who gave it to you? (Institution): ____________________________________________________ For how long did you receive this financial aid? (Period): _________________________________ 6. Are you currently enrolled in school? 7. If your answer to question # 6 is yes, answer the following questions: a. Types of classes: Day Yes No Night b. Current GPA: ______________________ c. Name of the institution you are attending: ______________________________________________ d. Indicate your major area(s) of study: ___________________________________________________ e. When do you plan on graduating: 8. __________ Month and Year Do you speak any languages other than English? Yes No If yes, please complete the section below. Use the following letters to rate your ability: E = Excellent G = Good F = Fair Language Speaking Level Reading Level Writing Level Learned Where Years of Study This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate IV. WORK EXPERIENCE 1. Have you ever worked? (Including both formal and informal jobs) Yes No 2. If your answer to question #1 is yes, please give the following information based on your most recent jobs: Job 1 1. Name of company where you work/worked: 2. What is/was your position? 3. Provide a brief description of your responsibilities: _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are/were your beginning and ending dates of employment? __________________ Beginning date __________________ Ending Date 5. What is/was your monthly salary? ___________________ 6. How many hours you work/worked per week? _______________ Job 2 1. Name of company where you work/worked: 2. What is/was your position? 3. Provide a brief description of your responsibilities: _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are/were your beginning and ending dates of employment? __________________ Beginning date __________________ Ending Date 5. What is/was your monthly salary? ___________________ 6. How many hours you work/worked per week? _______________ V. 1. FAMILY INFORMATION With whom do you live? Mark all the appropriate responses Father Mother Guardian Siblings Other: ____________ This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate 2. Name of Mother/Legal Guardian: ___________________________ _________________________ Last Name First Name Name of Father/Legal Guardian: ___________________________ _________________________ Last Name First Name 3. Do you have any family member that has participated in the CAYA program? 4. Have you ever traveled out of the country? 5. If your answer to question #4 is yes, please mark the reason why you travelled? Yes Yes No No Tourism Other: ________________________________________________________ 6. Have you ever traveled to Central America? Yes No 7. If your answer to question #6 is yes, please mark the reason why you travelled? Tourism Other: ________________________________________________________ 8. Do you have a passport? Yes No 9. If your answer to question #8 is yes, please give the following information: Passport Number: ______________________ Place of Issue: _____________________ Issuing Country: ________________________ Date of expiration: _________________ (month/day/year) 10. Emergency Contact Information. It is very important that we have an emergency contact other than your permanent address. Name: Last Name First Name Relationship to applicant: _________________________________________________________________ Street: ______ Street Name and Number Contact Information: City and State ______ Phone Number 11. E-mail Please indicate the person or organization that gave you this application form: _______________________________________________________________________________ This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate VI. QUESTIONS FOR THE APPLICANT Please provide answers to the following questions. Answers should be as specific as possible. 1. Suitability of the applicant: Why do you feel you are an ideal candidate for this exchange experience? Please explain. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate 2. Community involvement: Write about an environmental problem currently affecting your community. If it were within your abilities, how would you solve this problem? ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate 3. Leadership: Please list your extracurricular activities and/or your involvement in community groups in the spaces provided below. Be specific about your responsibilities and leadership roles. Activities Position Held Period (Dates) Location Have you been a member of an extracurricular club or association at school? If yes, explain: Have you participated in entrepreneurial and/or environmental initiatives? If yes, explain: Have you participated in any community-based activities? If yes, explain: I certify that the information contained in this application, including all attachments and supporting credentials, is complete and correct. _____________________________________ Applicant’s signature ___________________________________ Date This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate ANNEX #1 Central America Youth Ambassador Program Letter of Recommendation for Youth # 1 INSTRUCTIONS: This form should be filled out by someone who has worked directly with the applicant (teacher, supervisor, community leader, etc.). Recommendations from friends or relatives will not be accepted. Applicant’s Full Name Name of Recommender ___ Name ____________________________ Title Institution Your opinion about the applicant will be a great help in the selection process. It is very important that your comments and responses are sincere and detailed. After completing this form, please return it to the applicant in a sealed and signed envelope. Thank you for your cooperation. 1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? 2. In the following table, please indicate the intellectual capacity and personality of the applicant compared to his/her peers. Qualities Unsatisfactory Below Average Average Very Good Ability to express his/herself Ability to take on responsibilities Motivation and entrepreneurial spirit Maturity and ability to work with others Youth leadership qualities/potential This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate Excellent 3. Describe situations in which the applicant has shown leadership skills and entrepreneurial or environmental spirit. _______ _______ 4. How does the applicant interact with his/her peers and teachers? Are there some aspects of the applicant’s behavior that could be improved? _______ _______ 5. Give an example of how the applicant has successfully adapted to a new or different situation. _______ _______ 6. What are some of the applicant's outstanding personal characteristics? Please mention below any additional information that you consider important for evaluating the applicant. _______ _______ Signature of Recommender Name Date Position Name, Address, and Telephone Number of the Office or Institution: _______ _______ This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate ANNEX #2 Central America Youth Ambassador Program Letter of Recommendation for Youth # 2 INSTRUCTIONS: This form should be filled out by someone who has worked directly with the applicant (teacher, supervisor, community leader, etc.). Recommendations from friends or relatives will not be accepted. Applicant’s Full Name Name of Recommender ___ Name ____________________________ Title Institution Your opinion about the applicant will be a great help in the selection process. It is very important that your comments and responses are sincere and detailed. After completing this form, please return it to the applicant in a sealed and signed envelope. Thank you for your cooperation. 1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? 2. In the following table, please indicate the intellectual capacity and personality of the applicant compared to his/her peers. Qualities Unsatisfactory Below Average Average Very Good Ability to express his/herself Ability to take on responsibilities Motivation and entrepreneurial spirit Maturity and ability to work with others Youth leadership qualities/potential This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate Excellent 3. Describe situations in which the applicant has shown leadership skills and entrepreneurial or environmental spirit. _______ _______ 4. How does the applicant interact with his/her peers and teachers? Are there some aspects of the applicant’s behavior that could be improved? _______ _______ 5. Give an example of how the applicant has successfully adapted to a new or different situation. _______ _______ 6. What are some of the applicant's outstanding personal characteristics? Please mention below any additional information that you consider important for evaluating the applicant. _______ _______ Signature of Recommender Name Date Position Name, Address, and Telephone Number of the Office or Institution: _______ _______ This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate ANNEX #3 Central America Youth Ambassador Program Parental Authorization I/We hereby grant permission for my/our son/daughter ________________________________, to participate in the 2017 Central Youth Ambassadors Program that will be held in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. ___________________________ Name of Mother/Legal Guardian ______________________________ Mother/Legal Guardian’s Signature _____________ Date ___________________________ Name of Father/Legal Guardian ______________________________ Father/Legal Guardian’s Signature _____________ Date Note: •In the case where one of the parents is deceased, please provide a copy of the death certificate. •If parents are separated or divorced, please provide information on the parent not living in the student's household. Contact Information: Street: Street Name and Number City and State Contact Information: Phone Number (complete) E-mail This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate ANNEX #4 Central America Youth Ambassador Program Liability Waiver and Authorization for Medical Treatment This form applies to all candidates who intend to participate in the Central America Youth Ambassadors Program (CAYA). This form must be signed by the parents or guardians if the student is under 21 years of age. This document establishes the following: Authorization to participate in the CAYA Program, which includes travel to Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic and all program activities during the three week exchange. Authorization permitting the Program Director, or his or her designee, to obtain medical treatment in the event that such a need should arise while the student is abroad. In the event of sickness or personal injury, I hereby authorize the Program Director, or his or her designee, to secure whatever treatment is deemed necessary, including the admission to a hospital, the administration of anesthetics, the transfusion of blood, and surgery. All necessary precautions will be taken to avoid accidents and mental and/or physical health problems, however, program officials must be in a position to act should such need arise. Authorization permitting any medical or health care provider to release any and all medical histories and documentation on the student to Georgetown University and/or the partner CAYA educational institution in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Acknowledgement that while the participant is in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, Georgetown CIED has enrolled him/her in an adequate medical insurance program, specifically the Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. Acknowledgement that student is travelling to a country on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) list for the Zika disease (please ensure that you review the CDC website for Zika facts and recommended preventative measures). This Authorization releases the U.S. government, Georgetown University and all Program representatives, employees, volunteers, and officers from any and all claims or causes of action for loss of property, mental and/or physical illness, personal injury or death sustained by the participant arising out of any travel or activity conducted by, in support of, or under the auspices of this Georgetown University Program. Your signature constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions: Participant Name: ________________________________ State: ______________________ Participant Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________________ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… For participants younger than 21 years old: Your signature constitutes your review and acceptance of these terms and conditions: I hereby give permission for __________________________, (name of participant) to participate in the CAYA Program to be held in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. I understand that Georgetown University has enrolled _________________, (name of participant) in a medical insurance program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE), which will provide coverage of reasonable and eligible health care costs beginning on the day of departure continuing throughout the term of the CAYA exchange in Central America. _____________________________ Name of Father or Legal Guardian ________________________________ Signature of Father of Legal Guardian _____________ Date _____________________________ Name of Mother or Legal Guardian ________________________________ Signature of Mother of Legal Guardian _____________ Date This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate ANNEX #5 Central America Youth Ambassador Program Medical Certificate Addendum 1. Participant’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ 2. Date of Birth:__________________________ Place of birth:_________________________ 3. Childhood diseases: _______________________________________________________________ 4. Surgeries: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Allergies or dietary restrictions:______________________________________________________ 6. Allergies to medicine (like penicillin): _________________________________________________ 7. Infectious diseases: _______________________________________________________________ 8. If participant has epilepsy, please indicate: - Type of seizures: - Frequency of seizures? _________________ - If taking any epilepsy medications please detailed the name and dosage: ____________ Gran Mal Petit Mal ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Is the participant diabetic? No Yes Medications? __________________________ 10. Is the participant asthmatic? No Yes Medications? __________________________ 11. Vaccines: Please attach your vaccination official records all documentation for past vaccinations Type of Vaccine Vaccination date (month/day/year) Diphtheria Tetanus Rubella Measles Chicken Pox Poliomyelitis Mumps This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate 12. Does the participant have any history or present evidence of nervous, emotional, or mental problems? Yes No If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13. Will the student be taking any prescribed medication during the exchange trip? Yes No If yes, what medication? Generic name, dosage, and reasons of medication: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Note: Some medications are restricted in certain countries; please have the student check at YFU USA (http://yfuusa.org/). Students should carry a prescription for their medication when they travel; the generic name of the drug should be noted on the prescription. 14. Is the participant willing to eat?* Fish/Shellfish Yes No Poultry Yes No Pork Yes No Beef Yes No Dairy Yes No Everything Yes No * If vegetarian, keep in mind that the program will try to offer you a special menu but in some circumstances the options may be limited. This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate ANNEX #6 Central America Youth Ambassador Program Code of Commitment By accepting to be a participant in the Youth Ambassadors program I acknowledge that I understand and commit to the program goals and expectations and that I acknowledge that I am responsible for my actions and behavior during the three-week program in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. I understand that Georgetown University has rules and behavior to follow that I will obey, together with the laws of Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The following principles reflect the conduct expected of each participant in the Youth Ambassadors program: 1. Attend all activities of the Youth Ambassadors program, comply with all the tasks assigned in the program, and participate actively. 2. Accept local customs and share my own culture with other people in the communities visited, especially during the host family stay and with other young people from the program. 3. Maintain proper personal hygiene. 4. Respect the rights and differences of all who comprise the group, taking into account that both women and men and all the people from other races and religions must be treated equally with fairness and respect. 5. Be responsible for safeguarding your own money and valuables to reduce the risk of loss or theft. The Program will not be responsible for loss of money or valuables. 6. Moderately use electronic equipment, such as computers, Internet, tablets or phones. When staying with host families, always request permission to use the equipment. Computer and telephone use should be limited so that you can dedicate time with your host family. 7. Do not violate U.S. federal or state laws, which prohibit: a. b. c. d. e. f. Purchase and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages if you are under 21 years of age Purchase, sale and/or use of drugs Rape or sexual assault Sexual harassment, threats or intimidation (verbal, written, physical) of any kind Shoplifting Carrying weapons (guns, knives, etc.), insult or assault Disciplinary Policy Any failure to comply with the laws of the United States, the participating overseas countries and/or rules of the program will result in an official warning and may be the cause for which the participant is dismissed from the program. People who commit a violation of local, state and federal regulations shall be subject to a legal process under the judicial system in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. A participant may be prosecuted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment if found guilty. _________________________________ Participant’s Name ________________________________ Participant’s signature ___________ Date This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate ANNEX #7 Central America Youth Ambassador Program Questionnaire for host family stay Name ________________________________________ Age ______ State ___________________ 1. Do you speak Spanish? No____ Yes____ How well?________________________________ 2. Do you have siblings? No ____ Yes____ How many?________________________________ 3. Do you like pets? No ____ Yes____ Which ones?_______________________________ 4. Do you have allergies? No ____ Yes____ To what?__________________________________ 5. What type of food do you like? ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you have any dietary restrictions? ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is your t-shirt size? XS S M L XL XXL 8. Please list what time you usually do the following activities: ● Wake up _______ ● Breakfast ________ ● Eat dinner _______ ● Go to bed ________ 9. What would you like to talk/learn/experience with your host family? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What do you think will be your biggest challenge during your stay with the host family? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. What kind of responsibilities/tasks would you like to have during your stay with the host family? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. How would you like to resolve conflicts that may arise while you stay with your host family? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ This material is free. It’s sale is illegal. Any false information submitted will cause the immediate disqualification of the candidate
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