‘Unless we address the root causes of the problem, the notorious “glass ceiling” will stay firmly in place, and women’s participation in corporate leadership over the next 30 years will remain low.’ Women Matter (McKinsey & Co, 2007) Civil Service Gender Equality Report and Survey Results July 2014 1 Contents Page 1. Introduction 2. Gender Equality Recommendations 3. Next Steps 3 3 4 Appendix 1 – Report on Gender Equality – August 2012 Appendix 2 – Report on the Results of the Gender Equality Survey – March 2014 2 5 41 1. Introduction In October 2011, the Succession Management Group determined that the Office of Human Resources should conduct an investigation into the issue of gender representation within the IOM Civil Service. As a result of work subsequently undertaken on behalf of OHR, a report on Gender Equality by Hannah Leighton was produced in August 2012, with the following overall aim: Understand the IOMCS situation in terms of gender equality, specifically in relation to whether there are barriers to women’s progression into senior management, and if so to propose recommendations to improve the situation. The report, which identified a number of issues, together with its recommendations was considered by the Civil Service Commission on 5th September 2012. This report is reproduced at Appendix 1. As a result of the report, the Commission agreed that a survey should be conducted to obtain views of how to improve gender equality within the Civil Service at Senior Management level. The survey was carried out across Isle of Man Government during 2013 and the results were summarised into a further report in March 2014. The summary report of the survey findings is reproduced at Appendix 2. 2. Gender Equality Recommendations Recommendation 1 The succession management group will develop a long term plan to improve gender representation in the Civil Service senior management. The Office of Human Resources will report annually on agreed gender equality performance indicators and recommendations. Recommendation 2 Improve existing maternity arrangements by: a) improved marketing for Keep in Touch days for those on Maternity Leave, b) creating guidance for managers about managing their staff whilst on and when returning from maternity leave, c) reporting on maternity returners and leavers to inform future decision making about maternity arrangements. Recommendation 3 Improve flexibility of roles by developing a new flexible working policy which is open to all and clearly outlines different options to achieve the role being undertaken flexibly, e.g. working from home and office, part time, job share roles and flexible hours. Recommendation 4 The succession management group will nominate a representative to attend the Isle of Man Women’s Business Network to contribute suggestions and ideas to the succession management group. 3 Recommendation 5 Change existing HR recruitment arrangements by: a) including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to job share, work part time hours or develop flexible working arrangements, b) ensuring that, wherever possible, recruitment panels contain a mix of gender. Recommendation 6 In order to secure a commitment towards achieving gender equality senior women in the organisation should be identified and developed as mentors. Recommendation 7 Adapt Learning and Organisational Development courses in order to a) Incorporate sessions on the benefits of flexible working and how to overcome the difficulties or job sharing and flexible working into relevant management training programmes. b) Create a programme to improve the personal confidence of staff through self-review, succession online and development centres. c) enable leadership and management development courses to be delivered on a flexible basis, and d) Incorporate sessions on diversity and the Fairness at Work policy into relevant management training programmes and the Introduction to Isle of Man Government. 3. Next Steps In order to implement the recommendations, the Office of Human Resources under the auspices of the Succession Management Group, will now draw up an action plan and key staff will be identified to take forward the various work streams, in conjunction with the Government Officers Associate as appropriate. The Succession management group currently comprises: Chief Secretary (Chair) Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Chief Executive Officer, DEC Executive Director – Office of Human Resources Head of Learning & Organisational Development Head of Personal Development Director of Manx National Heritage Lay Member – Civil Service Commission Staff who wish to comment further on the recommendations or would like to contribute to or participate in the work identified should contact the Office of Human Resources at [email protected] 4 Appendix 1 – Civil Service Report on Gender Equality CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................... 7 2. Introduction and Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Aims and Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 9 3. Current Demographics of the Isle of Man Civil Service ........................................................................... 11 3.1 Workforce Data ................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Pay Gap Data ....................................................................................................................................... 14 4. Benchmarking .......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1 Benchmarking against the Current Working population of the Isle of Man ....................................... 15 4.2 Benchmarking Against the UK Civil Service ......................................................................................... 15 4.3 Benchmarking Internationally ............................................................................................................. 16 4.4 Opportunity Now Benchmarking Trends Analysis 2010 - 2011 .......................................................... 16 5. IOM Civil Service Recruitment 01 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 .............................................................. 19 6. IOM Civil Service Leavers 01 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 ...................................................................... 20 7. Why are there so few Women in Senior Management Positions? ......................................................... 21 7.1 Worklife Balance ................................................................................................................................. 21 7.2 Access to Development and Training .................................................................................................. 22 7.3 Male Dominated Culture ..................................................................................................................... 22 7.4 Women’s Discomfort in Promoting Themselves ................................................................................. 23 7.5 Recruitment Bias ................................................................................................................................. 24 7.6 Lack of Female Role Models ................................................................................................................ 24 7.7 Lack of Understanding of Gender Diversity Issues .............................................................................. 25 7.8 Womens Own Choices and Preferences ............................................................................................. 25 5 8. Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................. 26 Annex A – Demographics of the Civil Service by grade as at 31 March 2011. ..................................... 29 Annex B – Demographics of the Civil Service by hours worked as at 31 March 2011. ........................ 30 Annex C – Demographics of the Civil Service by age range and by years service as at 31 March 2011. ................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Annex D - Pay Gap information of the Civil Service as at 31 March 2011. ............................................ 32 Annex E – Isle of Man Census Data, 2011 ................................................................................................. 33 Annex F – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Gender pay gap .................... 33 Annex G – World EconomicForum’s Global Gender Gap .......................................................................... 34 Annex H – Recruitment figures for the Civil Service between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011 ........ 34 Annex I – Recruitment figures for the Civil Service between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011 by pay span .................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Annex j – Recruitment for JESP Posts over the last 4 years .............................................................................. 36 Annex K - The Case for Greater Equality .................................................................................................... 37 6 1. Executive Summary The Succession Management Group determined in October 2011 that the Office of Human Resources should conduct an investigation into the issue of gender representation within the IOM Civil Service. The aim of this report is to understand the IOM CS situation in terms of gender equality, specifically in relation to whether there are barriers to women’s progression into senior management, and if so to propose recommendations to improve the situation. On the 31 March 2011 there were 2,202.92 civil service posts (FTE) and 2,433 civil servants in the 9 Departments and various Boards/Offices. The gender profile of the Civil Service on the 31 March 2011 was 1,357 (56%) female and 1060 (44%) male. The percentage of women in each pay span steadily decreases from 73% and 76% in pay spans 1 and 2, the administrative grades, down to 0% in the higher JESP pay spans. Only 19% of the Corporate Leadership Group is female and there are currently no women within the Chief Officers Group. 90% of the part time roles in the organisation were being utilised by women. When considering just the full time staff in the IOM CS women’s representation starts to drop below the men’s at Pay Span 4 as opposed to Pay Span 6. The pay gap data for the IOM CS when split by the pay spans is between 1% and 6%. When looking at the average salary for men and the average salary for women, there is a significant pay gap of 24%. When considering recruitment the data for the year ending 31 March 2011 shows that on reaching Pay Span 6* (SEO level in the general structure) there is a fall in applications from women, (34% of the applications compared to the 50 – 60% in the previous pay spans). This is generally reflected through the rest of the senior posts with the percentage of women applying for JESP posts, for example, ranging from 0 to 28%. When looking at the data for the recruitment to JESP roles over the last 4 years, the disproportion is clear and striking, 77% of applicants for JESP roles were male, 86% of candidates shortlisted were male and all appointees were male. The IOM CS does not have a business case or strategy for greater gender diversity and has not identified a Gender Champion to lead the organisation, and convince the service of the need for gender diversity. The IOM CS has presented workforce data to the Civil Service Commission which has prompted this further report; however the data relating to gender needs to be more extensive and captured as a performance target on its own to ensure it is not lost in the other data being presented. There are many theories and literature sources which consider reasons for the lack of women in the senior management. 7 This report has summarised these theories with eight categories. Work-life balance Access to training and development Male dominated culture Women’s discomfort in promoting themselves Recruitment bias Lack of female role models Lack of understanding of gender diversity issues Women’s own choices and preferences 8 2. Introduction and Objectives 2.1 Background Information on gender ratios was included within the Civil Service Commission annual report to the Chief Minister for the period of the 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011. The report stated that “the proportion of female civil servants is lowest at executive and senior management levels. The Commission recognises that this data raises some questions about advancement opportunities for women and therefore intends to conduct some analysis over the coming year to ascertain the reasons for this and the options available to improve gender balance.” As a consequence of the above an initial pilot study was conducted by Joe Cowin, a STEP student placed with the Office of Human Resources in July 2011. The resulting report highlighted that there were complex issues to be considered in relation to the gender representation within the senior management of the IOMCS and the Succession Management Group determined in October 2011 that the Office of Human Resources should conduct a further investigation into the issue of gender representation. This report has not received input from Trade Union representatives or other Government Employers. 2.2 Aims and Objectives The overall aim of this research report is to: Understand the IOMCS situation in terms of gender equality, specifically in relation to whether there are barriers to women’s progression into senior management, and if so to propose recommendations to improve the situation. To achieve this aim the report will: Determine the current demographics of the Isle of Man Civil Service (IOMCS) at all grades and pay spans. Benchmark how the IOMCS compares to other public and private enterprises globally and how the IOMCS compares against the makeup of the economically active population within the island. Explore what problems, if any, gender bias might present to the organisation by gathering relevant equality and representation research and applying it to the IOMCS. Investigate through the gathering of quantitative data where gender inequality appears in the recruitment process by looking at, among other things, the number of women and men applying for positions, being shortlisted for positions and being appointed and promoted to positions. 9 Benchmark the qualitative and quantitative data against any relevant data which can be gathered regarding global public and private enterprises. Make recommendations based on analysis of the quantitative data to improve gender representation within the IOMCS. 10 3. Current Demographics of the Isle of Man Civil Service On the 31 March 2011 there were 2,202.92 civil service posts (FTE) and 2,433 civil servants in the 9 Departments and various Boards/Offices. The gender profile of the Civil Service on the 31 March 2011 was 1,357 (56%) female and 1060 (44%) male.1 Only 19% of the Corporate Leadership Group is female and there are currently no women within the Chief Officers Group. This section looks at workforce information relating to representation, composition and structure of the IOMCS and at pay information capturing the pay differences between men and women within the service. To understand why there is a problem with gender representation at the senior level we must investigate all levels of the IOM Civil Service. It is important that if barriers do exist to the promotion of women that the level they exist at is identified. 3.1 Workforce Data 3.1.1 Representation At Different Levels The grade structure of the civil service is split into different classes. General grades which tend to be clerical and administrative in nature and range from Administrative, i.e. Administrative Assistant up to Senior Management i.e. Senior Executive Officer (SEO). The General grades range between Pay Span 1 and Pay Span 7. Departmental and Technical grades which are likely to be more specialised and often require professional qualifications or specialist experience. The Departmental grades range between Pay Span 1 and Pay Span 9. 2 Secretarial grades. The Secretarial grades range between Pay Span 2 and Pay Span 4. Support grades which provide non-clerical support to Departments. The Support grades range from Pay Span 1 to Pay Span 4. CLG grades which represent the Corporate Leadership Group. The CLG grades cover the JESP Pay Spans. Figure 1 on the next page displays the percentage of men and women in each progressive pay span. The table shows that the percentage of women in each pay span steadily decreases from 73% and 76% in pay spans 1 and 2, the administrative grades, down to 0% in the higher JESP pay spans. The only exception to this is Pay Span 8 which is made up of 17 people and is chiefly composed of legal officers in the Attorney Generals Chambers. 1 Report of the Civil Service Commission to the Chief Minister, 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 2 There are also separate grades for airport staff and for technical staff; however, as these are specialised in nature and only account for 42 staff they have not been included in the data 11 Figure 1 – Percentage of Women and Men in each Pay Span Pay Span Pay Span 1 Pay Span 2 Pay Span 3 Pay Span 4 Pay Span 5 Pay Span 6 Pay Span 7 Pay Span 8 Pay Span 9 JESP 5-8 JESP 9-13 JESP 14-18 JESP 20 % Female 73% 76% 65% 38% 40% 29% 23% 53% 25% 22% 14% 0 0 % Male 27% 24% 35% 62% 60% 71% 77% 47% 75% 78% 88% 100% 100% Figure 2. Gender Representation at pay spans 7 and above as at 31 March 2011. Number of Employees Gender Representation at pay spans 7 and above as at 31 March 2011. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Female Male Pay Span Pay Span Pay Span JESP 5-8 JESP 9-13 JESP 147 8 9 18 JESP 20 Pay Span Figure 2 illustrates the lack of representation of women in the senior pay spans. To identify if the low representation of women in senior management is prevalent across all grade structures the gender representation across the five identified groups has been collected. The tables in Annex A show the percentage of women and men in each of the five groups. It is apparent when looking at the data for the staff groups that there is a gender equality issue in all groups. The first table shows the general grade structure, female representation is significantly higher than male representation in the administrative grades, AA and AO, representation then becomes more balanced at the HEO grade and then female representation falls behind male representation at SEO level. 12 In the departmental grade structure there are more men than women at all levels (apart from the anomaly relating to pay span 8 legal roles commented on previously). A possible explanation for this is that these roles tend to be specialist and often focus within engineering, Information Technology or other traditionally male subject areas. The secretarial grade group is predominately female with only 2 male secretaries out of over 250 in the group. The support grade group is comprised of a small number of staff (83 staff) of whom 48 are female and 35 are male. 3.1.2 representation by hours worked The lack of flexible working hours is often cited as a barrier to women’s progression to the senior roles within an organisation. The ability to work part time which suits many women when raising a young family is argued to be difficult to support within senior management positions. To consider how part time working affects gender representation, Annex B displays two tables showing the gender representation for part time staff and for full time only staff. On the 31st March 2011, 90% of the part time roles in the organisation were being utilised by women, so it is clear that the lack of part time roles above pay span 5 (as shown in Annex B) is going to have an impact on women. When considering just the full time staff in the IOM CS, gender equality appears to be even more of a problem than evident from the data for all staff. The representation of women starts to drop below men’s levels of representation at Pay Span 4 as opposed to Pay Span 6. There are 6 members of staff working part time above Pay Span 5, of these 5 are men and one is a women. These jobs tend to be within the Departmental grade structure, roles which are specialised in nature and require specialist experience or qualifications which may make the jobs hard to recruit to and so management are eager to retain the staff currently employed. These positions are also more likely to lack a management responsibility which makes it easier for management to accommodate staff working flexibly. 3.1.3 Representation by Age range and Years Service Annex C displays a table outlining gender representation in the various age groups and another which displays gender by years of service. There are more women than men in every age range which reflects the fact that there are more women in the service than men. When considering how long employees have been in the service women make up a greater percentage of civil servants with less than 20 years of service. However, there are more men than women in the service who have served over 20 years. Potentially this is accounted for by the greater proportion of women taking career breaks or entering the workforce after having children. 13 3.2 Pay Gap Data Annex D displays the Pay Gap information of the Civil Service as at 31 March 2011. According to the OECD, the gender pay gap (also known as gender wage gap) is the difference between male and female earnings expressed as a percentage of male earnings. There is a debate to what extent this is the result of gender differences, implicit discrimination due to lifestyle choices (e.g., number of hours worked, need for maternity leave), or because of explicit discrimination. However, most governments accept that it is a useful indicator of gender equality and aim to close the gender pay gap. Looking at pay gap data in Annex D reveals that when the pay gap data is split by the pay spans the male average wage remains higher than the female average wage in all categories except pay span 3. The pay gap is between 1% and 6%. The pay gap when looking at the average salary for men and the average salary for women across all pay spans is significant, 24%. When separated to consider the pay gap between full time and part time only staff, the full time gender gap remains high at 21%; the part time pay gap, which is just 9%, is distorted by the fact that there are a very small number of men working part time, in comparison to the number of women. The overall pay gap is confirming that there is a large number of women in the organisation who are occupying the administrative grades compared to men who occupy more of the senior roles in the organisation. 14 4. Benchmarking 4.1 Benchmarking against the Current Working population of the Isle of Man Annex E shows the resident economically active Manx population from the 2011 Census. 54% of the economically active population is male and 46% is female. When looking at the figures for working for an employer full time the percentage moves slightly to 58% and 42% respectively and when considering the Isle of Man’s part time workers 22% are male and 78% of the part time work force is female. Within the IOM CS 44% of the workforce is male and women make up 56% of the workforce. Women make up 90% of the part time workforce. 4.2 Benchmarking Against the UK Civil Service Figures regarding the UK Civil Service have been obtained from the UK Civil Service Statistics report from the Office for National Statistics. UK Civil Service as at 31 March 2011 53% IOM Civil Service as at 31 March 2011 56% Percentage of female employees working at the administrative level 50% (Administrative Assistant and Administrative Officer) 58% (Pay Span 1 and 2) Percentage of the part time work force which are female Percentage of Senior Civil Service which are female 84% 90% 35% (Comparable to JESP) Gender Pay Gap for all employees Gender Pay Gap for full time employees Gender Pay Gap for part time employees Gender Pay Gap for all employees where responsibility level is taken into account 16% 11% 17% Between 2% and 7%. 19% of JESP posts 0% of Chief Officers Group 24% 21% 9% Between 1% and 6%. Percentage of female employees These figures show that the IOM CS contains a similar percentage of women with a similar percentage working at the administrative level when compared with the UK Civil Service. There is a significantly lower representation of women in the senior management group than compared to the UK Civil Service. The gender pay gap for the IOM Civil Service is higher when looking at all employees and full time employees than the UK Civil Service, however, the gap is shorter when this is considered by different responsibility levels which reaffirms that the gap is in the main caused by the high number of women employed at the lower grades of IOM Civil Service. 15 The median pay gap between men and women in the UK the last time official statistics were published by Office for National Statistics was 19.8%. 4.3 Benchmarking Internationally Annex F displays the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Gender pay gap. Annex G displays the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) produced a gender profiling tool which helps compare gender pay gap data for countries around the world. Annex F shows that the lowest scores are in New Zealand. Within Europe, the UK gender gap is the second highest in Europe. Norway and Belgium have a gender pay gap over 10% lower than the IOM Civil Service comparative. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index which ranked 135 countries according to salaries, workforce participation, and access to education as well as other criteria shows that they ranked the Nordic countries as the leaders in the field. It states that Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden all see women paid almost as much as men and occupying almost as many senior jobs. It also found that ‘whilst many developed economies have succeeded in closing the gender gap in education, few have succeeded in maximising the returns from this investment. The Nordic countries are leaders in this area. On the whole these economies have made it possible for parents to combine work and family.’ 4.4 Opportunity Now Benchmarking Trends Analysis 2010 - 2011 The Opportunity Now Benchmarking survey is the UK’s most extensive survey of gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace and contains information from 50 private sector and 26 public sector organisations. It is often used by UK Government departments and boards as a benchmarking tool to evaluate their progress towards creating an inclusive workplace for women. The Opportunity Now benchmarking exercise considers three areas which are as follows: Motivate which asks organisations about their motivation and leadership, Act which asks organisations about the types of action being taken, and Impact which asks organisations about the impact of such action, in different ways, on the organisation. Motivate found that in 2010, 87% of organisations had a business case covering diversity and that 27% of chief executives had taken up the position of gender champion. This was an increase from 18% in 2008. Scores in the engagement section found that both the public and private sectors (49% and 45% respectively) were relatively low in how effectively organisations communicate the gender strategy with their employees. Act found that in 2010, 92% of employers had a gender diversity strategy and the same number had a diversity team or person. Diversity training was widespread with 95% of organisations offering it, 41% of organisations reporting that it was mandatory for all staff 16 and 59% saying it was mandatory for all staff with supervisory roles. Follow on actions taken to embed diversity into the organisation culture were not as widespread with only 32% incorporating diversity targets into annual performance reviews. The flexible working options offered were numerous with all organisations offering at least three options, for example part time working, term time hours, flexi-time, however, 28% of organisations said they did not consider flexibility at all when designing new roles or when advertising existing roles. Organisations have implemented a range of initiatives to encourage the engagement of women in the more senior levels of the organisation. Initiatives to support women in senior management roles Mentoring and reverse mentoring programmes Unconscious bias training built into recruitment, development promotion Focus groups for senior/mid-level women to understand their challenges Senior Leader sponsors for all high potential women Maternity management and ‘Maternity Returners’ coaching Training/activities to promote inclusive behaviours to ensure per acceptance of newly promoted women Appointment of male gender champions Specific training for women, following promotion Financial support to carers required to travel globally Taken from the Opportunity Now Benchmarking Trends Analysis 2010/11 % of organisations currently doing this 76% 61% 61% 55% 54% 51% 43% 32% 22% 70% of organisations stated they had conducted an equal pay audit and 61% stated that action was taken when a pay gap is identified and resources are allocated to the issue. Impact found that 91% of organisations presented workforce profile data to their main board. 30% of senior managers in the public sector are women compared to 29% of the senior managers in the private sector. Performance improvements relating to the recruitment, progression and engagement of female employees were reported by over 63% of organisations and a reduction in staff turnover was reported by 39% of organisations. Gender and Hierarchy 2010 18% of women at the Chief Executive/Chief Officer level. In the private sector this 12% and in the public sector this 26%. 23% of women at the Governing board level. In the private sector 22% in the public sector 25%. 29% of women at the senior management level. In the private sector 29% and in the public sector this is 30%. 44% of women at the other managerial levels. In the private sector this is 44% and in the public sector this is 43%. 17 54% of non managerial employees are women. In the private sector this is 57% and in the public sector this is 48%. Comparison with the Isle of Man situation The IOM CS does not have a business case or strategy for greater gender diversity and has not identified a Gender Champion to lead the organisation, and convince the service of the need for gender diversity. The IOM CS does not offer diversity training and there are no proposals to include targets directed towards improved organisational diversity into performance reviews. The IOM CS does offer at least three options of flexible working at various levels of the organisation for example, TOIL, career breaks, term time working and part time or reduced hours. Considering the table representing the range of initiatives organisations offer to support women in senior management roles the IOM CS does not currently offer any of these programmes except for; Mentoring and coaching, although there is a lack of female mentors in these schemes; and, Maternity management offered centrally which focuses on the processes and letters involved rather than the conversations managers should have with staff before and during maternity and the management and support of people returning from maternity leave. The IOM government has an Equal Opportunities handbook which was produced in 2007 and allows for positive action to be taken in certain circumstances. It requires updating and a new awareness campaign so that managers are aware of the possibilities included within it. The IOM CS has presented workforce data to the Civil Service Commission which has prompted this further report; the data relating to gender needs to be more extensive and captured as a performance target on its own to ensure it is not lost in the other data being presented. The IOM CS has not conducted an equal pay audit. 18 5. IOM Civil Service Recruitment 01 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 Annex H, shows the figures for recruitment taking place over the course of one financial year, 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011. Annex I breaks these figures down looking at the recruitment which occurred in each pay span. The recruitment information for the Civil Service between April 2010 and March 2011 only portrays a snapshot of the situation within the IOM CS and provides an idea about where potential areas of concern are in the recruitment process to help focus initial recommendations. Data from other governments regarding their recruitment statistics was unattainable for this report and therefore the report is unable to comment on how IOM CS recruitment compares to other public and private organisations. The number of female applications up to Pay Span 5, compared to the number of females shortlisted compared to the number of females appointed appears to be reasonably equal in comparison to the number of male applications, shortlisted candidates and appointees. There is an anomaly in this data relating to pay span 3. The majority of posts in this pay span are Personal Secretary posts and the grade is made up predominantly of women. When reaching Pay Span 6* (SEO level in the general structure) there is a fall in applications from women, (34 per cent of the applications compared to the 50 – 60 per cent in the previous pay spans). This is generally reflected through the rest of the senior posts with the percentage of women applying for JESP posts, for example, ranging from 0 to 28%. The percentage of women applying for JESP posts is broadly similar to the percentage of women shortlisted suggesting that there isn’t a problem in short listing available applicants. However, it is clear that, as there were no appointments of women to the CLG level in the year, shortlisted women are hitting a barrier at the interview stage. The data implies that addressing the gender imbalance through recruitment practices requires looking at why women are not applying for the senior roles in as great a number as men and why women are not successful at interview for these high level positions. 72 of the adverts processed were for limited term appointments and of this 10 were not filled. Of the 62 limited term appointments which were advertised and filled women accounted for 77% of the appointments. Only 3 LTA positions appointed to were above pay span 5. Men were successful for two of these positions and the third was a woman. 43 of the adverts processed were for part time positions and of this 6 were not filled. Of the 37 part time positions advertised and filled, women accounted for 89% of the appointments. Only 1 of the part time positions advertised was above pay span 5. This appointment was for a legal officer (D804) in the AGC and a man was appointed to the post. When considering Annex J, which looks at the recruitment details for JESP posts over the last 4 years, the disproportion is clear and striking, 77% of applicants for JESP roles were male, 86% of candidates shortlisted were male and all appointees were male. 19 6. IOM Civil Service Leavers 01 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 In the period beginning on 1 April 2010 and ending 31 March 2011 there were a total of 171 people who left the service. Of this 60% were women and 40% were men. The grounds for leaving the Civil Service during 2010/11 showed that the majority of those leaving (69%) left due to resignation. There is currently no data available to show how many of the resignations were submitted as a result of gender issues, such as the need for increased flexibility in the role or non-returners from maternity leave. 20 7. Why are there so few Women in Senior Management Positions? Women in Management Worldwide (Davidson and Burke, 2011) reports that research shows the trend in developed countries worldwide is that women are entering the workplace at levels similar to men, with similar credentials but their career paths quickly diverge; furthermore, women are obtaining the necessary experience for advancement but still fall short in gaining the senior positions. If it is not credentials and experience creating the shortfall of women in senior leadership other reasons must be considered for the so called ‘leaky talent pipeline’ whereby more women are left behind at each transition up the management ranks. There are many theories and literature which suggest reasons for the lack of women in the senior management. These reasons are well researched and information from the many studies in this area have been collated below. It is impossible to know which circumstances apply to the IOM CS and represent the greatest barriers to women’s advancement without conducting a staff wide survey to gather a representative sample of the IOM CS workforce’s views. It is likely that all of the reasons below have some part to play therefore tackling all of these issues should be considered by any employer who wishes to create an increasingly equal and therefore successful organisation. 7.1 Worklife Balance The choice to start and raise a family disproportionately affects women’s career development. In the 2011 ILM ‘Ambition and gender at work’ report, 3000 managers of various public and private organisations were surveyed and the results showed that; 42% of women had taken statutory maternity leave; 21% had left to care for children; 9% of men had taken paternity leave; and 2% had left to care for children. Women pay a higher price for success, a survey of almost 1000 senior male and female managers around the world carried out by McKinsey & Co for the report ‘Women Matter’ found that 54% of the women were childless compared to 29% of the men and 33% of the women were single compared to 18% of the men. The report quotes a Harvard business review survey which confirms that the higher up the corporate ladder a woman is, the fewer children she has whereas the reverse is true for men. Women in Management Worldwide (Davidson and Burke, 2011) found that childcare was an important concern for women in almost all countries. The disproportionate responsibility for childcare combined with the lack of availability for flexible hours in senior management roles, or the concern regarding how many hours will be expected of an appointee above the 21 jobs advertised full time hours, contributes to gender imbalance affecting women once they have returned to the working environment. 7.2 Access to Development and Training Research indicates that talented women at the lower levels of the organisation may not receive the necessary development opportunities compared to their male counterparts (Powell, 2010). McKinsey & Co (Women in the Economy, April 2011) found that organisations are not ‘systematically watching these women at the middle management level and putting in programs that would help them develop and get over the next [promotion] hurdle.’ 39% of applicants for the IOM CS Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) were female in 2010 and this dropped to under 30% in 2011. Prior to this there was a break in offering the programme due to an evaluation of the course and tendering process. The previous programmes run in 2002/4 and 2005/6 had a female representation of 17% and 30% respectively. The fact more men than women undertake this course may reflect a variety of reasons, the lack of women in senior management available to participate in the course, most applicants come from SEO level where representation at 31 March 2011 was 40% which equates to the representation in the 2011 programme, or the lack of confidence/desire for women to put themselves forward for such development opportunity. Training courses such as the IOM CS Middle Management Development Programme (MMDP) and Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) are offered on a full time schedule and this may be difficult for women to attend if they have childcare responsibilities and difficult for a manager to accommodate if they have a part time worker as there is a greater percentage of time lost due to increased TOIL. This should be explored further within an employee survey. 7.3 Male Dominated Culture Research by Catalyst, a consultancy firm, entitled ‘Cascading Gender Biases, Compounding effects’ suggests organisations unconsciously promoting the traits exhibited by the organisations senior leadership and that even talent management systems can be vulnerable to this gender bias. In most organisations, as in the IOM CS, the leadership is predominately made up of male executives Catalyst found that in many organisations executives set the tone while employees mirrored these traits that had made the existing leaders successful. Therefore, leadership becomes defined by masculine stereotypes and employees, both male and female, tend to be viewed as less competent or as weak leaders if they display qualities, 22 characteristics and skills considered atypical or feminine which leads to a perpetual cycle of bias against women. The report specified that respondents to a focus group conducted for the report raised concerns that managers may have difficulty identifying talent which doesn’t look like what they expect it to look like. Though this is likely to affect both men and women, Research by Newarks Rutgers University and published in the journal Psychology of Women Quarterly (2009) discovered that ‘women who came across as ambitious, competitive and capable could put themselves at as much as a disadvantage as women who presented themselves as competent yet modest.’ It found that women when presenting themselves at interview are ‘damned if they do and dammed if they don’t’ being unable to present themselves as confident and self assured without appearing ambitious, disingenuous and controlling due to the interviewers unconscious bias. Morrison, White and Van Velsor (1987) reported that women had difficulties fitting into their organisations culture and were seen by men as wanting too much for themselves or for other women, or had performance difficulties. Managerial women had to walk a fine line, they had to be tough but not too tough, and they had to stand on their own yet ask for help when needed. More than 20 years later, male-defined views of work and career success still represent the norm (O’Neil, Hopkins and Bilimoria, 2008). 7.4 Women’s Discomfort in Promoting Themselves A lack of confidence repeatedly crops up in studies as one of the barriers to women’s progression to senior leadership. ‘Ambition and gender at work’ (ILM report, 2011) claimed that women are impeded in their careers by lower ambitions and expectations. Compared to their male counterparts they lack the self belief and confidence which leads to a cautious approach to career opportunities. ‘Women Matter’ (McKinsey & Co, 2007) argues that one of the keys to success lies in the ability to promote oneself and be assertive about one’s performance and ambitions, it appears women try to minimise their own contributions. In a survey of MBA students 70% of female respondent’s rate their own performance as equivalent to that of their co-workers whilst 70% of men rate themselves higher than their co-workers. The same report detailed the following case studies to support this claim: HP internal research discussed in the same report showed that women will only apply for a position if they think they meet 100% of the job specification, whereas men will apply if they think they meet 60%. A board member of a large banking group recently claimed that ‘On the same project, men will show 100% ambition even if they only have 50% of the required 23 skills, whereas women will be concerned about having only 80% of the required skills’. Lloyds TSB found though female employees are 8% more likely than men to meet or exceed their performance targets they are less likely to apply for promotion. If women are less likely than men to recognise – and appreciate – their own performance, it will be difficult for them to emphasise their talents and gain recognition in the organisation. 7.5 Recruitment Bias An organisation placing an advert and claiming there is equality of opportunity is not doing enough to harness all of its available talent and as there is clear evidence that women are more hesitant to put themselves forward and men are more likely to apply for stretching jobs, even if each of their ability is the same it can be argued that open advertising may not produce the best candidate either. To ensure the most effective leaders are appointed all available talent should be represented at the shortlisting and interview stage so senior women within the organisation should be identified and encouraged to apply. ‘A Business Case for Women’ (McKinsey Quarterly, 2008) gives an example: ‘One European company in a technical sales oriented line of business was receiving only 5% of job applications for a specified job from women, by changing the ad’s stock photo of a man to one of the company’s senior women and by focusing the text on enthusiasm and innovation instead of aggressiveness and competitiveness the company raised the rate of applications from women to 40%.’ This statistic displays how dramatically advert wording and organisational perception can influence the gender make up of applicants. Bias can become present at any point during the selection process, this can be a result of a previous bad experience recruiting a female senior manager or can be because the organisation values time served rather than potential talent which may indirectly discriminate against the female applicants who may have entered the service later or taken career breaks. 7.6 Lack of Female Role Models The lack of female role models in senior management cannot help but have a negative impact on the career ambitions and expectations of women within the service. Mentoring is a proven successful tool in addressing women’s self-belief and confidence in their ability to succeed at high level roles. (Ambition and gender at work, ILM Report 2011)This is difficult to achieve due to a lack of senior women within the IOM CS to act as mentors to prospective future leaders. Without any role models the likelihood is that women will have a heightened perception of the difficulty of achieving success 24 In ‘Women Matter’ (McKinsey & Co, 2007) the report identifies that a major barrier that emerged from their research was that women have a difficulty identifying with success and that this appears to restrict their own professional success. Women in Leadership: A European Business Imperative (Catalyst, 2000) found that in the US 64% of women see the absence of a female role model as a barrier to their development. McKinsey & Co (Women in the Economy, April 2011) reviewed over 100 existing research papers, surveyed 2,500 men and women and interviewed 30 chief diversity officers and experts to understand the factors that hold women back. They found that Women in their survey cited a number of familiar factors they found to be discouraging including: Lack of access to informal networks where they can make important connections, a lack of female role models higher up in the organisation, and a lack of sponsors to provide opportunities, which many male colleagues have. 7.7 A Lack of Understanding of Gender Diversity Issues McKinsey & Co in their various reports on gender equality within the working environment underline the necessity of transparency, claiming that ‘it is the first step towards achieving any change.’ Where a company does not gather, report and monitor the key data in relation to gender within the workforce, it cannot hope to adequately address the challenges of reaching gender equality. Organisations which are able to promote and retain women most successfully have senior executives who monitor key performance indicators and incorporate them into regular reviews. 7.8 Womens Own Choices and Preferences The Financial Times report on Gender & The Workplace: What do women really want from work (May 2011) discusses how women rank a number of career priorities such as flexible work arrangements, collaboration, making a contribution, working with people they respect. They reference at least 10 studies which show that women are motivated by these aspects of a job rather than pay and advancement which are the big incentives to men. This means that if women do not see the qualities they desire in a role e.g. job-satisfaction in senior roles within an organisation they may opt out of applying to join its leadership cohort. McKinsey & Co (Women in the Economy, April 2011) argued that Women often elect to remain in jobs if they derive a deep sense of meaning professionally. More than men, women prize the opportunity to pour their energies into making a difference and working closely with colleagues. Women don’t want to trade that joy for what they fear will be energy-draining meetings and corporate politics at the next management echelon. 25 8. Bibliography Bancroft-Turner, D (2010), ‘Women and Workplace Politics’, Training Journal, February 2010, February 2010 issue, p.58 - 61 Bolso, A (2011) ‘Ignore the doubters. Norway’s quota on women in the boardroom is working’, Guardian, Monday 18th July 2011 Cane, A (2011) ‘Maternity: In constant fear of mentioning babies’ Financial Times, May 25 th 2011 CIPD (2010), ‘Opening Up Talent for Business Success’ Davies, Lord of Abersoch et al (2010) ‘Women on Boards’ Davidson, M. J. and Burke, R. J. (ed) (2011), ‘Women in Management Worldwide – Progress and Prospects’ 2nd edition, Gower Publishing Company, Surrey Dawson, S et al (2011), ‘Voluntary Gender Equality Reporting in Organisations with 150 to 249 Employees’ Government Equalities Office Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report 55 (2010), ‘Gender Pay Gap reporting Survey 2009’ Eyre, E (2011), ‘Women managers ‘aim lower and settle for less’ than men’, Training Journal, April 2011 issue, p.12 Gresser, C (2011) ‘Gender & The Workplace: What do women really want from work?’ Financial Times, May 25th 2011 Griffiths, J (2006) ‘ Creche Course’ Coaching Development Hewitt, S (2011), ‘Bringing on the next generation’ Training Journal, June 2011 issue, p.45 - 49 Hoban, V (2010), ‘A Bumpy Ride?’ Edge, May 2010 Issue, p.40-41 Honey, P (2011), ‘Apologetic Women in the Boardroom’ People Management, viewed on 23/10/2011 www.peoplemanagement.com/pm/sections/your-say/blogs/specialists/peter-honey.htm Institute of Leadership and Management (2011), ’Ambition and Gender at Work’ Leimon, A (2011), ‘What Happened to the Women’ Training Journal June Issue, p. 66 – 70 Little, B (2010), ‘Best Practice Talent Management’ Training Journal, November 2010 Issue, p. 46-49 McKinsey & Company, (2008), ‘A Business Case for Women’ McKinsey & Company, (2007), ‘Women Matter’ Manning, S (2008), ‘Pushing for Greater Gender Equality in the Public Sector – Survey of findings from the International Women’s Conference 27-28 February 2008’, National School of Government, London 26 Manning, S (2007), ‘What do Public Sector Women Really Think About Taking on Senior Roles? – Survey of findings from the International Women’s Conference 8-9 March 2009’, National School of Government, London Murray, S (2011) ‘Glass Ceilings: Unconscious bias still holding women back’ Financial Times, May 25 th 2011 Office for National Statistics, (2011), ‘Civil Service Statistics – 2011’ Office for National Statistics, (2010), ‘Civil Service Statistics – 2010’ Opportunity Now, (2011), ‘Benchmarking Trends analysis 2010/11’ Paton, N (2009), ‘Interview Stereotyping Undermines Women’, Management Issues Paton, N (2009), ‘Talent Management – Just for Men’, Management Issues Ryan, Dr M & Haslam, A (2007) ‘ CIPD Change Agenda – Women in the Boardroom The Risks of being at the top’ CIPD Smedley, T (2007), ‘The Flag Bearers’, People Management, June 2007 Issue, p.31-33 Stidder, N (2011) ‘Gender & The Workplace: Case study’ Financial Times, May 25 th 2011 Sweeney, C (2011), ‘Women on boards – how do we improve representation?’ CIPD, www.cipd.co.uk/comment-insight/comment/women -boards.aspx Thomson, P (2010), ‘Step this Way’, Coaching Equality Tuhus-Debrow (2009), ‘The female advantage’ Ideas May Issue Weekes, S (2010), ‘Women at the Top’, Edge, July/August 2010 Issue, p.30-35 ‘Why Women make good leaders’, HR Daily, viewed 20/10/2011, www.hrdaily.com.au/n106_news_selected.php?act=2&nav=1&selkey=1896 ‘Women’s Representation’, Home Office, viewed 20/10/2011, www.homeoffice.gov.uk/equalities/women/womens-representation ‘Women and Work’, Home Office, viewed 20/10/2011, www.homeoffice.gov.uk/equalities/women/women-work Woodruffe, C (2009), ‘What about me?’ Training Journal, October 2009 Issue, p. 50 – 54 Worman, D & McCartney, C (2009), ‘In the Pipeline - CIPD report’ People Management, August 2009 Issue 27 Annexes for the Civil Service Report on Gender Equality 28 Annex A – Demographics of the Civil Service by grade as at 31 March 2011. All figures for Male and Female are as a percentage of the total number of employees shown by the Grand Total. Grade JESP 5-8 JESP 9-13 JESP 14-18 JESP 20 Grand Total Female 10 (22%) 3 (14%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 13 (19%) Male 35 (78%) 18 (86%) 3 (100%) 1 (100%) 57 (81%) Grand Total 45 21 3 1 70 Grade AA AO EO HEO SEO OS7 Grand Total Female 113 (81%) 300 (70%) 175 (61%) 85 (52%) 27 (40%) 3 (20%) 703 (64%) Male 27 (19%) 126 (30%) 113 (39%) 78 (48%) 41 (60%) 12 (80%) 397 (36%) Grand Total 140 426 288 163 68 15 1100 Grade D100 - D183 D200 - D281 D300 - D382 D400 - D481 D500 - D508 D600 - D681 D701 - D713 D803 - D804 D902 - D908 Grand Total Female 68 (64%) 83 (47%) 16 (22%) 45 (26%) 83 (38%) 15 (19%) 4 (29%) 10 (56%) 1 (25%) 325 (38%) Male 39 (36%) 95 (53%) 56 (78%) 127 (74%) 137 (62%) 64 (81%) 10 (71%) 8 (44%) 3 (75%) 539 (62%) Grand Total 107 178 72 172 220 79 14 18 4 864 Grade Executive Secretary Personal Secretary Secretary Senior Secretary Grand Total Female 3 (100%) 68 (100%) 79 (99%) 114 (99%) 264 (99%) Male 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%) 1 (1%) 2 (1%) Grand Total 3 68 80 115 266 Grade Support Grade 2 Support Grade 1 Support Manager 3 Support Manager 2 Grand Total Female 25 (69%) 13 (59%) 7 (35%) 3 (60%) 48 (58%) Male 11 (31%) 9 (41%) 13 (65%) 2 (40%) 35 (42%) Grand Total 36 22 20 5 83 29 Annex B – Demographics of the Civil Service by hours worked as at 31 March 2011. All figures for Male and Female are as a percentage of the total number of employees shown by the Grand Total Part Time Staff Pay Span Pay Span 1 Pay Span 2 Pay Span 3 Pay Span 4 Pay Span 5 Pay Span 6 Pay Span 7 Pay Span 8 Grand Total Female 128 (86%) 182 (95%) 18 (90%) 50 (93%) 30 (83%) 0 (0%) 1 (33%) 0 (0%) 409 (90%) Male 20 (14%) 9 (5%) 2 (10%) 4 (7%) 6 (17%) 2 (100%) 2 (67%) 1 (100%) 46 (10%) Grand Total 148 191 20 54 36 2 3 1 455 Female 83 (59%) 397 (70%) 65 (65%) 197 (38%) 139 (40%) 42 (29%) 6 (23%) 9 (53%) 1 (25%) 10 (22%) 3 (14%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 952 (49%) Male 57 (41%) 171 (30%) 35 (35%) 322 (62%) 212 (60%) 103 (71%) 20 (77%) 8 (47%) 3 (75%) 36 (78%) 18 (86%) 3 (100%) 1 (100%) 989 (51%) Grand Total 140 568 100 519 351 145 26 17 4 46 21 3 1 1941 Full Time Staff Pay Span Pay Span 1 Pay Span 2 Pay Span 3 Pay Span 4 Pay Span 5 Pay Span 6 Pay Span 7 Pay Span 8 Pay Span 9 JESP 5-8 JESP 9-13 JESP 14-18 JESP 20 Grand Total 30 Annex C – Demographics of the Civil Service by age range and by years’ service as at 31 March 2011. All figures for Male and Female are as a percentage of the total number of employees shown by the Grand Total Age 17 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 75 Grand Total Female 153 (72%) 259 (57%) 438 (55%) 418 (53%) 94 (54%) 5 (63%) 1367 (56%) Male 60 (28%) 192 (43%) 365 (45%) 365 (47%) 81 (46%) 3 (37%) 1066 (44%) Grand Total 213 451 803 783 175 8 2433 Years Service < 1 year service 1 - < 5 years 5 - < 10 years 10 - <15 years 15 - <20 years 20 - <25 years 25 - <30 years 30 - <35 years 35 - <40 years 40 - <45 years Grand Total Female 84 (68%) 335 (63%) 392 (58%) 239 (57%) 128 (58%) 105 (48%) 41 (38%) 20 (29%) 15 (27%) 8 (62%) 1367 (56%) Male 39 (32%) 198 (37%) 281 (42%) 181 (43%) 91 (42%) 115 (52%) 66 (62%) 50 (71%) 40 (73%) 5 (38%) 1066 (44%) Grand Total 123 533 673 420 219 220 107 70 55 13 2433 31 Annex D - Pay Gap information of the Civil Service as at 31 March 2011. Overall Gender Pay Gap The figure below uses the annual salary for all fulltime staff and all part time staff as if they worked full time. Average wage = £32,769 Average wage (Male) = £37,832 Average wage (Female) = £28,779 Pay Gap = 24% Full Time Gender Pay Gap This figure is calculated by only looking at the full – time employees salaries within the organisation. Average full time wage – £34,476 Average full time wage (Male) - £38,283 Average full time wage (Female) - £30,414 Pay Gap = 21% Part Time Gender Pay Gap This figure is calculated by only looking at the part time staff employed in the IOM Civil Service but uses the annual salary figure as if they were employed full time. Average part time wage - £25,290 Average part time wage (Male) – £27,606* Average part time wage (Female) – £25,098 Pay Gap = 9% *there are only 45 men working part time within the IOM Civil Service as at 31 March 2011 compared to the 410 women. Pay Span 1 Pay Span 2 Pay Span 3 Pay Span 4 Pay Span 5 Pay Span 6 Average wage = £19,659 Average wage (Male) = £20,310 Average wage (Female) = £19,419 Average wage = £24,123 Average wage (Male) = £24,217 Average wage (Female) = £24,094 Average wage = £28,741 Average wage (Male) = £28,682 Average wage (Female) = £28,768 Average wage = £32,112 Average wage (Male) =£32,626 Average wage (Female) = £31,434 Average wage = £40,170 Average wage (Male) = £40,293 Average wage (Female) = £39,971 Average wage = £50,965 Average wage (Male) = £51,247 Average wage (Female) = £50,260 Pay Gap = 4% Pay Span 7 Pay Gap = 1% Pay Span 8 Pay Gap = 1% Pay Span 9 Pay Gap = 4% JESP 5-8 Pay Gap = 1% JESP 9 -13 Pay Gap = 2% Average wage = £63,467 Average wage (Male) = £63,910 Average wage (Female) = £62,073 Average wage = £69,951 Average wage (Male) = £71,051 Average wage (Female) = £69,070 Average wage = £70,709 Average wage (Male) = £71,226 Average wage (Female) = £68,676 Average wage = £91,201 Average wage (Male) = £92,445 Average wage (Female) = £89,138 Pay Gap = 3% Pay Gap = 3% Average wage = £99,147 Average wage (Male) = £101,128 Average wage (Female) = £95,187 Pay Gap = 6% Pay Gap = 6% Pay Gap = 4% 32 Annex E – Isle of Man Census Data, 2011 TABLE 8 - RESIDENT ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION BY EMPLOYMENT STATUS 2011 Employment Status Works for an employer full time Works for an employer part time Works for more than one employer part time Is self-employed employing others Is self-employed not employing others Unemployed Total Economically Active* Total 29,117 7,185 732 1,817 5,358 1,475 44,609 Male 16,812 1,547 224 1,330 3,780 907 24,033 Female 12,305 5,638 508 487 1,578 568 20,576 *total is less than sum of categories as multiple response possible. Annex F – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Gender pay gap Unadjusted gender gap in median earnings for full-time employees Country Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States OECD average Gender wage gap 16.4 19.4 8.9 19.8 18.1 12.1 19.7 13.1 21.6 9.6 13.5 10.4 20.3 11.8 28.3 38.9 16.7 7.8 8.7 10.0 15.6 11.8 14.9 19.5 19.8 19.8 15.9 33 Annex G – World EconomicForum’s Global Gender Gap Country Iceland Norway Finland Sweden Ireland New Zealand Denmark Philippines Lesotho Switzerland Germany Spain Belgium South Africa Netherlands United Kingdom United States Canada Latvia Cuba Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 85.3% 84.0% 83.8% 80.4% 78.3% 78.1% 77.8% 76.9% 76.7% 76.3% 75.9% 75.8% 75.3% 74.8% 74.7% 74.6% 74.1% 74.1% 74.0% 73.9% Annex H – Recruitment figures for the Civil Service between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011 Recruitment Figures 225 2924 9 2915 1735 1180 800 543 257 137 72 209 65.6 34.4 Number of jobs advertised Total number of applications Total number of applications with no equal opportunity form Total number of applications with equal opportunity information Total number of applications received from women Total number of applications received from men Total number of applicants shortlisted Total number of shortlisted candidates who were female Total number of shortlisted candidates who were male Number of women appointed Number of men appointed Total number of appointments Percentage of women appointed Percentage of men appointed 34 Annex I – Recruitment figures for the Civil Service between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011 by pay span Total number of applications received in 10-11 Applications received for this pay span by women Applications received for this pay span by men Candidates shortlisted for this pay span who were women Candidates shortlisted for this pay span who were men Women appointed to this pay span Men appointed to this pay span Total number of applications received in 10-11 Applications received for this pay span by women Applications received for this pay span by men Candidates shortlisted for this pay span who were women Candidates shortlisted for this pay span who were men Women appointed to this pay span Men appointed to this pay span Pay Span 1 Pay Span 2 Pay Span 3 Pay Span 4 Pay Span 5 Pay Span 6 Pay Span 8 864 576 (66.8) 286 (33.2) 104 (80) 26 (20) 19 (82.6) 4 (17.4) 1277 786 (61.7) 488 (38.3) 252 (76.6) 77 (23.4) 60 (74.1) 21 (25.9) 95 82 (86.3) 13 (13.7) 37 (88.1) 5 (11.9) 10 (100) 0 315 158 (50.2) 157 (49.8) 83 (61.9) 51 (38.1) 27 (71.1) 11 (28.9) 184 87 (47.8) 95 (52.2) 45 (52.3) 41 (47.7) 16 (51.6) 15 (48.4) 85 29 (34.1) 56 (65.9) 17 (43.6) 22 (56.4) 5 (38.5) 8 (61.5) 8 4 (50) 4 (50) 1 (33.3) 2 (66.7) 0 (2) 100 JESP 5-8 47 4 (8.5) 43 (91.5) 1 (6.7) 14 (93.3) 0 5 (100) JESP 9-13 22 6 (28.6) 15 (71.4) 2 (16.7) 10 (83.3) 0 4 (100) JESP 14-18 13 3 (23.1) 10 (76.9) 1 (20) 4 (80) 0 1 (100) 35 JESP 20 14 0 14 (100) 0 5 (100) 0 1 (100) Annex j – Recruitment for JESP Posts BETWEEN 10/08/09 AND 31/03/12 No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Number of men applied (%) Number of men shortlisted (%) Number of men appointed (%) 36 14 7 1 3 8 14 1 4 3 14 2 10 10 8 10 5 1 9 7 4 3 27 1 14 4 4 2 0 11 7 1 2 0 0 0 7 3 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 3 3 8 2 6 3 7 0 6 9 4 6 7 1 4 0 1 3 2 1 8 178 (77) 61 (86) 21 (100) 16 9 3 0 16 13 0 0 0 7 2 11 4 4 9 0 0 5 7 3 1 27 0 7 18 11 3 3 19 21 2 6 3 14 2 17 13 8 15 7 1 9 7 4 4 29 1 15 2 0 0 3 5 3 2 3 2 5 1 2 4 2 4 2 1 4 4 1 3 4 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Gender Appointed 52 (23) 10 (14) 0 (0) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Female Shortlisted Number of women applied (%) Number of women shortlisted (%) Number of women appointed (%) No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Male Shortlisted JESP 9-13 JESP 5-8 JESP 9-13 JESP 5-8 JESP 5-8 JESP 5-8 JESP 5-8 JESP 9 - 13 JESP 5 - 8 JESP 20 JESP 9-13 JESP 9-13 JESP 14-18 JESP 9-13 JESP 9-13 JESP 5-8 JESP 5-8 JESP 5-8 JESP 5-8 JESP 5-8 JESP 9-13 M2 JESP 5-8 JESP 9-13 JESP 9-13 Total Applied MNH DTL TPO DAFF DTL Gen Reg DTL DCCL OFT CSO TPO AGC DOE WA DHA DED DOI WA DOI DED AGC DOI Treasury DEFA External applied Closed Not Appointed to Not Appointed to Closed Closed Closed Not Appointed to Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Internal Applied Director of Manx National Heritage Director of Tourism Chief Officer Chief Veterinary Officer Director of Tourism Chief Registrar Director of Finance Chief Executive Officer Chief Officer Chief Secretary Chief Officer Legislative Drafter Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer Deputy Chief Executive Director of Finance Director of Operations Director of Planning and Building Control Director Civil Aviation Government Advocate Head of Health & Safety at Work Inspectorate Collector of Customs and Excise Chief Executive Female Applied Grade Male Applied Dept LTA Status FTE Internal Job Title Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Annex K - The Case for Greater Equality Why should organisations be interested in developing and engaging the talents of women? There is strong evidence to suggest that greater gender diversity strengthens organisations. Organisations which create a balanced mix of male and female talent amongst their senior leadership get the best people into leadership positions. This is particularly important with the acknowledged shortage of effective managerial talent (Burke and Cooper, 2006). Tarr-Whelan (2009) indentifies five benefits organisations realise by having more women within senior jobs: Higher profits Policies that contribute to individual and societal health – education, families, entrepreneurship A stronger integration of work and family leading to higher productivity and quality of life Increased commitment to both personal and corporate responsibility and broader longer term planning Management that reflects the twenty first centuries – teamwork, participative decision making. A 2007 report ‘Women Matter’ (McKinsey and Co) argued that it was imperative to create gender diversity for the benefit of organisations. They conducted a study which measured organisational excellence against nine criteria: leadership, direction, accountability, co-ordination and control, innovation, external orientation, capability, motivation, work environment and values. The study examined the evaluations of 115,000 employees of 231 public and private companies, as well as non-profit organisations. They found that companies who ranked highly in these areas performed better economically than companies with a low score. They then looked at 101 of these companies who publish the composition of their governing bodies and found that companies with three or more women in senior management functions score more highly on average for each organisational criterion than companies with no women at the top. The study notes that correlation is not necessarily cause, but that the correlation between organisational excellence and women’s participation in management bodies is nonetheless striking. They conducted a further study which looked at economic performance of the 89 European listed companies with the highest level of gender diversity in top management posts. They found that, on average, there could be no doubt that these companies were outperforming in their sector in terms of return on equity. When they asked business executives globally what they believe the most important leadership attributes are for success today, each of the top four—intellectual stimulation, inspiration, participatory decision-making and setting expectations/rewards—were more commonly found among women leaders. 37 ‘A Business Case for Women’ (McKinsey Quarterly, 2008) highlights that One European Commission study showed that 58% of the companies with diversity programs reported higher productivity as a result of improved employee motivation and efficiency, and 62% said that the programs helped attract and retain highly talented people. The importance of gender diversity can also be seen not just in economic or in efficiency terms but as preparedness for the upcoming talent shortfall. McKinsey notes that the reduction of available talent is likely to increase in the coming decades and that the obvious response is to engage and develop women within the workforce to close this gap. In addition gender diversity provides a benefit to the image of the organisation, according to one European Commission study diversity programmes have had a positive impact on employee motivation for 58% of the companies that have implemented them and 69% noted an improvement in their brand image. The case for greater equality, which has often been pushed in terms of fairness, equality and political correctness, should now be considered in the following terms: Improving the performance, efficiency, and economics of the organisation, Attracting and retaining talent; Providing a positive image of the organisation with a modern management structure Addressing the issue of an aging workforce and the acknowledged shortfall of talent Cost effectiveness; prevention of women leaving the organisation taking their training and institutional knowledge with them and requiring the organisation to go through the recruitment process again. Making changes to the organisation to improve the gender diversity has a price and in times of economic restraint could be seen as generating unnecessary costs. However, these changes provide long term and measurable benefits to the organisation, ensuring that the best people are in leadership positions 38 Appendix 2 INTRODUCTION In August 2012 the Civil Service Commission agreed to conduct a survey to obtain views of improve the Gender Equality within the Civil Service at the Senior Management level. 950 people across Isle of Man Government undertook the survey of which 37% were male and 63% were female. This report considers the responses of the Civil Servants who responded in order to try and address the problem of Gender Inequality within the Isle of Man Civil Service. It is recommended that the next stage will be to consider gender representation in other areas of Isle of Man Government. 55% (518) of the respondents were Civil Servants and the demographics of these people are as follows: 36% male and 64% female 85% full time and 15% part time 49% mange staff and 51% do not manage staff 40% are looking for promotion opportunities and 60% are not This report contains the summarised findings of the survey. The full results of the survey are contained in Annex A. 39 QUESTION 1 TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT? GENDER EQUALITY HAS ALREADY BEEN ACHIEVED FOR THE MOST PART WITHIN THE ISLE OF MAN CIVIL SERVICE The results show that 57% of staff agree that gender equality has been completely or partially achieved within the Isle of Man Civil Service. However, gender has an effect on how people felt about gender equality within the Isle of Man Civil Service. The results shows that the percentage who completely or partially agree that gender equality has been achieved rises to 72% if you consider only the male respondants; and drops to 48% if you consider only the female respondants. 46% of male respondants completely agree that gender equality has been achieved compared to 11% of female respondants. QUESTION 2 TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT? THERE ARE STILL BARRIERS TO WOMEN PROGRESSING TO TOP LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT (A GLASS CEILING) WITHIN THE ISLE OF MAN CIVIL SERVICE The results show that 39% of staff partly agree that there are still barriers to women progressing to senior management. 70% of female respondants responding completely or partly agree that there are barriers to women progressing compared to 24% of male respondants. 53% of male respondants completely disagree that there are barriers which exist for women trying to progress to senior management compared to 10% of female respondants. This was reflected in the comments in relation to this question, when talking about barriers the majority of comments from the male civil servants related to childbearing and family responsibilities ‘This is regettably down to women taking time off to have children and child care arrangements. Greater progress can only come from men taking a more involved role in child care. There are no barriers within the Civil Service.’ Although this was also discussed as an issue in the comments from the female civil servants responding there were many other issues raised like coaching, all male interview panels, styles of leadership, visibility of role models and confidence of women within the service. ‘Barriers exist in the minds of more senior officers who are failing to adjust and recognise new methods of managing and leading in the workplace.’ 40 QUESTION 3 DO YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH GENDER DIVERSITY WITHIN THE ISLE OF MAN CIVIL SERVICE? The result for this question shows that overall the majority of respondents do not believe that there is a problem with gender diversity with 38% of respondents saying that there is a problem and 62% saying there is not. Separating the results by gender shows that the female respondants are split about whether there is a problem with gender diversity within the IOM CS with 50% saying they believe there is and 50% saying they believe there is not. 82% of male respondants believe that there is not a problem with gender equality. QUESTION 4 THE CORPORATE LEADERSHIP GROUP REFERS TO THE MEMBERS OF THE SENIOR CIVIL SERVICE (JESP GRADES). WHAT IMPACT DO YOU BELIEVE A CORPORATE LEADERSHIP GROUP WHICH HAS AN EQUAL MIX OF FEMALE AND MALE MEMBERS WOULD HAVE ON THE ORGANISATION? The survey results show that 56% of the respondants believe that an equal mix of women and men within the Corporate Leadership Group would have a positive impact; 39% believing it would have no impact and 5% believe it would have a negative impact. 64% of women responded that the CLG would be improved with a more equal mix of women and men involved compared to 41% of men. Considering the response from the people who are already within the CLG the results reflected the views of the civil service as a whole, 56% believe it would have a positive impact on the organisation and approximately 40% believe it would have no impact. A consistent message was delivered from both men and women through the comments in that the best person should be given the role and that quotas or positive discrimination would not be beneficial. QUESTION 5 WHAT EFFECT DO YOU BELIEVE THE FOLLOWING INITIATIVES WOULD HAVE ON IMPROVING THE GENDER DIVERSITY OF THE ISLE OF MAN CIVIL SERVICE? Including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to job share, work part time hours or develop flexible working arrangements Ensuring that wherever possible, recruitment panels contain a mix of gender Enabling leadership and management development course to be delivered on a flexible basis Incorporating diversity training into development programmes and core skills training courses, as appropriate 41 Increasing the number of flexible working posts at HEO and equivalent grades and above Creating a women's network which offers coaching and mentoring and provides and opportunity to attend lunch time sessions on building confidence and leadership skills The above proposals were supported by the people responding to this survey. The creation of a women’s network was the least popular with 49% of respondants supporting it and 24% of respondants who felt it would have a negative impact. The other proposals were supported with 60% - 70% of respondants selecting they believed they would have a positive impact on the gender diversity within the Civil Service. The results when considered indivudally as proposals show that female respondants are more likely to believe the proposals will have a positive impact than male respondants; however, male respondants do not believe the proposals would have a negative impact rather that they would have no impact. The majority of female respondants felt all of the proposals would have a positive impact; the results for positive impact range from 61% to 80%. For male respondents the range who believed the proposals would have a positive impact was from 28% to 55%. The proposal which had the largest agreement on whether it would have a positive impact on gender diversity was the delivery of leadership and management development courses on a flexible basis; this was felt to be the most important by both male respondants (55%) and female respondants (80%). QUESTION 6 WOULD YOU SUPPORT THE INTRODUCTION OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INITIATIVES? Including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to job share, work part time hours or develop flexible working arrangements Ensuring that wherever possible, recruitment panels contain a mix of gender Enabling leadership and management development course to be delivered on a flexible basis Incorporating diversity training into development programmes and core skills training courses, as appropriate Increasing the number of flexible working posts at HEO and equivalent grades and above Creating a women's network which offers coaching and mentoring and provides and opportunity to attend lunch time sessions on building confidence and leadership skills The results for this question mirror the answer to question number 5 with the results for supporting all the proposals overwhelming in favour high apart from the Women’s network where the people responding answered 44% support it and 30% would not support it. 42 QUESTION 7 HOW BEST WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR OWN LEVEL OF PERSONAL CONFIDENCE? The results show a difference in the level of personal confidence of male and female respondants. 17% of men reporting a high level or personal confidence compared to 8% of women and 51% of men responding with a quite high level of personal confidence compared to 42% of women. QUESTION 8 WHEN CONSIDERING A POTENTIAL NEW JOB OPPORTUNITY HOW MUCH OF THE JOB SPECIFICATION WOULD YOU HAVE TO FEEL CONFIDENT YOU MATCHED BEFORE YOU CONSIDERED APPLYING FOR THE ROLE? The results for this question show that 65% of staff felt that they would need to feel confident they fully met the person specification requirements before they considered applying for the position and 28% of respondants said they would have to meet roughly half of the person specifications. There is a slight difference between the genders in response to this question, 67% of female civil servants would have to feel they fully met the person specification requirements compared to 61% of male civil serants. QUESTION 9 WHAT DEVELOPMENT DO YOU THINK WOULD HELP YOU PREPARE FOR A HIGHER GRADED POST? (YOU MAY SELECT MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE)COACHING, MENTORING, SHADOWING, TRAINING COURSES (INTERNAL), TRAINING COURSES (EXTERNAL) The results show that most respondants believed nearly all the development types listed would have benefits in preparing them for a higher graded position apart from External Training Courses where only 23% of people responding believed it would help. The type of development which most people believed would help them prepare for a higher graded post was mentoring which 71% of respondants selected, this was followed closely by shadowing. Female respondants feel that mentoring and shadowing will be of most benefit to them. Male respondants feel that external training courses and coaching will be of most benefit to them. 43 QUESTION 10, 11 AND 12 HAVE YOU TAKEN MATERNITY LEAVE DURING YOUR EMPLOYMENT IN THE ISLE OF MAN CIVIL SERVICE? 14% of the people surveyed have taken up maternity leave whilst working within the IOM Civil Service. The questions investigated how that maternity leave was managed and what arrangements were available for the member of staff after their period of maternity leave. 57% did not have regular contact from their line manager and 61% were not kept informed of developments at work. 81% of respondents did not have a planned phased reintroduction into the work place. 47% did not feel they were given adequate support from their line manager in their reintroduction to work or adjusting to managing their new home priorities. The results show that working from home, job sharing and term time working were not available to respondents, however most were able to take up flexible hours or flexi-time and over half were able to take part time hours if they wanted to. QUESTION 13, 14 AND 15 DO YOU OR YOUR SPOUSE OR PARTNER HAVE CHILDREN? THIS INCLUDES BIOLOGICAL, ADOPTED, FOSTERED, STEPCHILDREN OR CHILDREN WHO YOU PROVIDE THE MAJORITY OF CARE FOR. These questions relate to the family makeup of the respondents, whether they have children and what age they currently are. The results show that the majority of both male and female respondents who undertook this survey have children. 71% of male respondents have children whom they provide the majority of care for compared to 59% of female respondents. The data shows no great difference in the age of the youngest children these parents have or in the percentage of respondents who have children living at home with them. There is no data we can consider regarding women who have left the workforce to raise children. Data is not collected on women who leave after taking maternity and what the main reasons for this are. 44 QUESTION 16 DO YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE TO PROGRESS TO THE NEXT GRADE YOUR WORK WOULD MAKE ORGANISING YOUR HOME LIFE DIFFICULT (ARE YOU TOO TIRED, DO YOU MISS TIME WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS AND FREE-TIME ACTIVITIES) The response to this questions showed that 38% of staff felt that progressing to the next grade would make organising their home life difficult and 62% felt it would not. For female respondants the figures were 40% felt it would make organising their home life more difficult and 60% felt it would not compared to 34% of male respondants who felt it would make their home life more difficult and 65% who felt it would not. QUESTION 17 AND 18 HAVE YOU EVER MANAGED A MEMBER OF STAFF WHO HAS UNDERTAKEN A PERIOD OF MATERNITY LEAVE 34% of people who responded to this survey have managed a member of staff on maternity leave. The results show that managers have difficulty managing maternity leave however there is not a statistacally significant difference in how difficult male and female mnagers find managing maternity leave. Question 18 asked how easy or difficult managers found situations when a member of staff is undertaking maternity leave. The results show that managers felt the worklaod increases for other members of the team and the uncertainty of whether those on maternity will return were the situations which managers found the most difficult. QUESTION 19 PLEASE STATE THE EXTENT TO WHICH YOU AGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS Generally pregnant women tend to be less committed to work than other members of the team During recruitment it is reasonable that a woman should declare upfront if she is pregnant It is worth training someone who is pregnant even though she may not return to work Some women abuse their rights during pregnancy, maternity leave and on return to work There is often resentment amongst the wider team towards women who are pregnant or on maternity leave Flexible working arrangements are easily accommodated 45 Women returning to work after maternity leave are/would be just as committed to work as other members of the team A woman being pregnant has no impact on decisions regarding career development within the IOM CS A woman having young children has no impact on decisions regarding career development within the IOM CS 73% of respondants disagreed or strongly disagreed that generally pregnant women tend to be less commited to work than other members of the team. 14% agreed or strongly agreed. 70% of respondants agreed or strongly agreed that a woman should declare upfront if she is pregnant. 38% of respondants agree or strongly agree that some women abuse their rights during maternity leave. 34% disagree or strongly disagree with this. 30% of respondants agreed or strongly agreed that there is often resentment amoungst the wider team towards women who are pregnant or on maternity leave. 53% of respondants disagree or strongly disagree with this. 48% of respondants agreed or strongly agreed that flexible working arrangements are easily accomodated. 44% of respondants disagree or strongly disagree with this. 75% of respondants agreed or strongly agreed that women returning to work after maternity leave are/would be just as committed to work as other members of the team. 17% of respondants disagree or strongly disagree with this. QUESTION 20, 21 AND 22 FLEXIBLE WORKING There are more female respondents who are working flexibly and who have asked to work flexibly than male respondents. 29% of respondents have taken advantage of part time working; of this 90% were female. 27% of respondents have made a request for flexible working, of these 77% were female. 31% of the requests for flexible working made by the respondents were turned down. The results show that 63% of female respondent’s rate flexibility within their role as very important to them compared to 52% of male respondents. 79% of female respondents are satisfied with the flexibility of their role and the hours they work compared to 88% of male respondents. 46 QUESTION 23 HOW OFTEN HAS EACH OF THE FOLLOWING THINGS HAPPENED TO YOU IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS? I came home from work so tired that I wasn’t able to do the things that needed doing at home. The amount of time I spent at work made it difficult for me to fulfil my family responsibilities. Work that I had to do at home meant that I was so tired when I got to work, I wasn’t able to work well. I find that my family duties make it difficult for me to concentrate at work. 40% of respondents to this survey said that they came home from work so tired that they were not able to do things which needed doing at home several times a week or several times month in the last three months; of this 67% were female. 23% of respondents to this survey said that the amount of time they spent at work made it difficult for them to fulfil their family responsibilities several times a week or several times month in the last three months; of this 66% were female. 6% of respondents to this survey said that work that they had to do at home meant that they were so tired when they got to work they wasn’t able to work well several times a week or several times month in the last three months; of this 58% were female. 4% of respondents to this survey said that they find that their family duties make it difficult for them to concentrate at work several times a week or several times month in the last three months; of this 74% were female. 47 ANNEX A Results from the Gender Survey 48 INTRODUCTION These figures are from the people whom responded to the survey and selected they were a civil servant. When considering all the results to this survey the preconceived notions and beliefs of the respondents must be take into consideration as this sample is self selected. 49 QUESTION 1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Gender equality has already been achieved for the most part within the Isle of Man Civil Service Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Completely agree Partly agree Partly disagree Completely disagree Don't Know Comments answered question skipped question 23.7% 33.0% 18.0% 15.8% 9.5% 123 171 93 82 49 78 518 0 Gender equality has already been achieved for the most part within the Isle of Man Civil Service 9.5% Completely agree 23.7% Partly agree 15.8% Partly disagree Completely disagree 18.0% 33.0% Don't Know Gender equality has already been achieved for the most part within the Isle of Man Civil Service All Civil Servants Female Civil Servants Male Civil Servants 46% % 33% 37% 26% 24% 18% 21% 11% Completely agree Partly agree 12% Partly disagree Answer Options 50 16% 21% 8% Completely disagree 10% 10% 8% Don't Know QUESTION 2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There are still barriers to women progressing to top levels of management (a glass ceiling) within the Isle of Man Civil Service Response Percent Answer Options Response Count 13.9% 39.0% 12.2% 25.5% 9.5% Completely agree Partly agree Partly disagree Completely disagree Don’t know Comments 72 202 63 132 49 81 answered question skipped question 518 0 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There are still barriers to women progressing to top levels of management (a glass ceiling) within the Isle of Man Civil Service 10% Completely agree 14% Partly agree 25% Partly disagree Completely disagree 39% Don’t know 12% To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There are still barriers to women progressing to top levels of management (a glass ceiling) within the Isle of Man Civil Service All Civil Servants Female Civil Servants Male Civil Servants 53% 50% 39% 26% 20% 20% 14% 12% 11% 15% 10% 10% 10% 9% Completely disagree Don’t know 4% Completely agree Partly agree Partly disagree Answer Options 51 QUESTION 3 Do you believe there is a problem with gender diversity within the Isle of Man Civil Service? Answer Options Yes No Any additional information in relation to this question? Response Percent Response Count 38.0% 62.0% 195 318 83 answered question skipped question 513 5 Do you believe there is a problem with gender diversity within the Isle of Man Civil Service? Yes No 82% 62% 51% 50% 38% 18% All Civil Servants Female Civil Servants 52 Male Civil Servants QUESTION 4 The Corporate Leadership Group refers to the members of the senior civil service (JESP Grades). What impact do you believe a Corporate Leadership Group which has an equal mix of female and male members would have on the organisation? Response Percent Answer Options Response Count 55.6% 38.9% 5.5% Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact Comments 284 199 28 99 answered question skipped question The Corporate Leadership Group refers to the members of the senior civil service (JESP Grades). What impact do you believe a Corporate Leadership Group which has an equal mix of female and male members would have on the organisation? 5% Positive Impact No Impact 39% 56% Negative Impact 53 511 7 QUESTION 5 What effect do you believe the following initiatives would have on improving the gender diversity of the Isle of Man Civil Service? Positive Impact Negative Impact No Impact Response Count Including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to job share, work part time hours or develop flexible working arrangements 349 81 83 513 Ensuring that wherever possible, recruitment panels contain a mix of gender 350 10 155 515 Enabling leadership and management development course to be delivered on a flexible basis 361 17 133 511 Incorporating diversity training into development programmes and core skills training courses, as appropriate 314 25 169 508 Increasing the number of flexible working posts at HEO and equivalent grades and above 346 88 80 514 Creating a women's network which offers coaching and mentoring and provides and opportunity to attend lunch time sessions on building confidence and leadership skills 252 121 141 514 Answer Options answered question skipped question What effect do you believe the following initiatives would have on improving the gender diversity of the Isle of Man Civil Service? 600 500 400 300 200 54 Increasing the number of flexible working posts at HEO and equivalent grades and above No Impact 0 Enabling leadership and management development course to be delivered on a flexible basis Negative Impact 100 Including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to job share, work part time hours… Positive Impact 515 3 Including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to job share, work part time hours or develop flexible working arrangements Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact 78% 68% 50% 16% 23% 16% Civil Servants 13% 27% 10% Female Civil Servants Male Civil Servants Ensuring that wherever possible, recruitment panels contain a mix of gender Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact 79% 68% 48% 49% 30% 20% 2% Civil Servants 4% 1% Female Civil Servants Male Civil Servants Enabling leadership and management development course to be delivered on a flexible basis Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact 80% 71% 55% 40% 26% 18% 3% Civil Servants 2% Female Civil Servants 55 5% Male Civil Servants Incorporating diversity training into development programmes and core skills training courses, as appropriate Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact 71% 62% 45% 33% 46% 26% 5% Civil Servants 8% 3% Female Civil Servants Male Civil Servants Increasing the number of flexible working posts at HEO and equivalent grades and above Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact 79% 67% 48% 16% 25% 17% Civil Servants 10% 28% 11% Female Civil Servants Male Civil Servants Creating a women's network which offers coaching and mentoring and provides and opportunity to attend lunch time sessions on building confidence and leadership skills Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact 61% 49% 40% 27% 24% 28% 25% 32% 14% Civil Servants Female Civil Servants 56 Male Civil Servants QUESTION 6 Would you support the introduction of any of the following initiatives? Answer Options I would support this I would not support this I am not sure about this Response Count 335 92 74 501 383 47 71 501 375 35 90 500 328 58 113 499 321 99 78 498 217 148 133 498 Including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to job share, work part time hours or develop flexible working arrangements Ensuring that wherever possible, recruitment panels contain a mix of gender Enabling leadership and management development course to be delivered on a flexible basis Incorporating diversity training into development programmes and core skills training courses, as appropriate Increasing the number of flexible working posts at HEO and equivalent grades and above Creating a women's network which offers coaching and mentoring and provides and opportunity to attend lunch time sessions on building confidence and leadership skills answered question skipped question Would you support the introduction of any of the following initiatives? 600 500 400 300 I would support this 200 I would not support this 100 Increasing the number of flexible working posts at HEO and equivalent grades and above Enabling leadership and management development course to be delivered on a… Including in all job adverts that applications will be considered from candidates wishing to… 0 I am not sure about this 57 503 15 QUESTION 7 How best would you describe your own level of personal confidence? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count 11.4% 59 45.3% 234 35.6% 184 7.0% 36 0.8% 4 I have a high level of personal confidence and rarely feel any self-doubt I have quite a high level of personal confidence, but occasionally have a few doubts about myself I feel fairly self-confident but do suffer doubts about myself as well I do tend to lack self-confidence and can feel real doubts about myself I really lack self-confidence and have severe doubts about myself answered question skipped question 517 1 How best would you describe your own level of personal confidence? I have a high level of personal confidence and rarely feel any selfdoubt I have quite a high level of personal confidence, but occasionally have a few doubts about myself I feel fairly self-confident but do suffer doubts about myself as well 1% 7% 11% 36% 45% I do tend to lack self-confidence and can feel real doubts about myself How best would you describe your own level of personal confidence? All Civil Servants 45% Female Civil Servants Male Civil Servants 51% 42% 36% 42% 25% 11% 17% 7% 8% 5% 8% 1% 1% 1% I have a high level of I have quite a high I feel fairly self- I do tend to lack self- I really lack selfpersonal confidence level of personal confident but do confidence and can confidence and have and rarely feel any confidence, but suffer doubts about feel real doubts severe doubts about self-doubt occasionally have a myself as well about myself myself few doubts about myself 58 QUESTION 8 When considering a potential new job opportunity how much of the job specification would you have to feel confident you matched before you considered applying for the role? Response Answer Options Response Count Percent 6.4% 33 Partially meet the person specification requirements Meet roughly half of the person specification 28.3% 146 requirements 65.2% 336 Fully meet the person specification requirements answered question 515 skipped question 3 When considering a potential new job opportunity how much of the job specification would you have to feel confident you matched before you considered applying for the role? 7% Partially meet the person specification requirements 28% Meet roughly half of the person specification requirements Fully meet the person specification requirements 65% 59 QUESTION 9 What development do you think would help you prepare for a higher graded post? (You may select more than one response) Answer Options Coaching Mentoring Shadowing Training courses provided by the Isle of Man Government Training Courses provided by external providers (if so what?) Comments Response Percent Response Count 54.9% 70.7% 66.5% 272 350 329 56.6% 280 28.3% 140 112 answered question skipped question 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 495 23 What development do you think would help you prepare for a higher graded post? (You may select more than one response) Coaching Mentoring Shadowing Training courses Training Courses provided by the provided by Isle of Man external providers Government (if so what?) What development do you think would help you prepare for a higher graded post? Percentage of respondants Men 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Female 64% 61% 64% 39% 35% 36% Coaching Mentoring Shadowing Type of Development 60 61% 39% 45% 54% Training courses Training Courses provided by the provided by Isle of Man external providers Government (if so what?) QUESTION 10 Have you taken maternity leave during your employment in the IOM Civil Service? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count 13.5% 86.5% 70 448 Yes No answered question skipped question 518 0 Have you taken maternity leave during your employment in the IOM Civil Service? 21% Yes No 79% 61 QUESTION 11 Which of these statements most agree with your experience during maternity leave? Answer Options Prior to my maternity leave I received all the information I required and was involved in discussions with my manager to plan for my absence. I received regular contact from my line manager. I was kept informed of developments at work I was made aware of promotion opportunities There was two way communication with my line manager I had discussions with my line manager prior to my return I had a planned phased re-introduction to the workplace I felt I was given adequate support from my line manager in adjusting to managing my reintroduction to work I felt I was given adequate support from my line manager in adjusting to managing my new home priorities I felt I was given adequate support from my line manager following my maternity leave Yes No I don't remember Response Count 44 19 8 71 22 20 9 40 43 51 9 8 10 71 71 70 31 34 6 71 43 23 5 71 9 57 5 71 32 33 5 70 32 33 5 70 33 32 5 70 answered question skipped question 62 71 447 19 0 8 9 8 34 30 23 10 10 6 5 63 33 33 32 5 5 5 5 I felt I was given adequate support from my line manager following my maternity leave 51 I felt I was given adequate support from my line manager in adjusting to managing my new home priorities 43 I felt I was given adequate support from my line manager in adjusting to managing my reintroduction to work 40 31 I had a planned phased re-introduction to the workplace 60 9 I had discussions with my line manager prior to my return 50 20 There was two way communication with my line manager 22 I was made aware of promotion opportunities 44 I was kept informed of developments at work 20 I received regular contact from my line manager. 70 Prior to my maternity leave I received all the information I required and was involved in discussions with my manager to plan for my absence. 80 Which of these statements most agree with your experience during maternity leave? 9 32 32 33 57 43 40 Yes No I don't remember QUESTION 12 70 QUESTION 12 Were any of the following arrangements available to you 61 (even if you did59 not take them up)? 62 60 Were any of the following arrangements available to you (even if you did not take them up)? Answer Options 50 47 Working from home in normal working hours Flexible hours/Flexitime Job sharing/week on-week off etc 40 Part-time hours Term-time working Time off for family reasons, e.g. to care for a sick child 30 Yes No 7 47 7 39 2 29 29 Don’t Know 61 21 39 59 29 62 1 1 2 1 4 32 8 Don’t Know No Response Count Yes 69 69 68 69 68 32 69 29 answered question skipped question 21 70 448 20 10 7 1 8 7 4 2 1 2 1 64 Time off for family reasons, e.g. to care for a sick child Term-time working Part-time hours Job sharing/week on-week off etc Flexible hours/Flexitime Working from home in normal working hours 0 QUESTION 13 Do you or your spouse or partner have children? This includes biological, adopted, fostered, stepchildren or children who you provide the majority of care for. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count 63.2% 36.8% 327 190 Yes No answered question skipped question 517 1 Do you or your spouse or partner have children? This includes biological, adopted, fostered, stepchildren or children who you provide the majority of care for. 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Yes 71.4% 63.2% 36.8% All Civil Servants 59.3% 28.6% Male Civil Servants 65 No 40.7% Female Civil Servants QUESTION 14 How old is your youngest child? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count 3.1% 8.6% 9.2% 11.6% 20.5% 11.3% 35.8% 10 28 30 38 67 37 117 Under 1 Under 3 Under 6 Under 10 Under 15 Under 18 18 and Over answered question skipped question 327 191 How old is your youngest child? - Female Civil Servants 2.1% 9.2% Under 1 10.3% 36.9% Under 3 Under 6 Under 10 9.7% Under 15 Under 18 18 and Over 20.5% 11.3% How old is your youngest child? - Male Civil Servants 4.5% Under 1 7.6% Under 3 7.6% 34.1% Under 6 Under 10 14.4% Under 15 Under 18 18 and Over 11.4% 20.5% 66 QUESTION 15 Do you currently live with your children? Answer Options Yes No Response Percent Response Count 78.9% 21.1% 258 69 answered question skipped question 327 191 Do you currently live with your children? - Male Civil Servants 25.8% Yes No 74.2% Do you currently live with your children? - Female Civil Servants 17.9% Yes No 82.1% 67 QUESTION 16 Do you feel if you were to progress to the next grade your work would make organising your home life difficult (Are you too tired, do you miss time with family, friends and free-time activities) Answer Options Yes No Response Percent Response Count 38.0% 62.0% 195 318 answered question skipped question 513 5 Do you feel if you were to progress to the next grade your work would make organising your home life difficult (Are you too tired, do you miss time with family, friends and free-time activities) - Female Civil Servants 40.0% Yes No 60.0% Do you feel if you were to progress to the next grade your work would make organising your home life difficult (Are you too tired, do you miss time with family, friends and free-time activities) - Male Civil Servants 34.6% Yes No 65.4% 68 QUESTION 17 Have you ever managed a member of staff who has undertaken a period of maternity leave Answer Options Response Percent Response Count 34.3% 65.7% 177 339 Yes No answered question skipped question 69 516 2 QUESTION 18 Please select how easy or difficult the following is to manage when a staff member is taking maternity leave on a scale of one to five with one being simple and five being very difficult. If you have not had to manage the situation then please select N/A. Answer Options Finding information on managing and supporting pregnant staff Pregnancy arising during limited term contracts Sickness absences during pregnancy Arranging or planning cover during maternity leave Training new staff to cover the work of those on maternity leave Workload increases for other members of the team The uncertainty of whether those on maternity will return to work Receiving sufficient notice from those on maternity leave about their return dates to work Increased levels of sickness absences on return from maternity leave Part time or flexible working on return from maternity N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Response Count 14 52 35 39 24 10 174 109 34 13 11 35 30 14 43 45 15 31 35 13 19 29 12 10 22 174 172 174 21 17 44 38 31 23 174 10 14 37 41 45 25 172 14 21 30 35 43 31 174 13 44 46 30 27 13 173 38 40 27 31 22 16 174 25 25 35 43 28 16 172 answered question skipped question 70 174 344 Finding information on managing and supporting pregnant staff 40 35 Percentage 30 25 20 Male 15 Female 10 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Difficulty (One = simple , Five = Very difficult) Pregnancy arising during limited term contracts 80 70 Percentage 60 50 40 Male 30 Female 20 10 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 Difficulty ( One = Simple, 5 = Very difficult) 71 5 Sickness absences during pregnancy 35 Percentage 30 25 20 15 Male 10 Female 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Difficulty ( One = Simple, 5 = Very difficult) Arranging or planning cover during maternity leave 35 Percentage 30 25 20 15 Male 10 Female 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 Difficulty ( One = Simple, 5 = Very difficult 5 ) Training new staff to cover the work of those on maternity leave 30 Percentage 25 20 15 Male 10 Female 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 Difficulty ( One = Simple, 5 = Very difficult) 72 5 Workload increases for other members of the team 35 Percentage 30 25 20 15 Male 10 Female 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Difficulty (One = Simple, 5 = Very difficult) The uncertainty of whether those on maternity will return to work 35 Percentage 30 25 20 15 Male 10 Female 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Difficulty (One = Simple, Five = Very Difficult) Receiving sufficient notice from those on maternity leave about their return dates to work Percentage 40 30 20 Male 10 Female 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 Difficulty (One = Simple, Five = Very difficult) 73 5 Increased levels of sickness absences on return from maternity leave 30 Percentage 25 20 15 Male 10 Female 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Difficulty (One = Simple, Five = Very Difficult) Part time or flexible working on return from maternity 30 Percentage 25 20 15 Male 10 Female 5 0 N/A 1 2 3 4 Difficulty (One = Simple, Five = Very Difficult) 74 5 QUESTION 19 Please tell me the extent to which you agree with the following statements Answer Options Generally pregnant women tend to be less committed to work than other members of the team During recruitment it is reasonable that a woman should declare upfront if she is pregnant It is worth training someone who is pregnant even though she may not return to work Some women abuse their rights during pregnancy, maternity leave and on return to work There is often resentment amongst the wider team towards women who are pregnant or on maternity leave Flexible working arrangements are easily accommodated Women returning to work after maternity leave are/would be just as committed to work as other members of the team A woman being pregnant has no impact on decisions regarding career development within the IOM CS A woman having young children has no impact on decisions regarding career development within the IOM CS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion on this Response Count 18 54 216 155 67 510 119 239 70 52 31 511 58 269 101 26 56 510 49 145 127 48 142 511 34 121 202 66 87 510 40 203 169 55 44 511 95 287 70 14 43 509 47 134 163 48 116 508 55 147 152 43 111 508 answered question 75 511 Generally pregnant women tend to be less commited to work than other members of the team Percentage 50 40 30 Female 20 Male 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion on this During recruitment it is reasonable that a woman should declare upfront if she is pregnant 60 Percentage 50 40 30 Female 20 Male 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion on this It is worth training someone who is pregnant even though she may not return to work 60 Percentage 50 40 30 Female 20 Male 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree 76 Strongly disagree No opinion on this Some women abuse their rights during pregnancy, maternity leave and on return to work 35 Percentage 30 25 20 15 Female 10 Male 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion on this There is often resentment amongst the wider team towards women who are pregnant or on maternity leave Percentage 50 40 30 Female 20 Male 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion on this Percentage Flexible working arrangements are easily accommodated 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Female Male Strongly agree Agree Disagree 77 Strongly disagree No opinion on this Percentage Women returning to work after maternity leave are/would be just as committed to work as other members of the team 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Female Male Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion on this A woman being pregnant has no impact on decisions regarding career development within the IOM CS Percentage 40 30 20 Female 10 Male 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion on this Percentage A woman having young children has no impact on decisions regarding career development within the IOM CS 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Female Male Strongly agree Agree Disagree 78 Strongly disagree No opinion on this QUESTION 20 Have you ever taken advantage of Answer Options Yes No Response Count Part time working Flexitime Job Sharing Term-time working Made a request to change working arrangements Had a request for the above declined 143 402 29 20 130 41 349 97 434 439 351 430 492 499 463 459 481 471 answered question skipped question Percentag Have you ever taken advantage of the following flexible working arrangements - Female Respondants 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% No Yes 79 516 2 Percentage Have you ever taken advantage of the following flexible working options - Male Respondants 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% No Yes QUESTION 21 Are you satisfied with current working arrangements in regards to hours worked and flexibility? Response Percent Answer Options 81.7% 18.3% Yes No If not please specify why not Response Count 421 94 116 answered question skipped question 515 3 Are you satisfied with current working arrangements in regards to hours worked and flexibility? - Female Respondants 21.3% Yes No 78.7% 80 Are you satisfied with current working arrangements in regards to hours worked and flexibility? - Male Respondants 12.0% Yes No 88.0% QUESTION 22 How important is it to have flexibility within your role? Answer Options Very Some Not important Response Percent Response Count 59.3% 37.3% 3.5% 307 193 18 answered question skipped question 81 518 0 How important is it to have flexibility within your role?- Female Respondants 3.0% 34.2% Very Some 62.7% Not important How important is it to have flexibility within your role? Male Respondants 4.3% Very 43.2% 52.4% Some Not important QUESTION 23 How often has each of the following things happened to you in the last three months? Answer Options Several times a week Several times a month Once or Twice Never Response Count 88 118 201 106 513 39 77 172 224 512 I came home from work so tired that I wasn’t able to do the things that needed doing at home. The amount of time I spent at work made it difficult for me to fulfil my family 82 responsibilities. Work that I had to do at home meant that I was so tired when I got to work, I wasn’t able to work well. I find that my family duties make it difficult for me to concentrate at work. 4 27 99 382 512 1 18 136 357 512 answered question skipped question How often has each of the following things happened to you in the last three months? - Female Respondants 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Work that I had to do at home meant that I was so tired when I got to work, I wasn’t able to… I came home from work so tired that I wasn’t able to do the things that needed… Several times a week Several times a month Once or Twice Never How often has each of the following things happened to you in the last three months? - Male Respondants 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Work that I had to do at home meant that I was so tired when I got to work, I wasn’t able to… I came home from work so tired that I wasn’t able to do the things that needed doing… Several times a week Several times a month Once or Twice Never 83 514 4 DEMOGRAPHICS Are you male or female? Answer Options Male Female Response Percent Response Count 35.9% 64.1% 185 330 answered question skipped question 515 3 Are you male or female? 35.9% Male Female 64.1% 84 What is your age? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count 0.0% 1.4% 13.3% 27.5% 39.7% 18.2% 0.0% 0 7 69 142 205 94 0 Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 or over answered question skipped question 0.0% 517 1 Male: What is your age? 0.0% 1.1% 10.3% Under 18 22.2% 18 to 24 25 to 34 27.0% 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 39.5% 0.0% 0.0% 65 or over 1.5% What is your age? Female: 16.1% 15.2% Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 27.7% 45 to 54 55 to 64 39.5% 65 or over 85 Do you work full time or part time Do you work full or part time? Answer Options Full time Part time Response Percent Response Count 85.0% 15.0% 438 77 answered question skipped question 515 3 100.0% 97.3% 90.0% 80.0% 85.0% 78.1% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 21.9% 10.0% 15.0% 2.7% 0.0% All Civil Servants Male Civil Servants Female Civil Servants Do you currently manage staff Answer Options Yes No Response Percent Response Count 48.5% 51.5% 246 261 answered question skipped question 60.0% 507 11 Do you currently manage staff? 56.4% 50.0% 55.7% 51.5% 48.5% 43.6% 40.0% 44.3% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 86 0.0% All Civil Servants Male Civil Service Female Civil Service Are you currently seeking promotion opportunities? Answer Options Yes No Response Percent Response Count 40.2% 59.8% 206 306 answered question skipped question 70.0% 512 6 Are you currently seeking promotion opportunities? 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 59.8% 62.4% 55.5% 44.5% 40.2% 37.6% 10.0% 0.0% All Civil Servants Male Civil Servants Female Civil Servants Do you work in an area which is predominately female or predominately male? Answer Options Predominately male Predominately female An equal mix of gender Response Percent Response Count 26.3% 35.6% 38.1% 136 184 197 answered question skipped question 517 1 Do you work in an area which is predominately female or predominately male? 26.3% 38.1% Predominately male Predominately female 35.6% An equal mix of gender 87 88
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