Pre-AP World History Middle Ages Project DUE: 11/2/2012 For this

Pre-AP World History
Middle Ages Project
DUE: 11/2/2012
For this project, you will be a lord who has been granted a fief (a piece of land) by the king (ME!!!!).
On this piece of land, you must develop a manor system to provide for your citizen’s needs. You
must also create a heraldic shield to identify yourself on the field of battle.
Part I—Making a Manor
On the inside of your manila folder, you must design the layout of a medieval manor. The manor
must be hand drawn and colored. MAKE SURE that your manor has all of the eleven required parts.
(see your notes for a checklist). You must also include a brief description of the function of each of
the eleven parts. Also, be considerate of where you place some of the parts of the manor. Neatness
and presentation will count for a portion of grade. You must also give your manor a name.
Part II—Making a Heraldic Shield
On the front of your manila folder, you must design a medieval heraldic shield. The shield must be
hand drawn and colored. Neatness and presentation will count for a portion of your grade. You
must use calligraphy to write your last name above your shield. To design a heraldic shield, use the
following steps:
1. Choose from one of the many ordinaries (divisions) for your shield. You may choose the one
you think looks good, but in heraldry, everything means something. See the following web
site for examples:
2. Choose charges (symbols) for your shield. You may use as many as you would like. You
should choose them based on their meaning. In heraldry, everything means something.
The website above gives explanations of many of the popular charges.
The website above gives pictures of many of the popular charges. (Hint: click on the acorn at
the bottom of the page)
3. Choose the colors you want to use. Again, in heraldry, everything means something.
Good luck and have fun with this project!!!!