Teacher: Hope Brown
[email protected]
Welcome to AP U.S. History. In this class you are going to be accepting the responsibility and the
workload of a college freshman. The whole emphasis of this class is to prepare you for the AP test,
which will gain you college credit. In order to get a jump on our journey through American history
you will need to do some summer work. The 2nd assignment must be turned in the first day of
Please Read the following pages of this document to see your two (2) assignments.
Thanks and have a great summer!!
Please contact me if you have any questions
1. Memorize the presidents of the United States in chronological order, including first and last
name – be prepared for a quiz the 2nd day of school
George Washington (1789-1797) – No Party then
John Adams (1797-1801) – Federalist
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) – DemocraticRepublican
James Madison (1809-1817) – DemocraticRepublican
James Monroe (1817-1825) – DemocraticRepublican
John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) – DemocraticRepublican
Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) – Democrat
Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) – Democrat
William Harrison (1841) - Whig
John Tyler (1841-1845) - Whig
James Polk (1845-1849) – Democrat
Zachery Tyler (1849-1850) – Whig
Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) - Whig
Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) - Democrat
James Buchanan (1857-1861) – Democrat
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) – Republican
Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) – National Union
Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) – Republican
Rutherford Hayes (1877-1881) – Republican
James Garfield (1881) – Republican
Chester Arthur (1881-1885) – Republican
Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) – Democrat
Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) – Republican
Grover Cleveland (1893 – 1897) – Democrat
William McKinley (1897-1901) – Republican
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) – Republican
William Taft (1909-1913) – Republican
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) – Democrat
Warren Harding (1921-1923) – Republican
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) – Republican
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) – Republican
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945) – Democrat
Harry Truman (1945-1953) – Democrat
Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) – Republican
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1961-1963) – Democrat
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1963-1969) – Democrat
Richard Nixon (1969-1974) – Republican
Gerald Ford (1974-1977) – Republican
James Carter (1977-1981) – Democrat
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) – Republican
George Bush (1989-1993) – Republican
William Clinton (1993-2001) – Democrat
George Bush Jr. (2001-2009) – Republican
Barack Obama (2009 - )
2. On note cards define the following terms. This must be your own handwriting (No computer). Be
sure to have the term and explanation on the same side of the card. Your definition should give the
important information – Number each card according to the number before each term, place in
numerical order. These are due the first day of school! *Please see following page for complete
list of #1-93
Who was the person, group, or thing?
What did they do?
Why was it important?
Chapter 1& 2
1. Spanish Armada
2. Iroquois Confederation
3. Sir Walter Raleigh
4. Roanoke Colony
5. Lord De La Warr
6. Humphrey Gilbert
7. joint stock company
8. primogeniture
9. Virginia Company
10. Jamestown
11. Pocahontas
12. Powhatan
13. John Smith
14. indentured servitude
15. John Rolfe
16. “starving time”
17. House of Burgessess
18. Hansome Lake
19. First Anglo-Powhatan War
20. Second Anglo-Powhatan
21. yeoman
22. proprietor
23. squatter
24. Barbados slave code
25. Lord Baltimore
26. Maryland Act of
27. James Oglethorpe
28. Oliver Cromwell
Chapter 3
30. Calvinism
31. John Calvin
32. Mayflower
33. Mayflower Compact
34. William Bradford
35. Pilgrims
36. Separatist
37. Puritans
38. Puritan migration
39. Church of England
40. Congregational Church
41. the “elect”
42. “visible saints”
43. franchise
44. conversion
45. Anne Hutchinson
46. antinomianism
47. predestination
48.Roger Williams
49. dissenters
Chapter 4 & 5
66. Nathaniel Bacon
67. Bacon’s Rebellion
68. headright system
69. William Berkley
70. middle passage
71. FFV
72. Lieisler’s Rebellion
73. Covenant theology
74. Half-way Covenant
75. Salem witch trials
76. Huguenots
77. mercantilism
78. triangular trade
79. “salutary neglect”
80. Molasses Act
81. Paxton Boys
82. Scots-Irish
83. Great Awakening
84. Jonathan Edwards
85. George Whitefield
50. Metacom
51. Thomas Hooker
52. Fundamental Orders of
53. Harvard
54. King Philip’s War
55. New England
56. Dominion of New
57. Sir Edmond Andros
86. “old and new lights”
87. Ben Franklin
88. Enlightenment
89. Magna Carta
90. John Peter Zenger
91. Poor Richard’s Almanac
92. Phyllis Wheatly
29. Restoration
59. Glorious Revolution
60. Protestant Reformation
61. Henry Hudson
62. Peter Stuyvesant
63. patronship
64. William Penn
65. Quakers
58. Navigation Laws
93. John S. Copely