École Harrison Celebration of Learning in Science Célébration des sciences January 18, 2017 Once again this year, École Harrison’s Science Fair will be in the format of a Celebration of Learning in Science. This year’s Celebration of Learning in Science will be March 2, 2017. A ru- bric from the Western Manitoba Science Fair (WMSF) is available at the WMSF website link below. This rubric is to be followed as a guideline for project criteria (see project types below). Students will have an extended opportunity to share their new discoveries with their school community. Judging format will be one which provides feedback to participants to improve their projects. Celebration of Learning in Science entry form s w ill be due to classroom teachers by February 17. The Western Manitoba Science Fair, w hich is March 14th, w ill provide students with a more comprehensive evaluation of their project. Westman Science Fair entry fees is $20 per person. These entry forms will be due to classroom teachers by March 6—NO EXCEPTIONS! We look forward to providing the students of École Harrison with this opportunity to challenge themselves as well as share their interests and knowledge. Science Fair Committee Western Manitoba Science Fair Project Types: Project type #1: Experiment Project type #2: Innovation Project type #3: Study Undertake an investigation to test a scientific hypothesis by the experimental method. At least one independent variable is manipulated; other variables are controlled. Students may complete projects individually or with a partner. Students entering a project in this category are expected to formulate a hypothesis or question, collect data, analyze the data and form a conclusion. Develop and evaluate new devices, models, theorems, physical theories, techniques, or methods in technology, engineering, computing, natural science, or social science. Students may complete projects individually or with a partner. Examples of projects could be: Building a bridge, a robot etc. Analysis of, and possibly collections of, data using accepted methodologies from the natural, social, biological, or health sciences. Includes studies involving human subjects, biology field studies, data mining, observation and pattern recognition in physical and/or sociobehavioural data. Students may complete projects individually or with a partner. Examples of projects could be: How does water get turned into electricity? Who was Louis Pasteur? Who was Albert Einstein? For a more comprehensive look at the WMSF evaluation process, please visit the 2017 guide at http://www.wmsf.com/ Helpful Hints When Preparing Science Projects REMEMBER ! Type 1 :Experiment should include: Problem / Le problème Hypothesis / L’ hypothèse Observations / Les observations Procedure / Le méthode Materials / Les matériaux Results / Les résultats Variables / Les variables Data / Les données Conclusion / La conclusion Graphs and charts to display data. Remember to have a workbook (initial rough draft) that documents all notes and data recordings. *Comprehensive resources can be found at www.wmsf.com Type #2 Innovation Students Integrate several technologies, inventions, social/behavioral interventions or design and construct an innovative application that will have human and/or commercial benefit. *Comprehensive resources can be found at www.wmsf.com Dates To Remember: February 17 2017: Celebration of Learning in Science Registration Forms due. March 2 , 2017: All École Harrison families are invited to attend the Celebration of Learning in Science / Célébration des sciences. Students will have their projects on display in the gymnasium from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm (not including the noon hour from 11:4512:45). Come one come all !! March 6, 2016: Deadline for collecting the $20 Type #3 : Study Students complete a study that correlates information from a variety of peer-reviewed publications and from systematic observations, and reveals significant new information, or original solutions to problems. Same criteria for analysis of significant variables and/or description of procedures/techniques. *Comprehensive resources can be found at www.wmsf.com entry fee (per person) to the Western Manitoba Science Fair. NO EXCEPTIONS! March 14, 2017: Western Manitoba Science Fair. Keystone Centre. Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty --Albert Einstein 1879-1955 If interested in piquing your child’s interest in Science visit Bill Nye the Science Guy’s website www.billnye.com Tons of demos!!!! The main purpose of the science fair is to encourage students to get involved in scientific enquiry or the design processes of technology. Mentors do not teach, as much as they guide the discovery process in the student. Please remember that your role is to encourage, give expert advice and guide, not to do the project yourself. There is wide latitude for help but please be sure that the student feels a sense of ownership of the work. Celebration of Harrison Learning in Science École Science Fair Célébration Committee des sciences Expo-Sciences Members are: Committee Members are: Greg Sylvestre Greg Sylvestre David Martine David Martine Glen Simard Glen Simard Caroline Mullins Caroline Mullins School Administration: School Administration: Craig Laluk (principal) Craig Laluk (principal)
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