The study on high jump athletes` special physical structure and

The study on high jump athletes’ special physical structure and
training content
Shen Guangye(Qinhuangdao Sports Campus, Daqing Oil College,China)
Lu Wei(Jilin University Man College,Jilin, China)
Zhao Yan(Jilin University Sports Institute, China)
Expounding documentation act、logical thinking and experience, this study is to investigate the special
physical structure and the content of training of high jump athletes through literature material approach,
logical thinking approach and empiricism。The purpose is to make the coaches and athletes understand
the training methods in order to raise the level of training and guarantee the outstanding achievements
for athletes。
Keyword:high jump athletes;special physical structures;training content 。
I. One issue raised
High jump is one of the traditional and advantage athletics items there has emerged a group of
outstanding men and women athletes that has reached the international advanced level。 Three persons
has broken the world records five times in open-style,vietnam style and back performance Especially a
athlete named ZhuJian Hua has broken three world records in the 1980s,Which has gained the honour
of the motherland and made a great impact at the international level。But a downward trend has showed
in high jump nearly 10 years。Out men‘s high jump athletes only achieved bronze in the Hiroshima
Asian Games of 1994。The women high jump athletes were not shown in the competition due to the
low level of high jump。And the situation is still the same in nowadays。This shows that the level of out
high jump is no advantages in Asia and even worse around the world。In order to achieve a
breakthrough in the high jump projects and bring back in glory as the 2008 Olympic Games host
country。We need to carry on a scientific and system research for the special training of the high jump
athletes,thereby promoting the level of scientific training of the high jump athletes。
II. Research methodology and research objects
2.1 Methodology
2.1.1 Documentation act
2.1.2 Logical thinking approach
2.1.3 Empiricism
2.2 Research objects
2.2.1 Outstanding high jump athletes of our committee
2.2.2 Outstanding high jump athletes of the world
III. discussion and analysis
3.1 The kinematic characteristics of the high jump project
3.1.1 the concept of sport high jump is a project fall of speed and power。The athletes run rapidly,stress
slimly and across a high degree of field。This event possess the technical characteristics of rapid。It is a
athletic sports event requiring fast running,fast starting and fast-pole to finish the technical moves。
High jump athletes’athletic ability is their integrated performance such as physical patterns,skills,
quality,psychological,technical and tactical factors。
3.1.2 The kinematic characteristics of the high jump players
The move process of sport high jump is in the premise of rhythm and speed running ,controlling their
focus well,shouting their own physical into the air with the help of strong ,powerful and negative take
off ground,using their physical flexibility,across the horizontal completely。Sport high jump is a bind
of single move project,according to the principles of sports training and classification。This kind of
event ,has the features of cyclical and recurrent。
High jump competition through who jumps higher to see who wins。High jump project is ends of failed
result which is different from other sport events。Then,the kinematic characteristics of high jump
project includes:
(1) High jump movement is a kind of event demanding technical the so movements requires a high
degree of consistency,stability and coordination。Each technical aspects in the course of training and
competition,such as run,taking off ground and crossing the pole,must possess exactly。Will the lest
technical moves to complete a pole。
(2) High jump movement includes force type,speed type and two composite-type。
(3) Because of the inherent characteristics and the competition rules of high jump sport,the athletes
must be good at self-regulating in training and competitions。And they must adapt to the
unexpected difficulties of the competition。Will the best condition to complete the competition
and training。
(4) Outstanding high jump athletes have superb skills and aesthetic。
(5) The trend of modern high jump training is using the effective integration of range and speed as a
basis,more prominent the role in the speed,tapping the potential of speed quality of athletes。
3.2 The concept of special physical of high jump athletes
Through extensive a number of documentations and accesses,plus my own experiences,the
concept of special physical summed up as follows。The special physical of high jump athletes,is the
special quality of high jump athletes,a important component of :athletic abilities,the integrated with
all kinds of physical ability they must have if they want to raise the level and create outstanding results
the special physical training of outstanding high jump athletes is the technical and tactical training
base。It will influence the results and efficiency of competition and training。Correct and effective
special physical training methods,which can greatly reduce physical exertion of athletes。The
improving training efficiency and avoiding the damage to increase the life of competition。It all has an
important significance。
3.3 special physical structure
The special physical structure of high jump sport includes:a physical form,a movement quality,a
psychological quality,the impairment level a smart structure,physical health。
3.3.1 special physical patters
physical patterns:It is also a important indicator of choosing high jump athletes。High jump athletes
requires high build,light weight,loner limb length,the width of body and the smaller physical ,a rob
shaped buttocks muscle,tendon long ,Zugong high,toe short and trim,the sole of foot flexible。
(1) standing:site statistics,more men using back-breaking has broken world twelve times records。
Eight players Average height is 1.97 meters。Woman is 1.80 meters。According to most coach`s
experience,the ideal height is male over 1.95 meters,female over 1.78 meters。
Table 1 world outstanding high jump athletes`s stands
Bost results
Former soviet union
Bowaerni phragmites
former soviet union
Efujie spur branch
Former soviet union
Zhu jian hua
Kesitadi javier nova
One special
As figure below,we can see world outstanding high jump athlete’s build are tall。Sothomay uel
word record in male stands 1.95 meters。Long legs fast。Strong firms,good flexibility reasonable run
and take off ground,is a rare high jump talent。In the women`s high jump projects,the world
Jilubaochizhe Bulgaria Kesidadi Javier Nova has reached the height of 1.81 metres,the height of the
women athletes is a very good build,especially her long pair of thin legs,and strong,someone has said
that her legs are the world`s most beautiful,most powerful legs。Material,in accordance with the
different stages of growth growth characteristics,both at their existing height,but also consider its
future potential。If soccer stands for less than ideal height,but land power,speed,flexibility,quality
was very conspicuous,but also serve as a target。In the women`s high jump projects,the world record
maker Bulgaris kesidadi Javier Nova has reached the height of 1.81 meters。The height of the women
athletes is still a very good build,especicdly her long pair of thin legs, and strong。Someone has said
that her legs are the most beautiful and Powerful legs in the world。When choosing high jump athletes,
in accordance with the different stages of growth characteristics。Not only aiming at their existing
height,but also considering their future potential。If soccer stars for less than idea height but land
power,speed,flexibility,quality was very conspicuous。They can also serve as a target。
(2)Ketwolai index(weight/height/×1000):that shows the weight per centimeter height。Is a
reflection of the important patterns of human development,affected by age ,gender,human growth
and development of ethnic differences。
(3) Lower limb:a formula H=H1+H2+H3 results from the high jump can be seen H1 the height
(starting from the end of the instant physical off ground)depends primarily on the size of the lower
limb of athletes the longer lower limb,is the higher physically focus is H1 value is greater then。
3.3.2the special quality of movement Land power and rapid power:from a high jump performance
formula H=H1+H2+H3 can be seen jumping ability will have a direct impact on high jump athletes
achievements。Absolute speed :improve athletes for the completion of high-speed running ,accurate
powerful stimuli。Speed is the absolute foundation of running speed , is an important factor in the
decision hopping score High item generally stand 30 meters to test absolute speed。Pliable but hard to
break qualities:high jump techniques are more complex and the requirements of pliable is higher ,so
we must spend more time on it。And therefore it is very important to do a good job,to deal their waist,
pelvis,heel joints and muscle groups with flexibility,power quality :power quality is good or bad,
directly determines the athletes`take off ground,across pole and other links are smooth or not。It is also
directly determines the score good or bad are smooth too pole directly determines the good
performance athletes。
(table 2)11special quality indicators of Zhu jian hua
Best resutts in a capacity
Lying on eleuated
Running high hand touch
Sit on the eleuate
Running high head touch
Running high knee touch
30 metres dash
60 metres dash
Long jump
Situ jump high touch
(Excerpted form the “Athletic High guidelines”)
As can be seen in table 2,zhujianhua is precisely just because he has these special campaigns to
highlight quality so he can break the world records three times。The improvment of special campaign
play a very important role in the quality of the high jump performance。
3.3.3 special mental quality special psychological campaign not only regulate and control but also play
a lead rdo in a race。Good physical and psychological qualities is the is flexible prerequisite skills can。
High jump athletes`nervous system is flexible particularly that response moving faster show out ,feel
good space identity,orientation ability,a strong initiative,the quality of indomitable will,good ability
to control competition,good at using coaches tactical implementation arrangements。These capabilities
embodied mainly rely on the athletes to complete a psychological quality,the special mental quality
of the training of athletes are not ignored, emphasis must be places together。
3.3.4 special bodily functions
Special bodily functions:high jump athletes need to maximize physical potential in a short period of
time,it is necessary to be quick pace,but also have great strength and the combination of both organic
and muscle activity intensity to large cerebral cortex excited for the process to be dominant。Sum Kung
index is a quantitative load skills,is a major indicator of the level to reflect the human heart high jump
athletes called quiet frequency,pulse less,so that the heart contraction force is big,heart functional
strong;Campaign frequency pulse immediately less after sport so that the completion of quantitative
skills in savings load,the heart of the phenomenon;Recovery period pulse less,This shows that the
restoration of the heart of the fast。Sum Kung smaller index,which indicates heart better。High jump
athletes only have a good special bodily functions can achieve more outstanding achievements。
3.3.5 special intelligence structure
special intelligence structure for athletes training ,competition and future development play an
important role。Through research and found that the high jump athletes of the world have the same
following outstanding points:
(1)with high educational backgrounds。Many outstanding high jump
athletes are university diplomas,they not only have a high level of the campaign,which is also very
good in science。Out successful experience in leading high jump champion Zhujianhua is a good
(2)a high level of understanding and mastering the rules of athletes very thorough。
(3)a high
level of athletes to correct his own mistakes moves,but also to guide training。
3.3.6physical health
We said health is usually the absence of disease,but a physical structure embodied in the demand for
high levels of physical health。High jump athletes require more healthy for quick responses,mental
health,ability to adapt to the natural environment and strong competition environment,the ability to
adapt to the time difference is higher than ordinary people。Outstanding athletes in the world high jump
almost a year in foreign competitions, catering to different countries,climate,people,terrain,etc。
directly affects their ability to adapt to the competition results。World record maker sothomayuel is
Cuban,he created the world record of the location is not in Cuba but in Europe。His success shows:
excellent high jump athletes have a higher level of physical health,able to adapt to different
competition environment,time,food,etc,objective conditions。
3.4special physical training content
special physical training includes special campaigns quality training ,special psychological training ,
special physical skills training ,special physical training patterns,special intelligence structure
training ,the level of health training。
3.4.1 special campaigns quality training
Through research that the special high jump athletes is the top priority for the physical training of
athletes jumping ability training。Land forces training capacity through training ,and training firms,
the pace of training to complete。
(1) strength training :strength training can be achieved through the development of the greatest
strength of strength and speed development to training。Largest power development training
punish。while commonly used are the following barbell exercises:①Tira and chest while ②lift
③push ④while⑤load carrying body forward bend walk ⑥caming walk ⑦raise foot the
development of the main forces practicing of speed :①the rapid adoption of the following
category②fast lift ③bow and arrow-jump④punish jump or while jump ⑤while carrying a
high load running ⑥smooth run ⑦ load toes moves。
(2) joins the development:①barbell exercises:snatch,clean and jerk,high consumption,that bell
to chest,broad,deep②and left ③hopping exercises:standing long jump,triple jump,10-level
cross-jump,high jump moves,step appearance,the pace,run over aircraft,jump height,half
fill with the over-riding pole exercises and overall running of the over-riding pole exercises,④
load exercises。
(3) speed training:a 30-metre stand-usually run,60metres stand –in the short run,such as distance
running completed。
3.4.2 Versions special psychological practice
(1) creating training method : creating training method is most commonly used in sports a
psychological training method,mental training is seen as the core element,it is implied in some
of imagination in the minds of some movements or movements repeated scenes,thereby
enhancing skills and emotional control methods。
(2) that self-training method:self-training method is that athletes use various means to the
psychological influence and ,by extension,control behaviour process。
(3) encourage regulatory method the method is coaches’ use of praise and confirmation language to
influence the athletes`psychological activities。
3.4.3special physical skills training
Balance deficiency:can stand alone as a means to detect and training such capacity ;Response time:
available apparatus“playing festivals”to the training and testing capabilities in peacetime training in the
use of in situ small step can run ,high excess run rapidly exercises to practice after listening to the
voice of athletes responsiveness;Vital capacity,the pace ,endurance,and other physiological
functions:can use the “height”exercises and tests to detect irregular,endurance capacity,but also
run through the Land Cruiser,the endurance athletes such as long-distance running improved physical
3.4.4 special physical training patterns
(1) carrying light weapons training method:hand-held dumbbell,stick,solid ball,gymnastics and
other light weapons plnt training methods。This method have different ways of training content
and campaigns can be a part of any physical training ,athletes can effectively influence the
physical form。
(2) dance training method:dance movements are refined,organizations processing human action,
the basic elements of a functioning posture and coordination capacity,clear rhythm,posture
formation of a special significance。
3.4.5 special intelligence training structure
Through research that outstanding high jump athletes special training should focus on the structure
Through research that outstanding high jump athletes special training should focus on the structure of
wisdom from the following actions:
(1) high jump athletes should have high academic credentials。This requires a high level athletes to
participate in the institutions of higher learning ,to enhance their knowledge structure,in
theory,to improve their own shortcomings,so that theory and practice can integrate very well
together to be able to complete a good understanding and coaches training program。
(2) a high level of high jump athletes to their project rules,the characteristics of the project to
understand and have a mastery,resulting in competition rules to good use and improve their
ability to master the competition。Can access books,and network and the media for their own
ways to improve the rules,understand and master the characteristics of the project。
(3) high-level high jump athletes to enhance their ability to guide,to correct mistakes moves and
guidance training。This requires athletes in the ordinary training ask more,think more,speak
more to find his own shortcomings and deficiencies found teammate or other athletes,they must
be bold moves guidance,thereby enhancing their ability to guide the training。
3.4.6 healthy level training
High jump athletes require more healthy for quick responses,mental health ,ability to adapt to
the natural environment and strong competition environment,the ability to adapt to the time difference
is higher than ordinary people。Through research,said:
(1)a high level of high jump athletes to take part in more international competitions through
competitions in different countries to improve their diet ,climate and personalities,such as terrain
(2)a high level of high jump athletes training sites,the environment must be based on actual
locations and matches of the competition at any time change the environment in order to achieve real
combat training results。
IV.Conclusions and Recommendations
By introducing the concept of the Movement high jump, exploring the kinematic characteristics of
high jump projects and high jump on the project special physical content,and let everyone understand
the importance of physical training and conscious high jump。Then,a high jump athlete special body
training is alse to the development of modern high jump outstanding athletes special athletic ability
important ways。How to understand and grasp the high jump athletes special physical training content,
but also in the future decided high jump and high jump performance of the key factors and the level of
development of the cause of the basic elements。
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