Pino Grinio Mount Majura Winery The Sniggle Track Batcave Majura Pines was established as an ACT Government commercial pine plantation forest in the 1950s and continues to be managed as a commercial plantation. Since the current crop of trees were planted in 1985 – 1986, it has become a popular recreation area. Magic Roundabout Mr Squiggle Bombora Winery Gate Mr Squiggle Recreational users Mountain bike riding A range of activities including walking, dog walking, trail running, orienteering, horse riding and mountain bike riding are available at Majura Pines. The Majura Pines has some of the oldest and most famous mountain bike trails in Canberra. Mount Majura Nature Reserve For beginners You are very likely to encounter all of these users as well as maintenance vehicles so please familiarise yourself with the trail etiquette. TRAIL ETIQUETTE FOR ALL USERS The beginner area is east of the Majura Parkway and is accessible from the Majura Road car park. The trails provide a fun and interesting introduction to mountain bike riding for both children and adults. It is the perfect place for beginner mountain bike riders to develop their skills. Courtesy is the best safety on the trail. Communicate with your fellow trail users to ensure everyone’s safety. Skills area A skills area has log rolls, log rides, berms and flat corners located on a circuit track perfect for practicing and develop technical skills. Cross country trails Cross country mountain bike trails at Majura Pines are bi-directional. Walkers and runners also use the cross country trails. Horse riding The central spine of Monterey Road, along with the boundary vehicle tracks, provide pleasant riding experiences through the pines. Cavalettis are located at the main entry points. The main intermediate cross-country loop links riders to the more advanced technical cross country trails and challenging climbs that are located on the steeper slopes and flow trail descents on the easier downhill trails. Bogs & Logs Mud Honey Downhill and flow trails The intermediate to advanced downhill trails located in the south-western corner of Majura Pines are for experienced riders only. The Winery Hill descent, Pinot Grinio, is a flow track suitable for beginner downhill riders. Walking and running Walkers, runners and orienteering users can utilise the vehicle tracks, bidirectional cross-country mountain bike trails or go cross country between the trees. Take care on the vehicle tracks in the south-western corner of the Majura Pines where downhill trails cross vehicle tracks. Mountain bike riders descend at high speed on these downhill trails. Features on the downhill trails include bermed corners, table top jumps, double gap jumps, drops and rock sections. Easier b-line options are provided for advanced features and all double gap jumps can either be rolled or have b-lines. Pump Track & Skills Area Mata Hari Downhill riders please slow down when crossing vehicle tracks and watch for other users. Dogs at Majura Pines Dogs are allowed off-leash. People with dogs must keep other users in mind and ensure your dogs remain under control at all times. All dog droppings in public places must be removed by the dog keeper. Dirt Jumps Dirt jumps Intermediate through to advanced level dirt jumps are co-located at Majura Pines to encourage a social and supportive dirt jumping community. Auto Alley Each dirt jump line is clearly marked with the level of difficulty. All dogs must be on-leash when in the adjacent nature reserves. General warning and exclusion of liability Users of Majura Pines do so at their own risk. To the extent permitted by law, the Australian Capital Territory excludes all liability, including but not limited to liability for personal injury, death, property damage, property loss, and consequential loss or damage of any kind arising from the use of and/or entry to, Majura Pines whether in contract, by negligent act or omission, or any other tortious action. Crazy Crab Walk WARNING: SPORTING ACTIVITIES AT MAJURA PINES PARK MAYBE DANGEROUS AND MAY RESULT IN INJURY, DEATH AND OR PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE. Radicle Majura Majura Road Gate Gate Road Dew Drop Inn The Flash Pitt Street Smitten Kitten Straight, No Chaser Barry ad Ro ra Sealed road Rest area Rest area with drinking fountain Ma jura Telemark Equestrian and bike crossing points ju Innabaanya Equestrian trail loop Ma Par kw ay TRAIL INFORMATION Tam Stre breet et Parking Larry Majura Parkway shared user path Rock Lobster Lincoln Vehicle access track Sleepy Hollow Boy Wonder Downhill mountain bike areas CAUTION: Bike riders descend trails at high speeds in these areas Mount Majura Nature Reserve igo Beyond Black Stump Love Shack < To Bi-directional cross country trail <T AJ’s Leap tt Beginner oP Hackett Gate e ck MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAILS iall Planet Claire Ha Intermediate Advanced Mountain bike rider safety All Users • Ride trails that match your skill level. The trail grading system helps riders to decide. • Riders are required by law to wear an Australian Standards helmet. • Mountain bikes should be in good working order. • Always ride under control. Out of control riders are a danger to themselves and other park users. • For your safety and the safety of others, obey all signage especially cautionary signs. TRAIL GRADING Full faced helmets (Australian Standard Certified) should be worn when downhill riding and protective equipment such as gloves, elbow, knee and shin pads, neck brace, chest and spine protection, mountain bike with minimum front suspension, working front and rear brakes, and adequate tread on tires. The Majura Pines Trail Alliance WHEN VISITING MAJURA PINES PLEASE REMEMBER • Slow down at intersections, particularly equestrian trail intersections, where you are likely to meet other trail users. • No motorised vehicles of any kind or remote control devices are permitted. The IMBA trail difficulty rating system is used to categorise the relative technical difficulty of recreation trails. The IMBA system helps riders to make informed decisions about the trails they choose to ride and gives them an understanding of the level of skill required. • Ride your mountain bike at a controlled speed, especially approaching blind corners. • No camping is permitted within the park. IMBA RATING EQUIPMENT FOR DOWNHILL RIDING TRAIL ETIQUETTE FOR MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDERS Majura Pines trails are graded using the International Mountain Bike Association’s (IMBA) trail difficulty rating system. TRAIL RATING Easiest Beginner Easy Beginner More difficult Intermediate Very difficult Intermediate /Advanced Extremely difficult Advanced • Announce your presence known to other users by calling out or ringing a bell well in advance. • Minimise your impact by staying on the built trail network. • Avoid riding in wet, muddy conditions. Ride through puddles that extend across the track rather than widening the trail by going around them. • No fires are permitted within the park. • There are no bins at Majura Pines. Please take all rubbish away with you. • All native plants, animals, timber (alive and dead) and the environment are protected by law. • Carry a mobile phone, especially if you are on your own. • Phone: 000 in an emergency WHAT TO DO IF YOU ENCOUNTER A HORSE • Horse riders have the right of way over other users on trails; walkers have next priority and then cyclists. • Cyclists, walkers and runners should stop and ask permission to pass, allowing horse riders time to position their horses for safety. • Maintain a minimum one metre distance from the horse. • Avoid frightening the horse by making sudden or large movements or ringing a bike bell. • Dogs should be kept under control near horses. • Do not touch a horse without the owner’s permission. • Do not take shortcuts or form new trails as you will disturb the soil and cause erosion. The Majura Pines Trail Alliance (MPTA) is a volunteer group formed in 2014 to manage the redevelopment and ongoing maintenance of the mountain bike trails at the Majura Pines in partnership with the ACT Government. Mt Majura & Mt Ainslie nature reserves The western boundary of Majura Pines borders the Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie nature reserves. The reserves are important for conservation of local wildlife and their habitats and for recreation and nature appreciation. The critically endangered Yellow box-Blakely’s red gum grassy woodland and the largest stand of drooping she-oak Allocasuarine verticillata in the ACT are protected in these reserves. In the reserves, bike riding is permitted on formed vehicle tracks only and dogs must be kept on-leash at all times. The Majura Valley Majura Pines sits within the Majura Valley which comprises working farms, the Pialligo area, wineries and local produce suppliers that attract visitors to the valley. Please remember SE Further information or to report trail conditions call Access Canberra: 13 22 81 D CO N Walkers, runners and cyclists please stay on authorised tracks. AN All native plants, animals, timber (alive and dead) and the environment are protected by law. PA R K S Dogs are allowed in the Majura Pines off-leash; dogs must remain under the control of their carers whilst exercising off leash. RVIC E ACT Please ensure that you take all your rubbish home. N S E R V AT IO
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