UBT207X Display stock to promote beauty sales

Display stock to promote beauty sales
Unit reference number: K/615/0794
Level: 2
Guided Learning (GL) hours: 30
This unit will enable learners to create eye catching displays using promotional materials,
equipment and stock from the account or salon. Through careful planning, preparation and
maintenance of the display, learners will develop the knowledge and skills to promote the
concession or salon and increase sales of services and retail products.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this unit, learners will:
LO1 Know how to prepare a display area
LO2 Be able to prepare a display area
LO3 Be able to maintain and dismantle the display area
Version 4
Assessment requirements
Learners must produce a portfolio of evidence which includes:
1. Portfolio
2. Summative practical assessment
1. Portfolio
Learners must produce a portfolio of evidence which contains assessed evidence covering
all the assessment criteria.
The portfolio must be completed prior to learners undertaking the one summative practical
assessment. Evidence from the one summative practical assessment must also be
presented in the portfolio.
2. Summative practical assessment
Learners must assemble a complete display to promote beauty products or services which
will be observed, and marked by centre assessors.
The practical assessment must take place in a real or realistic working environment
assembling a displaying promoting relevant products and treatments or services. At a
minimum the practical assessment for this unit must cover:
Displaying a minimum of three products
Promoting a minimum of two treatments or services
Recorded professional discussion can also be used as an assessment method attached to
the practical assessment and is particularly useful for gathering evidence for criteria related
to evaluation and reflection. Professional discussions should be planned and recorded.
Unit content
LO1 Know how to prepare a display area
Explain the purpose of creating a display:
 A creative merchandising display is a silent selling technique employed to maximise per
square feet retail turns
- Enhanced customer service, introduce existing customer to new
product/services or new customers to existing product or services
Is the display designed to just be looked at and create a thought or
conversation or will the display have products that need to be accessible to
touch, smell, try and test
Creating a buzz. Customers share the experience (rule of 3)
Enhances retail opportunities
Used to help gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace
Peaks interest of consumers
Adds value to a brand by utilising sensory stimuli other than verbal to project
a concept, image or brand, such as – lighting, music, aromas and television
Can lead to increased profitability – more sales more often
Describe the type of information required in order to plan the display effectively:
 Purpose of the display – is the design set to a brief given by a product house/company,
or is the display free formed. Designed to make you stop and look, eye-catching,
colourful, shocking, breath-taking, thought provoking, promotion of service/product
Is the display pack to be provided by a product company, does it have a specific target
audience – existing customers, new customers, passers-by? Understand the
demographic the display is designed to appeal to
Members of staff involved – colleagues, account manager, salon/store owner, line
manager, senior stylist, technician, sales representatives
Meetings to decide – the area and size available to use and general positioning for the
display the general plan, designs, mood board, quantity being displayed, timescale for
stock orders, knowledge of promotional items, length of time of the display – short/long
term, lighting, likely implications (cost, time, stock, resources, space, possibilities of
theft). Available time to set up and if necessary maintain the display. Relevant health and
safety concerns. Is it a seasonal display?
Promotional materials – posters, leaflets, samples, photos, gift boxes, vouchers, DVDs,
special offers. Products and visual aids available (including budget) furniture/
equipment/props available to use
Describe how the location and design of a display can attract attention and increase
 Understand how a prominent view/position can impact on the success of the display and
the possible detrimental consequences of restricted view/position
Does it need to be eye level or is the concept bigger/requiring more space, will its
location cause an inconvenience to staff/customers. Have an understanding of health
and safety implications of the location of the display
Needs to be attractive to look at and give a good first impression but act as a constant
view reminding clients/customers of the goods on offer
In a department store – is the layout of the store designed in a ‘race track’ principle,
designed to herd the consumer in one direction or is the layout designed to encourage
In a salon is there sufficient room to display product throughout the establishment or is
the space too limited to encourage this
Key points for display purposes, window displays, general design displays scattered
throughout the space and payment point displays
Describe how the location and design of related promotional materials can influence
the effectiveness of a display:
 Purpose of promotional materials
- Take away, read, clarify, outline features and benefits, supplied by
company/wholesaler, look professional, how promotional materials are used
to boost salon/company image
Promotional materials designed
- Effective only if relevant to the services/products on sale. Understand the
importance of using up to date/current information. Understand the range of
promotional materials for use to communicating with customers, utilising a
combination of lighting, colours, props, text and graphic design to display
goods, attract the attention of the customer and sustain a brand image. Other
methods available include light boxes for product display, posters, back
cards, pamphlets/leaflets, cabinet glass clingers, shelf talkers or designed to
hang from the ceilings, music/electronic display, audio and visual
Promotional location
- In-store design used to enhance the atmosphere of the store and the overall
store environment. Having a visually appealing store design simulates the
representation of the brand promoting the purchase of an ‘idea or lifestyle’
designed to attract customers into a friendly, efficient environment making
shopping easier for consumers which encourages buying and most
importantly, reassures repeat purchasing. Effective positioning will ensure it is
near the location of the heaviest footfall in the salon/store, near a payment or
till point to draw the eye while customers are waiting
The window design technique is a way of communicating with customers,
which uses a combination of lighting, colours, props, text and graphic design
to display goods, attract the attention of the customer and sustain a brand
image. The overall goal of the window display for the retailer is to persuade
the customer into the store and motivate purchasing
List the safety considerations when assembling a display:
 Consideration for clients, customers and colleagues. Height of display, design – shape
such as sharp corners, are all necessary materials to hand to assemble the display. Is
the area safe and restricted while the display is assembled?
Material and props used – are all necessary materials to hand? Are they safe and
securely displayed?
Posture is appropriate and it is easy to observe manual handling legislation and ensure
effective posture to protect from person injury whilst assembling the display
Are COSHH regulations being followed
Explain the maintenance needs of a promotional display:
 Following establishment rules and guidelines and in line with any relevant health and
safety legislation, understand the methods of effectively cleaning various of surfaces and
mediums, how to clean and replace stock, how to check, audit and rotate stock, how to
clean and polish display, how to replace products as necessary
Outline the safety considerations when dismantling a display, disposing of materials
and returning stock to storage:
 Legal responsibilities – ensure health and safety requirements are followed, ensuring
limited disruption to services, checking stock is returned to its correct location and stock
control and auditing measures are adhered to
Props and equipment are disposed of in an appropriate, ecologically friendly manner in
line with establishment rules and guidelines
Outline the key legal requirements affecting a display and the sale of goods:
 Trades Description Act
Consumer Protection
Consumer safety Act
Prices Act
Resale Prices Act
Sales and Supply of Goods Act
Cosmetic Products (safety) regulations
Data Protection Act
Consumer protection (Distance Selling) Regulations
The Disability Discriminations Act
Sale of goods – legislation that deals with the contract between a retailer and the
consumer, relating to products and equipment
The retailer – has a responsibility to sell best quality goods that are not defective in any
way, refund the money for a purchase if it is found to be defective (offer an exchange of
goods if there is no receipt), make a complaint to the supplier
The three main points – goods must be in a saleable condition, fit for purpose and not
faulty, and as described
The supply of goods and services – legislation that deals with traders’ obligations
towards the consumer and their legal rights
Refund for goods bought – this allows the consumer to claim some, or all of the money
paid for goods
Services – the person or trader providing a service must charge a reasonable price,
provide the service within a reasonable time, with care and skill
Describe how to label the displayed products clearly, accurately and in a manner
consistent with legal requirements:
 Why labelling should be – clear, accurate, neat, state name/nature of product, price,
special offers, discount, and suitability, do not exaggerate features/benefits, and only use
manufacturer’s instructions
LO2 Be able to prepare a display area
Select the materials, equipment, and stock to use:
 Select appropriate materials for the display for example – paper, card, tissue paper,
ribbon, cotton/string, display stand, material, textiles, objects, props, accessories,
literature (posters, leaflets), decorations
Select appropriate equipment for the display for example – products, cleansers, toners,
moisturisers, select appropriate equipment – make-up brushes, tweezers, eyelash
Select the appropriate stock and products, for example – selection of make-up (eye
shadows, mascaras, blushers and face powders), make-up brushes, beauty accessories,
range of beauty creams/oils, range of nail varnish, treatment packages, gift sets
Determine the location of the display to maximise its impact:
 Create a display demonstrating understanding of effective location selection to create the
most impact
Determine a theme for the display:
 Theme for your display – new product, time of year (Christmas, Easter, summer holiday),
public occasion, money-off promotion
Assemble the display carefully and safely:
 Display compliance with a relevant health and safety requirements when creating a
display. Maintaining a safe salon – clean, tidy, safe standards of working, remove
spillages or excess display support material, ensuring it does not cause an obstruction of
hazard, report slippery surfaces. Know how to remove/report obstacles
Label the displayed products clearly, accurately and in a manner consistent with legal
 Labelling should be – clear, accurate, neat, state name/nature of product, price, special
offers, discount, and suitability; do not exaggerate features/benefits, and only use
manufacturer’s instructions
LO3 Be able to maintain and dismantle a display area
Maintain the display area:
 Maintain the display area by observing relevant Health and Safety regulations and
salon/store procedures, learner will demonstrate how to
- Clean surfaces
Clean and replace stock
Check/audit and replace stock as required
Rotate stock
Clean and polish display
Replace products as necessary
Dismantle the display area, restore the area and return stock to storage:
 Dismantle the display area observing relevant Health and Safety regulations and
salon/store procedures, learner will demonstrate how to:
- Dismantle display – removing products and returning to safe storage
Check resources for tampering
Clean packaging
Return resources to stock – update stock sheets
Return materials/equipment to relevant people/department – store for re-use,
recycle if possible
Ensure limited disruption to services, observing stock control procedures
Assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, learners must achieve all pass criteria. The pass criteria relate to
the proficient demonstration of skills and knowledge.
Learning outcome
The learner must:
The learner can:
LO1 Know how to prepare a
display area
P1 Explain the purpose of creating a display
P2 Describe the type of information required in order to plan
the display effectively
P3 Describe how the location and design of a display can
attract attention and increase sales
P4 Describe how the location and design of related
promotional materials can influence the effectiveness of a
P5 List the safety considerations when assembling a display
P6 Explain the maintenance needs of a promotional display
P7 Outline the safety considerations when dismantling a
display, disposing of materials and returning stock to storage
P8 Outline the key legal requirements affecting a display and
the sale of goods
P9 Describe how to label the displayed products clearly,
accurately and in a manner consistent with legal requirements
LO2 Be able to prepare a display
P10 Select the materials, equipment, and stock to use
P11 Determine the location of the display to maximise its
P12 Determine a theme for the display
P13 Assemble the display carefully and safely
P14 Label the displayed products clearly, accurately and in a
manner consistent with legal requirements
LO3 Be able to maintain and
dismantle a display area
P15 Maintain the display area
P16 Dismantle the display area, restore the area and return
stock to storage
Assessment guidance
Assessors must use the amplified assessment guidance in this section to judge whether
assessment criteria have been achieved in the practical assessment.
P10 Select the materials, equipment, and stock to use
Learners must demonstrate effective planning and an aptitude to read a design brief. All
relevant materials for the display will be readily to hand and the display will be completed
within the given time frame with minimum disruption to customers or colleagues. Learners
must demonstrate the ability to select relevant material, equipment and props to set up an
eye catching display.
P11 Determine the location of the display to maximise its impact
Learners must demonstrate they have given consideration to the positioning of the
display. For example have they sited it near the payment point or close to the salon/store’s
busiest footfall location? Or the point of access and egress for the salon/store. The learner
can demonstrate due care and attention has be paid to health and safety when deciding
where to site the display. The learner will ensure the size of the display suits its location.
Has attention been paid to positioning the display so it receives effective lighting to do it
justice? The learner will ensure the display is clear and uncluttered.
P12 Determine a theme for the display
Learners must ensure the display they create clearly and obviously interprets the given
brief, utilises relevant products or services, such as a summer display that includes
products with a high SPF factor in them or services such as waxing. Learners will be
creative with the props they include for the display but be mindful of health and safety
requirements for producing a display.
P13 Assemble the display carefully and safely
Learners must demonstrate they have planned the assembly of the display and carried it
out with consideration for clients, customers and colleagues. The height, shape, size and
location of the display have all be considered for the processes of careful and safe
assembly and are compliant with all relevant legislation requirements such as Health and
Safety at Work Act, Manual Handling and COSHH.
P14 Label the displayed products clearly, accurately and in a manner consistent
with legal requirements
Learners must ensure all items in the display have clearly legible, professionally produced
labels that accurately identify the cost of each product displayed. Any information of a
product benefits or features will be clear to read and accurate in the information given.
P15 Maintain the display area
Learners must demonstrate they are able to observe relevant Health and Safety
regulations and salon/store procedures when maintaining the display. Learners will
demonstrate how to: clean all display surfaces, clean and replace stock and replace the
stock back in the display as it had previously been, check/audit and replace stock as
required, rotate the stock to ensure the products first into the store are the first to be sold
(or sell by dates are adhered to – if relevant). Learners will also replace any signage or
written information if its condition deteriorates.
P16 Dismantle the display area, restore the area and return stock to storage
Learners must demonstrate they have adhered to legal responsibilities and all salon/store
procedures when dismantling a display. Making sure all health and safety requirements
are followed, ensuring limited disruption to services, customers and colleagues. As a
minimum learners will remove products and return to safe storage, check all resources for
tampering, clean all packaging, return resources to stock – update stock sheets, return
materials/equipment used in the display to relevant people/department – store for re-use,
recycle if possible. At all times learners will follow establishment stock control procedures.
The special resources required for this unit are access to a real or realistic working
environment which supports the provision of displaying stock to promote sales.
Delivery guidance
Teachers are encouraged to use innovative, practical and engaging delivery methods to
enhance the learning experience. Learners may benefit from:
 Meaningful employer engagement so they relate what is being learned to the real world
of work and understand commercial competency and the effective promotion and
encouragement of customers to purchase beauty products or services by effectively
displaying stock
Work experience within a commercial salon for the exposure to retail opportunities so
they can practise and hone their skills in a real environment at stock display
Links with other units
This unit is closely linked with the following units:
UCO34M Health, safety and hygiene
The health and safety unit will provide knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities
for health and safety as defined by any specific legislation covering the role of a professional
therapist. This unit greatly underpins all practical unit delivery.
UBT205M Consultation and record keeping
Client consultation is an effective and necessary tool for the beauty consultant to help
establish the unique needs and requirements of the customer so they can recommend the
most appropriate products and provide the best advice. Effective record keeping will allow
the consultant to keep the customer informed of any offers or promotions and will inform any
future campaigns as to the specific needs and requirements of the customer, making
marketing more effective. The consultation and record keeping unit underpins all technical
units within this qualification and should be delivered prior to any technical beauty therapy
UBT193M Consultation techniques and client care
Client consultation before all nail services is a legal requirement and failure to consult
properly with clients prior to treatment could invalidate therapy insurance. It is essential that
therapists elicit information from their clients about their medical history, including any
allergies as well as checking for contra-indications. The client consultation unit underpins all
technical units within this qualification and should be delivered prior to the delivery of any
technical beauty therapy unit.
UBT208X Process payment for beauty purchases
This unit is closely linked with promote and encourage beauty retail sales and will enable
learners to provide a full retail services for customer. Learners will develop the knowledge
and communication skills to enable them to take payments for beauty purchases in a polite,
friendly manner.
UBT212M Principles of the retail sales of make-up, cosmetics and perfumery
This unit closely underpins promote and encourage retail sales as it provides the learners
with the required product knowledge to enable them to enter confidently into retail
negotiations with customers. This unit will explore the techniques for identifying customer
needs as well as the factors which influence whether a product or fragrance is right for a
UBT204M Principles of effective customer service skills
The customer service skills unit will help develop the key skills and knowledge required to
organise and deliver customer service, resolve customer problems, understand the needs of
customers and customer retention strategies, which integral components of effective
customer service strategies. This unit will provide the opportunity to demonstrate excellent
customer service, to respond to customer issues, to analyse problems and improve the way
in which customer service is delivered in an organisation.
UBT203X Promote and encourage beauty retail sales
Knowledge of how to identify products and inform the customer of the features and benefits
of the products, to ensure that they meet their needs. Improving customer service and
gaining commitment from the customer to use professional products as well as maintaining
the results from the recommended products. It will enable learners to make clear, informed
selections and recommendations for product use.