COAGULATION AND TRANSFUSION MEDICINE Original Article Age-Dependent Effect on the Level of Factor IX JOSEPH D. SWEENEY, MD, AND LYNNE A. HOERNIG, MS Levels of factor IX:C and factor IX:Ag were measured in 120 healthy subjects with an age range of 1 to 67 years. Levels of factor IX:C were lowest in prepubertal subjects, then reached a plateau in early adult life with a secondary increase in later adult life (>45 years). Changes in factor IX:Ag showed a similar trend. Factor IX:Ag disproportionately increased in early adult life, however, with a less pronounced increase in later life, resulting in peaking of the ratio in early adult life. It is suggested that caution be exercised in interpreting low normal factor IX:C levels in prepubertal children, and that interpretation of ratios of antigenic to coagulant activity may need to take subject age into consideration. (Key words: Factor IX; Hemophilia B; Age-related) Am J Clin Pathol 1993; 99:687-688. The level of blood coagulation factors are known to be influenced by variables such as age, sex, and ABO group, and by physiologic states such as exercise and pregnancy.'-2 VitaminK-dependent factors are reduced in neonates, but are considered to attain normal values within the first year of life.3 Several reports, however, have shown that functional levels of factor IX (IX:C) are lower in children than adults, 45 and one study showed an age-related increase between two groups of adult twins of different age groups using antigenic measurements (IX:Ag).6 A comparison with measurements of both factor IX:C and factor IX:Ag in the same samples has not been performed in a population with a wide age range. This is important in view of the use of IX:C as an indicator of hemophilia B.7 This study measured factor IX:C and factor IX:Ag in a healthy population with an age range of 1 to 67 years. of 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, and 1:80. Each assay run contained a blank (substrate plasma, with saline rather than a dilution of standard plasma). A four-point standard curve was thus constructed. Blank values had to be < 1 % for run validation. In each run, a borderline abnormal control plasma with an assigned value was included (B-Fac, George King). Test samples were diluted 1:10 and 1:20. Assay values were the mean of the two values at each dilution. For validation of parallelism, assay values at each dilution could not differ by more than 5%. Substrate plasma used was from George King. This plasma was from a patient with hemophilia B and < 1 % factor IX:C. Standard plasmas, substrate plasmas, and abnormal control plasmas were seronegative for anti HIV-I and HBsAg. Chronometric assays were performed in a two channel, photo-optic instrument (Coadata 2000, Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO), using disposable cuvettes. The activator used was from OrganonTechnica (Durham, NC). Factor IX:Ag was measured by enzyme immunoassay (American Bioproducts, Parsippany, NJ). The standard plasma used was the same as used in the factor IX:C assay, and was arbitrarily assigned a value of 1,000 U/L. Standard plasma in this assay was diluted 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:100, and 1:200 for construction of a standard curve. A plasma blank is also run. Intrarun quality control was performed using a borderline low plasma (B-Fac). Test plasmas were run in two dilutions—1:10 and 1:20—and values were mean of the two values. A linear relationship was established between absorbance and antigen levels. All values were expressed as U/L. Age-stratified groups were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance, and correlations were Phearson's correlation coefficients. METHODS A N D MATERIALS Samples of platelet-poor plasma (PPP) for this study were obtained as follows: For children, residual PPP was obtained after completion of routine preoperative coagulation testing before elective surgery. This was frozen at -70 °C within 3 hours. For adults, a venipuncture was performed after obtaining specific informed consent. PPP was prepared by centrifugation at 1500 X g for 20 minutes and was frozen as above. For each subject, age and sex were recorded, and ABO group determined by reverse grouping. Platelet-poor plasma samples were stored for a maximum of 1 month. Samples were then thawed at 37 °C in a water bath. Standards for the factor IX assays were from George King (George King, Kansas City, MO). These are frozen plasma samples prepared from a pool of donors and shipped to the laboratory in dry ice. This donor pool consists of 20-30 male and female subjects aged 18-54. Frozen standard plasmas were thawed in the same manner as frozen samples. A standard curve was prepared using dilutions RESULTS Hemophilia Center of Western New York, Erie County Medical Center. 462 Gricler Street. Buffalo. NY 14215. Received February 15, 1991; accepted for publication June 12, 1992. Address reprint requests to Joseph D. Sweeney, M.D.: Hemophilia Center of Western New York. 462 Grider Street, 5th Floor, Buffalo. NY 14215. 687 One hundred twenty samples from healthy subjects were measured for factor IX:C and 104 for factor IX:Ag. The study consisted of 63 female and 57 male subjects. The overall range for factor IX:C was 460-2.490 U/L with a mean value of 966 and a standard deviation of 335. The range for factor IX:Ag was 630-2,250 U/L, mean 1230, standard deviation 358. Intrarun B-Fac values (quality control) for factor IX:C assays for the four runs in this study were as follows: 280, 310, 350, and 360 U/L. Values for the factor IX:Ag assays were 510, 550, 550, and 560 U/L. The coefficient of variation for factor IX:C COAGULATION AND TRANSFUSION MEDICINE 688 Original Article assays varies between 10% at low levels (300 U/L and less) and 5% in the normal ranges. For factor IX:Ag, the coefficient of variation levels varies between 3% and 10%. Table 1 shows the values for factor IX divided into three arbitrary age groups. Statistically significant differences exist between the age groups for both factor IX:C and factor IX:Ag (P <0.01). An increase in both measures is associated with puberty, with a disproportionate increase in factor IX:Ag observed in early adult life. A secondary increase in both factor IX:C and factor IX:Ag is again evident in later life (arbitrarily, > 45 years). The correlation of factor IX:C with age was 0.58 (P <0.001), with the regression equation IX:C = 73.7 + 0.99 (age in years). The correlation of factor IX:Ag with age was 0.66 (P <0.001), with the regression equation IX:Ag = 960 + 1.26 (age in years). Ratio of lX:Ag/IX:C varied within each age group without any consistent trend evident. This was due to the disproportionate increase in antigen to coagulant in early adult life. The higher mean factor IX:Ag level obtained relative to the factor IX:C may be related to the arbitrary assignment of the 1,000 U/L to this commercial plasma. The factor IX:C level assigned was the assigned commercial value (890 U/L). Regardless of the absolute value, however, the relative age trend and ratio alterations are evident. Factor IX:C correlated with Factor IX:Ag, and a scattergram of the relationship is presented in Figure 1 (r = 0.56, P <0.01). An analysis of the difference between males and females and between different ABO blood groups failed to show an effect of gender or ABO blood tvpe on either factor IX:C or factor IX:Ag. DISCUSSION This report confirms the observation of an effect of age on factor IX. 45 The single previous report of elevated factor IX:Ag in older adult twin groups showed only slight differences in mean values despite statistical significance.6 This report is interesting in the light of the known hemophilia B variant, hemophilia B Leyden, in which levels of factor IX increase after puberty over 4-5 years to low normal levels. In this disease, however, levels of antigen rise in proportion to functional activity.8 From our data, a physiologic increase in factor IX:C occurs at puberty with an apparent disproportionate increase in factor IX:Ag, but then a plateau appears to occur early in adult life. Our data suggest that a secondary elevation occurs in later life. This later rise in activity is not accompanied by such a proportionate increase in antigen, however, resulting in an antigen/coagulant ratio closer to prepubertal values. It is conceivable that the pubertal changes are related to steroid hormones, because steroid-dependent gene expression has been implicated for the factor IX gene by Reitsma and co-workers9 TABLE 1. RELATIONSHIP OF FACTOR IX LEVELS WITH AGE Age Group (yr) N IX:C (U/L) IX:Ag (U/L) Ratio IX:Ag/IX:C 0-15 16-44 45-67 58 43 19 800 ± 160 994 ± 250 1390 ±480 1000 ±215 1349 ±280 1700± 330 1.21 ±0.3 1.44 ±0.4 1.32 ±0.43 IX: C = factor IX coagulant activity: IX: Ag = factor IX antigen. 2490 1868 2 1245O x 623- 0.00 0.00 560 1125 1690 2250 IX:Ag (U/L) FIG. I. Scattergram of the relationship between 1X:C and IX:AG The significance of these observations for the clinical laboratory lies in the interpretation of levels of factor IX:C, which could be considered abnormal if tolerance ranges are based on values obtained from adult samples, a common occurrence due to the difficulty in acquiring an adequate sample size from healthy children. Mild, unexplained prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time may be attributed to such a low normal value, leaving an abnormality, such as heterozygotic factor XI deficiency, undisclosed. The occurrence of such a case prompted the performance of this study. This is clinically significant, because such patients may exhibit abnormal bleeding.10 In addition, the alteration observed in antigen/coagulant ratio with age is relevant for laboratories that use this ratio in assessing hemophilia B carrier status in CRM-negative hemophilia B. REFERENCES 1. Graham JB, RizzaCR.Chediak J, etal. Carrier detection in Hemophilia A: A cooperative internation study. 1: The carrier phenotype. Blood 1986:67:1554-1559. 2. Gill JC, Endes-Brooks J, Bauer PJ. et al. The effect of ABO blood group on the diagnosis of von Willebrand's disease. Blood 1987;69:1691-1695. 3. Manco-Johnson M. Current topics in neonatal and pediatric coagulation. 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