Potions - Imaginative Learning Project Grid. Miss Copeland’s class For the first 3 weeks of the Summer Term, we will continue with our topic ‘Burps, Bottoms and Bile. We will begin our potions topic after this and continue with it for the 2nd part of the Summer Term. English In English this term we will be studying lots of texts around or theme of Potions. We will look at Alice in Wonderland and focus on instructions and labels. We will also look at the stories of Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. As part of this work, we will develop our own play scripts and poems. To complete our topic, we will write a non-chronological report all about solids, liquids and gases. Personal Social and Health Education Science There will be lots of exciting science this term. The focus will be: states of matter, where we will be learning about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We will be heating and cooling different substances (including chocolate). We will also have the opportunity to follow ‘spells’ in order to make things. We will record all of our results in tables and graphs. Also, we will predict possible results and think about how we can make our science experiments a fair test. Potions In Personal Social and Health Education this term, we will be looking at the difference between being Excited and Scared. After half term, we will continue with Peace-mobile and focus on Peace for the Planet. Maths In maths, we will look at capacity of liquids and different units of measure. We will also measure lengths in millimetres and centimetres. We will revise place value of 4-digit numbers and look at counting on and back from these numbers. Finally, we will find some different ways of remembering our times tables up to 12. Art and Design Technology We will be investigating the function and purpose of bottles and then using this knowledge to design our own potion bottle. We will be following spells to create our own bath bombs and will also look at heating, melting and cooling when creating our own chocolate hearts. Physical Education Religious Education PE will continue to be delivered by our Sports Coaches that visit the school. The focus for the first part of the half term will be Tennis. The children will then move onto Athletics and prepare for sports day. Our class will also have the opportunity to participate in some Indian dance sessions. For the first part of the term, we will look at living by rules and how this is demonstrated in our daily lives and reflected in different religions. We will also look at exercising self-discipline. After half term, we will look at being imaginative and explorative. We will also reflect upon where this can be seen in different religions. History We will find out about how potions have been used and developed throughout the years and will research the traditional use of a variety of herbs and other ingredients. Computing We will research the use of potions as medicines throughout the ages and produce a fact file with our findings. Potions - Imaginative Learning Project Grid. Miss Copeland’s class For the first 3 weeks of the Summer Term, we will continue with our topic ‘Burps, Bottoms and Bile. We will begin our potions topic after this and continue with it for the 2nd part of the Summer Term.
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