Clinical Science (2001) 101, 147–157 (Printed in Great Britain) Effects of hormone replacement therapy and high-impact physical exercise on skeletal muscle in post-menopausal women: a randomized placebo-controlled study Sarianna SIPILA$ *, Dennis R. TAAFFE*, Sulin CHENG*, Jukka PUOLAKKA†, Jarmo TOIVANEN‡ and Harri SUOMINEN* *Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyva$ skyla$ , Box 35 (LL), FIN-40351 Jyva$ skyla$ , Finland, †Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Central Hospital, FIN-40620 Jyva$ skyla$ , Finland, and ‡Department of Radiology, Central Hospital, FIN-40620 Jyva$ skyla$ , Finland A B S T R A C T An age-related decline in muscle performance is a known risk factor for falling, fracture and disability. In women, a clear deterioration is observed from early menopause. The effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in preserving muscle performance is, however, unclear. This trial examined the effects of a 12-month HRT and high-impact physical exercise regimen on skeletal muscle in women in early menopause. A total of 80 women aged 50–57 years were assigned randomly to one of four groups : exercise (Ex), HRT, exercisejHRT (ExHRT) and control (Co). The exercise groups participated in a high-impact training programme. The administration of HRT (oestradiol/noretisterone acetate) or placebo was carried out doubleblind. Knee extension torque and vertical jumping height were evaluated. Lean tissue crosssectional area (LCSA) and the relative proportion of fat within the muscle compartment were measured for the quadriceps and lower leg muscles. The ExHRT group showed significant increases in knee extension torque (8.3 %) and vertical jumping height (17.2 %) when compared with the Co group (k7.2 %). Vertical jumping height also increased after HRT alone (6.8 %). The LCSA of the quadriceps was increased significantly in the HRT (6.3 %) and ExHRT (7.1 %) groups when compared with the Ex (2.2 %) and Co (0.7 %) groups. Lower leg LCSA was also increased in the ExHRT group (9.1 %) when compared with the Ex (3.0 %) and Co (4.1 %) groups. In addition, the increase in the relative proportion of fat in the quadriceps in the Co group (16.6 %) was significant compared with those in the HRT (4.9 %) and ExHRT (k0.6 %) groups. Thus, in post-menopausal women, muscle performance, muscle mass and muscle composition are improved by HRT. The beneficial effects of HRT combined with high-impact physical training may exceed those of HRT alone. INTRODUCTION An age-related deterioration in muscle performance is one of the most important factors in the process of frailty. Functional decline and impaired mobility are serious threats, especially in elderly women, who have a lower functional capacity [1–4] and longer life span [5] compared with men. Some studies have suggested that a Key words: muscle composition, muscle cross-sectional area, muscle force, muscle performance, oestradiol, progestin. Abbreviations: CSA, cross-sectional area ; CT, computed tomography ; HRT, hormone replacement therapy ; KEt, knee extension torque ; LCSA, lean tissue cross-sectional area ; VJh, vertical jumping height ; Co group, control group ; Ex group, exercise group ; ExHRT group, exercisejHRT group. Correspondence: Dr Sarianna Sipila$ (e-mail sarianna.sipila! # 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 147 148 S. Sipila$ and others sudden decline in muscle performance coincides with the menopause [6,7] because of the loss of ovarian steroids, especially oestradiol. It is well known that menopause is accompanied by an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease and changes in bone metabolism, and that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has potential benefits in reducing cardiovascular risk [8,9] and bone loss [10]. Oestrogen receptors have also been found to exist in skeletal muscle [11]. However, the effects of HRT on muscle mass and performance have been less well investigated. In addition, previous studies have shown somewhat conflicting results, which may be due partly to differences in the treatment combinations of oestrogen and progestin. Experimental animal and cross-sectional human studies have suggested that oestrogen status might be related to muscle strength. In a study by Phillips et al. [12], ovariectomized mice suffering from oestrogen deficiency had less muscle force than control mice, with no difference in the dry weight of the muscle under investigation. Accordingly, post-menopausal women not on HRT were weaker than age-matched women on oestrogen [7,13] or oestrogen\progestin [7] therapy. In contrast, other studies have failed to show any difference in muscle performance between oestrogen users and nonusers more than 65 years old [14,15]. Only a few experimental studies have investigated the effects of HRT administration on muscle force in postmenopausal women. A randomized open trial by Skelton et al. [16] found that oestrogen therapy for 6–12 months led to an increase in the isometric strength of the adductor pollicis muscle of 15 %, without any change in muscle cross-sectional area (CSA). Similarly, isometric back extensor muscle strength was increased in a placebocontrolled 2-year intervention of oestrogen\progestin therapy [17]. However, Armstrong et al. [18] and Greeves et al. [6] failed to show significant changes in muscle performance following 9–12 months of HRT in postmenopausal women. Several experimental studies have shown beneficial effects of physical training on skeletal muscle strength [19–24] and bone mineral density [20,25] in postmenopausal and elderly women. High-impact, strainproducing physical exercise seems to be the most beneficial type of training for bone [26], but effects on muscle tissue and performance are poorly understood. There is only one previously reported study investigating the combined effects of the two potentially beneficial agents, HRT and physical exercise, on skeletal muscle in post-menopausal women. In the study by Brown et al. [27], weight-bearing exercise designed to stimulate aerobic metabolism and bone mass increased fat-free mass and muscle strength in 60–72-year-old women. However, HRT with exercise did not produce additive effects on muscle strength. # 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society The present randomized placebo-controlled trial investigates the effects of HRT and high-impact physical exercise on muscle performance, muscle CSA and muscle composition in post-menopausal women. METHODS Subjects The study population was taken from post-menopausal women aged 50–55 years living in the city of Jyva$ skyla$ , Finland. To be eligible for the trial, participants had to have no serious medical conditions, no current or previous (unless for no longer than 6 months and at least 2 years prior to screening) use of medications including oestrogen, fluoride, calcitonin, biophosphonates or steroids, their last menstruation at least 0.5 years but not more than 5 years ago, follicle-stimulating hormone levels greater than 30 i.u.\litre, and no contra-indications for exercise and HRT. The study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (1989) of the World Medical Association, and has been approved by the Committee on the Ethics of the Middle Finland Central Hospital. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Interventions The combined oestradiol (2 mg) and noretisterone acetate (1 mg) product (Kliogest2 ; Novo Nordic) was administered continuously, one tablet per day, for 1 year. The exercise (Ex) and exercisejHRT (ExHRT) groups participated in a 1-year progressive physical training programme that included a supervised circuit training session twice a week and a series of exercises at home on 4 days per week. The supervised programme comprised five circuit training periods for 8–11 weeks, interrupted by three high-impact aerobic dance periods for 2 weeks and a summer pause for 5 weeks. Each session began with a 10 min warm-up period and concluded with stretching activities. During the first two circuit training periods, three rotations were performed of skipping (30 s), bounding over soft hurdles (13–16 cm), drop jumping (10–15 cm) and hopping (10 times on one leg ; added during the second training period). The following three periods comprised four rotations of bounding (19–25 cm), drop jumping (20–25 cm), hopping (10 times per leg) and leaping (10 times). In addition, all circuit training sessions included three or four of the following resistance exercises for the upper body : chest fly, latissimus pull down, military press, seated row and biceps curl. The home exercise programme was also designed as a circuit training routine, comprising three rotations of skipping (30 s), hopping (10 times per leg) and drop jumping (15 cm). In addition, exercises to strengthen the abdominal and lower back regions were included. Hormone therapy and physical exercise in women Peak ground reaction forces for the jumping and bounding activities were determined using a force plate developed at the University of Jyva$ skyla$ (natural frequency 150 Hz). The average ground reaction force was 4.3ibody weight for drop-landing from a 10 cm height, and 5.2ibody weight for drop-landing from heights of 20 and 25 cm. Bounding over the hurdles produced average ground reaction force of 4.9–5.1ibody weight, while those for skipping, hopping and leaping were 3.8i, 3.4i and 4.8ibody weight respectively. The women who were not in the exercise groups were instructed to continue their daily routines and not to change their physical activity levels. All subjects were asked to keep a diary concerning the type and duration of physical activity performed, and also the number of kilometres travelled when walking, cycling and swimming. Outcome measures Anthropometry Height and body mass were measured. Lean body mass and percentage body fat were assessed using bioelectrical impedance (Spectrum II ; RJL Systems, Detroit, MI, U.S.A.). In our laboratory, the coefficient of variation between two consecutive measurements is 2 % for lean body mass and 3 % for body fat. Germany). Mid-thigh was defined as a midpoint between the greater trochanter and the lateral joint line of the knee. Needle muscle biopsies were obtained from the same site, and the scar was then used as a marker for the 6- and 12month measurements. Lower leg length was defined as the distance between the tuberositas tibia and the malleolus medialis. The leg length was then multiplied by 0.25 and 0.30, and the distances obtained were measured downwards from the tuberositas of the tibia. CT scans were obtained from both sites, and the mean of the two measurements was reported. The distance from the floor to the measuring sites was recorded with the subject in a sitting position with a knee angle of 90m, and this was used for the 6- and 12-month measurements. CT scans were analysed using a software program developed at our laboratory (BonAlyse 1.0 ; BonAlyse Oy, Jyva$ skyla$ , Finland). The CSA, lean tissue CSA (LCSA) and relative proportion of fat within the muscle compartment were measured in the quadriceps femoris and lower leg muscles (i.e. ankle flexors and extensors). In our previous study, the coefficient of variation between two consecutive measurements varied between 1 and 3 % for CSA, between 1 and 2 % for LCSA, and between 4 and 9 % for the relative proportion of fat [22]. All results are shown separately for those women who completed the 6-month measurements and for those who underwent the 12-month measurements. Muscle performance Maximal isometric knee extension force was measured with the subject in a sitting position on a custom-made dynamometer chair [28] at a knee angle of 60m from full extension. The ankle was attached via a belt to a straingauge system. A belt around the pelvis was used to hold the subject in the chair. After familiarization with the test, the subject was encouraged to produce maximal force as rapidly as possible. Between three and five maximal efforts, separated by 1 min rest periods, were conducted, and the highest recording was accepted as the result. To obtain maximal isometric muscle torque (knee extension torque ; KEt), the highest recording was multiplied by cos30ilever arm length. The coefficient of variation between two consecutive measurements for knee extension is 4–6 % [21,28]. As an indication of muscle power production, the height of the elevation of the body’s centre of gravity was measured during a vertical jump (vertical jumping height ; VJh) with counter-movement on a contact mat [29]. The coefficient of variation for the VJh in our laboratory is 5 % [28]. Computed tomography (CT) CT scans were obtained of the thigh and lower leg muscles on the side of the dominant hand using a Siemens Somatom DR scanner (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Statistical analysis Standard procedures were used to calculate means and S.D.s. Differences among study groups for baseline measurements were assessed using one-way ANOVA. The effects of the interventions were assessed using sphericity-corrected ANOVA for repeated measures. If the significance of the interaction of group by time was P 0.10, the effect was localized utilizing simple contrasts. The level of statistical significance chosen for the contrasts was P 0.05. Assignment and blinding After baseline measurements were performed, the subjects were assigned randomly to one of four groups : Ex, HRT, ExHRT and control (Co). The randomization was carried out manually by drawing lots. HRT was carried out double-blind. This was possible because Kliogest does not produce withdrawal bleeding in most women. Women not receiving active hormones took similarlooking placebo tablets. During the trial, the code of the allocation schedule was kept in a sealed envelope, and was broken by the physician only if complications or side effects occurred. The researchers were unaware of the code until all follow-up measurements were performed and analysed. # 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 149 150 S. Sipila$ and others RESULTS The progress of the trial is summarized in Figure 1. A postal questionnaire concerning health, menopausal status and medication was sent to a random sample of 50–55-year-old women drawn from the population register of the city of Jyva$ skyla$ . In addition, 56 women, aged 50–57 years, responded to an announcement in the local newspaper. Approx. 70 % of the women returned completed questionnaires. Of the applicants, 87 % were rejected because they were already taking HRT, were not at menopause, had undergone menopause more than 5 years ago, were unwilling to participate or had contraindications to exercise or HRT. Those who were accepted according to the questionnaire results underwent clinical Figure 1 # examination and laboratory tests to assess menopausal status. Finally, 80 women qualified for the study. The 6-month measurements were completed by 15 women in the Ex group, 17 in the HRT group, 13 in the ExHRT group and 17 in the Co group. Corresponding numbers for the 12-month measurements were 12, 15, 10 and 15 respectively. The main reasons for dropping out or exclusion were lack of time or interest, diseases or selfreported health concerns, side-effects from or poor compliance (did not take at all or only for a few weeks) in taking the oestradiol\noretisterone acetate or placebo pills, or inadequate participation in the exercise sessions (fewer than 10 supervised sessions during the first 6 months and fewer than 25 sessions during the 12-month period) (Figure 1). Flow chart describing the progress of subjects through the trial 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society Hormone therapy and physical exercise in women Table 1 Physical characteristics in post-menopausal women before and after HRT and high-impact exercise Values are mean (S.D.). Group 1. Ex (n l 12) Baseline 6 months 12 months 2. HRT (n l 15) Baseline 6 months 12 months 3. ExHRT (n l 10) Baseline 6 months 12 months 4. Co (n l 15) Baseline 6 months 12 months ANOVA (P ) Group Time Interaction Contrasts 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 1 vs 4 2 vs 3 2 vs 4 3 vs 4 Height (cm) Body mass (kg) Lean body mass (kg) Body fat (%) 164.8 (4.3) 164.5 (4.3) 164.7 (4.3) 67.2 (10.2) 67.4 (10.4) 68.2 (11.0) 45.9 (4.1) 45.9 (3.7) 46.9 (3.8) 31.2 (6.3) 30.7 (6.9) 30.3 (6.4) 159.7 (6.4) 159.2 (6.3) 159.3 (6.5) 69.9 (10.7) 69.8 (9.7) 69.5 (9.4) 45.8 (4.4) 46.3 (4.2) 46.9 (4.1) 33.9 (6.5) 33.1 (5.2) 32.2 (5.3) 160.9 (6.4) 160.8 (6.2) 160.8 (6.4) 64.0 (6.9) 63.5 (6.0) 64.1 (6.9) 45.7 (4.2) 46.1 (3.9) 46.8 (4.3) 28.3 (6.5) 27.4 (5.5) 26.9 (6.3) 163.4 (5.3) 163.1 (5.1) 163.2 (5.2) 68.3 (11.7) 67.9 (10.2) 67.8 (9.3) 47.4 (5.1) 46.7 (4.9) 47.1 (4.2) 29.7 (6.0) 30.7 (5.1) 29.8 (5.6) 0.937 0.001 0.043 0.141 0.023 0.336 0.688 0.001 0.657 0.519 0.753 0.775 At baseline the four study groups, as well as the women who subsequently dropped out during the 12month trial, did not differ with respect to any physical characteristic or outcome variable under investigation (see Tables 1–4). There were also no differences in serum oestrogen or follicle-stimulating hormone levels between the study groups at baseline. HRT induced an expected increase in the mean oestrogen level to 0.23 nmol\l and a decrease in the mean follicle-stimulating hormone level of 68.7 to 22.5 i.u.\litre. After 6 months, the average number of supervised training sessions that had been attended was 26p9 (range 13–40) for the Ex group and 31p10 (range 10–43) for the ExHRT group (P l 0.010). After 12 months of training, the corresponding figures were 53p16 (range 27–77) and 70p13 (range 37–84) respectively (P l 0.047). Instructed home exercises were performed 32p28 (range 0–82) times by women in the Ex group and 34p35 (range 0–92) times by women in the ExHRT group during the first 6-month period. After 12 months of training, corresponding numbers for home exercises were 73p52 (range 0–191) and 96p72 (range 1–188). There were two women in each of the Ex and ExHRT groups who 0.589 0.744 0.039 0.981 0.010 0.024 reported less than three instructed home exercise sessions during the whole year, and an additional three (two in the Ex group and one in the ExHRT group) who reported no home exercises during the first 6 months. The minimum numbers for the other women were 26 over 12 months and 13 over 6 months. Apart from the training included in the trial, walking and home gymnastics (calisthenics) were the principal activities reported by subjects. In the 2 months preceding the intervention, women in the HRT group had walked significantly less than those in the Ex or ExHRT groups. The amount of walking increased significantly in each study group during the first 6 months and decreased significantly during the subsequent 6 months. No group differences or changes were observed in other types of physical activity during the trial. There was no significant interaction of group by time for body mass or body fat. However, lean body mass increased in the Ex, HRT and ExHRT groups when compared with the Co group (Table 1). Women in the HRT group showed an increase in KEt after 6 months when compared with the change observed in the Co group (Table 2). There was also a tendency # 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 151 152 S. Sipila$ and others Table 2 Effects of HRT and high-impact training on KEt and VJh in post-menopausal women Values are mean (S.D.). Results are shown separately for the women who completed the measurements at 6 months only (6-month group) and those who also completed the measurements at 12 months (12-month group). KEt/LCSA (Nm:cm−2) KEt (Nm) Group 1. Ex (n l 11–15) Baseline 6 months 12 months 2. HRT (n l 12–17) Baseline 6 months 12 months 3. ExHRT (n l 10–13) Baseline 6 months 12 months 4. Co (n l 15–17) Baseline 6 months 12 months ANOVA (P ) Group Time Interaction Contrasts : 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 1 vs 4 2 vs 3 2 vs 4 3 vs 4 6-month group 12-month group 6-month group 12-month group 6-month group 12-month group 131.3 (21.2) 135.5 (20.4) 134.4 (22.5) 142.3 (16.1) 135.2 (11.2) 2.91 (0.59) 2.97 (0.47) 2.94 (0.60) 3.08 (0.45) 2.90 (0.34) 15.8 (3.0) 16.5 (3.7) 16.6 (2.5) 17.4 (3.5) 17.6 (3.0) 126.7 (26.8) 136.3 (22.8) 133.0 (22.8) 139.2 (20.6) 131.9 (18.3) 2.83 (0.46) 2.95 (0.36) 2.94 (0.38) 2.94 (0.29) 2.78 (0.24) 15.0 (2.7) 16.1 (2.9) 15.1 (2.8) 16.4 (2.8) 16.1 (3.2) 126.7 (27.4) 132.5 (22.6) 128.9 (29.5) 133.6 (24.6) 137.1 (33.4) 2.86 (0.56) 2.82 (0.40) 2.84 (0.62) 2.82 (0.44) 2.79 (0.46) 16.0 (2.7) 18.7 (3.3) 16.3 (2.8) 18.9 (3.6) 19.1 (4.1) 132.6 (28.7) 127.5 (24.1) 132.3 (30.7) 127.8 (25.5) 121.5 (26.1) 2.85 (0.41) 2.76 (0.35) 2.84 (0.43) 2.77 (0.37) 2.61 (0.47) 16.5 (3.3) 15.5 (2.9) 16.4 (3.5) 15.6 (3.1) 15.6 (3.2) 0.973 0.080 0.052 0.688 0.151 0.096 0.812 0.837 0.360 0.460 0.029 0.636 0.441 0.001 0.001 0.186 0.001 0.001 0.340 0.806 0.099 0.511 0.007 0.067 0.946 0.315 0.106 0.233 0.164 0.020 0.517 0.008 0.015 0.030 0.002 0.001 0.789 0.074 0.054 0.101 0.014 0.001 towards an increased KEt in the ExHRT group compared with the Co group. After 12 months of follow-up, only the ExHRT group differed significantly from the Co group. The individual differences in KEt before the trial and after 6 and 12 months are shown in Figure 2. The increase in VJh after 6 months was significant in the ExHRT group when compared with the other study groups (Table 2). In addition, the Ex and HRT groups showed an increased VJh when compared with the Co group. After 12 months, both the HRT and ExHRT groups showed an increase in VJh when compared with the change observed in the Co group. There was also a trend towards an increased VJh after 12 months in the Ex group. The mean individual changes in VJh after 6 and 12 months are shown in Figure 2. Women in the HRT and ExHRT groups who completed the 6-month measurements showed increases in CSA and LCSA, and a consequent decrease in the relative proportion of fat, in the quadriceps when compared with the Co group (Table 3). Subjects in the ExHRT group # VJh (cm) 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society also showed increases in the CSA and LCSA of the muscle when compared with the Ex group. The relative proportion of fat in the muscle was increased after 6 months in the Co group compared with the Ex group. Those women who continued in the HRT and ExHRT groups for 12 months showed increases in their quadriceps CSA and LCSA when compared with the Ex and Co groups, and a decrease in the relative proportion of fat in the muscle when compared with the Co group. The mean difference for the change in the LCSA of the quadriceps was 5.6 % between the HRT and Co groups and 6.4 % between the ExHRT and Co groups (Figure 2). After 12 months, the women in the ExHRT group showed increases in the CSA and LCSA of the lower leg when compared with the changes observed in the Ex or Co groups (Table 4). There was also a trend for a larger CSA and LCSA after HRT alone when compared with the Ex group (P l 0.053–0.072). The mean difference for the change in the LCSA of the lower leg muscles was 5 % between the ExHRT and Co groups (Figure 2). Hormone therapy and physical exercise in women Figure 2 Individual changes in the outcome variables in post-menopausal women after 6 months (=) and 12 months (#) of HRT and/or high-impact physical exercise Horizontal bars indicates group mean values. For the statistical significance of differences between the study groups, see Tables 2–4. DISCUSSION Our study is the first double-blind placebo-controlled trial in which the effects of HRT on muscle performance and muscle mass have been investigated. We report that continuous administration of oestrogen\progestin treatment for 6–12 months increased muscle strength, explosive-type muscle performance and muscle CSA in post-menopausal women. Similarly, high-impact exercise training increased explosive-type muscle performance, whereas isometric muscle force and muscle mass were less affected. The combined effects of HRT and highimpact exercise exceeded the effects of either of the agents alone. Following the initial 6 months of HRT, changes observed in KEt and in VJh were 12–13 % greater than those in the controls. At the conclusion of the 12-month trial, VJh was 11 % greater in the HRT group compared with the Co group, although no significant increase in KEt was noted. In contrast, women in the Co group experienced a decrease (albeit not statistically significant) in KEt of 7 %. A significant increase of 15 % in the muscle force of the adductor pollicis muscle following HRT (oestradiol\ norgestrel) has also been reported by Skelton and coworkers [16] in 53–67-year-old women who were 5–15 years post-menopausal. As in the present study, all of the subjects showed increased oestradiol levels due to treatment. However, Amstrong et al. [18] found no effects of HRT combined with calcium on leg extensor power and grip strength in 45–70-year-old volunteers. In that study, previous oestrogen usage was not reported, and medication was administered to subjects who had suffered a wrist fracture within the previous 7 weeks. In addition, the results were presented by the intention to treat, and it appears that the serum oestradiol level was either unchanged or decreased in approximately one-third of the subjects. The authors, however, stated that the results were the same when presented for the compliant subjects only [18]. Similarly, Greeves et al. [6] reported no changes in muscle strength following 9 months of HRT in 52year-old post-menopausal women. However, the women in the control group showed a decrease in muscle force of 9–10 % during the follow-up period. This is in accordance # 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 153 154 S. Sipila$ and others Table 3 Effects of HRT and high-impact training on quadriceps muscle mass and composition in post-menopausal women Values are mean (S.D.). Results are shown separately for the women who completed the measurements at 6 months only (6-month group) and those who also completed the measurements at 12 months (12-month group). CSA (cm2) Group 1. Ex (n l 12–15) Baseline 6 months 12 months 2. HRT (n l 14–16) Baseline 6 months 12 months 3. ExHRT (n l 10–13) Baseline 6 months 12 months 4. Co (n l 15–17) Baseline 6 months 12 months ANOVA (P ) Group Time Interaction Contrasts : 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 1 vs 4 2 vs 3 2 vs 4 3 vs 4 LCSA (cm2) 6-month group 12-month group 6-month group 12-month group 6-month group 12-month group 48.4 (7.4) 48.9 (6.9) 48.8 (7.5) 49.3 (6.7) 49.9 (7.2) 46.2 (6.9) 46.6 (6.5) 46.9 (6.9) 47.2 (6.3) 47.8 (6.6) 4.2 (2.0) 4.4 (1.8) 3.8 (2.0) 4.0 (1.7) 3.9 (2.1) 46.4 (7.6) 48.0 (7.2) 46.8 (8.0) 48.5 (7.5) 49.5 (7.1) 44.7 (7.4) 46.2 (7.1) 44.9 (7.8) 46.5 (7.4) 47.5 (7.0) 3.6 (1.7) 3.7 (1.6) 3.9 (1.7) 3.9 (1.6) 3.9 (1.5) 46.6 (7.1) 49.5 (7.3) 47.2 (7.1) 49.3 (7.7) 50.5 (7.6) 45.1 (6.6) 47.8 (6.9) 45.7 (6.7) 47.8 (7.5) 48.9 (7.3) 3.1 (1.6) 3.2 (1.5) 3.0 (1.7) 3.1 (1.7) 3.0 (1.9) 47.8 (7.4) 47.9 (7.3) 47.7 (7.8) 48.0 (7.8) 48.1 (7.2) 46.4 (7.0) 46.2 (7.0) 46.4 (7.5) 46.2 (7.5) 46.6 (6.9) 2.7 (1.2) 3.4 (1.3) 2.6 (1.2) 3.5 (1.4) 3.1 (1.5) 0.960 0.000 0.001 0.959 0.001 0.001 0.975 0.001 0.001 0.966 0.001 0.001 0.105 0.006 0.051 0.376 0.034 0.060 0.122 0.001 0.580 0.060 0.033 0.001 0.025 0.004 0.654 0.672 0.001 0.001 0.123 0.001 0.286 0.055 0.009 0.001 0.030 0.004 0.476 0.631 0.001 0.001 0.674 0.898 0.041 0.783 0.013 0.036 0.734 0.833 0.073 0.881 0.009 0.034 with our muscle strength results obtained after 12 months of HRT. In our study, the mean increase in LCSA of the quadriceps was 3 % after 6 months and 7 % after 12 months of HRT when compared with the control subjects. There was also a significant change of 4 % in the LCSA of the quadriceps and the CSA of the lower leg muscles after 12 months of HRT when compared with the Ex group. Only one research group, to our knowledge, has reported previously on the effects of HRT (Prempak-C) on muscle CSA in women, and they failed to show any significant change in the CSA of the adductor pollicis muscle in post-menopausal women [16]. The participants in the study of Skelton et al. [16] were on average 61 years old and 5–15 years post-menopausal. The women in our study, however, were younger and within 5 years of the onset of menopause. In addition, there was a difference between the two studies with regard to the HRT regimens applied. Kliogest noretisterone acetate is administered continuously, whereas # Relative proportion of fat (%) 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society Prempak-C includes norgestrel for 12 consecutive days during a 28-day cycle. The different muscle site may also play a role. Nevertheless, Aloia et al. [30] also failed to show any effects of cyclical oestrogen\progestin on lean body mass, as measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, in women with an average age of 51 years and within 6 years of the onset of menopause. The independent effect of HRT on skeletal muscle mass and performance is probably the most interesting finding in the present study. Although previous studies have shown that both oestrogen and progestogens have anabolic effects, the mechanism behind this finding is not totally clear. The anabolic effects of oestrogen have been demonstrated in cell culture studies. Skeletal muscle growth has been induced after oestradiol treatment due to alterations in glucose metabolism and interaction with androgen receptors [31]. Conversely, Kahlert et al. [11] showed myoblast growth only after oestrone treatment, whereas oestradiol had no effect. Further, progestogens have been shown to induce androgenic and anabolic Hormone therapy and physical exercise in women Table 4 Effects of HRT and high-impact training on lower leg muscle mass and composition in postmenopausal women Values are mean (S.D.). Results are shown separately for the women who completed the measurements at 6 months only (6-month group) and those who also completed the measurements at 12 months (12-month group). CSA (cm2) Group 1. Ex (n l 12–15) Baseline 6 months 12 months 2. HRT (n l 14–16) Baseline 6 months 12 months 3. ExHRT (n l 10–13) Baseline 6 months 12 months 4. Co (n l 15–17) Baseline 6 months 12 months ANOVA (P ) Group Time Interaction Contrasts : 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 1 vs 4 2 vs 3 2 vs 4 3 vs 4 LCSA (cm2) Relative proportion of fat (%) 6-month group 12-month group 6-month group 12-month group 6-month group 12-month group 58.5 (6.3) 59.9 (7.2) 57.8 (6.7) 58.4 (7.4) 59.2 (7.3) 55.7 (5.5) 57.1 (6.3) 55.0 (5.8) 55.9 (6.5) 56.7 (6.4) 4.7 (1.3) 4.4 (1.2) 4.6 (1.4) 4.3 (1.3) 4.1 (1.3) 56.4 (6.6) 58.7 (7.0) 57.0 (6.8) 59.5 (7.2) 60.6 (6.5) 53.8 (6.3) 56.3 (6.7) 54.5 (6.5) 57.0 (6.9) 58.1 (6.3) 4.5 (1.1) 4.1 (1.1) 4.4 (1.1) 4.1 (1.1) 4.2 (1.5) 58.3 (8.9) 61.4 (9.7) 56.6 (6.9) 60.0 (8.8) 61.5 (9.5) 55.8 (8.5) 59.1 (9.4) 54.2 (6.6) 57.9 (8.6) 59.2 (9.2) 4.4 (1.0) 3.7 (0.9) 4.4 (0.9) 3.6 (0.7) 3.7 (0.6) 59.7 (8.9) 61.3 (9.7) 59.3 (9.5) 60.9 (10.3) 61.3 (8.5) 56.7 (8.5) 58.4 (9.4) 56.4 (9.0) 58.0 (10.0) 58.5 (8.3) 4.9 (1.3) 4.7 (1.4) 5.0 (1.4) 4.8 (1.5) 4.5 (1.4) 0.280 0.001 0.183 0.350 0.001 0.220 0.757 0.001 0.325 0.921 0.001 0.016 0.777 0.001 0.216 0.053 0.003 0.611 0.405 0.177 0.012 effects [32], especially the synthetic progestogen derived from testosterone [9], as used in the present study. Oestrogen combined with the continuous administration of progestin also seems to have greater bone-sparing effect than oestrogen alone [33]. In additon, the relative risk for fractures has been reported to be lower (0.51) among users of combined oestrogen\progestin treatment than in women taking oestrogen without progestin [34]. We could speculate that the increased amount of leisure-time walking observed in every study group during the first half of our study provided some support for the effects of HRT on lower limb muscles. However, the changes in free-time activity in the HRT group were not significantly different from those in the other groups. Weight-bearing physical exercise is known to positively influence bone mineral density [10,26], whereas resistance training appears to be the appropriate mode of exercise to increase muscle strength and mass most efficiently, even in old age [21,22,33,35]. It would, of 0.939 0.001 0.013 0.072 0.002 0.684 0.270 0.228 0.007 course, be beneficial to find a training regimen that has positive effects on the whole musculoskeletal system in peri- and post-menopausal women. In the present study, exercise performed had no significant effects on maximal isometric KEt in our early menopausal women ; however, muscle function was improved, as assessed by the vertical jump test. Similarly, in the study by Heinonen and co-workers [26], isometric muscle force remained unchanged in concert with significant improvements in leg explosive performance after 18 months of progressive high-impact exercise in 35–45-year-old women. On the other hand, Brown et al. [27] found a significant increase in muscle strength in 60–72-year-old women after a weight-bearing exercise programme that included walking, jogging and stair climbing. It appears that, of the interventions undertaken in the present study, high-impact training combined with HRT was the most beneficial for enhanced muscle performance and muscle CSA. The average increase in KEt was 9 % # 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 155 156 S. Sipila$ and others after 6 months and 16 % after 12 months compared with the controls. The explosive muscle performance of the lower extremities also increased by 21–22 % in the ExHRT group compared with the Co group, and by 10–12 % compared with the HRT and Ex groups. In contrast, Brown et al. [27] reported that oestrogen and cyclical progesterone tablets for 11 months did not augment the increase in muscle strength that occurred in response to weight-bearing exercise. Subjects in the study by Brown et al. [27] were older than women in the present study, and one-third of them had used oestrogen products previously, for an average duration of 6.3 years. Exercise combined with HRT resulted in hypertrophy of both the quadriceps and lower leg muscle groups. The LCSA of the quadriceps increased by 5–6 % compared with the controls, and that of the lower leg by 4–6 % compared with the Ex group. In addition to finding no additive effects of HRT and exercise on muscle performance, Brown et al. [27] also failed to observe an enhanced increase in whole-body fat-free mass or lean mass of the lower extremities compared with that achieved due to exercise alone. The discrepancy between the results of the two studies may be due to differences in the history of HRT usage and the different application of HRT regimens. The Kliogest product used in the present study is a combined oestradiol\noretisterone acetate product which was administered continuously (one tablet per day) for the duration of the trial. It is possible that the androgenic effect of noretisterone treatment used in our study is greater when compared with earlier studies in which progestin tablets were taken in a cyclical manner (12 days in a 28-day cycle). During the present trial, the women in the ExHRT group participated in supervised training sessions more often than women in the Ex group. The average attendance was roughly 1.2–1.3 times per week for the ExHRT group and once per week for the Ex group. No significant difference was observed in the average number of home exercises performed. It is possible that the difference in the number of supervised exercise sessions may have contributed to the superior results of the ExHRT group with regard to skeletal muscle ; however, given the magnitude of the change observed after highimpact exercise alone, this seems unlikely. An age-related decline in muscle performance, partly due to muscle atrophy, is a known risk factor for falling, fracture and disability. The results of the present placebocontrolled trial suggest that continuous administration of oestradiol\noretisterone acetate has beneficial effects on muscle performance, muscle mass and muscle composition in early post-menopausal women. Further, highimpact exercise training appears to increase explosivetype muscle performance, whereas isometric muscle force and muscle mass are less affected. The results also suggest that the effects of HRT combined with high-impact physical training may exceed those of the two treatments # 2001 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society separately. Additional research is, however, needed to establish the efficiency and practicability of home-based exercise as compared with more controlled and supervised training programmes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Marju Leppa$ nen, Pa$ ivi Norvapalo, Anniina Oinonen, and Sanna E. Sihvonen for their valuable work and technical assistance. REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Bassey, J. 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