Legend of Results Grade codes in use from 30/06/2014 Standard Grades Code Description Explanation PP Pass Pass grade (50-59%) CR Credit Pass with Credit (60-69%) DN Distinction Pass with Distinction (70-79%) HD High Distinction Pass with High Distinction (80-100%) UP Ungraded Pass Pass awarded where the student can only pass or fail FP Faculty Pass Pass granted at Faculty discretion, in exceptional circumstances, and beyond the circumstances in which supplementary or deferred examination might be considered NN Failure Failure (0-49%) AN Absent deemed failed Student did not attend examination or complete major assessment. NS Failure, supplementary exam granted NS may be granted by Faculty after a student has failed an ordinary exam, where the fail was close to a pass mark and the student has an otherwise good record For more information, see also Supplementary Examinations at: http://www.utas.edu.au/exams/examinations IC Interim Completion Result for a unit that is part of a series of units where the result is not available until the final unit is completed XE Unit not examined Result for units where which have been specifically defined as not examinable DO Deferred Ordinary Student granted permission by Examinations Office to defer an examination due to personal circumstances. Used only for ordinary, not supplementary, examinations WT Withheld Result withheld - has not been submitted by School. To be finalised by deferred/supplementary examination period AO Assessment Ongoing Assessment for unit covers more than one semester. Result to be finalised by end of subsequent semester WN Withdrawn deemed failed Student withdrew from a unit after the census date. System generated result. V3.0 Honours grades Code Description Explanation HF Honours – first class Highest pass grade in Honours with mark 80 -100% HU Honours – second class upper division Honours pass grade with mark 70-79% HL Honours – second class lower division Honours pass grade with mark 60-69% HT Honours - third class Honours pass grade with mark 50-59% HN Honours – failure Honours fail grade with mark 0-49% XX Result in another unit Result incorporated into another unit’s results (may be used for Honours sub-units). Research Higher Degrees PA Pass Applied on the day on which the Graduate Research Office receives advice from the Head of School or Chair of Examiners, that the corrections to the candidate’s thesis have been completed. FF Fail Candidate has not met the requirements for award of the Degree. English Language Centre EL5 Overall 90 - 100 Combined marks of internal components of the unit are 90 to 100 EL4 Overall 80 - 89 Combined marks of internal components of the unit are 80 to 89 EL3 Overall 70 - 79 Combined marks of internal components of the unit are 70 to 79 EL2 Overall 60 - 69 Combined marks of internal components of the unit are 60 to 69 EL1 Overall < 60/Fail Combined marks of internal components of the unit are below 60, or student has not met the minimum mark for one or more internal components. EL0 Conceded Pass ELC has determined that the student has sufficient skills to progress to the next level, but has not met the minimum marks requirement. Continued on the next page. V3.0 Results not in use after 30/06/2014 Standard and Withdrawal Grades Code Description Explanation NE Not Eligible Not eligible to sit examination in unit due to noncompletion of internal assessment – a failure result. NC Subject not completed Used for result in first semester of enrolment when student is enrolled in same subject over two calendar years. ND Non-degree Used when a student does not study a unit to count towards a degree, but for interest only TP Terminating Pass Pass grade, but the unit is not permitted to be used as a pre-requisite. The mark range for a TP is 45-49%, where the student has passed the examination component but not the continuous assessment component. TP’s may only be counted to a maximum of 37.5% towards a 300% course, or equivalent for courses of differing duration. See course advisor for details. TS Terminating Pass, supplementary exam granted Student has been awarded a TP, and has been awarded a supplementary examination to give the student the opportunity to obtain a full pass. The mark range for TS is 45-49%, where the student has passed the coursework requirements but not the examination component. FS Faculty Pass, supplementary exam granted Student has been awarded an FP, but has been awarded a supplementary examination to give them the opportunity to obtain a full pass W0 Withdrawn Student withdrew from a unit prior to the census date WW Withdrawn without academic penalty Used: a) when a student withdraws after the census date but prior to the academic withdrawal date; b) when a Faculty has granted a student’s request to be withdrawn without academic penalty from a unit due to extenuating personal circumstances WR Withdrawn without academic penalty: fees remitted When a Faculty has granted a student’s request to be withdrawn without academic penalty from a unit due to extenuating personal circumstances, and the Fees Committee has granted remission of fees for the unit WF Withdrawn by Faculty Student withdrawn by Faculty from a unit because they were not eligible to enrol WC Withdrawn cancelled Enrolment cancelled by the Fees Committee due to nonpayment of tuition fees SP Pass Pass after supplementary examination (no higher grade of pass is awarded from supplementary examinations) ST Terminating pass Terminating pass granted after supplementary examination; unit cannot be used as a pre-requisite V3.0 Code Description Explanation SF Faculty pass Pass granted by Faculty following supplementary examination and taking exceptional circumstances into consideration SC Not complete Unit not complete following supplementary assessment SA Absent deemed failed Absent from a supplementary examination (used when original grade is NS) SN Failure Failure after supplementary examination (used when original grade is NS) TA Absent from supplementary exam Absent from a supplementary examination (used when original grade is TS). TN Failure Failure after supplementary examination (used when original grade is TS). FA Absent from supplementary exam Absent from a supplementary examination (used when original grade is FS) FN Failure Failure after supplementary examination (used when original grade is FS) Research Higher Degrees Code Description Explanation XE Unit not examined Result for units for higher degrees which are not examined until the thesis is submitted or all assessment completed TT Thesis submitted Result used on submission of a higher degree thesis V1 Vary enrolment/course Enrolment in research higher degree changed to another level, e.g. Master to PhD, or to another course ZZ Enrolment suspended Enrolment suspended in research higher degree unit for period of time WW Withdrawn without academic penalty Candidate withdraws from a research higher degree WL Withdrawn lapsed Enrolment in research higher degree lapsed and candidate is withdrawn from unit WD Withdrawn terminated Enrolment in research higher degree terminated by Dean of Graduate Studies by Research V3.0
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