Coal Combustion Products in Constructed Landfills Characteristics, Beneficial Use, Disposal, & Impact on Geocomposite Leachate Collection Systems Dr. Tarunjit S. Butalia, PE Research Scientist Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering The Ohio State University What are Coal Combustion Products (CCPs)? • CCPs are solid minerals that remain after coal is burned to generate electricity or steam • Types: • • • • Fly Ash Boiler Slag Bottom Ash Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Materials • Dry FGD Materials (FBC, CFBC, SD) • Wet FGD Materials (sulfite & sulfate) How are CCPs generated? Baghouse/ESP Flue Gas Desulfurization (wet/dry) Economizer SCR for removing NOx Smokestack Coal Feed Coal Boiler BOTTOM ASH BOILER SLAG (dry bottom boilers) (wet bottom boilers) FLY ASH FGD MATERIALS Fly Ash • Fine powdery mineral collected by ESP or baghouse • Consists mainly of non-combustible matter but also some unburned carbon • Mostly silt size particles (with some fine sand sized), mostly spherical (and sometimes hollow) • Types: • Class F (non self-cementing) • Class C (self-cementing) • Handled dry or wet Bottom Ash • Fine to coarse material collected from dry bottom boilers • Consists of dark agglomerated ash particles • Sand size particles typ. angular • Handled dry or wet Boiler Slag • Glassy material collected from wet bottom boilers • Black, dense, hard angular particles Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Materials • Solid / semi-solid material obtained from flue gas scrubbers (for SO2 control) • Predominantly silt size particles Stabilized FGD material • Wet or dry • Types: • Dry FGD Materials (CFBC, PFBC, SD) • Wet FGD Materials • Sulfite (Stabilized FGD material) • Sulfate (FGD Gypsum) FGD Gypsum CCPs CCP Type Characteristics Texture Amount Generated Per Ton of Coal Burned (lbs) Major Constituents Areas of Major Use Cement/Concrete/Grout, Structural Fill, Flowable Fill, Waste Stabilization, Surface Mine Reclamation, Soil Stabilization, Road Base, Mineral Filler, Agriculture Concrete Block, Road Subbase, Snow and Ice Control, Structural Fill, Waste Stabilization, Agriculture, Pipe Bedding, Cement Manufacture Fly Ash Non-combustible particulate matter carried in stack gases Powdery, silt like 160 Si, Al, Fe, Ca Bottom Ash Material collected in Sand like dry bottom boilers, heavier than fly ash 40 Si, Al, Fe, Ca Boiler Slag Material collected in Glassy wet bottom boilers angular or cyclone units particles 100 Si, Al, Fe, Ca FGD Solid/semi-solid Material material obtained from flue gas scrubbers Fine to Coarse (Dry or Wet) 700 Blasting Grit, Roofing Granules, Snow and Ice Control, Mineral Filler, Construction Backfill, Water Filtration, Agriculture, Drainage Media Ca, S, Si, Fe, Al Wallboard, Road Base/Subbase, Structural Fill, Surface Mine Reclamation, Underground Mine Injection, Livestock Pad, Agricultural Liming Substitute Typical Engineering Characteristics of CCPs Typical Characteristics Fly Ash FGD Material Bottom Ash / Boiler Slag Wet Dry 0.001-0.05 0.002-0.075 Particle Size (mm) 0.001-0.1 0.1-10.0 Compressibility (%) 1.8 1.4 Dry Density (lb/ft3) 40-90 40-100 50-110 65-90 10-6-10-4 10-3-10-1 10-6-10-4 10-7-10-6 Cohesion (psi) 0-175 0 Angle of Internal Friction (degree) 25-45 25-45 0-1,600 40-2,250 Permeability (cm/sec) Shear Strength Unconfined Compressive Strength (psi) Typical Engineering Properties of Bottom Ash & Boiler Slag Property Specific Gravity Dry Unit Weight Plasticity Absorption Bottom Ash 2.1 - 2.7 45 - 100 lb/ft3 NP 0.8 - 2.0% Boiler Slag 2.3 - 2.9 60 - 90 lb/ft3 NP 0.3 - 1.1% Maximum Dry Density, lb/ft3 Optimum Moisture Content, % LA Abrasion Loss, % Sodium Sulfate Soundness Loss, % Friction Angle, degrees California Bearing Ratio, % Permeability Coefficient, cm/sec 75 – 100 12 – 24 30 - 50 1.5 – 10 32 – 45 40 - 70 10-2 - 10-3 82 – 102 8 – 20 24 – 48 1–9 36 – 46 40 – 70 10-2 - 10-3 (FHWA-RD-97-148) Typical Engineering Properties of FGD Materials Property Stabilized FGD (Calcium Sulfite) FGD Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) Particle Sizing (%) Sand Size Silt Size Clay Size Specific Gravity 1 90 9 2.57 17 80 3 2.36 Property Solids Content, % Specific Gravity Dry Density, lb/ft3 Friction Angle, degree Permeability, cm/sec UCS (28 days), psi Stabilized FGD 55-80 2.25 – 2.60 75 – 95 35 – 45 10-6 – 10-7 25 - 50 (FHWA-RD-97-148) Composition of Fly Ash & Cement (CBRC, 2003) Trace Elemental Composition Element (mg/kg) Fly Ash Mechanical Range Median Bottom Ash/Boiler Slag Dry FGD Material ESP/Baghouse Range Median Range Median Range Median Arsenic 3.3-160 25.2 2.3-279 56.7 0.50-168 4.45 44.1-186 86.5 Boron 205-714 258 10-1300 371 41.9-513 161 145-418 318 Barium 52-1152 872 110-5400 991 300-5789 1600 100-300 235 Cadmium 0.40-14.3 4.27 0.10-18.0 1.60 0.1-4.7 0.86 1.7-4.9 2.9 Cobalt 6.22-76.9 48.3 4.90-79.0 35.9 7.1-60.4 24 8.9-45.6 26.7 Chromium 83.3-305 172 3.6-437 136 3.4-350 120 16.9-76.6 43.2 Copper 42.0-326 130 33.0-349 116 3.7-250 68.1 30.8-251 80.8 Fluorine 2.50-83.3 41.8 0.4-320 29.0 2.5-104 50.0 --- --- Mercury 0.008-3.0 0.073 0.005-2.5 0.10 0.005-4.2 0.023 --- --- Manganese 123-430 191 24.5-750 250 56.7-769 297 127-207 167 Lead 5.2-101 13.0 3.10-252 66.5 0.4-90.6 7.1 11.3-59.2 36.9 Selenium 0.13-11.8 5.52 0.6-19.0 9.97 0.08-14 0.601 3.6-15.2 10.0 Silver 0.08-4.0 0.70 0.04-8.0 0.501 0.1-0.51 0.20 --- --- Strontium 396-2430 931 30-3855 775 170-1800 800 308-565 432 Vanadium 100-377 251 11.9-570 248 12.0-377 141 --- --- Zinc 56.7-215 155 14-2300 210 4.0-798 99.6 108-208 141 Leachate (TCLP) – Dry FGD and Fly Ash Chemical Constituent (mg/L) pH TDS Ag Al As B Ba Be Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Hg K Dry FGD Fly Ash 9.58-12.01 11,84013,790 <0.024 0.12-0.20 <0.005 0.543-2.17 <0.002 0.141-0.348 1,380-3,860 <0.003 <0.014-0.026 <0.005-0.028 <0.013 <0.029 <0.0002 1.3-22.1 ----0.0-0.05 --0.026-0.4 0.5-92 0.30-2.0 <0.0001-0.015 --0.0-0.3 0.0-0.22 0.023-1.4 0.0-0.43 0.0-10.0 0.0-0.003 --- Chemical Constituent (mg/L) Li Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb S Sb Se Si Sr V Zn Cl- Dry FGD Fly Ash 0.04-0.18 <0.04-1,360 <0.001 0.025-0.088 1.32-9.82 <0.01 <0.12 <0.001-0.017 132-979 <0.24 <0.001-0.005 0.10-0.33 0.83-3.38 <0.019-0.024 <0.006 19.6-67.8 ----0.0-1.9 0.19-0.23 --0.0-0.12 --0.0-0.15 --0.03-0.28 0.011-0.869 ------0.045-3.21 --- Leachate (Kosson Tier I, SPLP, TCLP) FGD Gypsum Element As B Ba Cd Cr Cu Hg K Pb Se Tier I SPLP TCLP (mg/mL) <0.006 0.227 0.161 0.0017 0.0056 <0.001 7.9E-06 0.646 <0.003 <0.011 (mg/mL) <0.006 0.130 0.101 0.002 0.0044 <0.001 3.60E-06 <0.4 <0.003 <0.011 (mg/mL) <0.006 0.137 0.37 0.0017 0.0059 <0.001 1.8E-05 2.01 <0.003 0.012 Historical CCP Production & Beneficial Use (American Coal Ash Association) 2010 CCP Production & Beneficial Use (American Coal Ash Association) Each Ton of Fly Ash in Concrete Equals... Some Past OSU Demonstration Projects • Highway Embankment Stabilization (1993, 1994) • Stabilized FGD Material as Pond Liner (1997) • Accelerated Loading of Newly Constructed Full-Scale Pavements (2003) • Full Depth Reclamation of Failing Asphalt Pavements (2006) Use of Clean Coal Technology By-Products in Construction of Low Permeability Liners Filling of Pond with water - 1997 During construction Current • Constructed at OSU-OARDC Western Branch in South Charleston, Ohio in Summer of 1997 • Holding Capacity of 1 million gallons (6 months storage capacity) • Primary Liner = 18” Compacted, Stabilized FGD • Leachate Collection System Coefficient of Permeability (cm/sec) Use of Clean Coal Technology By-Products in Construction of Low Permeability Liners Curing Time (days) 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 1.0E-03 Addition of swine manure initiated 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 1.0E-07 1.0E-08 1998 Full Scale Test Laboratory Test on Laboratory Compacted Sample Boutw ell(TP1) Boutw ell(TP2) Boutw ell(TP3) Cored(TP1) Cored(TP2) Cored(TP3) Ongoing OSU Projects • Reclamation of Ohio Coal Mine Sites Using FGD Byproducts • Role of Remining in Mitigating Impacts of Legacy Mining in Ohio • Stability of Fly Ash During Cyclic Loading • Effectiveness of Geocomposites as Drainage Layer for CCPs Effectiveness of Geocomposites as Drainage Layer for CCP Landfills 2009-10 Research: Investigation of various CCP materials using non-woven fabric (Alexis Semach MS Thesis) Current Research: Study of various CCP materials using woven fabric geocomposite drainage layer Background • Geocomposite leachate collection systems as possible replacements for conventional graded sand filters in CCP landfills • Geocomposite drainage systems are attractive - not as thick as graded sand filters • Geocomposite must • not restrict flow of leachate to collection system • prevent migration of CCP material to be retained through the filter and into leachate collection system Research Objective • To evaluate effectiveness of using geocomposites as primary drainage layer for CCP landfills to study potential • clogging of leachate collection system, and • migration of material into leachate collection system 2009-10 Research – Fill and Geocomposite 2009-10 Research – % Solids in Leachate 2009-10 Research – Fly Ash and Geocomposite 2009-10 Research – Laboratory Testing Summary • Measured permeabilities of the CCPs tested ranged from a high of slightly less than 1x10-4 cm/sec (silt) for FGD gypsum & Class F fly ash to 7x10 -6 cm/sec (silt or clay) for stabilized FGD. • When CCPs were underlain by the geocomposite, effective permeability decreased, typically by a factor of 5. • Quantity of material recovered in leachate was small and decreased after only one to two pore volumes for FGD gypsum and stabilized FGD. • Quantity of fly ash recovered in leachate increased during tests until it was more than the system could accommodate and testing had to be terminated. • Fly ash appears to not be adequately retained by sample non-woven geocomposite. Even though initial permeabilities of fly ash and FGD gypsum were similar, the fly ash particles went into the leachate at a much higher rate than did FGD gypsum. The quantity of fly ash increased until laboratory tests on fly ash/geocomposite samples had to be terminated. Current Research Focus: Study of Fly Ash (silo and ponded), FGD gypsum, and stabilized FGD material underlain by woven fabric geocomposite system • Laboratory Experiments • Permeability of CCP fill material with & without geocomposite • Percent solids in leachate of CCP fill with & without geocomposite • Field Testing • Permeability and leachate quality of as installed CCP fills with geocomposite Laboratory Testing • Geocomposite with top woven geotextile layer • CCP Materials Class F Fly Ash (silo and ponded) FGD Gypsum Stabilized FGD (sulfite) material • Tests conducted Falling head permeability tests on CCP fill materials only (porous stone at top and bottom of sample) Falling head permeability tests on drainage system (bottom porous stone replaced by geocomposite) • Test results Permeability and percent solids in leachate as a function of pore volume Sample Geotextile Fabric Geo-Grid Geotextile Fabric PVC Layer Hole in PVC for Drainage CCP Fill and Geocomposite Test System Sample Geotextile Fabric Geo-Grid Geotextile Fabric PVC Layer Hole in PVC for Drainage Silo Fly Ash M 1.00E-02 2 4 6 8 porous stone (dry density=79.97pcf) 1.00E-03 geocomposite (dry density=83.16pcf) 1.00E-04 12 10 1.00E-05 Pore Volume Fraction Percent Solids (%) Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 0 porous stone (dry density=79.97pcf) 8 geocomposite (dry density=83.16pcf) 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 Pore Volume Fraction 6 8 Ponded Fly Ash C 1.00E-02 2 4 6 8 porous stone (dry density=95.37pcf) geocomposite (dry density=95.15pcf) 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 12 porous stone (dry density=95.37pcf) Pore Volume Fraction 10 Percent Solids (%) Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 0 8 geocomposite (dry density=95.15pcf) 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 Pore Volume Fraction 6 8 FGD Gypsum M 1.00E-02 2 4 6 8 geocomposite (dry density=85.03pcf) porous stone (dry density=84.47pcf) 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 12 1.00E-05 Pore Volume Fraction porous stone (dry density=84.47pcf) 10 Percent Solids (%) Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 0 geocomposite (dry density=85.03pcf) 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Pore Volume Fraction 5 6 7 FGD Gypsum C 1.00E-02 2 4 6 8 porous stone (dry density=77.97pcf) geocomposite (dry density=77.70pcf) 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 12 10 1.00E-05 Pore Volume Fraction Percent Solids (%) Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 0 porous stone (dry density=77.97pcf) 8 geocomposite (dry density=77.70pcf) 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 Pore Volume Fraction 6 8 Post-test Geocomposite Inspection Sample Top Geotextile Fabric Geo-Grid Bottom Geotextile Fabric PVC Layer Hole in PVC for Drainage Top of “top geotextile fabric” Top of “top geotextile fabric” Bottom of “top geotextile” fabric Top of “geo-grid” CCP Typical field basin constructed at OSU Olentangy River Wetland Research Park CCP Plan View of Field Test Basins Field Construction Field Construction Ponded Fly Ash C Silo Fly Ash M FGD Gypsum M Stabilized FGD C Field Testing Permeability - Silo Fly Ash M 1.00E-02 Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 0 2 4 6 8 porous stone (dry density=79.97pcf) 1.00E-03 geocomposite (dry density=83.16pcf) 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 Pore Volume Fraction Laboratory Measured Permeability Field Basin Permeability* = 4 x 10-4 cm/sec Permeability - Ponded Fly Ash C 1.00E-02 Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 0 2 4 6 8 porous stone (dry density=95.37pcf) geocomposite (dry density=95.15pcf) 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 Pore Volume Fraction Laboratory Measured Permeability Field Basin Permeability* = 2 x 10-3 cm/sec Permeability - FGD Gypsum M 1.00E-02 Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 0 2 4 6 8 geocomposite (dry density=85.03pcf) porous stone (dry density=84.47pcf) 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 Pore Volume Fraction Laboratory Measured Permeability Field Basin Permeability* = 2 x 10-2 cm/sec Total Suspended Solids - Field Total Dissolved Solids - Field Turbidity - Field Current Research – Preliminary Conclusions • Laboratory testing to date indicates that the new geocomposite woven fabric: • retains fly ash and other CCP fill particles • does not restrict the flow of leachate to collection system • prevents migration of CCP material into leachate collection system • Field test basin verifies laboratory observations Resources Available to You Our online library collection has been subdivided into the following categories: Material Characterization Applications Economics of Beneficial Use Our library listing of journal articles, conference papers and published information sources is related to Coal Combustion Products research. Many of our documents can be downloaded (typ. as pdf files). For references not available online and not subject to copyright restrictions, a paper copy can be provided by contacting Carol Scott at [email protected]. You are welcome to submit articles for inclusion in our reference library. Contact Dr. Tarunjit S. Butalia at [email protected]. Graduate Student Research M.S. Thesis Dorothy Adams, Swelling characteristics of dry sulfur dioxide removal waste products Jeffreys Chapman, Stress Model Verification with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Malcolm Hargraves, The effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the strength of stabilized flue gas desulfurization sludge James Howdyshell, Strain compatibility analysis in slope stability modeling Jun Huang, Degradation of resilient modulus of saturated clay due to pore water pressure buildup under cyclic loading Na Jin, Fly Ash Applicability in Pervious Concrete James Kirch, Potential Use of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum (FGD) in a Flowable Grout for Re-mining of Abandoned Coal Mines Jangguen Lee, The Behavior of Pore Water Pressure in Cohesive Subgrade Soils Jung Woo Lee, Beneficial reuse of FGD by-products as flowable fill Yong-Woong Lee, Measurement and Prediction of Resilient Modulus of Lime-Fly Ash Stabilized Cohesive Subgrade Soils Aleia Long, Evaluating material properties of fly ash modified concrete plates under low velocity impact Ryan Mackos, Environmental Analysis of Full Depth Reclamation Using Coal Combustion By-Products Deepa Modi, Potential Utilization of FGD Gypsum for Reclamation of Abandoned Highwalls Jennifer Myers, Stabilization of sludge using spray dryer absorber ash Salman Nodjomian, Clean-coal technology by-products used in a highway embankment stabilization demonstration project Xueling Pan, The Effect of Freeze Thaw Cycling on the Permeability of Stabilized Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Materials Rachel Pasini, An Evaluation Of FGD Gypsum For Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Renee Payette, Landslide Remediation Using Clean Burning Coal Technology By- Products Gloria Rodgers, Resilient modulus predictions using engineering properties and neural networks Alexis Semach, Geotextiles for Use in Drainage Systems in Coal Combustion Product Landfills Sharon Studer, Seepage analysis of a highway embankment constructed from the Flue Gas Desulfurization by-product Wei Tu, Evaluation of Full-Scale CCP Pavement Performance Using Accelerated Loading Facility Michael Nuhfer, Use of flue gas desulfurization by-product as a lake-bed liner Ph.D. Dissertations Dong-Gyou Kim, Development of a Constitutive Model for Resilient Modulus of Cohesive Soils Sung Hwan Kim, A decision support system for highway embankment design using FGD by-products J.W. Lee, Real-Time Monitoring of Landslide Using Wireless Sensor Network Panuwat Taerakul, Characterization of trace elements in dry flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by-products Wei Tu, Response Modeling of Pavement Subjected to Dynamic Surface Loading Based on Stress-Based Multi-layered Plate Theory Chin-Min Cheng, Leaching of coal combustion products: field and laboratory studies Add us to your favorites - The OSU CCP program addresses the needs of the industry and helps advance the technically sound, environmentally friendly, and commercially competitive uses of CCPs in many interdisciplinary sustainable applications. You are invited to have a link from your website to the OSU CCP Program website. We will be glad to reciprocate this, in mutual appreciation.
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