7905-0038-00 City of Surrey PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT File: 7905-0038-00 Rezoning Development Permit Development Variance Permit Proposal: Rezone from RF to C-5. Development Permit to permit the upgrading of an existing building to accommodate an art studio. Development Variance Permit to reduce side yard setbacks. Recommendation: Location: Approval to Proceed 2318 - 156 Street OCP Designation: Urban LAP Designation: Commercial Zoning: RF Owners: Imanpal and Preeti Dhillon file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] 7905-0038-00 PROJECT TIMELINE Completed Application Submission Date: Planning Report Date: The applicant is proposing: a rezoning from RF to C-5; April 29, 2005 June 27, 2005 a Development Permit; and a Development Variance Permit to vary the following by-law regulations: · reduce the north side yard setback from 7.5 metres (25 ft.) to 4.27 metres (14 ft.); · reduce the south side yard setback from 7.5 metres (25 ft.) to 1.68 metres (6 ft.) file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] 7905-0038-00 in order to permit the upgrading of an existing building that will accommodate an art studio. The Planning & Development Department recommends that: 1. a By-law be introduced to rezone the property from "Single Family Residential Zone (RF)" (By-law No. 12000) to "Neighbourhood Commercial Zone (C-5)" (By-law No. 12000) and a date be set for Public Hearing. 2. Council authorize staff to draft Development Permit No. 7905-0038-00 in accordance with the attached drawings (Appendix III). 3. Council approve Development Variance Permit No. 7905-0038-00 (Appendix V), varying the following, to proceed to Public Notification: (a) to reduce the minimum north side yard setback of the C-5 Zone from 7.5 metres (25 ft.) to 4.27 metres (14 ft.); and (b) to reduce the minimum south side yard setback of the C-5 Zone from 7.5 metres (25 ft.) to 1.68 metres (6 ft.). 4. Council instruct staff to resolve the following issues prior to final adoption: (a) ensure that all engineering requirements and issues including restrictive covenants, and rights-of-way where necessary, are addressed to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Engineering; (b) submission of an acceptable finalized tree survey and a statement regarding tree preservation to the satisfaction of the City Landscape Architect; and (c) submission of a landscaping cost estimate to the specifications and satisfaction of the City Landscape Architect. REFERRALS Engineering: The Engineering Department has no objection to the project (Appendix IV). SITE CHARACTERISTICS There is an existing two-storey single family dwelling on the · Existing Land Use site. There are some mature coniferous trees which are proposed to · Significant Site be preserved. Attributes Manufactured home park, zoned RM-M, designated Urban in · East: the OCP. Single family lot, zoned RF, designated Commercial in the King · South: George Highway Corridor Plan. 156 Street, vacant lots, zoned CHI, designated Commercial in · West: the OCP. file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] 7905-0038-00 · North: Commercial building, zoned C-5, designated Commercial in the King George Highway Corridor Plan. PLAN AND POLICY COMPLIANCE OCP Designation: Complies. King George Highway Corridor Complies. Plan: DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS Land Use Context The applicant is proposing to rezone from RF to C-5 to permit the conversion of a single dwelling to an art studio. The subject site is adjacent to the larger neighbourhood on the west side of 156 street which is generally a commercial area catering to highway-oriented establishments. Together with the adjacent smaller parcels north and south of the subject site, the King George Highway Corridor Land Use/Development Concept Plan identifies this particular enclave as a future commercial area. The proposal will include the provision of adequate parking and the upgrading of the existing building and landscaping. Two similar applications to rezone to C-5, Development Variance Permit to vary side yard setbacks and Development Permit in order to allow the upgrading of an existing dwelling unit in order to accommodate a chiropractor clinic, and a demographic research office were previously approved under Application Nos. 79000091-00 (2336 – 156 Street) and 7904-0232-00 (2324 – 156 Street) on the neighbouring sites to the north. Site and Building Upgrade The existing building is an older two storey dwelling. The building will be upgraded to meet Building Code standards for a commercial premise. A number of upgrades have been done or will be done to ensure that the building matches the character of this emerging commercial area. A large 2.4 metre (8 feet) staircase (replacing a smaller staircase) has been added to the front façade to provide access to the main floor. The soffits will be fixed up and repainted. The stucco will be painted dark grey to match the commercial building to the north. A temporary parking shed to the left of the house will be removed to allow for a parking spot and some fencing and landscaping (Appendix III). A proposed free-standing sign is to be located within the landscaped area fronting the proposed parking. The proposed sign will be 1.52 metres (5 feet) high and 3.05 metres (10 feet) long and is to consist of a sign board placed between two posts. The sign is proposed to be 0.91 metres (3 feet) from the ground. Six parking stalls are proposed for the site to meet By-law requirements. These parking spaces will be screened by landscaping. Access to the site from 156 Street to the parking is provided by a 6.71 metre (22 feet) wide drive aisle on the north side of the site. The major areas of existing landscaping to be retained on the site include a row of cedar trees along the southern property line and a small cedar hedge along the driveway along the northern property line. No trees are file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] 7905-0038-00 proposed to be removed on the site. Landscape upgrading will be provided. Shrubs and trees will be planted as a buffer on the south and west sides of the proposed parking area. In addition, planting will be provided between the parking and the existing walkway to the front entrance to the building. The applicant is to provide a letter-of-credit to ensure installation and maintenance of the proposed landscaping. The Arborist Report and the proposed landscaping plan have been reviewed and approved by the City Landscape Architect (Appendix III). PRE-NOTIFICATION Pre-notification letters were sent on April 20, 2005, and staff received no comments. ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL Because the proposal entails only minor upgrading to an existing structure as opposed to the construction of a new building, this application was not referred to ADP, but was reviewed by staff and found satisfactorily. BY-LAW VARIANCE AND JUSTIFICATION (a) Requested Variance: · North side yard setback of the C-5 Zone (By-law No. 12000) from 7.5 metres (25 ft.) to 4.27 metres (14 ft.). · South side yard setback of the C-5 Zone (By-law No. 12000) from 7.5 metres (25 ft.) to 1.68 metres (6 ft.). Applicant's Reasons · Given the size and configuration of the lot, strict conformity to the side yard setback requirements will render the site undevelopable for commercial purposes. Staff Comments: · The proposed Development Variance Permit applies to the existing building only. The applicant is not proposing to add more floor area to the existing building footprint. · While the use is changing from residential to commercial, neighbouring property owners would not be unduly affected as the proposed variances are based on the existing siting of the building and the residential character of the existing building remains the same. · An application for similar north and south side yard variances was approved under Application No. 79040232-00 for the demographic research office in the existing building immediately to the north of the subject site. INFORMATION ATTACHED TO THIS REPORT The following information is attached to this Report: file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] 7905-0038-00 Appendix I. Lot Owners, Action Summary and Project Data Sheets Appendix II. Contour Map Appendix III. Site Plan, Typical Floor Plans and Elevations, Landscape Plans and Perspective Appendix IV. Engineering Summary Appendix V. Development Variance Permit No. 7905-0038-00 INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON FILE · Detailed Engineering Comments dated April 27, 2005 · Arborist Report dated June 7, 2005. · Soil Contamination Review Questionnaire prepared by Rupinder Kooner dated February 14, 2005. Murray Dinwoodie General Manager Planning and Development KB/kms v:\wp-docs\planning\plncom05\06021141.kb.doc KMS 6/27/05 10:56 AM APPENDIX I Information for City Clerk Legal Description and Owners of all lots that form part of the application: 1. (a) Agent: Name: Rupinder Kooner, Apex International Services Ltd. Address: #105 - 12877 - 76 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3W 2V3 Tel: 604-599-4888 2. Properties involved in the Application (a) Civic Address: 2318 - 156 Street (b) Civic Address: 2318 - 156 Street Owners: Imanpal and Preeti Dhillon PID: 009-550-135 Lot 2 Section 14 Township 1 New Westminster District Plan 76752 3. (a) Introduce a By-law to rezone the property. file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] 7905-0038-00 (b) Proceed with Public Notification for Development Variance Permit No. 7905-0038-00. DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Proposed Zoning: C-5 Required Development Data LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Road Widening area Undevelopable area Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Buildings & Structures Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas Total Site Coverage SETBACKS ( in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bed Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total FLOOR AREA: Residential FLOOR AREA: Commercial Retail Office Total FLOOR AREA: Industrial FLOOR AREA: Institutional Minimum Required / Maximum Allowed file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] Proposed 850.4 m² 850.4 m² 14% 18 m 18.8 m 4.27 m 1.68 m 2-storey 215 sq.m./ 2,312 sq.ft. 7905-0038-00 TOTAL BUILDING FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Development Data Sheet cont'd Required Development Data DENSITY # of units/ha /# units/acre (gross) # of units/ha /# units/acre (net) FAR (gross) FAR (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Indoor Outdoor PARKING (number of stalls) Commercial Industrial Residential Bachelor + 1 Bedroom 2-Bed 3-Bed Residential Visitors Institutional Total Number of Parking Spaces Number of disabled stalls Number of small cars Tandem Parking Spaces: Number / % of Total Number of Units Size of Tandem Parking Spaces width/length Minimum Required / Maximum Allowed 6 6 Proposed 0.19 0.19 6 6 Heritage Site NO Tree Survey/Assessment Provided YES APPENDIX II CONTOUR MAP FOR SUBJECT SITE file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM] 7905-0038-00 file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/10364.html[05/06/2015 4:02:08 PM]
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