COMMONWEALTH ASSOCATION FOR EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION AND MANA MANAGEMENT VOLUME 1 ISSUE 2 ISSN NO 2322-0147 OCTOBER 2013 A CORRELATIONAL STUDY OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND STUDY HABITS: ISSUES AND CONCERNS Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 2 ISSN 2322-0147 A CORRELATIONAL STUDY OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND STUDY HABITS: ISSUES AND CONCERNS Dr. Ehtesham Anwar Associate Professor Faculty of Education Integral University Lucknow , U.P. (INDIA) anwar_ehtesham@rediff ABSTRACT This study investigates the degree of relationship between study habits and academic achievement of senior secondary school students. The investigator has also sought to compare the influence of good and poor study habits on the academic performance of the students at senior secondary level. The study employed a deceptive research of survey type. A study Habit Inventory (SHI) was employed to determine the study habits of the students. A reliability coefficient of 0.91 was obtained using split half method. The population of the study includes all the senior secondary school students of Lucknow city of U.P. (India). Sample were selected through purposive random sampling technique. Two hypothesis were formulated and were tested using Pearson’s correlation and t – test at 0.05 and 0.01 level of significance. The descriptive analysis revealed positive relationship between academic achievement and study habits and the degree of relationship is high. It was also found that the academic performance of students having good and poor study habits differ significantly and good study habits result in high academic achievement. The findings of this study would be of immense help in improving the study habits of the students at secondary and senior secondary level. Improvement in student’s academic achievement will further had to national development as competent manpower will be produced planning of specific items for study is highly recommended. Necessary study skills must be taught to our students with a view to improving their academic performance. INTRODUCTION Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Page 46 Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 2 ISSN 2322-0147 In all educational institutions, the whole teaching learning process is directed towards achievement in the academic field as well as in the sphere of co-curricular activities. The academic achievement is required to be of greater value and for the attainment of which the students, teachers and parents strive towards it. But, it is a well known fact that all the students can never attain the same level of achievement in the examination and in the recent past it has been realised that the number of failure is increasing. This has posed a problem before all those concerned with education and teaching. The large incidence of failure in the secondary school examination has been of great concern not only to the parents but also to the educator. With the constitutional provision aimed at making the elementary education free and compulsory throughout the country, the scope and responsibility of the education have added new dimensions and one of the main concern of the educators has been how to maximize the education of all children with due recognition of individual difference in ability. The relationship between study habit and students’ academic performance has for long receive attention from scholars and educational agencies. Nuthane & Yenage (2009) has examined the causes of poor academic performance among university undergraduates. Some of these factors identified are intellectual ability, poor study habits, achievement motivation, lack of vocational goals, self concept, low socio- economic status of the family, poor family structure and so on. In the same vein, Ichado (1998) also agreed that the environment in which the students come from can greatly influence their performance academically in the school. The concept of study habit comprises the concept of study attitude, study method and study skill. Attitude towards study has great contribution in academic achievement and good study pattern. Successful students adopt positive attitude towards study and do not waste time or energy. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The investigator has sought to examine the relationship between study habits and academic achievement of senior secondary school students. He also wanted to compare the academic achievement of students having Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Page 47 Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 2 ISSN 2322-0147 good and poor study habits. The investigator, on the basis of his finding also aimed at providing few tips and suggestions in order to excel the academic performance of the leaner. HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY 1. There is no significant relationship between academic achievement and study habits of senior secondary school students. 2. There is no significant difference in the academic achievement of senior secondary school students having good and poor study habits. METHOD OF THE STUDY. The study employed a descriptive research of survey design. The population consisted of all senior secondary school students of Lucknow city of UP (India). Sample of 200 senior secondary school students studying in class XI were selected using purposive random sampling technique from the 3 senior secondary schools of Lucknow city. A study Habit Inventory (SHI) to measure the study habits of the students at the post secondary level was used. The inventory comprises 52 items pertaining to nine sub components of study habits namely Comprehension (12 items), concentration (10 items), Task Orientation (9 items), Study Sets (7 items), Interaction (3 items), Drilling (4 items), Supports (4 items), Recording (2 items) and Language (1 item) which characterize the basis of study habits. The items have been drafted in affirmative (34 items) and negative (18 items) forms. The reliability of the whole inventory was worked out by using split half method. The reliability coefficient is 0.91 which is fairly high and indicates that the inventory is reliable. A Likert scale of 1 to 5 of Always, Frequently, Sometimes, Rarely and Never was used in measuring responses of the respondents. The investigator has recorded the marks of each student, obtained in his or her high school examination (X) to measure the academic achievement. Data collected were analysed with simple statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics. The hypothesis were Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Page 48 Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 2 ISSN 2322-0147 tested using correlation coefficient and t-test. SPSS package was used to analyse the data. RESULTS Hypothesis :- There is no significant relationship between academic achievement and study habits of senior secondary school students. Table :-1 Study Habits Academic Achievement Pearson’s Correlation Sig. (2 Tailed) N Pearson’s Correlation Sig. (2 Tailed) N Study Habits 1 200 .695 .000 200 Academic Achievement .695 .000 200 1 200 This table revealed that the correlation coefficient between study habits and academic achievement is 0.695. This shows positive correlation between academic achievement and study habits and the magnitude of the relationship is high and strong. It means that when there is an increase in the scores of study habits there will be also an increase in the academic achievements of the students. Thus, this hypothesis is rejected. Hypothesis 2 : there is no significant difference in the academic achievement of senior secondary school students having good and poor study habits. Study Habit Good Poor N Mean 54 54 72.7046 57.8943 Table 2 S.D. Std. Error of mean 7.0453 0.9587 7.2317 0.9841 t- value (df. 106) 10.780 Significance Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 level The table shows that the number of students having good and poor study habits is same i.e. 54. This is 27% of the total number of the students. The mean score of the academic achievement of the students having good study habits is 72.7046 and that of the students having poor Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Page 49 Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 2 ISSN 2322-0147 study habits is 57.8943. The standard deviation scores are 7.0453 and 7.2317 for the students having good and poor study habits respectively. The calculated t value is 10.78. The tabulated t value at 106 degree of freedom is 1.98 at 0.05 level of significance and it is 2.63 at 0.01 level of significance. Here, the calculated value of t is greater than tabulated value of t at both the level of significance, so this hypothesis shall also be rejected. It means that the academic achievements of the students having good and poor study habits differ significantly and the students having good study habits achieve higher than the students having poor study habits. CONCLUSION From the analysis it was found that there is significant relationship between study habits and academic achievement of senior secondary school students. Thus, it is clear that the study habit has an impact on the academic achievement. Various factors such as method of study, family background, socio-economic status and environment etc are the determinants of study habits i.e. these factors affect study habits, but the investigator has kept these variables controlled in this study. It is also found that the academic achievement of the students having good and poor study habits differ significantly. The result also shows that the academic achievement of the students having good study habits is higher as compared to the students having poor study habits. RECOMMENDATION This study recommends that the students should be taught the necessary study skills so that their academic achievement can be greatly improved. The learners should not try to perform so many learning activities at one time. Planning of specific times for study is very important. The students, should not change their study timings. Avoid calls while studying. Reviewing assignments will help the students in evaluating their work themselves and then improvement in their academic performance can be observed soon. Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Page 50 Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 2 ISSN 2322-0147 REFERENCES • Girija, P.R.,Bhadra, B.P. and Ameejan M.S. (1975). "The Relationship of study habits with Study Skills, Academic Achievements Motivation and Academic Achievement". Journal of Educational psychology, vol. 33, No.l, pp. 47-53. • Gordan, D. (1998). The Relationship Among Academic self concept, Academic Achievement and persistence with self Attribution, study Habbits and perceived school Environment. 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