Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 50, No. 336, pp. 1169–1177, July 1999 The modular character of growth in Nicotiana tabacum plants under steady-state nutrition A. Walter and U. Schurr1 Department of Botany, University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 360, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Received 8 December 1998; Accepted 25 February 1999 Abstract The impact of different plant growth rates on biomass allocation and growth distribution in tobacco was studied on the whole plant, total leaf area and single leaf level. On the whole plant level, constant relationships were found between the total leaf area and the biomass allocation to leaves and the nonphotosynthetic organs (roots and stem) independent from the overall growth rate and the nutrient addition rate to the plants. On the level of total leaf area, plants grown at lower nutrient supply reached a distinct distribution of leaf area later than those grown at higher nutrient supply, but the normalized distribution of leaf area along the stem at a certain plant size did not differ between plants growing at different nutrient supply and growth rates. On the leaf blade level, growth rates declined, initially linearly, from the leaf base to the leaf tip. Distinct gradients within the side veins were not observed, but the growth rates of the side veins were closely correlated to the adjacent midvein segments. These gradients flattened with increasing size of the leaf. The modular character of growth in tobacco is discussed in the context of basic growth analysis and as a framework for physiological, cytological, biochemical, and molecular studies in growing plants. Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, whole plant, total leaf area, leaf growth, growth rate, biomass. Introduction Growth occurs simultaneously at a number of sites of the plant exerting different functions like nutrient or carbon supply that need to be co-ordinated on the whole plant level. As a consequence of this co-ordination, growth patterns evolve that determine the typical habitus for a certain species. Their basis is the organization of the plant from modules like leaves, internodes and roots arranged in a characteristic way (phytomers) (Scanlon, 1998). Underlying principles in these patterns represent the functional balance between different parts of the plant and can only be understood from a multiscale approach: whole plant processes need to be coupled mechanistically to the underlying growth process in the individual modules to understand growth regulation. On the other hand, analysis of growth on the level of the organs and on smaller scales needs to be related to the framework of the whole plant. Quantitative analysis of the patterns requires the use of adequate co-ordinate systems. The higher complexity inherent to areal growth of dicot leaves has hampered progress in this field significantly, in contrast to linearly arranged monocot leaves or roots (Schurr, 1997). Often cartesian (rectangular) co-ordinate systems are used to analyse spatial aspects of growth (Avery, 1933; Poethig and Sussex, 1985; Granier and Tardieu, 1998). They are useful for the description of Euclidean geometric objects (or models), or for spatio-temporal movements of points like in classical mechanics, but hardly for natural objects. The physical description of movement or growth processes of natural objects subjected to natural conditions/ constraints can more adequately be described within ‘natural’ co-ordinate systems (Hejnowicz and Karczewski, 1993). It is therefore essential to determine suitable co-ordinate systems for the respective scale that can be interrelated to higher and lower scales. It is proposed that such a natural co-ordinate system for the description of leaf growth could be the vein system of the leaf. The functional approach to plant growth in its simple form is only valid if the parameters determining the physiological function remain constant. This allows the plant to gain a structure, in which the functional balance 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: +49 6 221 545 859. E-mail: [email protected] © Oxford University Press 1999 1170 Walter and Schurr can actually be seen. If environmental conditions, like nutrient supply, change during growth the evolving functional imbalances can typically not be translated directly into a new architecture, since already formed modules cannot be restructured to meet the new requirements (Schurr, 1997). Therefore, a prerequisite to identify functionally related patterns is to maintain external growth conditions initially as constant as possible, prior to understanding the complex, dynamic responses as they obviously are common in the field. Growth cabinets allow maintenance of temperature, humidity and light conditions, but in many cases nutrient supply, as one of the most important environmental constraints governing growth, is less controlled. Often nutrients are added to plants in nutrient solutions at a constant concentration irrespective of the increase in nutrient demand with the increase in growing biomass (Ingestad and Agren, 1992; Hellgren and Ingestad, 1995). Therefore, nutrient supply at constant concentrations contains the risk that plants are subjected to decreasing availability of nutrients and thus the architecture of the plant can not attain a steady-state. Steady-state nutrition can be achieved by adding nutrients in relation to growth rate. Plants subjected to non-maximal nutrient addition rates adjust their growth rate to the nutrient supply (Ingestad and Agren, 1992). In the present study, patterns of growth in tobacco plants grown in steady-state nutrition are presented, starting from the whole plant perspective and leading down to the distribution of growth on a single leaf. Further analysis from the single leaf level to biochemical data will be presented in a forthcoming paper (A Walter, U Schurr, unpublished results). the basis that the fresh weight of the seedlings contained 0.5% N. The nutrient proportions by weight with respect to nitrogen were: NO− 61.5%, NH+ 38.5%, K+ 65%, PO3− 13%, Ca2+ 3 4 4 7%, Mg2+ 8.5%, SO2− 9%, Fe 0.7%, Mn 0.4%, Cu 0.03%, Zn 4 0.06%, B 0.2%, Mo 0.07%, Na+ 0.034%, Cl− 0.033%. Each day 2 h after onset of the light, the sand in each pot was thoroughly percolated with distilled water to remove any nutrients. Immediately after percolation the nutrient solution was added with a pipette in volumes between 1 and 10 ml. When leaf 10 (cotyledons were numbered as ‘leaf 1’ and ‘leaf 2’) had reached an area of 2 cmO, three plants from each population were harvested every second/third day over a period of 16 d and plants were dissected into root, stem and individual leaves. The fresh weight of the excised plant parts was determined immediately with a balance (Sartorius; sensitivity 0.1 mg). Dry weight was determined after drying the samples for 2 d at 80 °C. Materials and methods Distribution of growth on the leaf blade For analysis of growth distribution on leaf blades, the vein system was used as a natural co-ordinate system (Hejnowicz and Karczewski, 1993). Ink marks were placed on class II veins (Ding et al., 1988) of 2–3 cm long leaf blades (n=4). The longitudinal growth of these segments and of the class I veinsegments enclosed by them was measured with a slide caliper (precision 0.1 mm) daily 8 h after the onset of the light. Unidirectional relative growth rates were calculated as given above for the relative growth rates of the leaf area. Relative growth rates of the areas enclosed by a class I vein segment and its adjacent class II vein were calculated by adding the unidirectional growth rates of the two elements because the angle between them did not change significantly from day to day. Cultivation, nutrition and harvests Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) seeds were germinated on sand and transplanted into 15 cm diameter pots containing a 151 mixture of sand of different grain size (0.6–0.8 mm and 0.6–1.2 mm). Three populations with different nutrient supply (see below, n=22 per treatment) were grown in a walk-in growth chamber ( Weiss, Giessen) with a 12/12 h photoperiod (180–220 mmol photons m−2 s−1 at the uppermost leaf ), a constant air temperature of 25 °C and a constant relative humidity of 60%. For a period of 11 d after transplanting, the seedlings received a constant concentration of nutrients. Thereafter the amount of nutrients added per day was increased to match the increase of the nutrient demand with increase in growing biomass (cf. Ingestad and Lund, 1979). All nutrients were added in fixed proportions relative to nitrogen. The relative nutrient addition rates (nutrients added per nutrients already present in the plant) were constant for each treatment over the entire experiment (Fig. 1A) at 40% d−1 (high: H ), 24% d−1 (medium: M ) and 18% d−1 ( low: L), respectively. The amount of nitrogen to be added at the start of the Ingestad treatment was calculated from the fresh weight of seedlings 11 d after transplanting on Measurements and calculation of growth rates The length and width of all leaves of each plant were measured 1 h after the onset of light with a ruler during the last 20–30 d of each experiment. Leaf area (A) was calculated by the biometric relation between leaf area, the length of the leaf blade (L) and the maximal width of the leaf blade (W) as A= 0.75×L×W (Schurr, 1997). This relation was determined on the basis of 125 leaves from all studied positions at the stem and from all treatments without significant differences between treatments or leaf positions. The total leaf area of each plant was calculated as the sum of all individual leaf areas. Relative growth rates (RGR) were calculated as: RGR [%/d ]=100×( ln(A /A ))/(t2–t1) t2 t1 where A is the area at day t2 and A is the area at day t1. t2 t1 Relative growth rates for fresh weight and dry weight as well as relative addition rates (RAR) for nutrient addition were calculated analogously. Normalized properties Normalized distribution functions of leaf area were calculated as percentages by dividing the area of each leaf by the total leaf area on a daily basis. The same procedure was done with leaf growth rates: the difference in area of each leaf at successive days was divided by the difference of the total leaf area during the same time interval and expressed as a percentage value. Modular growth in tobacco 1171 Results Whole plant growth The total leaf area of the plants increased almost parallel to the nutrient addition ( Fig. 1A) over the entire range of plant sizes (2 cm2 up to 1000 cm2). Relative growth rates (Fig. 1B) of the treatments with low (L) and medium (M ) nutrient addition rate were almost constant during the entire experiment, while the treatment supplied with a high nutrient addition rate (H ) initially showed lower relative growth rates of the leaf area (RGR). RGR in this treatment increased when the nutrient amount was supplied in a bigger volume, decreasing the concentration of the nutrient solution. The mean total leaf area at high and medium nutrient availability was three times higher than at low nutrient supply (Fig. 1C ). Mean relative growth rates of leaf area of the populations during the harvest interval were calculated to be 13% d−1 for low nutrient availability and 18% d−1 in conditions of medium and high nutrient supply (Fig. 1D). Means of relative growth rates on a fresh and dry weight basis were identical (data not shown) indicating constant relative water content of all treatments, but standard deviations of relative growth rates of leaf area were smaller due to higher numbers of replicates measurements. from the non-destructive Biomass allocation Plant fresh weight increased linearly ( Fig. 2A–C, cumulative plots) with total leaf area (FW = plant 0.060 g cm−2×area leaf ). This relationship was contotal served with a mean error of 9% in all treatments and for all harvested plants in a range of plant fresh weights between 2 and 100 g. This relation was independent of the growth rate and the nutrient supply to the plants. Moreover, the fresh weight of leaves, stem (including petioles) and root increased linearly with the total leaf area (Fig. 2). Fifty per cent of the fresh weight of each plant were located in leaves (specific leaf mass: 30 mg cm−2); the other 50% were allocated to root and shoot axis. With increasing plant size, the share of the shoot axis rose at the cost of the root. Again these relations were identical for plants grown at different growth rates due to different nutrient addition rates. The ratio between fresh and dry weight was constant throughout the harvesting period for stem and root at relative water contents of 93.5% and 94%, respectively (data not Fig. 1. Characterization of Nicotiana plants grown at high (H, 40% d−1), medium (M, 24% d−1) or low (L, 18% d−1) rates of nutrient addition in an Ingestad culture. (A) Increase in total leaf area and nitrogen-addition in the medium nutrition treatment. (B) Relative growth rates of leaf area during the period of harvest in treatment H, M and L. (C ) Mean total leaf area during the harvest period in treatment H, M and L and (D) mean relative growth rates during the harvest interval for all three treatments. 1172 Walter and Schurr Fig. 2. Cumulative plots of the fresh weight of the total leaf area, the stem (including the petiole) and the root system in relation to the total leaf area in Nicotiana tabacum plants subjected to high (H: A and B), medium (M: C and D) and low (L: E ) nutrient addition rates. The insets show the plots over the entire range of total leaf area studied in the experiments. shown). For individual leaves the proportion of dry weight at the fresh varied with the position at the stem between 5% and over 20% with a maximum at the central leaf positions. Distribution of growth within the total leaf area The exponential growth of the total leaf area is achieved by individual leaves increasing their leaf area sigmoidally, reaching different final leaf sizes and initiated at different times ( Fig. 3). Relative contribution of individual leaves to the total leaf area followed a slightly asymmetrical binomial distribution along the stem during the entire experiment (Fig. 4A). With increase in plant size the distribution broadened as more leaves contributed to the total leaf area. The maximum of this distribution declined almost linearly, while moving to higher positions at the stem with increasing plant size. Differences in the total growth rate between plants subjected to different relative growth rates and different nutrient supply were solely due to the fact that slower growing plants reached particular stages later than faster growing plants, as indicated by the absence of differences in the maximum of the binomial Fig. 3. Cumulative plot of the exponential development of the total leaf area as composed from sigmoidally growing individual leaves in Nicotiana tabacum of treatment M (medium nutrient supply rate). distributions between the three different treatments ( Fig. 4A). The share of a particular leaf to the daily gain of leaf area followed a binomial distribution that was narrower and shifted by one to two leaf positions upwards on the stem ( Fig. 4B) compared to the distribution of leaf areas. Again the distribution broadened with increasing size of the plant and the maxima became lower. Standard deviations were larger for the share on growth than for the distribution of areas. Therefore, differences between plants growing at different growth rates of the maximum of the distribution were not significant. These results show that the total distribution of leaf area and growth in plants growing at different overall growth rate at steady-state nutrition is not altered, but the time needed to reach a certain size is influenced by the nutrient supply. The uniformity of the normalized distributions of leaf area causes the linear correlation of the area of the biggest leaf at a certain time to the total leaf area at that time ( Fig. 5A) with the biggest leaf always corresponding to 35% of the total leaf area. When the plants left the rosette state at a total leaf area of about 15 cm2 the share of the biggest leaf on the total leaf area declined with plant size and caused an upward bending of the fit (Fig. 5B). By analogy, the area gain of the total leaf area and the biggest gain of an individual leaf were strongly correlated Modular growth in tobacco 1173 Fig. 4. (A) Distribution along the stem of the share of individual leaf positions at the total leaf area (normalized leaf area distribution) expemplarily for days 49, 62 and 68 from Nicotiana tabaccum grown with medium nutrient addition rate and the position and share of the biggest leaf during the harvest period of the experiments from plants grown with high (H ), medium (M ) and low (L) nutrient addition rate. (B) Distribution of the share of individual leaf positions at the total gain of leaf area per day (normalized gain distribution) exemplarily for days 49, 62 and 68 of Nicotiana tabacum grown with medium nutrient addition rate and the position and share of the leaf with the biggest increase in leaf area per day for the days of the harvest periods of plants grown at high, medium and low nutrient addition rate. growth rate and those growing at a lower relative growth rate than the overall total leaf area was constant at 0.5, irrespective of the overall growth rates and nutrient availability ( Fig. 6). The apparent scatter is due to the binary principle in the classification of a certain leaf to one or the other class. In plants growing at different constant nutrient addition/growth rates, 50% of the biomass was located in the leaves with 1/3 allocated to leaves growing faster and 2/3 to leaves growing at lower than Fig. 5. (A) Relationship between the total leaf area and the leaf area of the biggest leaf of Nicotiana tabacum grown at high (H ), medium (M ) and low (L) nutrient addition rates. Part A is an enlargement of part B. (C ) Relationship between the maximal increase of a single leaf and the increase of total leaf area at the same day for Nicotiana tabacum grown at high, medium and low nutrient addition rates. Part C is the enlargement of part D. (Fig. 5C, D), again irrespective of the nutrient supply and growth rate of the plants. This indicates that the area below the binomial normalized distribution functions for area and growth remains constant with plant size. The ratio between leaves growing at a higher relative Fig. 6. Relationship between the area of leaves growing faster (‘biomasssink leaf area’) and the area of leaves growing slower (‘biomass-source leaf area’) than the total leaf area for Nicotiana tabacum plants grown at high (H ), medium (M ) and low (L) nutrient addition rate. 1174 Walter and Schurr average (Fig. 7). The remaining 50% of the biomass was located in stems and roots with the stem gaining a higher percentage with increasing plant size. Distribution of growth within a single leaf A distinct gradient of growth rate was present along the mid-vein of tobacco leaves ( Fig. 8A): The basal segments of the mid-vein grew faster than the apical segments. In contrast, the side veins did not show significant gradients of growth rates from the midrib to the leaf margin (Fig. 8B). However, the mean elongation rate of the class II veins followed closely the tip-to-base gradient of growth rates along the mid-vein ( Fig. 8B) and the relative growth rate of a side vein was identical to the one of the adjacent mid-vein segments (Fig. 9). The growth rate of the leaf area enclosed by a midvein segment and the adjacent side vein was calculated and plotted versus the distance of this area from the leaf tip ( Fig. 10). With increase in leaf size, the tip-to-base gradient of growth rates flattens significantly in parallel to the decline in the overall growth rate of the leaf. By analogy to the observation on the level of total leaf area approximately 1/3 of the leaf area grew faster and 2/3 grew slower than the average. Discussion The allocation of biomass in tobacco plants to leaves, root and stem, when subjected to growth-adjusted nutrient supply, followed distinct patterns independent from the total growth rate. This fact indicates that the plants, Fig. 7. Biomass allocation to leaves, stem and roots as a percentage of the total biomass for Nicotiana tabacum plants grown at high, medium and low nutrient addition rate in relation to plant size. Leaves are further separated in leaves growing faster and slower than the total leaf area of the plant. Dark shaded areas indicate biomass-source, while light areas indicate biomass sinks. given enough time for adaptation, adjust their biomass allocation to meet certain set points. The patterns confirm results in hydroponically grown tobacco ( Wakhloo and Ruppenthjal, 1990). The evolving patterns are likely to be linked to the functional optimum of the plant under a given set of conditions. The fact that the ratio between the leaf biomass and the biomass of the non-assimilating parts of the plant was constant, while the root-to-shoot ratio changed with plant size, has important consequences. First, the often observed alterations in rootto-shoot ratio in response to nutrient conditions may at least in some cases be linked to plant size effects rather than to specific responses to different nutrient availability. Second, sink tissues compete directly and in response to the overall architecture of the plant. The increased partitioning towards the stem is likely to be due to increased demand for biomass in stems for statical reasons (Niklas, 1992) with increasing plant height. The constancy of the allocation patterns was not only observed on the whole plant level, but also within the total leaf area and within single leaves. In both cases 1/3 of the leaf area was growing faster and 2/3 grew slower than average, an apparently inherent property of the tobacco variety used. As the specific leaf weights (on a fresh and dry weight basis) were identical for the different nutrient supply rates, the relations were not only due to leaf area. Specific leaf weight remained constant after leaves/leaf parts had finished expansion growth, in agreement with the finding that tobacco leaves do not thicken after the end of the longitudinal expansion (Avery, 1933; Dose, 1914). This is in contrast to monocot leaves that increase leaf weight and thickness significantly during post-elongation differentiation (Groeneveld et al., 1998). Thus variation of nutrient supply in the Ingestad sense does accelerate/decelerate the speed of plant development, but the overall plant architecture remains constant. This closely resembles findings on the leaf level in castor bean where removal of the nitrogen supply accelerated leaf maturation in those parts of the total leaf area with active cell division activity (Roggatz et al., 1999). In the reported experiments total leaf area increased (a) by an increase in the final leaf area of the leaves and (b) by an increase in the number of leaves contributing to leaf growth. Growth distribution along the stem of tobacco can be described as an acropetally moving wave, which flattens and broadens with increasing plant size. Leaves at lower positions are released from the shoot apical meristem earlier than leaves of higher positions. Thus leaves of different positions show a temporal shift in their development processes and courses of growth rates relative to each other. This is in contrast to monocot species, in which only a few leaves contribute to the increase in total leaf area at any one time (Groeneveld et al., 1998). Leaf initiation gains a crucial role in adjusting the growth rate to the nutrient supply under these steady- Modular growth in tobacco 1175 Fig. 8. Distribution of relative growth rates of mid-vein segments (A) and side vein segments (B) on leaf 10 of Nicotiana tabacum for a single leaf during a discrete day. state conditions by determining the speed of initiation of new modules, while the duration of cell division determines the end size of the leaves (Roggatz et al., 1999). Distribution of the leaf growth Leaf growth and differentiation proceeds as a basipetally moving wave (Maksymowych, 1973; Van Volkenburgh, 1987; Granier and Tardieu, 1998). The apical parts of the leaf are released from the shoot axial meristem some days earlier than the basal parts of the leaf (Poethig, 1997). This time-lag corresponds to the temporal shift in differentiation processes of the leaf blade (Avery, 1933; Poethig and Sussex, 1985; A Walter, U Schurr, unpublished results) causing gradients of growth rate along the midrib. To quantify the impact of environmental or internal (genetic) constraints on leaf development, a suitable reference system has to be defined. From these results it is proposed that the veinal system of the leaf is a proper natural co-ordinate system for leaf growth. Hejnowicz and colleagues (Hejnowicz and Hejnowicz, 1991; Hejnowicz and Karczewski, 1993) have already proved, for growing root tips, that the natural co-ordinate system of the cell files is superior to a rectangular basis for quantitative analysis. Clonal analysis of the origin of cells on tobacco leaves indicate that cell files that originated from a single mother cell, lie parallel to class II veins (Poethig and Sussex, 1985). Within this co-ordinate system, growth processes can be quantified more clearly than in a rectangular co-ordinate system since they are isotropic in this co-ordinate system. The reason for the advantage of the natural over the artificial system is that leaves do not grow in perpendicular x ( length) and y (width) direction, but along their veins. The use of the artifical rectangular grid has led to the conclusion that 1176 Walter and Schurr as the veins are the transport routes for growth substrates and areal expansion not balanced by vein expansion will cause buckling of interveinal areas rather than increase in projected leaf area. Growth analysis as a framework Fig. 9. Relationship between the relative growth rate of the mid-vein and its basipetally adjacent side vein segment in leaf 10 of Nicotiana tabacum. The conserved growth patterns can practically be used as a framework for analysis of growing plants, as, first, they provide the functional background, to which a certain cellular, physiological, biochemical, and molecular process is related. The steady-state nutrition thereby provides the basis for sensible analysis because the structure of the plant can be expected to be actually related to internal functions. Therefore, apparent changes in the growth patterns, e.g. in transgenic plants, indicate significant interference of treatments with sink–source relationships. Second, the stability of the patterns can be used to test developmental versus specific responses to environmental or genetic impact. Repetitive growth patterns, like the Leaf Plastochron Index (LPI ), are the basis for developmental indices (Silk and Erikson, 1979). However, the application of LPI is risky in leaf canopies, as in tobacco, with apparent differences in the final size of the leaves, as the LPI is based on the time when a leaf reaches a certain absolute size. As this leaf size is chosen arbitrarily, it can correspond to very different stages of leaf differentiation in leaves reaching different final leaf size. Normalization will provide a more general approach to developmental indices than the classical LPI ( U Schurr, unpublished results). Acknowledgements The authors thank Uwe Roggatz for valuable discussion and help during the experiments. The work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in SFB 199 ( TP C1). Fig. 10. Distribution of the relative growth rate of mid-vein segments over a period of 13 d on leaf 10 of Nicotiana tabacum. The thick line indicates the site of the leaf, which showed the same growth rate as the entire leaf. tobacco leaf growth would be anisotropical (Avery, 1933). The reason for this conclusion is solely the application of an unadapted co-ordinate system that has nothing to do with the physiology of growth. This approach is still widely used (Granier and Tardieu, 1998), but recent developments of image analysis techniques based on natural landmarks (Schmundt et al., 1998) have the potential to substitute them. 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