NICHOLS 20162017 SUPPLY LIST (6th Grade) 6TH GRADE STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE (1) 4POCKET FOLDER AND AN ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK ✓ 3 packs of glue sticks ✓ Gym uniforms will be sold in PE classes during the first ✓ 2 Combination Locks week of school. Includes: gym shirt, shorts, and mesh tote ✓ 2 packages of Scotch Tape bag. Cost: $25.00. ✓ 2 packs of wide ruled lined paper ✓ 2 boxes of blue or black pens only (no red) LA/LIT ✓ 1 three pack of Disinfecting Wipes ✓ 1 composition notebook ✓ Highlighters (any color) ✓ 1 Twopocket folder ✓ Markers (washable) ✓ Colored Pencils SSS ✓ 1 roll of paper towels ✓ 1 Spiral notebook. ✓ 1 package of PostIt Notes (5 neon colors ✓ 1 Twopocket folder. 73mmX73mm) ✓ (1) 3 Subject notebook from Office Depot #692484. ✓ Pencil case (zipper pouch if able) ✓ 3 Boxes of Kleenex MATH /SCIENCE ✓ Texas Instrument Calculator ( TI30XIIS ) ✓ 3 boxes of #2 pencils (12 packs) ✓ 3 Composition Notebooks ✓ Erasers ✓ 1 Hand held sharpener th th NICHOLS 20162017 SUPPLY LIST (7 Grade) NICHOLS 20162017 SUPPLY LIST (8 Grade) TH 7 GRADE STUDENTS WILL ONLY RECEIVE AN ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK. BINDERS WILL NOT BE TH PROVIDED TO 7 GRADE STUDENTS. ✓ 2 Combination Locks ✓ Texas Instrument Calculator ( TI30XIIS ) (optional) ✓ #2 Pencils (1 box) ✓ Erasers ✓ Colored Pencils ✓ 2 Boxes of Kleenex ✓ Single subject spiral notebooks (4 needed) ✓ 6 folders (hole punched) ✓ 1 pack of Loose Leaf Paper ✓ 1 box of Erasable Blue/Black Pens ✓ Ruler w/metric ✓ Protractor (optional) ✓ Five Subject Notebooks (1) ✓ Hand Held Pencil Sharpener ✓ 1 Three pack of Disinfecting Wipes ✓ Graph Paper Notebook (2 needed) ✓ 4 AAA batteries (Math) ✓ Roll of paper towels ✓ OPTIONAL –1 ½ inch 3 ring binder _________________________________________________ FOREIGN LANGUAGE / SPANISH HERITAGE 1 Single Subject Spiral Notebook 1 Single Subject Pocket Folder TH 8 GRADE STUDENTS WILL ONLY RECEIVE AN ASSIGNMENT TH NOTEBOOK. BINDERS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED TO 8 GRADE STUDENTS. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ One 1GB or larger flash drive for saving student work ( must be Mac/ PC compatible ) (optional) Highlighters #2 Pencils (2 boxes) 2 boxes of blue or black pens (erasable optional) 1 pack PostIt Notes ( Plain or 5 neon colors 73mmX73mm) 2 Boxes of Kleenex Erasers 1 Three Pack of Disinfecting Wipes 2 Combination Locks Paper Towels 2 packs of colored pencils (SS and Science) 1 package of glue sticks 1 box of colored markers Math (one) 1 ½ inch binder w/ dividers 1 Single Subject Pocket Folder 4 graphing paper spiral notebooks 4 AAA Batteries Social Studies 1 Single Subject Spiral Notebook (not composition) 1 Single Subject Pocket Folder 1 handheld pencil sharpener Science (one) 5 subject notebook 1 pack of fine tip markers La/Lit 1 pocket folder 2 composition notebooks 1 spiral notebooks ✓ OPTIONAL – Binder of your choice
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