Tour d’horizon transcriptomique: méthodes disponibles et analyses de données Sandrine Balzergue Plateforme Transcriptome INRA-URGV INRA, Versailles 02.04.2012 Layout State of the art on April 2nd, 2012 • microarrays • NGS and RNA-seq RNA-seq and CATMA • CATMAv6 validation & URGV RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline • RNA-seq /CATMA : Qualitative aspects • RNA-seq /CATMA : Quantitative aspects • Conclusions and perspectives Available on URGV Transcriptomic platform Overview of microarray pipeline Array support Total RNA Total RNA Oligos PCR products Amplification Labeling Hybridization 2days 1day Wash Scan Statistical analysis 1day Extrait de résultats : cinétique de culture de protoplastes Log2 Intensité moyenne 7 10 13 List of genes differentially expressed (p-value) E I M V exon intron multiple virtual ID CATMA5A50147 CATMA1A30400 CATMA2A05190 CATMA1A03520 CATMA5A44810 CATMA3A17460 CATMA1A01130 CATMA1A01140 CATMA1A05970 CATMA1A05980 CATMA3A01030 CATMA4A37505 CATMA3A11740 CATMA1A17615 CATMA1A36590 CATMA3A28035 G P D B F good primer dimers double band blank wrong size Spec PCR_Result At1 M1 G AT5G54280 E1 G AT1G32060 M1 G AT2G06520 E1 G AT1G04680 E2 G AT5G48900 E1 G AT3G18000 E1 G AT1G02130 E1 G AT1G02140 E1 G AT1G06910 E1 G AT1G06920 E2 G AT3G02040 M2 G AT4G35860 E1 G AT3G12770 E1 G AT1G18570 E1 G AT1G43160 E2 G AT3G28210 Log2 Ratio -2,5 pr0h pr0h pr0h pr0h plant IV plant IV plant IV plant IV 1fonction 1Mol FoGO 1CellCompGO1BioProcGO Ired Igreen Rat Pval myosin heavy chain, putative motor activity myosin No classification 8,00 14,03 -6,03 0,00E+00 phosphoribulokinase (PRK) phosphoribulokinase / phosphopentokinase chloroplast activity biosynthesis 8,38 13,82 -5,44 0,00E+00 membrane protein, putative molecular_function chloroplast unknown No classification 9,27 14,60 -5,33 0,00E+00 pectate lyase family protein pectate lyase activity endomembrane Nosystem classification 7,35 9,20 -1,85 No pectate lyase family protein pectate lyase activity endomembrane Nosystem classification 7,35 9,20 -1,85 0,00E+00 phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase phosphoethanolamine No1 classification / PEAMT N-methyltransferase 1acetate (NMT1) biosynthesis activity from 7,48carbon 9,32 monoxide -1,84 0,00E+00 Ras-related protein (ARA-5) GTP/ small binding GTP-binding endomembrane protein, regulation putative system of transcription, 11,19DNA-dependent 11,19 0,00 1,00E+00 mago nashi family proteinNo classificationnucleus sex determination 8,71 8,71 0,00 1,00E+00 myb family transcription factor transcription factor nucleus activity No classification 7,09 7,09 0,00 1,00E+00 ovate family protein molecular_function mitochondrion unknown No classification 7,15 7,15 0,00 1,00E+00 glycerophosphoryl diesterglycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase chloroplast family phosphodiesterase protein glycerol metabolism activity 11,56 10,15 1,41 0,00E+00 Ras-related GTP-bindingGTP protein, binding putativeNo classification regulation of transcription, 9,45DNA-dependent 8,04 1,41 0,00E+00 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing electron transporter cellular_component protein activity electron unknown transport 9,56 8,15 1,41 0,00E+00 myb family transcription factor transcription (MYB51) factor nucleus activity regulation of transcription, 8,71DNA-dependent 7,30 1,41 0,00E+00 AP2 domain-containing protein DNA binding RAP2.6 (RAP2.6) nucleus regulation of transcription, 13,41DNA-dependent 7,96 5,44 0,00E+00 zinc finger (AN1-like) family molecular_function protein No unknown classification No classification 14,81 8,89 5,92 0,00E+00 pr24h pr0h Ired 9,17 8,45 11,41 6,62 6,30 6,27 9,38 8,00 5,89 6,06 8,25 8,03 7,86 No 9,55 12,54 -1,5 pr24h pr0h Igreen 7,80 7,35 9,56 6,62 6,30 6,27 9,38 8,00 5,89 6,06 10,81 8,73 8,77 No 12,45 13,58 P-Value 0 1,E-08 5,E-02 ###### -1 pr24h pr0h Rat 1,37 1,10 1,84 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -2,56 -0,70 -0,92 $ -2,89 -1,04 non diff 0,00 pr24h pr0h Pval 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,71E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 5,77E-04 6,52E-09 No 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 pr48h pr24h Ired 10,71 11,65 12,81 9,32 7,21 8,09 11,89 9,39 6,78 6,96 10,17 9,25 9,00 8,31 11,53 13,42 1 pr48h pr48h pr24h pr24h Igreen Rat 10,71 0,00 10,91 0,74 12,81 0,00 7,97 1,34 7,21 0,00 8,09 0,00 11,89 0,00 9,39 0,00 6,78 0,00 6,96 0,00 10,17 0,00 9,25 0,00 9,00 0,00 8,31 0,00 11,53 0,00 14,60 -1,18 1,5 2,5 pr48h pr24h Pval pr96h pr48h Ired 9,67 9,51 12,82 12,54 8,95 11,62 11,91 10,18 7,10 7,29 10,09 9,39 9,32 8,33 9,19 12,45 1,00E+00 1,57E-03 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 pr96h pr48h Igreen 11,52 11,75 12,82 10,46 7,73 8,66 11,91 10,18 7,10 7,29 10,09 9,39 9,32 8,33 11,49 14,03 pr96h pr48h Rat -1,86 -2,24 0,00 2,07 1,21 2,97 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -2,30 -1,58 pr96h pr48h Pval 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,11E-11 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 Microarray technologies AFFYMETRIX Home Made AGILENT NimbleGen feature Primers 25b PCR product Primers 60b Primers 50-60b Feature/chamber 500K 34000 1 million 4,2 million hybridization monochrome bicolor Mono/bi color Mono/bi color format 1 chamber 1 chamber 1, 2, 4, 8 chamber 1, 3, 4, 12 chamber Array type 3’, exon, tiling 3’ 3’, exon, tiling 3’, exon, tiling Versatility -- - + ++ Layout State of the art on April 2, 2012 • microarrays • NGS and RNA-seq RNA-seq and CATMA • CATMAv6 validation & URGV RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline • RNA-seq /CATMA : qualitative aspects • RNA-seq /CATMA : quantitative aspects • Conclusions and perspectives Available on URGV Transcriptomic platform Overview of RNA-seq pipeline plant RNA/Small RNA extraction 2h Library construction Total-RNA 2days cDNA libraries or Small RNA 1day 11days reads sequencing Bioinformatics / statistical analysis List of Genes diff. expressed (p-value) 7days Library pre-sequencing preparation RNA-seq library preparation Total RNA polyA purification protocol RNA polyA RT (dT) Fragmentation Fragmentation Fragmented molecule Adapters ligation PCR PCR product (+sizing) Oriented cDNA RNA-seq pre and sequencing technologies Pre-sequencing Library preparation (emulsion, cluster …): 1day Product + sequencing format Sequencing 11days reads I Characteristics of sequencing machines on April, 2nd 2012! Illumina Mb par run 454- Life Sciences Ion Torrent SOLId-Applied HiSeq2000 HiSeq2500 GS FLX Titanium XL+ PGM 318 chip Proton II chip (early 2013) 5500xl System 600Gb 120Gb 0.7Gb 1Gb 144Gb (1 lane) 70Gb (20Gb/day) 660 million 100 million/lane ( 8 x 2 flowcell) Nb of reads/run 3 billion 1,2 million 1 million 12 million Length 2x100b Pair End (PE) 2x150b PE Up to 700b 200b 2x200b PE 2x50b Running time 11 days 27 hours 23 hours 2 hours 5 hours 3, 5 days Disadvantages Run time, transition/transversion homopolymers homopolymers Advantages PE, output length Rapid, PE, output (200 million/lane) (=>360 million real) Length, slow Characteristics of promising sequencing machines Pacific BioSciences SMRT® (Single Molecule, Real-Time) MinION Oxford nanopore Do not focus on one technology : Tomorrow, there will be a new one! The important point is the expertise… Layout State of the art on April 2nd, 2012 • microarrays • NGS and RNA-seq RNA-seq and CATMA • CATMAv6 validation & URGV RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline • RNA-seq /CATMA : Qualitative aspects • RNA-seq /CATMA : Quantitative aspects • Conclusions and perspectives Available on URGV Transcriptomic platform 1 sample/lane 5 samples/lane HiSeq/GAII AIP Bio-ressource IBISA CDD-6 months (E. Blondet) CRR4 WT leave Bud CAT-seq project WT vs PPR mutant Flower buds vs leaves 2 biological replicates CATMA v6 Q-RT-PCR CATMA v5 Tiling-array mRNA-seq, Directional Delivery: Upgrade of and FLAGdb++ for NGS data management RNAseq analysis (as member of the BIOS network) Development of statistical methods for transcript quantification Clustering of transcriptomic data coming from hybridizations/RNAseq (collab. with G.Celeux, INRIA) Detection of post-transcriptional maturations in PPR mutants Comparisons of RNAseq results with classical micro-array approaches CATMAv6 description 3’ 5’ CATMAv6 features Probe number TAIR annotated genes 30 834 1 primer/gene in triplicate both strands 12 hybridizations on one slide EUGENE annotated genes 1289 Repeat elements 5352 miRNAs 658 Other RNAs 342 Controls 36 new amplification/labeling/hyb. protocols new statistical method Differential analysis False Positive Control (FPC) Normalization Raw intensities Normalized intensities No background subtraction Control of Technical bias Variance estimation (Limma) FPC: FDR with m0 adjustment Differentially expressed genes with p-value (Ratio) CATMAv6 Q-PCR validation 10 y = 1,0427x + 0,2718 R² = 0,7395 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 Catma log-ratios 6 -2 -4 -6 qPCR Ct -6 -8 -10 Very good correlation with qPCR more accurate than the previous CATMA-v5 version on 228 genes Sample : BF vs F Trimming No N, length>30, quality … URGV RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline Velvet+Oases+TGICL reads Contigs 4days ASSEMBLAGE 6h MAPPING Bowtie2 1h READS COUNTING Reads Readsper perContig mRNAor mRNA model model* reads number per contig or mRNA model DEseq NORMALIZATION / DIFF. ANALYZES Extrait de résultats : cinétique de culture de protoplastes Log2 Intensité moyenne 7 10 13 E I M V BIOS Computer : RAM 96G, processors: 10. exon intron multiple virtual ID CATMA5A50147 CATMA1A30400 CATMA2A05190 CATMA1A03520 CATMA5A44810 CATMA3A17460 CATMA1A01130 CATMA1A01140 CATMA1A05970 CATMA1A05980 CATMA3A01030 CATMA4A37505 CATMA3A11740 CATMA1A17615 CATMA1A36590 CATMA3A28035 G good P primer dimers D double band B blank F wrong size Spec PCR_Result At1 M1 G AT5G54280 E1 G AT1G32060 M1 G AT2G06520 E1 G AT1G04680 E2 G AT5G48900 E1 G AT3G18000 E1 G AT1G02130 E1 G AT1G02140 E1 G AT1G06910 E1 G AT1G06920 E2 G AT3G02040 M2 G AT4G35860 E1 G AT3G12770 E1 G AT1G18570 E1 G AT1G43160 E2 G AT3G28210 Log2 Ratio -2,5 pr0h pr0h pr0h pr0h plant IV plant IV plant IV plant IV 1fonction 1Mol FoGO 1CellCompGO1BioProcGO Ired Igreen Rat Pval myosin heavy chain, putative motor activity myosin No classification 8,00 14,03 -6,03 0,00E+00 phosphoribulokinase (PRK) phosphoribulokinase / phosphopentokinase chloroplast activity biosynthesis 8,38 13,82 -5,44 0,00E+00 membrane protein, putative molecular_function chloroplast unknown No classification 9,27 14,60 -5,33 0,00E+00 pectate lyase family protein pectate lyase activity endomembrane Nosystem classification 7,35 9,20 -1,85 No pectate lyase family protein pectate lyase activity endomembrane Nosystem classification 7,35 9,20 -1,85 0,00E+00 phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase phosphoethanolamine No1 classification / PEAMT N-methyltransferase 1acetate (NMT1) biosynthesis activity from 7,48carbon 9,32 monoxide -1,84 0,00E+00 Ras-related protein (ARA-5) GTP/ small binding GTP-binding endomembrane protein, regulation putative system of transcription, 11,19DNA-dependent 11,19 0,00 1,00E+00 mago nashi family proteinNo classificationnucleus sex determination 8,71 8,71 0,00 1,00E+00 myb family transcription factor transcription factor nucleus activity No classification 7,09 7,09 0,00 1,00E+00 ovate family protein molecular_function mitochondrion unknown No classification 7,15 7,15 0,00 1,00E+00 glycerophosphoryl diesterglycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase chloroplast family phosphodiesterase protein glycerol metabolism activity 11,56 10,15 1,41 0,00E+00 Ras-related GTP-bindingGTP protein, binding putativeNo classification regulation of transcription, 9,45DNA-dependent 8,04 1,41 0,00E+00 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing electron transporter cellular_component protein activity electron unknown transport 9,56 8,15 1,41 0,00E+00 myb family transcription factor transcription (MYB51) factor nucleus activity regulation of transcription, 8,71DNA-dependent 7,30 1,41 0,00E+00 AP2 domain-containing protein DNA binding RAP2.6 (RAP2.6) nucleus regulation of transcription, 13,41DNA-dependent 7,96 5,44 0,00E+00 zinc finger (AN1-like) family molecular_function protein No unknown classification No classification 14,81 8,89 5,92 0,00E+00 pr24h pr0h Ired 9,17 8,45 11,41 6,62 6,30 6,27 9,38 8,00 5,89 6,06 8,25 8,03 7,86 No 9,55 12,54 -1,5 pr24h pr0h Igreen 7,80 7,35 9,56 6,62 6,30 6,27 9,38 8,00 5,89 6,06 10,81 8,73 8,77 No 12,45 13,58 P-Value 0 1,E-08 5,E-02 ###### -1 pr24h pr0h Rat 1,37 1,10 1,84 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -2,56 -0,70 -0,92 $ -2,89 -1,04 non diff 0,00 pr24h pr0h Pval 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,71E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 5,77E-04 6,52E-09 No 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 pr48h pr24h Ired 10,71 11,65 12,81 9,32 7,21 8,09 11,89 9,39 6,78 6,96 10,17 9,25 9,00 8,31 11,53 13,42 1 pr48h pr48h pr24h pr24h Igreen Rat 10,71 0,00 10,91 0,74 12,81 0,00 7,97 1,34 7,21 0,00 8,09 0,00 11,89 0,00 9,39 0,00 6,78 0,00 6,96 0,00 10,17 0,00 9,25 0,00 9,00 0,00 8,31 0,00 11,53 0,00 14,60 -1,18 1,5 2,5 pr48h pr24h Pval pr96h pr48h Ired 9,67 9,51 12,82 12,54 8,95 11,62 11,91 10,18 7,10 7,29 10,09 9,39 9,32 8,33 9,19 12,45 1,00E+00 1,57E-03 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 pr96h pr48h Igreen 11,52 11,75 12,82 10,46 7,73 8,66 11,91 10,18 7,10 7,29 10,09 9,39 9,32 8,33 11,49 14,03 pr96h pr48h Rat -1,86 -2,24 0,00 2,07 1,21 2,97 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -2,30 -1,58 pr96h pr48h Pval 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,11E-11 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 List of Genes diff. expressed (p_value) 1h Layout State of the art on April 2nd, 2012 • microarrays • NGS-RNA-seq RNA-seq and CATMA • CATMAv6 validation & URGV RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline • RNA-seq / CATMA : Qualitative aspects • RNA-seq / CATMA : Quantitative aspects • Conclusions and perspectives Available on URGV Transcriptomic platform Evaluation of assembly pipeline Reads (57m) TRIMMING Reads (55m) ASSEMBLAGE Contigs (56177) MAPPING Reads/contig (53378) 97% of contigs mapping annotated genes (TAIR annotation) : - 90% of contigs confirm gene models contig CDS mRNA - 7% of contigs with other gene models FLAGdb++ screenshot - in average, 2 or 3 contigs/gene - in average, contigs cover 78% of the mRNA length 3% of contigs mapped outside annotated genes (TAIR) : new genes ?!... Production of high quality RNA contigs Even with a well annotated genome like Arabidopsis, new transcriptional units are detected RNA-seq is a very powerful tool for gene discovery Col0 GAII leaves Alternative splicing detection CDS mRNA contig No mature mRNA detection ? (link with read number) mRNA-seq : very powerful for detecting alternative splicing forms Difficulties to quantify splicing forms Melon FLAGdb++ screenshot Million of reads Detected genes vs read number Detected genes 0.5 16507 2.5 19041 5 19926 10 20748 20 21487 27.5 21739 40 22015 190 22600 No need for a large amount of reads to perform gene detection RNA-seq has a better detection sensitivity than microarrays GAII number of genes detected in the same sample using CATMAv6 Sample: Col0 Leaves GAII and HiSeq SR Hiseq Layout State of the art on April 2, 2012 • microarrays • NGS-RNA-seq RNA-seq and CATMA • CATMAv6 validation & URGV RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline • RNA-seq / CATMA : Qualitative aspects • RNA-seq / CATMA : Quantitative aspects • Conclusions and perspectives Available on URGV Transcriptomic platform Read distribution 70 60 % of reads 50 40 30 20 10 0 Detected gene fraction (with decreasing expression level %) Sample: Col0 Leaves HiSeq2000 PE Very biased distribution of the reads : 114 millions of reads are cognate to the 1500 most expressed genes Numerous genes have only one or two reads: difficult for quantification CATMAv6 intensities vs RNA-seq counts CATMA intensities (log2) 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 RNA-Seq counts (log2(RPKM)) Samples :leaves Very large dynamic range of RNA-Seq Good correlation for genes having CATMA intensities higher than 8: The hybridization background impairs the quantification of poorly expressed genes by microarrays RNA-seq read counts reproducibility 20 18 R² = 0,9497 16 BF2 RNA-Seq counts (log2) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 BF1 RNA-Seq counts (log2) Very good reproducibility of RNA-seq counts between biological replicates. It suggests excellent technical reproducibility. RNA-seq and CATMAv6 Log Ratio reproducibility RNA-seq CATMAv6 20 8 15 6 4 10 2 5 BF1/F1 log ratios -10 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -6 -4 0 -2 0 -10 -15 y = 0,9379x + 0,0058 R² = 0,806 2 4 6 -2 -5 BF2/F2 logratios -15 -8 -4 -6 BF2/F2 logratios BF1/F1 log ratios -8 After removal genes with indeterminate logRatio in one of the two repetition On Log Ratio, both technologies have a good reproducibility. y = 0,9069x - 0,0149 R² = 0,7988 8 Differentially expressed genes in RNA-seq and CATMA Bud vs Leaves CRR4 vs Col DE gene CATMAv5 4527 0 DE gene CATMAv6 16226 running RNA-seq (one lane/sample) 8799 80 RNA-seq (multiplexe-5 samples/lane) 7896 NA CATMAv6 detects almost twice as many differentially expressed genes as RNA-Seq 84% of diff. expressed genes by RNA-seq are included in diff. expressed genes by CATMAv6 Lack of 1100 genes with 5 multiplexed samples 2 biological repetitions CATMAv5: common variance, Bonf5% CATMAv6: Limma, FDR5% RNA-seq: DEseq, BH 5% Distribution of Differentially Expressed gene intensities by microarray or RNA-seq 2500 DE Catma DE RNA-Seq single DE RNA-Seq multi 2000 Number of gene 1500 1000 500 0 <6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 Log2 CATMA intensity (F) Samples: Buds vs leaves 190000K reads HiSeq2000 PE Surprising lack of power of RNA-Seq in medium-high intensities In the low expression levels, RNA-Seq detects more differentially expressed genes (on CATMAv6 background) 15-16 qPCR vs (RNA-seq and CATMAv6) 10 y = 0.7606x + 0.6005 R² = 0.8286 CATMA 5 y = 1.2933x - 0.2356 RNA-seq R² = 0.6988 R² = 0,8422 qPCR Cq 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 V6.1 limma RNASeq Linear (V6.1 limma) Linear (RNASeq) log-ratios -5 -10 -15 On 142 genes Sample: BF vs F Similar correlation of RNA-Seq and CATMAv6 with qPCR The additional differentially expressed genes detected by CATMAv6 are true ones! qPCR stays the most sensitive technology ! Conclusions & perspectives - Analysis of samples with few diff. expressed genes : CRR4 vs WT - Perform orientated libraries - Find post-transcriptional RNA modifications (CRR4 -chloro) - Look into the reproducibility of library construction (technical repl. seq) - Comparison with Tiling array data -… RNA-seq is more sensitive on low expression levels RNA-seq allows annotation of genomes with a low number of reads RNA-seq provides information on the splicing events RNA-seq is the best tool for gene detection Compared to CATMAv6 array and for Arabidopsis; lack of power in the statistical methods in terms of differential analysis BUT the analysis methods are rapidly evolving (J. Aubert et al., submitted). Remains expensive (ex: 4 samples: RNA-seq : 2320€ vs CATMAv6 : 860€) RNA-seq analysis (assembly, clustering …) requires heavy computing facilities Intelligent use of transcriptomic technologies! What is your biological question? What have you already got? Quantification Unigene Set Splicing Automatic annotated genome New gene discovery Functional annotation Annotation Nothing Small RNAs Etc… What are your options? Sequencing technologies High density microarrays Multiplexing samples Tiling microarrays Library protocol RNA amplification protocol Assembly or direct mapping Sequencing length Pair End/Single reads Custom made microarrays Layout State of the art on April 2nd, 2012 • microarrays • NGS-RNA-seq RNA-seq and CATMA • CATMAv6 validation & URGV RNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline • RNA-seq / CATMA : Qualitative aspects • RNA-seq / CATMA : Quantitative aspects • Conclusions and perspectives Available on the URGV Transcriptomic platform Transcriptomic Platform pipeline transcriptome choice (method) Experimental design Library/Sequencing /Hybridizations Statistical analysis Extrait de résultats : cinétique de culture de protoplastes Log2 Intensité moyenne 7 10 13 E I M V Expertise/help to result interpretation exon intron multiple virtual ID CATMA5A50147 CATMA1A30400 CATMA2A05190 CATMA1A03520 CATMA5A44810 CATMA3A17460 CATMA1A01130 CATMA1A01140 CATMA1A05970 CATMA1A05980 CATMA3A01030 CATMA4A37505 CATMA3A11740 CATMA1A17615 CATMA1A36590 CATMA3A28035 G P D B F good primer dimers double band blank wrong size Spec PCR_Result At1 M1 G AT5G54280 E1 G AT1G32060 M1 G AT2G06520 E1 G AT1G04680 E2 G AT5G48900 E1 G AT3G18000 E1 G AT1G02130 E1 G AT1G02140 E1 G AT1G06910 E1 G AT1G06920 E2 G AT3G02040 M2 G AT4G35860 E1 G AT3G12770 E1 G AT1G18570 E1 G AT1G43160 E2 G AT3G28210 Log2 Ratio -2,5 -1,5 P-Value 0 1,E-08 5,E-02 ###### -1 pr0h pr0h pr0h pr0h pr24h pr24h pr24h plant IV plant IV plant IV plant IV pr0h pr0h pr0h 1fonction 1Mol FoGO 1CellCompGO1BioProcGO Ired Igreen Rat Pval Ired Igreen Rat myosin heavy chain, putative motor activity myosin No classification 8,00 14,03 -6,03 0,00E+00 9,17 7,80 1,37 phosphoribulokinase (PRK) phosphoribulokinase / phosphopentokinase chloroplast activity biosynthesis 8,38 13,82 -5,44 0,00E+00 8,45 7,35 1,10 membrane protein, putative molecular_function chloroplast unknown No classification 9,27 14,60 -5,33 0,00E+00 11,41 9,56 1,84 pectate lyase family protein pectate lyase activity endomembrane Nosystem classification 7,35 9,20 -1,85 No 6,62 6,62 0,00 pectate lyase family protein pectate lyase activity endomembrane Nosystem classification 7,35 9,20 -1,85 0,00E+00 6,30 6,30 0,00 phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase phosphoethanolamine No1 classification / PEAMT N-methyltransferase 1acetate (NMT1) biosynthesis activity from 7,48carbon 9,32 monoxide -1,84 0,00E+00 6,27 6,27 0,00 Ras-related protein (ARA-5) GTP/ small binding GTP-binding endomembrane protein, regulation putative system of transcription, 11,19DNA-dependent 11,19 0,00 1,00E+00 9,38 9,38 0,00 mago nashi family proteinNo classificationnucleus sex determination 8,71 8,71 0,00 1,00E+00 8,00 8,00 0,00 myb family transcription factor transcription factor nucleus activity No classification 7,09 7,09 0,00 1,00E+00 5,89 5,89 0,00 ovate family protein molecular_function mitochondrion unknown No classification 7,15 7,15 0,00 1,00E+00 6,06 6,06 0,00 glycerophosphoryl diesterglycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase chloroplast family phosphodiesterase protein glycerol metabolism activity 11,56 10,15 1,41 0,00E+00 8,25 10,81 -2,56 Ras-related GTP-bindingGTP protein, binding putativeNo classification regulation of transcription, 9,45DNA-dependent 8,04 1,41 0,00E+00 8,03 8,73 -0,70 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing electron transporter cellular_component protein activity electron unknown transport 9,56 8,15 1,41 0,00E+00 7,86 8,77 -0,92 myb family transcription factor transcription (MYB51) factor nucleus activity regulation of transcription, 8,71DNA-dependent 7,30 1,41 0,00E+00 No No $ AP2 domain-containing protein DNA binding RAP2.6 (RAP2.6) nucleus regulation of transcription, 13,41DNA-dependent 7,96 5,44 0,00E+00 9,55 12,45 -2,89 zinc finger (AN1-like) family molecular_function protein No unknown classification No classification 14,81 8,89 5,92 0,00E+00 12,54 13,58 -1,04 non diff 0,00 pr24h pr0h Pval 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,71E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 5,77E-04 6,52E-09 No 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 pr48h pr24h Ired 10,71 11,65 12,81 9,32 7,21 8,09 11,89 9,39 6,78 6,96 10,17 9,25 9,00 8,31 11,53 13,42 1 pr48h pr48h pr24h pr24h Igreen Rat 10,71 0,00 10,91 0,74 12,81 0,00 7,97 1,34 7,21 0,00 8,09 0,00 11,89 0,00 9,39 0,00 6,78 0,00 6,96 0,00 10,17 0,00 9,25 0,00 9,00 0,00 8,31 0,00 11,53 0,00 14,60 -1,18 1,5 2,5 pr48h pr24h Pval pr96h pr48h Ired 9,67 9,51 12,82 12,54 8,95 11,62 11,91 10,18 7,10 7,29 10,09 9,39 9,32 8,33 9,19 12,45 1,00E+00 1,57E-03 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 pr96h pr48h Igreen 11,52 11,75 12,82 10,46 7,73 8,66 11,91 10,18 7,10 7,29 10,09 9,39 9,32 8,33 11,49 14,03 pr96h pr48h Rat -1,86 -2,24 0,00 2,07 1,21 2,97 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -2,30 -1,58 pr96h pr48h Pval 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 1,11E-11 0,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 1,00E+00 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 Platform available transcriptome technologies Illumina HiSeq2000 /GAII (IG-CNS) Life Technology Ion Proton (sept-2012) library TRU-seq (Small TRU-seq) Ion Total RNA-Seq + Small Kit (directional) cost 200€/library + 1400€/Hiseq lane +100€/sample for bioinformatics Around 200€/library + 1100€/Proton II +100€/sample for bioinformatics Other Transcriptomic Platform developments RNA-seq microarrays Design/hybridization/ analysis of High density NimbleGen array for Cultivated plants Melon - D. Hosemans, VCo (KBBE) Pea - J. Burstin, Dijon (ANR) Medicago - P.Gamas/J.Gouzy/J.Buitink, Toulouse/Angers (Collab.) Vitis - M. Delledonne (Verone) Micro-dissected samples Brachypodium -R. Sibout (Collaboration, AFFY chips) A. thaliana - JD Faure (ANR Regeneome, CATMA arrays) Individual cell transcriptome Plant RNA analysis using Biosynthetic Tagging technology R. Berthome, URGV INTACT System (Dvt Cell, 2010), collab. B. Dubreucq No coding RNA (noPolyA-RNA) A. thaliana - A. Dietrich (IBMP, Collaboration, CATMA array) E. Delannoy, URGV Platform flowchart 2012 Scientific Council S. Balzergue Platform Manager, Research Engineer L. Soubigou-Taconnat Research Assistant, CATMAv6, Tiling A. th mRNA-seq, Quality S. Huguet, Technician AFFYMETRIX, Roche-NimbleGen E. Delannoy C. Lurin S. Aubourg Research Scientist Group Leader, Group Leader, Research Director Research Director DUA URGV Bioinformatics S. Pateyron (half-time) Technician CATMAv6, Tiling A. th J. Caius (half-time) Technical Assistant, AFFYMETRIX Bioinformatics and statistics supports (“Bioinformatics & Predictive Genomics team”): V. Brunaud, J-Ph Tamby, M-L Martin-Magniette, Ph. Grevet, G. Rigaill, O. Rogier* and S. Aubourg. Merci de votre attention « Les journées transcriptome de l'URGV-Genopôle » 21 et 22 mai 2012, Evry
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