Student Handbook 2014-2015 HORACE MANN MIDDLE SCHOOL 4300 MacCorkle Avenue SE Charleston, WV 25304 Telephone: 348-1971 Fax: 348-6591 Eagle Pride! This Student Planner belongs to: Name______________________________________________ _ Phone ______________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 1 Grade Homebase Teacher ____________________ WELCOME TO HORACE MANN MIDDLE SCHOOL! MISSION STATEMENT “At Horace Mann, we provide a safe and caring environment where all students can achieve at their highest potential. We achieve success in academics, the fine arts and athletics while preparing our students for high school and beyond. At HMMS, we are “Soaring like an Eagle into the Future!” 2 GOALS We, the students, faculty and staff of Horace Mann Middle School, believe that all students can and will achieve and learn challenging concepts of academic standards, physical fitness and moral decision-making. Our goals include providing a safe and clean learning environment that teaches respect for others and promotes personal responsibility, integrity and equality. At HMMS, we wish to ensure that all students will have appropriate opportunities to master or exceed grade level standards through quality instruction, in a safe and nurturing school. 3 EAGLE PRIDE! GENERAL INFORMATIONWelcome to Horace Mann Middle School. The entire Kanawha City community takes pride in our school. HMMS is a Blue Ribbon School and a West Virginia School of Excellence. Our students excel not only academically, but also in extra-curricular activities. Our sports programs hold multiple Kanawha County Championship titles, and our music department holds state and national awards. Your child is entering into a school that promotes excellence in all aspects of school life. Our expectations are high and our achievements are even greater. ATTENDANCE/ABSENCESRegular attendance at school is required by state law. You are expected to be in school unless you are ill. If it becomes necessary for you to be absent, have your parents report your absence to the school office by phone and bring a note from your parents with you on the day you return. The note should contain: (a) the date which it is written, (b) date of absence, (c) reason for absence, (d) signature of parent. This note should be brought to the office. You are also expected to be on time. If you report to school TARDY, go 4 immediately to the office. When tardy, you must bring a note, signed by your parent, stating the reason for being tardy. HMMS will enforce tardy problems with disciplinary action. Three tardies to home-base or any class will result in the assignment of after-school detention by the administration. PERMISSION TO LEAVE BUILDING EARLYStudents who have doctor, dental, or business appointments should try to set these appointments on days that school is not in session. If it is impossible to do so, an appointment may be made on a school day and the student may be excused only for the amount of time necessary for the appointment. A note from home or the appointment card must be presented to the office. PARENTS MUST SIGN THEIR OWN CHILDREN OUT OF SCHOOL. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO SIGN THEMSELVES OUT OF THE BUILDING OR LEAVE WITH ANOTHER PARENT UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE AND ACCEPTED BY THE OFFICE. FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS, NO STUDENT WILL BE DISMISSED AFTER 3:15 P.M. ILLNESSIf a student becomes ill at school, he/she should do the following: 1. Report to the school office. 2. The secretary or counselor will attempt to assist you or contact your parents. 3. Students who are excused for illness must be signed out in the office by a parent. 4. Do not go home without permission. 5. Do not loiter in restrooms or other parts of the building and claim illness later. TRUANCYTruancy is an unexcused absence. A student is truant if he or she does the following: 1. Leaves school without signing out 2. Leaves school without permission 3. Comes to school but does not attend class 4. Obtains permission to go to a certain place, but does not report 5 Students who are truant will be referred to the Assistant Principal and/or the Kanawha County Schools’ Social Worker for judicial reporting. Students who leave campus without permission are subject to immediate disciplinary action. TRANSPORTATION- Students are under the authority of the school from the time they leave home in the morning until returning home in the afternoon. Kanawha County Schools provides school buses for students. Students riding the bus will be expected to board buses at the same place and same time each day. No one should stand on the bus. There is to be no “saving places” in the line to get on the bus. Students are expected to conduct themselves properly while on the school bus. This includes conversation in a normal tone, arms and hands inside the bus at all times, never touching the emergency door and obedience to the bus driver at all times. Students must leave on the bus or in a vehicle with private transportation unless they are walking home. Not student will be allowed to leave the campus at dismissal and come back onto campus to board a bus or private vehicle or to attend athletic practices or games. Failure to comply with these regulations and to conform to the rules of conduct, which guarantees a pleasant and safe journey to all, may result in the student being suspended or expelled from the bus for the rest of the year. You are expected to cooperate and be respectful to the bus drivers at all times. WALKINGStudents should obey the safety rules for crossing streets and be respectful of HMMS neighborhoods. Students living on the opposite side of MacCorkle Ave. should only cross MacCorkle Avenue at 43rd Street. If you bring a bicycle to school, take it to the Noyes Avenue side of the building. Keep a lock on your bicycle. Any bicycle without a lock will be collected by the custodian. 6 MORNING PROCEDURESStudents should arrive no earlier than 7:45a.m. and enter only through the Noyes Avenue doors. Students should report directly to the cafeteria and they will be excused at 8:10 a.m. to go to the locker and classroom, with the exception of morning Spanish participants. Those students may access their lockers at 7:55 to prepare for classes. After arriving at school, students are not to leave the school grounds. WEATHER- RELATED SCHOOL CLOSINGSLocal TV and radio stations will provide up-to-date information on weatherrelated closings. All activities will be canceled when school is officially closed. TELEPHONEUse of the office phone is by permission of the principal, assistant principal, counselor or secretary. The only reason for using the office phone is an emergency at home, student is ill and is checking out, or returning a phone call home. The office phone will not be used for social calling. Teachers may grant permission to a student to call from their classroom with their personal device, but this is ONLY WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE TEACHER! CELL PHONE USECell phones are permitted to be used until the students are dismissed for home-base. TEXTBOOKSTextbooks will be furnished to all students in all subject areas. The individual student is responsible for loss and damage. No books will be issued until the losses or damages are paid. Kindles, Ipads, etc. are permitted at the teachers discretion; however, HMMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR THEFT. BUILDING MOVEMENTStudents must have a hall-pass during class. A basic rule is that students never run in the hallways or areas around the building. No shouting is allowed within the building. Students will have three (3) minutes between 7 classes and should go directly to their next class. Students may not sit in the hallways. Students may not congregate and block intersections or hallways. LOCKERSLockers will be assigned. If you have difficulty in opening your locker, or if you have lost your combination, see the custodian or Assistant Principal. Do not write on your locker or put any stickers on it. There will be locker checks during the school year. Any books in your locker, not belonging to you, will be turned into the office. If a combination change is needed, you must see the Assistant Principal. Gym bags, duffle bags, books bags, etc., shall not be permitted in the classroom. All bags are to be stored in the locker after arriving at school until the end of the school day. The lockers are property of HMMS and as such may be inspected or searched at any time. CARE OF RESTROOMSEach student has a direct responsibility to maintain standards of cleanliness in restrooms. In a small school, a few thoughtless students can do much to create discomfort for other students in restrooms and other public areas. This can be prevented if all students make an effort to keep restrooms and other public areas clean. CAMPUSBefore school, during lunch and during break, our campus is closed. This means that students are not permitted to leave the school grounds for any reason. CAFETERIAStudents who bring lunches or buy school lunches are to eat them in the cafeteria. It is the responsibility of each student to maintain a neat and clean cafeteria; i.e., deposing of empty containers, cleaning up spills, etc. No throwing of food, paper or debris is allowed. Failure to comply with this rule can result in suspension from the cafeteria or from school. ASSEMBLIESAt all times, student behavior should be respectful and courteous. An indication of the cultural level of a school is the conduct of the student body at an assembly. Whether guests are present or not, each student is personally 8 responsible for the impression made by the school as a whole. Violation of student behavior will result in loss of attendance at assemblies. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESStudents who wish to participate in an extra curricular activity must maintain a 2.0 GPA, follow all guidelines established by Kanawha County Schools, West Virginia and Horace Mann. The following may be available: football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, cross-country, flag corps, wrestling, track, golf, tennis and cheerleading. SCHOOL DANCESFor the protection of students and for proper supervision, no student will be admitted after the dance begins. No student will be released unless a parent comes to the gym to pick that student up. Dances are for Horace Mann students only. Dances are a school function and all school rules will apply accordingly. Students are expected to dress appropriately and to respect the rights of others. Students who fail to meet school standards may not be allowed to attend. GUIDANCE DEPARTMENTThe counselor’s office is located in the office. Students may come to the guidance office before and after school. If the student needs to come to the office during the school day they must have permission from their teacher. The counselor welcomes visits to the guidance office. You should feel free and relaxed to communicate with the counselor. The counselor is available each period of the day to offer assistance to students. DISCIPLINEWe believe most middle school students are ready to discipline themselves and welcome this responsibility. We feel all students are aware of what constitutes acceptable behavior and we expect all to practice the self-control that maintains it. Should a student be requested to leave a classroom, he must report immediately to one of the principals. One of the most important lessons education should teach is discipline and character. While it does not 9 appear as a subject, it underlies the entire educational structure. It is training that develops self-control, character, orderliness and efficiency. It is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people. HMMS expects all students to follow Kanawha County Schools’ standards of discipline . FIGHTINGStudents involved in fighting or encouraging a fight during the school day or during school functions will be subject to suspension or expulsion. BULLYING, ABUSIVE TREATMENT, HARASSMENTNo form of bullying is permitted. Any student found to participate in bullying, while under the authority of the school, shall be disciplined by the Principal or Assistant Principal. THE SCHOOL AND THE LAWAny unlawful act taking place on school grounds or buses not only subjects the student to penalties which the courts may prescribe, but also may result in suspension or expulsion from school. Any student who participates in bomb threats, exploding fireworks, ringing a fire alarm, harassing or hazing other students will be subject to immediate suspension or expulsion. Use, possession, or state of being under the influence of beer, alcoholic beverages, marijuana, illegal drugs, or any substance represented or believed by the student involved to be a controlled substance or illegal drug will result in suspension or expulsion from school. Horace Mann Middle School promotes and retains all rights listed, as well as those of Kanawha County Schools. At all times, HMMS students are expected to be respectful and responsible, and school officials will be responsible for the discipline of student behavior and appearance. CLASSROOM MATERIALS: All students are expected to come to class prepared and on time. To make sure all students have the proper classroom 10 materials, Horace Mann recommends all students to have to the following materials for every class: 1. Three-ring binder 2. White notebook paper 3. Pencils 4. Pens (blue or black ink only) 5. Pencil pouch for binder 6. Ruler 7. Subject dividers 8. Assignment book (the first one is provided by HMMS) 9. Colored pencils 10. Calculator GRADING SCALE: A Excellent 100% - 93% B Above Average 92% - 85% C Average 84% - 75% D Below Average 74% - 65% F Unsatisfactory Below 64% HORACE MANN MIDDLE SCHOOL DRESS CODE This is the dress code for the school year. The dress code will be enforced. Students with inappropriate clothing are expected to change. Students can contact parents/guardians to bring clothes. HMMS students may wear specialized clothing for special occasions (spirit week, etc.) with the schools permissions. Multiple infractions will be deemed as insubordination and will be treated severely. Pants are to be worn at the waist with no sagging. Skin exposed due to rips or holes in the pants must be within the guidelines of the shorts criteria. (see below) Skirts, shorts and dresses must not show, or potentially show, a body part of a personal or private nature. No bras, underwear or boxer shorts may be seen at any time. 11 See through material (lace, netting, sheer shirts, etc.) are not acceptable unless layered with another layer of clothing that meets the dress code. No tube tops or halters are permitted. No pajama pants or house slippers are permitted. Any type of head covering (excluding religious observance) is unacceptable. This includes sunglasses, hats and hoods. Bandanas are not to be worn or shown on any area of the body or personal belongings. Any item of clothing, jewelry, or accessories that contain obscene or offensive material cannot be worn at school. This includes weapons, drug references, obscenities, tobacco, alcohol, or material considered to be derogatory toward a race, culture or religion. School administration reserves the right to reject any clothing that creates a disturbance or distracts from the educational process. TECHNOLOGY CORNER At Horace Mann Middle School, we believe technology is an extremely important part of all 21st century students’ education. We have SMART boards in every classroom. We also believe in keeping our families connected at home. That is why we have a wealth of information available at the push of a button to connect you and help you keep up with what your child is doing at school every day. First and foremost, it is extremely important for you to sign and return the INTERNET USAGE FORM that will be sent home by your child’s English teacher at the beginning of the school year. In order for your child to access all of the technology we offer, he/she must have a signed INTERNET USAGE FORM on file at HMMS. Second, and just as important, you need sign up for an ENGRADE account at Details on how to set up your account will also come home with your child early on in the school year. We will help your child set up his/her ENGRADE account here at school; however, you can link to your child’s account with your username and password by following the directions that we will send home. ENGRADE makes it easy for you to monitor your child’s grades and email his/her teachers. Last, here are some additional websites that will be available to your family both at school and home: 12 1) AR/AR HOME CONNECT: ( This website allows students to take AR tests at school on books they read. You can access the site at home only to check points, look up a book title to see if it is AR, and see how many points books are worth. Students are required to earn a minimum of ten AR points each six weeks. These points impact their English and basic skills class grades. 2) GLENCOE.COM: ( This website allows students to access their math textbook and workbooks from home. Did your child forget his/her Math book? No problem! Visit the link above, and gain access to the same pages, information, and everything needed to successfully complete class and homework assignments! Also, be on the lookout for details coming soon about MATHIA, a county-adopted interactive program designed to boost your child’s individual math skills. LOGO for the back A Special Thank you to Wells Fargo for all the help that they provide us at Horace Mann! 13 14
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