Principles of undergraduate majors and minors

Academic Senate Program Structure Statement
Principles of Undergraduate Majors and Minors
1. Preamble
1.1 Purpose and Scope
This document outlines the structure of Macquarie University’s majors and minors leading to the
award of a Bachelor Degree or a Bachelor Honours Degree.
The provisions of this document supersede all previous resolutions of Academic Senate relating
to the definition and/or structure of majors and minors.
1.2 Definitions
Definitions are consistent with the Macquarie University Glossary:
Where “distinct credit points” are referred to, it means credit points that are not counted
towards qualifying for any other major or minor.
2. Principles of Design
2.1 Overarching Principles
All of Macquarie’s academic programs are designed, structured and implemented according to
an outcomes based model of educational practice. This places emphasis on the clear articulation
of program and unit level learning outcomes, on their mapping to each other and to the
University’s graduate capabilities, and on the assessment practices that objectively demonstrate
each student’s attainment of those outcomes.
2.2 Specific Principles for Majors and Minors
The following specific principles apply to Macquarie University’s Undergraduate majors and
minors at AQF Level 7 and AQF Level 8:
• A major is a distinct sequence of units that develops coherent in depth learning and
knowledge in a specified discipline, as part of a Bachelor degree, or Bachelor Honours
Degree. The structure of a major should provide students with opportunities to progress
through structured learning pathways with sequential progression mediated by unit prerequisites.
• A minor is a distinct group of units that develops coherent learning and knowledge in a
specified discipline in less depth than a major. Completion of a minor should result in
substantial progress towards achievement of the program learning outcomes of the
corresponding major.
• A student may only qualify for a major (or a minor) in a Program of Study if completion of a
Qualifying major is specified in the General Requirements of that Program of Study. A major
must be specified in the list of qualifying majors for a Program of Study in order to be
completed by students as their qualifying major for that Program of Study.
• Majors and minors in a specified discipline should be substantially distinct from other majors
and minors in related areas. Distinctiveness will be measured by differences across a number
of the learning outcomes at the major level, as well as the requirements of the majors and
As far as possible majors and minors will have sets of units that are not in common with
other majors and minors. It is expected that for majors, these differences will be particularly
at 300 level or higher to assist their distinctiveness.
Any required pre-requisite units must be included in the requirements of the major or
minor. There must be at least one pathway to allow the student to complete the major or
minor in the minimum specified credit points.
2.3 Structure and Approval
• All majors, as well as minors greater than 12 credit points, must be approved by ASQC.
• A major will comprise 24 credit points (of which at least 6 credit points must be at 200 level
and 12 credit points must be at 300 level or above).
• Under the following exceptional circumstances, extended majors of 36 credit points may be
approved as qualifying majors:
a) where completion of a major in one discipline (e.g. Physics) requires substantial
underpinning studies in a second discipline (e.g. Mathematics), or;
b) where interdisciplinary study requires the student to study a range of disciplines at each
level above 100 level that cannot be replaced by a major or a separate minor, or;
c) where accreditation requirements are involved.
• For an AQF Level 8 Bachelor Honours Degree, a qualifying major may comprise a minimum
of 48 credit points (of which at least 12 credit points must be at 200 level and at least 12
credit points must be at 300 level or higher and at least 3 credit points must be at 400 level).
Where majors under a degree comprise 48 credit points or more all qualifying majors for the
degree must conform to a single standard size.
• A minor must comprise 50% of the credit points stipulated in the corresponding major: 1
a) For a minor derived from a major of 24 credit points: 12 credit points including all
requirements of the corresponding major at 100 and 200 level;
b) For a minor derived from a major of 36 credit points: 18 credit points including a
selection of the requirements of the corresponding major at 100 and 200 level with at
least 9 credit points at 200 level or above;
c) For a minor derived from a major of 48 credit points or more, ASQC will determine the
size and minimum requirements at each level.
2.3.1 Multiple majors/minors
• Where more than one major or minor is studied by a student the distinct requirements of
both specialisms must be completed.
• The general principle behind multiple majors is that the overlap between the majors must
be no more than 25% of the larger major. Students will generally be required to complete
75% of each major as distinct credit points. The rules are set out below.
• To qualify for two majors a candidate must:
(a) complete all the requirements for each major and, in doing so,
(b) complete the following minimum distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of
each major:
Where the major size is not divisible by two, the number of credit points for the minor may be rounded down
to the nearest multiple of three.
a. 24cp major + 24cp major: a minimum of 18 distinct credit points for each major.
Up to 6cp may count towards satisfying the requirements of both majors. The
double major will be completed in a minimum of 42cp
b. 24cp major + 36cp major: a minimum of 15 distinct credit points for the 24cp
major, and 27 distinct credit points for the 36cp major. Up to 9cp may count
towards satisfying the requirements of both majors. The double major will be
completed in a minimum of 51cp
c. 36cp major + 36cp major: a minimum of 27 distinct credit points for each major.
Up to 9cp may count towards satisfying the requirements of both majors. The
double major will be completed in a minimum of 63cp.
To qualify for three majors a candidate must:
(a) complete all the requirements for each major and, in doing so,
(b) complete a minimum of 18 distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of each
24cp major, and a minimum of 27 distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of
each 36cp major.
To qualify for more than one minor a candidate must:
(a) complete all the requirements for each minor and, in doing so,
(b) all credit points counting towards each minor must be distinct credit points.
A student may not qualify for a major and a minor with the same name, or for two majors
with the same name, or two minors with the same name.
3. Information for Students
• Information for students concerning majors and minors (known as the Schedule of Majors
and the Schedule of Minors) will be published annually. The Schedules will contain:
1) A summary of relevant requirements for students, based on these principles, and;
2) Requirements for every available major and minor
4. Recognition of Prior Learning
Macquarie University’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy allows for the recognition of
formal, non-formal and informal learning both for entry into and for credit towards programs of
study. Further information in regard to general conditions and caps that apply to the granting of
RPL may be found in the University’s RPL Policy.
5. Implementation Plan
Principles of design:
Principles of design:
Changes to major
(Appendix A)
1 January 2018
Changes relating to
majors: immediate
Changes removing
relating to minors:
1 January 2018
New requirements
for minors
(Appendix B)
1 January 2018
Publishing of
schedule of minors
Handbook 2018
(go-live Scheduled
for October 2017)
All currently compliant majors will
continue to be compliant
New structures for minors derived from
majors greater than 24cp are to be
submitted by Faculties and approved by
ASQC as part of 2018 curriculum changes.
The changes to the double majors rule will
benefit the majority of students who wish
to qualify with a double major.
In order to ensure no existing students are
disadvantaged, any student admitted
prior to the approval of this paper who
applies to qualify with two majors and
does not meet the requirements of the
new rule will be assessed for meeting the
requirements of the old rule.
See 5.4 below
- Existing students (admitted prior to 1
January 2018) may by qualified under the
existing requirements for minors, or the
new requirements for minors.
- New students from 1 January 2018 must
follow the new requirements for minors.
6. Document History
28 February
Summary of Changes
Approved by Academic Senate 28 Feb 2017
Principles of Undergraduate Majors and Minors Appendix A
Schedule of Majors
The following summary of relevant rules for students is published in Handbook:
Suggested changes based on the Principles document are included as tracked changes, with
two stages of implementation:
Stage 1
Suggested changes for immediate implementation based on the new revised Principles
document are included as tracked changes:
Part 1
1. A candidate may only qualify for a major or minor in a Program of Study if completion of a
Qualifying Major is specified in the General Requirements of that Program of Study.
2. Where “distinct credit points” are referred to in this Schedule it means credit points that
are not counted towards qualifying for any other major or minor.
23. To qualify for a major, all of the requirements of the major must be satisfied as specified
in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Schedule of Majors.
43. To qualify for two majorsmore than one major a candidate must:
(a) complete all the requirements for each major and, in doing so,
(b) complete the following minimum distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of
each major:
(i) 24cp major + 24cp major: a minimum of 18 distinct credit points for each major.
Up to 6cp may count towards satisfying the requirements of both majors. The
double major will be completed in a minimum of 42cp.
(ii) 24cp major + 36cp major: a minimum of 15 distinct credit points for the 24cp
major, and 27 distinct credit points for the 36cp major. Up to 9cp may count towards
satisfying the requirements of both majors. The double major will be completed in a
minimum of 51cp.
(iii) 36cp major + 36cp major: a minimum of 27 distinct credit points for each
major. Up to 9cp may count towards satisfying the requirements of both majors. The
double major will be completed in a minimum of 63cp.
(b) complete a minimum of 24 distinct credit points (including 12 distinct credit points at
300 level to 500 level) identified as belonging to each major, where ‘distinct credit points’
means the credit points are not counted towards qualifying for any other majors or minors
for the purposes of this subclause.
5. To qualify for three majors a candidate must:
(a) complete all the requirements for each major and, in doing so,
(b) complete a minimum of 18 distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of each
24cp major, and a minimum of 27 distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of each
36cp major.
64. A candidate may complete a minor, or minors, with each minor comprising a minimum
of 12 distinct credit points stipulated for a particular major in Part 2 of the Schedule of
Majors, including 6 distinct credit points from that major at 200 level or above, where
‘distinct credit points’ means from units which are not counted towards any other majors or
75. A candidate may not qualify for a major and a minor with the same name, or for two
majors with the same name, within a Program of Study or within double, combined,
concurrent or separate Programs of Study.
Stage 2
Suggested subsequent changes for implementation on 1 January 2018 based on the new
revised Principles document are included as tracked changes:
Part 1
1. A candidate may only qualify for a major or minor in a Program of Study if completion of a
Qualifying Major is specified in the General Requirements of that Program of Study.
2. Where “distinct credit points” are referred to in this Schedule it means credit points that
are not counted towards qualifying for any other major or minor.
3. To qualify for a major, all of the requirements of the major must be satisfied as specified
in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Schedule of Majors.
4. To qualify for two majors a candidate must:
(a) complete all the requirements for each major and, in doing so,
(b) complete the following minimum distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of
each major:
(i) 24cp major + 24cp major: a minimum of 18 distinct credit points for each major.
Up to 6cp may count towards satisfying the requirements of both majors. The
double major will be completed in a minimum of 42cp.
(ii) 24cp major + 36cp major: a minimum of 15 distinct credit points for the 24cp
major, and 27 distinct credit points for the 36cp major. Up to 9cp may count towards
satisfying the requirements of both majors. The double major will be completed in a
minimum of 51cp.
(iii) 36cp major + 36cp major: a minimum of 27 distinct credit points for each
major. Up to 9cp may count towards satisfying the requirements of both majors. The
double major will be completed in a minimum of 63cp.
5. To qualify for three majors a candidate must:
(a) complete all the requirements for each major and, in doing so,
(b) complete a minimum of 18 distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of each
24cp major, and a minimum of 27 distinct credit points satisfying the requirements of each
36cp major.
6. A candidate may complete a minor, or minors, with each minor comprising a minimum of
12 distinct credit points stipulated for a particular major in Part 2 of the Schedule of Majors,
including 6 distinct credit points from that major at 200 level or above, where ‘distinct credit
points’ means from units which are not counted towards any other majors or minors.
67. A candidate may not qualify for a major and a minor with the same name, or for two
majors with the same name.
Principles of Undergraduate Majors and Minors Appendix B
The following summary of relevant rules for students will be published in the 2018
Schedule of Minors
Part 1
1. A candidate may only qualify for a minor in a Program of Study if they are in a
Program of Study that is structured on majors.
2. Where “distinct credit points” are referred to in this Schedule it means credit points
that are not counted towards qualifying for any other major or minor.
3. To qualify for a minor:
all of the requirements of the minor must be satisfied as specified in Part 1
and Part 2 of the Schedule of Minors, and
all credit points counting towards the minor must be distinct credit points.
4. To qualify for more than one minor a candidate must:
complete all the requirements for each minor and, in doing so,
all credit points counting towards each minor must be distinct credit points
5. A candidate may not qualify for a major and a minor with the same name, or for two
minors with the same name.