Stockton’s Most Likely Birds [email protected], 652-4446 Stockton’s 100 Most Likely Birds Here’s a list of the species generally most often observed on campus. BR = breeds here. See “Annotated Checklist” for other species and more details. Species Common loon Pied-billed grebe Double-crested cormorant Great blue heron Great egret Snowy egret Green-backed heron Canada goose [BR] Wood duck [BR] American black duck Mallard [BR] Northern pintail Ring-necked duck Hooded merganser Turkey vulture [BR??] Osprey Bald eagle Sharp-shinned hawk Cooper’s hawk [BR?] Broad-winged hawk [BR?] Red-tailed hawk [BR] Killdeer [BR] Greater yellowlegs Solitary sandpiper Spotted sandpiper American woodcock [BR?] Laughing gull Ring-billed gull Herring gull Gull-billed tern Forster’s tern Rock Dove [BR?] Mourning dove [BR] Yellow-billed Cuckoo [BR] Great horned owl [BR?] Barred owl [BR?] Chimney swift [BR?] Ruby-th hummingbird [BR] Belted Kingfisher [BR] Red-bellied woodpecker [BR?] Yellow-bellied sapsucker Downy woodpecker [BR] Hairy woodpecker [BR] Northern flicker [BR?] Eastern wood pewee [BR?] Eastern phoebe [BR] Great crested flycatcher [BR?] Eastern kingbird [BR] Purple martin [BR] Most Likely on-campus Oct-March Oct-April Sept-May Year-round April-Oct May-Oct May-Oct Year-round April-Sept Year-round Year-round Nov-Feb Oct-March Oct-March Year-round March-Oct Year-round Sept-April Year-round April-Sept Year-round Mar-Nov April-Dec May May, Sept Mar-Dec May-Oct Year-round Year-round May-Sept May-Oct Year-round Year-round May-Sept Year-round Year-round May-Oct May-Oct Year-round Year-round Nov-March Year-round Year-round Year-round May-Sept April-Oct May-Sept May-Sept Apr-Sept Behaviors Noted Today Estimated Numbers Stockton’s Most Likely Birds Tree swallow [BR] Rough-winged swallow [BR] Bank swallow [BR?] Barn swallow[BR] Blue jay [BR] Common crow [BR] Fish crow [BR?] Carolina chickadee [BR] Tufted titmouse [BR] White-breasted nuthatch [BR] Brown creeper Carolina wren [BR] House wren [BR] Golden-crowned kinglet Ruby-crowned kinglet Eastern bluebird [BR] Hermit thrush Wood thrush [BR?] American robin [BR] Gray catbird [BR] Northern mockingbird [BR?] Brown thrasher [BR?] Cedar waxwing [BR] European starling [BR] White-eyed vireo [BR] Red-eyed vireo [BR] Northern parula Yellow warbler [BR] Magnolia warbler Yellow-rumped warbler Pine warbler [BR] Prairie warbler [BR?] Blackpoll Black and white warbler [BR?] Ovenbird [BR?] Common yellowthroat [BR] Northern cardinal [BR?] Indigo bunting [BR?] Rufous-sided towhee [BR] Chipping sparrow [BR] Song sparrow [BR?] White-throated sparrow Dark-eyed junco Red-winged blackbird [BR] Common grackle [BR?] Brown-headed cowbird [BR] Orchard oriole [BR?] Northern oriole [BR?] House finch [BR] American goldfinch [BR?] House sparrow [BR] Other species observed: [email protected], 652-4446 Apr-Oct Apr-Sept Apr-Sept Apr-Sept Year-round Year-round? Feb-Oct Year-round Year-round Year-round Nov-March Year-round April-Sept Nov-Mar Oct; April Year-round Oct-April May-Oct Year-round April-Oct Year-round April-Oct Year-round Year-round May-Oct May; Sept May; Sept April-Sept May; Sept Oct-May March-Sept April-Sept May; Sept-Oct Apr/May; Sept April-Sept May-Sept Year-round May-Sept April-Sept April- Sept Year-round Oct-May Oct-April Feb-Oct Feb-Oct Feb-Oct May-August May-August Year-round Year-round Year-round
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