209 Rhenium in waste material of the sulphur factory from the S. Domingos abandoned mine (Iberian Pyrite Belt, southern Portugal): an X-ray absorption spectroscopy approach a,bFigueiredo M O, b,aSilva T P, a9HLJD-3bDe Oliveira D, bBatista M J 5KHQLXPLVDYDOXDEOHEXWVFDUFHPHWDOSSEDYHUDJH FRQFHQWUDWLRQ LQ WKH (DUWKV FUXVW RI YHU\ KLJK melting point occurring in nature. The main ore PLQHUDOLVPRO\EGHQLWH0R6WKHFRQFHQWUDWLRQRI ZKLFK KDV ORQJ EHHQ DVVXPHG WR EH UHODWHG WR WKH volatile transport and deposition of the refractory PHWDOV0R:5HLQKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHPDJPDWLFÁXLGV>@,WLVUHFRYHUHGDVDE\SURGXFWLQWKHUHÀQHment of molybdenum concentrates from porphyry FRSSHU GHSRVLWV EHFDXVH WKH ÁXH GXVWV REWDLQHG from these metal concentrates are enriched in Re due WRWKHKLJKYRODWLOLW\RIUKHQLXPKHSWDR[LGH5H2 1RWDEO\ UDUH DV D GLVWLQFW PLQHUDO VSHFLHV WKH ÀUVW 5H PLQHUDO UKHQLLWH 5H6 ZDV LGHQWLÀHG DV D FRQdensate in the fumaroles of Kudriavy volcano, Kurila Islands [2] and recently also found in the Pagoni Rachi Mo-Cu-Te-Ag-Au prospect, northern Greece [3]. The formal valence of rhenium ranges from -1 to +7 and the prevalence of the high oxidation state renders it technologically relevant in the production of FDWDO\VWV>@'XHWRLWVXQLTXHSURSHUWLHVDFWXDODSplications of rhenium cover distinctive areas ranging IURPWKHELRORJLFDODQGQXFOHDUÀHOGVWRWKHHOHFWULFDO and aerospace industries, particularly for the production of nickel-based superalloys used in jet engines. %HFDXVHRIWKHYHU\ORZDYDLODELOLW\FRPSDUHGWRGHPDQGUKHQLXPLVQRZDGD\VRQHRIWKHPRVWH[SHQsive industrial commodities. ,QWKHOLJKWRIWKLVGHPDQGWKHGLVFRYHU\RI5HXSWR SSPLQZDVWHPDWHULDOVRIWKHVXOSKXUIDFWRU\IURP the abandoned S. Domingos mine [5] is of interest, SDUWLFXODUO\LQYLHZRIWKHFXUUHQWLQWHUHVWLQH[SORULQJH[KDXVWHGPLQHZDVWHVLQ(XURSHDQRUHGHSRVLWV $Q;UD\DEVRUSWLRQVSHFWURVFRS\;$6VWXG\XVLQJ V\QFKURWURQUDGLDWLRQZDVFDUULHGRXWRQDVDPSOHRI VXFK ZDVWH PDWHULDO WDNLQJ SURÀW RI DQ H[SHULPHQW focused on studying the binding state of rhenium in PRO\EGHQLWHUHFHQWO\DSSURYHGIRUEHDPWLPHDWWKH (65) (XURSHDQ 6\QFKURWURQ 5DGLDWLRQ )DFLOLW\ *UHQREOH)UDQFH7KH;UD\DEVRUSWLRQVSHFWUDFROOHFWHG DW WKH /HGJH RI 5H FOHDUO\ VKRZV WKH UKHQLXP binding to oxygen, by comparison to rhenium oxide model compounds after considering various formal valences and Re coordination environments. The reVXOWVRIWKLV;$6VWXG\DUHGHVFULEHGDQGGLVFXVVHG 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry 210 Further approaches to the problematic of recovering UKHQLXPIURPPLQHZDVWHVDUHDGYDQFHG References >@$%HUQDUG5%6\PRQV:,5RVH$SSO Geochem. 5, 317. >@0$.RU]KLQVNL\HWDO1DWXUH >@ 3& 9RXGRXULV HW DO &DQDG 0LQDUDORJLVW 47, 1013. a b >@65%DUHHWDO-3K\V&KHP >@ 0- %DWLVWD HW DO 9,,, ,EHULDQ &RQJU *HRchem., Castelo Branco, Portugal, September 24-28. Oral communication, Book of Abstracts, 6 pp. Acknowledgements (8 ÀQDQFLDO VXSSRUW WR SHUIRUP WKH H[SHULPHQW &+SURSRVHU736LOYDDWWKH(65)LVDFNQRZOHGJHG7KHUHSRUWLVDYDLODEOHDWKWWSZZZHVUIIU CENIMAT/ I3N, Mater. Sci. Dept., Fac. Sci. Technol., New Univ. Lisbon, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal NEG, Unit of Mineral Resources and Geophysics, Apartado 7586, 2610-999 Amadora, Portugal ([email protected]) 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry
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