APPLES & PEARS Phone #: ______________________________ Forest Lake High School ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Early-Mid December Ora E-mail: _____________________________ Make Checks Payable to: 4 lbs. Paid Seller’s Name: _______________________________ Estimated Delivery Date: 16 lbs. MISC. Delivered 9 lbs. Med. ll bo $22 x we ight s an d co $6 unts are app roxi mat e. $16 $31 $20 $24 $17 $26 Small $18 Med. Lg. 9 lbs. 17 lbs. 20 lbs. 40 lbs. 20 lbs. 40 lbs. $19 18 lbs. $26 $31 $31 $31 $31 $21 $21 30-35 lbs. $21 16-20 lbs. Med. Med. Lg. nge 18 s Ora Bra nge ebu 14 s rn Bra 1 e burn 8 Gra pefr 1 2 uit Pea 8 rs Ora Gra 10 n ge pefr uit 13 s Br 6 aeb Ora u nge 10 rn 12 s Br Gra a pefr eb. Pea 1 uit 8 rs Gra 1 6 pefr Ora u n ge 15 it Ora 18 s nge Gra s pefr 24 Bra 15 uit O ebu rang 16 rn es Ora 20 nge Bra eb 24 s 1 .Pears Bra Gra ebu 0 1 pefr 2 0 rn P 0 15 uit ears Gra 16 Ora pefr nge uit s 6 Ora 4 0 nge 10 s Hon Ora eycr nge 10 isp Pea 10 s rs Hon Ora eyc nge risp 6 s 6 Pea 14 Hon rs eyc 4 risp 12 Tex Pea as rs Gra 1 24 p e f r u i t 0 Tex as Gra 48 p e f r u i t Cal iforn ia 36-4Orange s 4 Cal iforn ia O 88 ranges Bra ebu 20 rn Hon eyc Bra ri eb. 2 H 0 sp o 4 ney c R 4 ed Gra 4 nny Fuji 4 Pea rs 4 36 Pine app *A 1 le 2015 Fruit Sale $21 $21 Forest Lake FFA CITRUS Med. Sm. Large $25 MIXED BOXES Medium Customer’s Name Phone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 21 22 31 32 44 46 49 71 81 Amount _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL Seller’s Instructions: 1. Collect money at time of sale, NOT delivery. 2. Calculate totals. 3. Return this form with money to FFA Advisor by Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Thank You For Your Support! F-MN I. 16 oz. Sharp Cheddar Cheese Spread J. 16 oz. Smokey Bacon Cheese Spread K. 16 oz. Horseradish Cheese Spread L. 16 oz. Jalapeño Cheese Spread N. 15 oz. Garden Vegetable Cheese Spread (not pictured) H. M. J. G. K. L. I. B. B. 18 oz. Gourmet Beef Sausage G. 40 oz. Beef Sticks (40-50 sticks) M. 24 oz. String Cheese H. 16 oz. Smokey Snack Sticks (11-12 sticks) A. F. C. 16 oz. Premium Cashews C. (salted) D. 16 oz. Gourmet Mixed Nuts (no peanuts) E. 16 oz. Chocolate Covered Mixed Nuts *C, D, E, G and M individually packaged in Gift Box *All weights and counts are approximate. A. Cheese Lover’s Delight 5-8oz. Wisconsin Cheese--Cheddar, Brick, Colby, Co-Jack and Pepper Jack F. Picnic in a Box 2-8oz. Cheeses, 1-7oz. Sausage & 1 Mustard D. E. 8.00 N Amount Paid M __________________________________________________________ L ___________________________________________________________ K ___________________________________________________________ J ___________________________________________________________ I ___________________________________________________________ H ___________________________________________________________ G ___________________________________________________________ F Delivered 8.00 $ $ are a ppro xim ate. 8.00 $ 2.00 8.00 $ $1 8.00 $ 3.00 $1 4.00 $2 5.00 $1 2.00 $1 3.00 $1 3.00 $1 E ___________________________________________________________ D ___________________________________________________________ C ___________________________________________________________ B ___________________________________________________________ A 1. Smile, be courteous. 2. Introduce yourself and your organization. 3. Explain the purpose of your sale. 4. Advise customers of delivery date. 5. Thank them for their support. ___________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________________ 40 oz. E-mail: __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Customer’s Name 2.00 Che ese L over 18 o ’s D z. G eligh ourm t et B eef S 16 o z. ausa Prem ge ium Cas 16 o hew z. s Gou rme t Mi 16 o xed z. Nut Cho s colat e C 24 o over z. ed M Picn ixed ic in Nuts a Bo 40 o x z.. Beef Stick s (40 16 o -50 s z. ticks Smo /bag key ) S n ack 16 o z. S Stic ks harp Ched dar 16 o Chee z. S se Sp mok ey B read a c o 16 o n C hees z. H e Sp orse read radi s h Ch 16 o eese z. J alap Spre eño ad C h 24 o eese z. Spr Stri ead ng C h e 15 o ese z. (24 Gard stick enVe s) *All getab weig l e C heese hts a nd c Spre ount ad s Seller’s Name: __________________________________ Estimated Early/Mid December Delivery Date: ______________________________________ Make Checks Forest Lake High School Payable To: ______________________________________ $1 0.00 $2 Forest Lake FFA Organization: _____________________________________________ 5 Keys to Success: 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 CS14-T0 Thank You For Your Support! TOTAL FFA Advisor Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Return this form to ____________________________________ by ______________________________________ Distributed by: MinnTex Citrus, Inc. Monticello, IA 52310 Windom, MN 56101
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