A Java API for HL7 Version 3 RIM

A J a va AP I for HL7 Ve rs ion 3 RIM
Todd Fre te r
P rogra m Ma na ge r
We b Te chnologie s a nd
S ta nda rds
"Write once , run
a nywhe re "
Us e ful a bbre via tions
HL7 = Hea lth Le ve l S e ve n, Inc. www.hl7.org
SIG = Spe cia l Inte re s t Group
V3 = Ve rs ion 3
RIM = Refe re nce Informa tion Mode l
RMIM = Refine d Me s s a ge Informa tion Mode l
HMD = Hie ra rchica l Me s s a ge De finition
HIMS S = He a lth Informa tion Ma na ge me nt Sys te ms
Socie ty www.himss.org
e bXML = Ele ctronic Bus ine s s XML www.ebxml.org
W3C = World Wide We b Cons ortium www.w3.org
OAS IS = Orga niza tion for the Adva nce me nt of
Structure d Informa tion S ta nda rds www.oasis-open.org
S un's HL7 work
Eva nge lize e bXML fra me work for e le ctronic
bus ine s s
Co-cha ir HL7 J a va S IG
Re pre s e nt J a va S IG in HL7 Inte rope ra bility
e ve nts
(e .g., HIMS S 2003)
S upport J a va S IG code de ve lopme nt by
re cruiting volunte e rs a nd funding work by
e xpe rts unde r contra ct with S un
Ba ckground: XML a t HL7
P rior to 1996, HL7 de ve lope d EDI forma ts for
he a lthca re informa tion inte rcha nge
"Kona P roje ct," 1996: Explore d us ing S GML in
he a lthca re
S GML/XML S IG cha rte re d in 1997 with thre e
working groups
– Docume nts : P a tie nt Re cord Archite cture
– Me s s a ging: Me s s a ge e ncoding in XML
– Educa tion: Te a ching HL7 a bout XML
Founda tion for HL7 Ve rs ion 3, the XML-ba s e d
s ta nda rd (to be ba llote d this ye a r)
HL7 J a va S IG
S pons ore d by HL7 Control/Que ry TC
Cha rte re d to de ve lop J a va AP I to HL7 V3
RIM, which us e s XML
S upporte d by
S un Micros ys te ms
Ora cle
McKe s s on
US Ve te ra ns Adminis tra tion
Re ge ns trie f Ins titute (Unive rs ity of India na )
Goa ls of HL7 J a va S IG
Encoura ge a doption of HL7 V3
Fos te r HL7 V3 a pplica tion inte rope ra bility
P rovide unive rs a l HL7 AP I for full ra nge of
he a lthca re a pplica tions
P rovide s a mple imple me nta tions for
de ve lope rs
Encoura ge HL7 V3 AP I de ve lopme nt for othe r
popula r progra mming la ngua ge s
HL7 J a va S IG chronology
Approve d by HL7 Te chnica l S te e ring
Committe e a nd HL7 Boa rd, Ma y 2002
Approve d ba s ic AP I de s ign in J uly 2002,
s ta rte d de ve lopme nt
Acce pte d role in HL7 inte rope ra bility de mo for
HIMS S confe re nce , Octobe r 2002
Comple te d a nd s howe d AP I de mo code a t
HIMS S , Fe brua ry 2003
The HL7 V3 J a va AP I
J a va cla s s e s for HL7 RIM obje cts
J a va cla s s e s for HL7 da ta type s
Tools :
– Me s s a ge builde r
– Me s s a ge pars e r
AP I de s ign principle s
Minima l inte rpre ta tion
– Cla s s e s re fle ct V3 s pe cifica tions a s dire ctly a s
pos s ible
Unive rs a l, not s pe cific
– Cla s s e s e na ble any me s s a ge type , not s pe cific
me s s a ge type s
Inte llige nt us e of HL7 V3 s pe cifica tions a nd
re s ource s (e .g., HMDs )
Ada pta ble , "s ca la ble "
– Ne w me s s a ge type s don't re quire ne w cla s s e s
AP I compone nts (1)
J a va cla s s e s for RIM obje cts
"Ge tte rs " a nd "s e tte rs " for in-me mory
me s s a ge s tructure s
Cre a te , re a d ins ta nce s of HL7 V3 RMIMs
AP I compone nts (2)
J a va cla s s e s for HL7 V3 RIM da ta
type s
29 s pe cific da ta type s
Ma ny da ta type s conta in rich me thods
S pe cific da ta type ha ndle rs s upport AP I tools
AP I compone nts (3)
Me s s a ge builde r
Cre a te s V3-complia nt XML me s s a ge from inme mory RMIM ins ta nce
Us e s HMD to build XML me s s a ge with corre ct
e le me nts in corre ct orde r with a ppropria te
a ttribute s
Ma y a ls o us e XML me s s a ge te mpla te s (unde r
dis cus s ion)
AP I compone nts (4)
Me s s a ge pa rs e r
Cre a te s in-me mory RMIM ins ta nce from V3complia nt XML me s s a ge
Us e s HMD to e s ta blis h corre ct da ta s tructure
s ugge s te d by XML e le me nts
Us e s da ta type -s pe cific ha ndle rs to e va lua te
da ta in XML me s s a ge
Cre a ting V3 XML me s s a ge s
HL7 RMIM ins ta nce in
me mory
Ja va HL7 mes sa ge
builde r
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<Message xmlns = "urn:hl7-org:v3"
xmlns:xsi = "http:
xsi:schemaLocation = "urn:hl7-org:
<id root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349" extension
= "347782"/>
<creationTime value = "20021006170600"/>
<id root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349"
extension = "EpicCare"/>
<name>EpicCare Patient Medical Records</name>
<id root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.378"
extension = "Pharmacy"/>
<name>JavaSIG Object Browser</name>
<interactionId root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.5"
extension = "JSIG_IN003000"/>
<processingCode code = "P"/>
<processingModeCode code = "T"/>
<acceptAckCode code = "AL"/>
<applicationA1ckCode code = "AL"/>
<hasPayload><!-- message continues -->
HL7 XML me s sa ge
P a rs ing V3 XML me s s a ge s
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<Message xmlns = "urn:hl7-org:v3"
xmlns:xsi = "http:
xsi:schemaLocation = "urn:hl7-org:
<id root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349" extension
= "347782"/>
<creationTime value = "20021006170600"/>
<id root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349"
extension = "EpicCare"/>
<name>EpicCare Patient Medical Records</name>
<id root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.378"
extension = "Pharmacy"/>
<name>JavaSIG Object Browser</name>
<interactionId root = "2.16.840.1.113883.9876.5"
extension = "JSIG_IN003000"/>
<processingCode code = "P"/>
<processingModeCode code = "T"/>
<acceptAckCode code = "AL"/>
<applicationA1ckCode code = "AL"/>
<hasPayload><!-- message continues -->
HL7 XML me s sa ge
Ja va HL7 mes sa ge
pa rse r
HL7 RMIM ins ta nce in
me mory
AP I curre nt s ta tus
"P re limina ry, incomple te prototype "
de mons tra te d a t HIMS S 2003
Cla s s e s for HL7 V3 RIM cla s s e s : a ll
comple te d
Cla s s e s a nd ha ndle rs for HL7 V3 da ta type s :
only 3 of 29 comple te d
Me s s a ge pa rs e r: comple te d
Me s s a ge builde r: not ye t s ta rte d
Ne xt s te ps for J a va S IG
As s e s s curre nt comple tion
Ca lcula te re quire me nts to comple te a lpha le ve l compone nts
Re cruit furthe r te chnica l re s ource s
P ublis h a te nta tive s che dule for a lpha re le a s e
of AP I
Tha nks for your a tte ntion!
Que s tions ?
Todd Fre te r
[email protected]
"Write once ,
run a nywhe re "