July 2014 Fabulous Fellowship at the FPC Summer Picnic Our church family knows how to celebrate the summer! This year’s gathering at the Hiawatha Community Park Pavilion allowed for the sharing of good food, tall tales and great times. Thanks to the Fellowship Committee and the volunteers who made the event possible. Check FPC’s Facebook page for more photos! Great Grads Join in congratulating and praying for our brothers and sisters who are part of the Class of 2014! Benjamin Cochran – MVHS, will attend Messiah College Clay Eutsey (left) with Nick Camillo – MVHS, will attend Bowling Green Kylie McLaughlin – ECOT, will attend COTC Zachary Merrilees – MVHS, will attend Univ of Cincinnati Leah Paxton – MVHS, will attend Ashland University Wesley Reitsma – Home School, will attend COTC Clint Eutsey – MVNU, B.A. in Theological Studies Micah Ralston – MVNU, B.A. in Pastoral Ministry Kim Reitsma – Cedarville Univ, B.A. in Music Lauren Shriver – Westminster Choir College, M.A. Vocal Performance & Pedagogy Kyle Peters – Ashland Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity Jeff Bergeson – Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity Not pictured: James Carhart – MVHS, will attend Ashland University; Chelsea Menke – Otterbein University, B.A. degree in Environmental Science; Tory Waters, MVHS. Congratulations also to Abbey Craig who will attend Fuller University in the fall to pursue a Psy.D. Fuller is the only APA accredited Christian Psy.D in the nation. Their Vows Go Unbroken Congratulations to our friends, Kathy & Larry Daubenspeck and Al & Jackie Craigo, who recently celebrated 25 years and 55 years of marriage, respectively! 25 years! 55 years! Church Directory Update Continues Plans to update the FPC church directory (including pictures) are underway. To schedule your/your family’s photo, contact the church office at 740-393-1326 or [email protected]. FPC Collection Makes a Difference for Those Facing Unplanned Pregnancies The FPC Baby Bottle Campaign for CareNet/Starting Point has raised more than $1,100 to support families with unplanned pregnancies! Caught in the “Act” The Bible’s book of Acts records the "Acts of the Apostles through the work of the Holy Spirit". Luke wrote the book of Acts (Acts of the Apostles) to record how believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit, worked to spread the Gospel of Christ and are a model for the future church. On Sunday, July 6, brothers and sisters at FPC embodied the concepts of this book and took to the streets to serve, pray and generally brighten the lives of others in the community – all in the name of Jesus. Community beautification and home repairs, check! Car washing and visiting at-home congregation and other friends in the community, check! Find many more photos on the FPC Facebook page! Thanks to Greg Hyatt for stepping in to man FPC’s First Friday table on Friday, June 6 when the regular hosts were unavailable. Is Compassion One of Your Spiritual Gifts? FPC heeds Christ’s call to extend compassion and love by bringing care where the need is greatest. In doing so, part of our ministry involves coordinating refreshments for funeral receptions at the church. The call is going out to invite additional involvement in this ministry. Volunteers within this ministry are notified by the church office when there is a request for food at a funeral or memorial service at church. If you would like to be called up for such service, contact the church office at 740-393-1326 or [email protected]. Boy Scout Update At the beginning of May, Troop 339 took 18 Scouts and eight leaders to Camp Birch in Yellow Springs, Ohio. They spent the night at the camp, which is owned by the Tecumseh Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The next day, the Scouts visited the U.S. Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. During the visit, they had the opportunity to go aboard the retired Air Force One. The plane had been used by every president from Kennedy to Clinton. It brought President Kennedy home from Dallas and took President Nixon to China. Sixteen Scouts and five leaders marched in Mount Vernon’s Memorial Day Parade. The Cub Scout Pack had approximately the same numbers. The Scouts recently had a Board of Review. Three Scouts passed all the requirements for Tenderfoot, one passed the requirements for Star and one passed the requirements for Life. In May, three Scouts went through the Ordeal to become members of the Order of the Arrow. This is a society of Honor Scouts, and it is also a service organization. Shortly thereafter, two of these Scouts attended an Order of the Arrow Conclave in West Virginia. Assistant Scoutmaster Preston Moore has started a program with the entire troop to earn the Personal Fitness merit badge. This is a badge required for Eagle. It will also give these young men a chance to improve in the area of physical fitness, which is one of the points of the Scout Oath. On June 6 -7, eight Scouts participated in an overnight camping experience at Trent & Missy Kaufman’s. These Scouts worked on the God and Church award – that is the God and Country award segment that is appropriate for their age group. Sixteen Cub Scouts worked on the award for their age group at the same time. Chuck Waugh, Deb Paxton, Missy Kaufman, Trent Kaufman, Mike Conway and Bill Shriver helped teach the program. There was a Court of Honor in the sanctuary on Monday, June 16. Six Scouts were recognized for rank advancement and 18 merit badges were awarded. Youth Ministry Update The Youth Ministry has several events planned in July. Mark your calendar and plan to join us: July 17 July 27 July 31 Grill N’ Chill at Sutton Beach ENVISION at FPC* Grill N’ Chill at the Peters’ House** 6-8 pm 6-7:30 pm 5-7 pm *Must be a regular attender of Youth Fellowship **Last Thursday Worship follows at 7 p.m. at FPC What is ENVISION? FPC’s youth fellowship will bid farewell to some of our own this summer. Seniors have graduated and are readying for what is ahead. At the same time, a few of our beloved leaders will end their season with our ministry and head in new directions. Whenever a sizable group departs from the youth fellowship, major shifts take place. Often, there is sadness and apprehension as we see our close friends move on. But these shifts are inevitable and allow for opportunities to reevaluate and ENVISION what the Lord has for us as a community. Proverbs 29:18 tells us that where people lack vision - or revelation from God - there is disregard or neglect, which drains life from the community. In other words, without awareness to God’s leading and speaking, we become apathetic and aimless. The goal of ENVISION is simply to pray and discuss the direction we feel that the Lord is taking our fellowship as we head into a new school year. If you are a student who has been attending our fellowship or if you are an adult who senses a call to our youth fellowship, contact Kyle Peters, [email protected] ,about ENVISION. Youth Mission 2014 – Serve Our City FPC’s teens are an amazing group of young people. This year, nine of them set off on a mission trip like none that FPC has recently seen. In 2014, the youth had a chance to make a difference in their own community by volunteering and serving Mount Vernon residents. The teens showed love to members of our church family through personal visitations, served community members by offering a free car wash, and lent some helping hands at The Winter Sanctuary Homeless Shelter, Interchurch and Salvation Army. Finally, they assisted the Heritage Center with set-up and tear down for First Friday. There was even some down time when the kids could just chill and have fun. They enjoyed swimming and playing paint ball during their leisure time. Special thanks to the adult chaperones who were devoted to making this closeto-home mission trip a valuable experience! An Update from Session Session met on Tuesday, June 10. During the meeting, we: Received Doug and Malani Wheeler as new members, by Statement of Faith. Had a devotion on spiritual growth of the elderly, led by Jeanne Poland. Got an update on the church financials by Martina Gaughan, the secretary and church bookkeeper. All finances are caught up and correct. Through help from Bob Meldrum and George Stone, our accounts are being updated to be even more transparent. A big thank you to all who have helped! The Annual Report has been corrected and is available at the back of the sanctuary. Accepted the resignation of Michael Grenier from the Treasurer position. Approved the Mission Committee's suggestion to give $1,000 to the Youth Ministry for the Serve Our City week. Approved the support of Michael Ludwig as a Presbyterian Missionary in Niger at $1800/year, and Mercy Ships at $2000/year. Mercy Ships is an actual "ship that delivers hope and healing to people around the globe living in dire circumstances". Mercyships.org Attempted to answer Question 7 of the Narrative on the Health of Mission and Ministry from the FOP: How is your congregation intentionally unleashing the ministries of women, men, and people of different ethnic groups who are experiencing God's call? We said the Women's association has done some of this, through their bi-annual rummage sale and using those funds to support various mission projects, and maybe some through the various mission we as a church support. However, our community is not very diverse, so we have not been unleashing ministries of various ethnic groups. We did say that we want to focus on Christians in general, more than specific groups. To obtain a full copy of Session ministry reports, contact the church office. We are here for you. If you have concerns or joys to share, talk to anyone on Session. Respectfully submitted, Elder Amanda Gebhardt July 2014 Birthday & Event Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 SERVE OUR CITY 2 SERVE OUR CITY 3 SERVE OUR CITY 4 SERVE OUR CITY 5 SERVE OUR CITY Olivia Wiley 6 7 Debra Denzer Jack Warden 9:30 a Carwash 6 p Prayer Partners 1:30 p Hirsch Small Group 7 p Financial Peace University 9:30 a Women's Bible Study 12 p AA 1 p Bridge 6 p Praise Band 6 p Women's Study 2 p First Friday Set-Up 6 p First Friday 9 p First Friday Clean-Up 8 9 10 11 12 7 p Deacon's Meeting 7 p Financial Peace University 9:30 a Women's Bible Study 12 p AA 1 p Bridge 6 p Praise Band 6 p Women's Study 16 17 18 19 9 a Serve Our City Service 11 a Serve Our City Service 5:30 p Hot Meals 7 p Boy & Cub Scouts 12 p Men's Brownbag Lunch 6 p Prayer Partners 6 p Session Meeting 13 14 15 Dora Hawthorne Missy Kaufman Ray Guajardo 9 a Contemporary Worship 11 a Traditional Worship 5:30 p Hot Meals 7 p Boy & Cub Scouts 12 p Men's Brownbag Lunch 6 p Prayer Partners 6:30 p Girl Scouts 1:30 p Hirsch Small Group 7 p Financial Peace University 20 21 22 23 Lydia McKenzie Rachel Ruth 12 p Men's Brownbag Lunch 6 p Prayer Partners 27 29 9 a Contemporary Worship 11 a Traditional Worship 28 5:30 p Hot Meals 7 p Boy & Cub Scouts 9:30 a Women's Bible Study 12 p AA 1 p Bridge 6 p Praise Band 24 Deb Curran 9 a Contemporary Worship 10:30 a Directory Photos 5:30 p Hot Meals 11 a Traditional Worship 7 p Boy & Cub Scouts Jacqueline Craigo Dina Herald Marilyn Wiel 12 p Men's Brownbag Lunch 6 p Prayer Partners Barbara Spearman Marjorie Walcutt 25 26 Kathryn Sherman 7 p Financial Peace University 30 7 p Financial Peace University 9:30 a Women's Bible Study 12 p AA 1 p Bridge 6 p Praise Band 31 Michael Noll Heath Reynolds 9:30 a Women's Bible Study 12 p AA 1 p Bridge 6 p Praise Band 7 p Last Thursday 9 a Men's Fellowship Breakfast
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